Flow of Fluids 6. What pressure (psi) would be indicated by gage at the pump’s
1. Soybean oil is being pumped through a uniform-diameter pipe a. 59 c. 70
at a steady mass-flow rate. A pump supplies 209.2 J/kg mass of b. 62 d. 88
fluid flowing. The entrance abs pressure in the inlet pipe to the
pump is 103.4 kN/m2. The exit section of the pipe downstream 7. A horizontal tubular type of boiler uses crude oil consisting
from the pump is 3.35 m above the entrance and the exit pressure substantially of hydrocarbons. The oil is available at 700F and has
is 172.4 kN/m2. Exit and entrance pipes are the same diameter. a specific gravity of 0.90 and viscosity of 50 cP. In actual
The fluid is in turbulent flow. Calculate the friction loss in the operation, water is fed to the boiler at a temperature 60 0F and
system. vaporized to form steam at a gauge pressure of 100 psi and 98%
a. 220.6 J/kg c. 258.9 J/kg quality of steam at a steam generation rate of 10 lb of steam per
b. 136.4 J/kg d. 101.3 J/kg lb of oil fired. The average analysis of the flue gases is as follows:
CO2 = 11%; CO = 0.5%; O2 = 6%; and N2 = 82.5%. At normal
2. Water is being pumped from an open water reservoir at the rate running rate the boiler generates 3450 lb of steam per hour. The
of 2.0 kg/s at 10oC to an open storage tank 1500 m away. The boiler water is available from a well 30 ft below the feed line and
pipe used is schedule 40, 3 1/2-in. pipe and the frictional losses the water line consists of 200 ft (total and equivalent) of 1-in
in the system are 625 J/kg. The surface of the water reservoir is standard steel pipe, what horsepower pump should be used if the
20 m above the level of the storage tank. The pump has an efficiency of the pump is only 50%? The oil feed comes from a
efficiency of 75%. What is the kW power required for the pump? reservoir under a suitable head. The feed line consists of
a. 1.1 kW c. 2.4 kW standard 3/4 in steel pipe. Calculate the Reynold number of the
b. 2.0 kW d. 1.5 kW oil.
a. 77 c. 84
3. A pipeline laid cross country carries oil at the rate of 795 m3/d. b. 53 d. 60
The pressure of the oil is 1793 kPa gage leaving pumping station
1. The pressure is 862 kPa gage at the inlet to the next pumping 8. Heavy crude oil is to be pumped below the critical velocity
station 2. The second station is 17.4 m higher than the first through ten miles horizontal piping. Determine the percentage
station. Calculate the lost work in J/kg mass oil. The oil density is saving in horsepower by preheating the oil to 1400F before
769 kg/m3. pumping at the same rate.
a. 2020 J/kg c. 2950 J/kg Data:
b. 1360 J/kg d. 1040 J/kg At 600F:
Density = 59 lb/cu ft
For numbers 4 to 6: Viscosity = 3500 cP
A solution of specific gravity of 1.25 is to be pumped at a rate of At 1400F:
50 gpm from an open storage tank to the top of an absorption Density = 58 lb/cu ft
tower. It discharges into the tower through openings equivalent in Viscosity = 200 cP
are to a standard one-inch pipe. The pressure in the tower is 10 a. 88% c. 84%
psig. The point of discharge is 80 ft above the level of the solution b. 94% d. 90%
in the storage tank. The pump intake is through a standard 2-inch
pipe, 6 ft below the level of the solution in the tank. It discharges 9. Calculate the pressure drop when 3 kg/s of sulfuric acid flows
through a 2-inch standard line at substantially the same level. The through 60 m of 25 mm pipe. Density = 1840 kg/m 3 and viscosity
friction head in the suction line is estimated to be 1.6 feet and in = 0.025 Ns/m2. Roughness is taken as 0.05 mm.
the discharge line is 9.6 feet of solution. If the pump efficiency is a. 900 kPa c. 200 kPa
70%. b. 700 kPa d. 500 kPa
4. How much horsepower must be applied to the pump shaft? 10. Water at 600F is pumped from a reservoir to the top of a
a. 3 hp c. 5 hp mountain through a 6-in sch 120 pipe at an average velocity of 12
b. 4 hp d. 6 hp ft/s. The pipe discharges into the atmosphere at a level 3000 ft
above the level in the reservoir. The pipeline itself is 4500 ft long.
