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J Food Safe & Hyg; Vol. 10 No.

1 Winter 2024

Original Article
Journal of Food Safety and Hygiene
Journal homepage: http://jfsh.tums.ac.ir

Assessment of microbial quality of some industrially packed food seasoning obtained

from different retail outlets in Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria
Olubukola Omoniyi Kuforiji*, Umar Isah Adam, Ifeoma Irene Adetoyinbo

Department of Biological Sciences, Bells University of Technology, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria. ..


Article history: Qualities of curry, thyme and pepper commonly marketed in Nigeria were investigated. The total
Received 17.01.2024
Received in revised form bacterial and fungal counts, types of microorganisms present and the physico-chemical qualities
Accepted 16.03.2024 were also determined. These spices had a pH range from 5.92 to 6.44, with a moisture content of
6.08% to 36.32%. The bacterial load was within the range of 13.0 × 103 to 43.8 × 103 cfu/g with a
Microbial counts; lower fungal count of 6.5 × 103 to 35.2×103 cfu/g. Five bacterial and six fungal species namely
Industrially packaged; Aeromonas, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Streptococcus and Bacillus;as well as Mucor,
Health implication Aspergillus flavus, Penicillum, Candida, Aspergillus and Rhodotorula, respectively, were isolated.
The implication of these findings on the health of the populace was discussed from a microbiological
viewpoint. The presence of these microbes in the spices may pose a serious threat which is of
significance in public health.

Citation: Kuforiji OO, Adam UI, Adetoyinbo II. Assessment of microbial quality of some industrially packed food seasoning
obtained from different retail outlets in Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria. J Food Safe & Hyg 2024; 10 (1): 48-58 DOI:10.18502/

1. Introduction Spices may be either bark, buds, flowers, fruits, leaves,

rhizomes, roots, seeds, stigmas and styles, or the entire
Spices constitute an important group of agricultural
plant tops (1). Spices may be contaminated because of
commodities, which are virtually indispensable in the
the conditions under which they were cultivated and
culinary art. They can be primarily defined as farm
harvested. Factors responsible for the contamination of
products used in various forms, namely fresh, ripe,
products include moisture content, pH, temperature
dried, broken, powdered, etc. which contribute aroma,
etc. Contaminated spices have been reported to have
taste, flavour, color and pungency to food.
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +2348055219026 been the cause of certain food-borne illnesses and
E-mail address: [email protected] spoilage of foods (2). Indigenous microflora of plants,
presence of microorganisms in the processing plant, air,
dust, using contaminated water and animal/human
excreta, and pre-and post-harvest procedure including

Copyright © 2024 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Published by Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/).
Non-commercial uses of the work are permitted, provided the original work is properly cited.

