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Hkkjrh; ekud IS 1199 (Part 5) : 2018

Indian Standard

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Fresh Concrete — Methods of

Sampling, Testing and Analysis
Part 5 Making and Curing of Test Specimens

( First Revision )

ICS 91.100.30

© BIS 2018

Hkkjrh; ekud C;wjks

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NEW DELHI-110002
www.bis.org.in www.standardsbis.in

December 2018 Price Group 6

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Hathras([email protected])

Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, CED 02

This Indian Standard (Part 5) (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft
finalized by the Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division
Testing plays an important role in controlling the quality of cement concrete work. Systematic testing of the raw
materials, the fresh concrete and the hardened concrete, is an inseparable part of any quality control programme
for concrete. This helps achieve a higher efficiency of the materials used and greater assurance of the performance
of the concrete, in regard to workability, strength and durability. The test methods used should be simple, direct
and convenient to apply. This standard was formulated with this objective in view.
This standard was first published in 1959. In this revision, it was decided to review and update the various
existing test methods of fresh concrete taking into consideration the latest international practices and developments
in this field in the country, and also introduced certain new test methods wherever required. In the process, the
various existing test methods covered in IS 1199 : 1959 ‘Methods of sampling and analysis of concrete’, have
been revised. The revision of the standard is being brought out taking into consideration primarily the corresponding
ISO Standards while also examining the other best practices world over and in the country. In addition, test
methods for determination of properties of new types of concrete like self compacting concrete have been included,
covering tests such as consistency, viscosity, passing ability and segregation resistance. Also, for better understanding
and implementation, some of the other test methods which were spread over in other Indian Standards have been
brought together under the fold of IS 1199 as its various parts, such as the setting time of concrete by penetration
method and, water soluble and acid soluble chlorides in mortar and concrete. This is with a view to making the
standard complete in all respects, and rendering it a comprehensive source of provisions for testing of concrete
and reference in other Indian Standards.
In this revision, IS 1199 has been split in to nine parts.The other parts in the series are:
Part 1 Sampling of fresh concrete
Part 2 Determination of consistency of fresh concrete
Part 3 Determination of density of fresh concrete
Part 4 Determination of air content of fresh concrete
Part 6 Tests on fresh self compacting concrete
Part 7 Determination of setting time of concrete by penetration resistance
Part 8 Determination of water soluble and acid soluble chlorides in mortar and concrete
Part 9 Analysis of freshly mixed concrete
This standard (Part 5) covers the specifications regarding the shape and dimensions of concrete test specimens for
strength tests and the methods of making and curing these test specimens.
These test methods shall be applicable as and when published in place of the corresponding provisions given in
IS 516 : 1959 ‘Methods of tests for strength of concrete’, and will supersede the same.
This revision of the standard has been taken up to incorporate the modifications found necessary in the light of
experience gained in its use and also to bring it in line with the latest development on the subject. Significant
provisions in this revision are highlighted below:
a) These provisions have been shifted from IS 516 to IS 1199, as it involves fresh concrete.
b) More details have been given for compaction of concrete (including for special concretes like FRC and
SCC) and guidance has been included for preferred method of compaction, as per the slump of concrete.

(Continued on third cover)

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Hathras([email protected])

IS 1199 (Part 5) : 2018

Indian Standard

( First Revision )
1 SCOPE 4.1.2 Tolerances
This standard (Part 5) of the standard specifies the shape The tolerances on various dimensions shall conform
and dimensions of concrete test specimens for strength to 4.1 of IS 10086.
tests and the methods of making and curing these test
specimens. 4.2 Cylinders
4.2.1 Size of Test Specimens
They shall have a diameter (d) of 150 mm, and a
The standards listed in Annex A contain provisions,
length (l) of 300 mm, as shown in Fig. 2. Smaller test
which through reference in this text, constitute
specimens shall have a diameter to maximum nominal
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication,
size of aggregate ratio of minimum four.
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are
subject to revision and parties to agreements based on
this standard are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the
standards indicated in Annex A.

