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Patient.adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Handbook for Patients

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Idiopathic Scoliosis
A Handbook for Patients
Table of Contents
What is Scoliosis and Who Gets It?......................................................................... 2
Causes of AIS........................................................................................................... 2
Classification............................................................................................................ 2
Signs and Symptoms................................................................................................ 3
Diagnosis.................................................................................................................. 4
Natural History......................................................................................................... 4
Curve Progression.................................................................................................... 4
Non-Surgical Management....................................................................................... 5
Surgical Treatment.................................................................................................... 6
FAQs......................................................................................................................... 7
Glossary.................................................................................................................... 9

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis—A Handbook for Patients

What is Scoliosis and Who Gets It?
Everyone’s spine has natural curves. These curves round our shoulders and make our
lower back curve slightly inward. When viewed from the side, the upper back has a normal
roundback or kyphosis, while in the lower spine there is “swayback”, or lordosis. When
viewed from behind, a spine normally appears straight but some people have spines that
also curve from side to side and rotate. This condition of side-to-side spinal curvature is
called scoliosis. Unlike poor posture, these curves can’t be corrected simply by learning
to stand up straight. On an x-ray, the spine of a person with scoliosis looks more like an
“S” or a “C” than a straight line. (Fig 1,2)
A slight curvature may be normal. Scoliosis fig.1 fig.2

is present when the spine has one or more

abnormal curves of greater than 10-15°, as
measured on the x-ray by a physician.
In childhood, idiopathic scoliosis occurs in
both girls and boys. However, as children
enter adolescence, girls are five to eight
times more likely to have their curves
increase in size and require treatment.

Figure 2
Causes of AIS
Figure 1
Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis is a genetic condition, meaning it is inherited and a family
may have more than one member with the diagnosis. The exact reason why the spine
curves remains unknown (idiopathic). A difference in the rate of growth between the front
and back of the spine is the leading theory.

Idiopathic scoliosis is categorized based on the age at which it begins.
Early Onset
• Infantile scoliosis occurs in children 3 years of age or less.
• Juvenile scoliosis occurs in children between the ages of
4 and 9 years of age.
Late Onset
• A
 dolescent idiopathic scoliosis occurs between 10 and 17 years of age. Adult
idiopathic scoliosis is a slow increase in curvature that becan during teenage years in
an otherwise healthy individual and progresses during adult life.
• A
 dult degenerative scoliosis, also known as “de novo” scoliosis, begins in the adult
patient due to degeneration of the discs, arthritis of the adjacent facet joints and
collapse and wedging of the disc space.

2 Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis—A Handbook for Patients

Signs and Symptoms
Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis does not usually cause pain, neurological dysfunction such
as weakness or numbness in the legs, or respiratory problems (shortness of breath). Most
patients are highly functional and without any symptoms.

fig.3 fig.4 fig.5 fig.6

Most patients or parents note one or more of the following fig.7

changes in the patient’s appearance:

Chest shifted to one side (Fig 3)
Head not centered over bottom (Fig 4)
One shoulder blade more noticeable than the other (Fig 4)
Unevenness of the waist (Fig 5)
Clothes hang unevenly (Fig 6)
One shoulder higher than the other (Fig 7)
One hip higher than the other (Fig 7)
Unevenness of the front of the chest

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis—A Handbook for Patients

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis is diagnosed based upon physical examination, medical
history, including any family history of scoliosis, and full length spine radiographs. The
doctor will ask the child to bend forward, which will show any spine abnormalities. This
is called the Adams Forward Bend Test. (Fig 9) The doctor will check for other potential
causes for the scoliosis. The size of the curve is measured in degrees as an angle on an x-ray,
called the Cobb angle. (Fig10) The curve must be at least 10 degrees
to be considered scoliosis. The curve may be in the upper (proximal
thoracic), middle (main thoracic), and or lower (lumbar) spine.
What should be done? Your doctor will look at several factors to Figure 8: Standing
choose the best treatment for your scoliosis. These factors would picture of patient in
include the curve size, location of the curve in the spine, patient age Figure 9.
and how much growth the patient has left in their spine. If the child Figure 9: Adams
is still growing, this will affect treatment options. The doctor will Forward Bend test
suggest treatment individualized to each specific child’s need. Figure 10: Cobb

