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20 Mar 2024


BLK 35 #04-434

Dear Customer


POLICY NUMBER: 5144284118

Thank you for insuring with Income. We are pleased to be able to help you with your protection and
financial planning needs.

Please read the enclosed policy documents to make sure that the benefits meet your needs.

For any correspondence on your Private Car Insurance policy, please quote your policy number. This will
allow us to help you quickly. Please also let us know if there are any changes to your home address and
contact numbers.

For further assistance, you may get in touch with us through your preferred mode of contact at or your intermediary.


Andrew Yeo
Chief Executive

cc: Your intermediary, MOTORIST PTE. LTD. (00000573851)

Contact Number: 65898800
Email: [email protected]
Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme
This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance
Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the
types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact Income or
visit the GIA/LIA or SDIC web-sites ( or or

You can see the Code of General Insurance Practice at

Certificate of Insurance
Certificate Number: 5144284118 Cover : drivo CLASSIC
1. Index mark and Registration Number of Vehicle : SMQ6509S
Chassis Number : JF1SJGK85GG069442
2. Name of Policyholder : WONG ENG KWANG
3. Effective Date of Insurance : 01 Apr 2024
4. Expiry Date of Insurance : 31 Mar 2025
5. Persons or Classes of Persons entitled to drive#
(a) The Policyholder.
(b) Any other person who is driving on the Policyholder's order or with his/her permission.
Provided that the person driving is permitted in accordance with the licensing or other laws or regulations to drive
the Motor Vehicle or has been so permitted and is not disqualified by order of a Court of Law or by reason of any
enactment or regulation in that behalf from driving the Motor Vehicle.
6. Limitations as to Use#
(a) Use for social domestic and pleasure purposes and in connection with the Policyholder's business or profession.
This Policy does not cover
(a) Use for hire or reward.
(b) Use for racing, pace-making, reliability trial or speed-testing.
(c) Use for the carriage of goods (other than samples) in connection with any trade or business.
(d) Use for any purpose in connection with the Motor Trade.
# Limitations rendered inoperative by Section 8 of the Motor Vehicle (Third Party Risks and Compensation)
Act (Chapter 189) and Section 95 of the Road Transport Act, 1987 (Malaysia), are not to be included under these
This Policy, the Schedule, Endorsement and the Certificate of Insurance are to be read together as one document.

I/We hereby Certify that the Policy to which this Certificate relates is issued in accordance with the provisions of the Motor
Vehicles (Third Party Risks and Compensation) Act (Chapter 189) and Part IV of the Road Transport Act, 1987 (Malaysia)

Agency : MOTORIST PTE. LTD. (00000573851)

Date of Issue : 20 Mar 2024 11:23 hrs


Chief Executive
Enquiries on claims, vehicle breakdown and towing services in Singapore.
Call our hotline at 6788 6616.

Referral services for Road and Medical assistance in West Malaysia.

Call our 24-hour hotline at +603 2712 3187.

In the event of an accident

You must report the accident to us within 24 hours or by the next working day at any of our appointed Accident
Reporting Centre. You must make your vehicle available for inspection at the Accident Reporting Centre, whether or
not your vehicle has suffered any visible damage and whether or not you plan to claim under your policy or claim
against any other person.

Location of accident reporting centre

Please refer to our website at or call our hotline 6788 6616
for the nearest location convenient to you.

Unnamed driver excess

If the vehicle is driven by an unnamed driver, the following excess will apply.
The unnamed driver Excess
Under 27 years old or has less than one S$2,500
year’s driving experience
27 years old and above with one or more S$ 500
year’s driving experience

If you sell your vehicle

You can submit your request at or via our online form at to
cancel your policy. Any refund is worked out as follows.

0.85 X the premium X the unexpired period of insurance (days)

Premium Refund = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
the original period of insurance (days)

If you take up another insurance policy with us within 90 days from the effective date this policy is cancelled, the
following apply.

the premium X the unexpired period of insurance (days)

Premium Refund = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
the original period of insurance (days)

No refund of premium will be given in the event that any claim has been made or we have paid one or more claims
under your policy. If your policy is cancelled before or after the effective date of insurance, we will charge a minimum
premium of S$27.25 (after GST).

Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme

This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore
Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from
you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of
coverage, where applicable, please contact Income or visit the GIA/LIA or SDIC websites ( or or
Private Car Insurance Policy
This Policy sets out the terms of a contract between Income Insurance Limited (INCOME) and you (the Policyholder named in
the schedule to this Policy).
The statements, information and declaration provided by you at the time of proposal shall form the basis of this contract.
We (INCOME) will provide the insurance set out in this Policy in respect of events occurring during the Period of Insurance
shown in the Schedule and any further period for which we may accept a renewal premium.
The provision of this insurance is subject to:
1. any Endorsement specified as operative in the Schedule
2. the Conditions and General Exclusions of this Policy, and
3. the payment of the premium specified in the Schedule.
This Policy, the Schedule, Endorsement and the Certificate of Insurance are to be read together as one document.
GST Reg No. M90372806G

Policy Number : 5144284118

The Policyholder : WONG ENG KWANG
BLK 35 #04-434

Period of Insurance : 01 Apr 2024 To 31 Mar 2025

Sum Insured : Market Value of Insured Vehicle at Time of Loss
Premium (inclusive GST) : S$1,883.29

Interest Insured
Cover Type : drivo CLASSIC
Primary Driver : WONG ENG KWANG
Named Driver (1) : N/A
Named Driver (2) : N/A
Make/Model : SUBARU/FORESTER XT Capacity : 2000cc
Registration Number : SMQ6509S Registration Year : 2016
Chassis Number : JF1SJGK85GG069442 Off-peak Car : No
Repair at Owner’s Preferred Workshop : No Insure with COE : Yes

Excess (Section 1) : S$600 NCD Entitlement : 10%

Excess (Section 2) : N/A NCD Protection : No
Windscreen Excess : S$100
Additional Excess : N/A
Unnamed Driver Excess : Please refer to Terms and Conditions
Optional Cover
Roadside Assistance and Wellness Cover : Yes
Transport Allowance : No
Excess Waiver : No

Memo A : N/A

Endorsement Operative : M300

Agency : MOTORIST PTE. LTD. (00000573851)
Date of Issue : 20 Mar 2024 11:23 hrs

We would remind you that you must disclose to us, fully and faithfully, the facts you know or ought to know, otherwise you
may not receive any benefit from your Policy.

Signed in Singapore by order of the Board of Directors

Chief Executive
Policy Number: 5144284118

Summary of Private Car insurance cover

This is for general information only. You can find the precise terms and conditions of this plan in the policy contract.

Plan & Coverage Drivo Drivo Third Third

Premium Classic party party
fire and
Loss or damage to your vehicle from accidental causes
(up to market value at the time of loss or damage) ü ü
Loss or damage by fire or theft
(up to market value at the time of loss or damage) ü ü ü
Damage to third party property (up to S$5,000,000) ü ü ü ü
Death or injury to third party (unlimited) ü ü ü ü
Medical expenses (up to S$1,000) ü ü
Personal accident benefits (up to S$50,000) ü ü
Towing service (up to S$500) ü ü
Windscreen cover (unlimited) ü ü
Vehicle repairs at your preferred workshop ü
Vehicle repairs at a quality workshop chosen by Income ü
Policy excess of S$600 or any other amount shown on the
Schedule or Certificate of Insurance applies for each and every ü ü
accident claim
Windscreen Excess of S$100 or any other amount shown on the
Schedule or Certificate of Insurance applies for each and every ü ü
Unnamed driver excess
•Extra excess of S$2,500 will apply if the unnamed driver is
under 27 years old or has less than one year’s driving
experience ü ü
•Extra excess of S$500 will apply if the unnamed driver is 27
years old and above with one or more year’s driving experience
Optional Cover

