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Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology, 3 (2) (2014) 232-248

©Science Publishing Corporation

doi: 10.14419/jacst.v3i2.3754
Review Paper

A survey on SDN, the future of networking

Shiva Rowshanrad *; Sahar Namvarasl; Vajihe Abdi; Maryam Hajizadeh; Manijeh Keshtgary

Dept. of Information Technology and Computer Engineering, Shiraz University of Technology (SUTECH), Iran, Shiraz
*Corresponding author E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright © 2014 Shiva Rowshanrad et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Software Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging architecture which decouples networks control plane and data
plane physically. It makes control plane programmable trough a centralized controller, and builds intelligent and
flexible networks. The OpenFlow is one of the most famous SDN protocols, which acts as a southbound interface
between control plane and data plane. In this survey, SDN implementation approaches and different southbound
interfaces, beside different version of OpenFlow, are introduced. In addition to general architecture of SDN, different
wireless architectures are discussed. Here, also potential SDN’s applications and research areas including hot topics
such as Information Centric Networks, Cloud and datacenters, multimedia, wireless and mobile networks over SDN are

Keywords: Control Plane, Data Plane, Programmable Network, OpenFlow, Software Defined Network.

1. Introduction
Use of mobile devices, emerging technologies such as cloud computing and virtualization, caused changing of traffic
patterns. The rise of Big Data in datacenters arise the need for high network capacity and network scaling. To support
these needs, network devices become more complex. Furthermore it would be hard and time consuming for
administrators to configure individual devices due to even little changes in network, such as adding or omitting a
device. They should reconfigure many multivendor switches and routers, ACLs, which may cause inconsistency and
errors [1-3].
The Idea of programmable networks was introduced to meet these challenges and facilitate network evolution. As a
result, Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a new paradigm, which revolutionized traditional network architecture.
SDN effectively separates the control plane from data plane and move it to a centralized server named controller. It
moves the complexity of network management into a software-based controller and provides an abstraction of
underlying infrastructure. This allows simple data plane and network devices, makes control plane to be directly
programmable and manageable in a centralized manner [1], [4], [5].
The SDN architecture provides programmability, flexibility and reliability over networks. Network operators can
implement their own protocols, rules and policies with common programming languages. They can achieve flexible
control over network services such as routing, traffic engineering, QOS and security. Network can adapt itself depends
on users' requirements. Network management and configurations can be automated through the centralized controller
and standard open API, making the network scale easily. By using SDN, administrators are able to add features to
control plane without changing data plane or enhance devices in data plane without changing control plane. Decupling
control plane from infrastructure is also important because it reduces costs and inconvenience of testing new ideas and
strategies in network or deploying new architectures [1], [3], [5], [6]. In this paper, we present SDN architecture, its
capabilities, deployment, applications and challenges to give a broader view for those who are interested in this area.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 represents the history of programmable networks. In Section 3
wired and wireless SDN architectures are discussed and different protocols used in these architectures are presented.
SDN networks implementation and tests are discussed in section 4. In section 5, the SDN applications and its open
research areas are reviewed. Section 6 describes existing challenges of SDN. Finally section 7 concludes the paper.
Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology 233

2. History
Many years ago, the idea of programmable networks, resulting SDN paradigm, has been created [6]. In 1988 SOFTNET
[7], in 1990 Active Networking [8], in 1995 OPENSIG [9] and GSMP [10], in 1998, IEEE P1520 Standards Initiative
[11], in 2004 4D Project [12] and SoftRouter [13] architecture and finally in 2006 NETCONF [14], Ethane [15] and
SANE [16] were proposed to answer the idea of programming network. SANE developed as a prototype, considered a
logical server that performed all access control decision. Ethane separated controller and Ethane switch toward
providing policy and security by an identity-based accessing. But in 2010 according to RFC 5810 by IETF, ForCES
(Forwarding and Control Element Separation) [17] “A parallel approach to software-defined networking” was
announced which standardized the communication between controller and network elements. The difference between
ForCES and OpenFlow (OF) is their network architectures. ForCES assumed no changing in network architecture so
that controller and network elements are situated in one single device as regards to this point that they are apart from
each other, but OF separates the controller and network elements physically. Several efforts in the field of SDN have
been taken until now. Internet Research Task Force ( IRTF), defined The Software Defined Networking Research
Group (SDNRG) [18], intended to figure out future SDN approaches and challenges. Also there is a Home provided for
SDN researchers in [19].

3. Architecture
SDN architecture consists of 3 layers: infrastructure layer, control layer and application layer. Infrastructure layer or
data plane is responsible for forwarding the packets by means of simple forwarders and switches. Control layer contains
the controller to manage the Infrastructure layer. In application layer the business applications can interact with network
services and capabilities. There is also a need for southbound and northbound interfaces to enable the controller to
communicate with the two other layers [1]. More details of SDN components are described in this section.

3.1. Control layer

SDN architecture decouples two parts of a network device. In controller plane, a software program is placed on top and
is separated from switches as shown in Fig. 1. Controller plane manipulates the forwarding table for each switch request
based on the header of packet-in message (a packet which is created by switch upon table-miss) and sends respond via
packet-out or flow-mod message and tracks all applications requests. Each controller plane is built from two
components: applications and network operating system. The application part is in many of software programs from
metering to monitoring which network virtualization is one of them. When lots of applications regardless of their works
confront with WAN, resources become scarce and SDN architecture should be completed with a network packet broker
(NPB) and access monitoring [20].

