REOI and TOR FMNJP package (2)
REOI and TOR FMNJP package (2)
REOI and TOR FMNJP package (2)
December 2023
Loan No. 4410-INO
Project ID No. 51157-001
Reference No. : PB0301/POKJA.27.E.2024/DSSPSDA.SDA-JK.01/01
The Government of Indonesia has applied for funding from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to help
finance the Flood Management in North Java Project (FMNJP). The Directorate of Water Resources
Management System and Strategy (DWRMSS), Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH) intends to
apply part of the proceeds for consultant services, namely Project Management Consulting Service (the
The Central Project Management Unit (CPMU), under the DWRMSS, will recruit and manage the Services.
The services will assist the CPMU in day-to-day project management, monitoring, and coordination;
reporting; and social and environmental management. The firm will provide experts who will be assigned
for approximately 54 months. The draft of Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment is attached to this
request for expressions of interest.
The DWRMSS invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interests in providing the
Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required
qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services. The Qualifications and Experience of Key
Experts shall not be included in the shortlisting criteria. Key Experts will not be evaluated at the shortlisting
stage. The shortlisting criteria are articulated around (i) management competence; (ii) the consultants must
have successfully completed at least one contract experience as project management consultant of
loan/grant funding projects with multi stakeholder engagement (including planning, environmental & social
safeguards) in the last 10 years; (iii) the consultants must have successfully completed at least one contract
experience in water resources sector project in the last 5 years.
Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications, indicating whether the
association is in the form of a joint venture and/or a sub-consultancy. In the case of a joint venture, all the
partners in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract, all members of JV
should meet the criteria independently.
The Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method
set out in the Procurement Regulation for ADB Borrower (2017, as amended from time to time).
Interested Consultant firms are required to access the ADB Consultant Management System (CMS) and
the electronic procurement system (SPSE ICB) of Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (MPWH) to
register and to submit Expressions of Interest electronically ( at the latest
by 8 January 2024.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 09.00 AM to 04.00 PM.
Attn: : Kelompok Kerja (Pokja) Pemilihan 27.E.2024 BP2JK Wilayah DKI Jakarta
Email : [email protected]
Website :
CS-05 Project Management Consulting Service
A. Background
1. Floods disrupt economic activities, accentuate economic inequalities, and
disproportionately affect vulnerable people. The National Disaster Management Agency data
show that between 2008 to 2021 floods resulted in 2,813 lives lost; 109,958 people injured;
392,000 houses damaged; and 6.7 million houses inundated across Indonesia.1 Annual average
flood losses are estimated to be US$2.4 billion.2 Scientists estimate that from 2000 to 2030,
increases in exposure will elevate flood risk by 76% and 120% for river and coastal floods on
average, respectively.3 The occurrence of floods is driven by the combination of high intensity
rainfall on steep catchments discharging to rivers and ultimately to the coastal plains. Urbanization
reduces previous surfaces resulting in higher volume of runoff that ultimately increases exposure
of communities and assets to flood risks. With a urban population that is projected to increase
from 55% (in 2030) to more than 67% by 2045, more people and assets will be at risk in the
2. The Flood Management and Coastal Protection in North Java Project (the project) will
strengthen climate resilience in the Cimanuk-Cisanggarung (CimanCis) river basin, and the
Jratunseluna river basin.5 It will help reducing the risk to flooding of 485,000 people, agricultural
crops, and assets in the rapidly urbanizing and industrializing northern coast of Java Island. The
project will operationalize the flood risk management (FRM) approach by (i) establishing earth
observation services (EOS) and flood forecasting early warning and flood evaluation systems
(FFEWFES) to enhance planning and flood preparedness of communities; (ii) improving planning
and land zoning to reduce exposure to floods; and (iii) increasing climate resilience of flood
protection infrastructure and their operation and maintenance (O&M).
3. The project is aligned with the following impact: climate resilience enhanced to support
economic growth.6 It will have the following outcome: flood risk reduced.7
4. Output 1: Flood risk management made operational. This output will build the capacity
of the river basin organizations, local governments, and communities to better adapt to anticipated
impacts of climate change. The project will introduce EOS to predict and monitor flood and land
subsidence in North Java coast.8 The EOS will support FRM planning integrating climate change
projections, and damage assessment to inform relief support to communities affected by floods.
This output will modernize the hydro-meteorological systems to improve real-time data acquisition
in both river basin territories (RBT). The project will develop a national framework to harmonize
Compiled from national disaster database 2008 to 2021. Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana. (accessed on
October 2022).
EM-DAT compiled by JBA for 2016 World Bank Report Catastrophe risk modelling and live hazard data. Summary
technical report JBA for World Bank/GFDRR/Rockefeller Foundation.
S. Muis 2015. Flood risk and adaptation strategies under climate change and urban expansion: A probabilistic
analysis using global data.
The CimanCis river basin is in West Java province, where Cirebon City is located. The Jratunseluna river basin is in
Central Java province, adjacent to Semarang City.
Government of Indonesia. National Medium-Term Development Plan 2020–2024, Jakarta.
ADB. 2018. Country Operations Business Plan: Indonesia, 2019-2021. Manila.
The EOS platforms will integrate algorithms to process large amount of satellite based data capitalizing on the support
provided by European Space Agency. ADB. 2020. Water Financing Partnership Facility Direct Charge for Support to
Water and Food Security Planning and Investments in Indonesia through Earth Observation Services. Manila.
technology for FFEWFES across river basins in Indonesia. This output will finance equipment and
services for establishing FFEWFES in both RBTs to alert communities before floods occur and to
inform planning towards climate resilient river systems. The project will also support local
governments in developing climate risk–informed planning by aligning their mid-term
development plans, spatial plans, zoning regulations and building codes with the FRMPs. That
will help local governments in implementing the FRMPs according to their mandate as local
governments manage tributaries and secondary river systems. This output will also support local
government and communities in managing river corridors and right of way.
5. Output 2: Climate resilient infrastructure and O&M enhanced. Activities under this
output will directly reduce physical climate risk through construction and upgrading of flood
protection and water storage facilities. To ensure that improved discharge capacity is sustained,
this output will finance sediment control infrastructure. Where technically, economically, and
socially feasible, the project will introduce nature-based solutions for river works, such as room
for the river.9 Towards infrastructure lifecycle management, this output will strengthen asset
management by upgrading the national river asset management information system (E-PAS).
RBOs will inventory their respective river assets in E-PAS. This output will also strengthen
capacity of the Flood Control Infrastructure Management Units in each RBOs to operate flood
gates during flood events and to provide urgent repairs for water infrastructure damaged by
floods. The project will update planning and engineering guidelines for river works to ensure they
incorporate climate resilience and nature-based solution principles. This output will strengthen the
capacity of the executing and implementing agencies in project management. It will introduce
executing and implementing agencies to best practices to mainstream climate change adaptation
and innovations in their operations. Activities under this output will be implemented in
consideration of social and gender dimensions. The executing agency and BAPPENAS will
integrate sex-disaggregated data in conducting gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation and
provide regular monitoring to support evidence-based decision making.
6. The components per output are presented below:
Table 1: Project Components per Output and Implementing Agencies
Output 1: Flood risk management operationalized
1.A FFEWFES operationalized in the river basins in Jratunseluna and Cimanuk-Cisanggarung river basin
territories (Directorate of Water Resources Engineering Development, 2 RBOs DGWR)
1.B Earth Observation Services for FRM and land subsidence monitoring operationalized (DWRED
1.C Institutional capacity for FRM enhanced in Jratunseluna and Cimanuk-Cisanggarung river basins
territories (DGRD, MOHA)
Output 2: Climate resilient infrastructure and O&M enhanced
2.A FRM infrastructure constructed, sediment and land subsidence managed in Seluna and Cimanuk-
Cisanggarung river basins territories (RBOs)
2.B River O&M processes and systems improved (DO&M)
2.C Project Management and Construction Supervision (DGWR-MPWH) and independent monitoring
evaluation (DWR, BAPPENAS)
BAPPENAS = Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (National Development Planning Agency), DGRD =
Directorate General of Regional Development, DGWR = Directorate General of Water Resources, DO&M = Directorate
The “room for the river” approach involves flood reduction by restoring riverine landscapes through e.g., setting back
dikes, increasing river depth, creating storage and removing obstacles to serve as natural ‘water storage’ sponges.
Room for the River. 2016. Dutch Water Program Room for the River.
of Operation and Maintenance, DWR = Directorate of Water Resources, BAPPENAS, DWRED = Directorate of Water
Resources Engineering Development, FRM = flood risk management, MOHA = Ministry of Home Affairs, MPWH =
Ministry of Public Works and Housing, RBO = River Basin Organization.
8. Project Period and Stages. The project implementation stages are shown in Appendix
1. The technical preparation of the project which includes the Master Plan, economic and financial
analysis, Detailed Engineering Design (DED), environmental safeguards in the form of Analisis
Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL) and Initial Environmental Examinations (IEE), social
safeguards in the form of Land Acquisition & Resettlement Plan (LARP) and Dokumen
Perencanaan Pengadaan Tanah (DPPT), Riparian zone and bidding documents have been
prepared under ADB loan 3455-INO Engineering Service Project (2019-2023). The project is
expected to be effective in the first quarter of 2024 and will be implemented over 5 years.
9. The first batch of civil works packages, the project management and the construction
supervision consulting services, and the project implementation/management consulting services
are expected to be contracted in the first quarter of 2024.
B. Objectives of the Assignment
10. The Project Management Consultant (PMC) will support the Central Project Management
Unit (CPMU) under the Directorate General of Water Resources (the Executing Agency) in project
management and implementation.
C. Scope and Detailed Tasks
10. The PMC will assist CPMU in the overall implementation of the project and coordination
of the project components, reporting, monitoring and evaluation.
11. The PMC is responsible for assisting CPMU to ensure successful and timely
implementation of the project. The PMC will prepare all necessary reports/analysis/documents as
envisaged in the loan agreement and the associated documents.
12. The 5 (five) core tasks of the PMC are (i) planning, administration and management of the
project, (ii) project management advice to the CPMU, (iii) ensuring compliance of the project
implementation to the ADB procurement policies and social and environment safeguards
guidelines and requirements, and relevant government regulations, (iv) reporting, (v) monitoring
and evaluation.
