Exam of Linear Algebra

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Adama Science and Technology University

College of AppliedNatural Sciences

Department of Applied Mathematics.
Final–exam for Discrete Mathematics (Maths2207)
Time allowed 2:45

Program: Regular

General Instruction

 Check that this booklet contains 4 parts and 5 pages including the cover page
 Any form of cheating is strictly forbidden
 Using any electronic device is not allowed
 Attempt all questions accordingly



Department-------------------Group----------- Year----------

For instructor use only!!

Part I Part I Part III PartIV Total Remark

Good Luck !!

Part I: If the statement is correct writeTrue otherwise False on the space provided.(Each worth 1 point)

1. If two non-zero vectors a and b are perpendicular then (a+b).(a-b) = 0 . ___________________

2. For any vectors a,b and c if a × b=a ×c t h en b=c .__________________________
3. The magnitude of the cross product of two vectors is always less than or equal to the product of
their magnitude. ________________________
4. If A is a square matrix such that A2=I , then A must be either I ∨−I .____________
5. If A is symmetric matrix ,then A2 is also symmetric .______________________
6. The determinant of a skew symmetric matrix of odd order is always zero.__________________
7. If the coefficient matrix of a system of linear equations is invertible the system has a unique
8. If a system of linear equations has more variables than equations , it must have infinitely many
9. A homogeneous system of linear equations always has at least one solution._________________
10. A system of linear equations cannot have exactly two distinct solutions. __________________

Part II: Choose the best answer among the given alternatives(Each 1.5 points)
1. If a and b are vectors so that |a|=3 ,|b|=4∧a . b=6 then what is the magnitude of
A. 6
B. 8
C. 6 √ 3
D. √ 27
2. If vector a and b are perpendicular, which of the following must be true?
A. |a .b|=|a|∨b∨¿
B. |a× b|=|a|∨b∨¿
C. a × b=0
D. a+ b=0
3. Which of the following is the volume of the parallelepiped formed by the non-coplanar
vectors a, b and c?
A. ¿ a . b . c∨¿
B. |a× b|.∨c∨¿
C. ¿ ( a × b ) . c∨¿
D. ( a . b ) . c
4. If A is a 3 ×3 matrix with determinants det ( A )=−2 w h at is det ( 3 A−1 ) ?

5. If A is a square matrix and AT A=I then which of the following must be true about
det ⁡( A)?
A. det ⁡( A)= 0
B. det ⁡( A)= 1
C. det ⁡( A)= -1
D. det ⁡( A)=± 1

6. Let A= (21 34) ,which of the following is the value of det ⁡( A ) ?


A. 10
B. 100
C. 25
D. 54
7. If the rank of the coefficient matrix is 3 and the rank of the augmented matrix is 4, what can
you conclude about the system?
A. Unique solution exists
B. Infinitely many solutions exist
C. No solutions
D. Exactly two solutions exist

( ) ()
1 2 −1 1
8. Let AX=B be a system of linear equations where A= 2 4 −2 and B= 2
3 6 −3 3
What can be concluded about the system?
A. It has unique solution
B. It has infinitely many solutions
C. It has no solution
D. Cannot be determined

Part III: Write the most simplified answer on the space provided()
1. Find a 2×2 matrix A=( aij ) whose entries satisfy the condition a ij=i

2. The inverse of A= (−sinθ

cosθ sinθ
cosθ )
is A−1=¿ ¿

3. If A and B are 3 ×3 matrices with det ( A )=−4∧det ( B ) =2 then det ( 2 A BT A−1 )=¿ ¿

( )
1 x+1 0
4. If 1 0 −1 is singular matrix then x=¿ ¿
1 4 x

| | | |
a b c a b c
5. If d e f =10 then find 2 g 2h 2i =¿ ¿
g h i 3 d −a 3 e−b 3 f −c
6. The equation of the plane passing through the point Q(2, −1 , 3) with normal vector
n=i+ 4 j−2 k is _____________________________
7. The unit vector in the opposite direction of a=(4 , 0 , 3) is________________________
8. The projection ofa=(3 , 4) onto b=(1 , 0) is_____________________________.

Part IV: Show all the necessary steps clearly and neatly on the space provided(Each 4

1. Find the value of k (if any) for which the system

{ x+ 2 y =7
x+ ( k 2 +1 ) y=3

a. Only one solution

b. No solution
c. Infinitely many solutions

2. For matrix A= ( 41 23)

a. find its eigenvalues

b. find its eigenvectors
c. find the matrices P , P−1∧D so t h at A=PD P−1

3. Solve the following system for x , y , z

1 2 4
+ − =1
x y z
2 3 8
+ + =0
x y z
−1 9 10
+ + =5
x y z


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