Fig. 1: SDN Architecture [5]

NPB could be one of the controller part that checks the required resources whether it is available or not. So NPB needs
to have network topology, past and current traffic loads [20]. Some of controller platforms are compared in Table 1.
Controllers can be deployed in a centralized or distributed manner. One of the most obvious advantages of using a
centralized controller is that management and retrieving information would be applied from one logical point
(controller) resulting uniform network. Centralized controller like each centralized model has the disadvantages of
single point of failure, terminating no availability and scalability. Network could have more than one controller, so each
controller is responsible to control a group of network switches, which may interfere with each other, thus one
234 Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology

controller is chosen to be the main controller and the others would be backups [6]. ONIX [21] and HyperFlow [22],
suggest a logically centralized but physically distributed control plane. Each switch is controlled with its controller and
controllers are distributed in the network, using memory resident (in-memory database) and applications that are written
on top of the controllers consider all of the controllers as one central controller. Although in this option lookup
overhead will be reduced and scalability and availability are supported, establish consistency and compatibility between
network OS and any kind of supported OF and even between controllers are some of the most important issues.
Hierarchical view of the controllers like Kandoo [23], manage their related switches and there exists one controller that
manages local controllers in order to implement applications on it. Using this case like ONIX and HyperFlow reduces
lookup overhead, present availability and scalability with the central view of the whole network without worrying about
its consistency and compatibility. Also a proxy controller, FlowVisor [24] is used to set a logical decentralization and
give a virtualization view to the controllers in one network.
Packet granularity requires controller plane decision whenever a packet is arrived in data plane. When a table-miss is
happened in a switch, switch will encapsulate the entire received packet as a packet-in message and sends it to the
controller, decision will be made and a packet-out message will be sent to the switch. In this case, huge amount of data
would be passing through the controller and switch that could cause delay. Flow granularity is another selection. When
a flow is passed through a switch, for the first time that switch receives that flow, it requires controller plane decision so
sends packet-in message which contains only the header of original packet and at the controller side, decision will be
made and flow-mod message containing original packet header will be sent to switch. After that, switch will decide
based on last decision. In a switch, controller plane decisions would be applied to any kind of flow, subordinates to
source, destination, data or any kind of information relates to that flow. If there isn’t any decision for huge number of
flows received at switch, a lot of connection would be required for any of them; which causes delay. In active policy,
switch notifies the controller each time it needs a decision. In proactive policy, controller passes control information to
the switch. Both of these policies would be merged to any kind of granularity [6].

Table 1: Different Controllers’ Platforms In SDN

Open OpenFlow
Controller Language Created by Description
source version
Asynchronous, event-based programming
1.0, model, component based framework. NOX-
NOX Python, C++ Nicira Yes
1.3 MT is multithreaded with improving
throughput and response time [25].
Component based framework, targets Linux,
POX Python (2.7) Nicira Yes 1.0
Mac OS, and Window [26].
Stanford Event based and threaded Cross-platform,
Beacon Java Yes 1.0.1
university Dynamic, and Rapid Development [27].
Rice Modular network control applications,
Maestro Java Yes 1.0
university multi-thread [28].
Big Switch Based on Beacon, core architecture is
Floodlight Java Yes 1.0
Networks modular, open source agent (Indigo) [29].
Floodlight- Big Switch New version of floodlight for supporting OF
Java Yes 1.3
plus Networks 1.3 [30].
Component based, supporting components
1.0, 1.2, development in other languages, event
Ryu Python NTT Labs Yes
1.3, 1.4 management and reusable NETCONF
library, sFlow/Netflow library [31].
Modular, pluggable, and flexible controller
OpenDaylight Java Yes 1.0 , 1.3 platform, supporting multiple southbound
protocols [32].

3.2. Infrastructure layer

Infrastructure layer is the SDN switch. Switches in software defined networks are basic forwarding elements which
communicate with controllers via an open interface such as OpenFlow. An OF switch consists of at least three main
parts: flow table, secure channel and OpenFlow protocol. Flow table(s) is used to lookup packet and also do forwarding.
A secure channel is usually a TLS or SSL channel between switch and controller. OpenFlow protocol is for
communicating with the switches and managing them. Controller can update, delete, and add the flow entries of flow
tables using OF messages. Each flow table consists of many entries, each consists of several components [33-37]. A
flow is a sequence of packets that matches a specific entry in a flow table. On receipt of a packet, the switch matches
the packet header fields with match fields’ component of entries. After table lookup and matching process, the
instructions of entry with higher priority will be done on the packet. The fields from packets used to match with flow
entries are shown in Table 2.
Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology 235

Table 2: The Fields from Packets Used to Match with Flow Entries
Ingress Ether Ether Ether VLAN VLAN IP IP IP TCP TCP
port source destination type ID priority Src Dst protocol Src Dst

There are two types of OpenFlow switches: OpenFlow-only, and OpenFlow-hybrid. OpenFlow-only switches support
only OF operation, in those switches all packets are processed by the OpenFlow pipeline and the forwarding decisions
are made by controllers. OpenFlow-hybrid switches support OF operation in addition to traditional operation such as L2
Ethernet switching, L3 routing etc. A classification mechanism is needed to classify the traffics of OF pipeline and
normal pipeline. This mechanism may use VLAN tags, Input ports of the packets, etc. [33-37]. In another aspect, the
switches can be classified into Hardware based switches and software based (virtual) switches. Table 3 lists some of the
currently SDN available switches.

