Oracle For Peoplesoft Enterprise Financials: Financial Operations Control 2.3 - Release Notes

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Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials: Financial Operations Control 2.

3 - Release Notes
Release 2.3
Part No. E14386-01

January 2009

Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials: Financial Operations Control 2.3 Release Notes Part No. E14386-01 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. If this software or related documentation is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S. Government customers are commercial computer software or commercial technical data pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, the use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation shall be subject to the restrictions and license terms set forth in the applicable Government contract, and, to the extent applicable by the terms of the Government contract, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software License (December 2007). Oracle USA, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065. This software is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications which may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy and other measures to ensure the safe use of this software. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software in dangerous applications. This software and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third party content, products and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third party content, products or services.

About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

Contents....................................................................................................................................... 1 About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3 Preface .............................................................. 2 Oracle Release Information Publications ................................................................................. 2 Additional Resources ............................................................................................................... 3 About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3............................................................................ 4 Canonical Data Model .............................................................................................................. 4 Integrated Inventory Valuation Management ........................................................................... 4 Integrated Sales Revenue Recognition.................................................................................... 5 Integrated Procure to Pay ........................................................................................................ 5 Product Enhancements for Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications 2.3........................................................................................... 5 Life Cycle Data Management ................................................................................................... 6 Enhanced Inventory Valuation ............................................................................................... 13 Timely Revenue Recognition ................................................................................................. 17 Streamlined Merchandising Procure to Pay........................................................................... 20 Drill Back and Drill Forward.................................................................................................... 23 Key Features .......................................................................................................................... 24 Participating Application Enhancements ................................................................................... 25 Oracle Retail Merchandising System 13.0.2 .......................................................................... 26 PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications 9.0 .................................................................. 26 Foundation Pack Enhancements 2.3......................................................................................... 27 EBO Enhancements............................................................................................................... 27 ODI ........................................................................................................................... 27

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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3 Preface
This preface discusses: Oracle release information publications Additional resources

Oracle Release Information Publications

This section discusses publications that provide in-depth technical and functional information about the Oracle products prior and immediately after their release. Statement of Direction Release Value Proposition Release Content Document About Document

Statement of Direction
The statement of direction is published 6 to 9 months before a release. It provides a high-level overview of the major focus of product development efforts, enabling high-level business decision makers to begin preliminary upgrade planning.

Release Value Proposition

The release value proposition provides more functional details than the statement of direction, identifies major enhancements, and articulates the expected business benefit. This document is designed to help you determine whether new product features warrant upgrading from an old release or embarking on a new implementation. With this information, you will be able to initiate preliminary budget planning and begin putting together a project team to further evaluate specific Oracle products. The release value proposition is published 3 to 6 months before a release.

Release Content Document

The Release Content Document provides a greater level of detail on new functionality than the Release Value Proposition. This added level of detail should enable project teams to answer the following questions:

What out-of-the-box functionality will change? What customizations may be affected? How will an upgrade or new implementation affect other systems?
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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

How will these changes affect the organization?

After the project team has reviewed and analyzed the release content document, business decision makers should be in the position to determine whether to allocate budget and initiate implementation plans. The Release Content Document is published approximately 1 month before a release.

About Document
The About Document contains release notes and is published at release. It validates the final scope of the release, and outlines the features and enhancements that are available with the release of each product, describing the finalized functional and technical details that will enable project teams to confirm budgets and complete implementation plans.