Kuforiji OO, et al. / J Food Safe & Hyg 2024; 10 (1): 48-58 49

processing, storage and distribution may be the sources produced by catering establishments; under favorable
of microbial contamination of spices, therefore, some conditions, they germinate and multiply to infective
spices pose health problems because some are often and toxic levels (7, 8).
added to foods without further processing or are eaten Studies on the microbiology of spices have
raw ( 3). demonstrated profiles of microorganisms, including
During the cleaning and processing procedure of total heterotrophs, Bacillus cereus, Clostridium
spices, there is a progressive reduction in the number perfringens, Escherichia coli, Salmonella and toxigenic
and types of microorganisms; those remaining are moulds. Spices also have antioxidant properties that
usually aerobic spore-forming bacteria and common impede food rancidity (9). It was reported that
molds. In addition to the contamination of raw food consumption of curcumin, found in the curry spice
supplies that occurs during growing, shipping and reduced bate-amyloid and plaque burden in the brain,
processing, there is the problem of food contamination increasing cognitive function in elderly patients (10).
caused by people who are carriers of pathogens such as Bacillus sp, Citrobacter freundii, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella
Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus (2). Coliform sp, Serratia sp, Staphylococcus sp and Streptococcus sp
bacteria occur sporadically and usually in small have been isolated from black and white pepper as
populations in species and are associated with fecal contaminants. Some locally produced spices have
contamination. Yeast and mould densities vary improved nutritional intake for human consumption,
considerably with the individual spices but are usually and some still prevent the risk of infection and
quite low (4). Spices are mainly used as ingredients to poisoning (11). As with many other agricultural
flavor food and drinks. Many spices have additional products, spices and herbs became contaminated at any
commercial uses, e.g., as ingredients in medicine, point from production to consumption (12). In
perfumes, incense and soaps. It is also used as a addition, because of the overuse of antibiotics in plant
condiment. Spices are not only for our taste buds but agriculture and the use of contaminated fertilizer or
also for our health (5). irrigated water to croplands, antibiotic-resistant
Spices are cultivated and harvested in warm, humid bacteria are of special concern, since these products are
areas of the world where the environment is conducive likely added raw or even minimally processed to foods
to the growth of a wide variety of microorganisms. The and do represent some risk to public health (13).
microbiological quality, the load of total heterotrophs The objectives of this study therefore include:
or Enterobacteriaceae in particular, often acts an as To determine the pH of five brands of different kinds of
indicator of the hygienic situation of a region where the spices; curry, thyme and pepper seasonings in hot and
spices are produced and processed (6). Contaminated cold water; to determine the moisture content of the
spices may cause a microbiological problem, different samples of curry, thyme and pepper; to assess
depending on the end use. Spices are the principal the bacteria and fungi present in the five brands of food
source of spore-forming bacteria in large volumes of seasonings at room temperature (28oC) and after
foods, such as soups, casseroles, stews and gravies boiling at 100oC.

50 Assessment of microbial quality of some industrially / J Food Safe & Hyg 2024; 10 (1): 48-58

2. Materials and Methods forming units were enumerated. The mean counts for
2.1. Collection of samples triplicate cultures were recorded as the bacterial counts
Samples of different curry, thyme and pepper were in each sample (15).
randomly purchased from different retail outlets in 2.5. Cultivation and enumeration of fungi in the
Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria. These samples were carefully samples [curry, thyme and pepper]
examined to make sure they were intact (no tear or Agar plates of potato dextrose agar [PDA] using both
damage) and not expired. They were then analyzed at pour and spread plate techniques (pour plate for cold
Bells University of Technology, Ota, Ogun State, samples and spread plate for hot samples) served as
Nigeria. media for this analysis. These were in triplicates and
2.2. Identification of samples incubated at 28oC for 72 h and colonies forming units
These collected samples of five different brands of were enumerated (16).
curry and thyme and pepper were designated as (D, M, 2.6. Isolation and identification of bacteria
G, T and E) and were also labeled as (CDC, CMC, CGC, Pure cultures of bacteria were obtained aseptically by
CTC, and CEC) representing the five curry samples in streaking representative colonies of different
cold water, while (HDC, HMC, HGC, HTC and HEC) morphological types which appeared on the cultural
represent the hot samples. For the thyme, CDT, CMT, plates onto freshly prepared nutrient agar plates which
CGT, CTT, and CET) represent the brands in cold water were then incubated at 37oC for 24 h. They were then
while HDT, HMT, HGT, HTT and HET represent the identified based on Gram staining, catalase, production
hot water samples respectively. And (CMP and HMP) of hydrogen sulphide, indole, motility, citrate
represent the brand M pepper in cold and hot water. utilization, methyl red (MR) and coagulase tests (17).
All these were designated for the determination of pH, 2.7. Isolation and identification of fungi
isolation and characterization of bacteria and fungi in This was done by morphological characteristics from
cold and hot samples respectively. pure cultures on potato dextrose agar, the arrangement
2.3. Determination of the moisture content and pH of and type of spores formed and details on colour of
the spices cultures. Ascospores and ballistospore tests were
The pH was determined with a pH meter (Hanna conducted for further identification (18).
Instrument, pH 211, Microprocessor pH meter), while 2.8. Ascospore test
the moisture content was determined using the method Gorodkovac’s agar was prepared to contain 0.25% of
described by AOAC (14). glucose, 0.5% of sodium chloride, 1% lab lemco powder
2.4. Cultivation and enumeration of bacteria in the and 2% agar powder. The molten agar was dispensed
curry, thyme and pepper seasonings and allowed to solidify in the Petri dishes. The media
Ten ten-fold serial dilution technique was carried out to was inoculated with the pure fungal isolates and
reduce the microbial load of the samples. This was done incubated at 28oC for 8 days. After this period, small
in triplicate and incubated at 37oC for 24 h and colony portions of the cultures were placed on clean

