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Informix Administrator Guide

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Informix Administrator Guide

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Database Server

Administrators Guide

Version 7.2 April 1996 Part No. 000-7895A

Published by INFORMIX Press

Informix Software, Inc. 4100 Bohannon Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025

The following are worldwide trademarks of Informix Software, Inc., or its subsidiaries, registered in the United States of America as indicated by , and in numerous other countries worldwide: INFORMIX; C-ISAM; INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server The following are worldwide trademarks of the indicated owners or their subsidiaries, registered in the United States of America as indicated by , and in numerous other countries worldwide: Adobe Systems Incorporated: PostScript Novell, Inc.: NetWare X/OpenCompany Ltd.: UNIX; X/Open Some of the products or services mentioned in this document are provided by companies other than Informix. These products or services are identied by the trademark or servicemark of the appropriate company. If you have a question about one of those products or services, please call the company in question directly. Documentation Team: Brian Deutscher, Geeta Karmarker, Mary Kraemer, Patrice ONeill, Eileen Wollam Copyright 1981-1996 by Informix Software, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any meansgraphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systemswithout permission of the publisher. To the extent that this software allows the user to store, display, and otherwise manipulate various forms of data, including, without limitation, multimedia content such as photographs, movies, music and other binary large objects (blobs), use of any single blob may potentially infringe upon numerous different third-party intellectual and/or proprietary rights. It is the user's responsibility to avoid infringements of any such thirdparty rights. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Software and accompanying materials acquired with United States Federal Government funds or intended for use within or for any United States federal agency are provided with Restricted Rights as dened in DFARS 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii) or FAR 52.227-19.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

About This Manual . . . . . . . Organization of This Manual . . Types of Users . . . . . . . Software Dependencies . . . . Demonstration Database . . . New Features of This Product . . . Conventions . . . . . . . . . Typographical Conventions . . Icon Conventions . . . . . . Command-Line Conventions . . Sample-Code Conventions . . . Additional Documentation . . . . Printed Documentation . . . . On-Line Documentation . . . Related Reading . . . . . . Compliance with Industry Standards Informix Welcomes Your Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 4 4 5 8 8 9 10 11 14 14 15 16 17 18 t19

Chapter 1

Installation and Initial Configuration

Dening a Database Management System . . . Planning for SE . . . . . . . . . . . . Conguring Hardware . . . . . . . . Placing Active Tables and Files on the Disk . Considering SE Limits . . . . . . . . Installing SE . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preparing SE Connections . . . . . . . . Understanding Version 7.2 SE Congurations Setting Environment Variables . . . . . Understanding the Communication Files . . Building the sqlhosts File . . . . . . . Examples of Client/Server Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-12 1-18

Connecting with Different Versions . . . . . . . . . . Starting the sqlexecd Daemon . . . . . . . . . . . . Using an NFS-Mounted Directory . . . . . . . . . . . How Does a Client Application Connect to a Database Server? . .

1-26 1-35 1-37 1-38

Chapter 2

INFORMIX-SE System Architecture

SE Program Files . . . . . . . . . . . SE System Files . . . . . . . . . . . . The .dat File . . . . . . . . . . . The .idx File . . . . . . . . . . . Allocating Space for .dat and .idx Files . . Transaction-Log Files . . . . . . . . . . Allocating Space for the Transaction-Log File Audit-Trail Files . . . . . . . . . . . Permissions of Database Files and Directories . Determining If a Database Is ANSI Compliant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-8 2-8 2-10 2-12

Chapter 3

Basic Administration and Maintenance

Monitoring Disk-Space Use Maintaining Data Integrity . Transaction-Log Files . Audit-Trail Files . . . Creating Backups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 3-4 3-4 3-6 3-6

Chapter 4

B+ Tree Organization . . Searching for a Row . Adding Keys . . . Removing Keys . . Index-Table Structure . . Multiple Indexes . . Index-Table Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 4-5 4-6 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-15

Chapter 5

Symptoms and Solutions

Permission Problems . . . . . . . . . . Corruption Problems . . . . . . . . . . Operating-System Failures . . . . . . Premature Termination of an sqlexec Process Physical Disk Corruption . . . . . . . Lost and Damaged Index and Data Files. . Transaction-Log Corruption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 5-4 5-4 5-5 5-5 5-6 5-7


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Disk Fragmentation . Practices to Avoid . Performance Tuning

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5-8 5-8 5-9

Chapter 6

The secheck Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . Choosing Not to Specify the -n or -y Option . . Simple Example . . . . . . . . . . . Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parenthetical Values . . . . . . . . . . Printing a Long List of Index Key Values . . . An Example Using the -l Option . . . . . . Converting Index-Node Size with the -s Option Causes for secheck Failure . . . . . . . . The selog Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . Displaying the Contents of a Transaction Log . Use and Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 6-5 6-6 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-10 6-11 6-11 6-12 6-12 6-20


Table of Contents



About This Manual . . . . . Organization of This Manual Types of Users . . . . . Software Dependencies . . Demonstration Database . New Features of This Product . Conventions . . . . . . . Typographical Conventions Icon Conventions . . . . Comment Icons . . . Compliance Icons . . Command-Line Conventions Sample-Code Conventions .

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3 3 4 4 5 8 8 9 10 10 10 11 14 14 15 16 16 17 17 18 19

Additional Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . Printed Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . On-Line Documentation. . . . . . . . . . . . Error Message Files . . . . . . . . . . . . Release Notes, Documentation Notes, Machine Notes Related Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compliance with Industry Standards Informix Welcomes Your Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

his chapter introduces the INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide. Read this chapter for an overview of the information provided in this manual and for an understanding of the conventions used throughout this manual. The INFORMIX-SE database server is ideally suited for small- to mediumsized database applications. Informix based the SE database server on the indexed sequential access method (ISAM), a library of C language calls that work with UNIX to manipulate database les. ISAM uses an index to access data instead of performing a scan on the table to access data. SE works automatically and transparently and does not require any special instructions in your database applications or programs.

About This Manual

The INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide is a complete guide to the operating environment of the SE database server. This manual explains how to congure and use SE. It also explains how to use the SE utilities.

Organization of This Manual

This manual includes the following chapters:

This Introduction provides an overview of the manual, describes the documentation conventions used, introduces the demonstration database from which the product examples are drawn, describes the ASCII and PostScript error message les, and lists the new features in SE, Version 7.2. Chapter 1, Installation and Initial Conguration,provides background information on planning and conguring an SE system.


Types of Users

Chapter 2, INFORMIX-SE System Architecture, describes the SE program les and system les and the permissions on database les and directories. Chapter 3, Basic Administration and Maintenance, describes disk usage and the maintenance of data integrity. Chapter 4, INFORMIX-SE Indexing, describes the organization, structure, and format used to index ISAM les. Chapter 5, Symptoms and Solutions, provides tips on troubleshooting. Chapter 6, INFORMIX-SE Utilities, describes the command-line utilities available for performing administrative tasks.

Types of Users
This manual is written for SE system administrators who are responsible for the following tasks:
s s s

Initial installation and conguration of SE General system administration and maintenance Troubleshooting of system problems

Software Dependencies
This manual assumes that you are using SE, Version 7.2, as your database server. Informix software can reside on a single computer or on multiple computers across a network. The following Informix software must reside on your computer system:

An SE database server, which you install on your computer or on another computer over a network Either an Informix application development tool, such as INFORMIX-NewEra; an SQL application programming interface (API), such as INFORMIX-ESQL/C; or the DB-Access utility, which Informix ships as part of your database server

INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Demonstration Database

The application development tool, SQL API, or DB-Access enables you to compose queries, send queries to the database server, and view the results that the database server returns. You can use DB-Access to try out the SQL statement described in this guide.

Demonstration Database
The DB-Access utility, which is provided with your Informix database server products, includes a demonstration database called stores7 that contains information about a ctitious wholesale sporting-goods distributor. The sample command les that make up a demonstration application are also included. Most examples in this manual are based on the stores7 demonstration database. The stores7 database is described in detail and its contents are listed in Appendix A of the Informix Guide to SQL: Reference. The script that you use to install the demonstration database is called dbaccessdemo7 and is located in the $INFORMIXDIR/bin directory. The database name that you supply is the name given to the demonstration database. If you do not supply a database name, the name defaults to stores7. Use the following rules for naming your database:

Names can have a maximum of 18 characters for INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server databases and a maximum of 10 characters for SE databases. The rst character of a name must be a letter or an underscore (_). You can use letters, characters, and underscores (_) for the rest of the name.
DB-Access makes no distinction between uppercase and lowercase

s s


The database name must be unique.


Demonstration Database

When you run dbaccessdemo7, you are, as the creator of the database, the owner and Database Administrator (DBA) of that database. If you install your Informix database server according to the installation instructions, the les that constitute the demonstration database are protected so that you cannot make any changes to the original database. You can run the dbaccessdemo7 script again whenever you want to work with a fresh demonstration database. The script prompts you when the creation of the database is complete and asks if you would like to copy the sample command les to the current directory. Enter N if you have made changes to the sample les and do not want them replaced with the original versions. Enter Y if you want to copy over the sample command les. To create and populate the stores7 demonstration database
1. 2.

Set the INFORMIXDIR environment variable so that it contains the name of the directory in which your Informix products are installed. Set INFORMIXSERVER to the name of the default database server. The name of the default database server must exist in the $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts le. (For a full description of environment variables, see Chapter 4 of the Informix Guide to SQL: Reference.) For information about the sqlhosts le, refer to The sqlhosts File on page 1-12 of this manual.


Create a new directory for the SQL command les. Create the directory by entering the following command:
mkdir dirname


Make the new directory the current directory by entering the following command:
cd dirname

INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Demonstration Database


Create the demonstration database and copy over the sample command les by entering the dbaccessdemo7 command. To create the database without logging, enter the following command:
dbaccessdemo7 dbname

To create the demonstration database with logging, enter the following command:
dbaccessdemo7 -log dbname dbaccessdemo7 -log dbname -dbspace dbspacename

If you are using SE, a subdirectory called dbname.dbs is created in your current directory and the database les associated with stores7 are placed there. You will see both data (.dat) and index (.idx) les in the dbname.dbs directory. (If you specify a dbspace name, it is ignored.) To use the database and the command les that have been copied to your directory, you must have UNIX read and execute permissions for each directory in the pathname of the directory from which you ran the dbaccessdemo7 script. Check with your system administrator for more information about operating-system le and directory permissions. UNIX permissions are discussed in Chapter 2 of this manual.
6. 7.

To give someone else the permissions to access the command les in your directory, use the UNIX chmod command. To give someone else access to the database that you have created, grant them the appropriate privileges using the GRANT statement. To revoke privileges, use the REVOKE statement. The GRANT and REVOKE statements are described in Chapter 1 of the Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax.


New Features of This Product

New Features of This Product

The Introduction to each Version 7.2 product manual contains a list of new features for that product. The Introduction to each manual in the Version 7.2 Informix Guide to SQL series contains a list of new SQL features. A comprehensive list of all of the new features for Version 7.2 Informix products is in the Release Notes le called SERVERS_7.2. This section highlights the major new features implemented in Version 7.2 of INFORMIX-SE:

Global Language Support (GLS) The GLS feature lets Informix Version 7.2 products handle different languages, cultural conventions, and code sets. GLS functionality supersedes the functionality of Native Language Support (NLS) and Asian Language Support (ALS). GLS eliminates the need to distinguish between internationalized versions of Informix software.

Multibyte lenames
SE can generate multibyte lenames for the following types of les:
u u

Database names for SE (.dbs) Table names for SE (.dat, .idx)

Multibyte-character support for SE utilities The secheck and selog utilities provide multibyte-character support for table names and log lenames.

This section describes the conventions that are used in this manual. By becoming familiar with these conventions, you will nd it easier to gather information from this and other volumes in the documentation set. The following conventions are covered:
s s

Typographical conventions Icon conventions

INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Typographical Conventions

s s

Command-line conventions Sample-code conventions

Typographical Conventions
This manual uses a standard set of conventions to introduce new terms, illustrate screen displays, describe command syntax, and so forth. The following typographical conventions are used throughout this manual.
Convention italics Meaning Within text, new terms and emphasized words are printed in italics. Within syntax diagrams, values that you are to specify are printed in italics.
Identiers (names of classes, objects, constants, events,


functions, program variables, forms, labels, and reports), environment variables, database names, table names, column names, menu items, command names, and other similar terms are printed in boldface. monospace

Information that the product displays and information that you enter are printed in a monospace typeface. All keywords appear in uppercase letters. This symbol indicates the end of product- or platform-specic information.

Tip: When you are instructed to enter characters or to execute a command, immediately press RETURN after the entry. When you are instructed to type the text or to press other keys, no RETURN is required.


Icon Conventions

Icon Conventions
Throughout the documentation, you will nd text that is identied by several different types of icons. This section describes these icons.

Comment Icons
Comment icons identify three types of information, as described in the following table. This information is always displayed in italics.
Icon Description Identies paragraphs that contain vital instructions, cautions, or critical information.

Identies paragraphs that contain signicant information about the feature or operation that is being described.

Identies paragraphs that offer additional details or shortcuts for the functionality that is being described.

Compliance Icons
Compliance icons indicate paragraphs that provide guidelines for complying with a standard.

Description Identies information that is specic to a GLS-compliant database or application.

These icons can apply to a row in a table, one or more paragraphs, or an entire section. A symbol indicates the end of the compliance information.
10 INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Command-Line Conventions

Command-Line Conventions
SE supports a variety of command-line options. You enter these commands at the operating-system prompt to perform certain functions in SE.

This section denes and illustrates the format of the commands that are available in SE and other Informix products. These commands have their own conventions, which might include alternative forms of a command, required and optional parts of the command, and so forth. Each diagram displays the sequences of required and optional elements that are valid in a command. A diagram begins at the upper left with a command. It ends at the upper right with a vertical line. Between these points, you can trace any path that does not stop or back up. Each path describes a valid form of the command. You must supply a value for words that are in italics. You might encounter one or more of the following elements on a commandline path.
Element command Description This required element is usually the product name or other short word that invokes the product or calls the compiler or preprocessor script for a compiled Informix product. It might appear alone or precede one or more options. You must spell a command exactly as shown and must use lowercase letters. A word in italics represents a value that you must supply, such as a database, le, or program name. A table following the diagram explains the value. A ag is usually an abbreviation for a function, menu, or option name or for a compiler or preprocessor argument. You must enter a ag exactly as shown, including the preceding hyphen. A lename extension, such as .sql or .dbs, might follow a variable that represents a lename. Type this extension exactly as shown, immediately after the name of the le and a period. The extension might be optional in certain products. (1 of 2)






Command-Line Conventions

Element (.,;+*-/) ' '

Description Punctuation and mathematical notations are literal symbols that you must enter exactly as shown. Single quotes are literal symbols that you must enter as shown. A reference in a box represents a subdiagram on the same page (if no page is supplied) or another page. Imagine that the subdiagram is spliced into the main diagram at this point. A shaded option is the default. If you do not explicitly type the option, the default will be in effect unless you choose another option. Syntax enclosed in a pair of arrows indicates that this is a subdiagram. The vertical line is a terminator and indicates that the statement is complete.

Privileges p. 5-17 Privileges


A branch below the main line indicates an optional path. (Any term on the main path is required, unless a branch can circumvent it.) A loop indicates a path that you can repeat. Punctuation along the top of the loop indicates the separator symbol for list items, as in this example. A gate ( 3 ) on a path indicates that you can only use that path the indicated number of times, even if it is part of a larger loop. Here you can specify size no more than three times within this statement segment. (2 of 2)





INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Command-Line Conventions

Figure 1 shows the ow of the secheck utility command.

Figure 1 An Example Command-Line Diagram
secheck -n -y -V -q -l -s


To construct a correct command, start at the top left with the command secheck. Then follow the diagram to the right, including the options that you want. The elements in the diagram are case sensitive. To read the example command-line diagram
1. 2. 3.

Type the word secheck. Choose either the lower path or the upper path. When you choose the lower path, you must type -V. That brings you to the terminator and completes the secheck command. Press RETURN to execute the command. When you choose the upper path, take the following steps:
a. b. c. d. e.


You can choose -n or -y, but not both. You can choose -q. You can choose -l. You can choose -s. Supply a lename. After you choose lename, you come to the terminator. Your command is complete.