Additional Resources
There are many additional resources that will help your organization determine the affects of upgrading to this release. Visit the Oracle Metalink website frequently to keep apprised of ongoing changes. This table lists the types of resources that are available on Oracle Metalink: Resource User guides Navigation Top Tech Docs > Online Documentation > Applications Knowledge Home > Oracle Applications > Integrations > Applications Integration Architecture Data models Installation guides Upgrade guides Top Tech Docs > Applications Electronic Technical Reference Manuals (eTRM) Knowledge Home > Oracle Applications > Integrations > Applications Integration Architecture Knowledge Home > Oracle Applications > Integrations > Applications Integration Architecture

For all other documentation, reference:

For Training opportunities, reference:

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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3
The new features and enhancements that are included in this release are grouped by release themes, then by product area. Our goal is to help organizations leverage technology to its fullest and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of operations. Please note that the final release may not have every feature that is discussed in this document, and a specific feature may become part of a different application or have a product name that is different from those cited in this document. Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3 is focused on the following key areas: Canonical data model Integrated inventory valuation management Integrated sales revenue recognition Integrated procure to pay

Canonical Data Model

Retail businesses experience challenges in integrating data between two core participating applications: their enterprise applications suite, the source of record for this information, and their merchandising system, the key execution system for most retailers. Oracle solutions specifically provide for integrating this information to enable a common framework be utilized between the different application systems. It ensures the data consistency, visibility, and transparency. The Financial Operations Control Process Integration Pack (PIP) provides for synchronization of specific master data information: supplier, currency exchange rates, and payment terms. It also provides a feature for validating chart of accounts information This integration is based on the canonical data model. This model facilitates the communication between different data formats instead of writing translators between each format. This integration is based on a canonical model, which abstracts the participating applications from specific version implementations. An Application Integration Architecture (AIA) layer serves as a thin, intermediate layer of application software between PeopleSoft and Oracle Retail. This integration remains synchronized with the new releases of the participating applications and enables retail customers to utilize the participating software releases independent of one another on an on-going basis.

Integrated Inventory Valuation Management

Retail businesses can experience slowness in closing the financial books, challenges in managing the accounting environment, and lack visibility and transparency between two key retail operating software system assets. Oracle solutions specifically provide for integrating this information and providing two-way visibility between the application systems.

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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

Oracle Retail Merchandising System (RMS), through its Stock Ledger component, provides PeopleSoft Financial applications with the value of ending inventory at cost using the method the retailer indicates (cost method or retail method of accounting).

Integrated Sales Revenue Recognition

Retail businesses can experience delay in closing their financial books, challenges in managing their accounting environment, and lack visibility and transparency between the two key retail operating software system assets. Oracle solutions specifically provide for integrating this information and two-way visibility between the application systems. Oracle Retail Sales Audit (ReSA) provides PeopleSoft Financial applications with the cash and sales journal values summarized from the point-of-sale systems in use at the retailer.

Integrated Procure to Pay

Retail businesses can experience delay in paying their bills, challenges in managing their vendor community, and lack visibility and transparency between two key Oracle Retail operating software system assets. Oracle solutions specifically provide for integrating this information and providing two-way visibility between the application systems. Oracle Retail Invoice Matching (ReIM) provides PeopleSoft Payable with approved and matched invoices, approved debit memoranda, and approved credit note requests.

Product Enhancements for Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications 2.3
This section discusses new enhancements for the Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control and its key features. These enhancements fall into five areas: Life cycle data management Enhanced inventory valuation Timely revenue recognition Streamlined merchandising procure to pay Drill back and drill forward

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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

Life Cycle Data Management

This enhancement focuses on the reference data synchronization and validation for the initial load prior to implementation and incremental data creation and maintenance after implementation. This process synchronizes suppliers, payment terms, and currency exchange rates from the PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials system to Oracle Retail. PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials system is the source of suppliers, payment terms, and currency exchange rates. Because of the very low volume and static nature of freight terms, they are manually synchronized between the two systems. This process enables you to carry out functions with data that is shared among Oracle Retail and PeopleSoft applications throughout the life cycle of creations and updates of the data. This enhancement focuses on establishing a canonical integration layer using AIA. The products involved in this enhancement are Oracle Retail Merchandising System (RMS) and PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials applications. This diagram shows the life cycle data management:

Life cycle data management

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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

