F. H. Séguin Et Al - D 3-He-Proton Emission Imaging For Inertial-Confinement-Fusion Experiments (Invited)

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D3He-proton emission imaging for inertial-connement-fusion experiments (invited)

F. H. Sguin,a) J. L. DeCiantis, J. A. Frenje, S. Kurebayashi, C. K. Li, J. R. Rygg, C. Chen, V. Berube, B. E. Schwartz, and R. D. Petrassob)
Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusett 02139

V. A. Smalyuk, F. J. Marshall, J. P. Knauer, J. A. Delettrez, P. W. McKenty, D. D. Meyerhofer,c) S. Roberts, and T. C. Sangster

Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14623

K. Mikaelian and H. S. Park

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California 94550

(Presented on 19 April 2004; published 5 October 2004) Proton emission imaging cameras, in combination with proton spectrometers and a proton temporal diagnostic, provide a great deal of information about the spatial structure and time evolution of inertial-connement fusion capsule implosions. When used with D3He-lled capsules, multiple proton emission imaging cameras measure the spatial distribution of fusion burn, with three-dimensional information about burn symmetry. Simultaneously, multiple spectrometers measure areal density as a function of angle around the imploded capsule. Experiments at the OMEGA laser facility [T. R. Boehly et al., Opt. Commun. 133, 495 (1997)] have already proven the utility of this approach. An introduction to the hardware used for penumbral imaging, and algorithms used to create images of the burn region, are provided here along with simple scaling laws relating image resolution and signal-to-noise ratio to characteristics of the cameras and the burn region. 2004 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.1788892]


Understanding and controlling implosion dynamics are critical for progress in inertial-connement-fusion (ICF), where achieving spherical symmetry in the assembled fuel mass is a prerequisite for optimal burn and ignition.13 It is therefore important to have direct experimental observations of what implosion asymmetries look like, how they evolve, and how they are correlated with sources of asymmetry such as illumination nonuniformity. Traditional methods of studying asymmetry include x-ray imaging,4 neutron-emission imaging of deuterium-tritium (DT) burn,526 and measurement of primary or secondary D3He proton spectra for determining the areal density R of capsules at different angles.2731 We report here an integrated approach to studying dynamics, symmetry, and nuclear burn characteristics in implosions of capsules containing D3He fuel, utilizing three independent but directly related types of diagnostic measurements of the 14.7-MeV protons generated by D3He burn. Multiple protonemission imaging cameras, viewing an implosion from three orthogonal directions, are now used in conjunction with a proton temporal diagnostic,32,33 which measures the D3He proton ux as a function of time, and multiple wedge-rangea)

Electronic mail:[email protected] Also Visiting Senior Scientist, Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester. c) Also Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Physics, and Astronomy, University of Rochester.

lter spectrometers,34 which measure high-resolution spectra of the protons at different angles around the capsule. Taken together, they provide three-dimensional information about the spatial distribution of D3He burn, the time evolution of the burn, and the angular distribution of colder material surrounding the burn region. The proton-emission imaging cameras are described briey in Sec. II (with more details elsewhere35). They are based on the penumbral imaging technique, which is related to pinhole imaging20,2325 but involves an imaging aperture much larger than the source; this results in a raw recorded image that must be deconvolved, because structural information about the source is encoded in the image penumbra. The idea of using penumbral imaging to study ICF burn is at least 20 years old,5 and at least three different algorithms have been used for deconvolution. The rst algorithm involves deconvolution in frequency space, determining the two-dimensional Fourier transform (FT) of the source surface brightness by multiplying the FT of the penumbral image by a deconvolution lter that is the inverse of the FT of the aperture point spread function.58,1013,1518 This approach is complicated somewhat by the fact that the FT of the aperture has zeros at a number of frequencies, leading to singularities in the deconvolution lter. The discrete frequencies used in digital processing generally avoid the singularities, but they come close enough to result in large amplication factors for the statistical noise present in all real data. In practice, noise is con3520 2004 American Institute of Physics


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Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 75, No. 10, October 2004