fig.8 fig.9 fig10

Figure 10: Cobb angle

Natural History
Most patients with mild scoliosis at skeletal maturity (the end of growth), can be assured
that they will lead a normal life. There are no specific limitations on activity, including
sports for patients with scoliosis. Female patients have typical pregnancies; concerns
that their curve will progress during this period are unproven. For those patients with
more significant curves (i.e. greater than 45-50 degrees), there is a significant likelihood
that these curves will continue to worsen, even in adulthood. As a result of a progressive
curvature, patients may experience pain, worsening appearance and a decrease in lung
function with large curves over time.

Curve Progression
Although we do not know the cause of idiopathic scoliosis we do know that curves tend
to progress based on two major factors: growth remaining in the spine and the curve size.
Idiopathic scoliosis curves can get larger during growth of the spine especially during the
rapid adolescent growth spurt. Age, the timing of the onset of menstrual periods in girls, the
status of the growth plates of the pelvis and hand are all good predictors of how much spine
growth is left. Your physician can review these parameters to estimate the risk of curve
progression in your child. Even after your child stops growing, a large curve can get worse.
Generally, curves in the thoracic spine greater than 45 or 50 degrees and lumbar curves
greater than 35 or 40 degrees will progress even into adulthood. When significant growth
remains AND the curve is larger than these thresholds, curve progression is 100 percent.

4 Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis—A Handbook for Patients

Non-Surgical Management
1. Observation: In a growing child, curves less than 25 degrees may be watched closely
for progression. Larger curves in more mature teens may also be observed. Your doctor
will make recommendations regarding the need for x-rays and how often to be seen.
2. Bracing: In the growing child, curves between 20-25˚ and 40-45˚ and for some smaller
progressive curves, your doctor may recommend a brace to try to keep the curve from
getting larger. Your doctor will advise which brace should be most effective in treating
your child’s curve.
There are many different varieties of braces and regimens for wearing (hours per day).
There are custom molded braces (Wilmington, Milwaukee), off the shelf (Boston, Fig
11), night time only (Providence (Fig 12), Charleston (Fig 13)) and a flexible brace
(Spine-cor) (Fig 14). Not all braces have been proven to be effective at this time.
Bracing will not make the spine straight and cannot always keep a curve from
increasing. However there is strong evidence that patients who wear a well constructed
brace for 13 hours or more per day will reduce the risk of progressing to surgery by
56%. Bracing can only be effective if
the child is willing to wear the brace
and there is routine follow-up with your Figures—Non-Surgical Management
physician. It is important to keep the Figure 11: Boston Brace
child involved in their normal activities Figure 12: Providence Brace
(athletics, dance, etc.), as instructed by Figure 13: Charleston Bending Brace
your doctor, to benefit the child’s overall Figure 14: Spine-cor Brace

fig.11 fig.12 fig.13 fig.14

11: Charleston Bending Brace F

3. Scoliosis Specific Exercises: Historically, physical therapy and exercises have been
supplemental components of bracing programs to maintain core strength and gain
flexibility. European based Physiotherapy Scoliosis Specific Exercises (PSSE) that
involve auto correction, elongation, and chest wall expansion with integration of the
“corrected” posture into daily life activities may be beneficial, but there is no evidence
supporting PSSE substitution of bracing in treating progressive idiopathic scoliosis.
4. Alternative treatments: An Internet search of treatments for scoliossis will offer many
sites promotoing their “cures” for scoliosis. Some of these include chiropractic, yoga,
and other forms of treatment. Although some fo these methods may help in keeping
one in better physical condition, there is no scientific proof that any of these alternative
treatments are effective in treating progressive scoliosis.

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis—A Handbook for Patients

Surgical Treatment
Surgery for scoliosis may be recommended when:
• A curve continues to worsen and there is significant growth left in the spine.
• Brace treatment has failed.
• A curve of the thoracic spine greater than 45 -50 degrees.
• A curve of the lumbar spine greater than
35-40 degrees. Figures—Surgical Treatment
Figure 15: Before surgery
Goals of surgery: Figure 16: Before surgery
• Prevent worsening of the curve. Figure 17: After posterior spinal fusion
• Correct and balance the spine safely. Figure 18: After posterior spinal fusion Figure 16: Before surgery
Figure 15: Before surgery

fig.15 fig.16 fig.17 fig.18

Figure 16: Before surgery

Figure 15: Before surgery
Figure 16: Before surgery Figure 18: After posterior spinal fusion
Figure 17: After posterior spinal fusion
Figure 15: Before surgery
• The most common surgical treatment for scoliosis is spinal fusion, also known as,
arthrodesis. In this procedure implants are attached to your spine to hold the spine in its
new corrected place until the vertebrae are fused. Implant anchors can include polyester
bands, hooks, screws and wires. These anchors are attached to rods which hold the
spine in its corrected position. The anchors and rods can be made of stainless steel,
titanium or cobalt chrome. Titanium and cobalt chrome implants will allow the patient
to have an MRI in the future if necessary. Spine implants can be attached to the front
or side of the spine (anterior spinal fusion), or the back portion of the spine (posterior
spinal fusion).
• In most cases, only a partial correction of the curve size can be completed. Sometimes
dramatic corrections can be done, but in most patients complete correction of the curve
is not possible or safe. Bone graft material is placed along the spine to help fuse the
correction. There are several choices for bone graft, and these include local bone from
the surgical area, bone taken from your pelvis, donor bone, and bone graft substitutes.
For patients undergoing surgery, a return to favorite activities afterwards is the norm.
There will usually be a recovery period, as determined by your surgeon, for several
months after surgery, followed by a gradual return to normal activities. While the
surgeries are designed to treat the curvature without need for further surgery, younger
patients who undergo this type of treatment occasionally require additional surgery as
they age. Most patients report a significant improvement in their appearance and self-
image, and report a high level of satisfaction with the results of their procedure.

6 Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis—A Handbook for Patients

Does scoliosis cause back pain?
Adolescent scoliosis should not cause back pain, although larger curves may cause
occasional discomfort. Adolescent patients with scoliosis get back pain at the same rate
as their peers without scoliosis.
Can scoliosis curves get better on their own?
In most cases, idiopathic scoliosis curves do not straighten out on their own. Many
children have slight curves that do not need treatment. In these cases, the children grow
up to lead normal lives but their small curves never go away. Curves in children who
are almost full grown may stop getting worse. If your child’s spine is still growing, it is
more likely that the curves will worsen.
What can I do to prevent my scoliosis from getting worse?
The only treatments that have been shown to affect idiopathic scoliosis are bracing and
surgery. There is no evidence in the current medical literature that physical therapy,
electrical stimulation, chiropractic care or other options have any impact on scoliosis
Is it safe for my child to exercise and participate in sports?
Children with idiopathic scoliosis can participate in any sport as long as they have no
backache associated with participation. It is always a good idea for children to stay
physically fit with exercise.
Will my child be able to live a normal life?
Yes. People who have curves that do not require surgery are able to participate in the
same activities and sports as people without scoliosis. There are rarely restrictions on
any of their activities. The same usually applies to people who have had surgery for
scoliosis. They can have the same jobs as people who have not had scoliosis surgery.
They can usually do the same sports as before surgery. They should, however, contact
their doctors before starting new activities (jobs or sports) to make sure they have no
specific restrictions.
Could I have prevented it?
Because the causes of idiopathic scoliosis are not known exactly, it is difficult to
determine how to prevent it. If idiopathic scoliosis is inherited, early screening and
treatment may prevent the curve from worsening, but the patient cannot change their
Does scoliosis run in families?
Yes, approximately 30% of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) patients have a family
history of scoliosis. There is currently a lot of research being done to investigate this
genetic or hereditary link.
Does my child’s bad posture cause the scoliosis?
No, bad posture does not cause scoliosis. The scoliosis may be the reason for your
child’s bad posture, especially if he or she tends to lean to one side.
Does a leg length difference cause or worsen the curve?
Leg length difference does not cause scoliosis. A large leg length difference can,
however, make idiopathic scoliosis appear worse. In this uncommon circumstance, a
shoe lift may be recommended.

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis—A Handbook for Patients

Do sports activities or heavy book bags cause scoliosis?
Sports activities or heavy book bags do not cause scoliosis or make a curve worse.
Heavy book bags can be related to back pain, however. If back pain is present, it is
advisable to lighten the load. Kids should carry lighter book bags with the straps
over both shoulders. The American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended that the
maximum weight of book bags be no more than 18% of the childs body weight.
How early should children be screened for scoliosis?
Scoliosis is often first detected during a regular check-up with the pediatrician.
Children can be screened at any age, although idiopathic scoliosis is more commonly
discovered during a child’s growth spurt (10 to 15 years old). The Scoliosis Research
Society recommends that girls be screened twice, at 10 and 12 years of age (grades
5 and 7), and boys once at 12 or 13 years of age (grades 8 or 9). A great deal of
controversy exists as to the benefits of school screening.
Why didn’t we notice it sooner?
In many cases, curves do not appear until the early teenage years. Small curves often
go unnoticed until a child hits a growth spurt during puberty. Because scoliosis is
rarely painful, children and their parents may not discover it until there are more
obvious signs. In addition, adolescents tend to be modest. Many girls are self conscious
and tend to wear baggy clothing. It isn’t until they wear more form-fitting clothes
(bathing suits, t-shirts) that the curves are apparent. Also, adolescents may not see their
pediatricians on a regular basis.
Is there genetic testing?
Yes, there is a genetic test to help determine whether a curve will get worse. However,
the test is currently only for a select group of children. These are Caucasian girls
between the ages of 9 and 13, with curves measuring 10 to 25 degrees. Researchers are
working on improving the test to include all ethnic groups and all ages of children.
Does bracing work?
Several research studies show that bracing for scoliosis can keep your spinal curve
from growing large enough to require surgery. A recent landmark study “Effects of
Bracing in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis” shows that bracing significantly decreased
the progression of high-risk curves to surgery. The benefit increased with longer hours
of brace wear. There are some cases, however , where the curve continues to grow
even though a brace is worn. So bracing can work, but more research is necessary to
optimize brace treatment.
Does surgery lead to permanent restrictions on activities?
No, most patients are able to return to all their favorite activities and sports. Most
patients return to non-contact sporting activities (running, weightlifting, exercises)
approximately 4 to 6 months after surgery. Before returning to all activities, including
contact sports, the spine must be fully healed. It typically takes 6 to 12 months after
surgery to obtain a solid fusion of the spine and get back to all activities.
What health problems might I have later in life as a result of scoliosis?
Problems with scoliosis later in life are related to the size and location of the curve in
the spine. In general, people with curves less than 30 degrees have the same risks for
back pain as people without scoliosis. People with larger, untreated curves (over 50 to
60 degrees) are more likely to develop back pain, particularly in the lower back.

