101 Bible Stories

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from the Bible
from the Bible

Stories by
Ura Miller

Illustrations by
Gloria Oostema
Copyright ©1994 by Christian Aid Ministries, Berlin, Ohio
Revised edition ©2006

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used, reproduced, or

stored in any retrieval system, in any form or by any means, electronic
or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher except
for brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

The Bible version used in this publication is the


To obtain information or a catalog of publications, please contact:

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TGS International is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Christian Aid

Ministries, Berlin, Ohio.

This title is also available in Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish,

Haitian Creole, and German.

Library of Congress Catalog Cardnumber


ISBN 978-1-885270-47-4

Printed in China

Table of Contents


God’s Wonderful Creation 10

Adam and Eve 12
The First Sin 14
Cain Kills His Brother Abel 16
Noah—The Ark Builder 18
Tower of Babel 20
Abram and Lot 22
Abraham’s Sacrifice 24
A Wife for Isaac 26
Jacob Receives the Blessing 28
Jacob Flees from Home 30
Jacob Deceived, Wrestles with an Angel 32
Dreams with Special Messages 34
Joseph Interprets Pharoah’s Dream 36
Joseph’s Brothers Come to Egypt 38
Moses on the Nile River 40
The Burning Bush 42
Moses and Aaron Speak to Pharoah 44
The Plagues 46
The Passover 48

The Red Sea is Divided 50
God Provides Food in the Desert 52
The Ten Commandments 54
The Golden Calf 56
Aaron and Miriam’s Rebellion 58
Afraid of Giants 60
A Brazen Serpent 62
The Donkey that Talked 64
Rahab and the Spies 66
Jericho 68
Gideon 70
An Army for Gideon 72
Samson 74
Ruth 76
Rewards for Ruth 78
Samuel 80
Israel Demands a King 82
Saul Anointed 84
David—The Shepherd Boy 86
David and Goliath 88
David’s Wise Behavior 90
Jonathan and David 92
King Solomon 94
Building a Temple for God 96
Elijah 98
The Lord God or Baal? 100
Elijah Goes to Heaven 102
Naaman is Healed 104
God Delivers Israel from Famine 106
Jehoshaphat’s Singing Army 108
Esther—The Jewess 110
Haman’s Evil Plot 112
Isaiah—God’s Prophet 114
God Speaks Through Jeremiah 116
Three Faithful Boys 118
Handwriting on the Wall 120
In the Lions’ Den 122
Jonah and the Big Fish 124

Zacharias and Elisabeth 128
The Angel Gabriel Visits Mary 130
Jesus is Born in Bethlehem 132
The Shepherds and the Wisemen 134
The Boy Jesus at the Temple 136
Jesus is Baptized and Tempted 138
Jesus Begins His Ministry 140
Jesus and the Samaritan Woman 142
Jesus Cancels a Funeral 144
Miracle of the Fishes 146
Jairus’ Daughter and a Desperate Woman 148
Bartimaeus Cries Out 150
A Paralyzed Man 152
Five Loaves and Two Fishes 154
Walking on the Water 156
Zacchaeus—The Little Man 158
Quieting the Storm 160
Jesus and the Little Children 162
A Mountaintop Experience 164

Jesus Cleanses the Temple 166
The Good Samaritan 168
Jesus Teaches Love and Forgiveness 170
The Prodigal Son 172
Lazarus Raised from the Dead 174
Jesus Rides a Donkey 176
The Last Supper 178
Mansions in Heaven 180
A Night in Gethsemane 182
Jesus is Condemned 184
Jesus is Crucified 186
Jesus is Risen! 188
The Empty Tomb 190
On the Road to Emmaus 192
The Great Commission 194
Jesus Ascends to Heaven 196
The Day of Pentecost 198
Stephen—The First Martyr 200
Philip and the Ethiopian 202
The Conversion of Saul 204
Peter’s Vision 206
Peter in Prison 208
Paul and Silas in Prison 210
New Jerusalem—Heaven and Earth 212