The life cycle data management includes: Currency exchange rate integration Payment term integration Suppliers information integration Chart of accounts combination validation integration

Currency Exchange Rate Integration

Currency exchange rate is the reference information used in the translation of monetary values from one currency to another. The exchange rate expresses the value of one currency in terms of another. This process integration enables you to use PeopleSoft Financials applications as an accounting engine and Oracle Retail for sales audit and stock ledger transactions and ensure currency values are preserved with appropriate currency valuation results. The process integration for currency exchange rates supports these integration flows: Load initial currency exchange rate from PeopleSoft General Ledger (GL) to RMS: Enables the loading of all currency exchange rates from PeopleSoft GL to RMS for a new instance (logical or physical) of RMS. Incremental creation and updates of currency exchange rates from PeopleSoft GL to RMS: Enables the synchronization of incremental creation and updates of the currency exchange rates from PeopleSoft GL to RMS.

This integration is not a point-to-point integration between PeopleSoft GL and RMS. An AIA layer serves as a transformation and mediation layer between PeopleSoft GL and RMS. As a part of the currency exchange rates integration, PeopleSoft GL sends the currency exchange rates to the AIA layer and the AIA layer delivers the information to RMS. The AIA layer performs message filtering, message transformation, and message routing. Additionally, it separates the participating applications from one another so that separate upgrade cycles may be utilized.

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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

This diagram illustrates the currency exchange rate integration flow:

Currency exchange rate integration flow

Payment Term Integration

In the integrated environment, PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials acts as a payables and accounting engine with RMS for supplier payment, merchandise write-offs, and prepaid adjustments. It eliminates the need for manual reentry of the reference data from PeopleSoft Payables to the RMS. This benefits the organization by reducing the labor cost of double entry and providing more accurate and effective payment of invoices, payment adjustments, and accounting records.

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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

PeopleSoft Payables is the source of valid payment terms. RMS uses payment terms to apply the correct payment terms to a supplier or purchase order and ensures correct timing of payment and application of payment term discounts. The payment terms integration synchronizes payment terms information from PeopleSoft Payables to RMS through these integration flows: Load initial payment term from PeopleSoft Payables to RMS: Enables the loading of all payment terms from PeopleSoft Payables to RMS for a new instance (logical or physical) of RMS. Incremental creation and updates of payment term from PeopleSoft Payables to RMS: Enables the synchronization of incremental creation and updates of the payment terms from PeopleSoft Payables to RMS.

This integration is not a point-to-point integration between PeopleSoft Payables and RMS. An AIA layer serves as a transformation and mediation layer between PeopleSoft Payables and RMS. As a part of the payment term integration, PeopleSoft Payables sends the payment term to the AIA layer and the AIA layer delivers the information to RMS. The AIA layer performs message filtering, message transformation, and message routing. Additionally, it separates the participating applications from one another so that separate upgrade cycles may be utilized. This diagram illustrates the payment term integration flow:

Payment term integration flow

Supplier Integration
In the integrated environment, PeopleSoft Payables acts as a payables and accounting engine, and RMS handles supplier payments, merchandise write-offs, and prepaid adjustments. Merchandise suppliers are suppliers of goods and services that the retailer sells to customers. PeopleSoft Payables and RMS require sharing of suppliers information between them. RMS requires the supplier information for several key functions including creation and management of items and purchase orders. PeopleSoft Payables requires suppliers information for supplier payment. For end-to-end business integration, same supplier usage and related information must be shared between these two systems. Between the two participating applications, PeopleSoft Payables is the source of valid suppliers (vendors in PeopleSoft Payables) and their Remit to Location and Order from Addresses, and the relationships between this supplier data and the financial business unit structure.

