Pile Group Settlement Estimation - HG Poulos

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The paper discusses the evolution of settlement analysis methods for pile groups from empirical to sophisticated numerical methods. It also reviews the transition from research to practice and importance of assessing key geotechnical parameters.

Some methods discussed are: interaction factor method, modification of single pile load-settlement curve, settlement ratio method, equivalent raft method, equivalent pier method, and numerical methods like finite element/difference.

The interaction factor method employs the concept of interaction factors and superposition principle. It calculates settlement of each pile based on load transfer between piles through interaction factors.

Pile Group Settlement Estimation Research To Practice H. G.


Abstract This paper reviews the evolution of settlement analysis for pile groups, and the transition from research to practice over the past 30 to 40 years. The gradual incorporation of important aspects of reality is reviewed and it is shown that recent research has enabled complex practical problems to now be examined in a systematic, albeit approximate, manner. The significance of various parameters is reviewed and suggestions are given regarding appropriate methods of preliminary and detailed analysis, and of methods whereby the key geotechnical parameters may be assessed. The pitfalls of inappropriate application of theoretical research to practice are illustrated by examples. Introduction Many methods exist for estimating the settlement of pile foundations, ranging from empirical methods, through simple hand calculation methods, to sophisticated numerical finite element and finite difference analyses. This paper will attempt to trace the development of rational methods of estimating pile group settlements, and will focus on an approach which considers pile-soil interaction in a proper manner, although it may involve approximations in relation to the modeling of the soil. Attention will be concentrated on the relationship between the settlement of a group and that of a single pile. Brief consideration will also be given to the settlement of piled raft foundations, and to the applicability of simpler methods of analysis. The importance of appropriate estimation of geotechnical parameters will be emphasized, and finally, it will be demonstrated that misleading results can arise from imprudent application of group settlement analysis. In this way, an attempt will be made to narrow some of the gaps that have developed between research and practice.

Senior Principal, Coffey Geosciences, 8/12 Mars Rd., Lane Cove West, NSW 2066, Australia. Ph.: +612 9911 1000; Fax: +612 9911 1001; email: [email protected]

Methods of Pile Group Settlement Analysis It is now well recognized that the settlement of a pile group can differ significantly from that of a single pile at the same average load level. There are a number of approaches commonly adopted for the estimation of the settlement of pile groups: Methods which employ the concept of interaction factors and the principle of superposition (e.g. Poulos and Davis, 1980); Methods which involve the modification of a single pile load-settlement curve, to take account of group interaction effects; The settlement ratio method, in which the settlement of a single pile at the average load level is multiplied by a group settlement ratio Rs, which reflects the effects of group interaction; The equivalent raft method, in which the pile group is represented by an equivalent raft acting at some characteristic depth along the piles; The equivalent pier method, in which the pile group is represented by a pier containing the piles and the soil between them. The pier is treated as a single pile of equivalent stiffness in order to compute the average settlement of the group. Numerical methods such as the finite element method and the finite difference method (such as FLAC). While earlier work employed two-dimensional analyses, it is now less uncommon for full three-dimensional analyses to be employed (e.g., Katzenbach et al., 1998). In the following section, the interaction factor method of analysis will be described briefly, and then some developments will be discussed with respect to the earlier application of the interaction factor method. The Interaction Factor Method For Pile Groups One of the common means of analyzing pile group behaviour is via the interaction factor method described by Poulos and Davis (1980). In this method, referring to Figure 1, the settlement wi of a pile i within a group of n piles is given as follows:
n w = (P S ) i j = l av 1 ij


where Pav = average load on a pile within the group; S1 = settlement of a single pile under unit load (i.e., the pile flexibility); ij = interaction factor for pile i due to any other pile (j) within the group, corresponding to the spacing sij between piles i and j. Eq. 1 can be written for each pile in the group, thus giving a total of n equations, which together with the equilibrium equation, can be solved for two simple cases: 1. Known load on each pile, in which case the settlement of each pile can be computed directly. In this case, there will usually be differential settlements among the piles in the group. 2. A rigid (non-rotating) pile cap, in which case all piles settle equally. In this case, there will be a uniform settlement but a non-uniform distribution of load in the piles.

In the original approach, the interaction factors were computed from boundary element analysis and plotted in graphical form. They usually took the form of plots of interaction factor versus the ratio of pile spacing to diameter (s/d). Also, the interaction factors were applied to the total flexibility S1 of the pile, including both elastic and non-elastic components of the single pile settlement.

Pile i sij Pile j

Plan of pile group

Figure 1. Superposition via the Interaction Factor Method In recent years, simplified or closed-form expressions for the interaction factors have been developed, thus enabling a simpler computer analysis of group settlement behaviour to be carried out. For example, Mandolini and Viggiani (1997) have developed the following simplified expressions for the interaction factor, in one of the following forms: = A (s/d) B = {C + D ln (s/d)} (2a) (2b)

where A,B,C,D = fitting parameters. For four typical field cases analyzed by Mandolini and Viggiani, the values of A ranged between 0.57 and 0.98, while the range of B was 0.60 to 1.20. For one other case, values of C= 1.0 and D = -0.26 were computed. They also assumed that no interaction occurred beyond a certain limiting value of pile spacing. Some Developments in the Interaction Factor Method, and Practical Implications The original interaction factors published by Poulos (1968) were based on the assumption that the soil was a homogeneous elastic medium, having a constant modulus with depth. This was clearly a great simplification of reality, and in subsequent years, some significant improvements and extensions have been made to the original interaction factor method, among the most important being: 1. The consideration of non-uniform soil modulus with depth; 2. The consideration of the influence of the bearing stratum on which the pile is founded;

3. The consideration of the fact that the soil between the piles may be stiffer than at the pile-soil interface, because of the small strain levels existing between the piles; 4. Consideration of the interaction between two dissimilar piles; 5. The effect of compressible underlying layers; 6. The application of the interaction factor to only the elastic component of the single pile flexibility (e.g., Randolph, 1994), and the consequent incorporation of nonlinearity of single pile response within the interaction factor for the effect of a pile on itself (Mandolini and Viggiani, 1997). The significance of these developments is reviewed below. For consistency, the general case illustrated in Figure 2 will be considered. This involves a simplified but realistic situation in which piles are driven through a less competent layer on to a stiffer bearing stratum.


STANDARD VALUES: E1 fS1 d = 0.75m E2 fb2 E1 = 25 MPa E1 = 100 MPa fS1 = 60 kPa fb2 = 4 MPa Epile = 30 000 MPa

L = 25m

Figure 2. Simplified Case Analysed Influence of Non-Homogeneity of the Soil Layer. Figure 3 compares relationships between interaction factor and s/d for three cases: a homogeneous soil layer with a constant modulus Es with depth, a soil where the surface modulus is 3 times that at the base, and a non-homogeneous soil layer whose modulus varies linearly with depth from zero at the surface (a Gibson soil), but which has the same average modulus as the uniform layer. It can be seen that the interaction factor for the nonhomogeneous soil layers is less than that for the uniform layer, thus implying that, if the value of for a uniform layer is applied to a non-uniform layer, the group settlement may be over-estimated. Influence of the Stiffness of the Bearing Stratum. Figure 4 shows an example of the effect of the stiffness of the bearing stratum Es2 as a multiple of that of the overlying

soil, Es1. It can be seen that reduces as the stiffness of the bearing stratum (relative to that of the soil) increases. Thus, the presence of a hard layer at the base of a soil layer can substantially reduce the interaction factor and damp out its effect at relatively small pile spacings. The use of solutions for a deep layer may thus lead to significant over-estimates of pile interactions and hence, pile group settlements. Mylonakis and Gazetas 1998) and Guo and Randolph (1999) have developed closedform expressions for the interaction factor, in which the important effect of the finite thickness of a soil layer can be taken into account. It should be noted that Mylonakis and Gazetas (1998) have also considered the issue of a stiffer bearing stratum and the reinforcing effect of the piles themselves, and have introduced a diffraction factor by which the conventional interaction factor should be corrected. Details are also given by Randolph (2003) who describes this work as a seminal advance.


Eso/EsL=3 Interaction Factor





0 0 5 10 15 20 25

Spacing / Diameter

Figure 3. Influence of Soil Modulus Distribution on Interaction Factors



Interaction Factor


Es2/Es1=1 Es2/Es1=2 Es2/Es1=4 Es2/Es1=10 Es2/Es1=100




0 0 5 10 15 20 25

Spacing / Diameter

Figure 4. Influence of Bearing Stratum Stiffness on Interaction Factors

Influence of Stiffer Soil Between the Piles. It is now well-recognized that the stiffness or modulus of a soil mass decreases with increasing strain level. For a group of piles, it would be expected that the strain level will increase as the pile-soil interface is approached, and thus, the stiffness of the soil at the pile-soil interface is smaller than that between the piles at some distance from the pile shafts. By assuming very simplified distributions of the soil modulus with distance from the pile shafts, Poulos (1988) demonstrated that the presence of the stiffer soil between the piles can lead to a significant reduction in the interaction factor between two piles, while Poulos (1989) has demonstrated that such an approach can give more satisfactory agreement with the results of field tests on a pile group in clay (ONeill et al, 1982). This issue will be pursued later in this paper in relation to a case study. Influence of Dissimilar Piles. When dealing with piles of different length or diameter, the approximations developed by Hewitt (1988) have been employed. These may be summarized as follows: (a) For piles i and j of different diameter: ij jj (b) For piles i and j of different length: For Li > Lj, For Li < Lj, where ij ( ii + jj )/2 ij jj (4a) (4b) (3)