Press ENTER to execute the command.



Sample-Code Conventions

Sample-Code Conventions
Examples of SQL code occur throughout this manual. Except where noted, the code is not specic to any single Informix application development tool. If only SQL statements are listed in the example, they are not delimited by semicolons. To use this SQL code for a specic product, you must apply the syntax rules for that product. For example, if you are using the Querylanguage option of DB-Access, you must delimit multiple statements with semicolons. If you are using an SQL API, you must use EXEC SQL and a semicolon (or other appropriate delimiters) at the start and end of each statement, respectively. For instance, you might see the code in the following example:
CONNECT TO stores7 . . . DELETE FROM customer WHERE customer_num = 121 . . . COMMIT WORK DISCONNECT CURRENT

Dots in the example indicate that more code would be added in a full application, but it is not necessary to show it to describe the concept being discussed. For detailed directions on using SQL statements for a particular application development tool or SQL API, see the manual for your product.

Additional Documentation
The SE documentation set includes printed manuals, on-line manuals, and on-line help. This section describes the following pieces of the documentation set:
s s s

Printed documentation On-line documentation Related reading


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Printed Documentation

Printed Documentation
The following printed manuals are included in the SE documentation set:

The UNIX Products Installation Guide contains instructions for installing Informix products on computers that run the UNIX operating system. Keep this guide with your UNIX software documentation for easy reference. The Guide to GLS Functionality contains information on the languagerelated topics of Global Language Support (GLS). The Informix Migration Guide describes the procedures to use when you migrate existing Informix databases to and from SE, Version 7.2. This manual includes information on preparing your host system to support the new features provided by SE 7.2. If you have never used Structured Query Language (SQL) or an Informix application development tool, read the Informix Guide to SQL: Tutorial. The manual provides a tutorial on SQL as it is implemented by Informix products. It describes the fundamental ideas and terminology that are used when planning, using, and implementing a relational database. A companion volume to the Tutorial, the Informix Guide to SQL: Reference, provides reference information on the types of Informix databases that you can create, the data types that are supported in Informix products, system catalog tables that are associated with the database, environment variables, and the SQL utilities. The manual also provides a detailed description of the stores7 demonstration database and contains a glossary. An additional companion volume to the Tutorial, the Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax, provides a detailed description of all the SQL statements supported by Informix products. The manual also provides a detailed description of Stored Procedure Language (SPL) statements. The DB-Access User Manual describes how to invoke the DB-Access utility to access, modify, and retrieve information from SE relational databases. When errors occur, you can look them up by number and learn their causes and solutions in the Informix Error Messages manual. If you prefer, you can look up the error messages in the on-line message le that is described later in this introduction and in the Introduction to the Informix Error Messages manual.
Introduction 15


On-Line Documentation

On-Line Documentation
Several different types of on-line documentation are available:
s s s

On-line documentation and help On-line error messages Release notes, documentation notes, and machine notes

Error Message Files

Informix software products provide ASCII les that contain all of the Informix error messages and their corrective actions. To read the error messages in the ASCII le, Informix provides scripts that let you display error messages on the screen (nderr) or print formatted error messages (rofferr). For a detailed description of these scripts, see the Introduction to the Informix Error Messages manual. The optional Informix Messages and Corrections product provides PostScript les that contain the error messages and their corrective actions. If you have installed this product, you can print the PostScript les on a PostScript printer. The PostScript error messages are distributed in a number of les of the format errmsg1.ps, errmsg2.ps, and so on. These les are located in the $INFORMIXDIR/msg directory.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Related Reading Release Notes, Documentation Notes, Machine Notes

In addition to the Informix set of manuals, the following on-line les, located in the $INFORMIXDIR/release/en_us/0333 directory, might supplement the information in this manual:
On-line File Documentation notes Release notes Purpose Describes features that are not covered in the manuals or that have been modied since publication. The le that contains the documentation notes for this product is called SEDOC_7.2. Describes feature differences from earlier versions of Informix products and how these differences might affect current products. This le also contains information about any known problems and their workarounds. The le that contains the release notes for Version 7.2 of Informix database server products is called SERVERS_7.2. The release notes also contain a section on limits that describes the maximum values for SE. Describes any special actions that are required to congure and use Informix products on your computer. Machine notes are named for the product that is described. The machine notes le for SE is SE_7.2.

Machine notes

Please examine these les because they contain vital information about application and performance issues.

Related Reading
For additional technical information on database management, consult the following books. The rst book is an introductory text for readers who are new to database management, while the second book is a more complex technical work for SQL programmers and database administrators:

An Introduction to Database Systems by C. J. Date (Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1994) Database: A Primer by C. J. Date (Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1983)



Compliance with Industry Standards

To learn more about the SQL language, consider the following books:

A Guide to the SQL Standard by C. J. Date with H. Darwen (AddisonWesley Publishing, 1993) Understanding the New SQL: A Complete Guide by J. Melton and A. Simon (Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1993) Using SQL by J. Groff and P. Weinberg (Osborne McGraw-Hill, 1990)

The INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide assumes that you are familiar with your computer operating-system. If you have limited UNIX system experience, consult your operating system manual or a good introductory text before you read this manual. The following texts provide a good introduction to UNIX systems:

Introducing the UNIX System by H. McGilton and R. Morgan (McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1983) Learning the UNIX Operating System by G. Todino, J. Strang, and J. Peek (OReilly & Associates, 1993) A Practical Guide to the UNIX System by M. Sobell (Benjamin/Cummings Publishing, 1989)
UNIX for People by P. Birns, P. Brown, and J. Muster (Prentice-Hall,


UNIX System V: A Practical Guide by M. Sobell (Benjamin/Cummings

Publishing, 1995)

Compliance with Industry Standards

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has established a set of industry standards for SQL. Informix SQL-based products are fully compliant with SQL-92 Entry Level (published as ANSI X3.135-1992), which is identical to ISO 9075:1992 on INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server. In addition, many features of OnLine comply with the SQL-92 Intermediate and Full Level and X/Open CAE (common applications environment) standards.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Informix Welcomes Your Comments

Informix SQL-based products are compliant with ANSI SQL-92 Entry Level (published as ANSI X3.135-1992) on INFORMIX-SE with the following exceptions:
s s

Effective checking of constraints Serializable transactions

Informix Welcomes Your Comments

Please let us know what you like or dislike about our manuals. To help us with future versions of our manuals, please tell us about any corrections or clarications that you would nd useful. Write to us at the following address: Informix Software, Inc. SCT Technical Publications Department 4100 Bohannon Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025 If you prefer to send electronic mail, our address is: doc@informix.com Or, send a facsimile to the Informix Technical Publications Department at: 415-926-6571 Please include the following information:
s s s

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We appreciate your feedback.




Installation and Initial Conguration

Dening a Database Management System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 1-10 1-12 1-12 1-13 1-13 1-15 1-16 1-17 1-18 1-19 1-20 1-22 1-26 1-26 1-28

Planning for SE . . . . . . . . . . . Conguring Hardware . . . . . . . Placing Active Tables and Files on the Disk Considering SE Limits . . . . . . . Installing SE . . . . . . . . . . . .

Preparing SE Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . Understanding Version 7.2 SE Congurations . . . . . Setting Environment Variables . . . . . . . . . . Understanding the Communication Files . . . . . . . Network Communication Files . . . . . . . . . Network Security Files . . . . . . . . . . . . The sqlhosts File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Building the sqlhosts File . . . . . . . . . . . . The dbservername Field . . . . . . . . . . . The nettype Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The hostname Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . The servicename Field . . . . . . . . . . . . Relationships Among Network-Connection Files for TCP/IP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Examples of Client/Server Connections . . . . . . . Local Connections with Pipes . . . . . . . . . Network Connections with Version 7.2 Products . . . Local-Loopback Connections with Version 7.2 Products Connecting with Different Versions . . . . . . . . . Local Connections with Version 4.11 or 5.x Client Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . Network Connections with INFORMIX-NET . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

Network Connections with 5.x INFORMIX-NET Relay Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Network Connections with the Version 7.2 Relay Module Starting the sqlexecd Daemon . . . . . . . . . . . Using an NFS-Mounted Directory . . . . . . . . . How Does a Client Application Connect to a Database Server? .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

1-29 1-32 1-35 1-37 1-38


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

mplementing a database management system (DBMS) requires making many decisions, such as where to store the data, how to access the data, and how to protect the data. How you implement the DBMS can greatly affect the performance of database operations. For example, the physical organization of data and optimization performed by the DBMS directly affect the speed of retrievals from and updates to tables. This chapter explains the issues that are involved in setting up INFORMIX-SE. You can use this chapter as background to help you understand the effects of the choices that you make as an SE administrator. This chapter also discusses SE connectivity and communication as well as the contents of the sqlhosts le.

Dening a Database Management System

You can divide a DBMS into the following parts:
s s

A data language, which serves as the user interface to the DBMS A database server, which takes the data denition and data manipulation language requests and performs the requested operations

Database users instruct the DBMS to perform queries and other operations on a database using language that the DBMS understands. Informix application development tools and SQL APIs use a database denition and manipulation language that is an extension of the ANSI standard SQL to send instructions to the database server.

Installation and Initial Configuration 1-3

Planning for SE

Planning for SE
Planning can help you avoid costly and time-consuming mistakes. For example, before you install the software, consider where to locate it so that everybody who needs to access it can do so. After you decide where to locate the product, think about the placement of the database and its associated tables. Do you want to place your tables on different devices? Do you want to put your transaction log or audit trails on separate disks? Also consider the computer itself. Can it support the memory requirements of SE? Can it support the number of open les, locks, and users that the application requires? In addition, you must think about maintenance plans. Prepare a backup schedule. Decide where to keep the tapes.

Conguring Hardware
If you partitioned your disks before you began planning your SE system, examine the physical layout of your disk and verify that the partition in which you want to load your Informix products is large enough to contain the product software. (Informix does not require you to place the product software in the same directory as the data.)

Placing Active Tables and Files on the Disk

A database server that uses the UNIX le system cannot transfer data directly from memory to disk. The intermediate transfer to and from the operatingsystem buffer increases the time for the transfer. Although intermediate transfer does not always create a performance bottleneck on a database with moderate activity, your most important design goal must be to minimize the time required for disk input/output (I/O). Keep your most active tables on separate disk devices to reduce contention. Using separate disk devices reduces competition for disk access when joins form among high-demand tables. Because transaction logs and audit trails have high rates of activity, you must give them priority in disk placement. Ideally, designate the fastest devices or the most central areas of the disk to hold the transaction logs and audit trails.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Considering SE Limits

Remember the following points as you plan the layout for your SE data:

How you position data on disk devices can minimize head movement. The innermost disk partitions generally have the fastest access timesuse them for frequently accessed tables or logs.
SE tables cannot span partitions. Think carefully about where you

decide to put tables. When a table lls a partition, you must do one of the following procedures:
u u

Move the table to a larger partition. Back up the data, increase the size of the partition, and restore the data.

SE indexes (.idx les) automatically reside on the same partition as

your .dat les.


Transaction logs and audit trails grow as you process transactions against the database.

Considering SE Limits
Consider the following limits of SE when you install the product:
s s s

The maximum row size (32,511 bytes) The maximum number of open SE tables (255) The maximum number of locks per table (operating-systemdependent)

Because SE takes advantage of some of the operating-system facilities that UNIX provides, it also incurs some of the limits that UNIX imposes. The number of open les that your operating system allows represents one such limit. You can increase the value of the following UNIX kernel parameters to improve SE performance (although these modications do not alter the SE limitations just listed):
s s s

The number of locks The number of open les The number of inodes (an operating system entity used to uniquely identify a le)

Installation and Initial Configuration 1-5

Installing SE

Installing SE
Installation refers to the process of loading the product les onto your UNIX system and running the installation script to correctly set up the product les. Some of the specic steps that you should follow as part of your installation depend on your environment. See the UNIX Products Installation Guide, Version 7.2, for instructions about installing the Version 7.2 SE database server.

Preparing SE Connections
Before you can use SE with a client application, you must rst understand the following topics:

Conguring INFORMIX-SE, Version 7.2, for local and remote connections Setting your environment variables Establishing communication Building the sqlhosts le Connecting Informix Version 7.2 client applications to Version 7.2 SE database servers Connecting Informix Version 4.1 or Version 5.x client applications to Version 7.2 SE database servers Starting the sqlexecd daemon Using NFS-mounted directories

s s s s

s s

The UNIX Products Installation Guide suggests that you create the directory /usr/informix for your Informix products. For the examples in the following sections, it is assumed that you have installed the Informix Version 4.1 or 5.x products in the /usr/informix directory, and that you have installed the Informix Version 7.2 products in the /usr/version7/informix directory. However, when you establish local connections using unnamed pipes, you must install client and server products in the same directory.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Understanding Version 7.2 SE Congurations

Understanding Version 7.2 SE Congurations

You must understand local and network congurations before you establish communication. A local client/server conguration exists when a client product connects to a database server on the same computer. A remote client/server conguration exists when a client product that resides on one computer establishes a connection across a network to a database server that resides on another computer. Figure 1-1 illustrates the compatibility between client tools and a local Version 7.2 SE database server.
Figure 1-1 Client/Server Congurations for Client Products Connecting to a Local Version 7.2 SE Database Server
Client Version 4.1 ESQL/C, ESQL/COBOL Version 5.x ESQL/C, ESQL/COBOL,

Local SE Database Server, Version 7.2 Supported, but must use the Version 7.2 Relay Module and Version 4.1 syntax Supported, but must use the Version 7.2 Relay Module and Version 5.x syntax Supported, but cannot use syntax specic to Version 7.2 products Supported

Version 6.x ESQL/C,


Version 7.2 ESQL/C,


Installation and Initial Configuration 1-7

Setting Environment Variables

Figure 1-2 illustrates the compatibility between client products and a remote Version 7.2 SE database server.
Figure 1-2 Client/Server Congurations for Client Products Connecting to a Remote Version 7.2 SE Database Server
Client Version 4.11 INFORMIX-SQL, INFORMIX-4GL Remote SE Database Server, Version 7.2 Supported, but must establish connection using Version 4.1 or 5.x INFORMIX-NET or the Version 7.2 Relay Module. The Version 7.2 Relay Module is an integral part of every Informix Version 7.2 database server. Must also use Informix Version 4.1 syntax. Supported, but must establish connection using Version 5.x INFORMIX-NET or the Version 7.2 Relay Module. The Version 7.2 Relay Module is an integral part of every Informix Version 7.2 database server. Must also use Informix Version 5.x syntax. Supported, but cannot use syntax specic to Version 7.2 products Supported


Version 6.x ESQL/C, ESQL/COBOL Version 7.2 ESQL/C, ESQL/COBOL

Setting Environment Variables

You must set certain UNIX and Informix environment variables correctly for your Informix products to work. These environment variables are documented in the Informix Guide to SQL: Reference and the Guide to GLS Functionality. Pay particular attention to the following environment variables: identies directories and database servers that contain databases. INFORMIXDIR species the directory where you install your product les. INFORMIXSERVER species the name of the default database server. INFORMIXSQLHOSTS species the full pathname and lename of a le that contains connectivity information (optional).
DBPATH 1-8 INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Understanding the Communication Files


species whether to use the termcap le or terminfo directory (optional). nds executable les. is required for some network congurations. is required for some network congurations. is required for some network congurations. enables your client product to recognize and communicate with the terminal you are using. Sometimes you must also set TERMCAP and TERMINFO. See your UNIX system administrator for details.


The Global Language Support (GLS) feature of SE lets you use non-English characters, monetary conventions, and collating sequences. If you are using the GLS features of SE, you need to set the GLS-related environment variables, which are documented in Chapter 5 of the Guide to GLS Functionality.

Understanding the Communication Files

The communication les contain information necessary for client applications and database servers to communicate with one another. The les that are associated with network communication fall into the following groups:

Network communication les: /etc/hosts and /etc/services (used only for the TCP/IP network protocol) Network security les $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts

s s

Of these les, you maintain only the $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts le. The UNIX system (or network) administrator, or the end user (in the case of some network security les), manages the other les.

Important: For the remainder of this chapter, $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts is referred to as the sqlhosts le.

