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Examining the viability of lean production

practices in the Industry 4.0 era: an empirical

evidence based on B2B garment
manufacturing sector
Palash Saha and Subrata Talapatra
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Khulna University of Engineering and Technology, Khulna, Bangladesh
H.M. Belal
School of Business and Management, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK and Woxsen School of Business,
Hyderabad, India, and
Victoria Jackson, Amanda Mason and Olatunde Durowoju
School of Business and Management, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK

Purpose – This study aims to investigate the influence of the interrelationship between the deployment of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) technologies and the
application of lean production (LP) practices on the degree of organizational sustainability performance (SP) enhancement of the Bangladeshi ready-
made garment (RMG) sector.
Design/methodology/approach – Previously, researchers have applied the resource-based view (RBV) or dynamic capability view (DCV) to describe
the interaction of resources and capacities (technologies, management practices, SP) to analyze their effectiveness. However, in light of several
contemporary academic discussions, this study contends that these organizational views are inappropriate for explicating SP. Hence, as the foundation
of this study’s theoretical framework, the authors used the practice-based view (PBV), which is recommended as a useful window to evaluate the
function of practices that are common and simple to emulate in execution. To test the theoretical framework and research hypothesis, this study used
partial least square (PLS) analysis. For that, the authors carried out a systematic survey to collect data from 80 Bangladeshi RMG factories.
Findings – The results of this research imply that LP is a crucial factor in enhancing organizational SP. Moreover, the results also indicate that the
adoption of I4.0 technologies along with LP can assist in delivering the lean objectives more efficiently and, therefore, the combined application of
LP practices and I4.0 technologies play a significant role in enhancing organizational SP.
Originality/value – Though the present literature indicates the probable significant association between LP and SP or I4.0 technologies and SP, no
study, with the best of the authors’ knowledge, has empirically examined the combined impacts of correlation between LP and I4.0 on SP. This is
also a unique study to apply the PBV theory to explain the organizational SP through the combination of common resources and technologies.
Keywords Lean production, Sustainability performance, Industry 4.0, Structural equation modeling
Paper type Research paper

1. Introduction collaborators and legislators (Getele et al., 2022). There has

been increasing pressure on manufacturing industries due to
Sustainability has been considered a progressive notion that
the severe world financial and ecological circumstances, to
evolves as a result of adapting to fluctuating conditions (Wang
combine diverse supply chain approaches for satisfying
et al., 2022). In the industrial setting, the concept of
consumer expectations proficiently and dexterously while
sustainability emphasizes the critical linkages between
complying with ecological and social criteria (Ghaithan et al.,
economic development, environmental challenges and social
difficulties (Ahmed et al., 2020). In this present day, 2021; Zhou et al., 2022). Due to the increased pressure from
sustainability has emerged as an urgent obligation for firms policymakers for enterprises to be ecologically and socially
seeking to thrive in today’s age because of the dangers posed by conscious, companies have recognized the fundamental
conventional industrial processes and laws enforced by importance of sustainable performance in gaining a business
edge (Chowdhury et al., 2022; Nand et al., 2022). This has
prompted both business executives and scholars to devise novel
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald techniques for obtaining organizational sustainability
Insight at: performance (SP), which will help to boost business
competitiveness. Several research works (Afum et al., 2021;

Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing

38/12 (2023) 2694–2712 Received 14 January 2023
© Emerald Publishing Limited [ISSN 0885-8624] Revised 31 March 2023
[DOI 10.1108/JBIM-01-2023-0029] Accepted 24 April 2023

Viability of lean production practices Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Palash Saha et al. Volume 38 · Number 12 · 2023 · 2694–2712

Ali et al., 2021; Ghaithan et al., 2021; Wadood et al., 2022) escalated the study interest toward how LP practices and I4.0
have suggested that the implementation of lean production can potentially work together to produce greater performance.
(LP) practices may enhance a company’s environmental, social Several authors have provided summaries of the studies in this
and economic effectiveness. field, including Buer et al. (2018), Cagnetti et al. (2021), Ciano
LP practices have been widely embraced and diffused et al. (2021), Gallo et al. (2021) and Silvestri et al. (2022).
throughout several business areas. LP practices are a collection Industry data also demonstrate that businesses may develop
of approaches used to boost productivity as well as minimize multidimensional solutions by incorporating the I4.0 with LP
production expenses (Ali et al., 2021; Hao et al., 2021), practices and get benefits from both (Valamede and Akkari,
decrease environmental damage (Bibby and Dehe, 2018; 2020; Tortorella et al., 2021). Besides, the integration of LP
Wadood et al., 2022) and boost social sustainability (Kamble practices with I4.0 adoption may aid in the removal or
et al., 2019; Eskandari et al., 2022). With respect to the reduction of various hurdles to LP deployment. The
environmental area, the contribution of LP practices in accessibility of real-time information supplied by
enhancing product durability and reducing stored components modernization and I4.0 technologies is valuable for
has resulted in lower pollution levels and a slower rate of understanding existing challenges via value stream mapping
resource diminution (Varela et al., 2019). In terms of the (VSM), an LP practice (Marinelli et al., 2021; Ali and Phan,
economy, LP practices deliver techniques that help to reduce 2022). Besides, the merging of I4.0 and LP will encourage the
waste, consequently boosting market volume and profitability growth of lean philosophy in manufacturing industries and
(Afum et al., 2021). Regarding the social context, LP practices lower projected threats related to I4.0’s high installation costs.
help to reduce waste and improve workplace health and Additionally, their collaboration might aid in reducing non-
security, hence enhancing societal living circumstances (Hao value-added activities and costs in situations where using LP
et al., 2021). Since LP practices are connected to process practices alone is impractical. Furthermore, their integration
development, they aid in establishing a sustainable supply chain might also help to reduce the deployment expenses of I4.0
and operational effectiveness (Sajan et al., 2017; Eskandari technologies, which are more expensive to execute if LP
et al., 2022). Numerous pieces of research (Kamble et al., 2019; practices are not advanced (Kamble et al., 2019; Hao et al.,
Hao et al., 2021; Eskandari et al., 2022; Wadood et al., 2022) 2021; Wang et al., 2021; Wadood et al., 2022).
have been conducted to evaluate the links between LP practices Unfortunately, research on the incorporation of I4.0 into
and environmental and economic performance. But these other strategic techniques, such as LP, is currently limited.
studies contain a limitation. The influence of LP practices on Numerous earlier articles (Tortorella et al., 2019; Rosin et al.,
organizational SP, considering concurrently environmental, 2020; Ciano et al., 2021; Gallo et al., 2021; Silvestri et al.,
social and economic dimensions, has gained less emphasis in 2022) aimed to investigate how various LP practices may profit
the existing studies. Manufacturing organizations must weigh from the adoption of a specific set of technology. Furthermore,
up their ecological, social and financial capabilities to succeed several studies (Kamble et al., 2019; Rossini et al., 2019;
in the present dynamic marketplace (Barua, 2021). We Cagnetti et al., 2021; Silvestri et al., 2022) have proposed a
consider this as an obvious research gap. To fill this gap, we favorable link between LP and I4.0, although the literature
propose our first research question (RQ1): What are the impacts lacks empirical evidence of this kind of interaction. Thus,
of LP practices on organizational SP, considering the scientific confirmation of the interaction between I4.0 and LP
environmental, social and financial dimensions? practices is nascent, and further research is needed to properly
However, despite the fact that LP has aided numerous comprehend if this association has an influence on
businesses in reducing waste and improving a number of organizational SP. We consider this as an obvious research gap.
performance aspects, many businesses continue to struggle in To to fill this gap, we propose our second research question
their attempts to become lean businesses (Buer et al., 2018; Ali (RQ2): What is the combined impact of I4.0 and LP practices on
et al., 2021). Many businesses fail to examine the strategic organizational SP?
alignment of LP techniques, attempting to deploy them in Many business researchers consider SP to be a dynamic
situations in which they are inappropriate (Shi et al., 2022). capability. However, we dispute the appropriateness of the
Others may find that the fundamental procedures of LP are dynamic capability view (DCV) to the research field of this
insufficient and therefore do not suit the firm’s operational work on several grounds. First, Dubey et al. (2022)
needs (Agarwal et al., 2021). Furthermore, although they conceptualized that the primary goal of DCV is to justify
appear to be successful in the early LP adoption stage, many sustained competitive advantages, which has been considered a
businesses struggle to maintain the inaugural enthusiasm of dependent variable in the DCV. However, in obtaining
their LP initiative (Solke et al., 2022). To handle these organizational SP, we have to focus on business unit
difficulties, it is necessary to explore the offerings provided by performance, which is relevant to the assumption of the
information and communication technologies (ICTs). practice-based view (PBV). Second, Bag et al. (2021)
LP, which has its roots in the 1950s era Toyota Production highlighted that DCV requires inimitable, unmatched
System, is not dependent on any type of ICT in its most basic resources to gain sustained competitive advantages. But, LP
form (Vanichchinchai, 2021). However, the desire to obtain practices and I4.0 are kinds of standard, publicly available
more business competitiveness has placed pressure on firms to practices which can clarify substantial performance variance.
update their present manufacturing processes and procedures This also seems relevant to the PBV. Therefore, in line with
to more sophisticated heights by leveraging the technological Dubey et al.’s (2022) considerations, we propose that the PBV
advances of the Industry 4.0 (I4.0) era (Ali and Phan, 2022). is a much clearer and more inclusive substitute to the DCV for
The development of sophisticated I4.0 technologies has analyzing organizational SP.