For the purpose of this part of standard, the definitions
given in IS 4845 and IS 6461 (Parts 1 to 12) shall
generally apply.


4.1 Cubes
4.1.1 Size of Test Specimens
The test specimens shall be 150 mm cubes, as shown in
Fig. 1, where l = l1 = l2 = l3. If the largest nominal size 4.2.2 Tolerances
of aggregate does not exceed 20 mm, 100 mm cubes
The tolerances on various dimensions shall conform
may be used as an alternative.
to 4.1 of IS 10086.

4.3 Beams
4.3.1 Size of Test Specimens
The standard size shall be 150(l1) × 150(l2) × 700(L)
mm, as shown in Fig. 3. Alternatively, if the largest
nominal size of the aggregate does not exceed 20 mm,
specimens 100 × 100 × 500 mm may be used.
NOTE — While testing for flexural strength and toughness
parameters of fibre reinforced concrete, whereas 150 × 150 ×
700 mm moulds shall be used as a standard mould, moulds of
shorter length, not less than 550 mm can also be used for this
test to decrease the weight of the specimen.

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Hathras([email protected])

IS 1199 (Part 5) : 2018


4.3.2 Tolerances the mould and the base plate in order to ensure that no
water escapes during the filling.
The tolerances on various dimensions shall conform
to 4.1 of IS 10086. 5.2.2 Apparatus for Compacting the Concrete in the
5 APPARATUS The apparatus for compacting concrete shall be one of
the following:
5.1 Apparatus for Checking the Test Specimens
a) Tamping rod, of circular cross-section,
5.1.1 Rules and/or Calipers — These shall be capable straight, made of steel, having a diameter of
of establishing that the relevant dimensions of 16 ± 1 mm and a length of 600 ± 5 mm, and
specimens or moulds are within specified tolerances. with rounded, roughly hemispherical ends.
b) Tamping bar, of square cross-section, made
5.1.2 Gauges and Squares — These shall be capable
of steel, having ramming face of 25 ± 0.5 mm
of establishing the flatness, perpendicularity, and and a minimum length of 400 ± 2mm,
parallelism of specimens and moulds within specified weighing approximately 2 kg and provided
tolerances. with a handle.
c) Internal (immersion type) vibrator, with a
5.2 Apparatus for Making Test Specimens
minimum frequency of 120 Hz (7 200 cycles
5.2.1 Moulds — These shall be capable of providing per minute). The vibrator shall meet the
test specimens with the dimensions and tolerances requirements of IS 2505.
specified in this standard. For specific purposes, other d) Vibrating table, with a minimum frequency
sizes of moulds, as mentioned in IS 10086, may also of 40 Hz (2 400 cycles per minute). The
be used. vibrating table shall meet the requirements of
IS 2514.
Moulds shall normally be made of steel or cast-iron, 5.2.3 General Tools
conforming to requirements of IS 10086. However, any
other material which is non-absorbent and non-reactive These shall include the following:
with concrete and which can retain dimensional stability a) Scoop, approximately 100 mm wide, made
of the moulds may also be used. Moulds shall be from non-absorbent material, not readily
watertight and non-absorbent. attacked by cement paste, with a size suitable
for taking increments of concrete.
The dimensions of moulds shall be checked at intervals b) Steel trowel or float.
of not more than one year. If the mould is in calibration c) Sampling tray or container, with minimum
at the time of use, the checking of parallelism, angularity dimensions of 900 mm × 900 mm and 50 mm
and flatness of specimens is not required, provided the depth, of rigid construction and made from
size measurements are within specified tolerance. non-absorbent material not readily attacked
Individual moulds shall be identifiable. The identification by cement paste.
number shall either be welded or painted on the mould d) Shovel, square-bladed.
body or securely tagged to the mould. e) Mallet.
While assembling the mould for use, the joints between
the sections of the mould shall be thinly coated with 6.1 Sampling
mould oil and a similar coating of mould oil shall be The samples shall be taken in accordance with
applied between the contact surfaces of the bottom of IS 1199 (Part 1). The samples shall be remixed before

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Hathras([email protected])