Li and Lj = length of influenced pile i and influencing pile j respectively ii = interaction factor for 2 piles of length Li jj = interaction factor for 2 piles of length Lj . It must be emphasized that these approximations may not always be accurate, especially if the two piles being considered are of different length and diameter, or if there are great differences in the length and diameter of the two piles. More detailed approximations have been presented by Randolph (2003) for piles of the same length but different diameters, and by Wong (2003) for a variety of cases involving different pile lengths, diameters and founding conditions.

The effects of compressible underlying layers. It has been recognized for some time that the presence of soft compressible layers below the pile tips can result in substantial increases in the settlement of a pile group, despite the fact that the settlement of a single pile may be largely unaffected by the compressible layers. Some examples of such experiences include the chimney foundation reported by Golder and Osler (1968) and the 14 storey building described by Peaker (1984). Poulos et al (2002) and Poulos (2005) have shown that, as might be expected, the larger the group (and therefore the width of the pile group), the greater is the effect of the underlying compressible layer on settlement. It is clear that if the

presence of such compressible layers is either not identified, or is ignored, the pile group settlements can be several times those which would be predicted for the group bearing on a continuous competent stratum. Conversely, if proper account is not taken of stiffer layers below the pile tip, or the increase in soil/rock stiffness with decreasing strain level, then group settlements can be over-estimated. This issue will be discussed further in relation to the case studies described later in this paper. Influence of Applying Interaction Factors to only the Elastic Components of Settlement of Adjacent Piles. Mandolini and Viggiani (1997) and Randolph (1994) have argued that the interaction factor should only be applied to the elastic component of settlement of an adjacent pile, since the plastic component of settlement is due to a localized phenomenon and is not transmitted to the adjacent piles. In this case, the settlement of a pile i in the group is then given by:
n w = (P S ) i j = l av 1e ij


where S1e is the elastic flexibility of the pile. By further assuming that the load-settlement behaviour of the pile is hyperbolic, Mandolini and Viggiani (1997) express the interaction factor, ii, for a pile i due to its own load as:

ii = 1 /(1 R f P / Pu ) q


where Rf = hyperbolic factor (taken as unity); P = load on pile i; Pu = ultimate load capacity of pile i; q = analysis exponent = 2 for incremental non-linear analysis and 1 for equivalent linear analysis. Figure 5 shows computed load-settlement curves for a 16-pile group subjected to axial loading. Two cases are shown: 1. For interaction factors applied to the total settlement of each pile; 2. For interaction factors applied only to the elastic (recoverable) component of settlement of each pile. It can be seen that the settlement in the first case is greater than that from the second approach, and that the difference is considerably increased as the applied load increases. It would appear desirable to employ the approach suggested by Mandolini and Viggiani (1997) and Mandolini et al (2005), as their work indicates that better agreement with measured group behaviour when Eqs. 4 and 5 are used than when the traditional approach (Eq. 1) is used. Incorporation Of Ground Movements And Pile Cap Rotation There are a number of cases in which a pile group will be subjected to uneven loading and to the effects of externally-imposed ground movements. In such cases, account must be taken of the influence of the ground movements on the group settlement and also of the effects of the rotation of the pile cap. As shown by (Poulos, 2002), use can again be made (albeit approximately) of the interaction factor method of pile group analysis. Assuming that the connection of the piles to the pile cap is effectively

pinned, the increment in settlement of a typical pile i in the group can be expressed as follows:
Si =

j =1

j ij / K j

+ i Sff i + x (x i x r ) + y (y i y r )


where Pj = increment of load on a pile j in the group; n = number of piles in group; ij = interaction factor for effect of pile j on pile i; Kj = axial pile head stiffness for pile j; Sffi = incremental movement of the head of pile i due to tunnelling-induced ground movements; i = reduction factor for group effects ( 1.0); x = incremental rotation of pile cap in x-direction; xj = x-coordinate of pile j; xr = reference xcoordinate; y = incremental rotation of pile cap in y-direction; yj = y-coordinate of pile j; yr = reference y-coordinate. Eq. 7 can be written for all piles in the group, giving a total of n equations. In addition, the conditions of vertical and moment equilibrium must be satisfied. Thus, the following three additional equations apply:
VG =

