Milk Rate Circular Telangana 21.10.2024

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Sabarkantha District Cooperative Milk Producers Union

// Milk Rate Circular-16 //
This is to inform all the Milk Producers and societies of Telangana that the milk rates for Cow Milk & Buffalo Milk with effect
from 21/10/2024 till further revision will be as below. The Cow Milk & Buffalo Milk rates are based on the milk quality poured
& detailed rates are given in Annexure “A” & “B”.
1. According to the FSSAI Standards, only fresh and unadulterated milk will be accepted. The respective societies
will be responsible for the collection of milk as per the given rates charts (Annexure A & B). Any milk with less
Fat/SNF than the FSSAI standards will be rejected without any further consideration.
2. The societies are prohibited from selling milk locally.
3. The societies must collect fresh milk in the morning and evening only, and it must be free from residues of
Aflatoxin, Antibiotics, and must test negative for Alcohol Test @ 68% alcohol. If any milk tests are found
positive, it will be rejected, and no price will be paid for such rejected milk to the societies. The Secretary of the
societies will be responsible for such losses.
4. The milk supplied by the societies will be tested at Sabar-Amul Milk Collection Centre & if found adulterated
or substandard quality or unsuitable for consumption, further use, or dangerous to the public health, then it will be
rejected without any intimation to the societies and the milk price of such milk will not be paid to the societies. The
decision of the Quality Assurance Laboratory, Sabar Dairy will be final. The responsibility of such rejected milk will
of societies as per the FSSAI Act. The society's Quantity and quality received at Sabar-Amul Dock (SAP) data would
be considered final for their milk pourer’s Payment.
5. It is advisable to use Cattle Feed and mineral mixture for the good health of the animals & good quality milk
production. Amul Cattle Feed will be supplied to the milk producers through the societies on demand.
6. We will supply DPU and cans as per the societies' requirements. The amount will be deducted from societies'
payments on an installment basis or retention money, 1 % of the total amount of societies' milk. At the BMCU or
MCC level, no milk will be acceptable in Plastic cans. If any tanker will reject due to quality reasons, all losses will
be recovered from the respective societies.
7. In order to ensure prompt and accurate payment to farmers, all societies are instructed to transfer the payment
directly to the bank accounts of the respective farmers. Additionally, it is mandatory for the societies to provide
the payment details to their respective supervisors for record-keeping purposes. This will help ensure transparency
and fairness in the payment process.

Managing Director

Annexure ”A”
Milk Rate Chart for Buffalo Milk for farmer w.e.f. 21/10/2024 — Telangana
Farmer Society
rate : rate :
830 846.6 Buffalo Milk
FAT% Rate/Ltr FAT% Rate/Ltr FAT% Rate/Ltr FAT% Rate/Ltr FAT% Rate/Ltr
5.1 42.33 6.1 50.63 7.1 58.93 8.1 67.23 9.1 75.53
5.2 43.16 6.2 51.46 7.2 59.76 8.2 68.06 9.2 76.36
5.3 43.99 6.3 52.29 7.3 60.59 8.3 68.89 9.3 77.19
5.4 44.82 6.4 53.12 7.4 61.42 8.4 69.72 9.4 78.02
5.5 45.65 6.5 53.95 7.5 62.25 8.5 70.55 9.5 78.85
5.6 46.48 6.6 54.78 7.6 63.08 8.6 71.38 9.6 79.68
5.7 47.31 6.7 55.61 7.7 63.91 8.7 72.21 9.7 80.51
5.8 48.14 6.8 56.44 7.8 64.74 8.8 73.04 9.8 81.34
5.9 48.97 6.9 57.27 7.9 65.57 8.9 73.87 9.9 82.17
6.0 49.80 7.0 58.10 8.0 66.40 9.0 74.70 10.0 83.00

Below listed criteria also consider for calculation of milk rate.

1. SNF 8.8 to 8.9 will be 98 % of good milk
2. SNF 8.5 to 8.7 will be 96 % of good milk
3. SNF 8.4% milk price will be 25% of good milk
4. Fat 0.1 to 5-0 and SNF <=9 milk price will be 25 % of good Milk
5. Adulterated milk will be rejected and destroyed at Dock and no payment will be given.

Date — 19/10/2024 Managing Director

SABAR DAIRY Annexure ”B”
Milk Rate Chart for Cow Milk w.e.f. 21/10/2024 — Telangana

Cow Milk:

Farmer Rate(TS Base) Rate
255 260.1
8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7
3 26.23 26.75 27.45 28.27 28.85 29.33 29.58 29.84
3.1 26.47 26.99 27.69 28.52 29.11 29.58 29.84 30.09
3.2 26.70 27.23 27.94 28.77 29.36 29.84 30.09 30.35
3.3 26.94 27.47 28.18 29.02 29.61 30.09 30.35 30.60
3.4 27.18 27.71 28.43 29.27 29.86 30.35 30.60 30.86
3.5 27.42 27.95 28.67 29.52 30.12 30.60 30.86 31.11
3.6 27.66 28.19 28.92 29.77 30.37 30.86 31.11 31.37
3.7 27.90 28.44 29.16 30.02 30.62 31.11 31.37 31.62
3.8 28.13 28.68 29.41 30.27 30.88 31.37 31.62 31.88
3.9 28.37 28.92 29.65 30.52 31.13 31.62 31.88 32.13
4 28.61 29.16 29.90 30.77 31.38 31.88 32.13 32.39
4.1 28.85 29.40 30.14 31.02 31.64 32.13 32.39 32.64
4.2 29.09 29.64 30.39 31.27 31.89 32.39 32.64 32.90
4.3 29.33 29.88 30.63 31.52 32.14 32.64 32.90 33.15
4.4 29.56 30.12 30.88 31.77 32.40 32.90 33.15 33.41
4.5 29.80 30.36 31.12 32.02 32.65 33.15 33.41 33.66
4.6 30.04 30.60 31.37 32.27 32.90 33.41 33.66 33.92
4.7 30.28 30.84 31.61 32.52 33.15 33.66 33.92 34.17
4.8 30.52 31.09 31.86 32.77 33.41 33.92 34.17 34.43
4.9 30.76 31.33 32.10 33.02 33.66 34.17 34.43 34.68
5 31.00 31.57 32.35 33.27 33.91 34.43 34.68 34.94
1. SNF 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7
96.1 % 98.1 % 99.25 100 100
94.5 % of of % of % of % of
93.5 % of of total total total total total total 100% of
Criteria for milk rate on basis of SNF% total rate rate rate rate rate rate rate total rate
2. FAT 5.1 & above, SNF 8.5 & above 25% of good milk
3. SNF below 0.1 to 7.9 milk price will be 25% of good

4. Adulterated milk will be rejected and destroyed at Dock No payment will be given

Managing Director

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