Installation and Initial Configuration 1-9

Understanding the Communication Files Network Communication Files

The network administrator maintains the network communication les. You use information from /etc/hosts and /etc/services for the sqlhosts le when you prepare the TCP/IP network connections. For IPX/SPX network connections, you need the name of the Novell NetWare conguration le. Also, you need to work closely with the network administrator to make sure you are using accurate information. For information about these les, refer to the systems manuals for your installation and to the UNIX man pages for hosts and services.

Network Security Files

A client application cannot connect to a remote database server unless the user has the proper access permission. Therefore, you must know about the implications of the network security les (/etc/passwd, ~/.netrc, /etc/shadow, /etc/host.equiv, ~/.rhosts) on interhost communication (communication between host computers). Informix products follow standard UNIX security procedures, governed by information contained in the network security les. For information about these procedures, refer to the systems manuals for your installation and to the UNIX man pages hosts.equiv and netrc.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Understanding the Communication Files

The following methods allow you to gain access to the network:


The trusted host method, described in the UNIX man pages for hosts.equiv and rhosts, establishes connections between trusted host computers over a network. This method does not require you to supply a password. When you set up the hosts.equiv and .rhosts les on the database server host, you usually want to make a client host a trusted host. You need to specify the client host name in the /etc/hosts.equiv or .rhosts le on the database server host. However, on some networks, the host name that the network uses to refer to that computer might not be exactly the same as the host name that the computer uses to refer to itself. For example, the network host name might contain the full domain name, as shown in the following example:

But the computer might refer to itself using the local host name shown in the following example:

If this occurs, make sure that you specify both host names in your /etc/host.equiv and .rhosts les.

INFORMIX-NET PC, INFORMIX-NET for Windows, INFORMIX-NET for Macintosh, and INFORMIX-NET for OS/2 prompt you to enter a

password when you attempt to establish a network connection.


The SQL CONNECT statement in an Informix SQL API, such as INFORMIX-ESQL/C or INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL, allows you to specify a password for establishing a network connection. However, you cannot use an SQL CONNECT statement to specify a password in DB-Access. The .netrc le holds password information used to establish connections to remote hosts. Refer to the UNIX man pages for information on how to use netrc.

Installation and Initial Configuration 1-11

Building the sqlhosts File The sqlhosts File

The $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts le is the connectivity le. It contains information that enables an Informix client application to connect to any Informix database server on the network. It species the database server name, the type of connection, the name of the host computer, and the service name. You must prepare the sqlhosts le even if the client application and the SE database server reside on the same computer. The sqlhosts le is described in Building the sqlhosts File below. The sqlhosts le has one entry (one line) for each type of potential connection from a client application to a database server. When you use a remote connection, an sqlhosts le must reside on the client computer and the database server computer. The client application expects to nd the sqlhosts le in the $INFORMIXDIR/etc directory; however, you can change this location or the name of the le with the INFORMIXSQLHOSTS environment variable. For more information on this environment variable, refer to Chapter 4 of the Informix Guide to SQL: Reference.

Building the sqlhosts File

Figure 1-3 shows an example of sqlhosts elds. The next four sections provide detailed information about the following elds:
s s s s

Database servername eld Network protocol eld Hostname eld Servicename eld

You can edit the sqlhosts le with any convenient text editor. The entries in the rst three elds can include any printable character but not an uppercase character, a eld delimiter, a new-line character, or a comment character. The entries in the fourth eld can also include uppercase characters. You delimit the elds shown in Figure 1-3 with spaces or tabs.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Building the sqlhosts File

Figure 1-3 Example of Fields in an sqlhosts File

dbservername valley_se river_se nettype setlitcp seipcpip hostname valley river servicename valley_service sqlexec

The dbservername Field

The dbservername eld contains the database server name that the INFORMIXSERVER environment variable species. Each database server on the network must possess a unique name that cannot exceed 18 characters.

The nettype Field

The nettype eld, a string of eight letters composed of three subgroups, describes the type of connection that a client can use to connect to the database server. Figure 1-4 illustrates the nettype eld.
Figure 1-4 Format of the nettype Field

Database server product

Interface type

Network protocol

Installation and Initial Configuration 1-13

Building the sqlhosts File

The following list describes the subelds of nettype and the valid values allowed for SE, as shown in Figure 1-5:

The rst two letters represent the database server product:

u u

The se represents INFORMIX-SE. The on represents the INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server (not used in this situation). The gw represents INFORMIX-Gateway with DRDA (not used in this situation).

The middle three letters represent the internal programming interface connection type that enables communication:

The ipc represents a UNIX-based interprocess communication (IPC) connection that is used only for local loopback connections. The tli represents a transport-level interface (TLI) network interface that is used for local-loopback and remote-host connections. The soc represents a socket type of network interface that is used for local-loopback and remote-host connections.

The installation package for this product contains the Machine Notes le, SE_7.1, that discusses the network interface that your platform supports.

The nal three letters represent the specic IPC mechanism or the network protocol:

The pip represents unnamed pipes. Use pip only for local connections. The tcp represents the TCP/IP protocol. Use tcp for network connections. The spx represents the IPX/SPX protocol. Use spx for network connections.

The network interface describes the behavior between the computer and the network. The network protocol describes the behavior of the network itself.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Building the sqlhosts File

Figure 1-5 shows the valid values for nettype used with SE.
Figure 1-5 Valid nettype Values for SE
nettype seipcpip setlitcp sesoctcp setlispx Description SE using unnamed pipes for local mode SE using TLI with TCP/IP protocol SE using sockets with TCP/IP protocol SE using TLI with IPX/SPX protocol

The hostname Field

The hostname eld species the computer where the database server product resides. When you use the TCP/IP connection protocol, the hostname eld must correspond to the host-name entry in the /etc/hosts le, which provides the network address of the host computer. As a rule, the hostname entry in the /etc/hosts le is the same as the name of your computer. See your network administrator to determine what name is assigned to a specic host, and make sure that you both agree on the hostname eld. Figure 1-6 shows an example of the /etc/hosts elds. The host-alias eld is optional.
Figure 1-6 Example of hostname Fields in an /etc/hosts File
net address 29.9.925.6 hostname valley host-alias accounts

Installation and Initial Configuration 1-15

Building the sqlhosts File

Informix bases its implementation of IPX/SPX on the NetWare implementation of IPX/SPX. When you use the IPX/SPX protocol, the hostname eld must contain the name of the NetWare le server rather than the actual name of the host computer. The implementation of IPX/SPX varies among vendors, so refer to the vendor documentation for more details about the required les.

The servicename Field

The interpretation of the servicename eld depends on the type of network connection that is specied in the nettype eld. When you use unnamed pipes, the servicename eld must contain the name of the SE executable le, distributed as sqlexec. When you specify a nettype eld whose last three letters are tcp, the connection is a TCP/IP network connection. When you use the TCP/IP connection protocol, the service name must correspond to a service-name entry in the /etc/services le, as illustrated in Figure 1-7. The /etc/services le tells the network software how to nd the database server on the specied host computer. It does not matter what service name you choose as long as you and your network administrator agree on a name.
Figure 1-7 Example of servicename Field in an /etc/services File
servicename valley_service port #/protocol 1536/tcp service-alias

Tip: When you are using NIS, type ypcat services and press RETURN to verify the services available in your domain.
When you specify a nettype eld whose last three letters are spx, you support an IPX/SPX network connection. When you use the IPX/SPX connection protocol, the service name must match dbservername.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Building the sqlhosts File Relationships Among Network-Connection Files for TCP/IP
Common information stored in specic elds relates the sqlhosts, /etc/hosts, and /etc/services les to each other for TCP/IP connections. Figure 1-8 illustrates the relationships among the $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts le, the /etc/services le, and the /etc/hosts le. The servicename elds in the sqlhosts and /etc/services les match. The hostname elds in the sqlhosts and /etc/hosts les also match.
Figure 1-8 Relationships Among Network-Connection Files
dbservername menlo newyork pittsburg nettype seipcpip setlitcp sesoctcp hostname valley hill canyon servicename sqlexec se2 se3

Server type Protocol Interface

Host names match

Service names match /etc/services

servicename se2 se3 port # /protocol 1536/tcp 1425/tcp service-alias

net address 29.9.925.6 host name hill canyon host-alias accounts inventory

Installation and Initial Configuration 1-17

Examples of Client/Server Connections

Examples of Client/Server Connections

This section discusses client/server congurations for making connections between an Informix Version 7.2 client and a Version 7.2 SE database server. The following congurations are possible:
s s s

A local connection with unnamed pipes A remote (network) connection A local loopback connection

The connection information that this section describes is true for all Version 6.0 and later clients and database servers. For information about connecting Version 7.2 SE database servers with an Informix Version 5.x or 4.1 client, see Connecting with Different Versions on page 1-26. In all the congurations in the next sections, you must correctly set the following environment variables for the user:
s s s


PATH must always include $INFORMIXDIR/bin so that the computer can nd the Informix products. TERM provides information to the UNIX operating system so that the key set and display function properly. DBPATH shows the

location of databases and database servers. In the following examples, it is assumed that you have installed the Informix Version 7.2 products in the /usr/version7/informix directory. In other words, when you perform the installation, set the INFORMIXDIR environment variable to /usr/version7/informix.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Examples of Client/Server Connections Local Connections with Pipes

When the client application and the SE database server reside on the same host computer, the client application accesses the local database server using unnamed pipes, as shown in Figure 1-9.

Figure 1-9 A Local Conguration Using Unnamed Pipes

Version 7.2

Version 7.2 Client Unnamed pipes


Important: The preceding diagram is also accurate for a connection between a Version 7.x client and a Version 6.x SE database server or a Version 6.x client and a Version 7.x SE database server.
The user must set the INFORMIXDIR and INFORMIXSERVER environment variables to the values that are shown in Figure 1-10.
Figure 1-10 Environment Variables and Required Settings
Environment Variable

Value /usr/version7/informix local_se

Tip: Remember, /usr/version7/informix represents the installation directory for all Informix Version 7.2 products.
The $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts le must include the following entry:
local_se seipcpip river sqlexec

Installation and Initial Configuration 1-19

Examples of Client/Server Connections

The fourth item in the sqlhosts entry (sqlexec) represents the name of the executable le for SE, as installed by the Informix installation procedure. When you do not modify the installation, sqlexec is the executable le. The SE database server process starts when the client executes one of the following statements:
s s

CONNECT TO database_name@local_se CONNECT TO @local_se

Because these statements represent a purely local connection, the /etc/hosts and /etc/services les are unaffected.

Network Connections with Version 7.2 Products

When the client application resides on one computer and the database server resides on another computer, the connection is called a remote or network conguration, as shown in Figure 1-11.
canyon Version 7.2 sqlexecd Version 7.2 Client Version 7.2 SE valley

Figure 1-11 Network Conguration with an Informix Version 7.2 Client Application and an INFORMIX-SE, Version 7.2, Database Server

Important: The preceding diagram is also accurate for a connection between a Version 7.x client and a Version 6.x SE database server or a Version 6.x client and a Version 7.x SE database server.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Examples of Client/Server Connections

Setting Up the canyon and valley Host Computers
For the canyon computer, set the INFORMIXDIR and INFORMIXSERVER environment variables to the values shown in Figure 1-12.
Figure 1-12 Environment Variables and Required Settings
Environment Variable

Value /usr/version7/informix valley_se

The sqlexecd daemon must be running. To start the daemon, you must log in as root and enter the following command:
/usr/version7/informix/lib/sqlexecd valley_se

For information about the sqlexecd daemon, refer to Starting the sqlexecd Daemon on page 1-35.

Setting Up the Communication Files

Each host computer (hilltop and valley) must contain an sqlhosts le that includes connection information associated with the network interface and network protocol that you are using. Figure 1-13 shows the sqlhosts le entries for different network interfaces.
Figure 1-13 Network Interfaces and Associated sqlhosts File Entries
Network Interface Sockets on TCP/IP
TLI interface on TCP/IP

sqlhosts File Entry valley_se sesoctcp valley valley_service valley_se setlitcp valley valley_service

Installation and Initial Configuration 1-21

Examples of Client/Server Connections

When you use a TCP/IP network, the /etc/hosts le must contain an entry for the valley computer and the /etc/services le must contain an entry for valley_service. When the host computer uses the TLI network interface on an IPX/SPX network, the hostname eld contains the name of the NetWare le server instead of the computer host name. On the display screens that are associated with the preparation of the NetWare connections, the screen displays the NetWare le server name in uppercase letters; for example, NW_SVR. However, in the sqlhosts le, you must enter the name in lowercase letters; for example, nw_svr. For an IPX/SPX connection, the value in the servicename eld can contain an arbitrary string, but that string must represent a unique name among the names of services available on the IPX/SPX network. In other words, you cannot use the string as a service name on any other le server on the network when that le server does not use an Informix product. You can use the dbservername value in the servicename eld, as shown in Figure 1-14, providing that the dbservername value exists as a unique service name.
Figure 1-14 Using the dbservername Value in the servicename Field
Affected Field servicename sqlhosts File Entry valley_se setlispx nw_svr valley_se

Local-Loopback Connections with Version 7.2 Products

A network connection between a client application and a database server on the same computer is called a local-loopback connection. A local-loopback connection uses network connections even though the client and the database server reside on the same computer. You can make a local-loopback connection if your computer is equipped to process network transactions.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Examples of Client/Server Connections

Figure 1-15 shows a local-loopback connection between an Informix Version 7.2 client application and a Version 7.2 SE database server. You can think of this conguration in the following ways:

The connections go outside the computer valley and come back inside again, as shown in Example A of Figure 1-15. The connections remain within the valley host computer, as shown in Example B of Figure 1-15.

Tip: You can use a local-loopback connection to test network operations without a remote computer.
Figure 1-15 A Local-Loopback Conguration with a Version 7.2 Client Application and Version 7.2 SE Database Server

sqlexecd Example A Version 7.2 Client valley Version 7.2 Version 7.2 SE valley_se

Example B

sqlexecd Version 7.2 Version 7.2 Client valley Version 7.2 SE valley_se

Important: This diagram is also accurate for a connection between a Version 7.2 client and a Version 6.x SE database server or a Version 6.x client and a Version 7.2 SE database server.

Installation and Initial Configuration 1-23

Examples of Client/Server Connections

Setting Up the valley Host Computer
The user must set the INFORMIXDIR and INFORMIXSERVER environment variables to the values shown in Figure 1-16.
Figure 1-16 Environment Variables and Required Settings
Environment Variable

Value /usr/version7/informix valley_se

The sqlexecd daemon must be running. To start the daemon, log in as root and enter the following command:
/usr/version7/informix/lib/sqlexecd valley_se

For information about the sqlexecd daemon, refer to Starting the sqlexecd Daemon on page 1-35.

Setting Up the Communication Files

Each host computer (hilltop and valley) must contain an sqlhosts le that includes connection information associated with the network interface and network protocol that you are using. Figure 1-17 shows the sqlhosts le entries for different network interfaces.
Figure 1-17 Network Interfaces and Associated sqlhosts File Entries
Network Interface Sockets on TCP/IP
TLI interface on TCP/IP

sqlhosts File Entry valley_se sesoctcp valley valley_service valley_se setlitcp valley valley_service


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Examples of Client/Server Connections

When you use a TCP/IP network, the /etc/hosts le must contain an entry for the valley computer and the /etc/services le must contain an entry for valley_service. When the host computer uses the TLI network interface on an IPX/SPX network, the hostname eld contains the name of the NetWare le server instead of the computer host name. On the display screens that are associated with the preparation of the NetWare connections, the screen displays the NetWare le server in uppercase letters; for example, NW_SVR. However, in the sqlhosts le, the name appears in lowercase letters; for example, nw_svr. For an IPX/SPX connection, the value in the servicename eld can contain an arbitrary string, but that string must represent a unique name among the names of services available on the IPX/SPX network. In other words, you cannot use the string as a service name on any other le server on the network, even if that le server does not use an Informix product. You can use the dbservername value in the servicename eld, as shown in Figure 1-18, providing that the dbservername value exists as a unique service name.
Figure 1-18 Using the dbservername Value in the servicename Field
Affected Field servicename sqlhosts File Entry valley_se setlispx nw_svr valley_se

Installation and Initial Configuration 1-25

Connecting with Different Versions

Connecting with Different Versions

This section shows how to connect an Informix Version 4.1 or Version 5.x client application to an Version 7.2 SE database server. You can connect the client and server components in the following ways:

An Informix Version 4.1 or 5.x client application connects directly to a local Version 7.2 SE database server. An Informix Version 4.11 client application connects to an Informix Version 7.2 database server using Version 4.11 INFORMIX-NET, with INFORMIX-SE or the Relay Module component of an Informix Version 7.2 database server. An Informix Version 5.x client application connects to an Informix Version 7.2 database server using Version 5.x INFORMIX-NET with INFORMIX-SE, a Version 5.x Relay Module, or the Relay Module component of an Informix Version 7.2 database server. For more information about using INFORMIX-NET with INFORMIX-SE or the INFORMIX-NET Relay Module, refer to the INFORMIX-NET/ INFORMIX-STAR Installation and Conguration Guide. For more information about using the Relay Module component of a Version 7.2 SE database server, refer to Local Connections with Version 4.11 or 5.x Client Applications below.