j =1 n j =1 n


M x =

P (x

x r VG x g x r



M y =

P (y
j j =1

y r VG y g y r


where VG = applied vertical load increment on group; Mx = applied moment increment on group, in x-direction; My = applied moment increment on group, in ydirection; xg, yg = coordinates of point of vertical load application. A total of n+3 equations can thus be derived, the solution of which gives the n values of axial pile load, the common incremental group settlement at the reference point (xr, yr), and the incremental rotations x and y in the x- and y-directions respectively. In applying the above analysis, the following assumptions have been made: Group effects on the ground movement - induced pile movements have been ignored, i.e. the factor i = 1.0. The analysis is carried out incrementally, so that a complete sequence of events can be simulated. Typically, an event sequence consists of initial loading of the group, followed by the imposition of pile head movements caused by the ground movements. These pile head movements can be applied in stages, and can also arise from various sources. The pile head stiffness of pile j, Kj, is a hyperbolic function of the pile load level, Pj / Pu, where Pu = ultimate pile load capacity. Thus, the incremental pile head stiffness is given by:
K j = K jo 1 R f Pj / Puj



where Kjo = initial tangent stiffness of pile j; Rf = hyperbolic factor (0 Rf 1); a value of 0.75 has generally been adopted for the present calculations; Pj = current load in pile j; Puj = ultimate load capacity of pile j. If the pile load reaches the ultimate load capacity, the incremental pile head stiffness for the following increment is set to a small fraction (typically 0.1%) of the initial pile head stiffness. The initial tangent pile head stiffness is computed from the simplified expressions developed by Randolph and Wroth (1978). Non-homogeneous soil profiles are treated as equivalent uniform profiles, via the approximation suggested by Poulos (1989). The interaction factors are computed via approximate curve-fitting expressions of the type suggested by Mandolini and Viggiani (1997) (see Eqn. 2a). The above analysis can also be used to analyze the behaviour of a pile group in which there are dissimilar or defective piles. In this case, the non-uniformity of stiffness will give rise to a rotation of the pile cap. If the pile-cap connections are pinned, there will simply be a re-distribution of axial pile loads. However, if the piles are rigidly attached to the cap, then there will also be bending moments induced in the piles (Poulos, 1997). Applicability Of Simple Pile Group Analysis Methods Equivalent Raft Method. The equivalent raft method has been used extensively for estimating pile group settlements. It relies on the replacement of the pile group by a raft foundation of some equivalent dimensions, acting at some representative depth below the surface. There are many variants of this method, but the one suggested by Tomlinson (1986) appears to be a convenient and useful approach. In Tomlinsons approach, the representative depth varies from 2L/3 to L, depending on the assessed founding conditions; the former applies to floating pile groups, while the latter value is for end bearing groups. The load is spread at an angle which varies from 1 in 4 for friction piles, to zero for end bearing groups. Once the equivalent raft has been established, the settlement can be computed from normal shallow foundation analysis. Poulos (1993) has examined the applicability of the equivalent raft method to groups of friction piles and also end bearing pile groups. He concluded that the equivalent raft method gives a reasonably accurate prediction of the settlement of groups containing more than about 16 piles (at typical spacing of 3 pile diameters centre-to-centre). This is consistent with the criterion developed by van Impe (1991), who has concluded that the equivalent raft method should be limited to cases in which the pile cross-sections exceed about 10% of the plan area of the group. Thus, at the very least, the equivalent raft method is a very simple and useful approach for a wide range of pile group geometries, and also provides a useful check for more complex and complete pile group settlement analyses. Much of the success of the equivalent raft method hinges on the selection of the representative depth of the raft and the angle of load spread. Considerable engineering judgement must be exercised here, and firm rules cannot be employed

without a proper consideration of the soil stratigraphy. Poulos et al (2002) have explored this issue in more detail.



Group Load MN






Mandolini & Viggiani (1997) Conventional Approach

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400


Settlement mm

Figure 5. Effect of Basis of Analysis on Group Load-Settlement Behavior Equivalent Pier Method. In this method, the pile group is replaced by a pier of similar length to the piles in the group, and with an equivalent diameter, de, estimated as follows (Poulos, 1993):

d e (1.13 to 1.27) . ( AG ) 0.5


where AG = plan area of pile group, including the soil between the piles. The lower figure is more relevant to predominantly end bearing piles, while the larger value is more applicable to predominantly friction or floating piles. Poulos (1993) and Randolph (1994) have examined the accuracy of the equivalent pier method for predicting group settlements, and have concluded that it gives good results. Poulos (1993) has examined group settlement as a function of the number of piles, for a group of end bearing piles. Solutions from the computer program DEFPIG, the equivalent raft method and the equivalent pier methods were compared, and for more than about 9 piles, the settlements given by all three methods agreed reasonably well. Randolph (1994) has related the accuracy of the equivalent pier method to the aspect ratio R, of the group, where: R = (ns / L) 0.5 (13)

where n = number of piles; s = pile centre-to-centre spacing; L = pile length. The equivalent pier method tends to over-predict stiffness for values of R less than about 3, but the values appear to be within about 20% of those from a more accurate analysis for values of R of 1 or more, provided that the pile spacing is not greater than about 5 diameters.


