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Education and Human Development Journal

Tahun 2023; Vol. 8 (1); ISSN. 2541-0156; e-SSN. 2599-0292; hal. 38-46
doi : 10.33086/ehdj.v8i1
Improving Science Learning Process and Outcomes in Elementary
Schools Through Contextual Teaching & Learning

Fitriani1, Wawan Krismanto2*, Usman3

Department of Elementary Teachers Education, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
1fitriani.unm@gmail.com, 2*wawan.krismanto@unm.ac.id, 3usman@unm.ac.id

Abstract: Science learning is a means for students to learn about the natural surroundings to develop an
understanding of science concepts that are contextual to their daily lives. For this reason, this study aimed
to examine the application of the contextual teaching & learning (CTL) to improve the process and
learning outcomes of science learning in grade 5 UPT SD Negeri 287 Pinrang, South Sulawesi. The
approach used is qualitative, with a class action research type. The results show that the CTL learning
model learning process changes student learning activities, interactions, and teacher teaching activities.
Changes in the learning process led to increased student learning outcomes. Teaching materials, learning
media, and worksheets that are designed with contextual settings bring significant changes to student
learning activities and have an impact on their better understanding. This study concludes that
implementing the CTL learning model can improve the process and outcomes of science learning in
grade 5 UPT SD Negeri 287 Pinrang, South Sulawesi.
Keywords: contextual learning; elementeray schools; science learning

Abstrak: Pembelajaran IPA merupakan sarana bagi siswa untuk belajar tentang alam sekitar untuk
mengembangkan pemahaman konsep IPA yang kontekstual dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Namun
pembelajaran IPA di sekolah dasar masih berorientasi pada pendalaman materi, tidak optimal dalam
mengkontekstualisasikan materi, bahkan cenderung mengarahkan siswa untuk belajar dengan hafalan.
Untuk itu penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji penerapan Contextual Teaching & Learning (CTL) untuk
meningkatkan proses dan hasil belajar materi IPA di kelas 5 UPT SD Negeri 287 Pinrang Sulawesi
Selatan. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, dengan jenis penelitian tindakan kelas. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran model pembelajaran CTL mengubah aktivitas
belajar siswa, interaksi, dan aktivitas mengajar guru. Perubahan proses pembelajaran menyebabkan
peningkatan hasil belajar siswa. Bahan ajar, media pembelajaran, dan LKS yang dirancang dengan latar
kontekstual membawa perubahan yang signifikan terhadap aktivitas belajar siswa dan berdampak pada
pemahaman mereka yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran
CTL dapat meningkatkan proses dan hasil belajar IPA di kelas 5 UPT SD Negeri 287 Pinrang Sulawesi
Kata kunci: pembelajaran IPA; pembelajaran kontekstual; sekolah dasar


Science learning in elementary schools is a curricular program that aims to develop the
competence of students' attitudes, knowledge, and skills as a basis for and strengthening
understanding of natural phenomena. Therefore science learning in elementary schools should be
closer to investigating the natural environment, solving problems, and developing skills and
decision-making. In line with this, there is an essential nature of science, namely the dimension
of the scientific process (scientific method) where, in essence, students learning science do not
know to memorize concepts. Still, they learn to discover through the scientific process by doing
hands-on and mind-on activities based on scientific methods (Susilowati 2014). Thus, students
can understand, experience, and find answers to problems about natural phenomena they
encounter daily. This is also under the spirit of the 2013 Curriculum, that learning science is