The Old
In the Beginning

T he Holy Bible begins with God. He created the beautiful heavens above,
and the earth below for us to live on. There was a time when everything
was dark, very dark. No birds, animals, or laughter of little children were heard.
Then a voice spoke: “Let there be light!” And suddenly there was light! God
separated the light from the darkness and named them day and night. This
happened the very first day.
On the second day, God started to make a beautiful world. He divided the
water from the air. Then the blue sky appeared.
On the third day, God made dry land by gathering the waters into oceans,
streams, and rivers. He covered the plains, hills, and mountains with grass,
flowers, vines, and trees. Olives, apples, cherries, peaches, and berries grew on
trees and bushes.
On the fourth day, God put something yellow and round in the sky. It was
the sun. In the evening a glowing moon appeared, and many stars dotted the sky.
On the fifth day, there were sounds everywhere. What did God create this
day? He made birds to fly in the air and fish to swim in the water. They were all
sizes, shapes, and colors. Whales, goldfish, bluebirds, geese, and ostriches were
only a few of the many creatures He made.
On the sixth day, cattle, creeping things, and other animals were seen. God
made cows, horses, sheep, dogs, and cats, along with lions, tigers, bears, and
rabbits. It was a wonderful birthday present for the very first man whom God
also created that day. Do you know the name of this first man? In the next story,
you will read about him.
On the seventh day, God rested. He called it a Holy Day, for He had
finished all His good work.

Genesis 1; 2:1-3

God created a wonderful world.

Parents: Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by

the word of God. (Hebrews 11:3)

Children: 1. Who made all things that live?

2. Can you name some nice things that God made?
3. How many days did it take God to create the world?

The First Man and the Mother of All Living

O n the sixth day of creation, God’s world was beautiful indeed. The fields
were green, the flowers bloomed, and birds and animals roamed the forests.
But there were no people, houses, farms, or cities on the earth. No children
played under the trees. The world was ready for men and women to enjoy it.
God said, “Let us make man in our likeness. He will have a soul and be
master of all that is on the earth.”
Then God took dust from the earth and formed a man. He breathed into
him the breath of life, and the man became a living soul. God named this very
first man Adam.
To give man a home, God planted a beautiful garden in Eden with a clear
river flowing through it. Adam was to care for this garden. Then God brought
the animals to Adam and let him name each one. Adam noticed there were two
of every kind of animal.
But there was no companion for Adam in this perfect garden. God said, “It
is not good for the man to be alone. I will make someone to be with Adam and
to help him.”
God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep, then He took a rib from Adam’s
side. From the rib, God made a woman. Adam called her Eve. Adam and Eve
loved each other. They were very happy in this beautiful garden God had given
them for a home.

Genesis 1:26; 2

Adam and Eve in the beautiful Garden of Eden.

Parents: I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

(Psalm 139:14)

Children: 1. Who made Adam and Eve?

2. Who named the animals that God made?
3. In what garden did Adam and Eve live?

Cast Out of the Garden of Eden

F or a time—we do not know how long—Adam and Eve were at peace in

their beautiful garden. They talked with God as a man would talk with his
friend. They did whatever God told them to and did not know of anything evil.
Yet Adam and Eve needed to learn that they must always obey God’s
commands. God told Adam and Eve, “You may eat the fruit from all the trees
in the garden except one. If you eat the fruit of that tree, you will die.”
Now among the animals there was a serpent, or a snake. Satan, that evil spirit
who tempts us to sin, went into the serpent to tempt the woman to sin.
The serpent said to Eve, “You will not die. God knows that if you eat of the
fruit, you will become very wise and know what is good and what is evil.”
Eve listened to the serpent. She looked at the fruit, thought of how good
it would taste, and wondered if it would really make her wise. Ignoring God’s
command, she took the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to Adam, and he
also ate.
That evening when Adam and Eve heard God’s voice, they did not come to
Him as before. Fearfully they tried to hide.
Because of their disobedience, God said to Eve, “You will suffer pain and
trouble, and your husband will rule over you.” To Adam, God said, “Because
you listened to your wife when she told you to do wrong, you, too, must suffer
by toiling and sweating among thorns and thistles.” God also cursed the serpent.
Adam and Eve could not stay in their perfect garden home. God sent them
out and placed angels and a flaming sword at the entrance.

Genesis 3

Adam and Eve sent out of the garden because of disobedience.

Parents: For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so

by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
(Romans 5:19)

Children: 1. Who tempted Eve?