13. The PMC shall be familiar with loan documentation, including Project Administration
Manual (PAM) and other ADB standards and guidelines. The PMC will assist the CPMU in project
management including:
i. Day-to-day project management: monitoring, controlling and evaluation, including
coordination and provision of recommendations to the CPMU on project-related issues;
ii. Assist CPMU in reviewing the performance targets based on the design and monitoring
framework (DMF) and in implementing the performance monitoring and evaluation
framework. Assist in establishing and maintaining a Geographic Information System
(GIS)-based project performance monitoring system (PPMS) to monitor project
progress and align the PPMS with the MPWH e-monitoring system;
iii. Set up a system of monitoring compliance for the loan covenants which includes
flagging of risks on non-compliance to ensure that appropriate actions are taken;
iv. Assist CPMU to ensure that the implementation of procurement, integrity/anti-
corruption, social safeguards, environment and gender and social inclusion activities
comply with the requirements stipulated in the loan documentation. Proactively provide
advice and take actions on any procurement and safeguard compliance issues. The
aim is to provide quality procurement and safeguard support, reduce safeguard and
end-to-end procurement time and improve the delivery of the project outputs;
v. Review the submitted project related documents from CPIUs/PIUs and ensure that the
documents fully meet with the requirements and are compliant with ADB guidelines and
government regulations prior to further submission to the respective stakeholders;
vi. Project financial management including to ensure that the provision of funds is provided
timely, loan finance is managed appropriately, withdrawal application is processed
properly, financial reports is delivered timely, and project assets are registered
completely in the government asset information system;
vii. Procurement and contract management including reviewing bid evaluation and
consultant selection reports, prior to the submission to ADB. Ensure quality of the
procurement document;
viii. Prepare consolidated contract awards and disbursement projections;
ix. Prepare and maintaining project website;
x. Prepare material for media and public communication;
xi. Ensure compliance of the project implementation with the ADB procurement policies
and safeguards guidelines and requirements, and relevant government regulations,
xii. Project reporting: deliver high quality reports in accordance with reporting requirements
stipulated in the loan documentation, including progress, bi-annual environmental
safeguards monitoring, social safeguard, gender, financial, and project completion
reports and submit the reports timely to respective stakeholders, including to ADB.
Prepare draft consolidated financial reports for external auditing purposes. Ensure
disclosure requirements are complied with.
xiii. Implement the Stakeholder Communication Strategy (SCS) which aims to increase
access to information about the project, and to improve communication and information
sharing with project-affected people and other concerned stakeholders (including
women and vulnerable groups) throughout the course of the project.
14. The PMC will need to communicate, monitor and follow all activities conducted by CPMU,
CPIUs/PIUs in MPWH, Bappenas, and MOHA to update project status and progress regularly.
15. The PMC will be contracted by a working unit (satker) in the Directorate of System and
Strategy for Water Resources Management DGWR and to be stationed close to the MPWH office
in South Jakarta
D. Firm Qualification
16. The consulting firm must have successfully completed at least one contract experience as
project management consultant of loan/grant funded projects with multi stakeholder engagement
(including planning, environmental & social safeguards) in the last 10 years. The consulting firm
must also have successfully completed at least one contract experience in water resources sector
project in the last 5 years.
E. Personnel
17. The consulting firm will mobilize key experts/specialists as shown in Table 6 below. All
specialists shall contribute fully to the preparation of reports and other deliverables. The firm will
administer meetings, workshops and seminars as stipulated in the contract. All specialists must
have excellent communication skills in spoken and written English.
Table 6: Team Composition for Key Experts
No Position Man-Months
A. Key Experts:
PMC-1 Project Management Specialist (Team Leader) 54
PMC-2 Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist (Co-Team Leader) 54
PMC-3 Financial Management Specialist 54
PMC-4 Procurement and Contract Management Specialist 36
PMC-5 Social Safeguard Specialist 48
PMC-6 Environmental Safeguard Specialist 48
Sub Total A 294
B. Non-key Experts:
PMC-7 Gender, Institutional and Capacity Building Specialist 48
PMC-8 Junior Project Management Specialist 53
PMC-9 Junior Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist 53
PMC-10 Junior Financial Management Specialist 53
PMC-11 Junior Social Safeguard Specialist 48
PMC-12 Junior Management Information System Specialist 12
Sub Total B 267
C. Supporting Staffs
PMC-11 Financial Assistant (act. Office Manager) 53
PMC-12 Reporting Assistant (act. Secretary) 53
PMC-13 Database and Technical Assistant 53
PMC-14 Administration Management Assistant 53
Office Boy 53
Driver 1 53
Driver 2 53
Security 53
Sub Total C 424
F. Terms of Reference of Key Specialists
Key Experts:
18. Team Leader/Project Management Specialist (54 man-months).
Team Leader/Project Management Specialist is:
(i) General qualification: A master’s degree (or higher would be a plus) preferably
from an accredited and reputable university in Civil / Water Resources Engineering
or Water Resources Management major (for both master and bachelor degree)
and having at least 15 years general working experience after graduated from
bachelor degree;
(ii) Project related experience: Preferably having working experiences of at least 10
years as Team Leader or Co-Team Leader or Project Management Specialist or
similar positions;
(iii) Project related experience: Preferably having working experiences as position
mentioned above at least 10 years in project management consultant (or other
terminology with similar scope of work) funded by any international development
partner (e.g. World Bank, ADB, AIIB, JICA, etc);
(iv) Project related experience: Preferably Having working experience of at least 10
years with project consulting services under Directorate General Water
Resources, MPWH;
(v) International experience: Preferably having working experience in a relevant
position of at least 10 years overseas or with international
The Team Leader will be the focal person in assisting the government with the implementation of
the Project. The Team Leader should be familiar with tasks listed in the scope of work and will
have overall responsibility for managing the team and coordinating among consulting teams under
CPIU/ NPIUs/PIUs. The major duties and responsibilities of the Team Leader will include, but not
limited to the following:
(i) Coordinate with the steering committee, CPMU, CPIU, NPIUs, and PIUs for
smooth and timely implementation and completion of the project;
(ii) Lead the consultant team in coordination of inputs and management of individual
specialists in respect to their responsibilities;
(iii) Establish a work schedule and quality control plan in accordance with contract;
(iv) Manage and coordinate consultant team in due accordance with the working
schedule as accepted by CPMU;
(v) Conduct quality control of the deliverables in due accordance with the quality
control plan as accepted by CPMU to meet ADB standards;
(vi) Coordinate with the implementing units for cross-sectoral synchronization of
subproject activities, including developing implementation guideline, providing
recommendations on the work plan strategy, to consolidate and to review the
procurement plan, annual expenditure/budget and allocations, cost estimates,
disbursement plan for inputs to AWP and OWP, and give recommendation to
(vii) Organize monthly meetings with CPMU followed by minutes of meeting for
circulation within a week;
(viii) Prepare periodic and unscheduled reports;
(ix) Attend any meetings conducted by NSCWR/CPMU/CPIU/NPIU/ PIU and the
Ministry of Finance regarding FMNJP activities and submit the minute of meeting
to CPMU within 7 days after the meeting;
(x) Build partnership with other consultant team related to FMNJP activities on each
NSCWR/CPMU/CPIU/NPIU/PIU and the Ministry of Finance.
The Team Leader will also assist the following responsibilities, but not limited to:
(i) Conduct a comprehensive review and provide inputs to the technical
advice/guidelines/notes/reports/documents prepared by the consultant team;
(ii) Assist in the financial management including monitoring the budget submissions,
disbursement, processing payment requests;
(iii) Assist in the procurement management, including monitoring the contract
performance, preparation of bidding document for civil works and in the
procurement of the works, goods and services, and help establish capacity within
the CPMU to undertake procurement using open competitive bidding procedures;
(iv) Assist in follow up on the actions based on the audit report of the project.
19. Co-Team Leader/Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist (54 man-months).
The Co-Team Leader/Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist is:
(i) General qualification: A bachelor’s degree (or higher would be a plus) preferably
from an accredited and reputable university in Civil / Water Resources Engineering
/ Management Information / relevant major and having at least 15 years general
working experience after graduated from bachelor degree;
(ii) Project related experience: Preferably having working experiences of at least 10
years as Team Leader or Co-Team Leader or Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist
or similar positions;
(iii) Project related experience: Preferably having working experiences as position
mentioned above at least 10 years in project management consultant (or other
terminology with similar scope of work) funded by any international development
partner (e.g. World Bank, ADB, AIIB, JICA, etc);
(iv) Project related experience: Preferably Having working experience of at least 10
years with project consulting services under Directorate General Water
Resources, MPWH;
(v) International experience: Preferably having working experience in a relevant
position of at least 10 years overseas or with international
The Co-Team Leader will work closely with the Team Leader to ensure that the project is
implemented in accordance with the project design and monitoring framework (DMF) and that
issues arising are quickly identified and brought to the attention of the government and the ADB
for prompt resolution. The M&E Specialist will assist the Team Leader to carry out the following
responsibilities, but are not limited to:
(i) Prepare and facilitate the coordination meetings with the steering committee,
CPMU, CPIU, NPIUs, PIUs, and National Task Force related to the project;
(ii) Day-to-day monitoring of work schedule and quality control plan for the consulting
services in accordance with contract;
(iii) Day-to-day coordination of consultant team in due accordance with the working
schedule as accepted by CPMU;
(iv) Review of the deliverables so that they are in accordance with the quality control
plan as accepted by CPMU and ADB standards;
(v) Day-to-day coordination and collecting input from implementing units for cross-
sectoral synchronization of subproject activities, including developing
implementation guideline, providing recommendations on the work plan strategy,
to consolidate and to review the procurement plan, annual expenditure/budget and
allocations, cost estimates, disbursement plan for inputs to AWP and OWP;
(vi) Day-to-day monitoring progress in achieving targets in the Project Results
Framework, as described in the PAM. This includes conducting, through a third
party if needed, a baseline survey to establish the Results Framework baseline
(vii) Continuously monitor and analyze the performance (through project results
indicators) of implementation of subprojects and advise on actions to improve
progress and enhance quality;
(viii) Organize monthly meetings with CPMU;
(ix) Prepare and facilitate capacity building (training/workshops/etc.) related to the
(x) Consolidate inputs in the preparation of periodic and unscheduled reports;
(xi) Assist in all aspects of project administration, performance and monitoring;
(xii) Assist in the financial management and procurement management;
(xiii) Assist in conducting Environmental & Social risk management in coordination with
Social and environmental safeguard specialist;
(xiv) Prepare Project Management Information System (MIS), develop the Project MIS
(web-based systems) in cooperation with Junior Management Information System
Specialist, and disseminate the guidelines to all implementing units;
(xv) Assist in follow up on the actions based on the audit of the Project.