Piled Raft Foundations

Piled raft foundations are often used where it is necessary to improve the bearing capacity or to reduce the differential deflections in the foundation of a structure. Hemsley (2000) describes various methods of analysis that have been devised to predict the behaviour of such foundations, ranging from simple hand based methods up to complex numerical approaches. A critical issue in the analysis of piled raft foundations is to consider all four components of foundation interaction: pile-pile; pile-raft; raft-pile, and raft-raft. As demonstrated by Poulos (2002), ignoring these interactions can lead to a very serious over-estimate of the stiffness of the foundation, and a corresponding under-estimation of settlements and differential settlements. For preliminary estimates of piled raft behaviour, a convenient method of estimating the load-settlement behaviour has been developed by combining the approaches described by Poulos and Davis (1980) and Randolph (1994). As a consequence, the method is described as the Poulos-Davis-Randolph (PDR) method. The method is described in detail by Poulos et al (2002), and involves two main steps: 1. Estimation of the ultimate load capacity of the foundation. 2. Estimation of the load-settlement behaviour via a simple tri-linear relationship. Using this simplified approach, the load settlement curves for a raft with various numbers of piles can be computed with the aid of a computer spreadsheet or a mathematical program such as MATHCAD. In this way, it is simple to compute the relationship between the number of piles and the average settlement of the foundation. Poulos et al (2002) and Mandolini et al (2005) have demonstrated that the simplified approach agrees well with three-dimensional numerical analyses, at least until significant plastic flow occurs within the soil.
Assessment of Soil Stiffness For Pile Settlement Calculations

For estimations of pile settlement, the key geotechnical parameter is the stiffness of the soil. If the analysis is based on elastic continuum theory, the soil stiffness can be expressed by a Youngs modulus Es or shear modulus Gs. Both the magnitude and distribution of these moduli are important. It is clear that Es (or Gs) are not constants, but depend on many factors, including soil type, initial stress state, stress history, the method of installation of the pile, the stress system and stress level imposed by the pile and the pile group, and whether short-term or long-term conditions are being considered. Four stress regimes are operative within the soil surrounding a group of vertically loaded piles, as pointed out by Poulos et al (2002), and the following four different values of Youngs modulus were distinguished: 1. The value Es for the soil in the vicinity of the pile shaft. This value will tend to influence strongly the settlement of a single pile and small pile groups. 2. The value Esb immediately below the pile tip. This value will also tend to influence the settlement of single pile and small pile groups. 3. The small-strain value, Esi, for the soil between the piles. This will reflect the small strains in this region and will affect the settlement interaction between the piles.


4. Es for the soil well below the pile tips (Esd). This value will influence the settlement of a group more significantly as the group size increases. The first and third values (Es and Esi) reflect primarily the response of the soil to shear, while the second and fourth values (Esb and Esd) reflect both shear and volumetric strains. Es and Esb will both be influenced by the installation process, and would be expected to be different for bored piles and for driven piles. On the other hand, Esi and Esd are unlikely to be affected by the installation process, but rather by the initial stress state and the stress history of the soil. As a corollary, the method of installation is likely to have a more significant effect on the settlement of a single pile (which depends largely on Es and Esb) than on the settlement of a pile group, which may depend to a large extent on Esi and Esd. The issue of the estimation of the soil modulus values has been discussed at length by Randolph (1994), Poulos (1994), Mayne (1995), and Mandolini and Viggiani (1997). Yamashita et al (1998) suggest that, for a purely elastic analysis, a typical value of modulus of about 0.25 to 0.3 times the small-strain value can be used. Poulos et al (2002) have discussed the selection of elastic moduli for various foundation types. For a a soil in which the initial shear modulus is 500 times the undrained shear strength, the approximate ratios of secant modulus to the initial (maximum) modulus for axially loaded piles is about 0.4 for a factor of safety of 3 and about 0.3 for a factor of safety of 2. For more satisfactory assessment of soil stiffness, it is usually preferable to carry out in-situ tests in which the soil is loaded in the same manner as the foundation loads it. Thus, for example, for axially loaded piles, the results of a conventional pile load test can be interpreted to obtain equivalent modulus values for use in predicting the settlement of other piles or pile groups in the same ground conditions.
Examples of Problems With Group Settlement Estimation Emirates Project, Dubai. The Emirates Project is a twin tower development in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The towers are triangular in plan, with a face dimension of approximately 50 m to 54 m. The taller Office Tower has 52 floors and rises 355 m above ground level, while the shorter Hotel Tower is 305 m tall. The foundation system for both towers involves the use of large diameter piles in conjunction with a raft. Poulos and Davids (2005) discuss this project in detail. The geotechnical model for foundation design under static loading conditions was based on the relevant available in-situ and laboratory test data, and is shown in Table 1. The ultimate skin friction values were based largely on laboratory constant normal stiffness direct shear tests, while the ultimate end bearing values for the piles were assessed on the basis of correlations with UCS data (Reese and ONeill, 1988). The values of Youngs modulus were derived from the data obtained from the following tests: seismic data (reduced by a factor of 0.2 to account for a strain level appropriate to the foundation); resonant column tests (at a strain level of 0.1%); laboratory stress path tests; unconfined compression tests (at 50% of ultimate stress).