Submitted: 4 Mei 2022 Accepted: 12 Desember 2022 Published: 30 April 2023

developed scientifically, which emphasizes more aspects of the scientific process that demands
the ability of teachers to teach science based on science (Kemendikbud 2014). Referring to this
concept, science learning must be student-centered, providing opportunities for students to
develop ideas, discuss with other students, and compare their ideas with scientific concepts
through observations and experiments.
In addition, science is also one of the subjects in elementary school that studies the concept
of nature and has broad links with human life (Surahman 2017). cience learning plays an essential
role in the educational process and technological development. In addition, science learning is a
means for students to learn about themselves and the nature around them and further develop their
understanding of everyday life. To carry out an effective science learning process in elementary
schools, it is better to pay attention to (1) thinking processes; (2) creativity, all students must have
the opportunity to do various creativity; (3) student experience; (4) concept formation, in essence,
the concept is owned (Sulthon 2017). In addition, science learning should encourage students to
find out through a series of learning processes and activities, not through being told actions. One
alternative to facilitating such learning is through contextual learning designs (Pahrudin, Agus
dan Pratiwi 2019). Through this design, students are used to constructing their knowledge based
on real-world contexts that are meaningful to them. In practice, such learning familiarizes students
with conducting research activities, observing, experimenting, and gathering information from
various sources of knowledge..
However, the ideal science learning still needs to take place wholly in learning classes at the
elementary school level. One of them occurred at UPT SD Negeri 287 Pinrang, South Sulawesi.
The learning process and student learning outcomes still need to be closer to the ideal conditions
for learning science in elementary school. The results of the observations show that there are
several areas for improvement in the science learning process. Namely the need for more
optimality in connecting material with real situations of students in the learning process, not
giving real examples according to what students encounter every day, and not exploring students'
previous experiences and knowledge related to the material. This problem needs to be followed
up immediately by improving the learning process, hoping that learning outcomes will also be
encouraged to increase. Based on the literature review, one of the alternative efforts to improve
the science learning process is contextual teaching learning (CTL).
CTL is a learning process that facilitates teaching materials and activities that are close to
the real world; develops critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity in student learning
materials/activities; connects knowledge with various applications in the daily life of students;
and facilitates learning by doing (Ambrose, Davis, and Ziegler 2013; Baker, Hop, and Karandjeff
2009; Berns and Erickson 2001). In CTL, learning occurs when students need the information to
understand better the real-world context related to the material being studied so that learning
activities prioritize facilitating answering questions/research/investigations conducted by
students, and the context is directed to the real world encountered in students' daily lives. So that
learning becomes meaningful (Aydin-Ceran 2022). The contextual approach helps teachers
connect to content that students learn academically with real-world situations that students usually
experience. It inspires students to combine knowledge and their lives (Davtyan 2014). CTL
emphasizes using concepts and process skills in real-world contexts relevant to students of various
dimensions. This approach motivates students to build relationships between knowledge and its
application to their real lives (Glynn and Winter 2004).
In the context of learning science in elementary schools, several previous studies have
examined the implementation of the CTL model for learning in elementary schools. Several
studies have concluded that applying the CTL learning model to science subjects can improve
student learning outcomes (Rahmaniati and Samsudin 2023). In addition, a study shows that using
the CTL learning model to learn science in elementary school can increase student motivation
(Marta et al. 2020). Then other research also shows that applying the CTL model to learning
science can improve student learning activities (Muthoharoh, Mardiati, and Zahroul Fitriyah
2020). Based on the problems and literature review, the researchers took the initiative to conduct

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Usman Through Contextual Teaching & Learning
classroom action research, namely improving science learning process and outcomes in grade 5
UPT SD Negeri 287 Pinrang, South Sulawesi. The formulation of the research problem: 1) How
is implementing the CTL learning model in improving the learning process in grade 5 UPT SD
Negeri 287 Pinrang? 2) How can applying the CTL learning model improve student learning
outcomes in grade 5 UPT SD Negeri 287 Pinrang?.


The research was conducted in grade 5 UPT SD Negeri 287 Pinrang, South Sulawesi, with
subjects 24 students. The research design is the Classroom Action Research model developed by
Elliot (Elliott 2001). Learning improvement is designed in two cycles, and each cycle consists of
several stages: 1) planning; 2) implementation; 3) observation; and 4) reflection.
The implementation of class action in this research is by applying the steps (syntax) of CTL
learning, namely: 1) developing students' thinking to carry out more meaningful learning
activities; 2) carrying out inquiry activities for all topics taught; 3) develop curiosity through
questions; 4) creating learning communities, such as through group discussion activities, question
and answer; 5) present examples of learning through illustrations, models, and even actual media;
6) accustom children to reflect on every learning activity that has been carried out; 7) Conduct an
objective assessment, namely assessing the actual abilities of each student.
The research data collected was in the form of student learning and teacher teaching activities
which were taken using observation sheets. In addition, data on student learning outcomes were
taken through student learning outcomes tests using cognitive test instruments in the form of
multiple-choice questions. The data were then analyzed by descriptive qualitative.


Implementation of the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) in this study can be seen in
several learning components. Teaching materials, learning media, and worksheets that are
designed with contextual settings and CTL learning steps or syntax have been implemented,
namely: 1) developing students' thinking to carry out more meaningful learning activities; 2)
carrying out inquiry activities for all topics taught; 3) developing curiosity through questions; 4)
creating learning communities, such as through group discussion activities, question and answer;
5) present examples of learning through illustrations, models, and even actual media; 6) accustom
children to reflect on every learning activity that has been carried out; 7) Conduct an objective
assessment, namely assessing the actual abilities of each student.

