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Costs Icc Rules

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Advance to Cover the Costs of the Arbitration

1 After receipt of the Request, the Secretary General
may request the claimant to pay a provisional
advance in an amount intended to cover the costs of
the arbitration
a) until the Terms of Reference have been drawn
up; or
b) when the Expedited Procedure Provisions apply,
until the case management conference.
Any provisional advance paid will be considered as a
partial payment by the claimant of any advance on
costs fixed by the Court pursuant to this Article 37.
As soon as practicable, the Court shall fix the
advance on costs in an amount likely to cover the
fees and expenses of the arbitrators, the ICC
administrative expenses and any other expenses
incurred by ICC related to the arbitration for the
claims which have been referred to it by the parties,
unless any claims are made under Article 7 or 8 in
which case Article 37(4) shall apply. The advance on
costs fixed by the Court pursuant to this Article 37(2)
shall be payable in equal shares by the claimant and
the respondent.
Where counterclaims are submitted by the
respondent under Article 5 or otherwise, the Court
may fix separate advances on costs for the claims
and the counterclaims. When the Court has fixed
separate advances on costs, each of the parties
shall pay the advance on costs corresponding to
its claims.
Where claims are made under Article 7 or 8, the
Court shall fix one or more advances on costs that
shall be payable by the parties as decided by the
Court. Where the Court has previously fixed any
advance on costs pursuant to this Article 37, any
such advance shall be replaced by the advance(s)
fixed pursuant to this Article 37(4), and the amount
of any advance previously paid by any party will be
considered as a partial payment by such party of its
share of the advance(s) on costs as fixed by the
Court pursuant to this Article 37(4).

42 ICC Publication DRS892 ENG

5 The amount of any advance on costs fixed by the
Court pursuant to this Article 37 may be subject to
readjustment at any time during the arbitration. In all
cases, any party shall be free to pay any other party’s
share of any advance on costs should such other
party fail to pay its share.
6 When a request for an advance on costs has not
been complied with, and after consultation with the
arbitral tribunal, the Secretary General may direct
the arbitral tribunal to suspend its work and set a
time limit, which must be not less than 15 days, on the
expiry of which the relevant claims shall be
considered as withdrawn. Should the party in
question wish to object to this measure, it must make
a request within the aforementioned period for the
matter to be decided by the Court. Such party shall
not be prevented, on the ground of such withdrawal,
from reintroducing the same claims at a later date in
another proceeding.
7 If one of the parties claims a right to a set-off with
regard to any claim, such set-off shall be taken into
account in determining the advance to cover the
costs of the arbitration in the same way as a separate
claim insofar as it may require the arbitral tribunal to
consider additional matters.


Decision as to the Costs of the Arbitration

1 The costs of the arbitration shall include the fees and
expenses of the arbitrators and the ICC
administrative expenses fixed by the Court, in
accordance with the scales in force at the time of the
commencement of the arbitration, as well as the fees
and expenses of any experts appointed by the
arbitral tribunal and the reasonable legal and other
costs incurred by the parties for the arbitration.
2 The Court may fix the fees of the arbitrators at a
figure higher or lower than that which would result
from the application of the relevant scale should this
be deemed necessary due to the exceptional
circumstances of the case.
At any time during the arbitral proceedings, the
arbitral tribunal may make decisions on costs,
other than those to be fixed by the Court, and
order payment.


4 The final award shall fix the costs of the arbitration

and decide which of the parties shall bear them or in
what proportion they shall be borne by the parties.
5 In making decisions as to costs, the arbitral tribunal
may take into account such circumstances as it
considers relevant, including the extent to which
each party has conducted the arbitration in an
expeditious and cost-effective manner.
6 In the event of the withdrawal of all claims or the
termination of the arbitration before the rendering of
a final award, the Court shall fix the fees and
expenses of the arbitrators and the ICC
administrative expenses. If the parties have not
agreed upon the allocation of the costs of the
arbitration or other relevant issues with respect to
costs, such matters shall be decided by the arbitral
tribunal. If the arbitral tribunal has not been
constituted at the time of such withdrawal or
termination, any party may request the Court to
proceed with the constitution of the arbitral tribunal
in accordance with the Rules so that the arbitral
tribunal may make decisions as to costs.