While inevitable scatter existed among the different values, there was a reasonably consistent general pattern of variation of modulus with depth. Considerable emphasis was placed on the laboratory stress path tests, which, it was felt, reflected realistic stress and strain levels within the various units. The values for the upper two units were obtained from correlations with SPT data. In order to provide some guidance on the expected behaviour of the piles during the test pile program, Class A predictions of the load-deflection response of the test piles were carried out and communicated to the main consultant prior to the commencement of testing. These predictions were made using the simplified boundary element program PIES (Poulos, 1990), which was capable of incorporating non-linear pile-soil response, and of considering the effects of the reaction piles. The input parameters for the predictions were those used for the design (Table 1). Comparisons between predicted and measured test pile behaviour were made after the results of the tests were made available and revealed a fair measure of agreement. The predicted settlements slightly exceeded the measured values, and the maximum load of 30 MN reached exceeded the estimated ultimate load capacity of about 23 MN.
Table 1. Stratum

Geotechnical Model for Emirates Towers Layer Undrained Drained Youngs Thickness Youngs m Modulus Modulus MPa MPa Silty Sand 5 40 30 5 125 100 Calcareous 14 700 500 Sandstone Silty Sand 10 125 100 Calcisiltite 20 500 400 16 90 80 10 600 600

Ultimate Shaft Friction kPa 18 73 200 150 450 200 450

Ultimate End Bearing MPa 0.1 1.5 2.3 1.9 2.7 2.0 2.7

For the prediction of settlement of the of the piled raft foundation systems for the towers, the same geotechnical model was used as for the prediction of the settlement of the test piles. In the final design, the piles were primarily 1.2 m diameter, and extended 40 or 45 m below the base of the raft. In general, the piles were located directly below 4.5 m deep walls which spanned between the raft and the Level 1 floor slab. These walls acted as webs which forced the raft and Level 1slab to act as the flanges of a deep box structure. This deep box structure created a relatively stiff base to the tower superstructure, although the raft itself was only 1.5 m thick Conventional pile capacity analyses were used to assess the ultimate geotechnical capacity of the piles and raft. In additional to the conventional analyses, more complete analyses of the foundation system were undertaken with the computer program GARP (Poulos, 1994). This program utilized a simplified boundary element analysis to compute the behaviour of a rectangular piled raft when subjected to applied vertical loading, moment loading, and free-field vertical soil movements. The


raft was represented by an elastic plate, the soil was modelled as a layered elastic continuum, and the piles are represented by hyperbolic springs which can interact with each other and with the raft. Beneath the raft, limiting values of contact pressure in compression and tension were specified, so that some allowance could be made for non-linear raft behaviour. In addition to GARP, the program DEFPIG (Poulos and Davis, 1980) was used for the pile stiffness values and pile-pile interaction factors, and for computing the lateral response of the piles. For the analysis of settlements under the design loads, the same values of Youngs modulus were used as for the single piles. The time-settlement predictions were based on the predicted final settlement, an assumed rate of construction, and a rate of settlement computed from three-dimensional consolidation theory. The reasonable agreement obtained between prediction and measurement had given rise to expectations that a similar level of agreement would be obtained for the foundation systems for the two towers. Measurements were available only for a limited period during the construction process, and these are compared with the predicted time-settlement relationships in Figure 7 for typical points within the Hotel Tower. To the authors disappointment, it was found that, for both towers, the actual measured settlements were significantly smaller than those predicted, being only about 25% of the predicted values after 1012 months.
T im e ( m o n th s ) 1998 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


10 Settlement (mm)

M e a s u re d



P re d ic t e d




Figure 7. Predicted and Measured Time-Settlement Behavior of Hotel Tower

The disappointing lack of agreement between measured and predicted settlement of the towers prompted a post-mortem investigation of possible reasons for the poor predictions. At least four such reasons were examined: 1. Some settlements may have occurred prior to the commencement of measurements; 2. The assumed time-load pattern may have differed from that assumed; 3. The rate of consolidation may have been much slower than predicted; 4. The interaction effects among the piles within the piled raft foundation may have been over-estimated.