NCD Protector (applicable to policy with at least 30% NCD) ü ü ü ü

Daily transport allowance (S$50 is claimable from the first day of
repair, up to a maximum of seven days) ü ü
Excess waiver (waiver of excess in the policy under Section 1) ü ü
Roadside assistance and wellness cover
(Reimbursement of up to S$200 (per insured year) for roadside
assistance services expenses.
Up to S$1,000 (per insured year) for cosmetic reconstructive ü ü
surgery or pregnancy related check-up for the policyholder.
Up to S$10,000 personal accident coverage for the policyholder
who is pregnant.)
MT/Private Car/202401


BLK 35 #04-434 DATE: 20 MAR 2024


POLICY NUMBER: 5144284118


GST @ 9% 155.50
TOTAL 1,883.29

BALANCE DUE 1,883.29

This debit note serves as the 'TAX INVOICE' for the purpose of GST. GST REG NO.: M90372806G
Please refer to the reverse of this Debit Note for the list of payment channels available. If you have made your
payment, please ignore this Debit Note.


TEL: 65898800
Important Notice
We (or our intermediary) must receive the full premium on the dates specified below, failing which the policy will not be valid.
For corporate policyholder
- within the period of insurance if the period of insurance is less than 60 days; or
- within 60 days from the start date of the policy or renewal policy, or its endorsement, if the period of insurance is 60 days or more,
For individual policyholder
- before the start of the policy or renewal policy; or
- on the subsequent premium due dates as shown in this tax invoice/debit note (applicable if recurring payment arrangement is chosen).
(Please refer to the relevant premium payment clause in your policy for further details.)

For Individual Policyholders
Payment Channel Details
Income's Website Visit our website at (only for renewal of Life insurance and selected
General Insurance policies, not applicable to Commercial Line products)
Internet Banking Please quote the first 10 digits of your Policy Number as reference number.
Currently available for DBS/POSB/OCBC/UOB.
AXS Kiosk / m-Station / Please quote the first 10 digits of your Policy Number as reference number.
e Station
GIRO Please call 6788 6616 for a GIRO form or download the form via our website at
Branches Pay using Cash/NETS/Credit Card/Cheque (made payable to "Income Insurance Limited",
please indicate your Policy Number(s), Name and contact number on the reverse of your
cheque). To locate a Branch closest to you, please refer to our website at
Post Cheques should be crossed and made payable to Income Insurance Limited. Please
indicate your Policy Number(s), Name and contact number on the reverse of your cheque
and mail your cheque to Income, 75 Bras Basah Road, Income Centre, Singapore 189557.
To ensure prompt processing of your payment, please do not send post-dated cheques.

For Corporate Policyholders

Payment Channel Details
Fast And Secure Transfers Only applicable via Corporate Internet Banking:
(FAST) Beneficiary Name:

Account Transfer (ACT)

Bank Details:
DBS Bank MBFC Branch DBS Swift Code: DBSSSGSG
12 Marina Boulevard Level 3 Bank Code: 7171
MAS Electronic Payment DBS Asia Central @ Branch Code: 001
System (MEPS) Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3 Bank Account Number: Please quote your 16-digit
Singapore 018982 Virtual Account Number
What is your Policy's 16-digit Virtual Account Number?
Inward Telegraphic The "Virtual Account Number" is unique for each Policy and starts with the digits "885010"
Transfer (ITT) followed by the "1st 10-digits of the Policy Number". If your Policy Number is
5012345678-01, the Virtual Account Number for this policy will be "8850105012345678".
Policy Number: 5144284118

Policy Conditions
Private car
If you are insured under our drivo© Classic Plan,
your vehicle will be repaired at a workshop we have
A Our agreement chosen.