8 Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis—A Handbook for Patients

Will having scoliosis affect my ability to bear and deliver a child?
No, it should not. There have been many studies on scoliosis and pregnancy, and
none have shown difficulties in childbearing in patients with scoliosis. There are no
increases in fetal distress, premature deliveries or problems with delivery. In addition,
pregnancy does not typically cause a significant increase in the degree of scoliosis in
an unfused spine.
Can I have an epidural in the future?
Yes, you can get an epidural as an anesthetic for delivery. Very severe curves may
be technically difficult, but epidurals might still be possible. If you have had a spinal
fusion, be sure your obstetrician and anesthesiologist know what levels of fusion have
been performed.
Will the metal detectors go off in airport security after I have rods placed in my spine?
This depends on how sensitive the detector is, but it typically does not happen. A letter
from your doctor explaining your implants may be helpful to have on hand. You may
also need to show the healed incision on your back in the rare event that the detector
goes off. For more information on this topic please visit, http://tsa.gov/traveler-

Adolescent Scoliosis - Lateral spinal curvature that appears between ten and eighteen
years of age.
Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis - Adolescent scoliosis in which the cause has not been
established. Refer to Idiopathic Scoliosis.
Adult Scoliosis - Scoliosis of any cause which is present after skeletal maturity.
Anterior Spinal Fusion - A surgical technique which involves the removal of the
intervertebral disc, and replacement with bone graft. Additional structural supports may be
placed in the disc space, such as hard (cortical) bone grafts, metal or synthetic spacers, to
maintain good spinal alignment
Apex of Scoliosis - The area of greatest curvature or displacement from the midline of the
Apical Vertebra - When referring to scoliosis, it is the vertebra with the greatest distance
from the midline and has the most rotation.
Autologous Blood - Blood collected from a person for later transfusion to that same
person. This technique is often used prior to elective surgery if blood loss is expected to
occur. This may avoid the use of bank blood from unknown donors
Autotransfusion - The practice and technique of transfusing previously drawn autologous
blood back to the same patient
Bone Graft - Human bone, which is harvested from one location in an individual
and placed in another individual (allograft bone) or in a different location in the same
individual (autogenous bone). A common place to take autogenous bone graft from is the
anterior and posterior iliac crests (the hip bones)

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis—A Handbook for Patients

Cervical Spine - Seven spinal segments (C1-C7) between the base of the skull (occiput)
and the thoracic spine. The normal cervical spine alignment is lordosis.
Compensatory Curve - In spinal deformity, a secondary curve located above or below the
structural curvature, which develops in order to maintain normal body alignment.
Decompensation - In scoliosis, this refers to loss of spinal balance when the thoracic cage
is not centered over the pelvis.
Double curve - Two lateral curvatures (scoliosis) in the same spine.
Double major curve - Describes a scoliosis in which there are two structural curves
which are usually of equal size.
Double thoracic curve - A scoliosis with a structural upper thoracic curve, as well as a
larger, more deforming lower thoracic curve and a relatively non-structural lumbar curve.
Fusion - The uniting of two or more bony segments.
Hysterical scoliosis - A non-structural deformity of the spine that develops as a
manifestation of a psychological disorder.
Idiopathic scoliosis - A structural spinal curvature for which the cause has not been
established. There is no evidence of underlying physical or radiographic pathology. This is
the most common type of scoliosis.
Inclinometer - An instrument used to measure the angle of thoracic (rib) or lumbar (flank)
prominence, referred to as the angle of trunk rotation (ATR).
Iliac Bone - A part of the pelvic bone that is above the hip joint and from which
autogenous bone grafts are frequently obtained
Infantile scoliosis - A curvature of the spine that develops before three years of age
Juvenile scoliosis - Scoliosis developing between the ages of three and ten years
Kyphoscoliosis - A structural scoliosis associated with increased kyphosis (roundback).
Kyphosis - The normal forward curvature of the thoracic spine. A posterior convex
angulation of the spine as evaluated from the side (roundback). Contrast to lordosis.
Lordoscoliosis - A lateral curvature of the spine associated with increased lordosis
Lordosis - The normal mild anterior angulation (swayback) of the lumbar spine as
evaluated from the side. Contrast to kyphosis.
Lumbar Curve - A spinal curvature whose apex is between the first and fourth lumbar
vertebrae (also known as lumbar scoliosis).
Lumbar Spine - Five mobile segments of the lower back (L1 to L5). These are the largest
of the vertebral segments and provide most of the bending and turning ability of the back,
in addition to bearing most of the weight of the body.
Lumbosacral - Pertaining to the lumbar and sacral regions of the back.

