Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the Philippines December 2004 • The Medium Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP) 2004-2010 recognizes the significant contribution of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the country’s development as they constitute 99.6% of businesses, generate 70% of jobs and 30 % in value-added. • As of 20 May 2003, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has identified 107 laws and regulations affecting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in various areas of their business. major obstacles confronting the private sector 1. poor adherence to the rule of law, 2. unclear or inconsistent policies, laws, and programs, • 3. unclear property rights, inefficient dispute settlement mechanisms, 4. low institutional effectiveness/capacity of supervisory and regulatory authorities, overlapping functions and lack of coordination among government implementing agencies, • ineffective competition policy, 5. • significant involvement of the government in commercial activities, 6. declining labor productivity in many sectors of the economy, 7. inefficient infrastructure system are. All this reduces incentive to private sector participation in the economy. Key National Programs in SME and Implementation Issues 1. KfW-SBC SME Credit Line: This project aimed to provide funds for re-lending to SMEs. It worked to improve the business climate, create jobs, and reduce poverty. It also assisted the government of the Philippines to open markets to broaden investment and trade opportunities, reduce corruption and increase Key National Programs in SME and Implementation Issues 2. Private Enterprise Accelerated Resource Linkages Project II: This CIDA project aimed to assist SMEs in enhancing international competitiveness and building international alliances. The project initially focused on 2 main sectors: furniture and houseware sectors and implemented 3 components including sectoral enhancement component, partnership development facility, capacity development for investment promotion. Key National Programs in SME and Implementation Issues 3. Business Advisory Project by the Canadian Executive Services Overseas: This project was designed to strengthen the capabilities of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), as well as non-governmental organizations serving SMEs through high impact business advisory services. Key National Programs in SME and Implementation Issues 4. Growth with Equity in Mindanao (GEM) Program: This program assisted small and medium business firms in making new investments and prospective investors to make them aware of opportunities for working with local SMEs. Key National Programs in SME and Implementation Issues 5. Rural Microenterprise Finance Program: This project aimed to provide adequate and appropriate financial services to the rural poor in order to finance livelihood project/microenterprises. Key National Programs in SME and Implementation Issues 6. Credit Lines for SMEs: This is KfW project involved the provision of sub-loans to finance importation of capital and intermediate goods and spare parts Key National Programs in SME and Implementation Issues 7. Third Rural Finance Project: This project was funded by the World Bank and involved the provision of short/medium-term loans to finance private investments in the countryside. Key National Programs in SME and Implementation Issues 8. Promotion of Small Enterprises Project II: This project, funded by KfW ,involved the provision of sub-loans to SMEs to finance their working capital and fixed asset investments. Key National Programs in SME and Implementation Issues 9. Enhancement of Global Competitiveness for Quality Standards and Performance Project: This Spanish funded project aimed to strengthen the Philippine Bureau of Standards to improve its capacity to provide services standardization, certification of the country’s industrial quality. Key National Programs in SME and Implementation Issues 10. Microfinance Loan Fund: This project was funded by the Spanish government and aimed to provide credit line facility on wholesale basis for eligible MFIs to finance microfinance sub-projects of their sub-borrowers. Key National Programs in SME and Implementation Issues 11. Creation of an Enabling Environment and Building Capacities for the Growth and Protection of the Informal Sector: This UNDP project aimed to provide capacity building assistance to the informal sector for increased access to productive resources, improved working conditions and strengthened participation in decision making. Key issues facing SMEs 1. Low growth domestic SMEs. Over 70% of SMEs are either not oriented to growth or do not succeed in growing, and have no international activity. In aggregate they make a rather static contribution to the economy; although they employ a significant proportion of people, they do not contribute a lot to employment growth Key issues facing SMEs 2. Entrepreneurial fast growth SMEs. Evidence suggests that as much as 70% of net job creation and much longer term economic dynamism is attributable to a small proportion (perhaps only 5% to 25%) of SMEs that are growth oriented and entrepreneurial. These SMEs are especially important in restructuring existing industries (e.g. finding better ways to provide services) and generating new industries (e.g. software, multimedia services etc). The main problems and issues which are of relevance to these SMEs are: 1. Identification of opportunities - Obtaining reliable information about market opportunities and about relevant regulations is sometimes difficult for new products, services or techniques. 2. Identification of suitable network partners and joint venturers - In many cases these SMEs need to engage in joint ventures, networks, or alliances for internationalization. Finding suitable partners is often difficult. The main problems and issues which are of relevance to these SMEs are: • 3. Protection of intellectual property in a cost effective way - Most economies in the region now have some form of recognition and registration of intellectual property, such as brand names, patents, and copyright. 