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Brow anatomy Brow esthetics Brow lift Forehead lift
An understanding of the three-dimensional anatomy of the forehead is critical to safe and effective
esthetic surgery of the upper face.
The complex anatomy of the forehead is three-dimensionally similar to the temporal region.
The deep branch of the supraorbital nerve is easily injured in brow surgery, and understanding the
anatomy will minimize this risk.
Improving or maintaining brow shape is perhaps more important than brow lifting.
direct brow lift, the transpalpebral corrugator also undergone evolution over time. While still appre-
ciating this variability, anatomic tenants of brow
Section of Cosmetic Surgery, Department of Plastic Surgery, Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland,
OH 44195, USA; b Southern Indiana Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery, 2450 NorthPark, Suite B, Columbus, Indiana
47203, USA; c Cleveland Clinic Department of Plastic Surgery, 9500 Eucllid Avenue, Cleveland Ohio 44195, USA
* Corresponding author:
E-mail address: [email protected]
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Brow Anatomy 341
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342 Zins et al
Fig. 4. (A) Cadaver dissection demonstrating the deep temporal fascia (red) covering the temporalis muscle (ar-
row). Inferiorly the color changes to yellow as the deep temporal fascia splits to form the superficial and deep
layers of the deep temporal fascia investing the intermediate fat pad (asterisk). (B) Endoscopic view of the
same structures. Superiorly (three o’clock) the deep temporal fascia appears red, reflecting the underlying tem-
poralis muscle. Inferiorly the yellow color indicates that the deep temporal fascia has split into the superficial and
deep layers of the deep temporal fascia, investing the yellow intermediate fat pad.
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Brow Anatomy 343
Brow animation plays a distinctive role in the
display of emotion. Medial depression with furrow-
ing signals anger or disagreement, exaggerated
elevation suggests surprise and excitement, and
lateral depression is associated with sadness. Uni-
lateral elevation is synonymous with skeptical cu-
riosity or intrigue in today’s popular culture.
Maintaining an ability to animate the brow after
surgery avoids the frozen and perpetually sur-
prised appearance that is often negatively associ-
Fig. 5. Ideal facial proportions in the frontal view. The ated with an overoperated result.18
face can be divided into thirds. Distance A (brow to
The muscles of facial expression that are
medial canthus) is roughly equal to the vertical dis-
responsible for brow movement represent dy-
tance of the upper lip (C). Distance B (midface) is
roughly equal to the distance from the alar base to namic and opposing forces. A variety of brow de-
the inferior border of the chin (D). pressors act across the lower forehead, whereas
the frontalis muscle stands as the sole brow
elevator. Manipulation of these forces through
effective brow lift surgery (see Fig. 7). As neuromodulation or surgical muscle excision can
mentioned previously, the medial eyebrow is generate desirable changes in brow position.
Fig. 6. (A) Cadaver dissection demonstrating the superior temporal fusion line marked in blue. If the fusion line is
followed caudally, it coalesces with the temporal ligamentous adhesion. This fascial fusion must be divided to
elevate the lateral brow. (B) Close up of (A) demonstrating the temporal ligamentous adhesion.
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344 Zins et al
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Brow Anatomy 345
Fig. 8. (A) Cadaver dissection of the corrugator muscle. The muscle is best approached subgaleally or subperios-
teally. Anatomically it has a transverse and oblique head. Within the muscle lie the suprtrochlear nerve branches.
(B) Endoscopic view of the left corrugator muscle partially excised in the center of the photograph. Distal cut end
of the muscle is marked with an arrow. Endoscopic grasper is visualized in the lower right.
and have been studied extensively. Pitanguy and have shown that the upper zygomatic branch of
Ramos originally described the trajectory of the the facial nerve to be found consistently deep to
frontal branch of the facial nerve along a line pro- the upper third of the zygomatic major muscle in
jected from a point 0.5 cm below the tragus to a the sub-superficial musculo aponeurotic system
point 1.5 cm above the tail of the brow.24 At the (SMAS) plane. It continues medially to innervate
zygomatic arch, this correlates to the middle third the medial brow depressors of the glabella.28
of the arch, approximately 4 cm from the lateral Sensory innervation to the forehead and brow
canthus. The frontal branch remains in a plane relies on the supraorbital and supratrochlear
deep to the parotidmasseteric fascia until crossing nerves, both branches from the ophthalmic divi-
the arch. Cadaver dissections by Agarwal and col- sion of the trigeminal nerve. The supratrochlear
leagues25 identify a fascial transition zone 1.5 to
3.0 cm above the arch and 0.9 to 1.4 cm posterior
to the lateral orbital rim where the frontal branch
then passes from the innominate fascia to run
within the superficial temporal fascia. For this
reason, staying deep or immediately on top of
the superficial layer of the deep temporal fascia
avoids injury to this nerve branch within the tem-
poral fossa. It should be noted that some terminal
branches of the frontal nerve do play a role in
innervating medial brow depressors, primarily the
transverse portion of the corrugator supercilii and
procerus. However, these contributions are both
minor and redundant. If an injury to the frontal
branch is sustained, iatrogenic brow ptosis and
asymmetry result.26 While a variety of muscles
act synergistically to depress the brow, all share
primary innervation by the zygomatic branch of
the facial nerve on their deep surface. Although
the buccal branch plays an important functional Fig. 9. Endoscopic subperiosteal dissection along the
component in innervating the palpebral portion of lateral orbital rim releases all soft tissue of the rim
the orbicularis oculi muscle, this action has no ef- except for the deep head of the lateral canthal
fect on brow position.27 Alghoul and colleagues tendon.
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348 Zins et al
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