44 ICC Publication DRS892 ENG


4 The President of the Court, a Vice-President and any

Court member may act in, and convene, the Single-
member Committee.
5 Decisions on the constitution of Committees, Special
Committees and Single-member Committees are
reported to the Court at one of its next sessions.
6 Deliberations shall be valid:
a) At the Committee, when at least two members
are present.
b) At the Special Committee and plenary, when at
least six members, and the President or
designated Vice-President, are present.
Decisions at Committees are taken unanimously.
When a Committee cannot reach a unanimous
decision or deems it preferable to abstain, it
transfers the case to a Special Committee, making
any suggestions it deems appropriate.
8 Decisions at Special Committees and the plenary are
taken by majority, the President or Vice-President,
as the case may be, having a casting vote in the event
of a tie.


Communication of Reasons of Decisions

Upon request of any party, the Court will
communicate the reasons for Articles 6(4), 10, 12(8),
12(9), 14 and 15(2).
Any request for the communications of reasons
must be made in advance of the decision in respect
of which reasons are sought. For decisions pursuant
to Article 15(2), a party shall address its request to
the Court when invited to comment pursuant to
Article 15(3).
3 In exceptional circumstances, the Court may decide
not to communicate the reasons for any of the
above decisions.

54 ICC Publication DRS892 ENG


Court Secretariat
1 In the Secretary General’s absence or otherwise at
the Secretary General’s request, the Deputy
Secretary General and/or the General Counsel shall
have the authority to refer matters to the Court,
confirm arbitrators, certify true copies of awards,
request the payment of a provisional advance and
authorize the payment of advances in instalments,
respectively provided for in Articles 6(3), 13(2), 35(2)
and 37(1) of the Rules and Article 1(6) of Appendix III,
as well as to take the measure provided for in
Article 37(6).
2 The Secretariat may, with the approval of the Court,
issue notes and other documents for the information
of the parties and the arbitrators, or as necessary for
the proper conduct of the arbitral proceedings.
3 Offices of the Secretariat may be established outside
the headquarters of ICC. The Secretariat shall keep a
list of offices designated by the Secretary General.
Requests for Arbitration may be submitted to the
Secretariat at any of its offices, and the Secretariat’s
functions under the Rules may be carried
out from any of its offices, as instructed by the
Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General or
General Counsel.


Scrutiny of Arbitral Awards

When the Court scrutinizes draft awards in accordance
with Article 34 of the Rules, it considers, to the extent
practicable, the requirements of mandatory law at the
place of the arbitration.



Advance on Costs
1 Each request to commence an arbitration pursuant
to the Rules must be accompanied by a filing fee of
US$ 5,000. Such payment is non-refundable and
shall be credited to the claimant’s portion of the
advance on costs.
The provisional advance fixed by the Secretary
General according to Article 37(1) of the Rules shall
normally not exceed the amount obtained by adding
together the ICC administrative expenses, the
minimum of the fees (as set out in the scales
hereinafter) based upon the amount of the claim and
the expected reimbursable expenses of the arbitral
tribunal incurred with respect to the drafting of the
Terms of Reference or the holding of the case
management conference. If such amount is not
quantified, the provisional advance shall be fixed at
the discretion of the Secretary General. Payment by
the claimant shall be credited to its share of the
advance on costs fixed by the Court.
3 In general, the arbitral tribunal shall, in accordance
with Article 37(6) of the Rules, proceed only with
respect to those claims or counterclaims in regard to
which the whole of the advance on costs has
been paid.
4 The advance on costs fixed by the Court according
to Articles 37(2) or 37(4) of the Rules comprises the
fees of the arbitrator or arbitrators (hereinafter
referred to as “arbitrator”), any arbitration-related
expenses of the arbitrator and the ICC administrative
5 Each party shall pay its share of the total advance on
costs in cash. However, if a party’s share of the
advance on costs is greater than US$ 500,000 (the
“Threshold Amount”), such party may post a bank
guarantee for any amount above the Threshold
Amount. The Court may modify the Threshold
Amount at any time at its discretion.
6 The Secretary General may authorize the payment
of advances on costs, or any party’s share thereof, in
instalments, subject to such conditions as the Court
thinks fit.