Viability of lean production practices Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Palash Saha et al. Volume 38 · Number 12 · 2023 · 2694–2712

Here, we also observe a significant research gap in the 2.1 Practice-based view
strategic management literature, supported by concepts other The PBV of strategy was proposed by Bromiley and Rau
than DCV, in comprehending the links among LP, I4.0 and (2014) in response to a gap in the literature. This gap,
SP. To fill the above-mentioned research gaps, we developed a according to Bromiley and Rau (2014), consisted of a lack of
theoretical framework based on the PBV. The developed practical methods to help managers and businesses to
theoretical framework was then validated with survey data improve business processes and performance. As a result,
collected from 80 Bangladeshi ready-made garment (RMG) Bromiley and Rau (2014) propose the PBV as a substitute to
firms, deploying the partial least square-structural equation the more long-standing RBV of the firm, or its spin-off, the
modeling (PLS-SEM) technique. This present study provides DCV. The PBV is more applicable to the field of supply
several significant theoretical contributions. First, the chain management, as this is a high practically-oriented
application of the PBV concept in the operations management discipline that needs a practically-oriented theory (Bromiley
research field will help to analyze the degree to which LP can and Rau, 2014).
contribute to the organizational SP. Second, acknowledging As background, the PBV is based on the idea that even
the significance of the presence of I4.0 with LP practices to seemingly unimportant daily operations at any given company,
boost the organizational SP will enrich the literature regarding may have an impact on the overall operational performance and
sustainable development. This study also provides some efficiency (Bromiley and Rau, 2014; Dubey et al., 2022).
Conversely, the RBV and DCV both attempt to describe how a
valuable managerial insights for industrial practitioners.
company’s assets or capacities result in better performance or
Although Bangladesh is ranked as one of the leading
contribute to the maintenance of outstanding performance
manufacturers in textile industries, many companies have not
(Bag et al., 2021; Awwad et al., 2022). However, Bromiley and
fully entered the I4.0 era. In this situation, this research may
Rau (2014) contend that the RBV and the DCV concepts are
assist policymakers in taking steps toward entering the I4.0 era,
only appropriate to a minimum number of enterprises in a
much like their competitors in other regions. Moreover, the
business. Consequently, those average enterprises generating
results of this study can aid executives in understanding the
minor but substantial development, do not match the
influence of the presence of the I4.0 technologies along with LP applicability of these views.
practices to enhance the organizational SP. This will help Additionally, both RBV and DCV concentrate on the
policymakers and business executives to build strategies and expository factors that produce competitive advantage (Bag
policies to excel in I4.0 technologies and LP practices. Besides et al., 2021; Lu et al., 2022). Nonetheless, the SP of an
the theoretical and managerial contributions, this study offers organization includes factors from not only an economic
several social contributions also. The use of advanced perspective but also various environmental and social
technologies of the I4.0 era and LP practices can improve perspectives (AlShehail et al., 2022). Whilst the economic pillar
working conditions and safety in factories. For example, smart of the triple bottom line (TBL) is of paramount importance
sensors can monitor working conditions to ensure they are safe (Yang and Wang, 2022), the PBV acknowledges that the
for employees, and robotic automation can take over dangerous concept of sustainability is a multifaceted and complex
tasks. In addition, the implementation of I4.0 and LP practices construct. Supporting this position, Yang and Wang (2022)
can lead to reduced resource usage, waste generation and emphasize that sustainable supply chain management (SSCM)
greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, the environmental encompasses the entirety of an organizations supply chain and
damage caused by production might be reduced, resulting in a is therefore about managing sustainable practices across all
more sustainable society. The implications of this study organizational remits.
regarding theoretical and managerial are discussed broadly in Whilst the incorporation of SSCM approaches into
the discussion section. organizational strategic plans is now commonplace (Yang and
The remainder of this work is organized as follows. A quick Wang, 2022), the original notion by Bromiley and Rau (2014)
discussion of the background study is presented in Section 2. still stands, and that is the need for practical techniques which
Section 3 outlines the establishment of the theoretical model can be applied by the managers and businesses themselves, to
and research hypotheses. Sections 4 and 5 present research navigate the sophisticated concept of sustainability. The PBV
procedures and data analysis, respectively. Section 6 represents recognizes that SSCM is the outcome of cooperation,
an overall discussion along with the practical and theoretical experimentation and experiential learning. This coupled with
implications of this empirical research. Finally, the concluding the significance placed on environmental, social and economic
comments of this study are presented in Section 7. norms in molding behavior, can then pave the way for the
creation of strategic and efficient interventions to foster
2. Theoretical background sustainability. The RBV and DCV approaches place a strong
focus upon economic performance (Dubey et al., 2022),
In this segment, at first, we analyze the PBV theory as the however, sustainability involves social and environmental
theoretical foundation of our study and its applicability in this success too. As such, the RBV and the DCV are inappropriate
study field. Then, we explore the existing literature on LP as an to explain SP. As such, sustainability management academics
independent construct and SP as a dependent construct. We should focus on the common practices that might enhance the
also review the existing literature on I4.0 as a moderating effectiveness of SSCM, which can be achieved under the PBV
construct between the relationship LP-I4.0. In the next approach.
segment, we develop our theoretical framework and research Some scholars hold the perspective that sustainability
hypotheses. management is only an extension of corporate supply chain

