B1. Module 2 - Intellectual Revolutions
B1. Module 2 - Intellectual Revolutions
B1. Module 2 - Intellectual Revolutions
Intellectual revolutions that defined society
Fatima A. Rivera,
As you recall, the period between 1300 and 1600 was a time
of significant change in Europe. During this time, scientists
began to question accepted beliefs and make new theories
ENGAGE based on experimentation.
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Significant Steps in the Intellectual and Scientific Revolution
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Scientific Impacts
Copernican Transformation in the view of the universe
by Copernicus changed the geocentric view of the universe. His theory shows
Nicolaus that Earth, along with other planets, orbits the sun and rotates on its axis.
Abandonment of the geocentric view of the universe
Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei elaborated and supported Copernicus'
idea. This lead to the abandonment of the geocentric view of the universe
and the adaptation of heliocentric belief.
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Paradigm Shifts and the Scientific Revolution
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means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 4
The video-lecture describes several old paradigms that were
changed due to scientific research and shreds of evidence.
Describe two old paradigms that were changed, as
mentioned in the video. Write your answers below.
Well done, Louisian! Now that you have figured out the
connection of paradigm shifts to the scientific revolution, you
can deduce that the technologies we use today are the results
of these so-called paradigm shifts. This cycle will continuously
happen because our world is continually changing and
challenged by new problems every day. In the next section of
this module, you will apply the paradigm shift concept in the
context of the modern world.
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Modern Problems Need Modern Solutions
For OBL: Your course instructor will give you the submission bin link.
For CBL: Save your output in the USB Flash Drive.
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Before you end today, check/color the emoji that reflects how
you got on in today’s lesson.
CHEd Recommendations
The Scientific Revolution | Boundless World History. (, 2020). Retrieved 20 October 2020, from
REFERENCES Roots of the Scientific Revolution | History of World Civilization II. (, 2020). Retrieved 20
Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions - outline. (, 2020). Retrieved 20 October 2020, from
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10 7 4
Graphics & Graphics are all in Most graphics are Many graphics
Content of focus and the in focus, and the are not
Answer content quickly content is easily transparent or are
viewed and viewed and too small.
identified. identified.
Excellent Moderate
elaboration of the elaboration of the Insufficient
answer to the answer to the elaboration of the
question. question. answer to the
4 2 1
All graphics are Some graphics Graphics do not
Relevance related to the relate to the topic. relate to the topic.
topic and make it
easier to
3 2 1
Labels All items of Several items of No items of
importance are importance are importance are
clearly labeled. clearly labeled. clearly labeled, or
labels are too
small to view.
3 2 1
Neatness The The The
poster/diagram is poster/diagram is poster/diagram is
beautiful in terms acceptably distractingly
of design, layout, attractive though messy or very
and neatness. it may be a bit poorly designed.
Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 8