3, 2014, 13-35
ISSN: 2241-0998 (print version), 2241-0996(online)
Scienpress Ltd, 2014
Rohit Bansal 1
Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry plays an important role in economic
development of a country. The FMCG system of India is featured by a large group of
FMCG companies, serving many kinds of consumer and durables goods for the people.
The Hindustan Unilever Ltd. popularly known as HUL or erstwhile as HLL is one of the
leading FMCG Company in India. Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is India's largest
fast moving consumer goods company with a heritage of over 80 years in India and
touches the lives of two out of three Indians. Apart from HUL we have taken V2 Retail
erstwhile known as Vishal Retail, Shoppers Stop, which is leading stores providing goods
in fashion and cosmetics verticals and Pantaloons Fashion & Retail one of the biggest
rival of Shoppers stop and V2 retail in the business. The objective of this research is to
measure the financial and accounting performance of Indian leading IT companies for the
period of 2009 to 2013. Financial statements and income statements of HUL, Vishal
retail, Shoppers stop, and Pantaloons fashion & retail have been taken from database i.e.
CMIE, Prowess, and Money Control and Yahoo Finance. Required information derived
from these financial statements were summarized and used to compute financial ratios for
the five-year period. A graphical representation is provided in order to compare financial
ratios such as profitability, liquidity, solvency, assets turnover and market based ratios.
Assistant Professor, department of management studies,Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum
Technology, Second floor, tower- c, OIDB bhawan,Sector-73, Noida, UP- Pin-201301. Mobile:
+91-9650477082, +91-9927285001
1 Introduction
Beyond crunching and depicting numbers in the financial statements, the primordial goal
of financial managements creating wealth. Wealth creation is best achieved by
maximizing firm’s value through optimal usage of resources over a long period of time. In
other words, it is the continuous and sustainable accumulation of more assets (growth) as
time passes by. Putting these into perspective, wealth creation is a factor of a series of
sound business decisions, made one after the other, that originate from structured or
scientific basis. As risks are the ones that prevent any firm from achieving its objectives,
coming up with structured and scientific bases of decisions reduces the likelihood of the
former (risks). In financial management, one of these structured and scientific bases on
which firm decisions are anchored is the financial statement analysis.
Financial analysis is mainly done to compare the growth, profitability and financial
soundness of the industry or the firms by diagnosing the information contained in the
financial statements. Financial analysis is done to identify the financial strengths and
weaknesses of the industry or the firm by properly establishing relationship between the
items of balance sheet and profit & loss account. It helps in better understanding of
company’s financial position, growth and performance by analyzing the financial
statements with various tools and evaluating the relationship between various elements of
financial statements.
An efficient FMCG company is recognized and becoming as basic requirement for the
economic development of today economy. FMCG’s provides goods both consumer and
durable to community threw a very productive channels. As the competition is increasing
in the sector and thus efficiency is becoming a very important part of this industry
especially in field of operational optimization, presently all these companies are highly
investing in activities to optimizes their operation and hence provide customer the best
service and goods at lowest market price without altering their profit margin. And hence
this leads to financial burden on these companies without altering their prices to make
profit and in turn give a good return to the investors. In this thesis we will be comparing
and evaluating four FMCG companies on several factors. Before evaluating them a brief
idea about all the companies considered in this study.
Some notable studies in this area include those of Boardman and Vining (1989),
Commander, Fan and Schaffer (1996) and La Porta and Lopez-de-Silanes (1997). In the
historical approach, exante and ex post privatization performance of the same enterprise is
compared. Notable studies that followed this approach include those by Megginson, Nash
and Randenborgh (1994), Earle and Estrin (1997), and Dewenter and Malatesta (1998).
This was not the case in countries like Mexico, Chile, and Mozambique where a few years
after privatization, the institutions were experiencing financial problems which quickly
spread into a systemic crisis (Dammert and Lasagabaster, 2002).
The paper proceeds as follows. In section 2, we explain the literature review detailed
about the accounting and financial performance of Retail sector. Section 3 applies the
research problem, objectives and detailed methodology. Section 4 concludes the insights
and result for all financial ratios has been applied to measure the performance of Retail
A Comparative Financial Study: Evidence from Selected Indian Retail Companies 15
1.1.2 V2 Retail
V2 Retail Limited (Formerly known as Vishal Retail Ltd) is one of fastest growing retail
groups in India. The company offers a portfolio of products, including apparel and non-
apparel. The company sells readymade, apparels,household merchandise and other
consumer goods like footwear,toys, games, handbags, fragrance, cosmetics, home
furnishing, décor product,sports items crockery, novelties and gifts.The company’s
subsidiaries include VRL Movers Ltd, VRL Infrastructure Ltd. and VRL Retail Ventures
Ltd. V2 retail ltd offer affordable family fashion at prices to suit every pocket. The outlets
cater to almost all price ranges. The showrooms have over 70,000 products range which
fulfills all household needs. The cost benefit that is derived from the large central
purchase of goods and services is passed on to the consumer.Presently having 8 stores in
various locations in India in a name of “V2 Value & Variety”, with one warehouse
situated at Delhi.
2 Literature Review
Some notable studies in this area include those of Boardman and Vining (1989),
Commander, Fan and Schaffer (1996) and La Porta and Lopez-de-Silanes (1997). In the
historical approach, exante and ex post privatization performance of the same enterprise is
compared. Notable studies that followed this approach include those by Megginson, Nash
and Randenborgh (1994), Earle and Estrin (1997), and Dewenter and Malatesta (1998).
Beginning with Beaver's (1966) contented that standard financial ratios can predict the
financial performance of firms, many subsequent studies have attempted to demonstrate
the predictive value of various techniques for estimating actual business performance.
Foster, (1986) reviewed of the literature describing methods and theories for evaluating
and predicting financial performance reveals that although methods have become
increasingly complex, few researchers adequately address the problems associated with
the sample used. For example, most ratio analysis studies use multivariate analysis that is
based on the assumption of a normal distribution of the financial ratios. Without
confirming the approximation of normality of ratio distribution, the researcher is at risk of
drawing erroneous inferences. When considering the distribution of financial ratios in any
database, the normality of the distribution can be skewed by data recording errors,
negative denominators and denominators approaching zero.
Malhorta and McLeod, (1994) argued that the only way to assess future financial
performance is through the inclusion of subjective measures.
Lasher, (2005) dept ratios show how effectively the organization uses other people’s
money and whether it is using a lot of borrowed money. Ross et al., (2007) expressed
most researchers divide the financial ratios into four group’si.e profitability, solvency,
liquidity and activity ratios. Lermack, (2003) the benefits of financial ratios analysis:
Financial ratios are an important and well-established technique of financial analysis. The
following are the benefits of financial ratios analysis. Brigham and Ehrhardt (2010) stated
the “financial ratios are designed to help evaluate financial statements”. Financial ratios
are used as a planning and control tool. Financial ratios analysis is used to evaluate the
performance of an organization.
A Comparative Financial Study: Evidence from Selected Indian Retail Companies 17
3 Research Methodology
3.1 Research Problem
In the present study, an attempt has been made to measure, evaluate and compare the
financial performance of four FMCG companies which are one among the leading
companies in the industry. The study is based on secondary data that has been collected
from annual reports of the respective companies, magazines, journals, documents,
financial data websites and other published information. The study covers the period of 4
years i.e. from year 2009-10 to year 2012-13. Ratio Analysis was applied to analyze and
compare the trends in banking business and financial performance. After that a graphical
inference is been done to deduce the best investment fit company in FMCG industry.
• Formulas used here to calculate are the widely used methods to calculate ratios but
they are not the universally accepted method, hence comparison of these ratios cannot
be made with others.
to satisfy these obligations must come primarily from cash or the conversion to cash of
other current assets. The ideal ratio is 2:1. The current ratio formula is:
Quick ratio = current assets – (cash and equivalents + marketable securities + accounts
receivable) / current liabilities (1.2)
Return on assets
An indicator used to evaluate the profitability of the assets of a firm i.e. the return on
average assets indicates what a company can do with what it possesses. Generally, it is
used by companies, banks and other financial institutions as an appraisal for determining
their performance. The formula for return on assets is:
Table 2 explains the result of several financial ratios of VISHAL RETAIL from 2009 to
2013. It contains liquidity ratio i.e. current ratio and acid test ratio, profitability ratio i.e.
return on assets (ROA), return on net worth (RONW), return on capital employed
(ROCE), earning par share (EPS), price earning ratio (P/E), net profit margin, and profit
margin, activity ratio i.e. inventory turnover ratio, debtor turnover ratio, and working
capital turnover assets turnover ratio i.e. fixed assets and total assets turnover. Leverage
ratio i.e. debt to equity, interest coverage ratio, shareholder's equity ratio, and return on
total asset and finally, DuPont analysis have been employed in this paper to measured the
financial performance of the company.