IS 1199 (Part 5) : 2018

filling the mould. Concrete mixed in laboratory need Sl Slump Preferred Methods of
not be remixed. For concrete having large size No. Compaction
aggregates, that is, maximum nominal size of i) less than 50 mm Vibrating table or
aggregates more than 40 mm, wet sieving shall be internal vibrator
carried out as per the procedure given in Annex B. ii) 50-100 mm Vibrating table or
NOTES internal vibrator or
1 When carrying out this test, prevent skin contact with fresh tamping bar/tamping rod
concrete by wearing suitable protective clothing, gloves and iii) More than 100 mm Tamping bar/tamping
footwear. If wet cement or concrete enters the eye, immediately rod
wash it out thoroughly with clean water and seek medical
treatment without delay. Wash fresh concrete off the skin 6.3.1 Compacting with a Tamping Rod
a) Distribute the strokes of the tamping rod in
2 The use of vibrating equipment, such as vibrating tables,
can cause damage to joints and loss of sensation due to nerve
uniform manner over the cross-section of the
damage. Moulds, etc, shall be clamped to the table and not mould. Ensure that the tamping rod does not
held in position using one’s hand while they are being penetrate significantly any previous layer nor
vibrated. forcibly strike the bottom of the mould while
3 Some concrete specimens may be too heavy for a single person compacting the first layer.
to handle, and appropriate means may be arranged to handle
them. Such heavy moulds and specimens shall be handled with b) For cube specimens, having a size, l, of
caution to avoid any injuries. 100 mm and beam specimens having a size
l 1 =l 2= 100 mm, and cylinders having a
6.2 Preparation and Filling of the Mould diameter, d, of 100 mm, subject the concrete
The following procedure shall be followed: to a minimum of 25 strokes or tamps per layer.
c) For cube specimens, having a size, l, of
a) Before filling, the interior faces of the 150 mm, and beam specimens having a size
assembled mould shall be thinly coated with l 1 =l 2= 150 mm, and cylinders having a
mould oil to prevent adhesion of the diameter, d, of 150 mm, subject the concrete
concrete. to a minimum of 35 strokes or tamps per layer.
b) Place the mould on a rigid horizontal surface. d) When compacting specimens of other
c) Place the concrete in the mould by means of dimensions or concrete of very high
a scoop in layers of approximately equal workability, the number of strokes or tamps
depth, each layer not more than 50 mm thick. per layer shall be as appropriate.
In placing each scoopful of concrete, move e) In order to remove voids or pockets of
the scoop around the top edge of the mould entrapped air but not the entrained air, after
as the concrete slides from it, in order to compaction of each layer, tap the sides of the
ensure a symmetrical distribution of the mould with the mallet until large bubbles of
concrete within the mould. The thickness of air cease to appear on the surface and
the layers may be increased proportionately, depressions left by the tamping rod are
if the minimum size of the specimen exceeds removed. The number of strokes or tamps shall
150 mm. be recorded.
d) Use the quantity of material in the final layer 6.3.2 Compacting with a Tamping Bar
that is just sufficient to fill the mould without The concrete shall be compacted in accordance
having to remove excess material. A small with 6.3.1.
quantity of the concrete may be added in the
end, if necessary, and further compacted in 6.3.3 Compacting with a Vibrating Table
order to just fill the mould, but the removal of When using a vibrating table, the mould shall be
excess material shall be avoided. attached or firmly secured to the vibrating table. Apply
the vibration for the minimum duration necessary to
6.3 Compaction of the Concrete
achieve full compaction of concrete.
Compact the concrete immediately after each layer is Over-vibration may cause excessive segregation and
placed in the mould in such a way as to produce full laitance or loss of entrained air, if present. The required
compaction of the concrete with neither excessive duration of vibration will depend upon the workability
segregation nor laitance. Each layer shall be compacted of the concrete and the effectiveness of the vibrating
by using one of the methods given in 6.3.1 to 6.3.4. table and vibration shall cease as soon as the surface of
The preferred method of compaction, may be selected the concrete becomes relatively smooth and has a
from the guidance given below. glazed appearance.