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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

The supplier integration synchronizes suppliers information from PeopleSoft Payables to RMS through these integration flows: Load initial suppliers from PeopleSoft Payables to RMS: Enables the loading of all active merchandise suppliers, supplier locations and their remit and order to addresses, and the relationship between the supplier data and the financial business unit structure from PeopleSoft Payables to RMS for a new instance (logical or physical) of RMS. It is a preimplementation stage. PeopleSoft suppliers must be classified as supplier and have the open for ordering attribute for the initial load. Incremental creation and updates of suppliers from PeopleSoft Payables to RMS: Enables the synchronization of incremental creation and updates of the suppliers from PeopleSoft Payables to RMS.

This integration is not a point-to-point integration between PeopleSoft Payables and RMS. An AIA layer serves as a transformation and mediation layer between PeopleSoft Payables and RMS. As a part of the supplier integration, PeopleSoft Payables sends the suppliers information to the AIA layer and the AIA layer delivers the information to RMS. The AIA layer performs message filtering, message transformation, and message routing. Because this integration is not a point-topoint integration, the vendor number (ID) in PeopleSoft is not similar to the supplier number (ID) in Oracle Retail. Even though the vendor numbers may be different in the two systems, predefined user inquiries enable rapid access to the vendor number ensuring ease of lookup. Additionally, it separates the participating applications from one another so that separate upgrade cycles may be utilized. This diagram illustrates the supplier integration flow:

Supplier integration flow

Chart of Accounts Validation Integration

This PIP does not synchronize chart of accounts from PeopleSoft General Ledger to Oracle Retail. Chart of accounts are combinations of account code segments. Because transaction types are defined and assigned combinations of code segments for proper handling of the financial impacts in Oracle Retail, the code combinations are validated by a service provided by the PeopleSoft GL. This ensures that the accounting entries generated by the transactions are valid when they are posted to PeopleSoft GL.


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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

PeopleSoft GL is the system of record for chart of accounts segment combinations. Chart of accounts ChartFields (segments) combinations are set up manually in Oracle Retail Merchandising System (RMS), Retail Invoice Matching (ReIM), and Retail Sales Audit (ReSA). This manual setup enables assignment of transaction data in sales audit, stock ledger, and invoice match to specific account codes. ReIM can also create segment combinations dynamically during the invoice match transaction processing. While creating the valid segment combinations, Oracle Retail validates each created combination individually with PeopleSoft GL. Any valid segment combination in Oracle Retail must exist as a valid combination in PeopleSoft GL. Oracle Retail publishes the segment combination to PeopleSoft GL for validation. PeopleSoft GL verifies the combination and returns the status to Oracle Retail. If the combination is valid, the combination is stored in the Oracle retail database tables. Oracle Retail sends these data for validation to PeopleSoft GL: Requesting system (RMS, ReIM, or ReSA) Set of books (GL business unit) Segment or ChartField combination values

PeopleSoft GL sends the validation status whether the combination is valid. The AIA layer copies all the other information from the original request and sends these response data to Oracle Retail: Requesting system (RMS, ReIM, or ReSA) Set of books (GL business unit) Valid segment or ChartField combination values Validation status valid or invalid

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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

This diagram shows the chart of accounts combination validation integration flow:

Chart of accounts combination validation sequence diagram


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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

Enhanced Inventory Valuation

This enhancement focuses on consolidating stock ledger information, utilizing bulk data movement for timely processing, and two-way visibility between the Accounting System and the Stock Ledger. Valuation of sellable inventory in the stores and warehouses is based on the processing of transactions for movement, pricing, costing, and sale of the inventory, which is captured and processed in the Oracle Retail Stock Ledger. These transactions include sales, shipments from warehouse to store, store receipts, store transfers, returns to vendors, price changes, stock counts, and shrinkage due to theft or damage. The Oracle Retail Stock Ledger generates accounting entries from the various types of transactions processed. Each accounting entry has a valid account code segment combinations based on the transaction type, business unit, and location (store or warehouse). The accounting entries are written to the outbound staging table as they are being generated from the Oracle Retail Stock Ledger. This process enables you to post accounting entries generated from transactions that change the value of sellable products at a retailers inventory locations (stores and warehouses) to the appropriate ledgers from Oracle Retail Merchandising stock ledger component to PeopleSoft GL. The enhanced inventory valuation enables the organization to record the financial impact of changes to sellable store and warehouse inventory. It also records the financial impact of sales and returns, cash reconciliation, and void transactions from stores. This valuation is captured and processed in the Oracle Retail Stock Ledger and subsequently transmitted to PeopleSoft GL. The products involved in this enhancement are RMS and PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials applications.