Results of Improved Learning Cycle I

(1) Student Activity
The change after the CTL learning model was applied to cycle I was a change in student
learning activities about conduction heat transfer. This increase can be seen when the teacher
shows the learning media "Papan Peristiwa Konduksi" and students begin to be able to get
information from the learning media and start associating it with phenomena that occur in
students' daily lives. So that the understanding gained by students will last a long time because
students learn while understanding and relating it to the natural conditions of students. With
students starting to get their information through learning media, they have begun to think
critically, even though only a few do this.
Changes that occur next are in the learning interactions seen in working together in groups
when conduction heat transfer experiments. The teacher presents concrete media objects to carry
out investigations, so the teacher can present real-world situations in class and encourage students

40 Fitriani, Krismanto, Improving Science Learning Process and Outcomes in Elementary Schools
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to connect existing knowledge with application in student life. Even though only a few students
dared to convey the results of their discussion, besides that when the teacher asked questions
related to learning media, only a few students were able to answer these questions even though
they had to be guided first by the teacher. So contextual activities are only seen in group activities
for individual contextual activities yet to be seen.
The following change is the condition or atmosphere of learning in the classroom. This
condition can be seen when students focus on following step-by-step, various learning activities
about conduction heat transfer. Students are pretty calm in conducting experiments, and students
can follow the steps demonstrated by the teacher in conducting experiments so that students can
work well with groups. In addition, students have also begun to pay attention to other groups in
presenting the results of their discussions. When students start to get bored in the learning process,
the teacher gives ice breaking to build a fun learning atmosphere and rebuild student enthusiasm
for learning. Changes in the excellent learning process occur as follows: 1) students begin to be
able to analyze so that they get information through learning media; 2) Students begin to dare to
convey the results of their discussions and 3) Students begin to be able to answer questions posed
by the teacher even though they have to be guided.

(2) Teacher Activity

The changes after the CTL learning model were applied in cycle I in teacher-teaching
activities. This can be seen when the teacher starts showing the learning media "Papan Peristiwa
Konduksi" while exploring students' experiences and relating them to phenomena that occur in
students' daily lives. In addition, the teacher provides teaching materials that contain examples of
conduction heat transfer events that students in their daily lives commonly encounter. The teacher
also provides worksheets that guide students in carrying out simple experimental projects with
their groups.
However, based on the results of reflection, there are still several factors that cause the
maximum learning process not to be achieved in cycle I, including 1) The contextual learning
process is still weak; 2) class mastery still needs to be improved so that increased learning can be
more optimal; 3) there were some students who had not been able to get information through the
conduction event board learning media; 4) only a few students dare to answer the teacher's

(3) Learning Outcomes

Analysis of the results of the learning tests showed that the lowest score was 50 and the
highest score was 100, with an average value of 77.5; thus, the learning outcomes achieved by
students in cycle I were different. Before the teacher applied the CTL learning model, the
percentage of completeness scores was only 12.5%. After using the CTL learning model in cycle
I, out of 24 students, 15 students, or 62.5%, got a score of ≥75, so it was said to be complete.

Results of Improved Learning Cycle II

(1) Student Activity
Several changes have occurred in the students learning activities about convection heat
transfer. This increase can be seen when the teacher shows the learning media "Papan Peristiwa
Konveksi" and students get information from it and then relate it to phenomena that occur in
students' daily lives. Thus students learn while understanding and relating to the natural conditions
of students. When students get their information through learning media, they begin thinking
critically to make learning more meaningful. The following change is in the learning interactions
seen in contextual activities in the form of student activities finding information through learning
media and explaining examples of convection heat transfer events in their daily lives orally. With
these activities, students are facilitated to dare to appear in front of the class. Contextual
conditioning is also seen when students tell orally about convection events often found at home
in front of their group mates. Then students conduct convection heat transfer experiments using

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concrete objects such as candles, matches, and spoons. These activities are carried out to prove
simple convection events that often occur in their daily lives.

(2) Teacher Activity

Changes in the way of teaching teachers in Cycle II appeared when the teacher increased the
implementation of learning steps in lesson plans. In Cycle II, the teacher increases their contextual
activities in groups and individually. Changes in the learning process that occur include: 1) the
teacher facilitates students to be able to find information through learning media to increase
students' critical thinking by associating phenomena that occur in students' daily lives; 2) the
teacher facilitates students to carry out contextual activities so that they are seen as significant in
individual and group activities; 3) the teacher facilitates students to dare to explain orally
examples of convection heat transfer events based on students' experiences in everyday life; 4)
the teacher facilitates students to be able to answer questions given by the teacher regarding the
material studied contextually.

