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Winter 2012 Introduction to Mechatronics

ENGG 3490
Introduction to Mechatronics Systems Design
Instructor: Dr. Mohammad Biglarbegian
Office: Thornborough 2339
Phone: 519-824-4120 Ext. 56248
Email: mbiglarb at uoguelph.ca
Office Hours: Wednesdays 1:30-2:30pm or with appointment

TA: Mr. Matthew Mayhew

Email: mmayhew at uoguelph.ca
Office Hours: Tuesdays 4:00-5:00pm, Wednesdays 5:30-6:30pm

Technician: Mr. Nathaniel Groendyk

groendyk at uoguelph.ca

Class Hours: Monday/Wednesday/Friday, 11:30am-12:20pm, MACK room 115

Labs: Tuesdays 10:30 am-12:20 pm, THRN Room 2307

Midterm Exam: 7pm - 9pm, Wednesday, Feb. 29th, MACK 121

Final Exam: 7pm - 9pm, (2012/04/16), Room TBA

Outlines: This course covers an introduction to mechatronics systems. Mechatronics, in general,

is involved with mechanical, electrical and computer systems. Recently, mechatronics have
found a variety of applications in many fields especially in automation and manufacturing
industries. In this course, you will learn about mechatronics systems: how are they designed and
controlled. We will cover programmable logic controller (PLC), review and modeling of
mechatronic systems, sensing and measurement, sensors and applications, actuators and their
applications, modeling and control of electric motors (dc and ac), as well as stepper and servo
motors. You will also learn about other electromechanical systems such as transformers and their
applications. We will introduce some control techniques for mechatronic systems, and finally we
briefly review robotics and their recent advances. By the end of the term, you should have a good
understanding of design, modeling and control of mechatronic systems. This course contains
theory and practical applications of those systems. More importantly, the course has hands-on
and practical projects which provide you with great skill sets required to succeed in your career.
Winter 2012 Introduction to Mechatronics

This course covers the following topics:

1. Introduction to mechatronic systems: basics

2. Programmable logic controller (PLC)
3. Mechatronic systems: review and modeling
4. Sensing and measurement
5. Sensors and actuators and their applications
6. Transformers and Electric motors
7. Special motors used in mechatronic systems
8. Control of mechatronics systems
9. Introduction to robotics and recent advancements

The breakdown of the marking scheme is:

1. Midterm 10%
2. Assignments 10%
2. Project and presentation 20%
3. Lab 30%
4. Final 30%

Both midterm and final exams have questions and problems. Questions are related to the
fundamental understanding of the concepts taught in class. For both exams you are allowed to
bring your own only one-page aid sheet (double-side) which can only have formulas (No solved
problems, no description, no explanation, no figures, no diagrams, no graphs, no curves, no
tables, etc.)

The project and presentation is about PLC design for which the class will be divided into two
sections. In each section (which has about 16 students), students will be grouped into four groups
(each group has maximum of 4 students).

1. The first section starts their PLC project on Jan. 17th. The final project demonstration is
Feb. 14th and final report due is Feb. 17th.

2. The next section starts their PLC project on Feb. 28th. The final project demonstration is
March 27th and final report due is March 30th.

Note: Groupings will be done in the lab. The deadlines are firm and cannot be extended. There is
no late policy for the demo. Late demonstration is not acceptable. Each group needs to
demonstrate their project (whatever they have done by the deadline).
Winter 2012 Introduction to Mechatronics

Late policies for the report only:

-25% deduction if the report is submitted late within 24 hours of the deadline (i.e. within 1 day)
-50% deduction if the report is submitted late within 48 hours of the deadline (i.e. within 2 days)
-reports are not accepted beyond that (i.e. grade of 0)

There are four labs (lab 0 is introduction) throughout the term which you are supposed to
complete with a group of 3-4 people. Lab reports are due in the lab sessions and the TA will go
over the deadlines as they occur. Reports are usually due the week the next lab starts (i.e. the lab
1 report is due the week the lab 2 starts).

Please check http://www.soe.uoguelph.ca/webfiles/el2307/engg3490/engg3490.html

for details on the labs.

Late policies:
-25% deduction if the report is submitted late within 24 hours of the deadline (i.e. within 1 day)
-50% deduction if the report is submitted late within 48 hours of the deadline (i.e. within 2 days)
-reports are not accepted beyond that (i.e. grade of 0)

Note: Grouping for the labs is also done in the lab. For remarking the labs and projects, please
discuss with the TA in the lab.

Assignments are given throughout the semester. Some of the assignments require using
Matlab/Simulink for simulations.

Late policies:
-50% deduction (within 1 day after the deadline)
- reports are not accepted after 24 hours of their deadline

There is no single textbook in general for Mechatronics course simply because Mechatronics is
multidisciplinary. The followings books are great sources:

1. “Applied Mechatronics”, A. Smaili, F Mrad, Oxford University Press, 2008.


2. “Mechatronics: Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical

Engineering”, W. Bolton, 4th edition, Prentice Hall, 2008.
Winter 2012 Introduction to Mechatronics

3. “Programmable Logic Controllers”, Frank D. Petruzella, 3/E, McGrawHill, 2011.

4. “Programmable Logic Controller”, J. R. Hackworth, F. D. Hackworth, Jr., 4th edition, Prentice

Hall, 2004.

5. “Mechatronics”, Dan S. Necsulescu, Prentice Hall, 2002.

6. Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, D. Alciator and M. Histand, 4th


7. “Principles of Robot Motion”, H. Choset, K. M. Lynch, S. Hutchinson, G. Kantor, W.

Burgard, L. E. Kavraki and S. Thrun, MIT Press, Boston, 2005

8. “Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering”, by G. Rizzoni, McGraw-Hill, 5th

edition, 2007.

9. “Electric Machinary Fundamental”, by S. J. Chapman, McGraw-Hill, 5th edition, 2011.

Note: Students are responsible to frequently check the course website and the contents that might
be modified (or revised) throughout the term.

University Policy on Academic Misconduct:

Academic misconduct, such as plagiarism, is a serious offence at the University of Guelph.
Please consult the Undergraduate Calendar 2011-2012 and School of Engineering programs
guide, for offences, penalties and procedures relating to academic misconduct.

The instructor reserves the right to change any or all of the above in the event of appropriate
circumstances, subject to the University of Guelph Academic Regulations.

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