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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

This diagram illustrates the inventory valuation process:

Inventory valuation


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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

Inventory Valuation Business Process Flow

The Retail Merchandising System (RMS) rolls up all transactions to the subclass and location level for days, weeks, and months. Daily and period-based financial information is scheduled to be loaded into PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials system. RMS sends three levels of stock ledger information to PeopleSoft GL: Monthly no access to detailed reference information Daily by subclass, class, or department no access to detailed reference information. Daily by transaction

The stock ledger transactions to be loaded into PeopleSoft GL are placed on the financial staging table through the use of table triggers or batch, by means of the appropriate General Ledger account combinations (maintained in the RMS cross-reference table in Oracle Retail) and the currency exchange rates. The PeopleSoft Journal Generator loads the accounting entries from Oracle Retail and creates PeopleSoft GL journal entries. The accounting tables are referenced on the accounting entry definition defined for each type of accounting entry transaction. The Journal Generator uses new accounting entry definitions to create PeopleSoft journal entries. When the journal entries have been created by the Journal Generator, they are edited and posted similarly to the PeopleSoft subsystem journals.

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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

This diagram illustrates the inventory valuation business process flow:

Inventory valuation business process flow


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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

Timely Revenue Recognition

This enhancement enables the organization to post accounting entries generated from sales and returns transactions from the retailers stores for revenue and cash reconciliation to the appropriate ledgers. In this process, the data flows from Oracle Retail Sales Audit (ReSA) to PeopleSoft GL. This process records the financial impact of sale/return, cash reconciliation, and void transactions from stores. The revenue recognition process begins when store transactions (sales and returns) are processed by the ReSA system. For each store transaction, ReSA generates the appropriate accounting entries to be posted to PeopleSoft GL. Similar to Oracle Retail Stock Ledger, each accounting entry has a valid account code segment combinations based on the transaction type, business unit, and location (store or warehouse). The accounting entries are written to the outbound staging table as they are being generated from ReSA that is the identical staging table created by Oracle Retail Stock Ledger. This enhancement focuses on consolidating sales audit information, utilizing a service-based validation for chart of account values, and two-way visibility between the Accounting System and the ReSA system. The products involved in this enhancement are ReSA and PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials applications. This diagram illustrates the revenue recognition process:

Revenue recognition
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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

Revenue Recognition Business Process Flow

ReSA sends summarized sales audit information to PeopleSoft GL for the Cash and Sales Journal. The sales audit information includes channel sales, cash, and deposits. The ReSA Export processes select and format corrected and validated (the data are preaudited in ReSA) data from the ReSA database so that it can be sent to PeopleSoft Financials. ReSA includes programs to automatically extract the required totals data and to format it to generic data files from a financial staging table for import into PeopleSoft GL. Sales audit data from ReSA is also posted directly to the RMS stock ledger and can be integrated into PeopleSoft GL through the stock ledger to the financial staging table and the accounting entry table. Before data is imported into PeopleSoft GL, a batch process writes balanced records to the financial staging table using the appropriate General Ledger account combinations (maintained in Cross Reference tables in ReSA) and the Currency Exchange Rates. The PeopleSoft Journal Generator loads the accounting entries from Oracle Retail to PeopleSoft GL journal entries. The accounting tables are referenced on the accounting entry definition defined for each type of accounting entry transaction. The Journal Generator uses the new accounting entry definitions to create PeopleSoft journal entries. When the journal entries have been created by the PeopleSoft Journal Generator, they are edited and posted similarly to PeopleSoft subsystem journals.