4 We are only legally responsible for making a

This policy, including any endorsements we have issued, payment under this section if you do the following.
forms a legally enforceable agreement between you (the • We are allowed to examine the nature and
policyholder) and us. We agree to pay the benefits set extent of the loss or damage to your vehicle or
out in this policy in exchange for the premiums paid. its accessories before it is repaired
• You have not made any attempt to recover the
All information provided in your application form,
money from any other person.
including declarations made over the phone or internet,
forms the basis of this policy. You must answer all the
5 If your vehicle is under a hire-purchase or leasing
questions in your application accurately and reveal all
agreement, we will pay any cash settlement to the
facts you know or ought to know before this policy is
hire-purchase company of your vehicle named in the
issued. Otherwise, we may make this policy void or
refuse a claim.
6 If your vehicle cannot be driven due to damage from
an accident, we will pay a reasonable towing charge
of up to $500.
B What your policy covers 7 If your windscreen is broken due to an accident, we
will pay the cost of replacement as long as:
• the repairs are carried out at the windscreen
Section 1 Your vehicle repairer we have appointed or approved; and
1 We will pay you for loss or damage to your vehicle • you tell us before any repairs or replacement of
and its accessories caused by: your windscreen.
• accidental collision or overturning; However, we will not pay for the cost of the solar
• fire, external explosion, self-ignition, lightning, film or similar as a result of replacing the
burglary, housebreaking, theft or being hit by a windscreen.
falling object;
• a malicious act; 8 If the vehicle is driven by an unnamed driver, the
• strike, riot or civil commotion; or following excess will apply.
• flood, typhoon, hurricane, volcanic eruption,
earthquake or other natural disaster. The unnamed driver Excess

Under 27 years old or has less than S$2,500

2 We will not pay more than the current market value
one year’s driving experience
of your vehicle at the time of the loss or damage.
27 years old and above with one or S$ 500
3 We have the option to repair, reinstate, replace or more year’s driving experience
offer a cash settlement for the loss of or damage to
your vehicle or its accessories. We will not pay
more than the market value of your vehicle and its 9 We will not pay for:
accessories. • any loss or damage arising from a criminal
breach of trust;
• any transport expenses or any losses due to
unavailability of parts or accessories;
• any loss or damage to personal items in your

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Policy Number: 5144284118

• any loss or damage to accessories not installed Section 3 Your medical expenses
by the car distributor unless you tell us about
them and we agree; 1 We will pay you, your authorised driver and
• any loss or damage caused to your vehicle passenger up to $1,000 for reasonable medical
arising from its use before all necessary repairs expenses which you have paid due to an accident
are carried out; involving your vehicle.
• loss in value, wear and tear, mechanical or
electrical breakdowns;
• failures or breakages of your vehicle and Section 4 Your personal accident
existing damage that was not caused by or benefits
during the accident;
• only damage to tyres or rims unless your vehicle 1 We will pay:
suffers other damage at the same time; • you or your personal representative the amount
• loss or damage to your vehicle while being shown in the scale of compensation for death or
transported by sea (including loading and bodily injury arising out of an accident while you
unloading as part of the journey); are the driver of, or a passenger in, your vehicle;
• excess, additional excess and unnamed driver and
excess and its Goods and Services Tax (GST) if • each of the passengers and authorised driver in
this applies; and your vehicle or their personal representatives
• any indirect loss whatsoever. half of the amount shown in the scale of
compensation for death or bodily injury arising
The excess, additional excess or unnamed driver out of an accident involving your vehicle.
excess will not apply to any loss or damage to your
vehicle caused by fire or theft. Scale of compensation

a Death $50,000
Section 2 Your legal responsibility to b Total and permanent loss of $50,000
others (third parties) all sight in both eyes

1 We will provide cover for you, your authorised c Total loss by physical $50,000
driver and your passengers against legal severance at or above the
responsibility arising from any accident involving wrist or ankle of both hands
your vehicle for: or both feet or of one hand
together with one foot
• death of or bodily injury to any person; and
• damage to property up to S$5,000,000 for any d Total loss by physical $50,000
one claim or series of claims arising out of any severance at or above the
one accident. wrist or ankle of one hand
or one foot together with
2 We will pay all costs and expenses paid or agreed to the total and permanent
if you have our written permission beforehand loss of all sight in one eye
under this section.
e Total and permanent loss of $25,000
3 We will not pay for: all sight in one eye
• death or bodily injury to any person employed f Total loss by physical $25,000
by you or your authorised driver which arises in severance at or above wrist
the course of their employment; or ankle of one hand or one
• death or bodily injury which you or any third foot
party can claim for under the Work Injury
Compensation Act; or
We will only pay one of a to f above for any one
• loss of or damage to your vehicle or any accident. If several injuries are suffered, we will pay for
property held in trust or owned by or in the the injury that gives the highest benefit.
care, custody or control of anyone that we cover
under this section. If you have more than one private car policy with us, we
will make a payment under one policy only.

