Out of Balance: epilepsy, color blindness, alcoholism, nervous disorders, issues with learning, perception, and spiritual development Balance With: the color violet; crystals including, amethyst, clear quartz, alexandrite; spiritual connection; prayer; reflection; meditation; stillness; music note B; massage; cord cutting; essential oils including, frankincense, jasmine, myrrh, lavender; salt baths; massage; energy work
heart, lungs, circulation Out of Balance: heart and lung conditions, not knowing what makes you happy, not embracing life, lack of self-love and love for others Balance With: the color green; crystals including, rose quartz, jade, emerald; food including, leafy greens, peas, avocado, broccoli; the music note F; meditation; singing; dancing; massage; cord cutting; essential oils including, rose, geranium, ylang ylang; salt baths; massage; prayer; energy work I give and receive love fully and effortlessly. Solar Plexus Chakra Manipura
stomach, liver, gallbladder, small intestine Out of Balance: ulcers, gallstones, hepatitis, pancreatitis, diabetes, low self-worth, confidence, and power Balance With: the color yellow; crystals including, topaz, amber, citrine, yellow calcite; Food including, lemons, corn, peppers, pineapple, honey; the music note E; meditation; sports, qi gong; massage; cord cutting; essential oils including, lemon, grapefruit, chamomile, juniper; salt baths; massage; psychotherapy; energy work
I am empowered. I am enough. Sacral Chakra Svadhisthana
Associated With: creativity, joy, sexuality, ovaries, testes, sex
organs, bladder, uterus, prostate Out of Balance: infertility, sexual dysfunction, feeling bad, lack of pleasure, envious, not caring for your physical body, addictions Balance With: the color orange; crystals including, carnelian, tigers eye, agate; food including, oranges, carrots, melon, nuts, seeds; the music note D; meditation; yoga, dancing, swimming; massage; cord cutting; essential oils including orange, neroli, jasmine; salt baths; massage; energy work I am beautiful, creative and unique. Root Chakra Muladhara
kidneys, blood, skeletal system Out of Balance: kidney stones, bone and joint problems, anger, fear, aggression, jealousy, and feelings of separation Balance With: the color red; crystals including, ruby, bloodstone, hematite, black onyx; Food including, tomatoes, beets, apples, berries; the music note C; drumming; meditation; yoga; massage; cord cutting; essential oils including, cinnamon, vetiver, sandalwood; salt baths; massage
Download Full Phylogenetic Inference Selection Theory and History of Science Selected Papers of A W F Edwards with Commentaries 1st Edition Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther (Editor) PDF All Chapters
Download Full Phylogenetic Inference Selection Theory and History of Science Selected Papers of A W F Edwards with Commentaries 1st Edition Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther (Editor) PDF All Chapters