Child and Adolescence Development

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Child and Adolescence Development (Pred 123) MWF 8:00-9:00 By: Canillo, Mary Jelly A. To: Mrs.

Marilyn Manaig

Factors Affecting development: Parenting, Role Models, peer Groups and Interactions A. Parenting Parenting includes everything that one is going out of ones way to assist, help, listen, and do something for a child. Parenting is learned from how individuals are parented. Cobb (2001) stresses that parenting is more a matter of who one is passed on from one generation to the next. Diana Baumrind has distinguished four styles of parenting in terms of differences in parental responsiveness (refers to how sensitive, supportive the parents are.) and demandingness (parents hold high expectations for their childrens behavior and supervising their activities).

Parenting style 1. Authoritative parenting is a style that stresses self-reliance and independence. Parents maintain open communication lines with children and give reasons when instating discipline. 2. Authoritarian parenting that stresses obedience, respect for authority and traditional values. 3. Indulgent parenting characterized by show of affection, love, warmth and nurturance but with little supervision. 4. Neglectful parenting characterized by little warmth, nurturing and supervision.

B. Role Model Parents are normally served as role models for their children. It may provide both sons and daughters perceptions of men and women. Studies show that for as there is alternative child care, maternal employment does not usually have bad effects on children. Peers are also influence acquisition of knowledge behaviors. By serving as role models, children

are able to follow their actions and behave like them. What peers do are copied and followed by those who observe them. As children age, they tend to reinforce peers behaviors. To reinforce is to pay attention to anothers behavior either to praise or criticize it or to share in it. Peer influence can be both harmful and beneficial. C. Peer Group and Interactions Peer interaction provides opportunity for specific instruction and learning. This is clearly see in school games and sports competition where peers can teach each other and learn and acquire new skills together. Peer interaction also serves as a good venue for developing personal and group relationships including the sense of belonging. The peer Group has always been a source of affection, sympathy, and understanding. It is also served as setting for the achievement of independence from parents. Teen friendships are more intimate because they can share each others feelings and secrets. Teens also prefer friendship that goes for the same interests in sports, music, dance and so on. They are able to maintain their friendships through activities which contribute to a stable friendship in adolescence.

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