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Policy Number: 5144284118

5 War and civil war risks

We will not pay for any legal responsibility for loss or
C What is not covered damage directly or indirectly caused by or as a result
• war, invasion or any similar event; or
General exclusions • riot, mutiny, civil commotion, uprising or
1 Driving and use
We will not pay for any accident, loss, damage, 6 Terrorism
injury or liability where your vehicle is being used or We will not pay for any legal responsibility for loss or
driven: damage directly or indirectly caused by or as a result
• outside the 'limitations as to use' as shown in of any act of terrorism.
the certificate of insurance;
• by anyone not allowed to drive in line with the This also means loss, damage, cost or expense
licensing or other laws or regulations to drive; directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in
• by anyone who is trying to hurt themselves or connection with any action taken to control,
commit suicide; prevent, suppress or in any way relating to any act
of terrorism.
• by anyone under the influence of alcohol or
drugs or medication;
7 Nuclear risks
• when it is not registered under the Road Traffic
We will not pay for any losses directly or indirectly
Act (Chapter 276) or when its registration under
arising out of, contributed to or caused by, or
the Road Traffic Act (Chapter 276) has been
resulting from or in connection with any act of
cancelled under the relevant conditions; or
nuclear, chemical or biological terrorism, even if
• with modifications that have not been approved there is another cause or event which contributes to
by the Land Transport Authority in line with the the loss.
Road Traffic (Motor Vehicles, Registration and
Licensing) Rules or by any relevant regulatory We will not pay for any loss, damage, injury or death
authority. caused by or arising from radioactivity or from using
any nuclear fuel, material or waste or from it
2 Seating capacity escaping.
We will not pay for any accident, loss, damage,
injury or legal responsibility if the number of people 8 Where judgements are made
(including the driver) in your vehicle at the time of The cover under this policy will not apply to
the accident is more than its legal seating capacity. judgements which are not originally delivered in the
Republic of Singapore or received from a court
3 Deliberate actions or failure to act within West Malaysia.
We will not pay for any accident, loss, damage,
injury or liability if the claim is:
• in any way fraudulent;
• deliberately exaggerated;
D Your responsibilities
• supported by false declarations or documents;
• due to loss or damage deliberately caused by
you or a person acting with your permission; or General conditions
• due to using the vehicle if it breaks any laws,
rules or regulations. The following conditions apply to any claim made under
this policy. If you fail to comply with any of these
4 Liability under a contract conditions, you may not receive any benefits in respect
We will not pay for any liability that you have agreed of that claim.
to take on under an agreement, which you would
not otherwise have if the agreement did not exist. 1 Maintaining your vehicle
You must maintain your vehicle in an efficient and
roadworthy condition.