Viability of lean production practices Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Palash Saha et al. Volume 38 · Number 12 · 2023 · 2694–2712

management techniques (Alraja et al., 2022; Lu et al., 2022). distinctions, scholars have proposed a variety of techniques
However, other researchers argue that despite certain under the same notion. Negrão et al. (2017) created a table with
similarities, these two fields of management are vastly different a summary of five categories of practices, including 34
regarding their objectives (Tiwari et al., 2020; Saha et al., measuring items for evaluating LP implementation, which they
2022). Therefore, practicing sustainability management identified in the previous studies. Mayr et al. (2018) found 24
necessitates a different set of expertise. In contrast to corporate practices that they classified into 8 categories to develop a tool
supply chain management, losses in sustainability management to measure the extent of LP adoption in production industries.
are not evaluated only in terms of higher operating costs or Pettersen (2009) used 36 LP practices, divided into 6
project delays. An absence of effective environmental measures categories, to look at how these practices impact organizational
can largely damage the environmental pillar of sustainability sustainability in manufacturing industries. Shah and Ward
(Tiwari et al., 2020; Russo-Spena et al., 2022). Hence, the RBV (2007), undoubtedly one of the most cited publications on
or DCV concepts are not adequate for explaining sustainability measuring LP implementation, conducted a literature study to
management success, as economic performance is not the only develop an LP practices framework that included 48 measuring
measure. items of 10 categories of constructs. Sanders et al. (2016) also
Other studies have successfully applied the PBV approach to used these 48 measuring items for their study by classifying
explain SP more accurately such as Kim and Lee (2015) them into 4 major categories. Because there is still a lack of
highlighted the appropriateness of PBV to explain the broad consensus, the most often employed practices presented
sustainability of an organization. This study also proposes that by multiple previous research have been summarized in Table 1
the PBV theory is the most appropriate framework for this field to conduct this study. While this research did not consider a few
of research. of the LP constructs reported in the literature, several were
incorporated into associated constructs.
2.2 Lean production
The lean idea evolved from Japanese traditions (Afum et al., 2.3 Industry 4.0
2021). LP attempts to streamline the transfer of value by The term “I4.0” denotes the digitized production process
minimizing waste throughout the manufacturing process enabled by the effective collaboration of automation
(Santos et al., 2020; Solke et al., 2022). In the concept of LP, technologies such as big data, cyber–physical systems (CPS)
waste encompasses everything which does not generate value and the Internet of Things (IoT) to production (Kamble et al.,
for the final goods or services from the consumer’s point of view 2019). The fundamental goal of I4.0 is to enhance the
(Sancha et al., 2020; Ufua et al., 2022). According to Möldner effectiveness and flexibility of the production process (Hahn,
et al. (2020), LP is an approach that advocates the adoption of 2020; Mersico et al., 2022). I4.0 is not just involved in the
techniques such as total quality management (TQM), Kanban, production process in an organization; it is concerned with the
Kaizen and VSM to reduce waste and improve business entire value chain (Frank et al., 2019; Ciano et al., 2021; Cho
performance. Womack et al. (1990) established an extensive et al., 2022). Furthermore, it can monitor and sustain the whole
concept of LP that encompassed the production system’s life cycle of processes and components related to the
efficiency and effectiveness matrix. The authors claim that in introduction of new businesses (Ali and Phan, 2022).
comparison to mass production, LP uses less amount of Moreover, I4.0 has a substantial impact on the production
resources and time with respect to manual workers, production gesture; technologies related to I4.0 can effectively replace the
area, investment in machinery and new product development production planning process based on traditional forecasting
hours. Also, it implies maintaining significantly less amount of methods with flexible self-optimization (Culot et al., 2020;
the required inventory on-site, resulting in fewer mistakes and Moeuf et al., 2020).
creating a larger and ever-expanding range of items. This The notion of I4.0 is exceedingly complicated and broad,
concept covers the system’s efficiency by integrating the and there is no explicit definition of I4.0 provided in past
association between input and output and the system’s studies (Ammar et al., 2021; Arromba et al., 2021). For
effectiveness by integrating the link between output and the example, Nara et al. (2021) emphasized that I4.0 reflects the
business targets. Solke et al. (2022) stated that LP is not just a capacity of industrial systems and elements to interact. Di
technique; it can be seen as a way of innovativeness and a Maria et al. (2022) claimed that the central aspect of I4.0 lies in
holistic management perspective that inspires everyone in the the establishment of a network connected smart process
organization to advance operations on a continual basis. capable of self-optimizing operations. Besides, numerous
In addition to a holistic approach depending on a set of aims scholars provided an overview of I4.0 focused on its integration
and principles, LP covers a range of strategies, tools, methods feature, seeing I4.0 as a collection of related technological
and approaches that allow targets to be accomplished via the advancements aimed at expanding the automation of the
implementation of these applications (Fontenelle and Sagawa, organization (Matthyssens, 2019; Ciano et al., 2021; Pozzi
2021; Kovalevskaya et al., 2021). However, Valamede and et al., 2021).
Akkari (2020) discovered that no common LP application The technological flow is an essential aspect of I4.0; a
structure, as well as no specific LP implementation practices, collaboration of smart and industrial technologies may truly
methods or approaches, exists there. Also, Wadood et al. facilitate horizontal and vertical convergence across the whole
(2022) claimed that although many scholars had sought to find value chain of an organization (Cagnetti et al., 2021). However,
out the primary LP practices, scholars could not agree on the no consensus on the catalogue of I4.0 implementing
significance of the practices. The practices vary greatly technologies has been established between scholars;
depending on the scholars’ backgrounds. Because of such researchers lack common agreement, and some discrepancies

Viability of lean production practices Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Palash Saha et al. Volume 38 · Number 12 · 2023 · 2694–2712

Table 1 Literature of LP constructs

Authors LP constructs Method
Shah and Ward (2007) Supplier feedback, JIT, supplier relationship, customer participation, Confirmatory
pull, continuous flow, factor analysis (CFA)
TPM, employee participation, set up time minimization, process
Furlan et al. (2011) JIT, TQM and supply chain CFA
Kaur et al. (2013) TQM and JIT Principle component factor
Belekoukias et al. (2014) Leadership, knowledge creation, TPM, JIT, VSM, customer focus Conceptual
Sanders et al. (2016) Just-in-time (JIT), TQM, Human Resource Management (HRM) and Scoring method
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
Bevilacqua et al. (2017) Supplier management, product development, TQM, TPM, JIT CFA
Negrão et al. (2017) Waste elimination, JIT, customer relationship, workforce management CFA
and TQM
Mayr et al. (2018) Product design, customer participation, supplier relationship, JIT, Principle component factor
flexibility, people management, optimization and employee analysis
Fontenelle and Sagawa (2021) TQM, TPM, JIT, employee involvement, pull process, push process Scoring method
Solke et al. (2022) People management, knowledge creation, customer relations, CFA
customer feedback, JIT
Source: Authors’ own work