Table 3: Available SDN Switches

Switch Type Series/ Versions OpenFlow version
Arista [38] HW 7050 ,7150, 7500 1.0
Brocade [39] HW CES 2000, CER 2000, MLX 1.0, 1.3
HP [40] HW 3500, 3500yl, 5400zl, 6200yl, 6600 1.0, 1.3
IBM [41, 42] HW IBM 8264, RackSwitch G8264, G8264T 1.0
LINC[43] SW - 1.2,1.3,1.4
NEC [44] HW PF5240, PF5248 1.0 , 1.3.1
OpenFlow 1.0 for OVS 1.9 and
earlier, OpenFlow 1.2 and 1.3 for
OVS 1.10 and later with some
Open vSwitch missing features, OpenFlow 1.1
SW Latest version OVS 2.1.2
(OVS) [45] for OVS 2.0 and later with some
missing features, experimental
support of OpenFlow 1.4 for OVS
Pica8[46] HW P-3290, P-3295, P3930 , P-3297 , P-3922 1.0, 1,1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

3.3. Northbound interface

SDN Applications are programs that may consume an abstract view of the network for their decision making goals.
Moreover, these applications programmatically and directly convey their network requirements and desired network
behavior to the SDN Controller. Interfaces between SDN Applications and SDN Controllers are known as Controller-
Application Interaction or SDN Northbound Interfaces (NBIs). Northbound Interface of component can be introduced
as an element that conceptualizes the lower level details of functions used by component. This interface is usually
positioned at the top of the corresponding component, which is the basis of the "northbound interface" title [47].
Despite southbound interface that is well defined in protocols such as ForCES and OF, no comprehensive standard is
defined for northbound interface and they are more likely to be developed for particular SDN applications [6]. One
justification is that the southbound must enable hardware implementation, while northbound interface's definition
completely in software.
For various reasons controllers may need to communicate with each other, on the other side, network applications may
require extraction of information about the underlying network policy aspect, then there should be a clearly defined
interface. There are some proposals such as Procera [48], Frenetic [49], FML [50] and Nettle [51] which build a policy
layer by using a network configuration language. In addition, the northbound API must authorize employment of
different policies to the same flow. The modularization approach proposed by [52] tries to avoid rules installed for one
task override other rules. This goal is achieved by implementation of an abstraction layer.
IETF with the goal of network traffic engineering deployed Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) [53] which
currently has been considered for content delivery networks (CDNs) implementation. According to information
provided by ALTO, server network was optimized that improve performance and resource consumption. This
information gathers by mapping network topology and create abstract and logical model of network by server.
Exchanging request and response is accomplished thereby JSON [54]. The set of ALTO features convert this API to
appropriate option for SDN implementation[4].
Interface to the Routing System (I2RS) working group is another API for northbound was developed by IETF that its
objective was to provide standard for programmable network. Policy-based routing can be mentioned as important trait
of I2RS. This interface in compared with similar protocol such as SNMP and NETCONF. It is more rapid and
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3.4. Southbound interface

In SDN, the most popular southbound interface is the OF protocol. OF enables communication between controller and
the nodes in the network, so the controller discover network topology, get reports from the nodes, instruct and manage
them as needed and implement requests relayed to flows via northbound APIs. There are also other southbound
interfaces, which are described in this section [5], [55].

3.4.1. Openflow protocol

OF protocol is the most well-known interface between forwarders and controllers in SDN. This protocol is defined for
Ethernet-based networks. OF protocol have different versions. The first version was OF 0.2.0 released in March 2008 as
a draft. The OF 1.0 specification is the first version which has official vendor support. The latest specification is OF 1.4
which released in October 2013. As shown in Table 3 OF 1.0 and 1.3 are the most deployed versions. Fig. 2 shows the
OpenFlow changes through its different versions. More details are described in this section.
OF 1.0 [33] supports a single flow table with flow entries consist of three components: Header Fields, Counters and
Actions. The Match field supports 12 header fields which are shown in Table 2. Each flow entry contains a specific
value or ANY keyword which matches any value. The entries must associate with zero or more actions that should be
done on the matching packets in order. The packets with zero actions or action lists which cannot be processed by the
switch are dropped. If no matches found for a packet the first 200 bytes of the packet are sent to the controller through
the secure channel.
In OF 1.1 [34] several flow tables are pipelined. When a switch receives a packet, it starts to look for an entry to be
matched in table0. If the entry found, the packets get processed according to the entry Instructions. The instructions may
contain Goto Instruction which points to another flow table. The flow entries can also point to a Group table which
consists of group entries. The Actions in Group table are common for multiple flows. In this version the Match fields
have 15 tuples. Metadata filed is added to pass information between tables. Two other fields are added to support MPLS
tagging. It also uses Instructions instead of Actions component which are more complex and include modifying the
packets. Other added supports are: Support for VLAN and QinQ, adding, modifying and removing VLAN headers,
Support for virtual ports and tunnels, Multipath routing and ECMP.
OF 1.2 [35] adds support for major features like IPv6 and extensible matches using TLV structure. Using TLV
structure, cause more flexibility, since in previous protocols the order and length of match fields was fixed. With OF 1.2
the switches can connect to multiple controllers concurrently. This allows for a better failure recovery and also load-
balancing between controllers.
In OF 1.3 [36] every flow table must have a table-miss entry which indicates how to process a packet that has not any
match in the table. It may instruct to drop the packet, send it to the controller or direct the packet to another table.
Another improvement over previous versions is meter tables which make OF to implement QOS operations like rate
limiting. Also a specific duration filed is added to most statistics which helps to compute rates. A cookie field is added
to messages containing packets sent to the controller. This helps controller, process the messages faster than if it had to
search its entire database.
In Previous version of OF, a switch could connect to multiple controllers for fault tolerance and load balancing. OF 1.3
introduces per connection event filtering which improves the multi-controller support by enabling each controller to
filter events from the switch it does not want. It also enables a switch to create auxiliary connections to supplement the
main connection between the switch and the controller. This allows using the parallelism ability implemented in most
OF 1.4 [37] is the latest specification. In this version TLV structures is used in more parts, improving extensibility.
Support for optical ports is added by means of new set of port properties. They include fields for configuring and
monitoring transmit/receive frequency and power of a laser in either Ethernet optical port or optical ports on circuit
In previous versions, when a flow table is full, the switch sends an error message to controller to operate on the flow
table. This is time consuming and may cause problem. In OF 1.4 an Eviction option is added which makes the switch
able to eliminate lower important entries automatically and make space available for new entries. Switches can also
inform controller of tables getting full (based on a capacity threshold chosen by controller) via vacancy events and
avoid tables to get full. Bundle mechanism is added for quasi-atomic execution of a group of instructions. The Error
message is sub-type of symmetric messages in this version and can be initiated by either switch or the controller.
Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology 237

