G4 Reading 113-1 Cycle 5 Quiz 11212024
G4 Reading 113-1 Cycle 5 Quiz 11212024
G4 Reading 113-1 Cycle 5 Quiz 11212024
In the middle of the night, Mr. Li awoke to a loud (4) . His animals
2024-2025 School Year 1 Semester had escaped from the barn. He tried to catch them, but they kept
Grade 4 *Reading* Cycle 5 Quiz getting away. Mr. Li felt (5) because he couldn't catch them all
at once. No matter what, he kept a positive (6) and didn't give
Class: No: Name:
up. Finally, after many attempts, he managed to guide all the animals
Section Score/Total safely back into the barn.
M❑ G ❑ S❑
C. Reading Skills – Elements of a Play (24%) D. Unseen Text – Mixed Question Types (40%)
Recall “The Ant and the Grasshopper.” Match the elements of a play to Read the text and answer the questions.
their definitions. Write the letter on the line. (2 points each)
The Three Little Mice
Elements of a Play Definitions
1. ______ Characters A. The place and time where the story Little Mouse 1
takes place. Little Mouse 2
Little Mouse 3
The Big Bad Owl
2.______ Dialogue B. Instructions that tell the actors
what to do or how to move on stage.
Setting: A forest in the middle of the night.
These are not spoken out loud.
3.______ Plot C. The words that characters say to NARRATOR: Once upon a time, three little mice decided to build
each other in the play. houses to protect themselves from the Big Bad Owl.
THE BIG BAD OWL: [Screeching loudly.] Then I’ll flap, and I’ll slap,
and I’ll knock your house down!
NARRATOR: The owl flapped his wings and knocked down the flimsy Part 1: Unseen Text – Multiple Choice
grass house. Poor Little Mouse 2 did not linger! He ran to the twig Answer the following questions about “The Three Little Mice.” Choose
house and hid inside. the best answer. Write the letter in the box. (2 points each)
THE BIG BAD OWL: [At the twig house] Whooo! Let me in! 1. Antonyms: Which word has the opposite meaning of demolished
as it is used in this line?
LITTLE MOUSE 2 AND 3: [Together, as they hold each other in
fear.] Not a chance! “The owl flapped again and demolished the weak twig
THE BIG BAD OWL: [Screeching loudly.] Then I’ll flap, and I’ll slap,
and I’ll knock your house down! A. built
B. collected
NARRATOR: The owl flapped again and demolished the weak twig
C. destroyed
house. Little Mouse 2 and Little Mouse 3 ran to the log house.
D. visited
LITTLE MOUSE 2 AND 3: [Crying desperately for help.] We were
wrong to work alone! Please let us in, Little Mouse! 2. Antonyms: Which word has the opposite meaning of linger as it is
used in this line?
LITTLE MOUSE 1: [Allowing the others
inside.] Come in! You're safe now. “Poor Little Mouse 2 did not linger! He ran to the twig
THE BIG BAD OWL: [Laughing confidently.]
Whooo! Who will let me come in? A. wait
B. leave
LITTLE MOUSE 1: [Bravely.] Not me! Not a C. laugh
chance! D. cry
THE BIG BAD OWL: [Screeching loudly.] Then 3. Theme: What is the theme of this play?
I’ll flap, and I’ll slap, and I’ll knock your house
down! A. Bigger houses are always better.
B. Never let strangers into your home.
NARRATOR: So, the Big Bad Owl flapped and C. It is best to build things at night.
slapped his wings, but this time, he could not knock the log house D. Working together gets the job done right.
down. The next day, the three little mice went to the other side of
the forest and built a safe burrow together, far from the owl.
4. Theme: What word best describes the theme of this play? Part 2: Unseen Text - Short Response
Answer the question with complete sentences. Make sure you write the
A. travel
required number of sentences. Grammar and spelling are important, too!
B. jealousy
(8 points according to the rubric)
C. teamwork
D. honesty 7. Read the following line from the play.
5. Elements of a Play: Look at the words inside these [ ] in the THE BIG BAD OWL: [Screeching loudly.] Then I’ll flap, and
story. For example: [Speaking nervously.] I’ll slap, and I’ll knock your house down!
What do these words tell us? How do the elements in this line help you understand the personality
A. They show the names of the characters. of The Big Bad Owl? Use details from the play to support your answer.
B. They reveal which character will speak next. Be sure to write at least three sentences.
C. They tell how the characters behave, act, and
D. They explain the meaning of difficult words in the ____________________________________________________