(xvi) Attend any meetings conducted by NSCWR/CPMU/CPIU/NPIU/ PIU and the
Ministry of Finance regarding FMNJP activities and submit the minute of meeting
to CPMU within 7 days after the meeting; and,
(xvii) Build partnership with other consultant team related to FMNJP activities on each
NSCWR/CPMU/CPIU/NPIU/PIU and the Ministry of Finance.
If any of the key experts do not meet the requirement and if the consultant is proposed to be
invited for contract negotiation, the Client reserves the right to ask the consultant to replace such
key experts with the new key experts meeting the minimum qualification requirement.
The Social Safeguard Specialist will provide technical guidance, capacity building, strategic and
technical advice, and any support to the implementing units in all aspects of social safeguard
during the project cycle including planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and
reporting. The Specialist will be responsible for assisting CPMU but not limited to the following:
(i) Disseminate the ADB’s requirements regarding social safeguard to ensure
adequate understanding of implementing units and other relevant stakeholders;
(ii) Consolidate social safeguard reports from implementing units and prepare project
progress report for submission to ADB;
(iii) Provide advice to implementing units in terms of identification of social risks and
their management, planning, and budgeting;
(iv) Provide input to various documents (terms of references, screenings, reports, etc.)
of subprojects regarding the social aspects as necessary;
(v) Provide guidance to CPIUs and PIUs regarding the preparation or updating of
LARAP of subprojects to ensure that such documents meet the requirements of
LARAP acceptable to ADB;
(vi) Provide advice to CPIU and NPIUs regarding all documents requires incorporation
of social aspects prior to submission for ADB’s review and obtaining no objection;
(vii) Provide advice to CPIU and PIUs in the implementation of social safeguard
measures in accordance with the agreed LARAP/ESMP/other social-related
documents developed for each subproject;
(viii) Lead the capacity building activities to implementing units regarding social
(ix) Lead the arrangement of internal social safeguard audits during project
implementation, and external social safeguard audits at the end of the project
implementation as necessary;
(x) Attend any meetings conducted by NSCWR/CPMU/CPIU/NPIU/ PIU and the
Ministry of Finance regarding FMNJP activities and submit the minute of meeting
to CPMU within 7 days after the meeting; and,
(xi) Build partnership with other consultant team related to FMNJP activities on each
NSCWR/CPMU/CPIU/NPIU/PIU and the Ministry of Finance; and
(xii) Assist Team Leader in reporting, especially for social safeguard aspect.
The Environmental Safeguards Specialist will provide technical guidance, capacity building,
strategic and technical advice, and any support to the implementing units in all aspects of
environmental safeguard during the project cycle including planning, implementation, monitoring
and evaluation, and reporting. The Specialist will be responsible for assisting CPMU for but not
limited to the following:
(iii) Ensure that implementation comply with the ADB and Government’s regulations
for environment safeguards;
(iv) Confirm that the IEEs and EMPs are updated in accordance with ADB’s SPS if
changes in detailed designs for ADB review and approval prior to contract award;
(v) Confirm that the required AMDAL, a government requirement, has been prepared
during detailed design and approved by the respective environment agency, i.e the
Ministry of Environment and Forestry;
(vi) Ensure that the EMP is included in the bidding documents and civil works
(vii) Ensure that Construction’s EMPs (CEMPs) and SMKK are prepared by all
contractors prior to actual construction;
(viii) Establish a system to monitor compliance to environmental safeguards of the
subprojects including monitoring the indicators set out in the monitoring plan of the
(ix) Attend any meetings conducted by NSCWR/CPMU/CPIU/NPIU/ PIU and the
Ministry of Finance regarding FMNJP activities and submit the minute of meeting
to CPMU within 7 days after the meeting; and
(x) Assist Team Leader in reporting, especially for environmental safeguard aspect.
Non-Key Experts:
23. Gender, Institutional and Capacity Building Specialist (48 man-months).
The Gender, Institutional and Capacity Building Specialist is:
(i) General qualification: A bachelor’s degree (or higher would be a plus) preferably
from an accredited and reputable university in any major (preferably in
Development Studies or Anthropology or Sociology or Urban Studies or Public
Policy) and having at least 15 years general working experience after graduated
from bachelor degree.