Local Connections with Version 4.11 or 5.x Client Applications

Figure 1-19 shows a conguration with an Informix Version 4.11 or 5.x client application connecting to a Version 7.2 SE database server:
hilltop Version 7.2 Version 4.11 or 5.x Unnamed pipes Client Relay Module SE local_se Version 7.2

Figure 1-19 Local Connection from a Version 4.11 or 5.x Client Application to a Version 7.2 Database Server


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Connecting with Different Versions

The Version 7.2 Relay Module, a component of Informix Version 7.2 database servers, is specically designed to allow Informix Version 4.11 and 5.x client applications to connect to an Informix Version 7.2 database server. For the conguration in Figure 1-19, the user must set the INFORMIXDIR and INFORMIXSERVER environment variables to the values shown in Figure 1-20.
Figure 1-20 Environment Variables and Required Settings
Environment Variable

Value /usr/informix local_se /usr/informix/lib/sqlrm

You must set the SQLEXEC environment variable to the complete pathname of the executable le for the Version 7.2 Relay Module.

Important: When you use unnamed pipes, the Informix Version 4.1 and 5.x client application must reside in the same directory as the Informix Version 7.2 database server.
The sqlhosts le must include the following entry:
local_se seipcpip hilltop sqlexec

The sqlhosts le belongs in the $INFORMIXDIR/etc directory. For local connections, the /etc/hosts and /etc/services les remain unaffected.

Installation and Initial Configuration 1-27

Connecting with Different Versions Network Connections with INFORMIX-NET

You can connect from an Informix Version 5.x client to a remote Version 7.2 SE database server using Version 5.x INFORMIX-NET. That conguration also applies to an Informix Version 4.1 client connecting to an Informix Version 7.2 database server using Version 4.1 INFORMIX-NET, or an Informix Version 4.1 client connecting to an Informix Version 7.2 database server using Version 5.x INFORMIX-NET. Figure 1-21 shows the conguration using Version 5.x INFORMIX-NET.
Figure 1-21 A Remote Connection Using Version 5.x INFORMIX-NET
hilltop Version 7.2 Version 5.x Client Version 5.x INFORMIXNET sqlexecd Version 7.2 SE valley_se valley

Setting Up the hilltop and valley Host Computers

For the hilltop computer, set the INFORMIXDIR and SQLEXEC environment variables to the values shown in Figure 1-22. For the valley computer, set the INFORMIXDIR environment variable to the value shown in Figure 1-22.
Figure 1-22 Environment Variables and Required Settings
Host Computer hilltop hilltop valley Environment Variable

Value /usr/informix sqlexec /usr/version7/informix


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Connecting with Different Versions

The sqlexecd daemon must be running. To start the daemon, log in as root and enter the following command:
/usr/version7/informix/lib/sqlexecd valley_se

For information about the sqlexecd daemon, refer to Starting the sqlexecd Daemon on page 1-35.

Setting Up the Communication Files

Each host computer (hilltop and valley) must contain an sqlhosts le that includes connection information associated with the network interface and network protocol that you are using. Figure 1-23 shows the sqlhosts le entries for different network interfaces.
Figure 1-23 Network Interfaces and Associated sqlhosts File Entries
Network Interface Sockets on TCP/IP
TLI interface on TCP/IP

sqlhosts File Entry valley_se sesoctcp valley valley_service valley_se setlitcp valley valley_service

For TCP/IP connections, the /etc/hosts le must contain an entry for the valley host computer, and the /etc/services le must contain an entry for valley_service. Do not confuse the servicename entry for a remote connection (as illustrated in Figure 1-21) with the servicename entry for a local connection (as illustrated in Figure 1-19). For a local connection, the service name indicates the SE process as a pathname or a program name. For remote connections, the service name in the sqlhosts le points to an entry in the /etc/services le.

Network Connections with 5.x INFORMIX-NET Relay Module

Figure 1-24 shows an Informix Version 5.x client application connecting to a remote Version 7.2 SE database server using the Version 5.x INFORMIX-NET Relay Module.

Installation and Initial Configuration 1-29

Connecting with Different Versions

Important: Informix does not provide a Relay Module with Informix Version 4.1 products.
Figure 1-24 A Remote Connection Using the Version 5.x INFORMIX-NET Relay Module
hilltop valley Version 7.2 Version 5.x Client Version 5.x INFORMIXNET Relay Module sqlexecd Version 7.2 SE valley_se

Setting Up the hilltop and valley Host Computers

For the hilltop computer, set the INFORMIXDIR, SQLEXEC, and SQLRMDIR environment variables to the values shown in Figure 1-25. For the valley computer, set the INFORMIXDIR environment variable to the value shown in Figure 1-25.
Figure 1-25 Environment Variables and Required Settings
Host Computer hilltop hilltop hilltop valley Environment Variable

Value /usr/informix sqlexec $INFORMIXDIR/lib /usr/version7/informix


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Connecting with Different Versions

The congurations shown in Figure 1-21 and Figure 1-24 do not use the INFORMIXSERVER environment variable. Only Informix Version 6.0 and later products use the INFORMIXSERVER environment variable. Because only Informix Version 5.x products reside on the client host computer (hilltop), you do not use INFORMIXSERVER. You must set the SQLRM environment variable for the hilltop computer. Figure 1-26 shows the SQLRM environment variable entry for different network interfaces.
Figure 1-26 SQLRM Environment Variable Entries
Network Interface Sockets on TCP/IP
TLI interface on TCP/IP

SQLRM Environment Variable Entry sqlrmsoctcp sqlrmtlitcp

The sqlexecd daemon must be running. To start the daemon, log in as root and enter the following command:
/usr/version7/informix/lib/sqlexecd valley_se

For information about the sqlexecd daemon, refer to Starting the sqlexecd Daemon on page 1-35.

Setting Up the Communication Files

Each host computer (hilltop and valley) must contain an sqlhosts le that includes connection information that is associated with the network interface and network protocol that you are using. Figure 1-27 shows the sqlhosts le entries for different network interfaces.

Installation and Initial Configuration 1-31

Connecting with Different Versions

Figure 1-27 Network Interfaces and Associated sqlhosts File Entries

Network Interface Sockets on TCP/IP
TLI interface on TCP/IP TLI interface on IPX/SPX

sqlhosts File Entry valley_se sesoctcp valley valley_service valley_se setlitcp valley valley_service valley_se setlispx valley valley_service

The /etc/hosts le must contain an entry for the valley host computer, and the /etc/services le must contain an entry for valley_service.

Network Connections with the Version 7.2 Relay Module

Figure 1-28 shows a conguration that connects an Informix Version 4.1 or 5.x client application to a remote Informix Version 7.2 database server using the Version 7.2 Relay Module. When an Informix Version 4.11 client application connects to an Informix Version 7.2 database server, you use the conguration shown in Figure 1-28.
Figure 1-28 A Remote Connection Using the Version 7.2 Relay Module
hilltop Version 7.2 Version 4.11 or 5.x Client Version 7.2 Relay Module SE or OnLine Version 7.2 sqlexecd Version 7.2 SE valley_se valley


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Connecting with Different Versions

In Figure 1-28, the Relay Module is the only component of the database server that remains active on the hilltop computer. The database server on the valley computer does not show a Relay Module component because the connection between hilltop and valley exists as a Version 7.2-to-Version 7.2 connection. You use the Version 7.2 Relay Module only for local connections between different versions.

Setting Up the hilltop and valley Host Computers

For the hilltop computer, set the INFORMIXDIR, INFORMIXSERVER, and SQLEXEC environment variables to the values shown in Figure 1-29. For the valley computer, set the INFORMIXDIR environment variable to the value shown in Figure 1-29.
Figure 1-29 Environment Variables and Required Settings
Host Computer hilltop hilltop hilltop valley Environment Variable

Value /usr/informix valley_se /usr/informix/lib/sqlrm /usr/version7/informix

The SQLEXEC environment variable points to the executable le for the Version 7.2 Relay Module. The sqlexecd daemon must be running. To start the daemon, log in as root and enter the following command:
/usr/version7/informix/lib/sqlexecd valley_se

For information about the sqlexecd daemon, refer to Starting the sqlexecd Daemon on page 1-35.

Installation and Initial Configuration 1-33

Connecting with Different Versions

Setting Up the Communication Files
Each host computer (hilltop and valley) must contain an sqlhosts le that includes connection information that is associated with the network interface and network protocol that you are using. Figure 1-30 shows the sqlhosts le entries for different network interfaces.
Figure 1-30 Network Interfaces and Associated sqlhosts File Entries
Network Interface Sockets on TCP/IP
TLI interface on TCP/IP TLI interface on IPX/SPX

sqlhosts File Entry valley_se sesoctcp valley valley_service valley_se setlitcp valley valley_service valley_se setlispx valley valley_service

When you use a TCP/IP network, the /etc/hosts le must contain an entry for the valley computer, and the /etc/services le must contain an entry for valley_service. When the host computer uses the TLI network interface on an IPX/SPX network, the hostname eld contains the name of the NetWare le server instead of the computer host name. On the display screens that are associated with the preparation of the NetWare connections, the screen displays the NetWare le server name in uppercase letters; for example, NW_SVR. However, in the sqlhosts le, you enter lowercase letters; for example, nw_svr. For an IPX/SPX connection, the value in the servicename eld can contain an arbitrary string, but that string must represent a unique name among the names of services available on the IPX/SPX network. (In other words, you cannot use the string as a service name on any other le server on the network, even if that le server does not use an Informix product.) You can use the dbservername value in the servicename eld, as shown in Figure 1-31, providing the dbservername value exists as a unique service name.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Starting the sqlexecd Daemon

Figure 1-31 Using the dbservername Value in the servicename Field

Affected Field servicename sqlhosts File Entry valley_se setlispx nw_svr valley_se

Starting the sqlexecd Daemon

Log in as root to start the sqlexecd daemon. The sqlexecd daemon enables SE to take the following actions:
s s

Receive a connection request from a remote client Establish a local-loopback connection with a local client

The command to start sqlexecd requires a valid dbservername value that corresponds to an entry in the sqlhosts le. The sqlexecd daemon resides in the $INFORMIXDIR/lib directory. The following diagram illustrates the command syntax for starting the sqlexecd daemon.



-l logle

Installation and Initial Configuration 1-35

Starting the sqlexecd Daemon

Element dbservername

Purpose Identies the database server name of the database server. Maintains records on all client connection activity.

-l logle

Key Considerations Restrictions: The dbservername argument must correspond to a dbservername entry in the sqlhosts le. Restrictions: When you specify the -l option, you must also specify the name of a log le. Additional Information: If no log le exists, SE creates a log le for you and gives it the name you specify in the -l option. If the log le already exists, SE appends the new client connection activity information to the existing log le. If you are using an existing log le, make sure it has sufcient space for new client connection activity information. You can specify the -l option to start the sqlexecd daemon with a log le in the current directory. You can also specify the full pathname of the log le when the log le does not reside in the current directory.

The following example illustrates how to start sqlexecd with the -l option:
$INFORMIXDIR/lib/sqlexecd acctg_tcp -l mylogfile

In this example, acctg_tcp represents the name of the database server, and mylogle represents the name of the log le. The SE database server adds a date/time stamp to the sqlexecd log le to provide timing information for database server event tracing. The following table shows an example of a log le and its format.
operation/ dbpathname -d/work/payroll -d/mis -x/db/inventory

date 1994-02-23 1994-02-23 1994-02-24



clientname stationconn6 stationconn2 stationstan5

user leeai markl usr98

23:58:30.123456 sqlexec 23:59:22.321342 sqlexec 00:01:04.324155 sqlexec

Important: The microseconds component is operating-system dependent and does not appear on all platforms.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Using an NFS-Mounted Directory

The following list describes the operations that can appear in the log le: -c -d -n -p -r -s creates a database. selects a database. represents the remote network server that INFORMIX-STAR accesses. accesses from a client with a password. removes a database. starts an executable le other than sqlexec.

Using an NFS-Mounted Directory

When you want your database to reside across a network on a Network File System (NFS), SE allows you to designate the current directory as an NFSmounted directory. When you designate your current directory as an NFS-mounted directory, you must take one of the following actions:

When you are using a pipes connection, you must be in a local directory. When the NFS-mounted directory is not essential for running your application, change your current directory to a local directory that does not reside on NFS. When you are using a network connection (that is, TCP/IP or IPX/SPX) ask your Informix database administrator (DBA) to make sure that an SE sqlexecd daemon is set up and running on the host computer where the NFS-mounted directory resides. Also, make sure that the dbservername for the local SE database server and the remote SE database server resides in the sqlhosts les on both hosts.

Installation and Initial Configuration 1-37

How Does a Client Application Connect to a Database Server?

How Does a Client Application Connect to a Database Server?

A client application establishes a connection with a database server by using the SQL statements CONNECT or DATABASE. For example, to connect to the database server my_server, your client application might use the following form of the CONNECT statement:
CONNECT TO '@my_server'

For more information about the CONNECT and DATABASE statements, see the Informix Guide to SQL: Reference.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide


INFORMIX-SE System Architecture

SE Program Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-8 2-8 2-10 2-12

SE System Files . . . . . . . . . . The .dat File . . . . . . . . . . The .idx File . . . . . . . . . . Allocating Space for .dat and .idx Files.

Transaction-Log Files . . . . . . . . . . . Allocating Space for the Transaction-Log File . Audit-Trail Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Permissions of Database Files and Directories

Determining If a Database Is ANSI Compliant .


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

s s s s s s

his chapter includes the following topics:

INFORMIX-SE program les INFORMIX-SE system les

Transaction-log les Audit-trail les Permissions of database les and directories Determining if a database is ANSI compliant

SE Program Files
When you install SE, the installation program creates several directories and subdirectories. Refer to Figure 2-1 for a list of those directories and their descriptions.
Figure 2-1 Descriptions of Directories Created During Installation
Directory $INFORMIXDIR $INFORMIXDIR/bin $INFORMIXDIR/lib Description Contains the SE product installation script Contains the binary executable les of utility programs and the demonstration script Contains the database server product libraries, the Informix product communication les, the Informix SQL API or application development tool libraries (after you install your SQL API or application development tool), and the software you need to access the database server (1 of 2) INFORMIX-SE System Architecture 2-3

SE System Files

Directory $INFORMIXDIR/etc

Description Contains miscellaneous les, common installation scripts that the product installation script in the $INFORMIXDIR directory calls, and branding scripts Contains the binary-readable error and warning message les of Informix products Contains subdirectories that contain product-specic command les and the application examples for the stores7 demonstration database Contains the documentation notes, machine notes, and release notes les (2 of 2)



The installation procedure sets up $INFORMIXDIR and all Informix program les with operating-system permissions that enable any user to run the installed program. When you want to restrict access to the $INFORMIXDIR directory, change permissions on the directory after you run the installation procedure. Do not alter owner, group, or system permissions on Informix les. For more information, see Permissions of Database Files and Directories on page 2-10.