(3) Learning Outcomes

Changes in student learning outcomes can be seen in the results of increased student
evaluation tests. In Cycle I, the learning completeness was only 62.5%. After applying the CTL
learning model in Cycle II, 21 students had reached ≥75, so it could be said to be complete.
Analysis of the study test results shows that the lowest score is 70, and the highest is 100, with an
average score of 90.

The teacher's efforts to implement the CTL steps (syntax) have gone well in class, even
though they have to undergo a series of improvement processes in the second cycle. This
exemplary implementation is reflected in the various aspects of learning that have shown the
characteristics of CTL. The contextual attributes of the teaching materials are visible. Namely,
the teacher provides teaching materials containing examples of Perpindahan Kalor events
commonly encountered by students daily. In addition, it can be seen in the worksheet, which has
contextual characteristics. For example, the worksheet contains activities that relate the material
to the actual conditions of students so that students are expected to be able to write down and tell
examples of events that students have seen by showing events of conduction and convection heat
transfer in everyday life. In addition, students also practice conduction and convection heat
transfer events in a simple experimental project, for example, heat induction and convection
experiments. Through experimental projects, students are directed to observe a conduction and
convection heat transfer process, conclude a new concept and knowledge about this natural
phenomenon, and relate it to phenomena they encounter daily at home. Likewise, the media has
contextual characteristics, namely, containing images of conduction and convection heat transfer
that are often experienced by students daily. Then students are also given evaluation questions
about conduction and convection heat transfer in everyday life. Finally, the teacher explains the
material by providing examples such as heat transfer material in everyday life by induction and
Using a CTL-based worksheet can facilitate the learning process and help students
understand the material more easily. This is in line with the results of previous research that the
learning process with the CTL approach implemented in Student Activity Sheets can help students
more easily understand the subject matter (Fauziah and Nurita 2019). Likewise in teaching
materials, teaching materials set with the CTL approach help students understand concepts (Dewi
and Primayana 2019; Lestari, Sutiarso, and Sugilar 2022). Overall, the implementation of CTL
learning can facilitate teaching materials and activities that are close to the real world; develop
critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity in student learning materials/activities; connect

42 Fitriani, Krismanto, Improving Science Learning Process and Outcomes in Elementary Schools
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knowledge with various applications in the daily life of students; and facilitate learning by doing
(Ambrose et al. 2013; Baker, Hop, et al. 2009; Berns and Erickson 2001).
The processes and activities that have been going on are also in line with Davtyan's
explanation that instruction based on contextual learning strategies should be structured to
encourage five basic forms of learning: Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Cooperation, and
Transfer (REACT) (Davtyan 2014). Relating is a learning process experienced by students in the
context of life experiences and connecting the material being studied with that experience. In this
case, the teacher uses the strategy of connecting new perceptions with something familiar to
students, from the side of students who connect the daily events they experience with the subject
matter being studied. Experiencing is a student learning process in the context of exploratory
experiences. The learning process in students will potentially occur faster when students
experience themselves using equipment and materials and carry out active research on their own.
For example, conducting relevant experimental projects will demonstrate that the natural
phenomena they encounter are phenomena that can be explained scientifically. This step helps
them practice actions directly related to real-life phenomena with the concepts or knowledge
being studied. Applying is learning concepts and information in practical and meaningful
situations. Through a series of learning activities, students are expected to be able to apply a
concept that is being studied to their real-world experiences, especially in daily problem-solving
activities. In this case, the teacher can add explanations and motivate students by orienting a
problem that is realistic and relevant to students' lives. Cooperation is a learning process
experienced by students in the context of sharing, responding, and communicating with other
students. This is an essential strategy in CTL. Working in groups helps students share everyday
experiences relevant to the concepts being studied, solve problems, understand the concepts and
relate them to the real world. Transfer is a learning process in the context of utilizing prior
knowledge that already exists or is owned by students through their daily experiences. At this
stage, the teacher helps students explore their experiences, relate them to new scientific concepts
or knowledge and then helps students to apply them to new situations and contexts or problems
in everyday life.
This research also shows various changes in the learning process about conduction and
convection heat transfer in grade 5 UPT SD Negeri 287 Pinrang, South Sulawesi. For example,
changes in student learning activities, this increase can be seen when the teacher shows the
learning media "Papan Peristiwa Konveksi". Students get information from the learning media
and associate it with phenomena that occur in students daily lives so that the understanding gained
by students will last. With students getting their information through learning media, they begin
to think critically to make learning more meaningful. The learning process takes place naturally
in the form of student work activities and student observations that are required to be active, not
just passing on knowledge from the teacher to students. Thus learning outcomes are expected to
be more meaningful for students to solve problems, think critically, make observations and draw
conclusions (Marta et al. 2020). It was further explained that CTL learning facilitates students to
absorb lessons and capture meaning in the academic material they receive. They can associate
new information with their knowledge and experience (Ginting 2016). This also aligns with the
explanation that contextualizing science learning needs to involve utilizing students' prior
knowledge and everyday experiences as catalysts for understanding challenging and meaningful
science concepts (Rivet and Krajcik 2008).
Changes also occurred in student learning interactions after the implementation of CTL,
which was seen in students finding information through learning media and then explaining orally
by linking examples of conduction and convection heat transfer events in everyday life.
Contextual activity is also seen when students tell orally about convection events often found at
home in front of their group mates. In addition, it also appears when students carry out conduction
and convection heat transfer experiments in groups to prove simple convection events that often
occur in students' daily lives. Various forms of interaction with fellow students, teachers, media,
and experimental activities have the potential to absorb information faster and last longer in