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Hathras([email protected])

IS 1199 (Part 5) : 2018

6.3.4 Compacting with an Internal Vibrator after moulding. The cap shall be formed by means of
(Immersion Type) glass plate not less than 6.5 mm in thickness or a
machined metal plate not less than 13 mm in thickness
Apply the vibration by inserting the needle in the
and having a minimum surface dimension at least 25
concrete for the minimum duration necessary to achieve
mm larger than the diameter of the mould. It shall be
full compaction of concrete. Over-vibration may cause
worked on the cement paste until its lower surface rests
excessive segregation and laitance or loss of entrained
on the top of the mould. The cement for capping shall
air, if present. Care shall be taken not to touch vibrator
be mixed to a stiff paste for about 2 h to 4 h before it is
to the sides or the bottom of the mould.
to be used in order to avoid the tendency of the cap to
NOTES shrink. Adhesion of paste to the capping plate may be
1 Compaction of fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) shall be carried avoided by coating the plate with a thin coat of oil or
out by external vibration and external tapping. Internal tamping grease.
and internal vibrator are not recommended since this can lead to
non-uniform fibre and aggregate distributions. A vibrating table 7 CURING OF TEST SPECIMENS
may be used for compaction of FRC.
Leave the test specimens in the mould for at least 16 h,
2 In case of self-compacting concrete, the compaction shall be but not longer than three days, from the time of addition
similar to the actual field condition and generally the mould
shall be filled and levelled off without any compaction.
of water to the dry ingredients. Protect the specimens
from shock, vibration and water evaporation. Store the
6.4 Surface Levelling specimens at a temperature of 27 ± 3 °C.
After the top layer has been compacted, remove the After removal from the mould, submerge the test
concrete above the upper end of the mould using a specimens in clean, fresh water immediately. Store the
trowel or a float and level the surface with the top of test specimens in water at a temperature of 27 ± 2°C
the mould. Cover the surface with suitable material to and take it out just prior to testing. Alternately, store
prevent evaporation of water. the test specimens in a chamber at a temperature
of 27 ± 2°C and a relative humidity of at least 95 percent
6.5 Marking
until just before testing.
Identify the test specimens with a clear and durable
If the test specimens are to be sent to a test laboratory,
marking, and without damaging the specimen.
cover the test specimens with wet cloth or wet sand/
Keep records to ensure that the specimen identity is sawdust or other suitable material or seal the test
known from sampling to testing. specimens in plastic bags containing water to ensure
6.6 Capping Specimens that the test specimens are delivered to the test
laboratory in damp condition not less than 24 h before
The cylindrical specimens required for compressive the time of testing. At the test laboratory, store the test
strength test shall be capped as per the procedure given specimens in water at a temperature of 27 ± 2°C until
in 6.6.1. taking it out just prior to testing.
6.6.1 Capping Specimens
The ends of all cylindrical test specimens that are not
The following information regarding the samples shall
plane within 0.05 mm shall be capped. Capped surfaces
be included in the sample report:
shall not depart from a plane by more than 0.05 mm and
shall be at right angles to the axis of the specimens. The a) Clear identification of the sample;
planeness of the cap shall be checked by means of a b) Time of making the specimen;
straight edge and feeler gauge, making a minimum of c) Method of compaction of the concrete in the
three measurements on different diameters. Caps shall mould including type of equipment used;
be made as thin as practicable and shall not flow or d) Grade of concrete;
fracture when the specimen is tested. Capping shall be e) Workability of concrete;
carried out after moulding of the specimens by neat
f) Method of curing, including duration and
cement or maybe carried out just prior to testing. The
temperature range;
capping using neat cement is described in and
for capping of specimens just prior to testing, any method g) Any deviations from the standard method of
of capping described in IS 516 (Part 4) may be followed. sampling;
h) A declaration by the responsible person that Neat cement
the samples were prepared in accordance with
Test cylinders may be capped with a thin layer of stiff, this Indian Standard; and
neat Portland cement paste after the concrete has ceased j) Name and signature of person responsible for
settling in the moulds, generally for 2 h to 4 h or more sampling.

