• Economic Model - Consumers try to get the • Black Box Model - it considers the input and
most satisfaction by spending their limited output of the decision-making process.
money wisely.
Stimulus- It generally happens through
Diminishing marginal utility - This advertising or word-of-mouth
means consumers buy more items to marketing.
feel more satisfied. Decision -Making Process-Consumers
Budget constraints Consumers make process information and evaluate
purchasing decisions based on the options before making the final
money they have available. purchase decision
Price elasticity - Consumers' buying Output - Finally, at this stage,
decisions depend on price and income. consumers make their final purchase
• Engel-Kollat-Blackwell (EKB) Model -The High value -It can happen due to the
Engel-Kollat-Blackwell theoretical framework high demand for the product or even a
describes five stages of the purchase decision low stock with higher satisfaction.
making process
Extreme stimuli -The purchase decision
Need recognition - Consumers can be influenced by hunger, stress,
recognize they need a product to solve thirst, or excitement.
a problem they have.
Information search - Consumers begin
searching for information on different • Howard Sheth Model -different approach to
products to solve their problem. purchase decision-making Instead of just simple
Evaluation of alternatives Consumers input and output, it considers various factors.
compare the products they’ve
researched, weigh the pros and cons, Extensive problem solving -Consumers
and then choose the one that best suits have to do thorough research from
their needs. scratch.
Purchase decision - consumers make Limited problem-solving -In this
the final decision to purchase the category, customers are familiar with
product they selected. the product or brands. But consumers
post-purchase evaluation - Evaluate if still need some additional information
that product really solves the issues or to make a final purchase decision.
not. Routinized response behavior -This
category shows effortless decision-
making without any additional research.
• Nicosia Model – the relationship between FOUR MAIN TYPES OF BUYING DECISION
consumers and sellers in four different fields. BEHAVIOR
Unsought Goods
Unsought goods are products consumers
don't consider buying, often purchased out of
fear or necessity, like life insurance or fire
extinguishers. Batteries are another example,
bought only when replacements are needed.
(B) External Factors: Here are some product mix pricing strategies: