2. Components of System Unit
2. Components of System Unit
Motherboard is the main circuit board of the system unit. It is also known as the system board or
main board. It is the most important circuit board inside the system unit. Many electronic
components are connected to motherboard and some components are built into it. Processor
chip and memory chips are
plugged (installed) into motherboard. Motherboard contains sockets or slots on which
electronic components are installed.
A processor contains small, high-speed storage locations. These storage locations are called
registers. Registers are used during program execution. They temporarily hold instructions,
data, or intermediate results of calculations. The size of these registers is 2 or 4 or 8 bytes. The
large sizes of registers increase the performance of CPU. For example, a computer having 32-
bit (4-bytes) registers means CPU can process four bytes of data at a time. A processor has
different types of registers. Each register is used for a specific purpose.
Machine Cycle
Process by which CPU obtains a
program instruction from memory,
decodes & executes it, and stores
result in memory (if necessary). Also
known as instruction cycle. CPU
performs four basic operations to take
action on each instruction of program.
These operations are fetching,
decoding, executing, and storing (if
Fetching: Control unit obtains an instruction (or data item) from memory for taking action on it
Decoding: Control unit translates instruction into signals so that computer can understand it.
Control unit analyzes the instruction to determine the type of action to be performed. Control
unit also reads any required data from main memory to be processed.
Executing: Control unit takes action on decoded instruction. After decoding instruction
and getting required data, control unit executes instruction.
Storing: Control unit may be required to store results of executed instruction in memory
(but this condition is not always required)
Temporary storage area for data, instructions, and information. It consists one or more chips
on motherboard. It is calculated in By the number of bytes available like Kilobyte (KB),
Megabyte (MB) or Gigabyte (GB) etc. There are two types of system unit memory.
Volatile memory, which loses its contents when the computers power is turned off.
Nonvolatile memory, which does not loses its content when the computers power is
turned off. Memory in a computer refers to RAM (random access memory). It consists of
memory chips that can be read and written to by the processor and other devices. It is also
called main memory or primary storage. RAM is a volatile memory. Computer respond faster in
case of high RAM capacity.
ROM (read-only memory) refers to memory chips that only can be read and used, which means
they cannot be modified. ROM is nonvolatile memory (NVM), meaning that its contents are not
lost when the computer’s power is turned off. A variation of the ROM chip, called programmable
read-only memory (PROM), is a blank chip on which you can place items permanently.
Structure of Memory:
Main memory used in a modern computer is built in the form of a chip. Chip is made of
semiconductor material. Main memory of a computer consists of thousands or millions of cells.
Each cell can store a bit (Binary digit). A bit represents 0 or 1. These cells are logically
organized into a group of 8 bits called a byte. A byte is the basic storage unit in memory. When
instructions of program and data are transferred to memory from a storage device (i.e. hard
disk), instructions and data exist in memory as bytes. Each byte exists temporarily in a specific
memory location that has an address. The address is a unique number that identifies the
location of a byte in memory.
Types of memory.
There are two types of memory:
Volatile Memory
Non-Volatile Memory
Volatile Memory:
A type of computer memory that requires continuous power (electricity) to maintain stored
information. In this type of memory, data and instructions are stored temporarily. It loses its
contents (stored information) when computer is turned off. So it is a temporary memory.
Examples are RAM, cache memory, and CPU registers.
Types of RAM
There are two Types of RAM
ROM stands for Read Only Memory. It is a memory chip in which data and instructions can be
stored permanently. ROM is a non-volatile memory. It means that its contents are not lost when
the computer is turned off. Data and instructions stored on most of the ROM chips cannot be
modified. Data and instructions stored in ROM can only be read. This is the reason why it is
called read only memory.
However, in some types of ROM chips data and instructions can be erased and reprogrammed.
Manufacturers of ROM chips often record data and instructions on ROM chips when they
manufacture chips (These ROM chips are called firmware). Mostly, ROM chip contains
instructions that help booting process of a computer. When computer is switched on,
instructions in ROM chip are automatically activated and prepare computer for use. Many other
devices also contain ROM chips. For example, a printer has a ROM chip that contains data or
information for fonts. Almost every electronic device has a ROM chip that contains information
or software about that device and controls its different operations
PROM stands for Programmable Read Only Memory. This type of ROM is initially blank. User
or manufacturer can write data or programs on it by using special devices. However, once
program or data is written on PROM chip, it cannot be changed. If there is an error in writing
program or data on PROM chip, error cannot be removed. PROM chip becomes unusable.
EPROM stands for Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. This form of ROM is also
initially blank. User or manufacturer can write a program or data on it by using special devices.
Program or data written on EPROM chip can be removed (erased) by using special devices
and ultraviolet rays. So program or data written on EPROM chip can be changed and new
data can also be added. EPROMs are generally used in devices in which information or
programs are repeatedly changed (updated).
EEPROM stands for Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. In this type of
ROM, user can write or change instructions and information with the help of electrical
devices. So data stored in this type of ROM chip can be modified easily.
Data is written into it using special devices Data is written into it using electrical devices
and ultraviolet rays