Nordby - Environmental Sound Classification on Microcontrollers using Convolutional Neural Networks
Nordby - Environmental Sound Classification on Microcontrollers using Convolutional Neural Networks
Jon Nordby
Master of Science in Data Science
Noise is a growing problem in urban areas, and according to the WHO is the second
environmental cause of health problems in Europe. Noise monitoring using Wireless
Sensor Networks are being applied in order to understand and help mitigate these noise
problems. It is desirable that these sensor systems, in addition to logging the sound
level, can indicate what the likely sound source is. However, transmitting audio to a
cloud system for classification is energy-intensive and may cause privacy issues. It is also
critical for widespread adoption and dense sensor coverage that individual sensor nodes
are low-cost. Therefore we propose to perform the noise classification on the sensor node,
using a low-cost microcontroller.
Several Convolutional Neural Networks were designed for the STM32L476 low-power
microcontroller using the Keras deep-learning framework, and deployed using the vendor-
provided X-CUBE-AI inference engine. The resource budget for the model was set at
maximum 50% utilization of CPU, RAM, and FLASH. 10 model variations were evaluated
on the Environmental Sound Classification task using the standard Urbansound8k dataset.
The best models used Depthwise-Separable convolutions with striding for downsampling,
and were able to reach 70.9% mean 10-fold accuracy while consuming only 20% CPU.
To our knowledge, this is the highest reported performance on Urbansound8k using a
microcontroller. One of the models was also tested on a microcontroller development
device, demonstrating the classification of environmental sounds in real-time.
These results indicate that it is computationally feasible to classify environmental sound
on low-power microcontrollers. Further development should make it possible to create
wireless sensor-networks for noise monitoring with on-edge noise source classification.
1 Introduction 6
1.1 Environmental noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2 Noise Monitoring with Wireless Sensor Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2 Background 10
2.1 Machine Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1.1 Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1.2 Training process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2 Neural Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.1 Multi-Layer Perceptron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.2 Activation functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2.3 Training Neural Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2.4 Convolutional layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2.5 Convolutional Neural Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.6 Subsampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2.7 Spatially Separable convolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2.8 Depthwise Separable convolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2.9 Efficient CNNs for Image Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3 Audio Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.3.1 Digital sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.3.2 Spectrogram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.3.3 Mel-spectrogram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.3.4 Normalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.3.5 Analysis windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.3.6 Weak labeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.3.7 Aggregating analysis windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.3.8 Data augmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.3.9 Efficient CNNs for Speech Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.4 Environmental Sound Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.4.1 Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.4.2 Spectrogram-based models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.4.3 Audio waveform models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.4.4 Resource-efficient models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.5 Microcontrollers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.5.1 Machine learning on microcontrollers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.5.2 Hardware accelerators for neural networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3 Materials 33
3.1 Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.2 Hardware platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.3 Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.4 Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.4.1 Model requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.4.2 Compared models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4 Methods 39
4.1 Preprocessing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.2 Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.3 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5 Results 42
5.1 On-device testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
6 Discussion 46
6.1 Model comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
6.2 Spectrogram processing time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
6.3 Practical evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
7 Conclusions 49
7.1 Further work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Appendix 51
References 61
List of Tables
List of Figures
1 | Introduction
Noise pollution over sustained periods of time affects health and well-being in many ways.
Noise can be a source of annoyance and increased stress, cause sleeping disturbance and
increase risk of heart diseases. WHO has estimated that in Europe 1.6 million healthy life
years (Disability-Adjusted Life Years, DALY) are lost annually due to noise pollution[1].
This makes noise pollution the second environmental cause of health problems in Europe,
after air pollution.
Member States of the EU are required to create noise maps and noise management action
plans every 5 years. These must cover all urban areas, major roads, railways and airports
over a certain size.
The noise maps are created using simulation of known noise sources (such as car traffic)
with mathematical sound propagation models, based on estimates for traffic numbers.
These maps only give yearly average noise levels for the day, evening and night.
Figure 1.2: Illustration of how Sounds of New York City[11] system combines sensor
networks and citizen reporting with data analysis and to present city experts and agencies
with a visual interactive dashboard “Noise Mission Control”.