5. What pressure (psi) be indicated by gage at the inlet of the If the overall efficiency of the pump and the motor driving it is 70
pump? percent and the cost of electric energy to the motor is 4 cents per
a. 5.8 c. 2.4 kW-hr, what is the hourly energy cost for pumping this water?
b. 3.9 d. 4.6 a. 3220 c. 5680
b. 3510 d. 3860
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26. What is the Reynolds number for the flow in the pipe? 32. The terminal settling velocity of a 6 mm diameter glass sphere
a. 1.3x104 c. 4.4x104 (density: 2500 kg/m3) in a viscous Newtonian liquid (density: 1500
b. 2.9x104 d. 3.8x104 kg/m3) is 100 μm/s. If the particle Reynolds number is small and
the value of acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s2, then the
27. Two pumps are dynamically similar. The first pump has a viscosity of the liquid (in Pa-s) is
diameter D and operates at a shaft speed of N at a flow rate Q, a. 300.5 c. 245.3
requiring power P and with head H. Determine the power of the b. 196.2 d. 490.5
second pump whose diameter is 3D and whose shaft speed is
2N. 33. A volcano has erupted, spewing stones, steam, and ash
a. 1 c. 36 several thousand feet into the atmosphere. After some time, the
b. 6 d. 216 particles begin to settle to the ground. Consider a nearly spherical
ash particle of diameter 60 μm, falling in air whose temperature is
–50 °C and whose pressure is 65 kPa. The density of the particle
Particle Technology is 1300 kg/m3. Estimate the terminal velocity (in m/s) of this
particle at this altitude.
28. From a crushed quartz sample the fraction less than 2 mm a. 0.22 m/s c. 0.29 m/s
had to be removed by screening. The feed sample contained 35% b. 0.17 m/s d. 0.11 m/s
of minus 2 mm material. After screening the oversize fraction
contained 10% of minus 2 mm size and the undersize contained 34. Solid spherical particles of coffee extract from a dryer having
82% of minus 2 mm size. Determine the efficiency of the screen. a diameter of 400 microns are falling through air at a temperature
a. 55% c. 74% of 422 K. The density of the particles is 1030 kg/m 3. Calculate the
b. 61% d. 89% distance of fall in 5 s. The pressure is 101.32 kPa.
a. 1.4 m c. 5.5 m
29. Calculate the sphericity of disks, h = 1.33 r. b. 4.0 m d. 7.3 m
a. 0.827 c. 0.869
b. 0.874 d. 0.853 35. Glass spheres having a diameter of 1.554x10-4 m are settling
in water in water at 293.2K. The density and viscosity of water at
30. One hundred tons per hour of a rock feed, of which 80% 293.2K are 998 kg/m3 and 1.005x10-3 Pa-s, respectively. The
passed through a mesh size of 2.54 mm, were reduced in such slurry contains 60 wt% solids and the density of glass spheres is
that 80% of the crushed product passed through a mesh size of 2467 kg/m3. The hindered settling velocity of glass sphere is
1.27 mm. The power consumption was 100 kW. If the 100 ton/hr a. 1.525x10-3 m/s c. 0.521 m/s
of the same material is similarly crushed from a mesh size of 5.08 b. 0.01525 m/s d. 5.251x10-3 m/s
mm to a mesh size of 2.54 mm, the power consumption in kW
using Bond’s law is 36. Particles of quartz having a diameter of 0.137 mm and a
a. 58 kW c. 89 kW specific gravity of 2.65 are settling in water at 293.2 K. The
b. 65 kW d. 71 kW volume fraction of the particles in the slurry mixture of quartz and
water is 0.25. Calculate the Reynolds number.