Plasma diagnostics


trolled by usng a Wiener lter approach to modify the ideal deconvolution lter in such a way as to reduce noise amplication near the singularities while minimizing distortion to real structural information in the data. This direct reconstruction approach has been used for DT neutrons1119 and for 3-MeV DD protons.36,37 Another direct reconstruction algorithm that works in frequency space21 has been applied to DT neutrons.22 It uses a different approximation to the ideal frequency-space deconvolution lter, obtained by multiplying the aperture FT itself by another nonsingular function of frequency. This algorithm is exact only in the limit where the radius of the source rs is much smaller than the radius of the imaging aperture Ra, but errors are small for practical ratios rs / Ra. The implementation is computationally simple and efcient, and no special precautions have to be made for noise reduction other than some kind of low-pass ltering. The third algorithm is iterative rather than direct, and involves computations only in physical space. It utilizes a maximum entropy technique to nd an estimate for the source surface brightness that has the least possible structure consistent with the structure and the statistical errors of the penumbral image.9 An initial guess for the source is used to stimulate penumbral image data, and the difference between the real and simulated penumbral images is used to nd a more accurate source estimate; the process is repeated until convergence. This approach has been used in imaging with DD protons and DT particles.3841 Section III describes a different direct, noniterative algorithum involving computation in the spatial domain only. It is computationally efcient, has no issues with lter singularities, and has a well-dened point-response function that allows calculation of simple and explicit scaling laws relating camera parameters and source type to the spatial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio of reconstructed source functions. In addition, the data processing in the spatial domain provides opportunities to see visual connections between data structure and source structure. The method is approximate, with errors scaling as rs / Ra 2, but the errors are extremely small for parameters relevant to our applications. A related algorithm, described in Sec. IV, is often used to calculate the radial distribution of reactions per unit volume in the burning source when it can be assumed to have spherical symmetry. Experiments with D3He-lled capsules are frequently performed at the University of Rochester OMEGA laser facility,42 where the techniques described here have been used. D3He protons are sufciently energetic to pass through 200 mg/ cm2 of 1-keV plasma (or 1000 mg/ cm2 of a 10 -keV plasma), so they are very useful for studying the implosion performance of capsules with thick CH shells that do not allow lower-energy charged particles to escape. These experiments and their signicance are described briey in Sec. V.

FIG. 1. (Color) Diagrams illustrating the structure of the proton emission imaging cameras. (a) A cutaway view of the OMEGA target chamber, showing three cameras pointed toward the target (located at the chamber center) from nearly orthogonal directions. The structure at 11: 00 holds the target capsule in place on its stalk. The diameter of the target chamber is 330 cm. (b) The housing of an individual camera. The aperture is at the left end, and the detector pack (shown in dark gray), is inserted into a slot in the top.

that accept detector packs, as shown in Fig. 1(b). Figure 2(a) shows the approximate dimensions of the cameras. The typical source at OMEGA has a radius of rs 30 m. The round imaging aperture, at a distance L 3 cm from the source, generally has a radius Ra = 1000 m and is cut very accurately in a 500- m-thick plate of Ta (which will stop protons with energies 17.5 MeV). The image recorder consists of stacked sheets of CR-39 nuclear track detector separated by ranging lters that result in efcient detection of 14.7-MeV D3He protons on one sheet and 3-MeV DD protons on another (only D3He protons will be considered here; other particles will be discussed elsewhere).35 The parameter M characterizes the magnication of the system. The CR-39 detectors43,44 are sheets of a clear plastic in which protons leave trails of damage sites. After etching in NaOH, the entry point of each proton becomes a conical hole that can be identied and quantied in a digitized microscope image. Detection is essentially 100% efcient, as long as the detector has ltering that slows incoming protons down to the range of sensitivity of about 0.5 to 8 MeV, and

There are three cameras that can be mounted on the OMEGA target chamber, as shown in Fig. 1(a). Each camera consists of a housing with an aperture at one end and slots

FIG. 2. (Color online) (a) Diagram showing the parameters of a penumbral imaging camera. (b) A sample penumbral image. Brightness is proportional to the number of protons per unit area on the detector.

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Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 75, No. 10, October 2004

Sguin et al.