Kuforiji OO, et al. / J Food Safe & Hyg 2024; 10 (1): 48-58 51

microscope slides with a drop of sterile distilled water content between 6.08% and 36.32%. The cold water
added to prepare a smear of each culture using a sterile sample of G thyme (CGT) had the lowest pH value of
wire loop. The smears were air-dried and then heat- 5.92 (Table 3), while the highest pH value of 6.44 was
fixed. Malachite green dye was added in each case, found in cold water pepper sample M(CMP) (Table 2).
allowed to steam over the Bunsen flame for 2 min and The thyme of D (CDT) had the least moisture content of
the slides rinsed under tap water for 2 min and then 6.08% (Table 1), while the highest moisture content of
counterstained with safranin for about 30 s. They were 36.32% was found in the pepper of sample M (CMP)
then observed under the microscope (18). (Table 2). The pH values were within the range of 6.15
2.9. Ballistospore test and 6.41 for sample D (Table 1), 5.97 and 6.44 for sample
Corn meal agar was prepared under aseptic conditions M (Table 2), 5.92 and 6.32 for sample G (Table 3), 5.97
and allowed to cool. The molten agar was dispensed in and 6.18 for sample T (Table 4) and 6.04 and 6.19 for
equal amounts into two sets of sterile plates and brand E (Table 5). The order of increase in pH values
allowed to solidify. The first set of Petri dishes was for Sample D (Table-1) is CDT>CDC>HDC>HDT,
inoculated by streaking the fungal isolates over the agar while for Sample M (Table 2) is
surface in an S-shaped fashion. The second set of plates HMT>CMT>HMC>HMP>CMC>CMP. Table 3 is
containing the solidified media were superimposed on CGC>HGC>CGT>HGT for Sample G; while Sample
the inoculated plates and sealed aseptically with (Table 4) is CTC>HTC>HTT>CTT. The order of
masking tape. They were then incubated at 28oC and increase in pH values for Sample E (Table 5) is
37oC for 7 days, respectively, after which the HEC>CET>HET>CE
superimposed plates were observed for growth. A significantly higher microbial population was
Smears from small portions from the positive plates obtained in cold samples than in hot samples. The
were prepared on clean microscope slides adding a bacterial counts shown in Tables 1-5 were within the
drop each of Carbol fuchsin and potassium hydroxide. range of 13.0±0.75×103 to 43.8±0.67×103 cfu/g. This was
The slides were then observed under the microscope between 15.0±0.0.50×103 to 40.2±0.59×103 cfu/g in
(18). curry, 13.0±0.75×103 to 43.8±0.67×103 cfu/g in thyme
2.10. Statistical analyses and 30.0±0.56×103 to 42.3±0.58×103 cfu/g in pepper.
All data collected was analyzed for statistical Table 1 shows the pH values, moisture content and the
significance using analyses of variance (19). total bacterial count in sample D, cold D curry (CDC)
had the highest count of 29.0±0.83×103 cfu/g. In
3. Results contrast, hot D curry (HDC) had the lowest count of
The pH values and percentage moisture contents of five 18.0±0.62×103 cfu/g, the order of increase in bacterial
brands of curry, thyme and pepper seasonings are counts of these samples is CDC>CDT>HDT>HDC.
shown in Tables 1-5. The pH values of these samples Table 2 shows the pH values, moisture content and
varied with brands, all of the brands were acidic. The total bacterial count in sample M, Hot M curry (HMC)
pH range was between 5.92 and 6.44; with the moisture had the least bacterial count of 19.4±0.69×103 cfu/g