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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

This diagram illustrates the revenue recognition business process flow:

Revenue recognition business process flow

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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

Streamlined Merchandising Procure to Pay

This enhancement focuses on consolidating invoice match information, and again providing twoway visibility between PeopleSoft Payables and Oracle Retail Invoice Matching (ReIM). This enhancement automates the processing of invoice payments, adjustments, and write-offs from ReIM to PeopleSoft Payables and General Ledger. Other accounting transactions are generated from ReIM to write off aged receipts that were never invoiced and to post accounting distribution for manually paid or prepaid invoices after receipt. The Merchandising Procure to Pay process begins with the ReIM application. Invoices from suppliers for retail merchandise are matched to the original purchase order (PO) for the merchandise and the receipt of the merchandise by the retailer. A proper three-way match of invoice, PO, and receipt trigger the payment authorization of the suppliers invoice. Invoices can also be authorized for payment prior to receipt of goods where prepayment is required. When the authorization for payment is generated, the appropriate accounting distribution is also generated to support the payment authorization. The payment authorizations and supporting account distribution detail are written to an outbound staging table. An Oracle Data Integrator process in the PIP extracts the payment authorizations, transforms them to the Voucher Builder format on the PeopleSoft side, and loads them to the Voucher Build staging table on PeopleSoft Payables during the daily, weekly, and monthly batch cycles. The vouchers are validated and processed by PeopleSoft Payables. In addition to the invoices for payment, you may adjust the payments to a supplier based on the trade promotional funds, quantity discounts, product placement, shipment shortage/overage, and quality of goods received. The products involved in this enhancement are ReIM and PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials applications.


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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

These diagrams show the Retail Merchandise Procure to Pay business process flow:

Retail Merchandise Procure to Pay business process flow (1 of 2)

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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

Retail Merchandise Procure to Pay business process flow diagram (2 of 2)


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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

Drill Back and Drill Forward

This PIP also provides support for both drill back and drill forward. This feature enables you to access information about the financial transactions from the integrated systems in a seamless and intuitive manner. It provides the organization an end-to-end traceability between PeopleSoft Payables and General Ledger back to RMS, ReSA, and ReIM. From PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials, you can drill back to query data from the Oracle Retail applications. The drill back is initiated from the PeopleSoft Financials User Interfaces. Similarly, from the Oracle Retail application, you can drill forward to query integrated data from PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials. This drill back and drill forward feature provides traceability from retail transactions to journal entries and from invoices to vouchers and, for both, back between Oracle Retail and PeopleSoft. This enables processes to support supplier servicing and financial auditing. The drill back and drill forward feature enables you to trace and investigate the financial transactions by: Drilling back from a journal entry in PeopleSoft GL to RMS, ReSA, and ReIM to find the source of the journal or from a voucher in PeopleSoft Payables to an invoice in ReIM. Drilling forward from RMS, ReSA, or ReIM to PeopleSoft GL and Payables for detailed information about posted transactions for a source transaction.

In this integration, the AIA layer maintains the cross-references to associate the object identifications among the RMS, ReSA, and ReIM systems and the PeopleSoft GL and Payables systems. The cross-reference is built during the processes for submission of invoices, credit notes, debit memos, and rebates in ReIM to PeopleSoft Payables. The AIA services use the cross-references to link the invoices to payments. This diagram illustrates the overall drill back and drill forward flows:

Overall flow diagram for drill back and drill forward

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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