FIG. 3. (Color online) Diagram illustrating the relationship between a threedimensional source S, the two-dimensional projection B that is its surface brightness, and one-dimensional projections p of B.

the position of each track is recorded to a fraction of a micron. The recorded penumbral image data comprise the precise locations of all proton tracks, which may be binned as desired for any processing scheme. There are therefore essentially no resolution limits imposed by the detector itself. Resolution degradation from effects such as proton scattering in the target capsule or off the aperture, proton trajectory distortion by electric elds, and geometric distortion due to imperfections in the aperture are all negligible35 compared to the deliberate degradation of resolution that will have to be imposed on the data through ltering to control statistical noise. For all practical purposes, the aperture can be considered to have a perfect edge in a thin, opaque plate. This allows us to avoid some of the problems that occur in neutron imaging,13 where even a very thick plate does not stop all neutrons and the aperture edge is not as well dened. A sample proton penumbral image is shown in Fig. 2(b). The number of incident protons per unit area N can be represented as a function of x and y on the detector, or as a function of radius and angle with respect to any position on the detector. The yield of the source can be calculated directly from the value of N in the center of the image (with any background level subtracted): Y s = 4 M + 1 2L2N 0 , 0 . Information about the source structure must be extracted from the penumbra.

FIG. 4. (Color online) Diagram illustrating the radial prole of N, the number of proton tracks per unit area on the detector, and its radial derivative.

rsmax r0 / M is not large compared to rs , N / r is approximately proportional to integrals through the source along circular paths with radii rsmax. A standard algorithm for CT reconstruction, called convolve-and-backproject or ltered backprojection, can be modied to correct for most of the effects of the curvature as long as rs rsmax. The modied version can be written

B x,y

1 2

wP R0 M x cos

+ y sin

d 1

2 0.13 Y s/ rsmax ,

where R0 w P r, P r, Fconv r r2 M 2 x sin 0 1 M x cos y cos


2 3 N r, , 4 5 6

+ y sin

/R0 ,

4 M M + 1 2L 2 C r Fconv r *P r, ,

Figure 3 shows the relationship between a threedimensional source function S x , y , z ; its two-dimensional projection along the z axis, which is the surface brightness B x , y seen by an observer at positive z; and a onerepresenting straight-line indimensional projection p s , tegrals through B at angle and impact parameters s. The function p is the Radon transform45 of B, and computationally efcient methods for recovering B from p were developed several decades ago for x-ray computed tomography cannot be found exactly from a (CT).46,47 Although p s , penumbral image, p s , = 4 M + 1 2L2 N r0 Ms , / s in the limit where the halfwidth of the penumbra Mrs is much smaller than the radius r0 = M + 1 Ra of the aperture as projected on the detector (see Fig. 4). In this limit, standard CT algorithms can be used to reconstruct B from N. When

Fsmooth r/M *hCT r/M .

C r is a weighting factor described below. P is found by convolving P r , with a lter Fconv, which is a standard CT convolution kernal hCT (we use the version of Ref. 46) convolved with a smoothing lter Fsmooth discussed below. The integration in Eq. (1) is referred to as backprojection, because it relates structure in the convolved projection back to specic locations in the reconstruction plane. In the limit rs / rsmax 1, Eq. (1) becomes the standard CT reconstruction algorithm described in Refs. 46 and 47: 2 w = C = 1, R0 is a constant, and the term proportional to rsmax goes to zero. Of the four modications incorporated here to approximately correct for nite rs / rsmax, the most important is the angular dependence of Eq. (2). This exact correction was derived to guarantee that structure in the projections is

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Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 75, No. 10, October 2004

Plasma diagnostics


backprojected along the correct curved paths through the reconstructed image plane rather than along straight lines. The weighting factor w gives different weights to contributions of different projection angles at each position in the source-image plane, to reduce a small distortion in the pointresponse function at points far from x = y = 0. The weighting function C r compensates approximately for the small difference between the shapes of projections based on straightline integrals and curved-line integrals. An expression that works well for symmetric sources is C r = 1 0.22 /3 1

/cos1 r/2r0


where r / r0 1; it also produces improved reconstructions for asymmetric sources. Finally, the term proportional to 2 rsmax corrects for a very small dc offset in the reconstructed image; it is a function of yield only (calculated in advance as described in Sec. II), is independent of position, and amounts to 3% for rs / rsmax = 0.5. Other modications are possible, but accuracy is currently more than satisfactory.
B. Implementation and accuracy