- Multiple parallel
channels between
-Multiple flow switch and
-Group tables - Table meters
-MPLS - Flow table miss
- ECMP entry

OF 1.0 OF 1.1 OF 1.2 OF 1.3 OF 1.4

2009 2011 2011 2012 2013

-Single -IPv6 -Vacancy

flow table events
-Flexible TLV -Optical
-IPv4 Matching ports
_-Multiple -Eviction
controllers -Bundles
Fig. 2: Open flow Revolution

3.4.2. XMPP

The Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) [56] is a XML-based protocol introduced by Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF). The basic idea was proposed by Jabber community in 1999 and they introduced an
open-source protocol. Afterward IETF represented the improvement version for instance message in 2002. Finally in
2004 the standard definition was published on RFC3920 and RFC3921. XMPP enable exchange “XML stanzas”, small
piece of XML, between different entities based on client-server architecture. All connection of this protocol is
performed by TCP. Decentralized system of XMPP enables everyone to implement their own XMPP servers and launch
their domain. At Juniper Networks Contrail [3], an open source solution introduced by Juniper Network Company was
intended XMPP as southbound protocol and was implemented in the controller. As a result, it is possible to build high
scalable virtual network and control cloud services automatically.

3.4.3. OnePK

One Platform Kit (OnePK) [4] is API & software development kit (SDK) toolkit to develop controller application for
programming Cisco network devices managing and planning. OnePK consists of three main elements: presentation
Layer which provides required library for programmers and supports multi language programming such as C, Java and
Python, API Infrastructure with task of coordination among various platform and Communication Channel that put out
security and flexibility between controller and network elements. Provided service sets enable network administrator to
manage and control great number of elements.

3.5. Wireless architectures

We described the general architecture of SDN in previous sections which is mainly used for wired networks. But SDN
also can be deployed for wireless networks. Currently, researchers’ main focus in SDN wireless architecture, is
centralized control of wireless networks: A central controller's main duties such as management wireless access points,
user verification, etc. [57]. In comparison with distributed wireless networks, the centralized system has better
consistency because of global view of the network controller. One other feature of wireless SDN networks is that they
present peculiarities because its control requires the knowledge and policy about the radio interference and the node
mobility [5].

3.5.1. Openroad

For controlling wireless SDNs one of the first approaches was OpenRoad [58]. This open source platform was
developed to specify the wireless OF over NOX. OpenRoad architecture [5], is composed of three layers as illustrated
in Fig. 3, permits expanded modules to monitor the wireless medium by employing simple network management
protocol (SNMP). Flow layer's main responsibility is management of the flow tables in the access points. Network
virtualization is the main duty of Slicing layer. FlowVisor in this layer responsible for sharing the OpenFlow tables in
the switches. Purposed architecture also required SNMP demultiplexer module in this layer to performing the network
slicing for the SNMP traffic, because FlowVisor did not slice the access through SNMP. The last layer is Control layer
which represented the OF control plane. Finally, OpenRoad has a centralized controller that provides resource
virtualization and different policies can work to gather.
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Fig. 3: Open roads Architecture, Which Consists of Three Layers [5].

3.5.2. SoftRAN

Nowadays, distributed algorithms are utilized by radio access network in order to handovers management. While the
decision making in environment with few base stations can be easy, it will be relatively harder to swiftly select the best
candidate in dense deployments of base stations. For the purpose of handling increasing mobile traffic, some
researchers offered SoftRAN [59], a centralized software defined radio access network designed for performing
handovers efficiently. In SoftRAN all the base stations are abstracted and controlled in a centralized way. In order to
manage every base station, control plane used defined APIs to communicate with radio elements.
General architecture of SoftRAN is illustrated in Fig 4. It periodically gathers the states of base stations and updates the
global view of the network. The controller modules require that information to manage radio resource, so collected in
the form of a database.

Fig. 4: Architecture of SoftRAN [59]

3.5.3. SoftCell

For solving significant scalability problems exist in cellular networks, Li Erran Li et al. [60] proposed a cellular SDN
architecture with local control agents with ability to make simple decisions, as illustrated in Fig. 5. The centralized
controller responsible for interpreting flows with high level abstractions. On the Other side, some actions and policies
are run on a cell agent for improving the performance and efficiency of the centralized controller.
Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology 239

Fig. 5: Cellular SDN with Local Agent [60]

4. Implementation and testing

As mentioned in previous section, many switches and controllers are available for implementing a software defined
network. But there is also ways for testing ideas in SDN such as using simulators, emulators and test-beds. NetFPGA’s
[61] can be used for building a SDN node. Debuggers are also available for testing controllers.