SE System Files

For information about how to enable SE to generate lenames with multibyte characters, refer to the Guide to GLS Functionality. When you create an SE database, SE creates a directory for the database with a .dbs extension in the current directory. For example, if you create a database that is named stores7, SE creates a directory in the current directory that is named stores7.dbs. For each table that you create in a database, SE creates two les, a data le and an index le. SE automatically stores the les in the .dbs directory. SE names the two les with the rst ve characters of the table name, a unique number starting at 100, and the extensions described in Figure 2-2.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

The .dat File

Figure 2-2 File Extensions for Data and Index Files

File Extension .dat .idx Description Represents the extension for data les Represents the extension for index les

When the table name has less than ve characters, SE pads the table name with underscores (_) to create the ve character table-name portion of the lename. When the table name has more than ve characters, SE truncates the table name at ve characters. Therefore, lenames can appear in different forms, as shown in Figure 2-3.
Figure 2-3 INFORMIX-SE Filename Forms
Table Name cost customer stock stockitem Data Filename Form cost_00100.dat custo00102.dat stock00103.dat stock00104.dat Index Filename Form cost_00100.idx custo00102.idx stock00103.idx stock00104.idx

The .dat File

The .dat le stores all data for a single table. All les contain xed-length data rows and a delete ag at the end of each record. If the ag equals zero (ASCII null), SE deletes the record.

INFORMIX-SE System Architecture 2-5

The .idx File

The .idx File

The .idx le stores information about all the indexes for a single table. For tables that contain a SERIAL eld, SE stores the highest SERIAL value in the .idx le. Creating an index is not the same as creating an index le. An .idx le exists for every table, even if the table does not include an index. Each index le represents a collection of pointers to the data in the .dat le. For information about the organization, structure, and format of index structures, refer to Chapter 4, INFORMIX-SE Indexing.

Allocating Space for .dat and .idx Files

The SE database server allocates space for the .dat and .idx les one block at a time. Refer to your operating-system documentation for details about block allocation. A block is disk space that your operating system allocates in units of a specic size. The type of computer and the type of operating system on that computer determine block size. Typically, a block ranges from 4 kilobytes to 512 kilobytes.
SE relies on ISAM for its organization and access method, allocating a

1-kilobyte block at a time for an .idx le and one record at a time for a .dat le. To estimate your space requirements, you need to know your operatingsystem block size and your data row size. Once you know these sizes, you can calculate the number of records per block. To estimate block use and growth rates, you must rst successfully estimate the ratio of inserts to deletes. You must also allow for index size and growth. As indexes grow, they can consume large portions of space.

Transaction-Log Files
A transaction-log le contains records of modications that were made to the database. Transaction logging provides the following benets:
s s

You can treat a series of operations as a single unit of work. You can recover a database when the data becomes corrupted due to a disk crash or other event.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Transaction-Log Files

The effort that is directed into maintaining a log creates a potential drawback to transaction logging. Transaction logging does not start automatically when you create the database. You can specify whether to use transaction logging when you create the database or at any time thereafter. See Transaction-Log Files on page 3-4 for information about initiating and maintaining transaction-log les. A transaction-le record contains a xed-length header and other information, depending on the transaction type. The transaction-le record header has a length of 18 bytes. Figure 2-4 illustrates the header format.
Figure 2-4 Transaction-File Record Header Format

Length of the transaction log record (2 bytes) Transaction type (2 bytes) Transaction identication (2 bytes) User-process identication (2 bytes) Transaction time (2 bytes)

Reserved space (8 bytes)

INFORMIX-SE System Architecture 2-7

Allocating Space for the Transaction-Log File

Allocating Space for the Transaction-Log File

You allocate space for the transaction-log le one block at a time. Depending on the number and type of transactions that you perform, the transaction-log le can be huge. Purge the transaction-log le on a regular basis, as explained in Maintaining a Transaction-Log File on page 3-5.

Audit-Trail Files
An audit-trail le contains a history of additions, deletions, and updates made to a database table. Audit trails let you record modications to a single important table without maintaining a transaction log on the entire database.

Tip: When you use transaction logging on a database, you can concurrently use audit-trail les on the tables in that database.
Figure 2-5 illustrates the differences between audit trails and transaction logs.
Figure 2-5 Differences Between Audit Trails and Transaction Logs
Audit Trail Records modications to a single table Does not protect against partial completion of SQL statements Can recover a single table Does not incur the effort of maintaining a log for an entire database Transaction Log Records modications to an entire database Protects against partial completion of SQL statements Can recover an entire database Incurs the effort of maintaining a log for an entire database

Use audit trails when you have only one or a few critical tables and you do not need the additional benets that transaction logs provide. When you need to maintain the integrity of the database as a whole, or to guarantee that you execute SQL statements either completely or not at all, you must use transaction logs.
2-8 INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Audit-Trail Files

The audit-trail le contains records that consist of a xed-length header and an image of a data row. Figure 2-6 illustrates the format of audit-trail les.
Figure 2-6 Format of an Audit-Trail File

Audit trail record type, aa, dd, rr, or ww (2 bytes)

Time of processing operation (4 bytes)

User-process identication number (2 bytes) User identication number (2 bytes)

Data-le record number (4 bytes)

Length in bytes of the data row (2 bytes)

Image of the data row (the length of the row in bytes plus 1 byte added for a carriage return)

Important: You can create only one audit trail for each table.

INFORMIX-SE System Architecture 2-9

Permissions of Database Files and Directories

For an insert operation, SE designates the audit- trail record as type aa. For a delete operation, SE designates the record as type dd. For a rewrite operation, SE records both the before- and after-images in an audit-trail le. SE lists the before-image rst, as type rr, then lists the after-image, as type ww. SE assigns the same record number to both. The RECOVER TABLE statement in the Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax partially describes the recommended procedure for making archive copies of a database that includes audit trails and the procedure for recovering a table using audit trails.

Important: An Informix audit-trail le exists as a binary-readable le. You cannot read that le like a transaction-log le.

Permissions of Database Files and Directories

When you use Informix programs to create a database and tables, SE assigns default UNIX permissions to the database directory and its les. Figure 2-7 shows a partial listing of the default permissions placed on the stores7 demonstration database les. The UNIX command ls-l produces the rst permissions line about the stores7 database directory. The UNIX command ls -l stores7.dbs produces the remaining permissions lines about the les within the stores7 database.
Figure 2-7 Default UNIX Permissions on stores7 Database Files
drwxrwx--. . . -rw-rw----rw-rw----rw-rw----rw-rw----rw-rw----rw-rw----rw-rw ---2 owner 1536 Feb 12 09:11 stores7.dbs/

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

owner owner owner owner owner owner owner

3072 4096 1024 4096 1024 3072 2048

Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb

12 12 12 12 12 12 12

09:11 09:11 09:11 09:11 09:11 09:11 09:11

custo00100.dat custo00100.idx items00102.dat items00102.idx manuf00105.dat manuf00105.idx order00101.dat


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Permissions of Database Files and Directories

The default le permissions give access to the owner and the group, but not to other users. (To see both owner and group names, execute the UNIX command ls -lg.) The user who creates database les and directories also owns them. SE automatically grants read and write permission to members of the group informix.
SE assumes the group id of informix, which can access any database le on the system, enables any user with database access privileges to read and write to a database directory and its tables, regardless of system permission.

Warning: Do not designate any user of Informix products as a member of group informix. This action can lead to unintended and uncontrolled database access.
Do not alter these permissions. When you move a database to another directory, check the UNIX le permissions to verify that those permissions were properly set. Although SQL database and table privileges govern user access to the database and its tables, you can also apply UNIX permissions to the directory where the database resides. You use the GRANT and REVOKE statements to establish SQL privileges. For information on those statements, refer to the Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax. You can change the operating-system permissions for the parent directories of the database directory. When you restrict read permissions on the parent directories, other users cannot list the database directory at the operatingsystem level. Restricting public access to any parent directory of the database directory prevents all other users from accessing the database through an Informix program.

Important: On some operating system platforms, you must start your client application from a directory in which you have at least execute permission by user or others. Having access permission by group only is not sufcient because SE assumes the group id of informix, not the group id of the user. Execute permission is required for searching a directory.

INFORMIX-SE System Architecture 2-11

Determining If a Database Is ANSI Compliant

Determining If a Database Is ANSI Compliant

You can query the systables system catalog table to determine if a database is ANSI compliant. When SE creates a database with the MODE ANSI keywords, systables lists a row with a tabname of ANSI and a tabid of 100. For example, if the following query on systables returns a row, the database is ANSI compliant:
SELECT * FROM 'informix'.systables WHERE tabname = 'ANSI'

For a description of the Informix system catalog, refer to the Informix Guide to SQL: Reference.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide


Basic Administration and Maintenance

Monitoring Disk-Space Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-5 3-5 3-6 3-6

Maintaining Data Integrity . . . . . . Transaction-Log Files . . . . . . . Creating a Transaction-Log File . . Maintaining a Transaction-Log File Turning Off a Transaction-Log File . Audit-Trail Files . . . . . . . . Creating Backups . . . . . . . . .


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

s s s s s

his chapter discusses the following administrative and basic maintenance issues: Monitoring disk space Maintaining data integrity Creating backups

Monitoring Disk-Space Use

To monitor INFORMIX-SE disk space, monitor the size of the les where you store the data and indexes. SE les cannot span disk partitions. When your partition becomes full, you probably need to perform one of the following procedures: Move your data to another partition Back up your data, increase the size of the partition, and then restore the data

Monitoring disk space allows you to delete unnecessary les and reclaim space before the partition becomes full. Use UNIX operating-system commands to monitor the disk space (du or quot utilities). For information on these utilities, see your UNIX man pages.
SE eventually reuses space from deleted rows, but you can make that space available immediately with the ALTER TABLE statement. For information about the ALTER TABLE statement, refer to the Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax.

Warning: To use the ALTER TABLE statement, enough disk space must exist to store the new table and the old table concurrently. However, SE automatically drops the old table after you create the new one, causing only a momentary need for space.

Basic Administration and Maintenance 3-3

Maintaining Data Integrity

Maintaining Data Integrity

Data integrity means that correct data resides in a database and that the database management system (DBMS) can recover from errors. With SE, you implement transactions to support data integrity. A transaction represents a series of database operations. When all the database operations in a transaction succeed, the transaction succeeds. When any database operation in a transaction fails, the transaction fails and the effects of all successful database operations in that transaction are rolled back to the state that existed before the transaction began. For more information about transactions, refer to the Informix Guide to SQL: Tutorial. SE provides transaction-log les and audittrail les to protect data integrity.

Transaction-Log Files
A transaction-log le serves as a record of operations that were performed on data stored in a database. These operations include inserts, updates, and deletes. You can use the CREATE DATABASE statement to request either unbuffered logging (with the WITH LOG IN keywords) or ANSI-compliant logging (with the MODE ANSI keywords). In the event of failure, unbuffered logging ensures that you lose only the single alteration in progress at the time of failure. ANSI-compliant logging is the same as unbuffered logging, but the ANSI rules for transaction processing are also enabled. For further information about ANSI SQL, refer to the Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax. For more information about transaction logs, refer to Transaction-Log Files on page 2-6.

Creating a Transaction-Log File

Users create transaction-log les with the CREATE DATABASE or START DATABASE statements. For information on these statements, refer to the Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax. Make sure that the transaction-log le resides on a different physical disk drive than the one on which the database itself resides. This arrangement allows you to recover from failure of either disk drive.
3-4 INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Transaction-Log Files Maintaining a Transaction-Log File

The transaction-log le can become quite large. Periodically, back up the log le on tape and initiate another log le. Make sure that you back up your database and its associated log le before you initiate a new log le. In general, you must save every transaction-log le with a corresponding backup copy of the database.

Important: Make sure that no other users are using the system when you back up the database and log le, or when you create a new log le.
After backing up the database and the log le (see Creating Backups on page 3-6), you must specify a new log-le name. To reuse the same log-le name, create an empty log le with the same name as the old one, as shown in the following example:
cat /dev/null > log_file_name

To learn the location of the transaction-log le, invoke DB-Access and execute the following SQL statement:
SELECT dirpath FROM systables WHERE tabid = 0

To change the name of the log le for some reason related to your environment, execute the START DATABASE statement just before you make a backup of the database and specify the new log-le name.

Important: Before you execute the START DATABASE statement, make sure that no other users are using the same database; then issue a CLOSE DATABASE statement before you create and start a transaction log.

Turning Off a Transaction-Log File

To stop transaction logging on an SE database, issue the START DATABASE statement with the WITH NO LOG clause for that database.

Basic Administration and Maintenance 3-5

Audit-Trail Files

Audit-Trail Files
An audit trail is a record of transactions that were processed in a table. Users create audit-trail les with the CREATE AUDIT statement. For information about the CREATE AUDIT statement, refer to the Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax. Make a backup copy of the database les that are associated with a table immediately after you create the audit trail. When possible, store the audittrail le on a different physical device from the one that holds the data, so that a failure of one does not affect the other

Important: Before you make backup copies of database les and create an audit trail, make sure that no other users are using the same table.
The RECOVER TABLE statement in the Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax describes how to back up a database that includes audit trails and how to recover a table using audit trails.

Creating Backups
Create backups on a regular basis and during times when you do not use the database. This way, when you lose les and must recover from backups, your data will be as current as the latest backup and the logical logs that you saved to tape. Use the UNIX utility of your choice (for example, dump, tar, or cpio) to back up your database and the associated SE les.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 4-5 4-6 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-15

B+ Tree Organization . Searching for a Row Adding Keys . . Removing Keys. . Index-Table Structure . Multiple Indexes . Index-Table Formats .

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INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

s s s

he INFORMIX-SE database server stores data in indexed sequential access method (ISAM) tables. Indexing allows quick access to specic rows in the ISAM table and creates an order for sequential processing of the table. This chapter discusses ISAM indexes and covers the following topics: Index organization and B+ trees Index-table structure Index-table format

ISAM maintains indexes so that programs can nd rows quickly. You can add, delete, or modify the index keys with minimum impact on the performance of the programs that use the table. SE knows which indexes exist and can be used. Read this chapter if you need to know how SE implements indexing. You do not need this information to administer SE.

Important: In this chapter, blocks and nodes represent the same thing.

B+ Tree Organization
ISAM organizes indexes in B+ trees. A B+ tree is a set of nodes that contain keys and pointers and that are arranged in a hierarchy. A key is a value from the data row; for example, an employee number. The pointer points either to another node in the tree or to a data row. The root node resides at the top of the tree-structure hierarchy.

Figure 4-1 illustrates this hierarchy for a hypothetical index. The numbers in the nodes are the keys that you can also nd in the data rows. The arrows represent the pointers. Unused nodes represent empty parts of the B+ tree.



B+ Tree Organization

Figure 4-1 Sample B+ Tree Organization

Level 2 Level 1 Level 0
505 490 487

485 476 436 Greater than 485 378 292 180 378 300

292 Greater than 209


180 156 143

89 Greater than 70

89 55 21

55 44 24 21 18 5 4

Pointers at Level 0 are to data records


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Searching for a Row

SE logically organizes the nodes into levels. Level 0 contains a pointer to each

data row. At levels higher than zero, the pointer for each key points to a node one level down that contains keys that are less than or equal to the key at the higher level. At levels higher than zero, a node can contain an additional pointer that is not associated with a specic key. When it exists, it points to a node that contains keys that are greater than the largest key in the higher level node. A node always has at least as many pointers as it has keys. Figure 4-1 shows space for only four keys in each node. In reality, SE puts as many keys as possible in each node. The maximum number of keys in different nodes can vary because SE allows keys to vary in length. Consider the root node in Figure 4-1. It has only one key, with the value 89. Two pointers reside in the root. One points to a node that contains keys with values less than or equal to 89. The other points to a node that contains keys with values greater than the values in this node; in this case, values greater than 89. Levels indicate the distance, in nodes, between a node and the pointer to an actual data row. In Figure 4-1, the root node resides at Level 2. For nonzero levels, SE directs pointers to index nodes at a lower level. The pointers at Level 0 point to rows in the data table; they do not point to nodes in the index table. SE ensures that Level 0 represents every key whether or not the B+ tree represents a key at a higher level.

Searching for a Row

To begin accessing a specic row in an ISAM table, a function compares the search value with the keys in the root node. The search value represents the key passed to the function. The function follows the appropriate pointers to the Level 0 node. At Level 0, when a key matches the search value, the key pointer points to the data row. When no match occurs at Level 0, the data row does not exist.