Numerical execution of Eqs. (1)(6) is straightforward and efcient, following steps illustrated with an example in Fig. 5. The positions of individual proton tracks in the penumbral-image proton data are used to determine N r , , which we typically bin in a grid with 1 angular bins and M m radial bins [see Fig. 5(b)]. The gradient in the radial direction is calculated and multiplied by C r to produce P r , , as shown in Fig. 5(c), and then convolved in the radial direction with Fconv r to produce P r , , as shown in Fig. 5(d). Finally, B x , y is calculated on a grid of 1 - m pixels using Eq. (1) [see Fig. 5(e)]. Coarser grids would give faster computation, but keeping the bin sizes small relative to the effective resolution of the nal reconstruction (see Sec. III C below) assures that structure is not undersampled and also allows the result to look more like a continuous function. Binning data in r and requires reference to an origin in the detector plane. This does not have to be the exact center of the penumbral image; shifting the origin simply results in a reconstructed image with a shifted origin. What does need to be known accurately is the radius r0. Although it is usually known fairly accurately from design parameters, it can be found directly from the data using the fact that the average over of P r , is symmetric about r0. Equation (1) produces reconstructions that are not exactly correct except in the limit rs / rsmax 1, but are extremely accurate for the values rs / rsmax 0.1 that are relevant here (amplitude errors less than 0.5%, and perfect positional accuracy). Even for rs / rsmax = 0.5, simulations show that the positional accuracy is perfect (see Fig. 5) and the amplitude errors are a few percent (see Fig. 6). The steps involved in performing image reconstruction provide opportunities to see visual connections between data structure and source structure in a satisfying way that is not always possible with frequency-space calculations. The valin Fig. 5(c) are approximately the line integrals ues P r , of Fig. 3, where s r r0 / M, and an experienced p s, eye can see how the line integrals are related to the source. In

FIG. 5. Simulated penumbral image (a), reconstruction of source surface brightness (e) and (f), and intermediate data-processing steps (b)(d). N x , y was generated by a Monte Carlo program for an assumed B x , y containing geometrically precise, short-wavelength information and having a maximum radius of 0.5rsmax. The reconstruction (e) is virtually perfect, showing distortion only due to statistical noise and the smoothing that results from a point-response-function with a two-pixel radius. The text describes how the basic structure in (e) can be guessed from the information in (c) or (d). In (f), B x , y is displayed with a look-up-table that emphasizes low-amplitude noise structure.

this case, the fact that p is wider at = 0 than at = / 2 in Figs. 5(c) and 5(d) means that B has a larger extent in the x direction than in the y direction. The four narrow bright features at = 0, and the way each one has a width that varies sinusoidally with , tell us there are four short vertical lines in B. Similarly, the existence and position in B of a short horizontal line segment and two diagonal segments can be

FIG. 6. (Color online) Values along the diameters of reconstructed uniform disks with rs = 0.5rsmax and rs = 0.2rsmax, compared with the original source functions. The reconstructions were calculated from analytically simulated penumbral data with no noise. Reconstruction errors scale with rs / rsmax 2, and are completely negligible in the context of data taken on OMEGA (where rs is typically smaller than 0.05rsmax).

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Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 75, No. 10, October 2004

Sguin et al.

ascertained from the locations of their projections in Figs. 5(c) and 5(d).

r prf


M+1 M


L R1/2 a

2 1 Ys ,


r prf ,


C. Point-response function, spatial resolution, and noise

or the more realistic resolution for structure on a scale smaller than the overall source size r prf
4/5 rs 25

The spatial resolution of surface-brightness reconstructions is limited by the smoothing used to reduce noise from 2 counting statistics. We use Fsmooth r = 1/2r1 e r / rprf in prf Eq. (6), resulting in a point response function for the recon2 2 2 structed B x , y with the form e x +y /rprf ; the radius r prf is specied by the user in order to achieve a desired noise reduction. This results in a well characterized and well behaved point-response function as well as noise of predictable character. The resolution can be characterized by r prf or by the full width at half maximum, which is 1.66r prf . The signal-to-noise ratio of a reconstructed surface brightness image can now be studied. The signal is just the true surface brightness with a small modication for effects of smoothing. For Gaussian surface brightness distributions, which are often observed (see Sec. IV), the peak value is Signal =
2 rs

M+1 M


L R1/2 a

2/5 1/5 Ys ,


r prf .