To keep costs low and support a dense coverage, the sensor nodes can be designed to
operate wirelessly. Communication is done using wireless radio technologies such as WiFi,
GSM, NB-IoT or 6LoWPAN. The sensor harvests its energy, often using solar power
or from streetlights powered at night. A battery backup allows the sensor to continue
operating also when energy is momentarily unavailable.
These sensor networks enable continuous logging of the sound pressure level, measured
in Decibel (dB SPL) over a reference pressure level (typically 20 × 10−6 Pa ). Since the
sound pressure level is continuously varying, it is summarized over a specified time-period
using Equivalent Continuous Sound Level (Leq ). Typical measurement resolutions are per
minute, per second or per 125 ms. Measurements often use A-weighting to approximate
the sensitivity of the human ear at different frequencies. In Europe, sound level sensors
are designed to specifications of IEC 61672-1 Sound Level Meters[12], and the standard
for North America is ANSI S1.4[13].
Sensors can also provide information that can be used to characterize the noise, for
instance to identify the likely noise sources. This is desirable in order to understand the
cause of the noise, identify which regulations the noise falls under, which actors may be
responsible, and to initiate possible interventions.
This requires much more data than sound level measurements, making it challenging to
transmit the data within the bandwidth and energy budget of a wireless sensor. The sensor
may also capture sensitive information and violate privacy requirements by recording and
storing such detailed data.
To address these concerns several methods for efficiently coding the information before
transmitting to the server have been developed. Figure 1.3 shows an overview of the
different approaches.
Figure 1.3: Different data transmission strategies for a noise sensor network with noise
source classification capability. A) Sensor sends raw audio data with classification on
server. B) Sensor sends spectrograms as a intermediate audio representation. Classification
on server. C) Sensor sends neural network audio embeddings as intermediate audio
representation. Classification on server. D) Sensor performs classification on device and
sends result to server. No audio or intermediate representation needs to be transmitted.
In [14], the authors propose a compressed noise profile based on lossy compression of
spectrograms. For 125ms time resolution, the bit-rate is between 400 and 1400 bits per
second, however this gave a 5 percentage points reduction in classification accuracy. This
is shown as case B) of Figure 1.3.
Others have proposed to use neural networks to produce an audio “embedding” inspired by
the success of word embeddings[15] for Natural Language Processing. This is shown as case
C) of Figure 1.3. In VGGish[16] model trained on Audioset[17] an 8-bit, 128-dimensional
embedding per 1 second, leading to a data rate of 1024 bits per second. L3 (Look, Listen,
Learn)[18] similarly proposed an embedding with 512 dimensions. The computation
of such an embedding generally requires very large models and lots of computational
resources. EdgeL3 [19] showed that the L3 model can be compressed by up to 95%, however
the authors state that more work is needed to fit the RAM constraints of desirable sensor
The minimal amount of data transmissions would be achieved if the detected noise category
was sent, requiring to perform the entire classification on the sensor. This is shown as
case D) of Figure 1.3. Such an approach could also eliminate the need to send personally
identifiable data to a centralized server.
This motivates the problem statement of this thesis:
Can we classify environmental sounds directly on a wireless and battery-
operated noise sensor?
2 | Background
Supervised learning uses a training dataset where each sample is labeled with the correct
output. These labels are normally provided by manual annotation by humans inspecting
the data, a time-intensive and costly process. In unsupervised learning, models are trained
without access to labeled data. This is often used for cluster analysis (automatic discovery
of sample groups).
Supervised learning techniques can be used for regression and for classification. In regres-
sion where the goal is to predict a continuous real-valued variable, and for classification a
discrete variable.
2.1.1 Classification
Classification is a machine learning task where the goal is to train a model that can
accurately predict which class(es) the data belongs to. Examples use-cases could be to
determine from an image which breed a dog is, to predict from a text whether it is positive
or negative towards the subject matter - or to determine from audio what kind of sound
is present.
Metrics are used to evaluate how well the model performs at its task. Common metrics
for classification include Accuracy - the ratio of correct predictions to total predictions,
Precision - the number of correct positive results divided by the total number of positive
predictions, Recall (Sensitivity) - the number of correct positive results divided by the
number of predictions that should have been positive.