4. Skills for management and staff 5. Start up assistance - Starting up a business from scratch can be particularly difficult. It may help to provide special start up grants to help entrepreneurs get going, and provide training packages for aspiring managers. The main problems and issues which are of relevance to these SMEs are: 6. Cultural awareness and support of entrepreneurship - A career in entrepreneurship is still frequently regarded as less attractive and socially responsible than a career with a large firm or in a profession. Increasing the status of entrepreneurs in the community (by awards and special recognition), and increasing awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship (by entrepreneurial education in schools for example) can be effective ways for economies to encourage more entrepreneurs. The main problems and issues which are of relevance to these SMEs are: 7. Telecommunications - Access to reliable telecommunications (phone, mobile phone, pagers, fax, Internet, etc) at reasonable rates is especially important to small international firms. Key issues facing SMEs • 3. Internationalized subcontracting or supply industry SMEs. Subcontracting SMEs are those which have integral links with a larger foreign firm, or to a domestic firm which is exporting. There are relatively few SMEs that are international subcontractors, probably less than 2% of non agricultural SMEs, but they are economically significant because they tend to be larger on average, employ more people, and use more sophisticated technology than other SMEs. Implementation Guidelines • The above benefits and incentives under the law implicate a number of government agencies (i.e.. Dept of Finance for exemption from incomes taxes: the LGUs under the DILG for exemption from or reduction of local taxes, fees, and charges: DOLE for exemption from the minimum wage law; the BSP for access to credit; specialized government agencies for technology transfer, trade and investment promotion). Section 15 of the law (Implementing rules and Regulations) deputizes the Secretary of the Department of Trade and Industry to formulate the necessary rules and regulations and to implement the provisions of (the) Act” Department of Trade and Industry • In accordance with Section 15 of the Law, the Secretary of DTI issued DAO (Department Administrative Order) No. 01 formulating necessary rules and regulations to implement the provisions of the Act. This was after consultation with the DILG, the DOF and the BSP and the other concerned agencies. The DAO clarified that the BMBE “shall include any individual owning such business entity/enterprise, partnership, cooperative, corporation, association or other entity incorporated and/or organized and existing under Philippine laws; and registered with the office of the treasurer of a city or municipality in accordance with these (sic) implementing rules and regulations.” Further, under Section 4 (Who are eligible to register), it clarified that any person, natural or juridical, cooperative or association may apply so long it has the following qualifications: have an asset size of not more than three million pesos, excluding land, before applying for BMBE registration Department of Finance • Department Order no. 17-04 (April 20, 2004, “Guidelines to Implement the Registration of Barangay Micro Business Enterprises and the Availment of Tax Incentives under R.A. 9178) has the long list of supplementary rules and regulations on the IRR of the BMBE Act. The DOF issued the guidelines on the registration of the business enterprise and on the duties of the LGU and of the registered BMBE in the availment of the income tax and the Gross Receipts tax (GRT) exemption. Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) • The DOLE issued Department Order No. 45-03 as “Guidelines for the Implementation of Section 8 of RA No. 9178”. Among others, the Guidelines state One of the incentives granted to register BMBE is exemption from the Minimum Wage Legislation as provided under Section 8 of the Act. This incentive, however, should be in harmony with the Constitution and the Labor Code which mandate the State to regulate relations between workers and employers and to protect workers from possible exploitation • Thus the BMBE law allows for exemption of coverage of the BMBE from the MWL However, the same DO specifies that : a. all employees under this Act shall be entitled to the same benefits given to any regular employees such as social security and healthcare benefits; b. b. Workers in BMBEs shall continue to be covered by all applicable labor laws and benefits under the Labor Code including the non-diminution of wages. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) • Regarding credit delivery, the BSP enjoined the Land Bank (LBP), the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP), the Small Business Guarantee and Finance Corporation (SBGFC) and the People’s Credit the Finance Corporation (BCFC) as well as the government non-banks, the GSIS and the SSS to set up a special credit window to service the financing needs of duly registered BMBEs Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) • The said financial institutions are “encouraged to wholesale funds to accredited private financial institutions including community-based organizations such as cooperatives, NGOs and people’s organizations engaged in granting credit for relending to BMBEs.” • Interest on BMBE loans must be just and reasonable as may be determined by the management of the concerned entity to be consistent with its credit policies. • For microenterprises to register under the Act, the granting of tax incentives by the Law assumes that they stand to benefit from them. And yet, those that are expressly targeted by the Act, namely the microenterprises belonging to the informal sector of the economy, work effectively outside the purview of any law. In other words, by being part of the informal economy, they have already exempted themselves from the constraints imposed by the regulatory framework Examples of such virtual exemptions are as follows: 1. Income tax exemption: They do not pay taxes on whatever net incomes they receive from their businesses. 2. Local tax exemption or reduction: They do not pay local taxes and fees at the local level resulting from the operation of their business, since they manage to operate without having to secure a mayor’s permit. 3. MWL exemption: They are not covered by the Minimum Wage Law to the extent that the DOLE, unaware of their existence, does not run after them for possible violations. 4. Access to credit: They could have access to credit, except that they probably do not go the banks and non-banks to borrow under a registered name. They turn instead to other sources, usually relatives, or to the local “5-6 lender” 14. • Any Questions?