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Hathras([email protected])

IS 1199 (Part 5) : 2018

(Clause 2)

IS No. Title IS No. Title

460 (Part 2) : Test sieves: Part 2 Perforated plate 6461 Glossary of terms relating to
1985 test sieves (third revision) cement concrete
516 (Part 4) : Hardened concrete — Methods of (Part 1) : 1972 Concrete aggregates
2018 test: Part 4 Sampling, preparing (Part 2) : 1972 Materials (other than cement and
and testing of concrete cores (first aggregate)
revision) (Part 3) : 1972 Concrete reinforcement
1199 ( Part 1 ) : Fresh concrete — Methods of (Part 4) : 1972 Types of concrete
2018 sampling, testing and analysis: (Part 5) : 1972 Formwork for concrete
Part 1 Sampling of fresh concrete (Part 6) : 1972 Equipment, tools and plant
(first revision) (Part 7) : 1973 Mixing, laying, compaction, curing
2505 : 1992 Concrete vibrators — Immersion and other construction aspects
type — General requirements (Part 8) : 1973 Properties of concrete
(Part 9) : 1973 Structural aspects
(third revision)
(Part 10) : 1973 Tests and testing apparatus
2514 : 1963 Specification for concrete
(Part 11) : 1973 Prestressed concrete
vibrating tables
(Part 12) : 1973 Miscellaneous
4845 : 1968 Definitions and terminology
10086 : 1982 Specification for moulds for use
relating to hydraulic cement
in tests of cement and concrete

(Clause 6.1)


Wet-sieving of concrete is the process of removing B-2.1 Sieves
aggregate particles larger than 40 mm from the fresh
B-2.2 Wet-Sieving Equipment, containing 40 mm
concrete by sieving through a 40 mm IS sieve. The
IS sieve conforming to IS 460 (Part 2) and conveniently
effects of wet-sieving on the test results shall be
arranged and supported so that one can shake it rapidly
considered or determined by supplementary testing for
by either hand or mechanical means. Generally, a
quality control or test result evaluation purposes.
horizontal back-and-forth motion is preferred. The
Wet-sieving of concrete causes the loss of a small equipment shall be capable of rapidly and effectively
amount of air due to additional handling. The air content removing particles larger than 40 mm.
of the wet-sieved fraction of concrete is greater than B-2.3 Hand Tools, includes the following:
that of the total concrete because the larger size
aggregate, which is removed, does not contain air. The a) Shovels,
apparent strength of wet-sieved concrete in smaller b) Hand scoops,
specimens is usually greater than that of the total c) Steel trowels, and
concrete in larger appropriate size specimens. d) Rubber gloves.

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IS 1199 (Part 5) : 2018

B-3 PROCEDURE before it is discarded. Collect the concrete that passes

through the sieve in a batch pan of suitable size that
After sampling the concrete and before remixing, sieve
has been dampened before use, or on a clean, moist,
the concrete through a 40 mm sieve. Place only enough
non-absorbent surface. Scrape any mortar adhering to
concrete on the sieve at any one time so that after
the sides of the wet-sieving equipment into the batch.
sieving, the thickness of the layer of retained aggregate
Discard the aggregate particles retained on the sieve.
is not more than one particle thick. Shake or vibrate
Remix the concrete that has passed through the sieve
the sieve by hand or mechanical means until no undersize
with a shovel (the minimum amount necessary to ensure
material remains on the sieve. Do not wipe off the
uniformity) and proceed immediately with testing.
mortar adhering to the aggregate retained on the sieve

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Hathras([email protected])