2. Why did Adam and Eve hide from God?
3. Who made Adam and Eve leave the garden?
The First Family

A fter Adam and Eve left the garden of Eden, God gave them a child—the
world’s first baby. They named him Cain. Then another baby was born,
whom they named Abel. Cain liked to work in the fields and raise grain and
fruit. Abel became a shepherd who enjoyed tending sheep.
Now that Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden, they could no longer
talk with God as freely as before. When they came to God, they built an altar of
stone and laid something on it as a gift to God. They burned the gift to show
that it did not belong to them anymore. Now it belonged to God whom they
could not see. They also prayed before the altar.
One day Cain and Abel each offered a gift on an altar. Cain brought fruit
and grain, and Abel brought a lamb from his flock. The lamb Abel offered was
like the Savior that God had promised: gentle, patient, and innocent. God was
pleased with the worship of Abel.
But God was not pleased with Cain’s offering. Instead of being sorry for his
sin, Cain became very angry. He did not ask God to forgive him.
One day when they were in the field together, Cain rose up and killed Abel!
So the world’s first baby grew up to be the first murderer. He killed his own
Later another son was born to Adam and Eve. They named him Seth, which
means substitute. “Now God hath given me another son, since Cain killed Abel,”
said Eve. Then people began to call on the name of the Lord.

Genesis 4

Cain and Abel each offer a gift upon an altar.

Parents: God said, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.
(Genesis 1:28)

Children: 1. What kind of work did Cain like best?

2. What did Abel sacrifice?
3. Who became very angry and killed his brother?

History’s First Boat Ride

A fter a long while, there were many people on the earth. Sad to say, they
had become very wicked. God decided to destroy them by sending a flood.
As God looked down from heaven, He saw one good man called Noah.
Because Noah was God’s friend, God told him about the flood He was going
to send. He commanded Noah to build a big ark, and told him exactly how to
do it.
No doubt the wicked people laughed at Noah for building this great boat
when there was no water for it to float on. But Noah kept right on building as
God had commanded. He believed God’s Word. Noah also preached to the
people about God and the punishment that was coming.
Finally the ark was finished, more than one hundred years later. God told
Noah to come into the ark with his family of eight. God caused animals, birds,
and creeping things to enter the ark so that some of every kind could be kept
alive. When they were all safe inside, God shut the door.
After seven days, it began to rain. It rained forty days and forty nights
without stopping. Rain fell as if it were poured out of great windows in the
heavens. Water flooded the whole earth until there was no dry ground or breath
of life left on it.
High above the earth floated the ark with Noah and his family. After many
days the water began to go down, and the ark bumped onto the mountains of
Ararat. One day Noah opened the window of the ark and sent out a dove. But
the dove came back because it could not find a dry place to stay. A week later,
Noah sent out the dove again. This time it returned with a leaf in its beak. The
water must be below the trees by now! The next time he sent out the dove, it did
not come back. Then Noah knew the earth had become dry again.
God called Noah and his family out of the ark. Noah was so thankful to
God for saving their lives that he built an altar of worship. There God formed
a beautiful rainbow in the sky. He told Noah that it was a sign of His promise
never again to destroy the earth with a flood.

Genesis 6; 7; 8; 9:1-18

Noah and his family thank God for saving their lives.

Parents: For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness:
neither shall evil dwell with thee. (Psalm 5:4)

Children: 1. Who told Noah to build an ark?

2. What was in the ark besides Noah and his family?
3. Why did God place a rainbow in the sky?

The Beginning of Different Languages

T he great flood that God had sent soon became a dim memory in the minds
of Noah’s children. Their families continued to grow until there were many
people in the world. But the thoughts of their hearts were again becoming evil.
As people traveled from the east, they found some level land. At that time all
the people spoke the same language. They said to each other, “Let us make bricks
and bake them thoroughly. Then let us build a big city with a very high tower in
it. We will make a name for ourselves so that we will never be scattered.”
They began to build the city and the tower. But the Lord came down from
heaven to see this thing, and it displeased Him very much.
God caused men to speak different languages which they had never spoken
before. The builders could not finish their city and tower because they were
not able to understand each other anymore. They stopped the work and began
spreading apart into other lands. The unfinished city was named Babel, a word
meaning confusion. Ever since that time, many languages are spoken on the earth.
As time went on, more and more people prayed to images of wood and stone
called idols. They thought these images were gods that could hear their prayers
and help them. These people did not call on the true God or know His will.
They did many evil things.
But the Lord God saw a different kind of man in the city of Ur. This man,
Abram, prayed to the Lord and always tried to do His will, even though wicked
people lived all around him. The Lord said, “Abram, go away from this place.
Leave your father’s house and go to a place that I will show you. I will bless you
and make you a blessing to others.” Abram obeyed God, even though he did
not understand.

Genesis 10; 11:1-9


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