56 ICC Publication DRS892 ENG

7 A party that has already paid in full its share of the
advance on costs fixed by the Court may, in
accordance with Article 37(5) of the Rules, pay the
unpaid portion of the advance owed by the
defaulting party by posting a bank guarantee.
When the Court has fixed separate advances on
costs pursuant to Article 37(3) of the Rules, the
Secretariat shall invite each party to pay the
amount of the advance corresponding to its
respective claim(s).
9 When, as a result of the fixing of separate advances
on costs, the separate advance fixed for the claim of
either party exceeds one half of such global advance
as was previously fixed (in respect of the same
claims and counterclaims that are the subject of
separate advances), a bank guarantee may be
posted to cover any such excess amount. In the
event that the amount of the separate advance is
subsequently increased, at least one half of the
increase shall be paid in cash.
10 The Secretariat shall establish the terms governing
all bank guarantees which the parties may post
pursuant to the above provisions.
11 As provided in Article 37(5) of the Rules, the advance
on costs may be subject to readjustment at any time
during the arbitration, in particular to take into
account fluctuations in the amount in dispute,
changes in the amount of the estimated expenses of
the arbitrator, or the evolving difficulty or complexity
of arbitration proceedings.
12 Before any expertise ordered by the arbitral tribunal
can be commenced, the parties, or one of them, shall
pay an advance on costs fixed by the arbitral tribunal
sufficient to cover the expected fees and expenses
of the expert as determined by the arbitral tribunal.
The arbitral tribunal shall be responsible for
ensuring the payment by the parties of such fees
and expenses.
13 The amounts paid as advances on costs do not yield
interest for the parties or the arbitrator.



Costs and Fees

1 Subject to Article 38(2) of the Rules, the Court shall
fix the fees of the arbitrator in accordance with the
scales hereinafter set out or, where the amount in
dispute is not stated, at its discretion.
2 In setting the arbitrator’s fees, the Court shall take
into consideration the diligence and efficiency of the
arbitrator, the time spent, the rapidity of the
proceedings, the complexity of the dispute and the
timeliness of the submission of the draft award, so as
to arrive at a figure within the limits specified or, in
exceptional circumstances (Article 38(2) of the
Rules), at a figure higher or lower than those limits.
When a case is submitted to more than one
arbitrator, the Court, at its discretion, shall have the
right to increase the total fees up to a maximum
which shall normally not exceed three times the fees
of one arbitrator.
The arbitrator’s fees and expenses shall be fixed
exclusively by the Court as required by the Rules.
Separate fee arrangements between the parties and
the arbitrator are contrary to the Rules.
5 The Court shall fix the ICC administrative expenses
of each arbitration in accordance with the scales
hereinafter set out or, where the amount in dispute is
not stated, at its discretion. Where the parties have
agreed upon additional services, or in exceptional
circumstances, the Court may fix the ICC
administrative expenses at a lower or higher figure
than that which would result from the application of
such scale, provided that such expenses shall
normally not exceed the maximum amount of
the scale.
6 At any time during the arbitration, the Court may fix
as payable a portion of the ICC administrative
expenses corresponding to services that have
already been performed by the Court and
the Secretariat.

58 ICC Publication DRS892 ENG

7 The Court may require the payment of administrative
expenses in addition to those provided in the scale of
administrative expenses as a condition for holding
an arbitration in abeyance at the request of the
parties or of one of them with the acquiescence of
the other.
8 If an arbitration terminates before the rendering of a
final award, the Court shall fix the fees and expenses
of the arbitrators and the ICC administrative
expenses at its discretion, taking into account the
stage attained by the arbitral proceedings and any
other relevant circumstances.
9 Any amount paid by the parties as an advance on
costs exceeding the costs of the arbitration fixed by
the Court shall be reimbursed to the parties having
regard to the amounts paid.
10 In the case of an application under Articles 36(2)
or 36(3) of the Rules, or of a remission pursuant to
Article 36(5) of the Rules, the Court may fix an
advance to cover additional fees and expenses of
the arbitral tribunal and additional ICC administrative
expenses and may make the transmission of such
application to the arbitral tribunal subject to the
prior cash payment in full to ICC of such advance.
The Court shall fix at its discretion the costs of the
procedure following an application or a remission,
which shall include any possible fees of the arbitrator
and ICC administrative expenses, when approving
the decision of the arbitral tribunal.
The Secretariat may require the payment of
administrative expenses in addition to those
provided in the scale of administrative expenses for
any expenses arising in relation to a request pursuant
to Article 35(5) of the Rules.
When an arbitration is preceded by proceedings
under the ICC Mediation Rules, one half of the ICC
administrative expenses paid for such proceedings
shall be credited to the ICC administrative expenses
of the arbitration.