4.1. Simulators and emulators

In this section available SDN simulators and emulators such as Mininet, NS-3 and Estinet are described and compared.

4.1.1. Mininet

Mininet [62], an emulator platform using OF protocol, runs a collection of end-hosts, switches, routers and links on a
single Linux kernel by using lightweight virtualization. Components of Mininet act as real network components. This
emulator has lots of tools to check the possible bandwidth, the connectivity among nodes and deepest nodes, and the
speed of flows. These tools are named Ipref, Ping, PingAll, PingPair, CBench and also Wireshark in order to view
network traffic. Mininet is used by developers, teachers and researchers and this is because of easily interaction with
network using CLI and API, customizing and sharing features and also development feature on real hardware. It should
be mentioned that Mininet is actively developed and supported. Mininet is used widely just because of: fast to start a
simple network, supporting custom topologies and packet forwarding, running real programs available on Linux,
running on laptops, servers, virtual machines, having sharing and replicating ability, easy to use, being in open source
and active development state. In contrast with these advantages, Mininet has some disadvantages too: having disability
of transferring huge amount of data in one single system, non-available supporting arbitrary OF controllers, supporting
just one platform (Linux kernel), doing NAT out of box, having sharing host file system and PID space and virtual time
notion absence. Measuring performance is presented in [63].

4.1.2. NS-3

NS-3 [64] is a discrete event network simulator which is suited for researchers and educators. The NS-3 library is split
across many modules organized under the modules tab. One of these modules is OF conformable to SDN. NS-3 has
OpenFlowSwitchNetDevice object behaves as a switch and is OF compatible. This object implements a flow table for
all received packets and also a connection to controller just like SDN architecture. Two controllers are available in
original package, DropController and LearningController (based on learning switch algorithm) [65]. This simulator has
these advantages: adding new protocols, shortage of distance among real network and simulated network, having
integration and customizable without remaking the core of simulator. NS-3 disadvantages are: loss of available models,
absence of visual interface for creating topology and visible capability in experimental level.

4.1. 3 EstiNet

EstiNet 8.0 [66] simulator and emulator supports many OF 1.3.2 and 1.0.0 switches. Besides this advantage, in the
simulation mode of EstiNet; POX, NOX, Floodlight and Ryu controllers will have the role of SDN controller plane. In
the emulation mode of EstiNet, these controllers can run up on an external machine that is different from the machine
which simulates switches. Also in this mode implementation of the controller as a dedicated hardware device using an
Ethernet cable is possible, resulting remote controlling. The other benefits of using this simulator/emulator are:
accuracy, quickness, repetition and scalability. EstiNet has a unique capability which is called "kernel-reentering
simulation methodology". By using this, testing of a novel controller applications program by an OF researcher is easy
and effective. A comparison between Mininet, NS-3 and EstiNet is presented in Table 4.
240 Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology

Table 4: Comparision of SDN Simulators and Emulators

Simulator Open
Language Platform License OpenFlow version Docs
/emulator source
Ubuntu or BSD OF 1.3 of the reference
Yes Python experimentally open user switch and NOX Good
Fedora source from CPqD and Ericsson
Pre OF 1.0 and version of
NS-3 C++, Linux, Mac, Free GNU
Yes OF-SID that support Good
(simulator) Python BSD GPLv2
NO - Linux - OF 1.3.2 and 1.0.0 Medium

4.2. NeTFPGA
NetFPGA is the software and hardware platform aim for researchers and is used for teaching. Now it is available in 2
platforms: NetFPGA-1G (1G) and the NetFPGA-10G (10G). Due to its open source software and low cost hardware, it
is taken into consideration of many students. NetFPGA consists of PCI with four Ethernet port, Xilinx Virtex II pro,
static RAM and Double Date Rate (DDR2) SDRAM [4].
Based on advantages that mentioned and flexibility of NetFPGA platform, it is intended as one solution to implement
SDN. Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) allows to program core processing with user defined logic and
embedded core allows to program control functions[61].
In [67] Pang-Wei Tsai et al. described a solution to integrate NetFPGA and OF into network emulation test-bed.
Therefore, the authors succeed to implement traffic-controllable network test-bed with high speed packet processing.
J. Naous et al. presented a paper and explained the result of implementing OF on NetFPGA in [68].They stated that this
implementation is full line-rate and easy to monitor network flow.

4.3. Test-beds
OF test-beds are experimental environments that mainly developed for testing novel applications using OF. Currently,
there are some open test-beds that can be employed for academic research. In continue, some of the most important OF
test-beds are introduced and described.
GENI: GENI [69] stands for Global Environment for Network Innovations that is supported by the National Science
Foundation. It is a wide suite of infrastructure, developed to support experimental research in networking by creating a
huge test-bed [5] In order to reach its goal, GENI federated some platform such as PlanetLab [70], Internet 2 [71],
Emulab [72], etc.
At a high level, it has the prospect of experimental test-bed in which all components will be programmable, federated
and virtualizable, thus it is the best candidate when the deployment scales [73]. Nowadays, GENI project in conjunction
with Internet2 are enabling a SDN based network ready for the deployment novel architecture for new network services
and future internet [74].
OFELIA: Funded by Seventh Frame-work Program (FP7) of European Union. The idea behind OFELIA [75] is a test-
bed in which researchers can dynamically control and extend the network via OF. The OFELIA infrastructure formed
by a set of interconnected islands, each of them managed independently. Employment of virtualization, permits each
experimenter receives a network slice. Each slice is formed by virtual machines to run the clients and server, virtual
machine which corresponds to a typical OF controller and virtual OF network. OFELIA Control Framework (OCF) is a
Common control framework to performed experiment. OCF provides tools for user verification and access, allocation of
the slice, configuration of the network [5].
FIBRE: The main goal of FIBRE is to create common space between Brazil and Europe for future Internet architectures
[76]. The key idea behind this project [77], is to build a federated test-bed by combining wireless networks and wide
area network. The wireless network and wide area network are controlled using OF[5].

