Instant Download Pro Bash: Learn to Script and Program the GNU/Linux Shell 3rd Edition Jayant Varma PDF All Chapters
Instant Download Pro Bash: Learn to Script and Program the GNU/Linux Shell 3rd Edition Jayant Varma PDF All Chapters
Instant Download Pro Bash: Learn to Script and Program the GNU/Linux Shell 3rd Edition Jayant Varma PDF All Chapters
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his side, expecting him to give them the food they longed
for, and the love which day by day he lavished upon them.
But the sheep was so weary and faint that he could not
walk, so the tender shepherd put him on to his shoulders,
and brought him home rejoicing!
And Jesus, our Good Shepherd, says: "I say unto you,
that likewise joy shall be in Heaven over one sinner that
XVIII. The Door of the Sheep
Then, having counted them in, and having found that all
are there, he places himself across the doorway, and bids
his dear flock lie down, because while he is there as their
door, no harm can come to them.
The very last evening that our dear Lord was on earth
before His death, He and His twelve disciples were gathered
together in that upper room to eat the Passover.
On the morrow he was to die! But though He had told
the disciples very often of His death, they had failed to
believe it.
Peter had said "That be far from Thee, Lord!" and had,
like the other disciples, dismissed the fear from his
The Passover supper was over, and Judas had left them
and gone out into the darkness. If no one else expected the
death of the Lord of Glory, Judas knew in his heart that he
had sold his Lord for thirty pieces of silver, and that the
Jews would surely kill Him!
But Judas was gone out; and now our Lord turned to
the eleven who were left, and began to comfort them, with
words of strength and hope.
John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, who had sat close
to his Lord, and had leant on His breast, heard all these
heart-cheering words, as Jesus uttered them. But little did
he know, then, that he would be chosen to write all these
lovely words down in his Gospel; nor that by and by he
should be a prisoner for years in the rocky Isle of Patmos,
and see glorious visions of "the Father's House, and the
many Mansions."
"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and
there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying,
neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things
are passed away.
"And He that sat upon the throne said, 'Behold, I make
all things new.' And He said unto me, 'Write: for these
words are true and faithful.'"
Here were two men: they had heard that it was a wise
thing to have a house to live in, and they both decided that
they would begin at once to build.
If you watch the people who bear trouble the best, who
are patient in trial, hopeful in adversity, brave in difficulty,
triumphant in death, you will find that it is they who have
built on the Rock Jesus Christ, and have found that there is
security and peace there.
Some of you who read the story in the Bible may say,
"A penny for a day's work!" But this is only because the
money then was of such a different value from what it is
now; and a Roman penny was worth nearly eight times
what our penny is now, and was at that time the usual hire
for a day's work.
But when the first ones, who were hired early in the
morning, were given their money, they supposed that they
should have received more for their long day's work. But
they each received the Roman penny.
Little children can work for this Heavenly Lord. They can
do little kindnesses for Christ's sake; they can try to be like
Jesus. They can listen for God's commands like little
Samuel, and obey Him when He speaks to them.
These may be like the one hour servants, but they will
get their full rewards!
We can all pray that God will call us to work for Him;
and surely, if He does call and we listen to His Voice, He will
teach us how to bring many to righteousness, and earn "the
crown of glory that fadeth not away!"