52 Assessment of microbial quality of some industrially / J Food Safe & Hyg 2024; 10 (1): 48-58

while cold M thyme (CMT) had the highest bacterial count of 7.0±0.53×103 while cold D thyme (CDT) had
count of 43.8±0.67×103 cfu/g. The order of increase in the highest value of 15.0±0.5.0×103.
bacterial counts of these samples is
The order of increase in fungal count of these samples
CMT>CMP>CMC>HMP>HMT>HMC. Table 3 shows
is CDT>CDC>HDC>HDT. Table 2 showed that
the pH values, moisture content and total bacterial
samples M (Mr. Chef) and hot M pepper (HMP) had the
count in sample G, Hot G thyme (HGT) had the least
least fungal count of 11.6±0.56×103 cfu/g while cold M
bacterial count 13.0±0.75×103 cfu/g while cold G curry
curry (CMC) had the highest value of 29.0±0.83×103
(CGC) had the highest bacterial count of 33.7±0.74×103
cfu/g. The order of increase in fungal count of these
cfu/g, The order of increase in the bacterial count of
these samples is CGC>HGC>CGT>HGT. Table 4
Table 3 shows the total fungal count of samples G
shows the pH values, moisture content and total
(Gino), Hot G thyme (HGT) had the least fungal count
bacterial count in sample T. Hot T thyme (HTT) had the
of 6.5±0.0.80×103 cfu/g while cold G thyme (CGT) had
least bacterial count of 15.9±0.56×103 cfu/g. In contrast,
the highest fungal count of 16.4±0.68×103 cfu/g. The
cold T curry (CTC) had the highest bacterial count of
order of increase in these samples is
33.5±0.68×103 cfu/g, The order of increase in bacterial
CGT>CGC>HGC>HGT. Table 4 shows the total fungal
counts of these samples is CTC>HTC>CTT>HTT. Table
count of samples T (Tiger), Hot T curry (HTC) had the
5 shows the pH values, moisture content and total
least fungal count of 13.3±0.77×103 cfu/g while cold T
bacterial count in sample E, Hot E curry (HEC) had the
thyme (CTT) had the highest fungal count of
least bacterial count of 15.0±0.50×103 cfu/g. In contrast,
20.5±0.64×103 cfu/g. The order of increase in fungal
cold E thyme (CET) had the highest bacterial count of
count of these samples is CTT>CTC>HTT>HTC. Table
29.6±0.79×103 cfu/ml, The order of increase in bacterial
5 shows the total fungal count of samples E (Euroma),
counts of these samples is CET>HET>CEC>HEC. In all
Hot E thyme (HET) had the least fungal count of
the brands, CMT which has a moisture content of
17.5±0.57×103 cfu/g while cold E thyme (CET) had the
6.57%, with a maximum mean bacterial population of
highest fungal count of 35.2±0.86×103 cfu/g. The order
43.8+ 0.67×103 cfu/g was not significantly different
of increase in fungal count of these samples is
from CMP(42.3+0.59×103 cfu/g with a moisture content
of 36.32% (Table 2). The highest mean fungal count was
observed CET with a considerable decrease in the
fungal load on heating (HET) (Table 5).
The total fungal counts shown in Tables 1-5 were
within the range of 6.5±0.80×103 to 35.2±0.77×103. Table
1 showed that Hot D thyme (HDT) had the least fungal

Kuforiji OO, et al. / J Food Safe & Hyg 2024; 10 (1): 48-58 53

Table 1. The pH values, percentage moisture content and total bacterial and fungal counts for sample D

Samples pH values Moisture content Mean population Mean population

bacterial fungi
(cfu/g) (cfu/g)

CDC 6.25 6.25% 29.0±0.83X103 13.0±0.75X103

HDC 6.16 18.0±0.62X103 8.0±0.66X103

CDT 6.41 6.08% 28.0±0.79X103 15.0±0.50X103

HDT 6.15 23.4±0.57X103 7.0±0.53X103

KEY: CDC; cold D curry HDC; hot D curry

CDT; cold D thyme HDT; hot D thyme

Table 2.The pH values, percentage moisture content and total bacterial and fungal counts for sample M