4.4. Debuggers
As mentioned before SDN controller is programmable and this feature increases the probability of inadvertently errors.
Generally, finding bugs is hard and time-consuming therefore debuggers have become one of the important components
of OF/SDN. Debuggers are tools that are used to test and diagnose program and enable programmers to interact with
program while it is executing on computer. OF debuggers allow us to trace packet flow behavior to check whether the
network is operating as expected[5]. Nikhil Handigol et al. in[78] introduced ndb, a SDN debugger. Their idea was
similar to gdb, a debugger for GNU operating system, which changes original control flow without any changes to its
semantic. The main goal of the authors was using familiar action specially breakpoint. Breakpoint operation calls all
functions that lead program to specified point.
Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology 241

A.Khurshid et al. presented VeriFlow in [79], a layer between controller and hosts that analyzes and checks network
configuration to find bugs without having negative impact on network performance. They claimed that implementation
of VeriFlow is compatible with NOX controller and demonstrated that it is able to verify the control plan rules in real
time and prevent error to impact the proper functioning of the network.
FlowChecker is a configuration analysis tool which introduced by in [80]. Using this system provides the possibility of
checking correctness of data plan configuration and validating consistency of different devices on OF network by
interpretation intra/inter-switches flow table using Binary Decision Diagrams. The authors showed that configuration
analysis can be done while network is running. This feature is useful to determinate QoS.
M.Kobayashi et al. at [81] presented approach for collecting network parameters and used that data to monitor, analyze
and debug SDN. The main information for debugging is gathered from flow table, different traffic statistics and
controller messages. Some different tools were used for debugging purpose and checking traffic between controller and
switches using Wireshark integration, which was stated as the most effective approach.

5. Applications and research trends

In this section we introduce SDN applications and recent researches including Software defined ICN, Multimedia,
network management, network virtualization, cloud and datacenter, security, wireless and mobile networks.

5.1. Software defined ICN

In recent years many researchers claimed that current internet architecture is not able to response the emerging and
future need of users. Based on this claim, new architectures were introduced. Information centric network is one of
these architectures. In ICN, the information name is unique and independent of locations, applications, storages and
distribution and network primitives are done based on the names. To retrieve named information, various transmission
techniques are introduced, including name-based routing, name-based resolution, and etc. To support these techniques
and exploit the advantages of ICN, dramatic changes to the network devices deployed in current Internet are needed,
which leads to challenge of ICN implementation[82], [83]. A number of projects [82-86] proposed implementing ICN
over SDN. This leads to decreasing in implementation costs. It also enables innovation and optimization of network
resources and functionalities. Proposed methods are discussed in Table 5.

Table 5: Software Defined ICN Implementation Methods

Publication `Description Implementation
Carvalho et al.
ContentFlow Changing OF protocol No implementation
Using wrapper to communicate between OF switch and
Wrapper/ Nguyen et al.
CCNx ( an ICN implementation reference) so the wrapper, OF 1.0
Proxy [82, 88]
OF switch and CCNx act as an ICN router together
Hashing the names into fields (e.g. IP address) that can be
Hash functions Ooka et al. [86] OF 1.0
processed by OpenFlow
OF 1.0 and
Blefari-Mellazzi controller,
CoNet Using IP option header as name filed
et al. [83-85] Implemented in

Integrating ICN and SDN can help emerging technologies grow efficiently and easily face the challenges in today’s
networks. Supporting mobility and cloud computing are two controversial subjects in today’s networks due to
inconsistency with IP protocol. SDN can be used to make the best and optimized decisions for VM migration based on
the controllers’ view of network and automatically update the network devices configurations after migration [5].
One of the advantages of implementing ICN over SDN is to improve ICN’s functionalities. In [89] a routing protocol is
proposed which supports mobility by means of controller. This can be easily implemented using software defined ICN.
In [90] the authors, discussed the role of virtualization in NDN (an architecture based on ICN) and outlined traffic
optimization, traffic engineering and in-network catching management as the advantages of implementing NDN over
SDN, specially for multimedia traffics.
242 Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology

5.2. Multimedia and QOS

Today’s internet architecture is based on end-to-end communication control which enables best effort services. This is
valuable for data transmission but not for multimedia traffics. Multimedia applications such as video streaming, video
on demand, video conferencing, WebTV and etc. require steady network resources and tolerate special amount of delay,
jitter and error-rate. Providing these QOS requirements needs to select optimum path among all paths available in the
network[91], [92]. QOS architectures like IntServ [93] and DiffServ [94] are proposed for this purpose, which have
difficulties. They have lack of a centralized view of the network and choose the path in a hop-by-hop manner which
may not be the optimum path. They also need specialized software and hardware requirements for implementation.
Software defined networks make it possible to select different paths for different traffic flows by use of different routing
protocols (performing routing prioritization), based on flow’s requirements and a centralized view of the network.
Moreover, OF has some QOS features. In OF 1.0 the flows’ packets can be queued in output ports. This queuing
mechanism can be configured through protocols such as SNMP, CLI and NetConf [95]. By use of an auxiliary
configuration protocol named OF-Config [96] maximum and minimum transmission rate of queues can be configured.
OF 1.1 added support for rewriting ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification) bits. The most important feature is table
meters which have been supported since OF 1.3. This feature enables rate limiting. Many projects [91, 92, 97, 98]
proposed enhancement or optimization methods for multimedia QOS over SDN. A summary of these projects are
presented in Table 6.