Table 3 explains the result of several financial ratios of Shoppers Stop from 2009 to 2013.
It contains liquidity ratio i.e. current ratio and acid test ratio, profitability ratio i.e. return
on assets (ROA), return on net worth (RONW), return on capital employed (ROCE),
earning par share (EPS), price earning ratio (P/E), net profit margin, and profit margin,
24 Rohit Bansal
activity ratio i.e. inventory turnover ratio, debtor turnover ratio, and working capital
turnover assets turnover ratio i.e. fixed assets and total assets turnover. Leverage ratio i.e.
debt to equity, interest coverage ratio, shareholder's equity ratio, and return on total asset
and finally, DuPont analysis have been employed in this paper to measured the financial
performance of the company.
Table 4 explains the result of several financial ratios of Pantaloons Fashion & Retail from
2009 to 2013. It contains liquidity ratio i.e. current ratio and acid test ratio, profitability
ratio i.e. return on assets (ROA), return on net worth (RONW), return on capital
employed (ROCE), earning par share (EPS), price earning ratio (P/E), net profit margin,
and profit margin, activity ratio i.e. inventory turnover ratio, debtor turnover ratio, and
working capital turnover assets turnover ratio i.e. fixed assets and total assets turnover.
Leverage ratio i.e. debt to equity, interest coverage ratio, shareholder's equity ratio, and
return on total asset and finally, DuPont analysis have been employed in this paper to
measured the financial performance of the company.
Unilivers 1
Current Ratio
V2 Retail
Shoppers Stop 0.2
2009-10 2010-11 Years 2011-12 2012-13
Hindustan 0.9
Unilivers 0.8
Limited 0.7
Shoppers Stop 10
Fashion & 0
2009-10 2010-11 Years 2011-12 2012-13
Graph 3: Comparative analysis of Inventory turn-over ratio of selected companies
turnover ratio over the period of four years interval. From the above graph we can see
except V2 retail all the other company’s has almost same capacity of recovering debt and
credit sales. Instability in V2 retail can be because it is a new company and hence in
initial growth stage it has shown some instability in its performance.
Hindustan 14000
Stop 6000
Fashion & 2000
2009-10 2010-11 Years 2011-12 2012-13
Wprking Capital Turn-over
Unilivers 25
V2 Retail 20
Stop 10
Pantaloon 5
Fashion &
Retail 0
2009-10 2010-11 Years 2011-12 2012-13
Hindustan 1400
also shown a growth in their business over the period while other two companies have
been able to provide and employ the investments made by the company shareholders’.
Unilivers 1000
V2 Retail
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 -500
Stop -1000
Fashion & -2000
Retail -2500
Hindustan 0
Unilivers 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 -200
V2 Retail -400
Shoppers -800
Pantaloon -1200
Fashion &
Retail -1400
Years -1600
firm may mean higher accounting costs. Graph 11 shows the distribution of net profit
margin over the period of four years interval. HUL has the highest and stable profit
margin throughout the period. Graph shows the maximum instability shown by V2 retail
while other two remains more or less constant.
Hindustan 0.2
Stop -0.6
Pantaloon -0.8
Fashion &
Retail Years -1
Hindusta 100
Shoppers -100
Year -200
Limited 200
Return On Investment
V2 Retail 150
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 -50
Pantaloon -100
Fashion & -150
Hindustan 0
Limited 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
Return on Sales
V2 Retail
Shoppers -0.6
Years -1
5 Conclusion
After analyzing the financial data of all the four companies under the fifteen financial
ratios we can conclude this project under two folds:-For long term and secure investment
one can go for “Hindustan Unilever Limited” as it has shown a stable and steady growth
over the period.While for those who look for short and high returns with a greater risk
factor can go for V2 Retails as it’s a new company and it’s in a growing stage.
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