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Policy Number: 5144284118

2 Precautions 5 Prohibited persons

You must take all reasonable precautions to reduce If you are or any relevant person is found to be a
or remove the risk of damage, loss or injury. prohibited person:
• we are entitled not to accept the application;
If your vehicle is involved in any accident or and
breakdown, it must not be left unattended unless
• if any policy is issued, we are entitled to end the
you take all necessary and proper precautions to
policy, not pay any benefit or not allow any
prevent any further loss or damage to your vehicle
transaction to be carried out under the policy.
or to anyone else.
We will not refund any unutilised premium
when the policy is ended.
3 Reporting an accident
If your vehicle is lost, damaged or involved in an
You will need to inform us immediately if there is
accident, whether or not it would give rise to a
any change in your or any relevant person’s identity,
claim, you must do the following.
status or identity documents.
• You must report the accident, loss or damage to Our decision in every respect of the above will be
us within 24 hours or by the next working day. final.
• You must make your vehicle available for
inspection at an accident reporting centre, 6 Payment before cover warranty
whether or not your vehicle has suffered any • We (or our intermediary with whom you
visible damage and whether or not you plan to effected this insurance (“intermediary”)) must
claim under this policy or claim against any receive the total premium due on or before the
other person. effective date of insurance.
• You must tell us immediately about any claim by • If the total premium is not paid and received in
someone else or any writ, summons, offer of full by us or the intermediary on or before the
composition or notice of any other proceedings effective date of insurance, this policy will not
you have received. be valid and we will not pay any benefits.
• You must not admit legal responsibility or make
any offer or payment without our written
• You must report to the police and co-operate
with us in convicting the offender in the case of
theft or other criminal act that may give rise to a
claim under this policy.

4 Carrying out legal proceedings

You must:
• give us all information, documents and help we
may need from you, your employees, servants
or agents including any changes in the contact
details; and
• get the full co-operation and help of your
authorised driver and passengers, including
interviews and coming to court if we reasonably
ask so we can handle the claim.

We can:
• carry out, defend, settle or otherwise deal with
all proceedings relating to any claims, summons,
criminal prosecution, inquest or any other
inquiries; and
• pursue in your name for our benefit any claim
paid by us.

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Policy Number: 5144284118

Existing NCD After 10%

E What you need reduction
to be aware of 50% 40%
40% 30%
General information
30% 20%
1 Geographical limits 20% 10%
This policy provides cover for any accident, loss, 10% 0%
damage, injury or legal responsibility arising within
the following geographical areas.
3 Pairs and sets
• The Republic of Singapore
If the damaged item forms part of a set or a pair, the
• West Malaysia
repair or replacement will only apply to the
• Part of Thailand within 80 km from the border of damaged item in that pair or set. For example, if
West Malaysia. one rim was damaged, we will only pay for the cost
of one rim.
2 No-claim discount (NCD)
If there is no claim made under this policy, we will 4 Other insurance
give you a discount on your premium on the If any other insurance covers the same damage, loss
following scale when you renew your policy. or liability, we will pay only our share of any claim.

Number of accident-free years NCD 5 Governing laws

One year 10% This policy is governed by the laws of Singapore and
any future changes to those laws.
Two years 20%
Three years 30% 6 Avoiding certain terms and right of recovery
You or your authorised driver will have to refund us
Four years 40% any amount we have to pay under the following
Five or more years 50% agreements.
• Motor Vehicles (Third Party Risks and
If there is a claim made under the policy, we will Compensation) Act (Chapter 189)
reduce the discount as follows. • The Agreement between the Minister of
Transport of the Government of Malaysia and
Current discount Discount after the Motor Insurers’ Bureau of West Malaysia on
one claim 15 January 1968
• The Agreement between the Minister of Finance
50% 20% of the Republic of Singapore and the Motor
40% 10% Insurers’ Bureau of Singapore on the 22
February 1975
30% and under 0%
• Any later changes to any of these laws or
This reduction does not apply if you make a
windscreen claim.
This applies if we are not legally responsible under
this policy.
You cannot transfer the no-claim discount to anyone
7 Excluding other people’s rights
However, if you fail to report an accident under A person who is not a party to this policy will have
clause 3 of the general conditions, we will reduce no right under the Contracts (Right of Third Parties)
your NCD by an extra 10% as shown in the following Act (Chapter 53B) to enforce any of its terms.

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Policy Number: 5144284118

8 Dealing with disputes Accessories refers to all audio, video and other standard
Any dispute about any matter arising under, out of, equipment fitted into your vehicle by the manufacturer
or in connection with this policy will be referred to or distributor at the time your vehicle was originally
Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd bought. These standard fittings are covered under this
(FIDREC). This applies as long as the dispute can be policy. We will not cover any future additions unless you
brought before FIDREC. tell us about them and we agree. There may be an extra
premium to be paid for these accessories.
If the dispute cannot be referred to or dealt with by Act of terrorism refers to an act (which may or may not
FIDREC, it will be referred to and finally resolved by involve using force or violence) by any person or group,
arbitration in Singapore in line with the Arbitration committed for political, religious, ideological or similar
Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration purposes, with the aim of influencing any government or
Centre which apply at that point in time. to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear.