Table 6: Multimedia and QOS Projects over SDN

Project Application Features used Implementation
Civanlar et.al Scalable video
Routing prioritization OF 1.0 , NOX
[91] streaming
Network QOS
Kim et.al [97] Rate limiting and queuing OF 1.3, NOX
Owens and QOS-routing, Queuing and rate limiting(traffic
Video OF 1.3.1 (simulation)
Durresi [98] shaping) – an IntServ like scheme
Egilmez et.al OF 1.0 , Floodlight
Video Routing prioritization (dynamic QOS routing)
[92] Controller

5.3. Network management

SDN caused an abstract picture of network for simplified policy enforcement and network management so network
management is applied from one logical point. OF architecture, as a part of SDN architecture, made network
management more flexible, control in the packet or flow granularity levels. Management in software defined network
from a centralized logical point upon flow-table at controllers and using that flow-tables distributed in network
(switches) cause a flexible network management [99]. Here are some efforts accomplished in the field of network
Network configuration because of A) high-level policies specifications in a distributed low-level configuration (using
CLI) mode and B) mutable network state is difficult [99]. Authors also in [99] authors solved three problems SDN
network management: frequently changes happening in a network, using a high level language for network
configuration, fault and error recognition and troubleshooting. They did it by Procera, an event-driven control
framework based on SDN paradigm which is based on functional reactive programming (FRP) and OF 1.0.0. High level
policies could be translates into a set of rules and four control domain is in operators’ hand: time, data usage and
authentication status and traffic flow. Another control system is integrated network management and control system (I-
NMCS) discovery and fault detection [100]. Provisioning and control are combined together and is modular, loose
coupling, with low overhead and extensible. I-NMCS is used in a hybrid mode which means that only selected flows
will be handled by the controllers and rest of the flows will be exerted by network protocols. This is because of authors’
thought that traditional network management and SDN in future networks would be co-exists with each other. Security
management is another aspect of network management. Some applications implemented in controllers brings complex
processing more than security. In [101] an algorithm of information security management system combined with fuzzy
logic and a prototype of intrusion detection system (IDS) is presents. Using fuzzy logic in this paper decreases number
of code lines 20-30%. For event-based network control approach, Lithium [102] system and for minimal visibility of
performance and control, a programmable measurement platform approach resulting BISmark [103] are offered. In
[104] an online configuration management problem which uses OF and includes agility, accuracy, reliability and
scalability is presented. This framework is consists of two parts: disaster event detection and filtering segment and
disaster correlation and detector management segment. More efforts are doing in network management fields from
performance to security.
Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology 243

5.4. Network virtualization

Network virtualization is one of the important research areas of today’s network that enable users to share resource and
infrastructure. SDN due to central controller is discussed as a solution to manage virtual networks [5].
In [105] J. Matias et.al presented the EHU OF Enabled Facility (EHU-OEF), a system for managing virtual networks
and sharing infrastructure based on layer 2 and OF. The authors were selected L2PNV for implementation their system.
The benefits of using layer 2 prefix-based network virtualization (L2PNV) for network virtualization consist of ease of
configuration and flexibility of header fields that allows users to create different slice and different virtual network. R.
Nejbati et.al in [106] was proposed cross-layer approach for network isolation based on OF to optimize Network
virtualization without interfering between different slice so users are enable to modify the behavior of own virtual
network. The suggested solution was based on FlowVisor and SCML. Slice Control and Management Layer (SCML) is
used for management and monitoring slices infrastructure operations.
I. M. Moraes et al. in [107] suggested FITS, a test-bed for completely isolated virtual network with different QoS. FITS
provided the possibility for researchers to choose Xen [108], hypervisor for virtualization with the best performance and
high ability to manage resource, or OF to test and perform their experiments. Measurement tools of FITS monitor the
state of physical and virtual network that helped administrator to manage and allocate resource optimally.

5.5. Cloud and data center

One area that SDN has been attended a lot is Cloud Services and data center. One of the main characteristics of cloud is
that users gain the adequate resources based on requirement in real time[109]. Cloud management is the most important
challenge that has always been and many solutions have been proposed for that. SDN is highly regarded as one of the
newest solutions, which makes it possible to configure and manage cloud and data center easily. In [110] Anderson et.al
implemented cloud data center using OF and they found that SDN based implementation is faster and easier to
configure because of SDN centralized controller and abstraction management plan. The other challenge of cloud system
is maintain costs, that SDN due to centralized location management solve this problem well [5, 109].
Oracle SDN is an example of system that virtualizes data center using definition connectivity in software. This system
connects virtual machine to other virtual machines and network servers with 70 percent simpler infrastructure. Using
Oracle Fabric Manager’s interface configuration and monitoring virtual network is possible from any location. It is
claimed that the cost of Oracle SDN system compared with legacy network is 50 percent less where as you benefit of up
to 80 GB/s server-to-server throughput [111].
Raghavendra et.al in [112] introduce NetGraph, a software architecture to manage SDN based cloud systems. This
system is shared graph library and provides a module with a set of API for monitoring and diagnostics cloud system.
Hedera which is presented by Al-Fares et al. [113], define Dynamic Flow Scheduling for Data Center Networks using
OF. A central scheduler makes it possible to balance load based on active flow state on whole system.
In [114] propose cross stratum resilience architecture for OF enabled data center interconnection. Deployment of virtual
machines to server is utilized based on service type. Managing resources, degree of their occupation and backup
mechanisms are used for resource maintenance. This system is designed for Flexi-Grid optical networks. Hui Yang et.al
argued that system has improved end to end responsiveness and optimized resource usage.