10 Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis—A Handbook for Patients

Lumbosacral Curve - A lateral curvature with its apex at the fifth lumbar vertebra or
below (also known as lumbosacral scoliosis).
Nonstructural curve – description of a spinal curvature or scoliosis that does not have
fixed residual deformity when checking the curve’s flexibility
Osteotomy - The surgical removal of a wedge or piece of vertebral bone to alter the
alignment of the spine; may also be used in previously fused vertebrae to enable the
surgeon to move them.
Pedicle - The part of each side of the neural arch of a vertebra which projects backward
from the vertebral body. It connects the lamina with the vertebral body.
Posterior Spinal Fusion - A surgical technique which involves roughening or removing
the hard bony surfaces (decortication) of the lamina(e), spinous processes, and facet
joints, to stimulate two or more spinal bones (vertebrae) to heal together (fusion). Bone
grafting with autogenous and/ or allograft bone is used to enhance the fusion process.
Instrumentation (implants) may also be used
Primary Curve - The first, or earliest, curve to appear
Pseudarthrosis - An area of the spinal fusion where the bone did not heal (fuse). Often
found with broken instrumentation and, in some instances increased pain, although not
Risser Sign - Used to evaluate skeletal and spinal maturity, this refers to the appearance of
a crescent-shaped line of bone formation which appears across the top of each side of the
pelvis on plain x-ray.
Sacral Spine - (Sacrum) - The curved triangular bone at the base of the spine, consisting
of five fused segments of the lower spine that have four foramen on each side. The sacrum
articulates (connects) with the last lumbar vertebra and laterally with the pelvic bones
Scoliometer - A proprietary name for an inclinometer used in measuring trunk rotation.
Scoliosis - Lateral deviation of the normal vertical line of the spine which, when measured
by x-ray, is greater than ten degrees. Scoliosis consists of a lateral curvature of the spine
with rotation of the vertebrae within the curve. Rotation of the vertebrae also occurs which
produces the rib cage and flank muscle asymmetry.
Spinal Canal - The long canal between the vertebral bodies anteriorly and the lamina and
spinous processes posteriorly through which the spinal cord passes. The spinal cord and
nerve roots extend to the level of the second lumbar segment in adults. Below this level
are numerous nerve roots from the spinal cord that resemble a horse’s tail and is referred
to as such (cauda equina). The thick outer covering of the spinal cord is called the dura.
Spinal Fusion - A surgical procedure of stabilizing (permanently join to prevent motion)
two or more vertebra by bone grafting. Can be done from the front (anterior), back
(posterior), or as a staged procedure (first anterior and then posterior), usually with
Spinal Instrumentation - Metal implants fixed to the spine to improve spinal deformity
while the fusion solidifies (becomes solid bone). This includes a wide variety of rods,
hooks, wires, and screws used in various combinations

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis—A Handbook for Patients

Structural Curve - A segment of the spine that has fixed (nonflexible) lateral curvature.
Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine - Twelve spinal segments (T1-T12) incorporating the 12 ribs of
the thorax. Other than a slight increase in size from top to bottom, they are fairly uniform
in appearance.
Thoracic Curvature - Any spinal curvature in which the apex of the curve is between the
second and eleventh thoracic vertebrae.
Thoracolumbar Curve - Any spinal curvature that has its apex at the twelfth thoracic or
first lumbar vertebra.
Thoracolumbosacral Orthosis (TLSO) - A type of brace immobilizing the thoracic
lumbar and sacral spine. This may be used to help stabilize/ prevent progression of
scoliosis curve(s) while a child is growing, or to immobilize the spine after surgery.
Vertebra - One of the 33 bones of the spinal column. A cervical, thoracic, or lumbar
vertebra has a cylindrically shaped body anteriorly and a neural arch posteriorly
(composed primarily of the laminae and pedicles as well as the other structures in the
posterior aspect of the vertebra) that protect the spinal cord. The plural of vertebra is
Vertebral Column - The flexible supporting column of vertebrae separated by discs and
bound together by ligaments.