Of these, based on the information available during construction, the first three did not seem likely, and the last was considered to be the most likely cause. Calculations were therefore carried out to assess the sensitivity of the predicted settlements to the assumptions made in deriving interaction factors for the piled raft analysis with GARP. In deriving the interaction factors originally used, it had been assumed that the soil or rock between the piles had the same stiffness as that around the pile, and that the rock below the pile tips had a constant stiffness for a considerable depth. In reality, the ground between the piles is likely to be stiffer than near the piles, because of the lower levels of strain, and the rock below the pile tips is likely to increase significantly with depth, both because of the increasing level of overburden stress and the decreasing level of strain. The program DEFPIG was therefore used to compute the interaction factors for a series of alternative (but credible) assumptions regarding the distribution of stiffness both radially and with depth. The ratio of the soil modulus between the piles to that near the piles was increased to 5, while the modulus of the material below the pile tips was increased from the original 70 MPa to 600 MPa (the value assessed for the rock at depth). The various cases are summarized in Table 2.
C u rv e N o . 1 2 3 4 5 0 .4 1 0 .3 Interaction Factor 2 0 .2 5 3 4 M o d u lu s o f L a y e r b e lo w M Pa 90 90 200 700 700 M o d u lu s o f S o il b e tw e e n P ile s to N e a r - P ile Va l u e s 1 .0 5 .0 5 .0 5 .0 1 .0

0 .1

10 s/d




Figure 8. Influence of Analysis Assumptions on Interaction Factors

Figure 8 shows the computed relationships between interaction factor and spacing for a variety of parameter assumptions. It can be seen that the original interaction curve used for the original predictions lies considerably above those for more realistic assumptions. Since the foundations analysed contained about 100 piles, the potential for over-prediction of settlements is considerable, since small inaccuracies in the interaction factors can translate to large errors in the predicted group settlement.


Revised settlement calculations, on the basis of these interaction factors, gave the results shown in Table 2. The interaction factors used clearly have a great influence on the predicted foundation settlements, although they have almost no effect on the load sharing between the raft and the piles. The maximum settlement, for Case 4, is reduced to 29% of the value originally predicted, while the minimum settlement was only 25% of the original value. If this case were used for the calculation of the settlements during construction, the settlement at Point T15 after 10.5 months would be about 12 mm, which is in reasonable agreement with the measured value of about 10 mm.
Table 2. Summary of Revised Calculations for Hotel Tower Case Modulus Ratio of Max. Min. below 53 max. to Settlement Settlement m MPa near-pile mm mm modulus Original 80 1 138 91 calculations Case 2 80 5 122 85 Case 3 200 5 74 50 Case 4 600 5 40 23 Case 5 600 1 58 32

% Load on Piles 93 93 92 92 92

High-Rise Building in the Middle East. Figure 9 shows the foundation plan for the piles supporting a new high-rise building in one of the Gulf states of the Middle East. The foundation system was designed as a piled raft, and one of the design criteria was to limit the axial load in the piles to the assessed single pile safe working load (11.3MN) under the action of the working loads acting on the structure. For the analysis of the pile load and settlement distribution, the computer program GARP was again employed. The geotechnical model was developed on the basis of borehole data, insitu pressuremeter test data, and unconfined compression test data, and is summarized in Table 3. On the basis of the parameters shown in Table 3, the proposed 20m long, 1.2m diameter piles were estimated to have an ultimate pile capacity in compression of about 46 MN and an initial axial pile head stiffness in compression of 2360 MN/m. Analyses were undertaken to compute the settlement and pile load distribution within the foundation system, taking account of the flexibility of the raft foundation. The computer program GARP was employed, using a finite element formulation to model the raft and idealizing the piles as non-linear interacting springs. A raft thickness of 3.0m was used in the analyses, with the finite element mesh for the raft having a total of 1638 elements and 5105 nodes. In the initial GARP analyses, the computed axial loads were quite variable and were in some cases tensile, despite the fact that the loading was compressive. It was suspected that these unexpected and intuitively unacceptable results could be due to the computed pile settlement interaction factors being too large, due to the deep layer of more compressible weak limestone formation being present below the pile tips. Subsequently, the interaction factors were re-computed, taking account of the


fact that the Youngs modulus of the weak limestone formation would tend to increase with depth because of the decreasing strain levels below the foundation. The consequent interaction factors were considerably smaller and the results of the GARP analyses were then much more intuitively acceptable. Figure 10 compares the two sets of interaction factors obtained.
Pile Locations