5.6. Security
Due to centralized architecture of SDN, it used to detect security problem. Supervision of SDN on whole network flow
and monitoring behavior of users makes SDN possible to detect attack rapidly and prevent more damage. Many
researchers introduced mechanisms to detect Dos and DDos attack -because of flooding based behavior of them. The
example of such system is introduced by Junho Suh et.al in [115] that is implemented on NetFPGA-OF platform.
Chu et al. in [116] introduced system which uses OF switch on edge to pass only safe traffic which is defined on flow
table and LISP (Locator/ID separation protocol) to recognize trusty user
In [117] have been explored solutions for scanning-based attack. In that article J. Jafarian et.al introduced OF Random
Host Mutation (OFRHM) system which changes real IP of each host with the random virtual IP. With this mechanism
fake IP is easily detectable and system prevents large percentage of attacks such as stealthy scanning, worm propagation
and etc. OF responsibility is assigned the virtual IP to host frequently.
Considering policy based security is another security solution that Xiong Liu et.al in [118] have dealt with. They
introduced multilevel security system that prevents information of specific level which gathered by same or lower level
host. In designing system is used OF is used to monitor packet and check content so filter packet with security problem.
Main idea of Y. Jubaa et.al paper in [119] is to isolate network device dynamically from intra-LAN attack using OF. In
suggested architecture IDS component is responsible for detecting attacks and recognizing unsecure devises and inform
OF controller. They argue that results have shown this architecture is effective enough on actual LAN.
One problem of SDN approach anomaly detection is that when network traffic is high gathering full data from flow
table is not efficient so K. Giotis et.al in [120] suggested solution to optimal real time detection system. They combined
244 Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology

sFlow [121] and OF and used sampling instead of full flow information and benefited entropy-based algorithm to detect
and mitigate anomaly. The authors stated that in low traffic situation performance of system is comparable with native
OF architecture.

5.7. Wireless and mobile

SDN can be applied in wireless sensor network [122]. Generally, using SDN in WSNs provided the SDN benefits such
as flexibility, easier management, optimized resource utilization, etc. The network controllers have the power to set
policies to support several applications by utilizing sensor based software defined wireless network. Also this approach
would permit using the same sensor nodes for several applications.
OF can be used for applying flexible control in Wireless Mesh Networks [123]. This approach benefits both features of
Mesh networks and OF which are self-configuration and flexible forwarding, respectively.
To apply concepts of abstraction to wireless ad hoc network of smartphone, software defined networking in ad hoc
networks [124] was developed. This Hybrid platform has been implemented on Android operating system. The
purposed platform is more modular and easier for modification and extension of its components.
Other use case were mentioned in [57] referred the benefit of based SDN, such as Inter-cell interference management
and Mobile traffic management. OF could provide seamless handover, dynamic resource management for wireless
backhaul, power consumption optimization in mobile backhaul network, Security and Backhaul Optimization and etc.

6. Challenges
Software defined network and OF have confronted with some challenges. Security needs to be everywhere within SDN:
A) architecture and its controller, applications, devices, channels (TLS with plain text) and flow table, B) services (to
protect availability), C) connected resources and D) information. Also a robust policy framework in order to check and
balance controllers, a recovery, report policy and security deployment is still very much up for grabs. The solutions
should be simple to deploy and maintain, cost effective and assuredly secure. A new category called software-defined
security (SDSec) which is an example of network functions virtualization (NFV) delivers network security enforcement
by separating the security control plane from processing and forwarding planes [126].
Besides security, availability (controllers’ existence), flexibility [5], [15], [55], [127], controllers and applications
compatibility, link and controller reliability are considerable issues. A centralized controller could recover itself in some
processes by using backup flows in a way that is not as faster as it is expected [55].
Capital and operational expenses called CAPEX and OPEX is another challenge debated by OF adapters. Availability
and reducing system bottleneck would increase CAPEX, however adapters believe that using software defined network
and OF reduce the CAPEX. OPEX in SDN would be decreased by diminishing the number of human based
configuration, time and error prone fields [55].
Besides these challenges there are some implementation issues for example having 40+ matching fields in a flow,
several tables and their large number of flow entries, instructions and actions, flow level programming and controllers'
own way programming that must be considered. Also lack of standard APIs in case of overlapping domain among
controllers, necessity of encryption APIs for data plane packets, injection APIs for packet and instantaneous APIs for
services like IDS and firewall on a switch, absence of operations in case of absence of controller, existence of other
packet format are regarding too [128].

7. Conclusion
In this survey, we provided an overview of software defined networks. We introduced programmable networks such as
SOFTNET, SANE, ForCes, etc. which resulted the SDN paradigm. Then we described the SDN architecture in three
layers: control layer, infrastructure layer and application layer. We discussed about the control layer and its different
control platforms such as Floodlight, RYU, OpenDaylight, etc., the infrastructure layer, available switches and their
capabilities. Also the northbound interfaces and southbound interfaces including different versions of OpenFlow
protocol, XMPP and OnePK were described. Wireless architectures such as OpenRoad, SoftRan and SoftCell are also
explained. We also described different tools for testing SDN. We compared Mininet, EstiNet and NS3 as SDN
simulators and emulators. We discussed different hardware and software tools and test-beds for SDN. At last we
introduced SDN applications and research trends such as software defined ICN, virtualization, wireless and mobile
networks, cloud and datacenters, multimedia over SDN and the works done on security of SDN . We also point out the
existing challenges of using SDN.
Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology 245

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