D. Predicted real-world performance at OMEGA

Numbers relevant to experiments at OMEGA, calculated from the dimensions in Fig. 2(a), are SNR 20 r prf 10 m
1/5 5/2


2 rs + r2 prf

Ys 1010



and (for r prf smaller than rs) r prf 10 Ys 1010 rs 30 m




Ys + r2 prf

m2 ,

Typical OMEGA implosions of D3He-lled capsules with thick CH shells have rs 30 m and Y s 109, leading us to a predicted resolution of r prf 16 m.

where rs is the radius at which the brightness is e1 times the peak value. The point-response function broadens the brightness distribution without changing the total yield, resulting in reduced central image brightness. Equation (8) is approximately correct for a uniform-brightness disk of outer radius rs, although the effect of r prf is then not exact. The rms noise amplitude in the image can be shown48 to be Noise 0.4 M+1 M

L 1/2 r5/2Y s m2 . prf R1/2 a

[Equation (9) assumes all detector events are from signal protons. If there is a uniform background of Nbackground spurious tracks per unit area on the detector, then Y s is replaced by Y s + 8 M + 1 2L2Nbackground.] The ratio of Eqs. (8) and (9) gives the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) SNR 0.8 M M+1

When implosions are nearly spherical, there are advantages to pursuing a different approach: the structure of the penumbra, averaged over , can be used to estimate the radial prole of the burn in D3He reactions per unit volume. This requires going from the approximate straight-lineintegral projection P r to B r via Abel inversion, and then going from B r to S r via another Abel inversion. To obtain as much information as possible about the basic size and shape of S r while minimizing the effects of noise, we apply this approach by using a family of simple radial functions for S r that have analytic counterparts for straight-line-integral projections. This is the family of powers of a parabola. Dening a peakedness parameter / + 1 , it can be shown that if Sr = A 1 r2 1 1 r r1
2 / 1

R1/2 a L

r5/2 prf
2 rs + r2 prf

1/2 Ys .



The noise has several important features. First, its amplitude depends only on source yield; it is independent of source size and shape. Second, noise in the reconstructed image is not white; its amplitude goes as the square of frequency.48 Third, this frequency dependence tends to make the noise look lumpy, being completely dominated by the highest frequencies allowed by the smoothing. Fourth, the noise is roughly homogeneous and isotropic, at least out as far as this reconstruction algorithm is useful (say r 0.7rsmax). Several of these features can be seen in Fig. 5(f). Equation (10) can be used to determine what kind of resolution is obtainable, if we assume that we want a SNR of 20 to get decent image clarity. Setting SNR= 20 and solving for r prf , we nd different behavior depending on whether we are asking for resolution in the sense of the width of a reconstructed delta-function source

then the equivalent straight-line projection is P r =A 1 r0 r Mr1

2 1/ 1


As illustrated in Fig. 7, = 0 corresponds to a at source. Increasing makes the source more peaked; in the limit = 1, expressions (15) and (16) both become Gaussians. Decreasing below 0 makes the source increasingly hollow. In practice, a least-squares t is used to nd the parameters in Eq. (16) [the origin used for binning r0 , A , r1, and N r , is determined by minimizing the best-t value of r1]; S r is then determined directly from Eq. (15). There are two advantages to this approach. First, the results are local total emission values and not projections. Second, the leastsquares t can be performed without doing very much smoothing of dN / dr; the result is a more accurate measure-

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Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 75, No. 10, October 2004

Plasma diagnostics


FIG. 7. Families of functions described in Sec. IV. (a) Radial proles of spherically symmetric, three-dimensional sources, with peakedness varying from 0 to 1. (b) Corresponding shapes of one-dimensional, straightline projections of the surface brightness distribution. Negative values of can also be used.

ment of the source size than can be obtained through twodimensional (2D) reconstruction. Most data analyzed thus far for D3He-lled capsules have been compatible with radial proles of Gaussian shape.

The instrumentation and algorithms described above have been successfully applied to a wide range of experiments at OMEGA. The method of Sec. IV has been used to nd clear trends in the variation of burn-region size with capsule type (ll pressure, shell material and thickness) and laser conditions (energy and smoothing).35 These results are particularly important for studying mix and for benchmarking the numerical simulations. The 2D reconstruction techniques have recently been used to study the relationship between laser drive asymmetry and burn asymmetry. Those measurements are being combined with measurements of areal density asymmetry, burn time evolution, and x-ray emission asymmetry; specic results of these experiments, comparisons with simulations, and physics analysis, will be described elsewhere.

This work was performed in part at the LLE NLUF, and supported in part by the US DOE Contract Nos. (DE-FG0303SF22691, DE-FG03-03NA00058, and Cooperative Agreement DE-FC03-92SF19460), LLE (412160-001G), and LLNL (B504974).
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