13 Amounts paid to the arbitrator do not include any

possible value added tax (VAT) or other taxes or
charges and imposts applicable to the arbitrator’s
fees. Parties have a duty to pay any such taxes or
charges; however, the recovery of any such charges
or taxes is a matter solely between the arbitrator and
the parties.
ICC administrative expenses do not include VAT,
taxes, imposts or any other charges of a similar
nature. They may be increased by the amount of
VAT, taxes, imposts or any charges of a similar nature
at the prevailing rate. Parties have a duty to pay any
such charges pursuant to invoices issued by ICC.


Scales of Administrative Expenses and Arbitrator’s

The scales of administrative expenses and
arbitrator’s fees set forth below shall be effective as
of 1 January 2017 in respect of all arbitrations
commenced on or after such date, irrespective of
the version of the Rules applying to such arbitrations.
2 To calculate the ICC administrative expenses and the
arbitrator’s fees, the amounts calculated for each
successive tranche of the amount in dispute must be
added together, except that where the amount in
dispute is over US$ 500 million, a flat amount of
US$ 150,000 shall constitute the entirety of the ICC
administrative expenses.
The scales of administrative expenses and
arbitrator’s fees for the expedited procedure set
forth below shall be effective as of 1 March 2017 in
respect of all arbitrations commenced on or after
such date, irrespective of the version of the Rules
applying to such arbitrations. When parties have
agreed to the expedited procedure pursuant to
Article 30(2), subparagraph b), the scales for the
expedited procedure will apply.
4 All amounts fixed by the Court or pursuant to any of
the appendices to the Rules are payable in US$
except where prohibited by law or decided
otherwise by the Court, in which case ICC may
apply a different scale and fee arrangement in
another currency.

60 ICC Publication DRS892 ENG

A Administrative Expenses B Arbitrator’s Fees
Amount in dispute Administrative Amount in dispute (in US Dollars) Fees**
(in US Dollars) expenses* minimum maximum
up to 50,000 $5,000 up to 50,000 $3,000 18.0200%

from 50,001 to 100,000 1.53% from 50,001 to 100,000 2.6500% 13.5680%

from 100,001 to 200,000 2.72% from 100,001 to 200,000 1.4310% 7.6850%


from 200,001 to 500,000 2.25% from 200,001 to 500,000 1.3670% 6.8370%

from 500,001 to 1,000,000 1.62% from 500,001 to 1,000,000 0.9540% 4.0280%

from 1,000,001 to 2,000,000 0.788% from 1,000,001 to 2,000,000 0.6890% 3.6040%

from 2,000,001 to 5,000,000 0.46% from 2,000,001 to 5,000,000 0.3750% 1.3910%

from 5,000,001 to 10,000,000 0.25% from 5,000,001 to 10,000,000 0.1280% 0.9100%

from 10,000,001 to 30,000,000 0.10% from 10,000,001 to 30,000,000 0.0640% 0.2410%

from 30,000,001 to 50,000,000 0.09% from 30,000,001 to 50,000,000 0.0590% 0.2280%

from 50,000,001 to 80,000,000 0.01% from 50,000,001 to 80,000,000 0.0330% 0.1570%


from 80,000,001 to 500,000,000 0.0123% from 80,000,001 to 100,000,000 0.0210% 0.1150%

over 500,000,000 $150,000 from 100,000,001 to 500,000,000 0.0110% 0.0580%

* Amounts excluding VAT. For illustrative purposes only, the over 500,000,000 0.0100% 0.0400%
table on page 62 indicates the resulting administrative
** For illustrative purposes only, the table on page 63 indicates the resulting range of fees
expenses in US$ when the proper calculations have been
in US$ when the proper calculations have been made.