IS 1199 (Part 5) : 2018

Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, CED 02

Organization Representative(s)
In Personal Capacity (14A, Summer Breeze, Kuravankonam, SHRI J OSE KURIAN (Chairman)
Kowdiar, Thiruvananthapuram 695 003)
Ambuja Cements Limited, Ahmedabad SHRI J. P. DESAI
Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai SHRI L. R. BISHNOI
Builders’ Association of India, Mumbai SHRI S USHANTA KUMAR BASU
SHRI D. R. SEKOR (Alternate)
Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council, New Delhi SHRI J. K. PRASAD
SHRI C. N. JHA (Alternate)
Cement Manufacturers’ Association, Noida SHRI RAKESH BHARGAVA
DR S. K. HANDOO (Alternate)
Central Public Works Department, New Delhi SHRI A. K. GARG
CSIR – Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee SHRI S. K. S INGH
CSIR – Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi SHRI J. B. SENGUPTA
CSIR – Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai DR K. R AMANJANEYULU
DR P. SRINIVASAN (Alternate)
Central Soil and Materials Research Station, New Delhi DIRECTOR
SHRI N. S IVA KUMAR (Alternate)
Central Water Commission, New Delhi DIRECTOR (CMDD) (N&W)
Conmat Technolgies Pvt Ltd, Kolkata DR A. K. C HATTERJEE
Construction Chemical Manufacturers’ Association, Mumbai SHRI S AMIR SURLAKER
Delhi Development Authority, New Delhi SHRI LAXMAN SINGH
Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science SHRI CHANDER M OHAN
and Technology, New Delhi
Engineers India Limited, New Delhi SHRI R AJANJI SRIVASTAVA
Gammon India Limited, Mumbai SHRI V. N. H EGGADE
SHRI S. C. UPADHYAY (Alternate)
Hindustan Construction Company Limited, Mumbai SHRI SATISH KUMAR S HARMA
Housing and Urban Development Corporation Limited, New Delhi SHRI DEEPAK B ANSAL
Indian Association of Structural Engineers, New Delhi SHRI M AHESH TANDON
Indian Concrete Institute, Chennai SHRI VIVEK NAIK
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi REPRESENTATIVE
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai PROF DEVDAS MENON

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IS 1199 (Part 5) : 2018

Organization Representative(s)

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee PROF V. K. GUPTA

Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi SECRETARY G ENERAL
DIRECTOR (Alternate)
Institute for Solid Waste Research and Ecological Balance, DR N. B HANUMATHIDAS
Visakhapatnam SHRI N. KALIDAS (Alternate)
Nuvoco Vistas Corporation Limited, Mumbai SHRI PRANAV DESAI
Military Engineer Services, Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, MAJ GEN S. K. SRIVASTAV
Army HQ, New Delhi SHRI MAN SINGH (Alternate)
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, New Delhi SHRI A. P. PATHAK
SHRI A. K. P ANDEY (Alternate)
National Council for Cement and Building Materials, Ballabgarh SHRI V. V. ARORA
DR S. HARSH (Alternate)
National Test House, Kolkata SHRI SHIR S INGH
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd, Mumbai SHRI ARVIND SHRIVASTAVA
OCL India Limited, New Delhi DR S. C. AHLUWALIA
Public Works Department, Govt of Tamil Nadu, Chennai SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER
The India Cements Limited, Chennai DR D. VENKATESWARAN
The Indian Hume Pipe Company Limited, Mumbai SHRI P. R. BHAT
SHRI S. J. SHAH (Alternate)
The Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata DR H. C. VISVESVARAYA
SHRI S. H. JAIN (Alternate)
The Ramco Cements Limited, Chennai SHRI BALAJI K. MOORTHY
Ultra Tech Cement Ltd, Mumbai SHRI S URYA VALLURI
DR M. R. KALGAL (Alternate)
Voluntary Organization in Interest of Consumer Education, SHRI M. A. U. KHAN
New Delhi SHRI B. MUKHOPADHYAY (Alternate)
In personal capacity [B-806, Oberoi Exquisite, Oberoi Garden SHRI A. K. J AIN
City, Goregaon (East), Mumbai]
In personal capacity (36, Old Sneh Nagar, Wardha Road, Nagpur) SHRI L. K. J AIN
In personal capacity (EA-92, Maya Enclave, Hari Nagar, SHRI R. C. WASON
New Delhi)
In personal capacity (E-1, 402, White House Apartments, SHRI S. A. REDDI
R. T. Nagar, Bengaluru)
BIS Directorate General SHRI S ANJAY P ANT, Scientist ‘F’ and Head (Civil Engg)
[Representing Director General (Ex-officio)]
Member Secretary
Scientist ‘B’ (Civil Engg), BIS
Concrete Sub-committee, CED 2:2
Organization Representative(s)