exist within the many literature disciplines (Ciano et al., 2021; of an I4.0 scenario, different I4.0 technologies have been
Pozzi et al., 2021). Rüßmann et al. (2015), in their key work on proven to influence businesses’ SP. However, empirical
the future scopes of I4.0 in manufacturing, proposed nine evidence supporting the influence of I4.0 on SP in varied
“foundations” regarding I4.0 technologies: autonomous companies is lacking in previous studies (Gupta et al., 2021;
robots, IoT, cloud computing, cybersecurity, big data, Nara et al., 2021; Patyal et al., 2022; Nand et al., 2022).
horizontal and vertical integration, additive manufacturing, Therefore, all three TBL dimensions are taken into
simulation and augmented reality. These identified consideration in this research.
foundations are also validated by many other I4.0-related works
(Kamble et al., 2019; Culot et al., 2020; Ammar et al., 2021; 3. Theoretical model and hypotheses
Pozzi et al., 2021; Di Maria et al., 2022; Saha et al., 2022). development
Table 2 summarizes the key I4.0 foundations and technologies
In this segment, we develop our theoretical research framework
addressed in this research.
based on the PBV. Then, we develop a set of hypotheses that
connect the LP construct with SP and also describe the
2.4 Sustainability performance \
mediating impact of I4.0 technologies on the relationship
The fundamental aims of manufacturing companies are to
between LP and SP.
increase economic progress and improve social welfare inside
the organization while preserving the environment for long-
3.1 Lean production and sustainability performance
term success (Abreu et al., 2021; Kumar et al., 2022).
LP is said to be an essential element for obtaining SP across all
Manufacturing organizations face diverse expectations from three dimensions in manufacturing industries (Ali et al., 2021;
various stakeholders such as vendors, regulatory authorities, Kovalevskaya et al., 2021). Regarding economic dimensions,
consumers and rivals that cannot be addressed by following a LP practices promote cost savings and a significant increase in
single purpose (Ahmed et al., 2020; Agrawal et al., 2022). To profits, which lead an organization to increase production
meet the various expectations, organizations must operate on efficiency and market advantages (Hao et al., 2021; Yang and
all the dimensions of SP, namely, economic, social and Wang, 2023). Besides, LP implementation enables value
environmental; all these dimensions are collectively known as creation across all supply chain activities, increasing product
the TBL (Elkington, 1998). TBL is widely considered the availability and resulting in increased consumer satisfaction
finest metric for assessing an industry’s SP (Khan et al., 2021; (Eskandari et al., 2022; Feng et al., 2022). In the environmental
Zhou et al., 2022). AlShehail et al. (2022) deemed economic dimension context, it has been discovered that the advantages
and environmental dimensions to measure organizational SP in offered by LP practices, such as enhanced product excellence
their study. Kamble et al. (2019) took all three dimensions of and decreased inventory status, are associated with lowering
SP into consideration in their research to measure the pollution levels (Kamble et al., 2019; Ali et al., 2021). One of
performance across Indian manufacturing industries. The the most popular LP practices, VSM, has been demonstrated to
impact of LP practices can be effectively assessed across all assist in environmental preservation by mapping resources,
three dimensions of business SP (Ghaithan et al., 2021; power and groundwater through a systematic approach
Rahman et al., 2022; Yang and Wang, 2023). In the framework (Agarwal et al., 2021; Shi et al., 2022). The incorporation of LP

Viability of lean production practices Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Palash Saha et al. Volume 38 · Number 12 · 2023 · 2694–2712

Table 2 Literature of I4.0 technologies

I4.0 foundations Technologies Sources
Autonomous robots Synergetic robots (Rüßmann et al., 2015; Pozzi et al., 2021)
Intelligent machines
Automated guided vehicles
IoT RFID tags (Buer et al., 2018; Arromba et al., 2021; Saha et al.,
Sensors 2022)
Real-time scanning
Cloud computing Cloud computing for data exchange (Matthyssens, 2019; Di Maria et al., 2022)
Cloud computing for data analytics applications
Cybersecurity Virus scanners (Frank et al., 2019; Culot et al., 2020)
Signature scanner
Big data Artificial intelligence (Culot et al., 2020; Arromba et al., 2021; Saha et al.,
Predictive analysis 2022)
Prescriptive analysis
Horizontal and vertical integration Interconnection (Nguyen et al., 2018; Cagnetti et al., 2021; Di Maria
Data sharing et al., 2022)
Additive manufacturing 3D printing (Ammar et al., 2021; Ciano et al., 2021; Saha et al.,
Simulation Product simulation (Buer et al., 2018; Cagnetti et al., 2021)
Process simulation
Augmented reality Augmented reality (Pozzi et al., 2021; Mersico et al., 2022)
Virtual reality
Source: Authors’ own work

with environmental science reduces the installation costs of process of providing machines intelligence such that they are
different environmental development projects, marginal able to discern between ordered and disordered processes on
expenses linked to pollution control, hazardous chemical their own (Rossini et al., 2019). As a result, the machines will
diffusion and waste minimization (Hao et al., 2021). In terms of automatically halt when any type of fault is detected, ensuring
social sustainability, the combination of LP and high worker- that no flawed items are manufactured (Bag and Pretorius,
engaged work behaviours have been shown to improve 2020). The use of CPS in manufacturing, a pillar of the I4.0
workplace safety (Hong et al., 2023). LP directed at equipment era, provides this intellectual knowledge to machines and hence
management, kaizen and work conditions leads to lesser enables autonomation. Then, the machines will gain the
injuries, enhancing workers’ health and safety (Wadood et al., capacity to notify irregularities more quickly, investigate the
2022). Therefore, numerous scholars claimed a favorable root causes and conduct corrective actions autonomously
association between LP and all three TBL dimensions (Sajan (Tortorella et al., 2021).
et al., 2017; Kamble et al., 2019; Afum et al., 2021; Wadood Wang et al. (2021) stated that the adoption of I4.0 does not
et al., 2022). Therefore, based on the arguments of the undermine the lean culture of an organization but instead
literature regarding the association between LP and SP, we aim serves to improve the maturity level of the lean operation. Gallo
to analyze the following hypothesis: et al. (2021) argued that I4.0 would manifest in parts that must
be incorporated into current lean structures, which will
H1. LP has a positive impact on SP. gradually enhance the adaptability of LP. In fact, the
recognition of the appropriate incorporation of modern
technologies with LP was demonstrated in the mid-1990 and
3.2 Lean production and Industry 4.0 was denoted as lean automation (LA) (Rossini et al., 2019).
In recent times, the correlation between LP and I4.0 has Lately, LA has received a lot of focus with the introduction of
received increased attention in business management studies. I4.0. Basically, some scholars argued that the adoption of I4.0
Lately, scholars and professionals have begun to analyze how could be at odds with the fundamental tenets of simplification
the joint adoption of both LP and I4.0 may considerably and continuous development, and minor gains could be
improve the organizational and economic performance of a achieved from LP, while others contend that both methods may
business. Buer et al. (2018) emphasized that precise and in- be favorably associated.
time data exchange is crucial to implement the just-in-time and For example, Valamede and Akkari (2020) noted that the
autonomation, two pillars of LP, effectively. According to current LA methods are often private solutions created to meet
them, precise inventory records are particularly crucial in lean unique and particular firm demands that may contradict the
supply chains, as substantial buffers and backup stockpiles are typical high-tech and expensive I4.0 operations. Less dubious
removed. A digitalized supply chain can aid in accomplishing about this connection, Marinelli et al. (2021) stated that I4.0
this by delivering rapid and precise information on stock levels programs are probably to be unsuccessful if they are not
and whereabouts (Silvestri et al., 2022). Autonomation is the integrated into a suitable framework that considers crucial

Viability of lean production practices Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Palash Saha et al. Volume 38 · Number 12 · 2023 · 2694–2712

production regulations provided by LP. To put it another way, Figure 1 Proposed theoretical model
scholars contend that the widespread use of advanced ICT that
undermines LP deployment could produce marginal returns, H1
which may disappoint the management in respect of a higher LP SP
degree of capital investment (Mayr et al., 2018; Rosin et al.,
2020). In contrast, numerous scholars (Kamble et al., 2019;

