Syllabus It Laboratory
Syllabus It Laboratory
II. Course Description: From an assumption that the students has adequate knowledge on variables, types, assignment expressions, primitive data types, the role of algorithms in the problemsolving process, basic I/O, sequence construct, selection control constructs, iteration control constructs, class and method definitions, parameter passing, the onedimensional arrays, strings and basic string processing, this course will provide additional concepts so that the students will do well as object-oriented programmers using the Java language. Discussion and Illustrations will focus on the definition of classes, access modifiers, instance variables and methods, constructors, overloading, inheritance and exception handling. In addition, the essentials of sorting and searching algorithms, two-dimensional arrays, and file(Stream) handling will be emphasized.
Review Basic syntax and semantics of a high-level language Variables, types, expressions, and assignment Primitive data types Problem solving strategies The role of algorithms in problem-solving process Conditional and iterative control structures Simple I/O Functions/Methods and parameter passing One-dimensional Array Program structure decomposition/ Modularization Records and its representation String and string processes Highlights The Java Program Structure Authoring a class Declaring instance variables Declaring static variables The access modifiers (public, private, package) Method overloading The this and the super keywords Overriding methods Superclasses and subclasses Exception Categories ( API provisions ) Catching and throwing Exceptions Dealing with objects Array of objects Insertion Sort
Selection Sort Linear Search Binary Search Other Sort and Search Techniques The two-dimensional array The File Class Reading Input from files Writing output to files Optional Graphical User Interface
Core learning outcomes: 1. Create algorithms for solving selected problems 2. Apply object-oriented programming techniques 3. Develop and understand the behaviors of programs that involves at least one defined class 4. Implement and apply basic sorting and search algorithms 5. Using input and output files to handle program data and results VII. Course Materials (Textbook, References, Manuals . . .):
Problem Solving and Programming Concepts Sparkle, Maureen, 2006 The Art of Computer Programming Knuth, Donald, 2005 Introduction to Java Programming: Comprehensive Version Liang, Daniel, 2005 Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming Van Roy, Peter, 2004 Java Software Solutions for AP Computer Science: Foundations for Program Design Lewis, John, 2004 Java Foundations: Introduction to Program Design and Data Structures Lewis, John. et. al. Pearson International Edition, 2008 VIII. Grading Policy:
University policies on attendance will be implemented. Three Periodic Grades (prelim-PG, midterm-MG, and tentative final grade-TFG) and a final grade-FG will be given to the student. Each of the subject grade for the prelims (PG), midterms (MG) and finals (TFG) is computed as 60% of Lecture grade plus 40% of Laboratory grade. The final subject grade (FG) is computed by the formula FG = (PG+MG+TFG)/3 Lecture and Laboratory grades (PG, MG and TFG) are computed based on students
scores on activities for the prelim period, midterm period, and final period respectively. The scores are proportionately rated based on a 50-100 grade scale through the formula Grade = ((Students Score)/(Perfect Score))*50+50 A PG, MG or FG that is lower than or equal to 65 is set to 65 and a PG, MG or FG that is equal to 100 is set to 99. The grade that appears on the pink grade form issued by the registrars office is final. Unless the student can present concrete evidences that the grade computation is erroneous, the final grade cannot be changed. If necessary, request for correction of grade must be done by the student, himself/herself. (The student should bring his/her compilation of his/her examination/quiz papers to the instructor when the latter is available for consultation in the faculty room. Phone calls and visits to the facultys residence by the student for the purpose of grade verification will not be entertained.) IX. Methodologies/Strategies:
Lecture Laboratory Activities Quizzes Examinations Home works Case Studies X. Other Course Policies:
(Academic Integrity) Academic Honesty Any form of cheating is not allowed in the course. A student who cheats will be given the grade 65, a failing grade, on the quiz/exam/requirement for which cheating is done. (See student handbook). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The following describes what are considered acts of cheating for the course. Opening of notes, books and the like during classroom tests regardless of whether the student was able to copy from the material or not, unless the instructor explicitly; Making glances at classmates papers/Copying from classmates paper during tests is cheating. During examinations, it is any students responsibility to guard his/her papers accessibility to his/her classmates. Any student who willfully lets her answers be copied by other students will be subjected to the same penalty as the cheaters. Using communication paraphernalia such as cellular phones, walkman, and the like during examinations is considered cheating. Copying/ sharing outputs for any homework or project is considered cheating. Writing notes on walls, chairs, floor, dress, body and the like for purposes of classroom exams.
Level 1.
Review on Basic syntax and semantics (The Java language) 2. Defining Classes 3. Exception Handling 4. Sort and Search Problems 5. Two-Dimensional Array 6. Files and Streams 7. Basics of GUI Legend: P Prelims, M Midterms, F Finals