Amount in Dispute A Administrative Expenses*
(in US Dollars) (in US Dollars)

up to 50,000 5,000
from 50,001 to 100,000 5,000 + 1.53% of amt. over 50,000
from 100,001 to 200,000 5,765 + 2.72% of amt. over 100,000
from 200,001 to 500,000 8,485 + 2.25% of amt. over 200,000
from 500,001 to 1,000,000 15,235 + 1.62% of amt. over 500,000
from 1,000,001 to 2,000,000 23,335 + 0.788% of amt. over 1,000,000
from 2,000,001 to 5,000,000 31,215 + 0.46% of amt. over 2,000,000

ICC Publication DRS892 ENG

from 5,000,001 to 10,000,000 45,015 + 0.25% of amt. over 5,000,000
from 10,000,001 to 30,000,000 57,515 + 0.10% of amt. over 10,000,000
from 30,000,001 to 50,000,000 77,515 + 0.09% of amt. over 30,000,000
from 50,000,001 to 80,000,000 95,515 + 0.01% of amt. over 50,000,000
from 80,000,001 to 500,000,000 98,515 + 0.0123% of amt. over 80,000,000

over 500,000,000 150,000

* Amounts excluding VAT. See page 61.
Amount in Dispute B Arbitrator’s Fees**
(in US Dollars) (in US Dollars)
Minimum Maximum

up to 50,000 3,000 18.0200% of amount in dispute

from 50,001 to 100,000 3,000 + 2.6500% of amt. over 50,000 9,010 + 13.5680% of amt. over 50,000
from 100,001 to 200,000 4,325 + 1.4310% of amt. over 100,000 15,794 + 7.6850% of amt. over 100,000

from 200,001 to 500,000 5,756 + 1.3670% of amt. over 200,000 23,479 + 6.8370% of amt. over 200,000
from 500,001 to 1,000,000 9,857 + 0.9540% of amt. over 500,000 43,990 + 4.0280% of amt. over 500,000
from 1,000,001 to 2,000,000 14,627 + 0.6890% of amt. over 1,000,000 64,130 + 3.6040% of amt. over 1,000,000
from 2,000,001 to 5,000,000 21,517 + 0.3750% of amt. over 2,000,000 100,170 + 1.3910% of amt. over 2,000,000
from 5,000,001 to 10,000,000 32,767 + 0.1280% of amt. over 5,000,000 141,900 + 0.9100% of amt. over 5,000,000
from 10,000,001 to 30,000,000 39,167 + 0.0640% of amt. over 10,000,000 187,400 + 0.2410% of amt. over 10,000,000
from 30,000,001 to 50,000,000 51,967 + 0.0590% of amt. over 30,000,000 235,600 + 0.2280% of amt. over 30,000,000
from 50,000,001 to 80,000,000 63,767 + 0.0330% of amt. over 50,000,000 281,200 + 0.1570% of amt. over 50,000,000

from 80,000,001 to 100,000,000 73,667 + 0.0210% of amt. over 80,000,000 328,300 + 0.1150% of amt. over 80,000,000
from 100,000,001 to 500,000,000 77,867 + 0.0110% of amt. over 100,000,000 351,300 + 0.0580% of amt. over 100,000,000
over 500,000,000 121,867 + 0.0100% of amt. over 500,000,000 583,300 + 0.0400% of amt. over 500,000,000
** See page 61.

A Administrative Expenses B Arbitrator’s Fees

Amount in dispute Administrative Amount in dispute (in US Dollars) Fees**
(in US Dollars) expenses* minimum maximum
up to 50,000 $5,000 up to 50,000 $2,400 14.4160%

from 50,001 to 100,000 1.53% from 50,001 to 100,000 2.1200% 10.8544%

from 100,001 to 200,000 2.72% from 100,001 to 200,000 1.1448% 6.1480%

from 200,001 to 500,000 2.25% from 200,001 to 500,000 1.0936% 5.4696%

from 500,001 to 1,000,000 1.62% from 500,001 to 1,000,000 0.7632% 3.2224%

from 1,000,001 to 2,000,000 0.788% from 1,000,001 to 2,000,000 0.5512% 2.8832%


from 2,000,001 to 5,000,000 0.46% from 2,000,001 to 5,000,000 0.3000% 1.1128%

ICC Publication DRS892 ENG

from 5,000,001 to 10,000,000 0.25% from 5,000,001 to 10,000,000 0.1024% 0.7280%

from 10,000,001 to 30,000,000 0.10% from 10,000,001 to 30,000,000 0.0512% 0.1928%