Cagnetti et al., 2021; Ciano et al., 2021; Silvestri et al., 2022)
presented a more favorable perspective on this kind of link.
They assert that the combined application of these approaches
would enable businesses to surpass conventional constraints in I4.0
a lean transition, resulting in significant outcomes.
Despite having various indicators, research that examines
this connection generally shows a paucity of empirical data to
Control Variables:
back up their conclusions. As a matter of fact, Buer et al. (2018) Firm Size (FS)
highlighted that the literature on LP and I4.0 regarding their Technological Intensity (TI)
compatibility is still ambiguous. Moreover, they also called for
more research on the combined impacts of this collaboration on
the organization’s various performance measures. Therefore, Source: Authors’ own work
even though this association has inspired numerous research
and real-world experiments, a lot needs to be explored to fully 4.1 Interviews and survey questionnaire design
recognize its scope. We carried out 12 semi-organized interviewing sessions in
The preceding arguments not just encourage us to analyze January 2022 with senior executives of the Bangladeshi RMG
the direct impacts of LP on SP but to analyze the compatibility sector who are engaged in policymaking and the application of
of LP to improve organizational SP in the presence of I4.0. different management tools, as well as with academic scholars
Therefore, we propose the following hypothesis: who have appropriate knowledge of research in the related field.
H2. I4.0 can mediate the association between LP and SP. The profiles of the participants of the interviewing sessions are
demonstrated in Appendix 1. Each interviewing session took,
on average, 40–50 min. At the very first of the interview session,
we requested the participants to express their perspectives
about the application of LP practices and I4.0 technologies in
3.3 Control variables
enhancing the SP of the RMG factory, as well as the cumulative
To fully explain the variance in different RMG firms, we
adaptability of LP and I4.0 technologies. The LP practices and
included two additional contextual parameters as control
modern technologies to reduce waste generation, reduce the
variables. First, firm size (FS) has been widely highlighted as a
environmental impact of industrial waste, improve health and
crucial indicator of the proper establishment of a culture of
safety issues of the employees, improve quality monitoring
continuous development, as highlighted by Shah and Ward
systems and improve the data sharing and communication
(2007). We split firms into two separate groups for this
process were proved to be one of the most frequent replies.
criterion: firms with over 500 workers and those with fewer
than 500, based on the suggestions of Tortorella et al. (2019). Then, we confirmed the developed primary hypotheses by
Second, technological intensity (TI) has been stated as a crucial questioning the importance of the adaptation of LP and I4.0
component in facilitating the greater deployment of I4.0 technologies to enhance all three dimensions of the
technologies (Rossini et al., 2019). Therefore, we considered organizational SP. Though few participants were unsure about
two groups for this criterion based on the intensity of the the collaborative application of LP practices with I4.0
technological deployment of the firm: high and medium-high technologies, a broad consensus was found among the
intensity, and low and medium-low intensity based on the participants that the adoption of LP practices with the presence
suggestions of Tortorella et al. (2019). of modern technologies of the I4.0 era has great potential to
Figure 1 illustrates the suggested theoretical model applied in achieve organizational SP at a higher degree.
this research. In the second step, to construct a questionnaire for
conducting the survey, we proceeded by reviewing the
considerable literature mainly focused on the three primary
4. Research methods themes – including LP, I4.0, and SP – to find out key issues and
A two successive mixed-methods technique was used in our constructed a preliminary measuring tool depending on the
research (Dubey et al., 2022). Step one of our research method works of the previous scholars in the quality management field
involved an exploratory qualitative interviewing process in (Shah and Ward, 2007; Sanders et al., 2016; Sajan et al., 2017;
understanding the practices compatible with the RMG sector Bibby and Dehe, 2018; Kamble et al., 2019; Rossini et al.,
involved in enhancing the organizational SP. Additionally, the 2019). From the result of the comprehensive literature study,
survey questionnaires used during step two are pre-tested. In the questionnaire has been categorized into three sections. First
the following step, we carried out a cross-sectional survey. The section includes the basic demographic set of information (age,
data received from this survey was used to assess the gender, designation) about the participants of the study and
independent and dependent constructs and proposed information about the control variables (FS and TI). Second
hypotheses. section includes questions on LP adaptation. This part aims to

Viability of lean production practices Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Palash Saha et al. Volume 38 · Number 12 · 2023 · 2694–2712

gain a sense of what the intended responders perceive about the Table 3 Sampling profile
impact of LP in their organization. Third section includes
Criteria Genre Reply (%)
questions on the extent of I4.0 technologies adaptation. The
sole purpose of this part is to assess the perspectives of our Administration Top 47.62
targeted respondents. All participants were instructed to Middle 31.74
express their perceptions about the questions provided to them Bottom 20.64
on a five-point Likert scale (where 1–5 points out to strongly Company size Large (>500 personnel) 26.98
disagree to strongly agree, respectively). Small and medium (<500 personnel) 73.02
Technological High and medium-high 31.25
4.2 Sampling and data collection intensity Low and medium-low 68.75
Our experimental context is RMG factories engaged in the Source: Authors’ own work
application of LP and advanced technologies of the I4.0 era in
Bangladesh. The unit of investigation is RMG factories, and
the survey questionnaire was developed for multiple a 95% confidence interval. Then, in accordance with the
respondents. Existing studies reveal that this investigation unit recommendations made by Iqbal et al. (2021), we approached
(RMG) gives a deep insight into the deployment of modern 25 randomly chosen non-respondents and requested to provide
technology of the I4.0 era and management techniques that a response to one question from each section of our theoretical
impact the organizational SP (Talapatra et al., 2020; Barua, framework. The resulting t-test shows no substantial disparities
2021). between responders and non-responders at the level of a 95%
We gathered the contact information of 145 RMG factories confidence interval. As a result, we may infer that non-response
with the help of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and bias seems hardly a significant problem for this study.
Exporters Association (BGMEA), which is a national trade
association representing Bangladeshi garment manufacturers 4.3 Measures
(Talapatra et al., 2020). Next, we looked into the specifics of Measures had been adapted from scales developed in previous
each RMG factory through an internet search and found 80 studies to minimize scale multiplication. We used a multi-item
RMG factories that are utilizing the modern technologies of the variable measurement for our suggested conceptual model to
I4.0 era and business management techniques such as LP in increase reliability, assure wider variety among survey
improving the organizational SP. participants and minimize measurement inaccuracy (Churchill,
Therefore, the sample size for our empirical analysis is 80 1979). A total of 30 items (15 items of LP, 7 items of I4.0 and 8
RMG factories, and from each factory, 4–6 employees, on items of SP) were taken into consideration for all the latent
average, were taken as survey respondents in this multiple- constructs to operationalize. Before including items in the
respondent survey analysis. The target participants were finishing draft, each item was verified by five experts from
included from all levels of administration (top, middle and different areas of industry and the academy to ensure that the
bottom) who have appropriate knowledge about the content was legitimate. All the advice of the specialists has been
deployment of the modern technologies of the I4.0 era and LP taken into account in our study. The specialists’ advice allowed
practices. Because of the Covid outbreak, just e-platforms (e- the right phrasing to be used to enhance the queries. The
mails) were used to collect the necessary data. We surveyed measurements were originally developed in English and
between May 2022 and September 2022 on Bangladeshi RMG thereafter translated into Bangla by two specialists fluent in
organizations that are familiar with the application of the digital both English and Bangla. The Bangla edition was further
technologies of the I4.0 era. The random sampling technique translated back into English, and several differences between
was used to collect the data. After two phases of reminder English and Bangla expressions were resolved (Brislin, 1970).
notifications, 63 comprehensive and relevant replies were A comprehensive list containing all the measuring items related
retrieved, having a response rate of 63/80 = 78.75%. This to latent constructs considered in our study is presented in
response rate is suitable enough to assess the proposed Appendix 2.
theoretical framework confirmed by the previous survey-based
research (Gupta et al., 2019; Talapatra et al., 2020; Saha et al., 5. Data analysis
2022). Due to the budget limitation, no gifts or offerings were
provided to the respondents. Table 3 shows the responder SEM and factor analysis (FA) are the two most extensively used
profiles along with the response percentage of every category. approaches in previous studies for identifying structural
As depicted, top management accounted for 47.62% of the relationships between latent variables (Mai and Liao, 2022).
total respondents, whereas middle management accounted for The bulk of scholars picked the first approach because of being
31.74%, and the rest went to bottom management. more sophisticated and advanced than the other (Hair et al.,
Next, we checked non-response bias in the gathered data set 2014; Dubey et al., 2018; Gupta and Shankar, 2022). SEM is
in two different manners. At first, we compared the replies of considered a multivariate approach that methodically combines
early and late waves of collected questionnaires to adjust for FA with path analysis which makes the technique more
non-response bias (Armstrong and Overton, 1997). The sophisticated (Ghaithan et al., 2021; Iqbal et al., 2021). Again,
overall sample was divided into equal-sized groups and ordered covariance-based SEM (CB-SEM) and variance-based PLS or
as per the weekdays on which replies arrived. Comparison PLS-SEM are the two most widely used approaches among
analysis between the two groups was performed by conducting different types of SEM approaches. PLS-SEM is primarily
a t-test, which showed an insignificant difference at the level of concerned with the analysis of variance (Hair et al., 2019). This

