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Solar radiation
Solar radiation is the energy emitted by the Sun, which travels to Earth in the form of electromagnetic waves. It's like a warm blanket that keeps our planet cozy and supports life. Imagine the Sun as a giant lightbulb, constantly sending out rays of light. These rays, called solar radiation, travel through space and reach Earth's atmosphere. Some of the radiation bounces off clouds and other particles in the atmosphere, while some passes through and reaches the ground. Sunlight has different components, like the colors of a rainbow. Some components, like ultraviolet (UV) rays, can be harmful to our skin and eyes. But other components, like visible light, are essential for plants to make food through photosynthesis. Plants are the base of our food chain, so sunlight is crucial for life on Earth. Solar radiation also plays a role in Earth's climate. It warms the planet's surface, driving weather patterns and ocean currents. Changes in solar radiation can affect global temperatures and contribute to climate change. Scientists study solar radiation to understand its effects on Earth and develop ways to harness its energy for electricity and other purposes.
Beam and diffuse radiation
Beam radiation
 is the direct sunlight that reaches Earth's surface without being scattered by the atmosphere. It is the most intense type of solar radiation and travels in a straight line. Beam radiation is typically strongest at noon when the sun is directly overhead.
Diffuse radiation
 is sunlight that has been scattered by molecules and particles in the atmosphere. This scattering causes the light to travel in different directions, so it appears to come from all over the sky. Diffuse radiation is less intense than direct radiation, but it can still be a significant source of energy.
The amount of beam and diffuse radiation that reaches Earth's surface depends on several factors, including the sun's position in the sky, the amount of clouds and other particles in the atmosphere, and the time of year.
Feature Beam radiation Diffuse radiation Origin Direct sunlight Scattered sunlight
Intensity Strongest Less intense Direction Travels in a straight line Travels in all directions Variability Highly variable Less variable
Beam radiation
: Solar panels use beam radiation to generate electricity. Concentrating solar power (CSP) systems use mirrors and lenses to concentrate beam radiation, which can be used to generate heat or power a turbine.
Diffuse radiation
: Diffuse radiation can be used to illuminate buildings and other structures. It can also be used to grow plants in greenhouses.
Overall, beam and diffuse radiation are important components of the solar radiation that reaches Earth's surface. They play a role in Earth's climate and can be used to generate energy and provide other benefits.
Solar constant
solar constant
 is a measure of the amount of solar radiation received per unit area at a given distance from the sun outside Earth's atmosphere. It represents the average solar electromagnetic radiation (mostly visible and near-infrared) that reaches the top of Earth's atmosphere per unit area, perpendicular to the sun's rays when Earth is at its average distance from the sun (about 1 astronomical unit).
The value of the solar constant is approximately 1361 watts per square meter (W/m²). This value can vary slightly due to changes in solar activity, Earth's orbit, and other factors but is often used as an average value for solar irradiance at the outer edge of Earth's atmosphere.
Solar radiation received on the Earth's surface varies due to atmospheric conditions, angle of incidence, and other factors. For instance, the actual solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface can be less than the solar constant due to absorption, scattering, and reflection by the atmosphere.
Earth Sun angles
Earth-sun angles play a crucial role in determining the amount and intensity of solar radiation that reaches Earth's surface. These angles influence various aspects of Earth's climate, including temperature variations, weather patterns, and the distribution of solar energy.
Solar Altitude Angle
  The solar altitude angle, also known as the solar elevation angle, measures the angle between the horizontal plane and the direction of the sun. It represents the height of the sun in the sky, ranging from 0 degrees at sunrise to 90 degrees when the sun is directly overhead.
Solar Zenith Angle
  The solar zenith angle is the complement of the solar altitude angle. It represents the angle between the vertical direction and the direction of the sun. The solar zenith angle increases as the solar altitude angle decreases and vice versa.
Solar Azimuth Angle
 The solar azimuth angle measures the horizontal angle between the south and the projection of the sun's rays onto the horizontal plane. It ranges from 0 degrees due south to 180 degrees due north, and from -90 degrees due west to 90 degrees due east. Understanding Earth-sun angles is essential for various applications, including:
Solar energy:
 Solar panels are designed to capture solar radiation, and their orientation is optimized based on the solar altitude and azimuth angles.
Architecture and building design
: Architects consider solar angles when designing buildings to maximize natural sunlight and minimize energy consumption.
Meteorology and climatology
: Solar angles are used in weather forecasting and climate modelling to predict temperature variations, cloud formation, and precipitation patterns.

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