Adding Keys

For example, take a search value equal to 44, and use Figure 4-1 to trace the path a function takes to nd the row. The function examines the root rst and then follows the less-than-or-equal-to pointer for key 89 because 44 is less than 89. Next, the function examines the node on Level 1 that contains keys 21, 55, and 89. The function follows the pointer for key 55 because 44 is less than 55 but greater than 21. The Level 0 node contains keys 24, 44, and 55. Because a match occurs at Level 0, the function nds the data row by following the pointer for key 44. Repeating the process for a search value equal to 475, the function examines the root and follows the greater-than pointer for this node because 475 is greater than 89, the largest key in the node. The node at Level 1 contains keys 180, 292, 378, and 485. The function follows the less-than-or-equal-to pointer from key 485 because 475 is less than 485 but greater than 378. Level 0 represents the keys 436, 476, and 485. Because no key matches the search value 475, a data row does not exist.

Adding Keys
When you create a table, the index contains no indexing information but it does contain dictionary information about the table. (See Index-Table Structure on page 4-12.) Figure 4-2 shows a B+ tree that can hold only four keys per node. In Figure 4-2, the rst four keys are added (18, 89, 143, and 414) to the root node. Each key entry points to a data row because the root node resides at Level 0. When you add the next key, with a value of 44, the completely full node splits to accommodate the new key.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Adding Keys

Before adding key with value 44 Level 1 Level 0

414 143 89 18

Figure 4-2 Growth of a B+ Tree


Addition causes a split Level 1 Level 0

414 Greater than 143


89 44 18

SE splits a node by nding the middle value of the keys in the node, including the value of the key that causes the split. SE puts approximately half the

entries into a new node and keeps the remaining entries in the original node. These two nodes still reside in Level 0 after the split, and their keys still point to data rows. SE promotes the middle value of the keys, 89 in this case, to the next higher level. Because no higher level node exists to receive the promoted value, SE creates a new root node. The new root node resides on Level 1, and the pointer for key 89 points to the original node. (The original node now contains the keys that are less than or equal to 89.) SE forms another pointer directed toward the new Level 0 node. This Level 0 node contains keys that are greater than the highest key value in the next higher level node; in this case, 89, in the Level 1 node.



Adding Keys

B+ trees grow toward the root from the lowest level, Level 0. Attempting to add a key into a full node forces a split into two nodes and promotion of the middle key value into a node at a higher level. The promotion of a key to the next higher level can also cause a split in the higher level node, even if this higher level is the root. When the root node splits, the tree grows by one level and creates a new root node. When a split occurs, approximately half the entries remain in the original node, and the remainder are transferred to a new node. This process leaves approximately half of each node available to accommodate additional entries. This strategy is useful when the new key values have a random distribution. If rows are added in sequential order, this splitting strategy creates half-full nodes that never receive other keys. More space is needed to store all the keys, and the tree requires more levels to index the same number of data rows. Figure 4-3 shows what happens when you add the key values 415 through 426 sequentially to the B+ tree in Figure 4-2, using the splitting algorithm for the random case.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Adding Keys

Level 2

Level 1

Level 0

Figure 4-3 Wasted Space in B+ Trees

426 Greater than 425

424 421

424 423 422

Greater than

421 420 419

418 418 417 Greater than 416

418 415 89

415 414 143

89 44

Space cannot be used


To avoid this problem, SE uses a different strategy. When the value that causes the split is greater than the other keys in the node, SE puts that value into its own node during the split.



Adding Keys

Figure 4-4 shows a split caused by adding the key values 415, 416, and 417 to the B+ tree in Figure 4-2.
Level 1 Level 0

Figure 4-4 Efcient Growth of B+ Trees

417 Greater than 416 416 89 415 414 143

89 44 18


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Removing Keys

Figure 4-5 shows the effect of this strategy when you add key values 415 through 426 to the B+ tree from Figure 4-4.
Level 1 Level 0

Figure 4-5 Efcient Sequential Addition of Keys to a B+ Tree

426 425 424 423 422 421 Greater than 424 420 416 89 420 419 418 417 416 415 414 143

89 44 18

Removing Keys
When you delete a row, SE removes the key from the index. When SE removes all keys in a node, the node becomes free. SE maintains a list of free nodes (see Index-Table Structure on page 4-12) and recycles free nodes. ISAM indexes do not require reorganization.



Index-Table Structure

Index-Table Structure
SE stores the index nodes and control information in operating-system tables

with the .idx extension. The data table stores only data rows. The index table always contains the following kinds of nodes:
s s s s s

A dictionary node Key-description nodes Index nodes containing keys and pointers (B+ tree nodes) Free-list nodes Audit trail nodes

A one-to-one correspondence usually exists between nodes and the unit of transfer between the disk and memory. The unit of transfer is called a block. Index-Table Formats on page 4-15 documents the index-table nodes. Each index table contains one dictionary block. This block contains pointers to all the index nodes in the index table and also contains other information about the ISAM table. Figure 4-6 shows the relationships among the various nodes in the index table.
Figure 4-6 Index-Table Structure

Dictionary block

Audit trail block

Index block Free-list block Index description Root block Index block

Index block Free-list block Index description Root block Index block


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Multiple Indexes

The dictionary block points to the rst key-description block (marked as Index description in Figure 4-6). Each key-description block stores information about the indexes, including the address of the root block for each index. All other blocks for an index are addressed using its root block. SE chains ISAM key-description blocks together, and you can nd any index root by following the chain from the dictionary block. The dictionary block also contains a pointer to the rst free-list block for the .idx table. Free-list blocks are chained together. The free-list block holds the block numbers that are unused within the table. When an index block becomes free, SE places the block number on the free list. When SE needs a new block, SE examines the free list rst. SE removes the block number of an available block from the list and reuses that block. SE uses all free blocks before it extends the length of the table.

Multiple Indexes
Indexing allows fast access to specic rows in an ISAM table. Changes to an index, however, require SE to update the index. Maintenance of the index imposes an overhead on the use of the table. When you add a row to a table that contains only one index, the operation requires a maximum of ve disk operations: three to read the index to determine that the row did not exist, one to add the row to the data table, and one to update the index. The ve disk operations perform the following specic tasks:

Read the index dictionary node to verify that your buffer cache remains intact Read the data row-free list Read in the data page Write back the data page Write back the dictionary node indicating that a new row exists in the table

s s s s

If you create two indexes on the table, the number of disk operations, in the worst case, can reach nine: four for each index and one for the data row.



Multiple Indexes

The root level of the index and the level that the root points to are often in memory because the operating system buffers the most-recently used index blocks. Therefore, two fewer disk operations are required per update for each index. The updates that occur in key sequence reduce the overhead. A linear relationship exists, however, between the time it takes to update a row and the number of indexes that SE must update. It takes twice as much time to update a table with two indexes as the same table with only one index. When you need additional indexes, consider creating the index that you need before processing, then deleting it after you nish. For example, use this method when you want to process the table in a different order at the end of each day. If you read only rows, or rewrite rows without changing any key elds, the number of indexes does not affect the speed of processing. However, the read operations sometimes work faster on an update that uses a two-operation read and write process. To build an index
1. 2. 3.

Create a table. Create the index. Load the data.

To build an index when data is sorted

1. 2. 3.

Create a table. Load the data. Create the index.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Index-Table Formats

Index-Table Formats
This section provides format information about the following ve nodes that are found in ISAM index (.idx) tables:
s s s s s

Dictionary node Key-description node Index node that contains keys and pointers (B+ tree node) Free-list node Audit-trail node

Figures 4-7 through 4-11 provide the byte and value information of the preceding nodes. Figure 4-7 displays the byte offsets, the lengths (in bytes) of the offsets, and the description of the meaning of the bytes for the dictionary node.
Figure 4-7 Dictionary-Node Format
Byte Offset 0 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 Number of Bytes 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1

Item Validation Number of reserved bytes at start of index node Number of reserved bytes at end of index node Number of reserved bytes per key entryincludes row number Reserved Index table node length 1 Number of keys Reserved Table version number

Value FE53 2 2 4 4 (511 or 1023)

(1 of 2)



Index-Table Formats

Byte Offset 13 15 19 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 55 59 61 65 69 73 77

Number of Bytes 2 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 4 4 4 4 4

Item Data row length in bytes Index node number of rst key description Reserved Index node number of free data row list Index node number of free index node list Row number of last row in data table Index node number of last node in index table Transaction number Unique id Pointer to audit trail information Lock method Alter table count Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved


(2 of 2)

In addition, when you create a table with a serial column, SE stores the maximum serial number in the dictionary page of the index table (offset 45).


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Index-Table Formats

Figure 4-8 displays the byte offsets, the lengths (in bytes) of the offsets, and the description of the meaning of the bytes for the key-description node.
Figure 4-8 Key-Description Node Format
Number of Bytes 2 4

Byte Offset 0 2

Item Number of bytes used in this node Index node for continuation of key descriptions Length of description Index node number of root Compression ags Length of key part 1 (top bit = duplicates) Position in data record Data type parameter Flag End of key description node


6 8 12 13 15 17 n2 n1

2 4 1 2 2 1 1 1

Repeats for each key

Repeats for each part of the key FF 7E



Index-Table Formats

Figure 4-9 displays the byte offsets, the lengths (in bytes) of the offsets, and the description of the meaning of the bytes for the B+ tree node.
Figure 4-9 B+ Tree Node
Number of Item Bytes 2 1 1 k 2 4 1 1 Number of bytes used in this node Count of leading bytes (if compressed) Count of trailing blanks (if compressed) Key (may be compressed) For duplicate key (if compressed) Pointer to data (top bit may duplicate ag) Index tree number (this is always the second to the last byte in the node) Level in tree (this is always the last byte in the node) 0 = leaf node Repeats for each key entry

Byte Offset 0 2 3 4 4+k 6+k N2 N1



INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Index-Table Formats

Figure 4-10 displays the byte offsets, the lengths (in bytes) of the offsets, and the description of the meaning of the bytes for the free-list node. The last two bytes in Figure 4-10 identify the node type. In addition, you can identify the node using the position where it resides within the index tables.
Figure 4-10 Free-List Node
Number of Item Bytes 2 4 Number of bytes used in this node (n) Index-node number for list continuation (points to next node in the list) Space for free index nodes or free data row numbers FF indicates this is a data row free list and FE indicates this is an index node free list End of list node ag FF = data le FE = index le 7F

Byte Offset 0 2


6 n2

n8 1




Index-Table Formats

Figure 4-11 displays the byte offsets, the lengths (in bytes) of the offsets, and the description of the meaning of the bytes for the audit-trail node. The vertically stacked dots in Figure 4-11 represent the actual log row. Each log row consists of the header, shown in the gure, and the log row whose size depends on the transaction type. In addition, only one audit trail can exist for each table.
Figure 4-11 Audit-Trail Node
Number of Item Bytes 2 2 64 . 1 Number of bytes used in this node Flags Audit trail pathname . End of audit trail node 7D 0 = audit trail is on 1 = audit trail is off

Byte Offset 0 2 4 . n1



INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide


Symptoms and Solutions

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 5-4 5-4 5-5 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-8 5-8 5-9

Permission Problems .

. . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Corruption Problems . . . . . . . . . . Operating-System Failures . . . . . . . Premature Termination of an sqlexec Process Physical Disk Corruption . . . . . . . Lost and Damaged Index and Data Files . . Restoring Index Files . . . . . . . Restoring Data Files . . . . . . . . Transaction-Log Corruption . . . . . . Disk Fragmentation Practices to Avoid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Performance Tuning .


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

s s s s s

his chapter provides information to help you diagnose problems that can occur when you work with a database. This chapter also covers the following topics: Permission Corruption Disk fragmentation Practices to avoid Performance tuning

Permission Problems
When you cannot gain access to a database or table, check the following areas:

The DBPATH environment variable. This variable must be set to identify the directories that contain databases. The INFORMIXSERVER environment variable. This variable must be set to identify the correct database server.
UNIX permissions. Permissions on Informix les must be set at 660

(-rw-rw----). Permissions on the database directory must be set at 770 (-rwxrwx---). You must obtain adequate UNIX permissions to access higher level directories.

Database ownership. The database directory and les must belong to group informix.
SQL privileges. Your DBA must provide adequate SQL privileges for

the operation.

Symptoms and Solutions 5-3

Corruption Problems

For information on how to set the DBPATH and INFORMIXSERVER environment variables, refer to the Informix Guide to SQL: Reference. For information on how to set UNIX permissions, consult your UNIX system administrator or a guide on the UNIX operating system. For information on SQL privileges, refer to the GRANT and REVOKE statements in the Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax.

Corruption Problems
Operating-system failures, premature termination of an sqlexec process, and disk corruption can create corruption problems. A system crash or power failure can corrupt database data and indexes. An INFORMIX-SE database server process that terminates prematurely can also corrupt data and indexes. You must verify database integrity after a failure occurs. Because SE cannot determine when a failure occurs, make sure your SE administrator stays alert for failures and takes appropriate corrective actions when they occur.

Operating-System Failures
Operating-system failures are generally known to the system administrators. The following events can disable an operating system:
s s s s

Power failure Central processing unit (CPU) failure System crash Accidental erasure of some or all operating-system les

When you experience an operating-system failure, you can reload the backup copy of your database and use the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE statement to apply the transaction-log le, which recovers the database.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Premature Termination of an sqlexec Process

Premature Termination of an sqlexec Process

Often, the only way that you can discover that an SE database server process (sqlexec) terminated prematurely is to examine the system accounting les. Whenever a process terminates, the accounting system stores information in a UNIX accounting le that is specied on your system. See your system administrator for the name of the accounting le. Look for processes that contain the name of a compiled user-application program or for sqlexec database server processes that terminated with a nonzero exit status. Remember that actual status codes can vary, depending on the operating system. An sqlexec database server process can terminate prematurely due to unknown or unavoidable causes. It also can terminate prematurely when you issue a UNIX kill command. Do not kill database processes with the UNIX kill -9 command. An explicit kill -9 command prevents SE from shutting down the database server process (sqlexec) in a controlled manner and can compromise both physical and transaction integrity. To safely terminate a process, kill your client application. The following sections describe various forms of corruption and what Informix recommends to x these problems.

Physical Disk Corruption

One symptom of physical disk corruption occurs when users receive UNIX error messages about les that cannot be found. Hard-disk failure or an unintentional shutdown can create physical disk corruption.

Important: When you use transaction logging or audit trails, you can recover the database up to the point of the last committed transaction. If you forget to establish transaction logs or audit trails, you can recover the database up to the point of the last backup.

Symptoms and Solutions 5-5

Lost and Damaged Index and Data Files

To repair physical disk corruption, restore the database and tables from a backup. To recover the database, you must obtain a backup copy of the database and a transaction-log le. Perform the following steps:
1. 2.

Contact your system administrator to load and restore the backup copy of the database data. If your database uses transaction logging, load the transaction-log le and execute the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE statement. (For information on the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE statement, refer to the Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax.) If you do not use transaction logging and maintain audit trails on tables, load the audit-trail le and execute the RECOVER TABLE statement. (For information on the RECOVER TABLE statement, refer to the Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax.)

Lost and Damaged Index and Data Files

Experiencing symptoms such as abnormally sluggish performance or missing data indicates that damaged or corrupted .dat or .idx les exist. A corrupted index le affects queries that use the index. The following situations can create that type of corruption:
s s

Users abnormally terminating the creation or alteration of an index Users aborting a batch insert

Error messages that ISAM or the UNIX operating system send also indicate a problem with the data and index les. When a corrupted le exists, users receive an ISAM error message. When you lose a le, users receive a UNIX error message indicating that the le cannot be found or cannot be opened. The following situations can generate these error messages:
s s s s

Hardware problems Users editing or deleting les Power uctuations Physical problems in the mass storage system


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Transaction-Log Corruption

To determine whether a corrupt table exists, you can use the CHECK TABLE statement to compare the data in a table with its indexes. You can use the REPAIR TABLE statement to repair damaged indexes or data in a table. For more information on the CHECK TABLE and REPAIR TABLE statements, refer to the Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax.

Restoring Index Files

Use the secheck utility to check index les for damage. When damage exists, you can use secheck to repair or rebuild the index les. Refer to The secheck Utility on page 6-3. You can also check or repair tables within INFORMIX-SQL or DB-Access using specic SQL statements such as CHECK TABLE and REPAIR TABLE. System catalog tables contain index les that can become corrupted. When you have the DBA privilege or when you are logged on as user informix, you can use the secheck utility on these index les if you suspect problems.