12 Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis—A Handbook for Patients

Your support can change the lives of others with spinal deformities
Please consider a donation to SRS.
100 percent of all contributions and donations to the Scoliosis Research Society’s (SRS)
Research, Education Outreach (REO) Fund are used entirely for research, outreach
programs, and educational scholarships and fellowships seeking improved treatments, the
causes and possible prevention of spinal deformities. Operating funds for SRS come from
membership dues, educational meetings and courses, publication sales and other sources.
With your support, SRS can continue to support and offer necessary educational
opportunities, beneficial research grants and maintain effective advocacy efforts that will
change the lives of those living with spinal deformities.
If you would like to make a donation to the Scoliosis Research Society, please fill out the
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Scoliosis Research Society
555 East Wells Street, Suite 1100
Milwaukee, WI 53202-3823 USA
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Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis—A Handbook for Patients

14 Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis—A Handbook for Patients
Contributing to the REO Fund
Thank you for considering a donation to the Scoliosis Research
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can be achieved over a lifetime. Recognizing that donors based in
the U.S. receive significant tax benefits for charitable donations;
corresponding recognition levels have been established for
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CONTRIBUTING $100 - $4999 $50 - $2499
SUSTAINING $5000-$9999 $2500-$4999
BENEFACTOR $10,000-19,999 $5000-$9999
PRESIDENTS $20,000-$39,999 $10,000-$19,999
PRESIDENTS ELITE $40,000-$99,999 $20,000-$49,999
FOUNDERS $100,000-$499,999 $50,000-$249,999
LEGENDS $500,000-$999,999 $250,000-$499,999
LEGENDS ELITE $1 Million or more $500,000 or more

Pledges can be spread over a maximum of five years per level. For example, members
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Individual gifts can be made at any time, in any denomination and will accumulate over
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Deferred giving A U.S. life insurance gift of $100,000 will earn the donor a place in the
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The SRS is a 501(c)(3) organization, tax identification # 23-7181863. Your gift to the SRS
REO fund is fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis—A Handbook for Patients

Other brochures available through the Scoliosis Research Society

Spinal Screening
Deformity: Procedure
Scoliosis and Guidelines for
Kyphosis Spinal Deformity
A Handbook for Scoliosis and
Patients Kyphosis
12-page brochure Recommendations
discusses signs for Examiners
and causes 7-page brochure
of scoliosis covers reasons,
and kyphosis, organization and
indications procedures for
for treatment, spinal screening.
treatment options, Signs of spinal
commonly asked deformity, as seen
questions and a in both standing
glossary of terms. and forward
Illustrated. bending positions,
are illustrated
and discussed.
Includes sample
screening form.

Spinal Aging Spine

Deformity: A Handbook for
Congenital Patients
Scoliosis and An 8-page
Kyphosis brochure
A Handbook discusses causes
for Patients and and treatments
Parents of osteoporosis
12-page brochure and compression
discusses signs fractures, and
and causes of osteoarthritis and
congenital spinal other degenerative
deformities, conditions of the
associated spine.
treatment options,
and a glossary of
terms. Illustrated.

To order additional brochures please contact: info@srs.org

16 Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis—A Handbook for Patients

Scoliosis Research Society
555 East Wells Street, Suite 1100
Milwaukee, WI 53202-3823 USA

Phone: (414) 289-9107

Fax: (414) 276-3349
Email: info@srs.org
Web: srs.org

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