5 Phases of Workflow GTD

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Mastering Workflow

1. Collect
Capture anything and everything that has your attention in leakproof external buckets (your in-baskets, email, notebooks, voice mail etc.) - get them out of your short-term memory. (Use the Incompletion Trigger Lists to keep yourself downloaded.) Have as few of these collectors as you can, and as many as you need. Empty them regularly, by processing and organizing (below).

2. Process
Process the items you have collected (decide what each thing means, specifically). If it is not actionable - toss it, tickle it for possible later action, or file it as reference. If it is actionable - decide the very next physical action, which you do (if less than two minutes), delegate (and track on waiting for list), or defer (put on an action reminder list or in an action folder). If one action will not close the loop, then identify the commitment as a project and put it on a reminder list of projects.

3. Organize
Group the results of processing your input into appropriately retrievable and reviewable categories. The four key action categories are:

Projects - (projects you have a commitment to finish) Calendar - (actions that must occur on a specific day or time) Next Actions - (actions to be done as soon as possible) Waiting For - (projects and actions others are supposed to be doing, which you care about)
Add sub-categories of these lists if it makes them easier to use (Calls, Errands, At Home, At Computer, etc.). Add lists of longer horizon goals and values that influence you. Add checklists that may be useful as needed (job description, event trigger lists, org charts, etc.). Maintain a general reference filing system for information and materials that have no action, but which need to be retrievable. Maintain an on-hold system for triggers of possible actions at later dates (someday/maybe lists, calendar, tickler). Maintain support information files for projects as needed (can be kept in reference system or in pending area).

1990-2006 The David Allen Company. All rights reserved. www.davidallengtd.com

Mastering Workflow

4. Review
Review calendar and action lists daily (or whenever you could possibly do any of them). Conduct a customized weekly review to get clean, get current, and get creative (see Weekly Review). Review the longer-horizon lists of goals, values, and visions as often as required to keep your project list complete and current.

5. Do
Make choices about your actions based upon what you can do (context), how much time you have, how much energy you have, and then your priorities. Stay flexible by maintaining a total life action reminder system, always accessible for review, trusting your intuition in moment-to-moment decision-making. Choose to: 1- do work you have previously defined or 2- do ad hoc work as it appears or 3- take time to define your work (You must sufficiently process and organize to trust your evaluation of the priority of the ad hoc.) Ensure the best intuitive choices by consistent regular focus on priorities. (What is the value to me of doing X instead of doing Y?) Revisit and recalibrate your commitments at appropriate intervals for the various levels of life and work (see Horizons of Focus):

Runway - current actions (daily) 10,000 level - current projects (weekly) 20,000 level - current responsibilities (monthly) 30,000 level - 1-2 year goals (quarterly) 40,000 level - 3-5 year goals (annually) 50,000 level - career, purpose, lifestyle (annually +)

1990-2006 The David Allen Company. All rights reserved. www.davidallengtd.com

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