(ii) Project related experience: Preferably having working experience of at least 10
years as Social / Gender / Institutional / Capacity Building Specialist (or similar
(iii) Project related experience: Preferably having working experiences as position
mentioned above at least 10 years in project management consultant (or other
terminology with similar scope of work) funded by any international development
partner (e.g. World Bank, ADB, AIIB, JICA, etc);
(iv) Project related experience: Preferably Having working experience of at least 10
years with project consulting services under Directorate General Water
Resources, MPWH;
(v) International experience: Preferably having working experience in a relevant
position of at least 10 years overseas or with international
The Gender, Institutional and Capacity Building Specialist will provide technical guidance,
capacity building, advice and any support to the CPMU, CPIU, NPIUs, and PIUs regarding
capacity building under FMNJP. The Specialist will be responsible for but not limited to the
(i) Take primary responsibility for overseeing the project from gender perspective to
ensure participation of gender groups;
(ii) Provide guidance for the implementation of Gender Action Plan and Social
Inclusion (GESIAP) to NPIUs, CPIU, PIUs, and other relevant stakeholders;
(iii) Establish sex-disaggregated baseline data at project inception and maintain sex-
disaggregated data during project implementation in collaboration with other
(iv) Support the CPMU and PIUs in meeting gender targets of FMNJP, and preparing
reports of implementation of gender action plan and consolidated GAP
implementation progress, including to meet requirements of gender as stipulated
in the project Design and Monitoring Framework;
(v) Monitor progress of gender-sensitive indicators at project level as stated in the
results framework indicators for the project;
(vi) Document and promote best practices from gender related activities of the project;
(vii) Lead the capacity building activities to NPIUs, CPIU, PIUs, and other relevant
(viii) Monitor gender, institutional strengthening and capacity building for incorporation
into regular project progress reports;
(ix) Attend any meetings conducted by NSCWR/CPMU/CPIU/NPIU/ PIU and the
Ministry of Finance regarding FMNJP activities and submit the minute of meeting
to CPMU within 7 days after the meeting;
(x) Build partnership with other consultant team related to FMNJP activities on each
NSCWR/CPMU/CPIU/NPIU/PIU and the Ministry of Finance
(xi) Review relevant documents/information related to national and provincial flood
disaster policies, strategies, and regulations;
(xii) Develop an asset management plan for each city government for the sustainable
operation of green infrastructure that have been build; and
(xiii) Assist Team Leader in reporting, especially for gender, institutional and capacity
building area.
1. General experience:
Qualifications Junior Project Management Specialist:
A bachelor’s degree (or higher would be a plus) preferably from an accredited
and reputable university in Civil Engineering or Water Resources Engineering or
Water Resources Management, and at least having 3 years general working
experience after graduated from bachelor degree.
Junior Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist:
A bachelor’s degree (or higher would be a plus) preferably from an accredited
and reputable university in Civil Engineering or Water Resources Engineering or
Management or relevant major, and at least having 3 years general working
experience after graduated from bachelor degree.
Junior Financial Management Specialist:
A bachelor’s degree (or higher would be a plus) preferably from an accredited
and reputable university in Accounting and at least having 3 years general
working experience after graduated from bachelor degree.
Junior Social Safeguard Specialist:
A bachelor’s degree (or higher would be a plus) preferably from an accredited
and reputable university in Development Studies, Anthropology, Sociology,
Urban Studies, Public Policy or relevant major and at least having 3 years general
working experience after graduated from bachelor degree.
Junior Management Information System Specialist
A bachelor’s degree (or higher would be a plus) preferably from an accredited
and reputable university in Information Technology or any major with working
experience at least 3 years after graduated from bachelor degree. Junior expert
with various and longer professional experiences in MIS development is more
G. Duration of Services
26. The Consultant will provide the services during a period of 54 (fifty four) months calendar.
Commencement of services is expected in early July 2024 until end of December 2028.
27. The consultants shall commence the work within seven (7) days from the date of receipt
of the Notice to Proceed (NTP) by the CPMU’s representative (Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen/PPK).
28. The Consultant has to be fully aware that to preclude any unnecessary additional
expenses, staff should be mobilized in accordance with the actual commencement and
requirements of the Project. To ensure the efficient deployment of the Consultant’s staff, the
mobilization of staff shall be confirmed and validated by the PPK.
H. Deliverables
29. All reports shall contain relevant and valid information as outline below, be concise, in
good quality, avoid repetition or theory or unnecessary copy paste from the project document. All
reports should consist of information that are useful to support quality and timely project
Project Monthly Reports The Project Monthly Report will at least summarize all By 5th calendar day
project activities conducted during the reported month after the end of
including physical progress plan and achievement the reported
(realization), s-curve graph, analysis of delays if any, month (20
inspection results, recommendations. It will also include (twenty) soft
the consultant’s activities in conducting its tasks and copies)
Deliverable Outline Timing
Quarterly Project The Quarterly Project Progress Report will at least Quarterly, not later
Progress Reports summarize all project activities conducted during the than 15 days after
reported quarter including physical progress plan and the end of each
achievement (realization), s-curve graph, analysis of reporting period
delays if any, inspection results, recommendations. (20 (twenty)
Annual Work Plan The annual work plan will include a detailed The AWP for the
implementation plan and budget needed for the coming year
project’s activities in the reported year as a should be
consolidation of all annual work plan proposed by submitted by the
CPMU, CPIU and PIU. The Annual Work Plan needs 15th March of the
NSCWR’s endorsement. current year (20
(twenty) copies)
Consolidated Annual The Consolidated Annual Project Progress Report will at Annually, within 30
Project Progress Report least summarize all project activities per days after the end
component/sub-component conducted during the of each reporting
reported year including physical progress plan and period (10 (ten)
achievement (realization), s-curve graph, analysis of copies)
delays if any, inspection results, recommendations.