In Personal Capacity, (14A, Summer Breeze, Kuravankonam, SHRI J OSE KURIAN (Convener)
Kowdiar, Thiruvananthapuram 695 003)
ACC Limited, Mumbai SHRI AVIJIT CHAUBEY (Alternate)
Ambuja Cement Limited, Ahmedabad SHRI J. P. DESAI
Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (India), Bengaluru SHRI AVINASH D. S HIRODE

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IS 1199 (Part 5) : 2018

Organization Representative(s)

Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai SHRI L. R. BISHNOI

Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council, New Delhi SHRI J. K. PRASAD
Bureau of Design for Hydel and Irrigation Project, Bhopal SHRI S. K. KHARE
Central Public Works Department, New Delhi SHRI A. K. GARG
Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru SHRI M. S. SUDARSHAN
SHRI R. NAGENDRA (Alternate)
Creative Design Consultants and Engineers Pvt Ltd, Ghaizabad SHRI AMAN D EEP
CSIR – Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee DR RAJESH DEOLIA
SHRI H. C. Arora (Alternate)
CSIR – Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi SHRI J. B. S ENGUPTA
CSIR – Central Soil & Materials Research Station, New Delhi SHRI R AJEEV K UMAR
SHRI M. RAJA (Alternate)
CSIR–Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai DR B. H. BHARATH K UMAR
DR P. SRINIVASAN (Alternate)
Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science SHRI CHANDER M OHAN
and Technology, New Delhi
Elkem South Asia Pvt Ltd, Navi Mumbai SHRI BRAJESH MALVIYA
Engineers India Limited, New Delhi SHRI RAJANJI SRIVASTAVA
Gammon India Limited, Mumbai SHRI M ANISH M OKAL
Hindustan Constrution Company Ltd, Mumbai DR CHETAN HAZARE
Indian Concrete Institute, Chennai SHRI K. C. TAYADE
Indian Institute of Structural Engineering, Mumbai SHRI D. S. JOSHI
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi DR B. BHATTACHARJEE
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur DR SUDHIR M ISHRA
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai DR MANU S ANTHANAM
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee DR ASHOK KUMAR JAIN
Indian Society of Structural Engineers, Mumbai SHRI D. S. JOSHI
Irrigation and Power Research Institute, Amritsar CHIEF ENGINEER (RESEARCH)
Larsen and Toubro Limited, ECC Division, Chennai DR B. SIVARAM S ARMA
SHRI S. MANOHAR (Alternate)
Military Engineer Services, Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, SHRI S. K. S RIVASTAV
Army HQ, New Delhi SHRI MAN SINGH (Alternate)
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, New Delhi SHRI A. P. PATHAK
SHRI A. K. P ANDEY (Alternate)
National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited, Haryana SHRI H. S. YADAV
National Council for Cement & Building Materials, Ballabgarh SHRI V. V. ARORA
SHRI S. SHARMA (Alternate)
National Institute of Technology, Warangal DR C. B. KAMESWARA RAO
DR D RAMA SESHU (Alternate)

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Devendra Kumar -
Hathras([email protected])

IS 1199 (Part 5) : 2018

Organization Representative(s)

Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, Mumbai SHRI ARVIND S HRIVASTAVA