30. The power required to crush 25.3 kg/s of limestone if 80% of a. 0.21 c. 0.30
the feed passes through 0.051 m screen and 80% of the product b. 0.24 d. 0.35
passes through a 0.0032 m screen, using work index of 50.45
kJ/kg is 37. Two centrifuges rotate at the same peripheral velocity of 40
a. 198 kW c. 170 kW m/s. The first bowl has a radius of r1=50 mm and the second
b. 162 kW d. 185 kW r2=320 mm. Calculate the rev/min and the centrifugal forces
developed in each bowl.
31. A ball mill 1.2 m in diameter is being run at 0.8 Hz. It is found a. N1=6546 rpm, N2=2258, F1=4581g, F2=821g
that the mill is not working satisfactorily. Would you suggest any b. N1=7599 rpm, N2=2580, F1=3547g, F2=634g
modification in the condition of operation? c. N1=6684 rpm, N2=1670, F1=4806g, F2=951g
a. The speed of rotation should be doubled d. N1=7639 rpm, N2=1194, F1=3262g, F2=510g
b. The speed of rotation should be halved
c. The speed of rotation should be tripled 38. A centrifuge bowl is spinning at a constant 1500 rev/min. What
d. No, the speed of rotation should be the same radius bowl is needed for a force of 500 g's.
a. 0.1 m c. 0.3 m
b. 0.2 m d. 0.4 m
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39. The maximum speed of rotation of a phosphor bronze 45. The heat loss per unit area
centrifuge basket, 0.3 m diameter and 5 mm thick, when it a. 803 W/m2 c. 650 W/m2
contains a liquid of density 1000 kg/m 3 forming a layer 75 mm b. 767 W/m 2 d. 912 W/m2
thick at the wall is
a. 69 Hz c. 34 Hz
b. 56 Hz d. 43 Hz 46. The temperature at the junction of firebrick and insulting brick
a. 1115 K c. 1190 K
40. A tower having a diameter of 0.1524 m is being fluidized with b. 1071 K d. 1050 K
water at 20.2°C. The uniform spherical beads in the tower bed
have a diameter of 4.42 mm and a density of 1603 kg/m3. 47. The temperature at the junction of insulating brick and building
Estimate the minimum fluidizing velocity brick
a. 0.026 m/s c. 0.039 m/s a. 611 K c. 824 K
b. 0.015 m/s d. 0.048 m/s b. 790 K d. 589 K
For numbers 40 to 43: 48. A 50 mm diameter pipe of circular cross section and with walls
Particles having a size of 0.10 mm, a shape factor of 0.86, and a 3 mm thick is covered with two concentric layers of lagging, the
density of 1200 kg/m3 are to be fluidized using air at 25DC and inner layer having a thickness of 25 mm and a thermal
202.65 kPa abs pressure. The void fraction at minimum fluidizing conductivity of 0.08 W/m-K, and the outer layer a thickness of 40
conditions is 0.43. The bed diameter is 0.60 m and the bed mm and a thermal conductivity of 0.04 W/m-K. What is the rate of
contains 350 kg of heat loss per meter length of pipe if the temperature inside the
solids. pipe is 550 K and the outside surface temperature is 330 K?
a. 62.7 W/m c. 55.3 W/m
40. Calculate the minimum height of the fluidized bed. b. 48.9 W/m d. 71.1 W/m
a. 1.5 m c. 2.6 m
b. 1.8 m d. 2.9 m 49. A composite insulating wall has a layer of red brick and
another insulating brick, held together by an aluminum rivet of 30
41. Calculate the pressure drop at minimum fluidizing conditions. mm diameter per 0.1 m2 of the surface. The red brick layer is 100
a. 0.1958x105 Pa c. 0.2567x105 Pa mm thick, with the hot surface at 2250C, and the insulating brick
b. 0.2331x105 Pa d. 0.1212x105 Pa is 250 mm thick, with the cold surface at 370C. The thermal
conductivities of materials are: k aluminum = 203.6, k red brick =
42. Calculate the minimum velocity for fluidization. 0.93 and k insulating brick = 0.116 W/m-K. Estimate the
a. 0.004 m/s c. 0.006 m/s percentage increase in heat transfer due to the rivets.