For a given model there will be a tradeoff between Precision and Recall. For binary
classification, the range of possible tradeoffs can be evaluated using a Receiver-Response
Curve (ROC).
2.1.2 Training process
The goal of the classification model is to make good predictions on unseen data. The
samples available in the dataset only represent some particular examples of this underlying
(hidden) distribution of data. Care must be taken to avoid learning peculiarities that are
specific to the training samples and not representative of general patterns. A model that
fails this generalization criteria is often said to be overfitting, while a model that fails to
learn any predictive patterns is said to be underfitting.
To address this challenge the dataset is divided into multiple subsets that have different
purposes. The training set is data that the training algorithm uses to optimize the model
on. To estimate how well the model generalizes to new unseen data, predictions are made
on the validation set. The final performance of the trained model is evaluated on a test
set, which has not been used in the training process. To get a better estimate of how the
model performs K-fold cross-validation can be used, where K different training/validation
splits are attempted. K is usually set to a value between 5 and 10. The overall process is
illustrated in Figure 2.1.
One common style of supervised learning processes is to: start with a base model and
initialize its parameters (often randomly), then make predictions using this model, compare
these predictions with the labels to compute an error, and then update the parameters in
order to attempt to reduce this error. This iterative process is illustrated in Figure 2.2.
Hyperparameters are settings for the training process. Hyperparameters can be chosen by
trying different candidate settings, training model(s) to completion with these settings,
and evaluating performance on the validation set. When performed systematically this is
known as a hyperparameter search.
Once training is completed, the predictive model with the learned parameters can be used
on new data.
Figure 2.2: Relationship between training system and the predictive model during training
Each layer consists of a number of neurons. The neurons of one layer are connected to
each of the neurons in the preceding layer. This type of layer is therefore known as a
fully-connected, or densely-connected layer. The input to the network is a 1-dimensional
vector. If the data is multi-dimensional (like an image) is to be used, it must be flattened
to a 1-D vector.
Each neuron computes its output as a weighted sum of the inputs, offset by a bias and
followed by an activation function f , as illustrated in 2.4. In the simplest case, the
activation function is the identity function. This lets the layer express any linear function.
Figure 2.4: Computational principle of an artificial neuron
Making predictions with a neural network is done by applying the data as inputs to the
first layer, then computing all the following layers until the final outputs. This is often
called forward propagation.
Commonly used general-purpose non-linear activation functions are Tanh and ReLu[22].
Sigmoid and softmax are commonly used at the output stage of a neural network for
classification, as they convert the input to a probability-like (0, 1) range. Sigmoid is used
for binary classification and Softmax for multi-class classification. To get a discrete class
from these continuous probability values, a decision function is applied. The simplest
decision function for single-label multi-class classification is to take the largest value, using
the argmax function.
Sigmoid ReLU
Figure 2.5: Commonly used activation functions in neural networks. Input shown along
X-axis, output along Y. Range for Sigmoid is (0,1) and for Tanh (-1,1).
Increasing the number of neurons and the number of hidden layers increases the capacity
of the network to learn more complex functions.
2.2.3 Training Neural Networks
Neural Networks are trained through numerical optimization of an objective function (loss
function). For supervised learning, the standard method is mini-batch Gradient Descent
with Backpropagation.
For classification, the cross-entropy (log loss) function is often applied. As the predicted
probability of the true class gets close to zero, the log-loss goes towards infinity. This
penalizes wrong predictions heavily, see Figure 2.6.
batch. This means that not all the training data has to be kept in memory at the same
time, which allows training on very large datasets. The batch size is a hyperparameter
and has to be set high enough for the batch loss to be a reasonable estimate of the loss on
the full training set, but small enough for the batch to fit into memory.
One pass through the entire training set is called an epoch, and training normally consists
of many epochs.
The mini-batch Gradient Descent optimization with backpropagation can be summarized
in the following procedure:
1. Sample a mini-batch of data
2. Forward propagate the data to compute output probabilities, calculate the loss
3. Backpropagate the errors to compute error gradients in the entire network
4. Update each weight by moving a small amount against the gradient
5. Go to 1) until all batches of all epochs are completed
Gradient Descent is not guaranteed to find a globally optimal minimum, but with suitable
choices of hyperparameters can normally find local minima that are good-enough. It has
also been argued that a global optimum on the training set might not be desirable, as it
is unlikely to generalize well[25].