Restoring Data Files

To restore a data le, reload both the data le and its associated index le from your backup.

Transaction-Log Corruption
An ISAM error message stating that you cannot open the transaction log or that an unusable transaction log exists indicates transaction-log corruption problems. Possible causes for transaction-log corruption include removing the log le, improper permissions, or editing the le. When the transaction log becomes corrupted you might want to continue using transactions.

Symptoms and Solutions 5-7

Disk Fragmentation

To continue using transactions

1. 2.

Back up the database. Invoke DB-Access and execute the following SQL statement to obtain the pathname of the transaction log:
SELECT dirpath FROM systables WHERE tabid = 0


Empty the transaction-log le by entering the following UNIX command at the operating system prompt, substituting the full pathname of the transaction-log le for dirpath:
cat /dev/null > dirpath

Important: Make sure that no users can access the database when you perform the preceding steps.
You can now begin logging transactions again. Use the START DATABASE statement to start a log le.

Disk Fragmentation
Disk fragmentation occurs when the blocks that make up an ISAM le become scattered throughout the partition. Disk fragmentation can slow retrieval times, making searches less efcient than when you store data in contiguous blocks. To correct disk fragmentation, unload the data and re-create the table in an unfragmented partition.

Practices to Avoid
To avoid many types of corruption, follow these few basic rules:
s s

Do not edit your ISAM les. Do not edit any les in the .dbs directory. Do not kill database server processes. Instead, shut down the application to make the SE database server terminate in a controlled manner. Do not remove or rename the transaction log while logging is active. Do not change the UNIX owner, group, or permissions for the .dbs directory or any les within that directory.

s s


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Performance Tuning

Do not use the dbexport utility for database backups. Rely on proper UNIX backups. Do not create backups with a named pipe as the destination. Do not use audit trails to update your tables.

s s

Performance Tuning
You can signicantly enhance SE performance by making the following improvements:
s s s

Cluster indexes for faster retrieval. Drop indexes for bulk inserts and updates that update keys. Save report jobs for times when all users are off-line (such as holidays, weekends, and evenings). Reports use I/O intensively. Update statistics during low system-load times to reduce contention. Use stored procedures to enhance speed. Executing a stored procedure allows you to bypass repeated parsing, validity checking, and query optimization. You can also use a stored procedure to perform frequently executed tasks.

s s

Symptoms and Solutions 5-9



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The secheck Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . Choosing Not to Specify the -n or -y Option . . Simple Example . . . . . . . . . . . Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parenthetical Values . . . . . . . . . . Printing a Long List of Index Key Values . . . An Example Using the -l Option . . . . . . Converting Index-Node Size with the -s Option Causes for secheck Failure . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .

The selog Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Displaying the Contents of a Transaction Log . . . . . . Specifying the Table Info Option . . . . . . . . . Specifying the User Info Option. . . . . . . . . . Specifying the Time-Period Info Option . . . . . . . Specifying the Log-Range Info Option . . . . . . . Specifying the Header Info Option . . . . . . . . . Use and Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Displaying the Contents of a Transaction Log . . . . . Displaying Activity Logged About a Specic Table . . . Displaying Activity Logged About a Specic User . . . Displaying Activity Occurring During a Time/Date Range Displaying Activity Logged About a Specic Byte Range . Displaying Header Information . . . . . . . . . .


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

s s

his chapter describes the following administrative utility programs that are included with INFORMIX-SE: The secheck utility checks and restores the integrity of your index les. The selog utility displays the contents of an SE transaction log.


The SE utilities accept multibyte characters in the parameters for lenames, log le names, and table names. For information on multibyte character support for secheck and selog, see Chapter 5 of the Guide to GLS Functionality.

The secheck Utility

The secheck utility checks your index for corruption. If your index has been corrupted, secheck can repair it. When you create data, you often create an index to access your data more efciently. You can create a data le in which to store your table and data by using the SQL CREATE TABLE statement. Data les have a .dat extension. To create a le in which to store an index, you can use the SQL CREATE INDEX statement. Index les have a .idx extension. The index that you create must be associated with a data le that contains a table and its data. In the process of working with data les, indexes are sometimes corrupted. The secheck utility helps to ensure consistency between an index le and its associated data le. The secheck utility takes a table name as input and compares the data and index les. When secheck identies corrupt indexes, it prompts you to delete the corrupt indexes and build new indexes to replace them.



The secheck Utility

You can perform the following tasks when you check and repair indexes with secheck:
s s

Print a long list of index-key values Convert an index le from its existing node size to the current computer hardware node size, after you migrate data

The .dbs directory contains the data and index les that are used to create database tables. You must run the secheck utility from within the .dbs directory. For information about index organization and index-table structure and format, see Chapter 4, INFORMIX-SE Indexing in this manual.
secheck -n -y -V -q

-l -s

Element -l


Purpose Directs secheck to check and repair indexes and lists all index-key values. Responds negatively to all prompts.

Key Considerations References: For specic details on this option, see An Example Using the -l Option on page 6-10.

-q -s

Additional Information: When you know in advance that all your responses to secheck prompts are negative, use the -n option. References: For specic details on this option, see Choosing Not to Specify the -n or -y Option on page 6-5. Suppresses banner display. None. Converts an index le from its References: For specic details on this option, see existing node size to the current Converting Index-Node Size with the -s Option computer hardware node size. on page 6-11.

(1 of 2)


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Choosing Not to Specify the -n or -y Option

Element -V -y

Purpose Displays software version information. Responds afrmatively to all prompts.

Key Considerations None. Additional Information: When you know in advance that all your responses to secheck prompts are positive, specify the -y option. References: For specic details about this option, see Choosing Not to Specify the -n or -y Option below. Restrictions: The lename must match a value of a table listed in the database directory. References: For information about using multibyte character lenames with secheck, see the Guide to GLS Functionality.


Species the table name associated with the data and index les that secheck evaluates.

(2 of 2) To determine the correct value for lename, list the contents of the database directory. For example, the stores7 database identies the customer table in the database directory as custo00100, not as customer. System catalog tables, on the other hand, do not contain a numerical component. Do not include the .dat or .idx extension as part of the lename. To execute the secheck utility, type the secheck syntax at the UNIX command line and then press RETURN. The following command line shows the minimum syntax that you need to successfully run secheck:
secheck filename

In the preceding command line, lename is the name of the table that is associated with the data and index les that secheck evaluates.

Choosing Not to Specify the -n or -y Option

When you do not know your responses to secheck prompts in advance, you can choose not to specify the -n or -y option. However, when you do not specify the -n or -y option, responding to prompts might take a long time. When you do not specify the -n or -y option, secheck prompts you interactively. The prompts from secheck request conrmation that you want to re-create the index when secheck nds bad entries. To repair indexes, secheck reads all data from the .dat le and re-creates the index in the .idx le.
INFORMIX-SE Utilities 6-5

Simple Example

Simple Example
The following command checks and repairs corrupt indexes on the customer table:
secheck custo00100

Figure 6-1 shows the output that the preceding command generates.
Figure 6-1 Example of secheck Output
SECHECK C-ISAM B-tree Checker version 7.20 Copyright (C) 1981-1995 Informix Software, Inc. Software Serial Number RDS#N000000 C-ISAM File: custo00100 Checking dictionary and file sizes. Index file node size = 1024 Current C-ISAM index file node size = 1024 Checking indexes and key descriptions. Index 1 = unique key 0 index node(s) used -- 1 index b-tree level(s) used Index 2 = unique key (0,4,2) 1 index node(s) used -- 1 index b-tree level(s) used Index 3 = duplicates (111,5,0) 1 index node(s) used -- 1 index b-tree level(s) used Checking data record and index node free lists. 4 index node(s) used, 0 free -- 28 data record(s) used, 4 free

Tip: The rst index listing in the secheck output displays the height of the B+ tree and the number of index nodes used.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Parenthetical Values

Parenthetical Values
In the secheck output, one set of parenthetical values (values enclosed within parentheses) appears for each column that is named as part of the index. The following example from Figure 6-1 shows a line of output that contains parenthetical values:
Index 2 = unique key (0,4,2)

The three enclosed values from the preceding example dene the following characteristics for each column component of the index:

The starting byte value of this component (within the row of the table upon which you are building the index) is the rst value in the parentheses. The length of the value in bytes is the second value in the parentheses. The data type of this component column, expressed as a digit, is the third value in the parentheses. Figure 6-2 shows secheck data types and related digit values.
Figure 6-2 secheck Data Types and Related Digit Values

2. 3.

Data Type

Digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (1 of 2)



Printing a Long List of Index Key Values

Data Type

Digit 10 14 15 (2 of 2)

Printing a Long List of Index Key Values

Figure 6-3 describes the content of each node.
Figure 6-3 Descriptions of Node Contents
Node Content ag Description Tells you whether the key is a duplicate: 0 (unique) 1 (duplicate) 2 (following key duplicates current key) 3 (duplicate and the following key duplicates current key) totln Is the total byte length of the key: keyln + recptr (4 bytes) + leadc (1 byte) + tailc (1 byte) + when duplicate (2 bytes) keyln Is the eld length - (leadc + tailc), where eld length equals the total length of the columns that make up the index. Is the duplicate counter. Represents the number of duplicates that secheck encountered. 0 represents the rst occurrence. (1 of 2)



INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Printing a Long List of Index Key Values

Node Content recptr

Description Is the rowid of the row in the table when the node is a leaf node. When the node is a root node or a branch node, the recptr points to the next index node that contains records less than or equal to the key value of this entry. When this is the last entry of the root node or the right-most branch node, the recptr points to the next index node that contains records greater than the key value of this entry. Is the number of bytes saved due to leading-character compression. Is the number of bytes saved due to trailing-character compression. SE creates indexes with full compression applied when the total length of the CHAR type key exceeds seven. Is the actual key value. (2 of 2)

leadc tailc




An Example Using the -l Option

An Example Using the -l Option

The following command checks and repairs corrupt indexes and lists all index key values on the customer table:
secheck -l custo00100

Figure 6-4 shows the output that is generated when you use the -l option with the secheck command.
Figure 6-4 Example of secheck Output for List of Key Values
SECHECK C-ISAM B-tree Checker version 7.20 Copyright (C) 1981-1995 Informix Software, Inc. Software Serial Number RDS#N000000 C-ISAM File: custo00100 Checking dictionary and file sizes. Index file node size = 1024 Current C-ISAM index file node size = 1024 Checking data file records. Checking indexes and key descriptions. Index 1 = unique key 0 index node(s) used -- 1 index b-tree level(s) used Index 2 = unique key (0,4,2) btree level: 0, node: 3, used: 144 flag totln keyln dupnm recptr leadc tailc key 0 8 4 0 1 0 0 101 0 8 4 0 2 0 0 102 0 8 4 0 3 0 0 103 0 8 4 0 4 0 0 104 0 8 4 0 5 0 0 105 0 8 4 0 6 0 0 106 . . . 1 index node(s) used -- 1 index b-tree level(s) used Index 3 = duplicates (111,5,0) . . .

Notice the following portion of the output in Figure 6-4:

btree level: 0, node: 3, used: 144 flag totln keyln dupnm recptr leadc tailc key


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Converting Index-Node Size with the -s Option

The rightmost column heading, key, contains very useful data. The complete index-key value for each data row in the table appears under the key heading. When the index has more than one piece (a composite index can contain up to eight pieces), the value of each piece is displayed, separated by a space. (Informix designates all other columns for internal use and does not document them.)

Converting Index-Node Size with the -s Option

The index-node size is a number that is a multiple of 512 bytes and is xed for each computer. The node size affects how many keys you can store in a node before it must be split. An incorrect index-node size can occur for the following reasons:
s s

You moved a database from one computer to another. You upgraded to a newer version of SE.

Use secheck with the -s option after you move a table to a computer with a different node size or upgrade to a newer version of SE. When you are running an application on an incompatible computer, an error message indicating a wrong node size appears.

Causes for secheck Failure

The secheck utility fails when it:
s s s s s s s s s

encounters an invalid lename. cannot resize the index le. cannot allocate a new le descriptor. cannot lock the index le. encounters an unstable lock for the index le. cannot read the dictionary. cannot check the consistency of the dictionary. encounters the wrong GLS collation sequence. cannot allocate a temporary record.



The selog Utility

The selog Utility

The selog utility displays the contents of an SE transaction-log le. A transaction-log le keeps an automatic record of activity associated with a specic database. For information on transaction-log les, refer to Transaction-Log Files on page 2-6. In addition, refer to the Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax for information about creating SE databases with transaction logging.

For information on multibyte character support for SE utilities, see Chapter 5 of the Guide to GLS Functionality.

Displaying the Contents of a Transaction Log

You can display the complete contents of the transaction-log le, or you can specify transaction records based on the following criteria:
s s s s

Activity on a specic table Activity that a specic user initiates Activity within a specic time period Activity within a specic log range

Other options allow you to choose the type and frequency of the header display.

selog Table Info p. 6-13 User Info p. 6-13 TimePeriod Info p. 6-14 -V LogRange Info p. 6-15 Header Info p. 6-16

log lename


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Displaying the Contents of a Transaction Log

Element -V log lename

Purpose Displays software version information. Species the name of the transaction-log le.

Key Considerations None. Restrictions: You can specify the log lename as a le in the current directory or as a complete pathname.

Specifying the Table Info Option

The Table Info option directs selog to display all activity on a specied table.
Table Info -f tablename

Element -f tablename

Purpose Directs selog to display all activity on the specied table, where tablename represents the name of the table as it appears in the systables system catalog table.

Key Considerations Restrictions: Table must exist when you execute the utility. To obtain the correct value for tablename, invoke DB-Access and run the following SQL statement to list the directory paths and the names associated with all the tables in your database:
SELECT dirpath, tabname FROM systables

Specifying the User Info Option

The User Info option directs selog to display all activity that is associated with a specic user.
User Info -u login name



Displaying the Contents of a Transaction Log

Element -u login name

Purpose Directs selog to display all activity that the specied login name initiates.

Key Considerations Restrictions: Must be an existing login name. The login name must conform to operating-systemspecic rules for login name.

Specifying the Time-Period Info Option

The Time-Period Info option directs selog to within a certain date range and time range that you specify.
TimePeriod Info -d begin-date end-date -t begin-time end-time

Element -d begin-date end-date

Purpose Directs selog to display all activity that occurred within the specied date range.

-t begin-time end-time

Key Considerations Restrictions: When you specify a begin-date without an end-date, an error occurs. Specify dates in mm/dd/yyyy format. Make sure that you include a space between the two date values. Directs selog to display all Restrictions: When you specify a time without a activity that occurred within the date, selog assumes the current day. When you specied time range. specify a begin-time without an end-time, an error results. Make sure that you include a space between the two time values. Specify time in hh:mm:ss format. Make sure that you include a space between the two time values.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Displaying the Contents of a Transaction Log Specifying the Log-Range Info Option
The Log-Range Info option directs selog to display all transaction records that are located in the log within a byte range that you specify.

Log-Range Info -r begin-byte-offset end-byte-offset

Element -r begin-byte-offset end-byte-offset

Purpose Key Considerations Directs selog to display all Restrictions: Make sure that you include a space transaction records located in between the two offset values. the log within the specied byte range, inclusive.

To obtain the byte offset for a specic record, use the -l option described in Specifying the Header Info Option (You do not need any other parameter.) See Figure 6-8 on page 6-22 for an example of output that the -l option generates.



Displaying the Contents of a Transaction Log Specifying the Header Info Option
The Header Info option displays header information. A header is a title row that precedes data rows. Typically, header columns identify the columns of the rows of data that follow them. When you specify no Header Info options, the default display for each transaction-log record begins with a header that contains the information that is listed in Figure 6-5. For corresponding information on the transactionlog record header, see Transaction-Log Files on page 2-6.
Figure 6-5 Header Information for Default Display
Header Column

Contents Record type code Transaction number User id associated with the record User name associated with the user id Time the record was written to the log Record length in bytes Descriptor of affected ISAM le Record number affected by the log record Filename contained in the log record (for record types open, close, build, erase, and rename)

User User Name Date/Time Lngth


Recno Filename

Header Info

-h records




INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Displaying the Contents of a Transaction Log

Element -h records

Purpose Species the number of transaction records separating each header display.



