[Ebooks PDF] download Introduction to Econophysics: Contemporary Approaches with Python Simulations 1st Edition Carlo Requião Da Cunha full chapters
[Ebooks PDF] download Introduction to Econophysics: Contemporary Approaches with Python Simulations 1st Edition Carlo Requião Da Cunha full chapters
[Ebooks PDF] download Introduction to Econophysics: Contemporary Approaches with Python Simulations 1st Edition Carlo Requião Da Cunha full chapters
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DOI: 10.1201/9781003127956
viii Contents
Index...................................................................................................................... 271
It was 2017 when I was approached by a group of undergraduate students asking me
to offer an elective course in econophysics. The course was listed in the university
catalog but had never been offered before. As I was progressively being attracted to
intersectional areas of physics I took the challenge.
The first obstacle that I had to overcome was the limited number of resources.
Econophysics is still a relatively new field and there were not many books available
on the topic if compared to books about well-established fields such as quantum me-
chanics. Moreover, most of the books about econophysics that I had the opportunity
to find were aimed at graduate level or above. On the other hand, the public demand-
ing the course had barely completed their first course on statistical mechanics. This
made me structure the discipline with adjacent topics to make the subject easier to
tackle by undergraduate students. Finding all these topics in the same book, however,
was impossible for me at that time.
It was also important to motivate the students with real life examples before in-
troducing some mathematically intense theories. Therefore, the book often begins a
chapter with a real story related to the subject and many applications are discussed
throughout the chapters. Furthermore, brief code snippets are included to show how
sophisticated theories can be translated and simulated in a current computer lan-
guage: Python. In many cases, compiled languages such as C and Fortran would
render faster simulations, but Python was chosen for its simplicity and also for the
opportunity it offers for the students to advance in a language that is highly demanded
by today’s industry.
The book was written in two languages: English and mathematics. Although many
authors prefer to produce more conceptual materials, I advocate that quite often math
can speak for itself and say much more than a spoken language. The only constraint
is that the reader must know how to read this language. Nonetheless, this book was
written for physics students, and, although there is some good level of math, it lacks
the deep formal rigor that a mathematician would expect. Also, since the book was
written with undergraduate students in mind, many derivations are explicitly shown.
I also found it the perfect opportunity to introduce some advanced math that physics
students would not typically encounter in an undergraduate program such as measure
theory, stochastic calculus, and catastrophe theory. Being firstly aimed at undergrad-
uate students, though, it does not mean that the book cannot be used by graduate
students and researchers in general. On the contrary, the material developed here had
also been used in a graduate level course in physics at UFRGS.
Econophysics, as it will be discussed, tries to build an interface between physics
and economics. The latter, though, unlike physics, can have many different schools
of thought. Typically, the school of economic thought an author tries connect with
is not made explicit in most materials about econophysics. Schools of thought
that experimentally failed are vehemently discarded in this book, unless they are
xii Preface
Chapter five introduces the concept of portfolio. It begins with the well-known
Markowitz portfolio and CAPM models and then makes a connection between port-
folios and random matrix theory, speculating if some of the tools used in quantum
mechanics can be used to study these portfolios.
Chapter six is dedicated to crises, cycles and collapses. It begins with a review of
the Austrian business cycle theory and then advances to catastrophe theory, a topic
that finds connections with phase transitions in physics, but is uncommon in most
undergraduate programs. The chapter closes with self-organized criticality under a
cellular automata approach.
The next topic, game theory, is shown in chapter seven mainly through examples
without dwelling too much on its mathematical formalities. Some famous examples
such as the minority, cooperative and coordination games are discussed. By the end
of the chapter, we discuss evolutionary game theory and the prey-predator model.
This book ends with a treatment of agent-based simulations. First, an introduction
to complex networks, their properties and models are presented. Some important
socioeconomic models that resemble the famous Ising model are then presented.
The chapter closes with some brief introduction to interacting multiagent systems in
a Boltzmann equation approach.
They say that “an author never finishes a book, he only abandons it,” and I couldn’t
agree more! Non-linear effects and chaos theory, for instance, are currently important
topics in econophysics. Nonetheless, these and many other topics are left for future
editions of this book.
I am most grateful to friends at Arizona State University where parts of this book
were written. I particularly acknowledge with gratitude the hospitality of Ying-
Cheng Lai in his group and am indebted to David Ferry who indirectly helped to
bring this project up to life. I am also grateful to the AFOSR for financial support
under award number FA9550-20-1-0377.