Figure 2.7: 2D convolution for a single channel. Red outlines show how the filter moves
across the input image. Filter weights shown in red numbers, input numbers in blue.
Green dots illustrate locations of outputs with respect to inputs.
Figure 2.8: The LeNet-5 architecture illustrated. From the original paper[26]
A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is a neural network that uses convolutional layers
in addition to (or instead of) fully-connected layers. One of the early examples of a
CNN model was LeNet5 (1998)[26], which was successfully applied to the recognition of
handwritten digits. As seen in Figure 2.8, the architecture uses two convolutional layers
(with subsampling after each), followed by two fully-connected layers and then the output
Architectures with more layers based on very similar structures have been shown to
work well also on more complex tasks, like VGGNet (2014)[27] on the 1000-class image
recognition task ImageNet[28].
2.2.6 Subsampling
Besides the convolution filters, the other critical part that makes CNNs effective is to
gradually subsample the data as it moves through the convolutional layers. This forces
the model to learn bigger (relative to the original input space) and more complex features
(patterns of patterns) in later layers.
A pooling layer is one way to accomplish this, and was used in the LeNet5 and VGGNet
architectures. A 2D pooling operation has Kw xKh sized filter and scans over the image
width and height. The stride is normally set to the same size of the operation. Each
channel is processed independently. It outputs 1 element for each scanned location in the
image. With average pooling, the output is the average value of the input. With max
pooling, the output is the maximum value of the input (Figure 2.9).
Figure 2.9: Max pooling operation. Different positions of the filter are colorized, with the
maximum value in each position circled.
Oss = HW N M Kw + HW N M Kh = HW N M (Kw + Kh )
Figure 2.10: Strided convolution. The kernel input (marked in red) moves by stride=2,
effectively subsampling the input image
Figure 2.12: Input/output relationship of standard 3x3 convolution versus Depthwise
Separable convolution. The image is based on illustrations by Yusuke Uchida[31]
Opw = HW N M
Odw = HW N Kw Kh
Ods = Opw + Odw = HW N (M + Kw Kh )
Figure 2.13: Convolutional blocks of Effnet, ShuffleNet, and Mobilenet. Illustration based
on Effnet paper[35]
2.3 Audio Classification
In Audio Classification, the predictive models operate on audio (digital sound). Example
tasks are wake-word or speech command detection in Speech Recognition, music genre or
artist classification in Music Information Retrieval - and classification of environmental
In the digitization process, the signal is quantized in time at a certain sampling frequency,
and the amplitude quantized at a certain bit-depth. A typical sampling frequency is 44100
Hz and a bit-depth 16 bit, as used in the Audio CD format[38]. With such parameters,
the majority of human-perceivable information in the acoustic sound is captured. In this
representation sound is a one-dimensional sequence of numbers, sometimes referred to as a
waveform. This is the format utilized by case A) in Figure {figure:sensornetworks-coding}
from the introduction.
Digital sound can be stored uncompressed (example format: WAV PCM[39]), using
lossless compression (FLAC[40]) or using lossy compression (MP3[41]). Lossy compression
removes information that is indistinguishable to the human ear and can compress better
than lossless. But lossy compression can add compression artifacts, and is best avoided
for machine learning tasks.
Recordings can have multiple channels of audio but for machine learning on audio single-
channel data (mono-aural) is still common.
2.3.2 Spectrogram
Sounds of interest often have characteristic patterns not just in time (temporal signature)
but also in frequency content (spectral signature). Therefore it is common to analyze
audio in a time-frequency representation (a spectrogram).
A common way to compute a spectrogram from an audio waveform is by using the
Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT)[42]. The STFT operates by splitting the audio up
in short consecutive chunks and computing the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to estimate
the frequency content for each chunk. To reduce artifacts at the boundary of chunks, they
are overlapped (typically by 50%) and a window function (such as the Hann window) is
applied before computing the FFT. With the appropriate choice of window function and
overlap, the STFT is invertible[43].