Samples pH values Moisture content Mean population Mean population

bacterial fungi
(cfu/g) (cfu/g)

CMC 6.35 10.17% 40.2±0.59X103 29.0±0.83X103

HMC 6.12 19.0±0.69X103 15.2±0.56X103

CMT 6.10 6.57% 43.8±0.67X103 15.6±0.66X103

HMT 5.97 28.6±0.74X103 12.9±0.59X103

CMP 6.44 36.32% 42.3±0.59X103 16.0±0.55X103

HMP 6.14 30.0±0.56X103 11.6±0.56X103

KEY: CMC; cold M curry. HMC; hot M curry. CTM; cold M thyme
HMT; hot M thyme. CMP; cold M pepper. HMP; hot M pepper

54 Assessment of microbial quality of some industrially / J Food Safe & Hyg 2024; 10 (1): 48-58

Table 3. The pH values, percentage moisture content and total bacterial and fungal counts for sample G

Samples pH values Moisture content Mean population Mean population

bacterial fungi
(cfu/g) (cfu/g)

CGC 6.32 6.43% 33.7±0.74X103 12.0±0.76X105

HGC 6.11 29.0±0.83X103 7.8±0.54X105

CGT 5.92 6.76% 22.0±0.53X103 16.4±0.68X103

HGT 6.09 13.0±0.75X103 6.5±0.80X103

KEY: CGC; cold curry HGC; hot G curry

CGT; cold G thyme HGT; hot G thyme

Table 4. The pH values, percentage moisture content and total bacterial and fungal counts for sample T

Samples pH values Moisture content Mean population Mean population

bacterial fungi
(cfu/g) (cfu/g)

CTC 6.18 9.71% 33.5±0.68X103 17.5±0.57X103

HTC 6.10 27.9±0.66X103 13.3±0.77X103

CTT 5.97 7.22% 24.4±0.56X103 20.5±0.56X103

HTT 6.05 15.9±0.56X103 13.9±0.66X103

KEY: CTC; cold T curry HTC; hot T curry

CTT; cold T thyme HTT; hot T thyme

Table 5. The pH values, percentage moisture content and total bacterial and fungal counts for sample E

Samples pH values Moisture content Mean population Mean population

bacterial fungi
(cfu/g) (cfu/g)

CEC 6.19 26.87% 22.0±0.54X103 25.0±0.86X103

HEC 6.04 15.0±0.50X103 17.6±0.72X103

CET 6.08 7.26% 29.6±0.79X103 35.2±0.86X103

HET 6.15 26.0±0.72X103 17.5±0.57X103

KEY: CEC; cold E curry HEC; hot E curry

CET; cold E thyme HET; hot E thyme

Kuforiji OO, et al. / J Food Safe & Hyg 2024; 10 (1): 48-58 55

Table 6. Microorganisms isolated from curry, thyme and pepper brands of packaged food seasonings

Samples Bacterial isolates Fungal isolates Brands

D Aeromonas and Staphylococcus spp. Mucor sp, Aspergillus flavus and Penicillum sp
M Pseudomonas and Streptococcus spp. Candida and Aspergillus spp.

