The evidence of soma is found in the form of hemp, poppy and ephedra – in present
time, the intoxicating substances extracted from these are ganja, afima and bhanga
Questions remains in the glyptic found which Vedic gods are represented?
In another seal two figures with human body and animal head, holding a tall pillar
(wood?) on the pointed top of which rests the belly of another animal-headed human.
Drum players are also visible. Such scenes re never discussed in Veda.
In fact, none of such culture (artefacts) ever crossed Indus and/or was part of culture.
The Bogazkoy
archives are a
collection of texts
(25,000+ tablets)
found on the site
of the capital of
the Hittite state,
Turkey). They are
the oldest (2nd m.
BCE) extant
documents of the
Rigveda Chronology through archaeological evidences
In Afghanistan there are no rivers by the name of Yamuna and Sutlej, nor are there the Drisvati
and Apaya. Further there is no sea. Thus, the area described indicates the present-day Sarasvati-
Ghaggar combine (dry at places) – B.B. Lal 2009.
Rigveda Chronology through archaeological evidences
During RV times the Sarasvati was a mighty flowing river, by the time of Pachavimsa
Brahmana (XXV.10.16) it got dried up – Rigveda is to be dated prior to the drying up.
RV 1.116.5:
In sea-trade, they used large-sized boats which were sometimes provided with a
hundred oars.
O Asvins, you saved Bhujyu (from drowning) in a deep sea where there was nothing
to hold on, by lifting him up in a boat that had a hundred oars and sending him to
his place. This was indeed a brave act of yours.
RV 1.126.4
Besides using bullock-carts, the Rigvedic people piled fast-running chariots, to
which were sometimes yoked as many as four horses each, bedecked with pearl
RV – Social and Political set-up of the times
Sabha, Samiti – refers to assemblies that took virtual decisions on matters of public
RV 9.92.6
Soma enters the kalasa (pitcher) just as the
king enters the assembly or a wild buffalo
enters the forests.
Rv. 8.21.18
Chitra is said to be a Rajan while rulers of a lesser category were known as mere
Chitra is King, and only kingling are the rest who dwell beside Sarasvati.
Many such references, from fortification to trade to seafaring to social and political
hierarchy, are not characteristic features of any Nomadic society.
RV – Horse!
During the Vedic times, the horse was a well-known animal, but the Harappan
civilization did not have anything to do with horse.
Vedic chariots are described to have spokes, no spoked wheel found in Harappan
E.J.H. Mackay (1938, Mohenjodaro): Perhaps the most interesting of the model
animals is the one that I personally take to represent a horse.
R.E.M. Wheeler (1968): One terracotta, from a late level of Mohenjo-daro, seems to
represent a horse, reminding us that a jaw-bone of a horse is also recorded from the
same site, and that the horse was known at a considerably earlier period in
Faunal Evidence
Bholanath and Sreenival Rao (Lothal report 1985) states: The single tooth of horse…
the tooth from Lothal (Gujarat) resembles closely with that of the modern horse.
Richard Medows and Ajita Patel (1997) have their doubt about the Harappan Horse.
A.K. Sharma (1993): Identified horse molar and a fragment of a shaft of distal end of
femur and left humerus, in the Harappan context at Rupnagar (Ropar), Punjab
A river (Ghaggar-Saraswati) existed between 80,000 – 14,000 ka, fed by Yamuna (Peter D Clift 2011)
Bagozkoy inscribed clay tablet include a treaty between a Mitanni king named
Matiwaza and Hittite king, Suppiluliuma, ascribable to circa 1380 BCE.
Treaty is only a chip of the large block. From surrounding regions, more than a
hundred names have come to light which have a Sanskrit stamp on them.
Context of some of these names goes back to the 17th century BCE. One tablet deals
with the technique of horse-training and mentions Sanskrit numerals like ekvartana,
trivartana, etc. meaning one round, three rounds and so on, on the race course
during the training.
Emigration out of India!
Renowned Indologist T. Burrow (1955): The Aryans appear in Mitanni from 1500 BCE
as ruling dynasty – Conquerors
At that point in time, there was no other country in the entire world except India
where the above referred gods were worshipped.
Had the local population been the core or base of the population, they and their
language would have ‘lived on and on’, which is not the case.
The sacred book of Zoroastrians Avesta – refers to Yoi hapta Hendu (Sapta Sindhu)
of the Rigveda – Avestan people cherished the memory of Rigvedic land
Ayu migrated eastwards. His (progeny) are Kuru-Panchalas and Kasi-Videhas. This is
Ayava migration. Amavasu migrated westwards. His (progeny) are the Gandhari,
Parasu and Aratta. This is the Amavasva migration.
Aila Pururavas and Urvasi had two sons, names Ayu and Amavasu. They migrated,
respectively to the east and west. The former, moving eastwards, gave rise to the
Kuru-Panchala and Kasi-Videha dynasties, while the latter, moving out to the west,
went over to Gandhara, Parsu and Aratta. The scene of partition lay somewhere in