27 1 4 6 5 11 12 14 13 19 21 20 y-coordinate 22 -30 53 54 58 56 57 61 62 64 63 67 77 78 66 68 76 60 65 74 59 -20 25 -10 69 23 15 16 7

28 20 2 3 15 8 10 10 17 5 24 26 0 0 70 -5 71 -10 90 81 113 49 18 9 40 35


30 31 34 37 32 33 38 41 114 44 46 50 45 48 51 10 88 82 55 20 83 84 85 87 91 93 30 39 43 47







95 102 101 100 103 105 104 110 107 108 109 106 98

92 94 96 97

73 -15 75 -20 80


79 -25



-30 x-coordinate m

Figure 9. Pile Foundation Layout for Middle East Tower Table 3. Summary of geotechnical model adopted for tower analyses


Layer Thickness m 10 5.5 20 66

Es (axial) MPa 1500 600 300 150

Es (lateral) MPa 1000 400 200 100

Limestone Shale Weak Limestone(1) Weak Limestone(2)

Ultimate Skin Friction KPa 560 600 400 -

Ultimate End Bearing MPa 15 10 4.8 3.4

Ultimate Lateral Pressure MPa 15 10 4.8 3.4


The results for settlement and pile load are summarized in Table 3, and the following observations can be made: 1. With the modified interaction factors, all piles carried compressive loads under dead + live loading. The maximum pile load was about 11.3 MN, which was in fact the maximum allowable load specified. 2. The computed settlements with the modified interaction factors are considerably smaller than the originally computed values. With the original interaction factors, the proposed design would be deemed to be unacceptable, because the maximum pile load is almost twice the allowable value, whereas with the revised interaction factors, the design would be deemed to be acceptable, as the computed maximum load is equal to the allowable value.



Axial Interaction Factor


Original Values Revised Values




0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Spacing / Diameter s/d

Figure 10. Influence of Analysis Assumptions on Interaction Factors Middle East Tower

It seems clear that design criteria requiring the maximum pile load to be limited to the allowable load is fraught with uncertainty and the resulting design is highly dependent on the assumptions made within the pile group analysis used. Such a sensitivity is highly undesirable and thus such criteria should be discarded. They are not only unnecessarily conservative, but they also reward a designer who uses a simplistic analysis in which pile-soil-pile interaction is ignored. In that case, under purely axial loading, all piles carry equal load, and so the load at which the piles reach their limiting load is a maximum. In fact, it is well-known and recognized that the load distribution within a pile group is not uniform.


Table 4: Summary of analysis for Middle East tower

Quantity (Dead + Live Load) Maximum Pile Load (MN) Minimum Pile Load (MN) Maximum Settlement (mm) Minimum Settlement (mm)

Value with Original Interaction Factors 21.7 -7.3 94 25

Value with Modified Interaction Factors 11.3 3.4 67 18

This paper has attempted to trace the development of the interaction factor method of group settlement analysis and to identify some aspects which may cause mispredictions to be made. Particular care must be taken to avoid over-estimation of the interaction factors, especially if it assumed that the soil mass is uniform and has a constant modulus with depth, the extent of over-estimation of the interaction factors (and hence of pile group settlement) can be very large. Examples have been given of cases involving large pile groups in which the settlement was over-estimated by a factor of 4 or so. Subsequent analyses revealed that inappropriate assumptions were made about the soil profile in obtaining the interaction factors. The paper has summarized assessments of the capabilities of conventional methods of analysis and design, and has concluded that both the equivalent raft method, and the equivalent pier method have their uses. They are best used for estimates of the overall settlement but are not suitable for predicting the detailed distributions of settlement and pile load within the group. Some foundation designers incorporate a requirement that the pile loads must not exceed the safe working load of a single pile. This requirement can lead to difficulties because the pile load distribution depends very strongly on the interaction factors used in the group analysis. The larger the interaction factors, the greater is the non-uniformity of the pile load distribution, and thus the greater is the computed maximum pile load. Thus, an over-conservative design can result from the use inappropriate interaction factors. It is the authors opinion that such design criteria involving a limit on the computed pile load, should be discarded. They are unnecessarily conservative and in fact reward a designer who uses a simplistic analysis in which pile-soil-pile interaction is ignored. In that case, under purely axial loading, all piles carry equal load, and so the load at which the piles reach their limiting load is a maximum. In fact, it is well-known and recognized that the load distribution within a pile group is not uniform. A significant gap between research and practice remains in the assessment of appropriate soil stiffness values for pile settlement calculations. In many cases, the soil stiffness plays a much more important role in settlement prediction than does the method of analysis.



The author gratefully acknowledges the constructive comments of John C. Small.


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