Unaudited Project The Unaudited Project Financial Statements will cover Not later than 6
Financial Statements annual project financial statement including contracts months after the
payment, issues if any to be audited by the State Auditor closure of the fiscal
year (10 (ten)
Semi-annual Project The semi-annual Project Financial Statement will include Semi-annually (10
Financial Statement detail of the project financial status of both loan and (ten) copies).
Government Rp to be used for project audit.
Draft Project The Project Completion Report will include at least the Not later than 3
Completion Report chronological project activities during the project period, months before
disbursement, s-curve graph, issues and solutions, contract ends
lessons learned, outputs achievement, (draft 10 (ten)
recommendations copies for
● Air Fare Tickets ● Economy class air tickets by the most direct route
● Local Transport ● Fuel for duty outside the city if using operational car
● Public transport, bus tickets at cost.
● Other mode of transport by the most direct route by commercial operators including
aircraft, vessels, speed boats, etc.
● Out Station Allowance ● Accommodation in hotel at province level and per diem
● Transport from the office to the airport must use operational car available in the
central office. From the airport to the field or regional office, should use car rental or
● Office Space ● Office rent with the maximum distances of 3 KM from CPMU office
● Min. 96 m2 plus 30 m2 for meeting room incl. furniture (work table), AC and
telephone and internet line.
● Office location must ensure good signal of telephone and mobile internet.
● Office Running Cost ● Subscription electricity, water supply, purchase of equipment and materials for
cleaning and sanitation of office.
● Purchasing materials for appropriate snacks, Buying lighting Equipment, Security
Instruments, at cost
● Laptop/Notebook ● Core i5 or better, with RAM 16 GB, SSD 500GB, Wifi, bluetooth, External/Internal
Web Camera, LCD 14” or smaller, Original Microsoft Windows 10 or newer;
● Desktop Computer/ ● Core i5 or better, with RAM 16 GB, SSD 500GB, Wifi, bluetooth, External/Internal
Portable Computer Web Camera, LCD 19” or bigger, Original Microsoft Windows 10 or newer;
● Printer Laserjet B/W ● Size: A4, 600 x 600 dpi, 30 ppm print
● Min 2 units
● Flatbed Scanner/ Scanjet ● Size : A4, resolution : 600 x 600 dpi, scanning speed 30 paper per minutes (ppm)
with document auto feeder (50 sheet). Connectivity USB 3.0
● Communication Cost ● Telecommunication cost, postage and internet subscription fee, purchase of pre-
paid mobile phone vouchers, Internet Connection
● Fullboard Package ● For training activities including the rental of classrooms, training equipment,
accommodation for 1 room/2 persons and consumptions. Hotel - Minimum Standard
Government Echelon III.
● Reporting ● Quarterly, Annual Report & Final Report shall be printed on A4/80gsm paper with
soft cover binding and digital files on flashdisk or HDD and upload to cloud storage
33. The Consultant may rent 2 (two) 7-seater MPV type cars fueled by gasoline, with
automatic transmission, minimum 2000cc, to be used by consultants for operational during the
contract period. Consultants can also rent 3 (three) motorcycles. Driver salary and Operational
and Maintenance cost can be charged to the contracts as reimbursable items;
K. Others
34. The consulting firms are requested to ensure that EOIs are submitted online through the
LKPP’s LPSE for MPWH (Government’s e-procurement platform) and through the ADB’s CMS
CSRN by the prescribed deadline. The LKPP’s SPSE for MPWH can be accessed at In case differences between the EOIs submitted through SPSE
ICB and CMS, the former prevails. Interested and eligible firms are requested to submit the EOIs
only in the prescribed template of ADB’s EOI (see Appendix 2). The short – listing will be carried
out using the three (3) major criteria corresponding to the EOI’s template.
35. Consultant firms are requested to support CPMU to conduct workshop with a full board
meeting package at 4-stars hotel in Jakarta. Based on request from CPMU, Consultant are
requested to invite related resources person such as flood risk management, social safeguard
and LARP, environmental safeguard, financial management, etc. Standard unit rate for full board
meeting and honorarium for resources person refers to Regulation Ministry of Finance No. 83/
PMK. 02/2022 about Standar Biaya Masukan Tahun Anggaran 2023.
36. Consultant firms are requested to provide video and photo documentary in 2 locations of
FMNJP (Semarang and Cirebon). Documentary is carried-out with the following Term of
- Documentary is prepared based on research, observation, script, and storyboard.
- Consultant are requested to collect data and activity documentation of FMNJP in video
and photo from related parties especially officer in River Basin Organization (BBWS/
BWS) in the project locations.
- Consultant are requested to conduct interview, discussion, and consultation with relevant
parties to collect more detail information related with FMNJP.
- Consultant are requested to capture situation and detail work of each object activity of
FMNJP such as: staging of construction activity starting from initial condition of the project
location, process of construction civil work, result of construction civil work. Socialization
activity and another activity that recommended by Client also needed to be carried out.