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students' memory. This is in line with the assertion that CTL helps students connect with internal
and external contexts, 1) namely starting with the knowledge they have or past experiences, 2)
continuing with learning experiences in the classroom or the current situation, 3) re-associating
them with everyday problems with diverse learning interaction experiences. These experiences
result in a more profound understanding so that students are more likely to maintain competence
for a more extended time and can apply their knowledge to solve everyday problems in the future
(Berns and Erickson 2001). Contextualized learning has been theorized to help students
understand complex scientific ideas because the meaningful use of a problem or situation provides
students with a cognitive framework that connects their experiences with new knowledge. In this
case, the cognitive framework acts like a structure where abstract ideas can be connected with
prior understanding and fixed in long-term memory (Rivet and Krajcik 2008).
Various changes in the implementation of CTL show actual practice that contextual learning
facilitates students to 1) develop basic knowledge (understanding specific ideas or concepts), 2)
application (ability to involve this information in action), 3) integration (understanding the
relationship between the knowledge learned), the human dimension (understanding the need to 4)
interact with and understand oneself or others), and 5) promoting learning that involves student
participation at every stage. CTL was identified as a strategy that encourages active student
involvement, improving the learning process and developing scientific thinking skills (Baker,
Hope, and Karandjeff 2009). He also emphasized that CTL is a means to improve student
performance by increasing interest and motivation, developing skills and mastery of information,
increasing connectivity with peers, and accommodating various ways of learning activities
(Baker, Hope, et al. 2009). Other references assert that CTL can stimulate students' brains to
develop patterns and create meaning by connecting sensory experiences and stimuli with new
knowledge through real-life applications (Baker, Hope, et al. 2009).
Various changes in the learning process, both from the side of the teacher, students and
learning activities as described above, lead to increased student learning outcomes. Previous
research concluded that applying the CTL to science learning can improve student learning
outcomes (Nadhiroh and Efendi 2023; Rahmaniati and Samsudin 2023).


Based on the results of learning improvement, it was concluded that to improve the learning
process and student learning activities in science learning, CTL is one of the relevant alternatives.
The results of this study indicate changes and improvements during the learning process, such as
in student learning activities, learning interactions that occur and the way teachers teach. The
process of improving science learning which has an impact on improving the learning process
and student learning activities can ultimately improve student learning outcomes in grade 5 UPT
SD Negeri 287 Pinrang, South Sulawesi.
The implication is that in science learning in elementary schools, a paradigm shift is needed
from science as a concept that must be learned by rote to a concept that needs to be understood
by linking phenomena and students' daily experiences. One is through CTL, which facilitates
students' attention to think about "why do I need to study science? why is it useful? where is it
useful for me?" This understanding needs to be instilled so that children can use science to make
sense of life, see science as a tool in transferring it to situations they face in life, and have the
characteristics of developing 21st-century skills (Aydin-Ceran 2022). So it is necessary to
reconstruct the curriculum and practice of learning science in elementary schools, which aims to
close the gap between science and real life through the best and implementable methods and
strategies based on real-life contexts.

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