SHRI N. M. RAO (Alternate)
Pidilite Industries Limited, Mumbai DR SUGUNA NAIK
Ready Mixed Concrete Manufacturers’ Association, Mumbai SHRI VIJAYKUMAR R. KULKARNI
Research, Design & Standards Organization (Ministry of Railways), JOINT DIRECTOR (B&S)/CB-I
Lucknow JOINT DIRECTOR (B&S)/CB-II (Alternate)
Shapoorji Pallonji and Company Private Limited, Mumbai SHRI GIRISH BONDE
Tandon Consultants Pvt Limited, New Delhi SHRI M AHESH TANDON
Tata Consulting Engineers Limited, Mumbai SHRI S. N. DIWAKAR
Ultra Tech Cement Ltd, Mumbai DR V. RAMACHANDRA
DR A. K. S INGH (Alternate)
Water Resource Department, Govt of Madhya Pradesh, Mumbai SHRI S. K. KHARE
SHRI B. P. G UPTA (Alternate)
In personal capacity (452 Sector 14, Sonipat, Haryana) SHRI R. K. J AIN
In personal capacity (36, Old Sneh Nagar, Wardha Road, Nagpur) SHRI L. K. J AIN
In personal capacity [B-806, Oberoi Exquisite, Oberoi Garden, SHRI A. K. J AIN
City Goregaon (East), Mumbai]
In personal capacity (EA-92, Maya Enclave, Hari Nagar, SHRI R. C. WASON
New Delhi)
In personal capacity (E-1, 402, White House Apartments, SHRI S. A. REDDI
R.T. Nagar, Bengaluru)
In personal capacity (M1 F1 VGN Minerva Apartments, DR C. RAJKUMAR
Guruswamy Road, Nolambur, Chennai)

Panel for Revision of Indian Standards on Test Methods for Concrete, CED 2:2/P7

Organization Representative(s)

In Personal Capacity (EA-92, Maya Enclave, Hari Nagar, SHRI R. C. WASON (Convener)
New Delhi 110064)
AIMIL Ltd, New Delhi DR V. M. SHARMA
Central Public Works Department, New Delhi SHRI AJAY P RAKASH MATHUR
Central Soil and Materials Research Station, New Delhi SHRI U. S. VIDYARTHI
Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru DR R. NAGENDRA
CSIR – Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee DR A. K. P ANDEY
SHRI S. K. SINGH (Alternate)
CSIR – Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi REPRESENTATIVE
CSIR – Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai DR P. S RINIVASAN
DR S. BHASKAR (Alternate)
Hindustan Construction Company Ltd, Mumbai DR CHETAN H AZAREE
Hydraulic & Engineering Instrument, New Delhi REPRESENTATIVE
Indian Concrete Institute, New Delhi SHRI ASHOK KUMAR TIWARI
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai DR RADHAKRISHNA PILLAI
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi DR SHASHANK BISHNOI
DR S. GUPTA (Alternate)

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Devendra Kumar -
Hathras([email protected])

IS 1199 (Part 5) : 2018

Organization Representative(s)

Larsen & Toubro Ltd, ECC Division, Chennai SHRI B. S IVARAMA SARMA
SHRI S. MANOHAR (Alternate)
National Council for Cement and Building Materials, Ballabgarh SHRI V. V. ARORA
SHRI S. C. S HARMA (Alternate)
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd, Mumbai SHRI ARVIND S HRIVASTAVA
SHRI A. K. LAHARIA (Alternate)
RDC Concrete (India) Pvt Ltd, Mumbai SHRI K. TAGORE
Ready Mixed Concrete Manufacturers’ Association, Mumbai SHRI VIJAYKUMAR R. KULKARNI
In personal capacity (50 Mangla Apartments Kalkaji, New Delhi) DR S. C. MAITI
In personal capacity (Type IV/17, President’s Estate, New Delhi) SHRI K. H. B ABU

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Devendra Kumar -
Hathras([email protected])
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Devendra Kumar -
Hathras([email protected])

(Continued from second cover)

c) The wet sieving procedure for concrete having large size aggregates (msa more than 40 mm), has been
d) Clause on reporting has been reviewed and elaborated.
e) More details on dimensions, tolerances and fabrication materials of moulds have been included.
In the formulationof this standard, assistance has also been derived from ISO 1920-3 : 2004 ‘Testing of concrete —
Part 3: Making and curing test speciments’.
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex C.
In reporting the result of a test or analysis made in accordance with this standard, is to be rounded off, if the final
value observed or calculated, it shall be done in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical
values (revised)’.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Devendra Kumar -
Hathras([email protected])

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CED 02 (10892).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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Published by BIS, New Delhi

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