G Bacillus and Staphycoccus spp. Aspergillus and Penicillum spp

T Bacilllus and Staphylococcus spp. Mucor sp, Aspergillus flavus

and Penicillum spp

E Bacillus, Staphycoccus and Aeromonas spp. Mucor, Aspergillus niger, Penicillum

and Rhodotorula spp

4. Discussion on nutrient and potato dextrose agar when compared

The pH values obtained in all the food seasonings (D, to the hot samples (Tables 1-5).
M, G, T, and E) showed that the spices were slightly The fact that there was a decrease in microbial load of
acidic (5.92-6.44), indicating that spices could permit all hot samples infers that the use of heat has an effect
the proliferation of acidophilic microbes (Tables 1-5). It on the microbial quality of all brands as compared to
must be noted that pH alone is not a significant that of the cold samples.
parameter to predict the chances of survival and The high microbial contamination in curry, thyme and
proliferation of bacteria and fungi in spices (20). pepper seasonings in this study may result during
Smith and Fratamico (21) reported that the interplay of production or packaging as individuals concerned
factors affecting microbial growth in foods such as during these processes may not take necessary
water activity, pH and temperature ultimately precaution and as such microbial contamination is
determine whether a microorganism will grow in a prominent or may be attributable to storage condition,
given food. Often the results of such interplay are contamination from the seals of sachets or from
unpredictable; as poorly understood synergism or handlers before they were obtained for sampling.
antagonism may occur. The moisture content was It is important to note that these samples did not show
almost generally low (6.08% and 36.32%; Tables 1-5). any visible signs of spoilage. Thus, physical outlook
High moisture content has been reported to accelerate may not be a good criterion for assessing the quality of
food spoilage, however, if the low moisture content is spices.
held under humid conditions it can support the growth The presence of bacteria such as Staphylococcus,
of moulds (16). Pseudomonas, Streptococcus and Bacillus spp. is of major
A significant increase in the microbial load of all cold concern as they are pathogenic and are of health risk to
samples; curry, thyme and pepper of all the five brands man (Table 6). This further highlights the need to

56 Assessment of microbial quality of some industrially / J Food Safe & Hyg 2024; 10 (1): 48-58

safeguard the health of the consumers by proper reported that some strains may be more toxigenic at
washing and decontamination of these products which low temperatures than at optimum growth
are sometimes consumed without heat treatment. temperatures, thus proper cooking of spices serves as a
The food bacteria of greatest importance to human means of controlling the growth of microorganisms in
pathology are the most common cause of human foods (8).
infection and are extensively widespread in the
environment of fast foods. These results are in 5. Conclusion
agreement with the above studies and are supported by Good hygiene practices, proper handling, storage and
many researchers (8, 22). The findings are consistent retail of spices in a clean environment cannot be over-
with our results that revealed some pathogenic emphasized to ensure good quality and safe spices.
bacteria, fungi and yeasts were found in food especially It is important to handle food in such a way that the
traditional fast foods. Most investigators indicated that microorganisms present do not have a chance to
bacteria, fungi and yeasts may exert their pathogenic multiply and to prevent food from becoming
action either through infection of the body or as toxic contaminated with other microorganisms. The
substances demonstrated as contaminated foods. The presence of these microorganisms in spices may be
most common infections causing food poisoning and unavoidable due to the production, storage and
other diseases are those associated with contamination handling but they can drastically be reduced to a safe
due to fast foods and traditional fast foods to which limit by good storage facilities.
spices belong (22). In all the brands, cold samples had higher microbial
The presence of fungi such as Aspergillus flavus. counts, while a decrease in microbial load was
Aspergillus niger, Mucor, Rhodotorula and Candida spp.is observed when the samples were heated. The
of major health concern as Barnett et al. (23) reported International Microbiological Standard recommended
that these may also produce mycotoxins in various limit for bacteria contaminants in spices/ seasonings is
foods (Table 6). Aspergillus and Penicillium spp. have in the range of 10 to 103 cfu/g; total microbial plate
been reported to produce aflatoxins, and the aflatoxins count 10 to 105 cfu/g and 10 to 103 cfu/g for moulds
have been isolated from legumes, grains fruits, meats, and yeasts, thus, most of these seasonings must be
spices, milk, cheese, rice, corn and other compounds heated to reduce the microbial load. Many people
with carcinogenic, hemorrhagic, neurotoxic and globally consume food with spices daily due to the
uterotrophic properties have been isolated from food flavour, taste, aroma, color and pungency it added to
stuff and identified as metabolites of fungi common to the food, thus, to safeguard public health, Government
a variety of agricultural commodities (24). and regulatory authorities should create public
Heating the samples reduced the microbial load which awareness of the danger inherent in consuming
in addition to controlling fungal toxin production can seasonings products of poor quality. Based on this
assist in the adjustment of pH, Water activity and study, consumer awareness of the dangers of eating
temperature control in the product (25). It was also undercooked (raw) spices and the need to insist on the

Kuforiji OO, et al. / J Food Safe & Hyg 2024; 10 (1): 48-58 57

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