9 Cancellation Additional excess refers to the amount that you have to

We may cancel this policy by giving you seven days’ pay as well as the excess amount shown in the schedule
notice at your last-known address. You may also or certificate of insurance when you make a claim on
cancel this policy by contacting us in writing or by your policy.
phone. We will work out any refund of premium as Application form refers to the filled-in application form
follows. signed by you for a private car insurance policy.

0.85 X the premium X the unexpired Biological agent refers to any pathogenic (disease
period of insurance (days) producing) micro-organism or biologically produced
= __________________________________________________________________________
poison including genetically modified and chemically
refund the original period of insurance synthesized toxins which cause illness or death in
(days) humans, animals or plants.

Chemical agent refers to any compound which, when

If you take up another insurance policy with us
suitably passed into the atmosphere, produces damaging
within 90 days from the effective date this policy is
or lethal effects on people, animals, plants or property.
cancelled, the following apply.
Endorsement refers to a clause under which we may
premium X the unexpired period of change the cover we provide. The endorsement which
insurance (days) applies to your policy is shown in the schedule or the
= _________________________________________________________________________
certificate of insurance.
refund the original period of insurance
(days) Excess refers to the amount shown in the schedule or
certificate of insurance which you must pay for every
However, you will not receive any refund of accident.
premium if: Market value refers to the cost of replacing your vehicle
• any claim has been made or has arisen under with one of the same make and model, of similar
this policy; condition and age as currently available immediately
• we have paid one or more claims under or in before the date of the loss or accident.
connection with this policy; or
Named driver refers to the drivers named in the
• your premium refund is less than $5. schedule or certificate of insurance who will have the
same excess as you. Authorised drivers not named in the
If your policy is cancelled before or after the schedule will have to pay an unnamed driver excess as
effective date of insurance, we will charge a shown in the policy.
minimum premium of S$27.25 (after GST).
Nuclear, chemical or biological terrorism refers to using
any nuclear weapon or device or releasing any solid,
liquid or gas chemical agent or biological agent in an act
of terrorism.
F Definitions
Period of insurance refers to the period of insurance
which your vehicle is insured under this policy as shown
Any word or expression which has a specific meaning will in the schedule or certificate of insurance.
have the same meaning wherever it appears in the policy

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Policy Number: 5144284118

Preferred workshop refers to a workshop you choose Relevant Person includes persons and entities such as
where you can repair your vehicle if it is damaged in an the policyholder, primary driver, named driver,
accident for which you will make a claim. unnamed driver, trustee, settlor, beneficiary, assignee,
nominee, payee, mortgagee, financier of the
Policy refers to this policy, your application form, your application/policy, and in relation to an entity, its
declarations, the schedule, the certificate of insurance director, partner, manager, person having executive
and any endorsements we have issued under this policy. authority, authorised signatory, shareholder or
Policyholder, you or your refers to the person named in beneficial owner.
the certificate of insurance and under whose name this Unnamed driver refers to any person who is not named
policy has been issued. in the schedule or certificate of insurance but who is
Primary driver refers to the owner of the vehicle as authorised by you to drive your vehicle.
shown in the schedule. If the owner is not licensed to Unnamed driver excess refers to the excess that you
drive, the person designated as the main driver will be have to pay as well as the excess and Additional excess,
the primary driver. if they apply, as shown in the schedule or certificate of
insurance when you make a claim on your policy.
Prohibited person means a person or entity who is, or
who is related to a person or entity: We, our, us or Income refers to Income Insurance
1. subject to laws, regulations or sanctions Limited.
administered by any inter-government, government, Windscreen refers to front, side, rear back and quarter
regulatory or law enforcement authorities of any glass but not the sunroof or any glass roof of the vehicle.
country, which will prohibit or restrict us from
providing insurance or carrying out any transaction Windscreen claim refers to a claim under clause 7 of
under this policy, or section 1 of the policy.
2. who is involved in any terrorist or illegal activities or
placed on sanctions listing or issued with freezing Workshop refers to a panel of quality workshops we
order. have appointed.

