05 OfferLetter-Robinson Alexander ALVAREZ NIETO
05 OfferLetter-Robinson Alexander ALVAREZ NIETO
05 OfferLetter-Robinson Alexander ALVAREZ NIETO
Agency: Stunet
Dear Robinson Alexander ALVAREZ NIETO,
Congratulations on your successful application for enrolment with the Logic Entity Australia Pty Ltd (trading as Abbey College
Australia and Alpha English Academy) (RTO ID: 91136; CRICOS provider code: 02658G). We are pleased to offer you the
following course/s.
Detail of course as follows:
Campus Course Course Name CRICOS Course Study Period Duration Tuition First
Code Code Fee Installment
Sydney General 113173F 12 Feb 2024 - 23 Aug 2024 28 week(s) $4,320.00 $2,160.00
Rajashree Biswas
Abbey College Australia
The ESOS Act 2000 protects Australia's reputation for delivering quality education services and protects the interests of
overseas students, by setting minimum standards and providing tuition and financial assurance. More information is available
at https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2022C00066
Indemnity declaration
By signing this agreement, you agree that Logic Entity Australia Pty Ltd (trading as Abbey College Australia and Alpha English
Academy), its teachers, employees, contractors, representatives and agents shall not be liable for any damage to you (including
death, bodily injury, disability, loss, damage to property) caused by attendance at any premises owned/ leased, operated/
controlled by Logic Entity Australia Pty Ltd (trading as Abbey College Australia and Alpha English Academy).
Student Declaration
✓ I have read and accept the conditions outlined in the Enrolment Agreement.
✓ I have read and understood the policies and procedures of Logic Entity Australia Pty Ltd (trading as Abbey College
Australia and Alpha English Academy) and the Australian Government’s ESOS Framework document.
✓ I understand this acceptance constitutes a written agreement with Logic Entity Australia Pty Ltd (trading as Abbey
College Australia and Alpha English Academy) under the ESOS Act 2000 and as described under Standard 3 of the
National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018.
✓ I am aware that I must complete my studies within the time specified in my Enrolment Agreement.
✓ If I do not start my course within fourteen (14) days of the commencement date stipulated in the Enrolment Agreement,
I understand that my enrolment in this course will be cancelled. A new Enrolment Agreement with a later course
commencement date may be offered if I request one.
✓ I understand that I am responsible for the full costs of the course for which I am seeking admission, as well as my
travel, accommodation and living costs and any other cost arising from those costs.
✓ I am aware of my obligation to notify the College about any changes to current residential address, mobile number,
email address, and who to contact in emergency situations within 7 days of the change.
✓ I have read and understood my responsibilities regarding Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) and to advise of any
medical condition or disability that may interfere or limit my ability to meet the competencies of my training.
✓ I hereby allow Logic Entity Australia Pty Ltd (trading as Abbey College Australia and Alpha English Academy) to make
enquiries to the relevant providers on academic results that I obtained at other institutions.
✓ I agree to have my photograph used by Logic Entity Australia Pty Ltd (trading as Abbey College Australia and Alpha
English Academy) for promotional purposes and I understand I can withdraw this consent at any time.
✓ I understand that if I provide incorrect or incomplete information, this may result in cancellation of my enrolment.
This document ensures your consumer rights are protected under Australian law.
“This written agreement, and the right to make complaints and seek appeals of decisions and action under various
processes, does not affect the rights of the student to take action under the Australian Consumer Law, if the Australian
Consumer Law applies” nor do they circumscribe the student’s right to pursue other legal remedies.
Please follow these instructions below:
• Carefully read these Terms and Conditions of Enrolment, the Course Information Outline and the Student
Handbook to ensure you understand the expectations upon you and what you are agreeing to.
• Sign the Student Agreement section on the last page and return the total document to Logic Entity Australia Pty
Ltd (trading as Abbey College Australia and Alpha English Academy).
• Where conditions are listed, provide evidence that you have met these conditions.
• Include your enrolment fee.
By accepting the Offer from Logic Entity Australia Pty Ltd (trading as Abbey College Australia and Alpha English
Academy), the student (or where applicable a parent/guardian who signs the contract where the student is currently
under 18 but will be 18 on course commencement.) agrees to adhere to these Terms and Conditions:
Refund in case of Logic Entity Australia Pty Ltd’s (trading as Abbey College Australia and Alpha English Academy)
This applies when:
• Logic Entity Australia Pty Ltd (trading as Abbey College Australia and Alpha English Academy) fails to start to provide
the course to the student on the agreed starting day; or
• the course ceases to be provided to the student at any time after it starts but before it is completed; and the student
has not withdrawn from the course before the Logic Entity Australia Pty Ltd’s (trading as Abbey College Australia and
Alpha English Academy) default.
• Logic Entity Australia Pty Ltd (trading as Abbey College Australia and Alpha English Academy) may arrange for a
suitable alternative placement within 14 days after the default day. If the student accepts this offer of a placement,
student needs to sign an acceptance document. Alternatively, if Logic Entity Australia Pty Ltd (trading as Abbey
College Australia and Alpha English Academy) is unable to offer a suitable alternative placement or student does not
accept the alternative suitable placement chosen by the Logic Entity Australia Pty Ltd (trading as Abbey College
Australia and Alpha English Academy), then Logic Entity Australia Pty Ltd (trading as Abbey College Australia and
Alpha English Academy) will pay the refund to the student, as determined by Education Services for Overseas
Students (Calculation of Refund) Specification 2014 (https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2014L00907)
• The refund will be paid within 14 days after the default day.
• In the event, Logic Entity Australia Pty Ltd (trading as Abbey College Australia and Alpha English Academy) does not
satisfy its obligation to an affected student, TPS (Tuition Protection Service) Director will facilitate access for the student
to course placement or refund.
• Refund (if any) will be deposited into the authorised account notified by the student on Refund Application Form.
ASQA may, at any time, require a training provider to implement policies and procedures to monitor minimum attendance
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