HSE Inspection Checklist
HSE Inspection Checklist
HSE Inspection Checklist
Workplace: Date:
Inspected By:
Are buckets and mops available to clean up spills so no one will slip?
Are non-slip mats, grates, or slip-free coatings used in wet areas to prevent falls?
Are the appropriate ladders for the job available and in good condition?
Are they inspected before each use?
Have maintenance workers, janitors and other workers been trained in ladder
safety as needed?
If work is done on an elevated work location (above 30 inches, or 48 inches if the platform is
not part of the building), are guard rails installed?
Do staf have access to step stools as needed? Have they been instructed not to stand on un-
safe surfaces or furniture?
Are there at least two fre exits for each building? (Check with your local fre department for
their recommendations.)
Are fre exits clearly marked and pathways to the exits clear?
Are there fre extinguishers of the correct type in or close to each work area?
Do fre extinguishers have up-to-date inspection tags, and are they visually inspected
If employees are authorized to use portable fre extinguishers, have these employees been
trained how to use them? (Annual training is required for all employees authorized to use
portable fre extinuishers.)
Are the fre alarm system and sprinkler system regularly tested?
Have employees who use machinery been told how to recognize when a machine
has been locked out and tagged (electrical power of, locked out and machine tagged)?
Are cords kept out of areas where someone could trip over them, or where they
could be damaged?
Have employees been told to report missing machine guards to their supervisors?
Are emergency cut-of switches easily located and identifed, and do employees know
where they are?
Is there a security system to protect against intruders who might commit an assault
in the workplace?
Are chemicals (including pesticides, solvents, and cleaning products) properly labeled and
Are fammable and combustible liquids inside the buildings stored in fammable liquids cabi
Have Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) been obtained for all chemicals you use?
Has monitoring been done to make sure exposure levels are within legal limits?
Are employees told where Material Safety Data Sheets on chemicals are kept?
Is there adequate ventilation to keep levels of dust, vapors, gases, and fumes
as low as possible?
Are local exhaust ventilation systems (such as fume hoods) provided at work stations
where toxic chemicals are used, and are they tested regularly?
Has annual training been conducted for all employees who use chemicals?
Are there sinks with hot and cold water, and disposable hand towels?
Are there clean eating areas separate from work and chemical storage areas?
Are there enough trash containers and are they well-maintained, leak-proof,
and emptied regularly?
Can employees get help when lifting more than 30 pounds (as per NIOSH’s recommendation)?
Are computer workstations set up to avoid awkward postures and to ft the individual
needs of workers?
Are employees able to avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time?
If respirators are used, have workers been ft-tested and trained in the elements of the
written Respiratory Protection Program?
In addition to doing a walkaround inspection to identify possible hazards, you can also check
for the following general workplace issues.
Does the workplace have a written Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) as required
by Cal/OSHA, and has a responsible person been identifed?
Is there a written Emergency Action Plan and have all employees been trained in what to do
during an emergency?