from 30,000,001 to 50,000,000 0.09% from 30,000,001 to 50,000,000 0.0472% 0.1824%

from 50,000,001 to 80,000,000 0.01% from 50,000,001 to 80,000,000 0.0264% 0.1256%


from 80,000,001 to 500,000,000 0.0123% from 80,000,001 to 100,000,000 0.0168% 0.0920%

over 500,000,000 $150,000 from 100,000,001 to 500,000,000 0.0088% 0.0464%


* Amounts excluding VAT. For illustrative purposes only, the over 500,000,000 0.0080% 0.0320%

table on page 65 indicates the resulting administrative

** For illustrative purposes only, the table on page 66 indicates the resulting range of fees
expenses in US$ when the proper calculations have been
in US$ when the proper calculations have been made.
Amount in Dispute A Administrative Expenses*
(in US Dollars) (in US Dollars)

up to 50,000 5,000
from 50,001 to 100,000 5,000 + 1.53% of amt. over 50,000
from 100,001 to 200,000 5,765 + 2.72% of amt. over 100,000
from 200,001 to 500,000 8,485 + 2.25% of amt. over 200,000
from 500,001 to 1,000,000 15,235 + 1.62% of amt. over 500,000
from 1,000,001 to 2,000,000 23,335 + 0.788% of amt. over 1,000,000
from 2,000,001 to 5,000,000 31,215 + 0.46% of amt. over 2,000,000
from 5,000,001 to 10,000,000 45,015 + 0.25% of amt. over 5,000,000
from 10,000,001 to 30,000,000 57,515 + 0.10% of amt. over 10,000,000
from 30,000,001 to 50,000,000 77,515 + 0.09% of amt. over 30,000,000
from 50,000,001 to 80,000,000 95,515 + 0.01% of amt. over 50,000,000
from 80,000,001 to 500,000,000 98,515 + 0.0123% of amt. over 80,000,000

over 500,000,000 150,000

* Amounts excluding VAT. See page 64.

Amount in Dispute B Arbitrator’s Fees**
(in US Dollars) (in US Dollars)
Minimum Maximum

up to 50,000 2,400 14.4160% of amount in dispute

from 50,001 to 100,000 2,400 + 2.1200% of amt. over 50,000 7,208 + 10.8544% of amt. over 50,000
from 100,001 to 200,000 3,460 + 1.1448% of amt. over 100,000 12,635 + 6.1480% of amt. over 100,000
from 200,001 to 500,000 4,605 + 1.0936% of amt. over 200,000 18,783 + 5.4696% of amt. over 200,000
from 500,001 to 1,000,000 7,886 + 0.7632% of amt. over 500,000 35,192 + 3.2224% of amt. over 500,000
from 1,000,001 to 2,000,000 11,702 + 0.5512% of amt. over 1,000,000 51,304 + 2.8832% of amt. over 1,000,000

ICC Publication DRS892 ENG

from 2,000,001 to 5,000,000 17,214 + 0.3000% of amt. over 2,000,000 80,136 + 1.1128% of amt. over 2,000,000
from 5,000,001 to 10,000,000 26,214 + 0.1024% of amt. over 5,000,000 113,520 + 0.7280% of amt. over 5,000,000
from 10,000,001 to 30,000,000 31,334 + 0.0512% of amt. over 10,000,000 149,920 + 0.1928% of amt. over 10,000,000
from 30,000,001 to 50,000,000 41,574 + 0.0472% of amt. over 30,000,000 188,480 + 0.1824% of amt. over 30,000,000
from 50,000,001 to 80,000,000 51,014 + 0.0264% of amt. over 50,000,000 224,960 + 0.1256% of amt. over 50,000,000

from 80,000,001 to 100,000,000 58,934 + 0.0168% of amt. over 80,000,000 262,640 + 0.0920% of amt. over 80,000,000
from 100,000,001 to 500,000,000 62,294 + 0.0088% of amt. over 100,000,000 281,040 + 0.0464% of amt. over 100,000,000

over 500,000,000 97,494 + 0.0080% of amt. over 500,000,000 466,640 + 0.0320% of amt. over 500,000,000

** See page 64.

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