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A look at the how food can
influence fertility health


Food is Medicine

It's amazing how something as simple as removing

one ingredient can completely change the course of
one's physiology! Food cannot be underestimated.
Many think that in order to get well they need a
doctor's prescription but often times that doesn't
really provide a lasting solution. As I tell my patients
all the time - you're body is programed to heal itself!
It's a self healing machine, it just needs to be
supported in order to do so. One of the quickest and
cheapest ways to do that is through diet!

A lot of people may feel that eating healthy is

expensive, but there are ways of improving your diet
that actually involve removing ingredients! So in this
case it would actually be less items on the grocery

It really is about eating clean and real foods. Once foods are
processed they are robbed of their nutrients. They also lack
life. We also have been taught to be afraid of real fat which is
now discovered to be very beneficial for the body. Fat is
necessary for the body and assists its' ability to absorb many
nutrients. It is also a superior fuel for the cells compared to
sugar. So let's dive in!
First let's eliminate!

Here's a list of what to avoid:

- Sugar and refined carbohydrates (such as white

bread, dough, pasta,pastries, white flour, white rice)
- Sodas
- High fructose corn syrup
- Trans fats (ingredients would show partially
hydrogenated oil)
- Artificial sweeteners
- Chips and processed foods
- Cold drinks (drink room temperature water)
- Conventional fruits and vegetables sprayed with

Eliminating sugar can decrease cases of insulin

resistance. Insulin resistance is linked with PCOS,
which is a common condition that creates fertility
difficulties in women. Insulin resistance can often
impact hormonal balance which can also disrupt the
natural fertility process. Sugar is also a low quality fuel
for cells (fat is a preferred fuel) which can compromise
egg quality long term.

Pesticides also impact hormonal balance and toxicity

in the body. It is important to ensure that the body is
clean and free of toxins for optimal health and fertility!
Foods to look for:

Always look for organic foods. Frozen organic

vegetables are a great choice because they are frozen
at their peak so they are actually overlooked and
thought to have less nutrients, but the opposite is true!

- Whole grains (brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa)

- Healthy fats (avocado, macadamia nuts, almonds,

sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, olive oil) – don’t be
afraid of fats!

- Avocados: Have a lot of vitamin E which can be

beneficial in improving endometrial lining and can help
with embryo implantation. Also a great source of
natural folate.

- Walnuts: Beneficial for sperm quality and

excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids as well as
vitamin E.

- Eggs (one to two a day): Rich in choline, which

studies have shown can have significant positive
effects on fetal development (according to a study at
Cornel University).

- Full fat yoghurt (no sugar)

Foods to look for (cont):
- Meat in moderation - always grass fed (about
once a week)

- Poultry: can have more times a week

- Fish: Keep to once or twice a week

o Salmon: Rich in omega 3’s – important in the

management of female fertility.

- Vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus,

eggplant, spinach, kale

o Asparagus: High in antioxidant vitamin C and folate

– folate is well documented in research for both male
and female fertility.

o Beetroot: Helps improve uterine blood flow to help

with embryo implantation. It is a great blood tonic
according to TCM.

o Butternut Squash: Rich in beta-carotene which is

known to help boost production of progesterone /
helps increase sperm quality and count.

- Legumes (beans, lentils, etc)

- Omega fats (hemps seeds, walnuts, ground

Important things to note:

*Eat mostly cooked foods– soups, steamed

vegetables. According to TCM, the womb should be
warm and drinking too many cold drinks or eating too
many raw vegetables can create a cold environment in
the body, which will decrease yang energy (this applies
to both men and women!)

Proteins (Should be a palm full)

Veggies (Double the protein)
Carbs (The smallest serving on your plate)

If you need to snack, have a bag of nuts on hand

(preferably raw nuts as long as there are no allergies).

If possible: avoid drinking out of plastic containers, do

not microwave anything in plastic – try to also avoid
using a microwave.


The Fertility Diet: Groundbreaking Research Reveals

Natural Ways to Boost Ovulation and Improve Your
Chances of Getting Pregnant by Jorge ChavarroWalter
C. WillettPatrick J. Skerrett

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