Viability of lean production practices Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Palash Saha et al. Volume 38 · Number 12 · 2023 · 2694–2712

study used WarpPLS, a statistical program to analyze the data using HTMT ratio, we compare the average correlations of measures
the PLS-SEM algorithm. This analysis is chosen for the subsequent across latent variables (which measure various features of the
reasons (Dubey et al., 2018; Gupta et al., 2019; Saha et al., 2022): model) to the average correlations of measures inside the same
 This method has the ability to handle a large number of latent variable. According to Henseler et al. (2015), results
factors simultaneously. from less than 0.85 indicate adequate discriminant validity;
 This technique can be very effective for a large and thus, the results demonstrate discriminant validity (Table 6).
complex model to identify the existing relationships Next, we looked at the issue of endogeneity before examining
between constructs. the research hypotheses of this study (Dubey et al., 2023). As
 This can be used in situations when predictability is per the suggestion of Kock (2019), we calculated the nonlinear
critical. bivariate causality direction ratio (NLBCDR). The analysis
shows the value of NLBCDR is 0.75 (approximately), which is
Silaparasetti et al. (2017) employed this method effectively to
in the acceptable range ( 0.7). This result indicates that about
investigate the relationship between employee safety factors
75% of path-related events accord to the assumptions of the
and employee behavior. Therefore, Iqbal et al. (2021) also conceptual model, and there is no statistical support that the
utilized this technique to combine the manufacturing industry’s conceptual constructs could be associated in both directions
innovation performance with entrepreneurial orientation. (Kock, 2019). This value also indicates that there is no
causality issue in our proposed model (Dubey et al., 2023). We
5.1 Measurement validation have further provided the values for model fit and quality
The constructs used in this research are reflective. Hence, we indices supporting this conclusion in Table 7.
calculated scale composite reliability (SCR) for each construct,
factor loadings for each measuring item and average extracted 5.2 Hypotheses testing
variance (AVE) for each construct to validate our model PLS-SEM was used to validate the proposed hypotheses in this
following Fornell and Larcker’s (1981) guidelines, as shown in research. As per Preacher and Hayes (2008), contrasting the
Table 4. We used factor loadings to check the validity of the SEM technique with regression analysis clearly reflects
items selected for the measurement model. Hair et al. (2017) measurement error and enables hypotheses to be tested using
stated that any items must possess a value of factor loading latent variables rather than measured ones. Table 8 shows the
greater than 0.5 to be selected for the PLS-SEM analysis; findings of the path coefficient (b) and p-values of the PLS-
otherwise, they should be deleted. The items which had shown SEM analysis. We found support for H1, claiming that LP has a
a value of factor loading less than 0.5 were removed from the positive impact on SP, to be statistically significant (b = 0.380,
data set for final analysis. The final measuring items of our p < 0.01). This result implies that the implementation of LP
latent variables are shown in Table 4 with their individual factor practices substantially contributes to an increase in SP of
loadings. Besides, the SCR and AVE values were determined to RMGs industries in developing countries such as Bangladesh.
confirm the convergent validity of the constructs of the The finding of our study provides empirical support for earlier
theoretical model. The values of SCR and AVE, presented in studies’ assumptions which argued that the application of LP
Table 4, also are all higher than the critical limit of 0.7 and 0.5, practices could be a significant determinant in manufacturing
respectively, as per Henseler et al. (2016), indicating the organizations in enhancing the organizational SP (Kamble
convergent validity of our reflective constructs. We also et al., 2019; Afum et al., 2021; Hao et al., 2021; Eskandari et al.,
calculated Cronbach’s alpha value to ensure the measurement 2022; Wadood et al., 2022). In the case of control variables, we
model’s reliability and consistency. From Table 4, it can be found that both control variables, FS and TI, also have a
noticed that all the alpha values exceed the critical limit (0.6), significant impact on organizational SP. Here, the precise
which indicates the high reliability and internal consistency of impact of FS and TI on sustainable supply chain performance
the measurement model (Molina et al., 2007). and their relationships to other components remain attractive
After assessing the reliability, discriminant validity test was issues for further investigation.
performed to address the discriminant issues of the structural Then, to analyze the mediation impact of I4.0 technologies,
model. We used two methods to ensure the divergent validity of the bootstrapping approach, also known as resampling, was
the measures: Fornell and Larcker’s (1981) criterion and used, as it has been demonstrated to be more capable of
hetrotrait–monotrait (HTMT) ratio of correlations as per reducing type-I error at the time of evaluating direct and
Henseler et al. (2015). As per Fornell and Larcker’s (1981) indirect correlations (Henseler et al., 2016). This study applied
guidelines, we calculated the inner-correlation matrix and then an SEM technique with bootstrapping (1,500 resamples) and a
supplemented the foremost diagonal components with the 0.95 confidence interval to investigate the mediating role. At
values of the square root of AVE. As can be seen in Table 5, the first, the direct impact of LP on SP was analyzed, excluding the
square root values of the AVE for each latent variable exceed mediator, to determine respective standard estimates (b) and
the respective correlation coefficients in both rows and level of confidence. The associations were then examined
columns. Therefore, we can draw the conclusion that all latent again, this time incorporating the mediator. In the case of full
variables show discriminant validity (Fornell and Larcker, mediation, the direct impact (from LP on SP), excluding the
1981). mediator (I4.0), should be substantial; once the mediator
We also used the HTMT criterion to check the discriminant (I4.0) is added, the direct impacts should be insubstantial,
issues among constructs. Henseler et al. (2015) suggested that a while the indirect impacts should be significant. On the other
novel measure known as the HTMT ratio can be a superior hand, partial mediation arises when all of the route outcomes
evaluation indication of discriminant validity. To determine the suggest significant correlations with or without mediators. The

Viability of lean production practices Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Palash Saha et al. Volume 38 · Number 12 · 2023 · 2694–2712