Related includes relationships such as parent, Your vehicle refers to the vehicle which is described in
step-parent, child, step-child, adopted child, spouse, the schedule or certificate of insurance.
sibling, step-sibling, adopted sibling, parent-in-law,
child-in-law, sibling-in-law, cousin, uncle, aunt,
grandparents, niece, nephew, grandchild, employee,
employer, associate, parent company, subsidiary and
shareholder. G Endorsements

The following endorsements apply when the

endorsement number is shown in the schedule under
the heading 'Endorsement Operative'.

Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme

This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore
Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from
you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of
coverage, where applicable, please contact Income or visit the GIA/LIA or SDIC websites ( or or

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Policy Number: 5144284118

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Policy Number: 5144284118

M300 Roadside Assistance and Wellness Cover

1) Roadside Breakdown Assistance Benefit

If your vehicle cannot be driven due to any puncture to its tyre(s) or any mechanical or electrical breakdown and not
due to an accident involving your vehicle,
we will pay you the reasonable expenses incurred on site up to $200 once for each period of insurance for the
following services rendered :
- Service charge to replace the defective batteries.
- Service charge to replace the punctured tyre
- Towing fee incurred to tow the vehicle to the policyholder's preferred workshop.
- Any other services charges necessarily incurred on site arising out of the breakdown.

The costs of replacing any part stated above is not covered by this Benefit.

If the vehicle breaks down, you have to contact the breakdown service provider to assist you. To submit your claim for
this benefit, you must provide the following within 30 days of the breakdown:
- Claim form.
- Photographic evidence of the service(s) provided on site.
- Tax invoice/ Receipt with details on the type of services performed by the service provider and payment made.

2) Additional Medical Expenses

We will pay you a further sum of up to $1,000 for reasonable medical expenses which you have paid due to an
accident involving your vehicle while you are the driver or a passenger, for the following treatments:
- Your cosmetic (aesthetic, plastic surgery or dental treatment, or any treatment) reconstructive surgery; or
- Your pregnancy related check-up or treatment necessitated and due to the accident

We will only pay the cosmetic reconstructive benefit if the treatment is carried out:
a) to restore any loss of function or change in appearance due to an injury or a condition sustained by you as a result
of an accident involving your vehicle;
b) within 30 days after the date of the accident; and
c) by a medical practitioner registered under the Medical Registration Act.

This benefit is only payable to you once per period of insurance and provided you have a claim which is paid or
payable by us under Section 1 of this policy.

3) Additional Personal Accident Benefits

We will pay you or your personal representative the amount shown in the scale of compensation for death or bodily
injury arising out of an accident while you are the driver of, or a passenger in, your vehicle.

Scale of compensation :
a) Death - $10,000
b) Total and permanent loss of all sight in both eyes - $10,000
c) Total loss by physical severance at or above the wrist or ankle of both hands or both feet or of one hand together
with one foot - $10,000
d) Total loss by physical severance at or above the wrist or ankle of one hand or one foot together with the total and
permanent loss of all sight in one eye - $10,000
e) Total and permanent loss of all sight in one eye - $5,000
f) Total loss by physical severance at or above wrist or ankle of one hand or one foot - $5,000

We will only pay one of the items listed from a to f above for any one accident. If you die and/or suffer several
injuries, we will only pay for the one item that provides the highest compensation. Our maximum limit that we will
pay for any one accident is $10,000.
If you have more than one private car policy with us, we will pay under one of the policies only.

This benefit applies to the policyholder who is pregnant at the material time of the accident.
We will not pay you any compensation if the loss or injury is not listed in the scale of compensation.

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