b. 0.005 m/s d. 0.007 m/s a. 930% c. 840%
b. 660% d. 510%
43. Using 4.0 times the minimum velocity, estimate the porosity
of the bed. For numbers 50 to 51:
a. 0.5 c. 0.4 A heat exchanger is required to cool continuously 20 kg/s of water
b. 0.6 d. 0.7 from 360 K to 335 K by means of 25 kg/s of cold water, inlet
temperature 300 K. Assuming that the water velocities are such
as to give an overall coefficient of heat transfer of 2 kW/m 2-K.,
Heat Transfer assumed constant, calculate the total area of surface required.
44. Find the heat loss per unit area of surface through a brick wall 50. In a counterflow heat exchanger
0.5 m thick when the inner surface is at 400 K and the outside at a. 28 m2 c. 32 m2
310 K. The thermal conductivity of the brick may be taken as 0.7 b. 25 m2 d. 36 m2
a. 235 W/m2 c. 198 W/m2 51. In a multi-pass heat exchanger, with the cold water making
b. 211 W/m 2 d. 126 W/m2 two passes through the tubes, and the hot water making one pass
along the outside tubes.
a. 24 m2 c. 33 m2
For numbers 45 to 47: b. 36 m2 d. 29 m2
A furnace is constructed with 225 mm of firebrick, 120 mm of
insulating brick, and 225 mm of building brick. The inside
temperature is 1200 K and the outside temperature is 330 K. If
the thermal conductivities are 1.4, 0.2, and 0.7 W/m-K, calculate
the following:
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For numbers 52 to 54: 59. The Reynolds number of a gas flowing at 2.5 kg/m 2s through
52. A hydrocarbon oil of density 950 kg/m3 and specific heat a smooth pipe is 20,000. If the specific heat of the gas at constant
capacity 2.5 kJ/kg K is cooled in a heat exchanger from 363 to pressure is 1.67 kJ/kg-K, what will the heat transfer coefficient
313 K by water flowing counter currently. The temperature of the be?
water rises from 293 to 323 K. If the flowrate of the hydrocarbon a. 28.9 W/m2-K c. 13.4 W/m2-K
is 0.56 kg/s, what is the required flowrate of water? b. 33.3 W/m2-K d. 40.7 W/m2-K
a. 0.77 kg/s c. 0.48 kg/s
b. 0.56 kg/s d. 0.62 kg/s
60. By using the simple Reynolds analogy, obtain the relation
53. After plant modifications, the heat exchanger is incorrectly between the heat transfer coefficient and the mass transfer
connected so that the two streams are in co-current flow. What is coefficient for the gas phase for the absorption of a soluble
the new outlet temperature of hydrocarbon, if the overall heat component from a mixture of gases. If the heat transfer coefficient
transfer coefficient unchanged? is 100 W/m2-K, what will the mass transfer coefficient be for a gas
a. 316 K c. 336 K of specific heat capacity 1.5 kJ/kg K and density 1.5 kg/m3? The
b. 325 K d. 340 K concentration of the gas is sufficiently low for bulk flow effects to
be negligible.
54. What is the new water outlet temperature? a. 0.028 m/s c. 0.036 m/s
a. 316 K c. 336 K b. 0.044 m/s d. 0.015 m/s
b. 325 K d. 340 K
57. For a mixture of ethanol vapor and methane, predict the diffusivity
using the method of Fuller et al. method at 2 atm and 298 K.
a. 1.9x10-5 m2/s c. 3.3x10-5 m2/s
b. 2.1x10-5 m2/s d. 4.6x10-5 m2/s
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