Key Features
Here are the key features of this PIP: This integration is not a point-to-point integration between the PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials system and Oracle Retail applications. This PIP implementation is independent of version of integrated applications. An AIA layer serves as a thin, intermediate layer of application between PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials system and Oracle Retail. Importantly, this integration remains synchronized with the new releases of the participating applications. Audited transaction data is exported to the PeopleSoft Financial applications days before the traditional audit process permits. The Financials applications can use this timely data in a proactive manner, which results in increased productivity and operational efficiencies. A pre-packaged integration enables rapid deployment of the customer process and thus reduces the cost and risk associated with the integration. Total cost of ownership for Oracle and its customers is also reduced. Provides consistent supplier data. Without this synchronization, an organization cannot be served effectively. Automated processes result in increased operational efficiencies. Seamless drill back and drill forward actions between the PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials system and Oracle Retail applications. Drill back and forward capabilities enable traceability between the Oracle Retail transactions and ledger journal entries. The Oracle Retail as well as PeopleSoft users do not require any training on inquiring the specific data in either application. Use of Oracle Data Integrator to handle large volumes of transactions. Leverages the current processes and integration in Oracle Retail and PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials system.


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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

This diagram illustrates the overall process flow of the Oracle Retail to PeopleSoft Financials PIP:

Oracle Retail to PeopleSoft Financials PIP overall process flow

Participating Application Enhancements

These enhancements fall into two main areas: Oracle Retail Merchandising System 13.0.2

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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications 9.0

Oracle Retail Merchandising System 13.0.2

To support the drill back and drill forward processing, Oracle Retail Merchandising Suite has been enhanced to utilize the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BIP) for supporting the visibility to financial inquiries. This enhancement ensures the validity, consistency, and accuracy of the accounting process. A service layer is created in the Oracle Retail Merchandising Suite to sit between the Oracle Retail Merchandising System and the AIA layer for this integration. This service layer supports the following: Message-based integration for supplier and payment terms: This enhancement removes any dependency the Oracle Retail Merchandising System has from any specific financial application system product or version. Chart of accounts lookup: This enhancement provides near real-time validation of account code validations to ensure proper account coding of transactions for eventual posting to financials applications. BI Publisher reports: This enhancement enables the drill back capability from PeopleSoft applications.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications 9.0

The Software Oriented Architecture (SOA) service has been enabled for the PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial applications. This enhancement enables the PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial applications to support a common framework for accessing the chart of account values. SOA is utilized for both this process integration pack as well as for the Financial Systems Accounting Hub (FSAH). Some UI enhancements have also been made in the PeopleSoft Financial applications to support the drill back and drill forward processing. The drill back and drill forward processing initiates the request to generate the BIP reports within Oracle Retail. PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial applications 9.0 enhancements include: SOA service for chart of accounts validation: This enhancement provides a reusable (used in FSAH PIP as well) real-time validation for chart of accounts. This enhancement removes any dependency any requesting application or version has from the PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial applications. This enhancement requires an upgrade to PeopleTools Integration Broker 8.49.19 or higher. UI enhancements: This enhancement supports the drill back and drill forward processing to initiate the requests to the BIP reports within Oracle Retail. This enhancement provides visibility to the Oracle Retail system, enabling two-way visibility of the financial information across application systems.


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About Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Applications: Financial Operations Control 2.3

Foundation Pack Enhancements 2.3

These enhancements fall into two main areas: Enterprise Business Objects (EBO) enhancements Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)

For more information, about the enhancements to the foundation pack, see the release notes for Oracle AIA Foundation Pack 2.3.

EBO Enhancements
EBO enhancements include: Payment Terms EBO: Date effectivity is added in the AIA layer. This enables you to future date the appropriate payment term. Supplier Party EBO: Contact information for supplier location is added in the AIA layer. This enables you to define your supply chain in a better way.

ODI enhancements include the following changes: All bulk data movement is removed from BPEL flows and moved to ODI to enable far greater performance and scalability. Cross-reference data is generated between the supplier, payment terms, and invoice and voucher objects. This provides you traceability and scalability of the cross-referenced data.

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