Key Considerations Restrictions: An integer. When you omit the -h option, the default value for records is 20. When you set records to 0, the header prints only once at the beginning of the output. Displays additional location Additional Information: When you use the -l information, including the byte option, the selog output displays three additional offset for each transaction elds. The rst, Location, displays the byte offset for record. each transaction record. The other two elds, Prev Loc and Prev Leng, hold additional internal information provided for updated records. The information is used internally during ROLLBACK WORK procedure. Displays additional elds from Restrictions: You must enter the -v option as a the transaction records, lowercase character. In this context, when you enter depending on the transaction -v as an uppercase character, you generate an error record type. message. Do not confuse the lowercase -v option with the uppercase -V option, which displays version information. References: For specic details on this option, see Displaying Additional Fields with the -v Option below.

Displaying Additional Fields with the -v Option

When you specify the -v option, selog displays additional elds for certain record types. Figure 6-6 shows all record types and the additional elds that the -v option displays for each.
Figure 6-6 Additional Header Fields Displayed by the -v Option
Record Type Build an ISAM le Close an ISAM le Open an ISAM le Code

Additional Fields Displayed Row length (ISAM record length); build mode None None (1 of 3) INFORMIX-SE Utilities 6-17



Displaying the Contents of a Transaction Log

Record Type Delete a record from an ISAM le Insert a record from an ISAM le Rename an ISAM le Update a record in an ISAM le


Additional Fields Displayed Image (hexadecimal and ASCII display of the log record)


Image (hexadecimal and ASCII display of the log record)


New lename (new lename contained in the log record) Pre-image (hexadecimal and ASCII display of the ISAM le before-image contained in the log record) Post-image (hexadecimal and ASCII display of the afterimage contained in the log record


Get a unique ID for a particular ISAM le Get a unique ID for a particular ISAM le Set a unique ID for a particular ISAM le Erase an ISAM le Begin work Commit work Rollback work








None None None None (2 of 3)



INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Displaying the Contents of a Transaction Log

Record Type Create an index on an ISAM le Delete an index on an ISAM le Change the physical order of an ISAM le to key sequence


Additional Fields Displayed Key-description information Key-description information Key-description information



(3 of 3)

Three record types that are associated with the indexes (CI, DI, and DL) display detailed key information. Key information is derived from a key structure. The key structure describes an index. The following example shows the format and contents of the important elements of the key structure (or key display):
key.k_nparts = n key.k_flags = n key.k_len = n key.k_part: kp_start kp_leng kp_type

key.k_nparts key.k_ags key.k_len key.k_part kp_start kp_leng kp_type

species the number of component parts in the index key description contained in the log record. species the key ags associated with the key description. species the length of the log record key description. describes the following items for each component of the index key: starting byte of this part of the key length of this part of the key type associated with this part of the key

For details about the parts that are used to make an index key, refer to the discussion on Printing a Long List of Index Key Values on page 6-8.



Use and Output

Use and Output

This section shows you how to use selog syntax and how to interpret some examples of selog output. To execute the selog utility, type the selog syntax at the UNIX command line and then press RETURN.

Displaying the Contents of a Transaction Log

The following command displays all records in the allcall.log transaction log using the default format:
selog allcall.log

Figure 6-7 shows the output generated by the preceding command. Refer to Figure 6-5 on page 6-16 for denitions of each header eld.
Figure 6-7 selog Output for Displaying All Records in a Transaction Log
SELOG: Transaction Log File Display C-ISAM Version 7.20 Copyright (C) 1981-1995 Informix Software, Inc. Software Serial Number INF#R000000 TY Trx ID -- -----BW 23614 FO 23614 IN 23614 IN 23614 IN 23614 User User Name ---- --------1817 stevek 1817 stevek 1817 stevek 1817 stevek 1817 stevek Date/Time Lngth -------------- ----12/ 5 17:29:20 20 12/ 5 17:29:20 74 12/ 5 17:29:20 160 12/ 5 17:29:20 160 12/ 5 17:29:20 160 FD -1 1 1 1 Recno Filename ----- ----------custo00100 17 16 15

Displaying Activity Logged About a Specic Table

The following command displays all of the activity logged about the customer table:
selog -f custo00100 allcall.log

Displaying Activity Logged About a Specic User

The following command displays all the activity logged about the user billj:
selog -u billj allcall.log


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

Use and Output Displaying Activity Occurring During a Time/Date Range

The following command displays all transactions that were logged for the time range of 10:00:00 to 11:30:00 in the date range from 12/12/94 to 12/15/94:
selog -d 12/12/94 12/15/94 -t 10:00:00 11:30:00 allcall.log

Displaying Activity Logged About a Specic Byte Range

The following command displays all transaction records beginning at byte offset 100 and ending at byte offset 500, inclusive:
selog -r 100 500 allcall.log

See Displaying Header Information below for information on obtaining the byte offset for a specic record.

Displaying Header Information

The following command displays location and byte offset information for headers associated with transaction records:
selog -l allcall.log



Use and Output

Figure 6-8 shows output generated when you use the -l option.
Figure 6-8 Example of Output When Using the -l Option
SELOG: Transaction Log File Display C-ISAM Version 7.20 Copyright (C) 1981-1995 Informix Software, Inc. Software Serial Number RDS#N000000 TY Trx ID User -- ------ ---BW 9647 9658 FO 9647 9658 UN 9647 9658 BU 9647 9658 FO 9647 9658 IN 9647 9658 FO 9647 9658 . . . Program over. User Name Date/Time Lngth FD Recno Filename Location Prev Loc Pr Ln ---------- -------------- ----- -- ------- ----------------- ---------- -------- ----stevek 1/14 15:16:27 20 0 0 0 stevek 1/14 15:16:27 43 0 systables 20 0 0 stevek 1/14 15:16:27 26 0 100 63 0 0 stevek 1/14 15:16:27 52 junk.dbs/tab1_00100 89 0 0 stevek 1/14 15:16:27 43 3 systables 141 0 0 stevek 1/14 15:16:27 205 3 25 184 0 0 stevek 1/14 15:16:27 44 4 syscolumns 389 0 0

The area under the Location header of the -l option display provides the byte offset for each transaction record output. When you attempt to estimate a location, enter a decimal value, not a hexadecimal value.


INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide



ALTER TABLE statement 3-3 ANSI standard SQL 1-3 ANSI-compliant logging 3-4 Audit-trail file compared to transaction-log file 2-8 considering growth of 1-5 creating 3-6 description of 2-8, 3-6 format for a table with variablelength rows 2-9 priority in disk placement 1-4

Checking and repairing corrupt indexes 6-3 Client/server configurations compatibility with local SE server 1-7 compatibility with remote SE server 1-8 local, definition of 1-7 remote, definition of 1-7 Communication files discussed 1-10 /etc/hosts 1-9 /etc/services 1-9 for IPX/SPX connections 1-10 for network security 1-9 for TCP/IP connections 1-9 $INFORMIDIR/etc/sqlhosts 1-9 network 1-10 network security 1-10 overview 1-9 relationships between 1-17 sqlhosts description of 1-12 example of fields 1-13 file 1-9 format of nettype field 1-13 hostname field 1-15 nettype field 1-13 servicename field 1-16 Connecting to a database server, example of 1-38 Connection 4.11 client with 7.2 server 1-26 5.x client with 7.2 server 1-26

Backing up the transaction-log file 3-5 Backups, creating 3-6 Block, definition of 4-12 B+ tree adding to 4-6 deleting from 4-11 growth of 4-8 levels 4-5 maximum keys per node 4-5 nodes 4-3 organization 4-3 pointers 4-3 searching 4-5 sequential addition to 4-8

7.2 client with 7.2 server, example 1-20 7.2 Relay Module 1-32 client/server configurations 1-7 local loopback, example 1-23 local, with unnamed pipes 1-19 network 1-32 network, description of 1-13 preparing 1-6 using INFORMIX-NET 1-28 using INFORMIX-NET Relay Module 5.x 1-29 with different client/server versions 1-26 Connectivity file, sqlhosts 1-12 Conventions command-line syntax Intro-11 example code Intro-14 icon Intro-10 overview Intro-8 railroad diagram Intro-11 typographical Intro-9 Corruption avoiding 5-8 data and indexes 5-4 indexes 6-3 lost index and data files 5-6 physical disk 5-5 transaction log 5-7 CREATE AUDIT statement 3-6 CREATE DATABASE statement 3-4 Creating backups 3-6

Demonstration database copying Intro-6 installation script Intro-5 overview Intro-5 Differences between audit trails and transaction logs 2-8 Disk data and head movement 1-5 fragmentation 5-8 minimizing input/output 1-4 partitioning 1-4 reducing competition for access 1-4 using separate devices 1-4 Displaying contents of a transaction log 6-12 Documentation notes Intro-17 Documentation, other useful Intro-15

Global Language Support (GLS) description of Intro-8 environment variables 1-9 using with SE 1-9 Group informix 2-11

Hardware configuration 1-4 hostname field 1-15

.idx file 2-6, 1-5 Index checking 6-3 dictionary node 4-12 file 2-5, 2-6 fixing when corrupt 6-3 free-list node 4-13 ISAM table 4-3 key description node 4-13 organization 4-3 repairing 6-3 table formats 4-15 table organization 4-12 table structure 4-12 using secheck utility on 6-3 INFORMIXDIR environment variable 1-8 INFORMIX-SE compatibility with client tools 1-7 considerations before installing 1-4 creating the demonstration database Intro-5 improving performance 1-5 installing 1-6 limits 1-5 Machine notes file 1-14 maximum for open tables 1-5 maximum locks per table 1-5 maximum row size 1-5 starting a process 1-20 system files 2-4

Environment variables DBPATH 1-8, 5-3 GLS-related 1-9 INFORMIXDIR 1-8 INFORMIXSERVER 1-8, 5-3 INFORMIXSQLHOSTS 1-8, 1-12 overview 1-8 PATH 1-9 setting 1-8 SQLEXEC 1-9 SQLRM 1-9 SQLRMDIR 1-9 TERM 1-9 TERMCAP 1-9 TERMINFO 1-9 Error messages Intro-16 /etc/hosts file example of hostname field 1-15 host-alias field 1-15 hostname field 1-15 net address field 1-15 /etc/services file port number/protocol field 1-16 service-alias field 1-16 servicename field 1-16

.dat file 1-5, 2-5 Data intermediate transfer method 1-4 transferring 1-4 Data file 2-5 Data language, description of 1-3 Data row storage 2-6 Database management system (DBMS) 1-3 Database server, description of 1-3 DBPATH environment variable 1-8, 5-3 Default UNIX permissions 2-10

INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

INFORMIXSERVER environment variable 1-8, 5-3 INFORMIXSQLHOSTS environment variable 1-8, 1-12 INFORMIXTERM environment variable 1-8, 1-9 Inodes, increasing number of 1-5 Installation definition of 1-6 instructions for 1-6 Interprocess communication (IPC), enabling with sqlhosts file 1-14 IPX/SPX protocol, enabled with sqlhosts file 1-14 ISAM table 4-3

nettype field examples of 1-15 valid values for 1-15 Network File System (NFS), databases residing on 1-37 Network interface protocol, description of 1-14 Network security files and communication files 1-9 overview 1-10 /etc/host.equiv 1-10 /etc/passwd 1-10 /etc/shadow 1-10 /.netrc 1-10 /.rhosts 1-10 Notes Documentation Intro-17 Machine Intro-17, 1-14 Release Intro-17

Permissions database files 2-10 directories 2-10 problems 5-3 Physical disk corruption 5-5 Placement of active tables and files 1-4 Planning for growth 1-4 Printing index key values 6-8 Program files 2-3 Protecting data integrity 3-4 Protocols, network, enabled with sqlhosts file 1-14

Railroad diagrams conventions used in Intro-11 example of syntax conventions Intro-13 RECOVER TABLE statement 5-6 Relay module using version 5.x 1-29 using version 7.2 1-32 Release notes Intro-17 Renaming the transaction-log file 3-5 Repairing and checking corrupt indexes 6-3 Restoring data files 5-7 index files 5-7 Restricting access 2-4 ROLLFORWARD DATABASE statement 5-6

Kernel parameters, increasing value of 1-5

Limits INFORMIX-SE Intro-17, 1-5 number of locks per table 1-5 number of open tables 1-5 row size 1-5 UNIX 1-5 Lost index and data files 5-6

On-line files Intro-16 Operating system block size 2-6 failure 5-4 permissions 2-4, 2-11 Organization of C-ISAM files, index file 4-12 Ownership and group settings 2-11

Machine notes file 1-14 Maximum limits number of locks per table 1-5 number of open tables 1-5 row size 1-5 Message files, error messages Intro-16 Monitoring data integrity 3-4 disk space usage 3-3

Partition avoiding overflow 1-5 for disks 1-4 increasing size of 1-5 moving table to larger 1-5 spanning 1-5 using innermost for fast access 1-5 PATH environment variable 1-8, 1-9 Performance improving 1-5 multiple indexes 4-13 tuning 5-9

secheck utility converting index node size 6-11 description of 6-3 printing index key values 6-8 Security files, for network 1-9 selog utility additional header fields 6-17 default header information 6-16 description of 6-12


displaying contents of a transaction log 6-12 key display 6-19 options specifying a header 6-16 specifying activity initiated by user 6-13 specifying activity on a table 6-13 specifying activity within a log range 6-14 servicename field description of 1-16 IPX/SPX connection 1-22 TCP/IP connection 1-16 Setting environment variables 1-8 Sockets, in nettype field 1-14 Space allocation for transaction-log files 2-8 for .dat and .idx files 2-6 SQL API 1-3 SQL privileges 5-3 SQL statements ALTER TABLE 3-3 CREATE AUDIT 3-6 CREATE DATABASE 3-4 RECOVER TABLE 5-6 ROLLFORWARD DATABASE 5-6 START DATABASE 3-4 SQLEXEC environment variable 1-9 sqlexec process 5-5 sqlexecd daemon logfile options 1-37 setting 1-35 sqlhosts file building 1-12 dbservername field 1-13 dbservername field illustrated 1-13 editing 1-12 enabling IPX/SPX protocol 1-14 enabling TCP/IP protocol 1-14 enabling unnamed pipes 1-14 entries for 1-13 entries to avoid 1-12 examples of nettype fields 1-15 field for database servername 1-12

field for hostname 1-12 field for network protocol 1-12 field for servicename 1-12 hostname field 1-15 hostname field illustrated 1-13 nettype entry for INFORMIX-Gateway with DRDA 1-14 for INFORMIX-SE 1-14 for interprocess communication 1-14 for OnLine 1-14 for socket network interface protocol 1-14 for transport-level interface 1-14 nettype field format 1-13 nettype field illustrated 1-13 nettype field internal programming interface connection entry 1-14 nettype field subfields 1-14 overview 1-12 servicename field 1-16 servicename field illustrated 1-13 table of fields 1-13 table of valid nettype values 1-15 SQLRM environment variable 1-9 SQLRMDIR environment variable 1-9 START DATABASE statement 3-4 stores7 database copying Intro-6 creating Intro-5 overview Intro-5 Stray locks 5-7 System catalog tables 5-7 System files 2-4

TERMINFO environment variable 1-9 Transaction log considering growth of 1-5 priority in disk placement 1-4 Transaction record header format 2-7 Transaction-log file compared to audit-trail file 2-8 corruption 5-7 creating 3-4 description of 2-6, 3-4 displaying contents of 6-12 header information for 6-16 log range information for 6-15 maintaining 3-5 table information for 6-13 time-period information for 6-14 user information for 6-13 using selog utility on 6-12 Transaction, definition of 3-4 Transferring data 1-4 Transport-level interface, enabling with sqlhosts file 1-14

Unbuffered logging 3-4 UNIX increasing size of kernel parameters 1-5 kernel parameters 1-5 limitations 1-5 permissions 5-3 Unnamed pipes, enabled with sqlhosts file 1-14 /usr/informix directory 1-6 Utilities secheck 6-3 selog 6-12

TCP/IP protocol, enabled with sqlhosts file 1-14 TERM environment variable 1-9 TERMCAP environment variable 1-9 termcap file 1-9 terminfo directory 1-9

INFORMIX-SE Administrators Guide

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