Table 4 Measures of constructs and factor loadings

Construct Items Factor loadings Variance Error SCR AVE Cronbach’s a
LP LP1 0.67 0.45 0.55 0.97 0.72 0.86
LP2 0.94 0.88 0.12
LP3 0.74 0.55 0.45
LP4 0.69 0.47 0.53
LP5 0.77 0.60 0.40
LP6 0.84 0.71 0.29
LP7 0.93 0.86 0.14
LP8 0.98 0.96 0.04
LP9 0.95 0.90 0.10
LP10 0.94 0.87 0.13
LP11 0.88 0.77 0.23
LP12 0.87 0.76 0.24
LP13 0.84 0.71 0.29
LP14 0.73 0.54 0.46
LP15 0.88 0.78 0.22
I4.0 I4T1 0.77 0.59 0.41 0.92 0.63 0.74
I4T2 0.81 0.66 0.34
I4T3 0.90 0.81 0.19
I4T4 0.70 0.49 0.51
I4T5 0.86 0.73 0.27
I4T6 0.74 0.54 0.46
I4T7 0.75 0.57 0.43
SP SP1 0.76 0.58 0.42 0.91 0.56 0.91
SP2 0.70 0.49 0.51
SP3 0.78 0.61 0.39
SP4 0.77 0.60 0.40
SP5 0.71 0.51 0.49
SP6 0.71 0.51 0.49
SP7 0.70 0.50 0.50
SP8 0.84 0.70 0.30
Source: Authors’ own work

Table 5 Discriminant validity

Table 7 Model fit and quality indices
LP I4.0 SP
Parameters Estimate Allowable if References
LP 0.85
APC 0.328, p < 0.001 p < 0.05 Dubey et al. (2022)
I4.0 0.35 0.79
ARS 0.306, p < 0.001 p < 0.05 Dubey et al. (2022)
SP 0.46 0.65 0.75
AVIF 1.199 0< AVIF 5 Kock (2019)
Note: The diagonal values in italic form represent the root-squared values Tenenhaus GoF 0.374 large >= 0.36 Tenenhaus et al.
of AVE (2005)
Source: Authors’ own work Source: Authors’ own work

Table 6 HTMT values

LP I4.0 SP
LP – – – Table 8 Hypotheses testing results
I4.0 0.574 – –
SP 0.682 0.628 – Hypothesis Statement Estimate (b) p-value Result

Source: Authors’ own work H1 LP ! SP 0.380 p < 0.01 Accepted

Control variables
findings of direct and indirect impacts are shown in Table 9, Firm size (FS) FS ! SP 0.342 p < 0.01 Significant
including the mediator and excluding the mediator. The Technological TI ! SP 0.287 p < 0.01 Significant
standardized path coefficient (b) value was used to examine the intensity (TI)
mediating role of I4.0 on the association between LP and SP. Source: Authors’ own work

Viability of lean production practices Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Palash Saha et al. Volume 38 · Number 12 · 2023 · 2694–2712

Table 9 Mediation analysis

Mediation analysis
Direct effects,
Hypothesis Direct path Direct effect Indirect path including mediation Indirect effects Result
H2 LP ! SP 0.380, p < 0.01 LP ! I4.0 ! SP 0.354, p < 0.01 0.280, p < 0.01 Partial
Source: Authors’ own work

Results show that all the correlations between LP and SP are measures (Ali and Phan, 2022; Awwad et al., 2022; Di maria
significant, whether the mediator (I4.0) is present or not, which et al., 2022). However, the impact of I4.0 technologies
suggests that I4.0 partially mediates the association between LP integrated with LP practices on SP has not been explored yet.
and SP (p < 0.01). Moreover, numerous scholars (Buer et al., 2018; Kamble et al.,
Further, we have demonstrated how well our conceptual 2019; Silvestri et al., 2022) called for further analysis of the
framework can explain SP with the help of the co-efficient of impact of I4.0 technologies integrating with different
determination (R2). The identified value of R2 implies that LP management approaches on various organizational
and I4.0 are powerful determining factors for obtaining SP. performance measures. Hence, we established two research
The value of R2 also indicates that LP under the moderating questions in our research to address the literature gaps and to
effect of I4.0 technologies can explain nearly 31% (i.e. R2 = clarify the scope of our study. To answer the research
0.31) of the total variance in the organizational SP. That questions, we carried out our empirical study based on a survey
depicts a significant degree of the explanatory capacity of the design. We used questionnaires and interviews as data
structural model (Dubey et al., 2023). We also analyzed the collection techniques (Section 4). Then, analyzing the
effect size of constructs. The effect size is a measure used in collected data using PLS-SEM analysis, we answered the
statistics to quantify the size of the difference between two research questions. In other words, we determined the impact
groups or the strength of the relationship between two variables of LP practices on organizational SP as well as the possible
(Cohen, 1988). As the b co-efficient values do not really assist impact of LP practices with the presence of I4.0 technologies
in comprehending the amount to which the descriptive on organizational SP, which is discussed broadly in the
variables describe the outcome variables, the f2 values must be following paragraph. Second, previous literature shows a trend
reported to indicate the effect size (Cohen, 1988). From the of applying the RBV or DCV to explain the organizational SP
PLS-SEM analysis, we discovered that the Cohen f2 values in (Tiwari et al., 2020; Dubey et al., 2022). However, LP practices
our instance are rather high. In addition, we presented the and the modern technologies of the I4.0 era are two common
predictability values (Q2) of the explanatory factors, which have practices that numerous firms have already introduced to
already gained significant attention from scholars in PLS-SEM enhance their organizational SP. These practices are not rare
approaches (Chin, 1998). We noticed that the obtained value and not impossible to imitate for competitors. Moreover,
of Q2 are substantially higher than 0.00, indicating that both LP enhancing organizational SP does not mean only economic
and I4.0 are a powerful determinant of SP. This also explains growth; environmental and social growth is also prerequisites to
the predictive accuracy of our model. The values of R2, Q2 and enhance SP. Hence, the RBV or the DCV seems to be
f2 are shown in Table 10. inappropriate conceptual frames for investigating the function
of practices in obtaining SP. In such conditions, we contend
6. Discussions that the previously described PBV is particularly relevant in
Our research has concentrated on investigating the influence of contrast with other views.
the interrelationship between the deployment of I4.0 We used PLS-SEM analysis to evaluate our conceptual
technologies and the application of LP practices on model and research hypotheses. The findings of the research
organizational SP enhancement regarding the B2B garment present an insightful picture of the connections and
manufacturing sector. We analyzed the combined impact of relationships among the latent constructs LP, I4.0 and SP.
I4.0 technologies and LP practices on organizational SP to Regarding H1, the result offers empirical evidence that LP
explore the viability of LP practices in the I4.0 era. Mainly two practices are significantly associated with organizational SP
aspects sparked our attention on this subject. First, the enhancement. This result implies that LP practices can help an
application of modern technologies of the I4.0 era has grown organization boost its SP by improving working conditions
significantly among manufacturing organizations as well as through a higher level of safety, training and incentives
service organizations to improve different performance (Eskandari et al., 2022), optimal usage of resources to reduce
waste and environmental impact (Afum et al., 2021),
improving the quality of products and services provided to
Table 10 Co-efficient of variation (R2), predictability (Q2) and effect size
clients (Bibby and Dehe, 2018) and developing a long-term
relationship with suppliers to reduce costs, wastage and
Construct R2 Q2 f2 improve quality (Wadood et al., 2022). Barua (2021)
SP 0.31 0.68 0.72 contended that aiming for greater environmental protection
and worker safety is critical in manufacturing a standard quality
Source: Authors’ own work product and LP implementation facilitates the organizations to