- Consultant are requested in editing and presenting relevant photo, video, and result in
physical album along with soft file.
Appendix 1. Project Stages
Project Number
Project Name
Project Country
Joint Venture
Country of
CMS No.1 Consultant Acronym (JV) or Sub- EOI Submission Position
consultant Authorized By
Present the rationale for and benefits of working in association (JV or Sub-consultant) with others rather than
undertaking the assignment independently (as appropriate). Describe the proposed management and coordination
approach of the association and the role of each firm.
I confirm that:
Documentation regarding our corporate structure including beneficial ownership has been attached.
If already registered on ADB’s Consultant Management System (CMS). CMS registration is not mandated under EA-administered selection.
The lead consultant must submit a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation of itself and of each JV member and sub-consultant through
VII. EOI Attachments.
A written agreement to associate for the purpose of this Expression of Interest has been signed between the
consortium partners and has been attached.
Once your team is shortlisted and invited for submission of the Proposal, it is not permissible to transfer the invitation
to any other firm, such as Consultant’s parent companies, subsidiaries and affiliates. The Client will reject a Proposal
if the Consultant drops a JV member without the Client’s prior consent, which is given only in exceptional
circumstances, such as debarment of the JV partner or occurrence of Force Majeure. 12
For online submission: Your EOI shall demonstrate technical competence and geographical experience based on
project references entered in full registration under your CMS profile. We encourage you to update Project Information
under your CMS prior to filling EOI.
For offline submission: Please provide relevant project information in Section E below.
A. Technical Competence
Cross-referencing from your profile projects in Section E. Project References, highlight the technical qualifications of
your entity/consortium in undertaking similar assignments. Provide details of past experiences working with similar
project authorities.
B. Geographical Experience
Cross-referencing from your profile projects in Section E. Project References, present experiences in similar
geographic areas.
Paras. 3 and 7, Section 1 of the Standard Request for Proposal (SRFP), ADB website.
C. Management Competence (Please answer each question in one paragraph of 3-5 sentences)
1. Describe standard policies, procedures, and practices that your entity has to assure quality interaction with clients
and outputs. Please state if your company is ISO certified.
2. How will your firm/consortium handle complaints concerning the performance of experts or quality of the reports
submitted for this assignment? What internal controls are in place to address and resolve complaints?
3. How will you ensure the quality of your firm’s/consortium’s performance over the life of this assignment?
4. Describe standard policies, procedures and practices that your firm has put in place to avoid changes/replacements
of personnel and to ensure the continuity of professional services once contracted.
5. Describe what social protection practices you have in place to safeguard the well-being of your proposed experts?
Specifically describe arrangements you have in place for medical, accident, and life insurance coverage during
the assignment.
Please select most relevant projects to demonstrate the firm’s technical qualifications and geographical experience
(maximum 10 projects).
Project Summary
SN 1
Project Title
Country / Region
Start Date
Completion Date
Continuous /
Funding Source
Description (indicate your role and input inperson-months)
SN 2
Project Title
Country / Region
Start Date
Completion Date
Continuous /
Funding Source
Description (indicate your role and input in person-months)
V. Key Considerations in approaching this assignment (no more than 9,000 characters
summarizing approach and methodology)
We, the undersigned, certify to the best of our knowledge and belief:
We have read the advertisement, including the terms of reference (TOR), for this assignment.
Neither the consulting firm nor its JV member or sub-consultant or any of its experts prepared the TOR for
this activity.
We confirm that the project references submitted as part of this EOI accurately reflect the experience of the
specified firm/consortium.
We further confirm that, if any of our experts is engaged to prepare the TOR for any ensuing assignment
resulting from our work product under this assignment, our firm, JV member or sub-consultant, and the
expert(s) will be disqualified from short-listing and participation in the assignment.
All consulting entities and experts proposed in this EOI are eligible to participate in ADB-funded, -supported
and –administered activities.
The lead entity and JV member or sub-consultant are NOT currently sanctioned by ADB or other MDBs.
Neither the consulting firm nor the JV member or sub-consultant has ever been convicted of an integrity-
related offense or crime related to theft, corruption, fraud, collusion or coercion.
We understand that it is our obligation to notify ADB should any member of the consortium become ineligible
to work with ADB or other MDBs or be convicted of an integrity-related offense or crime as described above.
JV member or sub-consultant, including all proposed experts named in this EOI, confirmed their interest in
this activity in writing.
JV member or sub-consultant, including all proposed experts named in this EOI, authorized us in writing to
represent them in expressing interest in this activity.
None of the proposed consortiums are subsidiaries of and/or dependent on the Executing Agency or the
Implementing Agency or individuals related to them.
We understand that any misrepresentations that knowingly or recklessly mislead, or attempt to mislead may
lead to the automatic rejection of the proposal or cancellation of the contract, if awarded, and may result in
further remedial action, in accordance with ADB’s Anticorruption Policy.
December 2023
Eligibility refers to ADB’s Guidelines on the Use of Consultants by Asian Development Bank and its Borrowers
2013 or ADB Procurement Policy 2017 and Procurement Regulations for ADB Borrowers 2017, as relevant.