Viability of lean production practices Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Palash Saha et al. Volume 38 · Number 12 · 2023 · 2694–2712

gain better environmental and labor safety, which will study, we argued that the RBV or the DCV is likely to be
eventually strengthen the economic stands as well. inappropriate in this field of study, while PBV is more
Our study also explores that the presence of I4.0 as a appropriate than the other business views based on various
mediating factor amplifies the influence of LP practices on perspectives, which can add significant value to the current
organizational SP. This suggests that adopting LP practices in literature. Hence, in this study, we highlighted LP practices and
the absence of I4.0 technologies adoption might not bring the I4.0 technologies as common, available and imitable practices
ultimate desired enhancement regarding organizational SP, as which is relevant to the concept of the PBV. Moreover, the
the digitalized attributes of the I4.0 era can enable an research looked into the assumption that intermediary factors
organization to quicken the real-time data-sharing process, might provide critical insights into the link between
which can drive the organizational SP. From the PLS-SEM management practices and organizational long-term SP. We
analysis, it can be described that LP practices alone can explain found I4.0 adoption as a significant mediator in our analysis,
approximately 31% of the total variance regarding SP in the offering more comprehensive views into the link between LP
presence of I4.0 technologies. That means the simultaneous and SP and advancing the literature on modern technologies.
adoption of LP practices and I4.0 technologies in the Additionally, this research provides a set of verified measuring
Bangladeshi RMG factories can take the level of SP items for LP, I4.0 and SP, considering the viewpoints of
enhancement to a substantially higher level. This result also Bangladeshi RMG industries. These measures have been
suggests that LP practices and I4.0 technologies can perform empirically validated for reliability and validity tests, and with
together without demolishing any of these approaches’ minimal adjustments, they might be used in comparable
objectives, which clearly fades away the misconception of many investigations in plenty of other business fields.
scholars (Rosin et al., 2020; Valamede and Akkari, 2020;
Marinelli et al., 2021) regarding these association. In fact, LP 6.2 Practical implications
practices and I4.0 technologies are intended to operate together This research provides significant insights for industry
to assist the RMG firms in minimizing waste and expenses executives and experts engaged in adopting LP and I4.0 in the
where the implications of LP or I4.0 technologies alone seem RMG sector. This study suggests that business administrators
difficult. For example, the use of big data analytics, and the IoT must admit the significance of achieving the organizational SP
may considerably increase the efficacy of supplier review and to sustain itself in the competitive marketplace. It also
just-in-time delivery in boosting the sustainability of the B2B highlights the significance of LP practices in enhancing SP in all
garment sector. Under an I4.0-LP regime, RMG firms can dimensions, as well as promoting the introduction of digital
enable sophisticated sensors, configurable big data analytics for technologies. To achieve that, we developed a conceptual
system improvement, modern communication infrastructure framework and provided empirical evidence to validate it. So,
and predictive technological capabilities. this study can help managers in the decision-making process
Apart from these findings, this study also offers some regarding LP implementation. Besides, the results of this study
theoretical and practical insights, which are discussed in the can aid executives in understanding the influence of the
following sub-sections. presence of the I4.0 technologies along with LP practices to
enhance the organizational SP. Organizations should explicitly
6.1 Theoretical implications define their goals toward SP and prioritize the various I4.0
The subject of I4.0 is acquiring popularity day by day in technologies depending on their effectiveness in developing
academia, as seen by the huge volume of calls for scholarly advanced production processes. The introduction of I4.0
articles from prestigious publications such as the Journal of technologies in RMG industries will turn the lean process into a
Operations Management, Journal of Business and Industrial digital lean process network connecting all the stakeholders of
Marketing, Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, the organization, allowing the exchange of resources between
Production and Operations Management, Journal of Cleaner the stakeholders. Moreover, the identified measuring items
Production, Sustainable Production and Consumption, and Journal of the latent constructs can aid managers in analyzing their
of Process Control. The significance of I4.0 technologies in relative importance regarding their organizations. However,
sustainability management has been extensively studied in the based on the results provided, managers should not rule out the
existing literature (Nara et al., 2021; Agrawal et al., 2022; Saha possibility of additional constructs such as TQM, innovation
et al., 2022). But, the area of collaboration of I4.0 technologies capabilities, collaborating with I4.0 technologies to improve
with other management techniques is still ambiguous. This SP.
study enriches the literature by analyzing the combined impacts
of I4.0 technologies and LP practices on organizational SP 6.3 Limitations and future research directions
enhancement. This is a one-of-a-kind study that provides an Without a doubt, this study contains certain shortcomings. For
empirical investigation of the relationship between LP, I4.0 and instance, as I4.0 technologies are pretty new to Bangladeshi
SP. Previous research suggested the impact of either I4.0 or LP RGM industries, participants’ understanding of I4.0 is
on SP (Nara et al., 2021; Agrawal et al., 2022; Shi et al., 2022; inadequate. As a result, participants’ responses to this section
Feng et al., 2022). Nonetheless, neither of the works may not be centered on their knowledge in this sector. So, it is
empirically examined the combined impact of LP and I4.0 on suggested that more research be conducted into the extent of
SP. Besides, the application of the PBV in the sustainability I4.0 technologies deployment and challenges to their
management field adds a unique contribution to the literature. implementation in Bangladeshi industries. Besides, cross-
As discussed earlier, numerous previous scholars attempted to sectional data were used in this study. However, this type of
explain the SP based on the RBV or the DCV. But, in this data is relatively easy and quick to collect; this type of data does

Viability of lean production practices Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Palash Saha et al. Volume 38 · Number 12 · 2023 · 2694–2712

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Appendix 1

Table A1 Sample for interviews

Participant Gender Industry type Experience Position
01 M University  15 Professor
02 M University  15 Professor
03 F University  15 Professor
04 M University  15 Professor
05 M Garment  10 Operations Manager
06 M Garment  15 Country Manager
07 M Garment  15 Manager (Admin and HR)
08 F Garment  15 Senior Manager (Production)
09 F Garment  10 Assistant Manager (Quality)
10 M Garment  12 Operations Manager
11 M Garment  15 Senior Manager (Production)
12 F Garment  10 Quality Controller

Viability of lean production practices Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Palash Saha et al. Volume 38 · Number 12 · 2023 · 2694–2712

Appendix 2

Table A2 Measurement scales

Constructs Items Description Adapted from
LP LP1 Provided feedback on supplier’s delivery and quality Shah and Ward (2007), Sanders et al.
LP2 Established strong relationships with key suppliers (2016); Mayr et al. (2018), Valamede
LP3 Involvement of suppliers in designing new products and Akkari (2020); Solke et al. (2022).
LP4 Official scheme for certifying suppliers
LP5 Commitment of suppliers to minimize the total annual cost
LP6 Locations of suppliers near the organization
LP7 Involvement of customers in the development of new product features
LP8 Pull production process in practice
LP9 Classification of products requiring the same operations
LP10 Practice of appropriate measures to reduce setup time
LP11 Substantial application of process control to limit process variation
LP12 Use of a fishbone diagram to analyze the root cause of any problem
LP13 Involvement of employees in conducting promotion and training programs
LP14 Maintenance of all equipment on a regular basis
LP15 Maintenance of all records regarding maintenance operations
I4.0 I4T1 The company is either deploying or has already deployed big data Culot et al. (2020), Ciano et al. (2021);
I4T2 The company is either deploying or has already deployed a simulation Saha et al. (2022).
I4T3 The company is either deploying or has already deployed cloud computing
I4T4 The company is either deploying or has already deployed autonomous robots
I4T5 The company is either deploying or has already deployed IoT techniques
I4T6 The company is either deploying or has already deployed cybersecurity
I4T7 The company is either deploying or has already deployed horizontal and vertical
SP SP1 Enhancing capability, capacity and production measurements Ahmed et al. (2020), AlShehail et al.
SP2 Improved market positioning and holding (2022); Saha et al. (2022).
Increased financial capabilities
SP3 Minimizing costs related to inventory
SP4 Management of wastes
SP5 Minimization of energy consumption
SP6 Minimization of carbon discharge
SP7 Improvements in safety measures in the working area
SP8 Improvements in the workplace environment
Notes: LP = Lean production; I4.0 = Industry 4.0; SP = Sustainability performance

Corresponding author
H.M. Belal can be contacted at: [email protected]

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