There is a trade-off between frequency (spectral) resolution and time resolution with the
STFT. The longer the FFT window the better the frequency resolution, but the poorer
the temporal resolution. For speech, a typical choice of window length is 20 ms. Similar
frame lengths are often adopted for acoustic events. The STFT returns complex numbers
describing the phase and magnitude of each frequency bin. A spectrogram is computed
by squaring the absolute of the magnitude and discarding the phase information. This is
called a linear spectrogram or sometimes just spectrogram. The lack of phase information
means that the spectrogram is not strictly invertible, though estimations exist[44][45]. A
linear spectrogram can be on top in Figure ??.
2.3.3 Mel-spectrogram
The more complex the input to a machine learning system is, the more processing power
is needed both for training and for inference. Therefore one would like to reduce the
dimensions of inputs as much as possible. A linear spectrogram often has considerable
correlation (redundant information) between adjacent frequency bins and is often reduced
to 30-128 frequency bands using a filter-bank. Several different filter-bank alternatives
have been investigated for audio classification tasks, such as 1/3 octave bands, the Bark
scale, Gammatone, and the Mel scale. All these have filters spacing that increases with
frequency, mimicking the human auditory system. See Figure 2.15.
The Mel scaled filters are commonly used for audio classification[46]. The spectrogram
that results for applying a Mel-scale filter-bank is often called a Mel-spectrogram.
Mel-Filter Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) is a feature representation computed by per-
forming a Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) on a mel-spectrogram. This further reduces
dimensionality to just 13-20 bands with low correlation between each band. MFCC
features have been very popular in speech recognition tasks[46], however in general sound
classification tasks mel-spectrograms tend to perform better[47][48].
Figure 2.16: Different spectrograms showing birdsong. Top: Linear spectrogram. Middle:
Mel-spectrogram. Bottom: Normalized mel-spectrogram after mean-subtraction and
standard scaling. The Mel-spectrograms in this example had the first filter set to 1kHz,
eliminating a lot of the low-frequency noise seen in the linear spectrogram.
2.3.4 Normalization
Audio has a very large dynamic range. The human hearing has a lower threshold of
hearing down to 20µPa (0 dB SPL) and a pain threshold of over 20 Pa (120 dB SPL), a
difference of 6 orders of magnitude[49, Ch. 22]. A normal conversation might be 60 dB
SPL and a pneumatic drill 110 dB SPL, 4 orders of magnitude difference. It is common
to compress the range of values in spectrograms by applying a log transform.
In order to center the values, the mean (or median) of the spectrogram can be removed.
Scaling the output to a range of 0-1 or -1,1 is also sometimes done. These changes have
the effect of removing amplitude variations, forcing the model to focus on the patterns of
the sound regardless of amplitude.
Figure 2.17: Audio stream split into fixed-length analysis windows without overlap
A short analysis window has the benefit of reducing the feature size of the classifier, which
uses less memory and possibly allows to reduce the model complexity, and in turn allow
to make better use of a limited dataset.
When the length of audio clips is not evenly divisible by length of analysis windows, the
last window is zero-padded.
If one assumes that the sound of interest occurs throughout the entire audio clip, a
simple solution is to let each analysis window inherit the label of the audio clip without
modification, and to train on individual analysis windows. If this assumption is problematic,
the task can be approached as a Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) problem. Under MIL
each training sample is a bag of instances (in this case, all analysis windows in an audio
clip), and the label is associated with this bag[51]. The model is then supposed to learn
the relationship between individual instances and the label. Several MIL techniques have
been explored for audio classification and audio event detection[52][53][54].
A simple technique to achieve this is majority voting, where the overall prediction is the
class that occurs most often across individual predictions.
With soft voting or probabilistic voting, the probabilities of individual predictions are
averaged together, and the output prediction is the class with the highest probability
2.3.8 Data augmentation
Access to labeled samples is often limited because they are expensive to acquire. This can
be a limiting factor for reaching good performance using supervised machine learning.
Data Augmentation is a way to synthetically generate new labeled samples from existing
ones, in order to expand the effective training set. A simple form of data augmentation can
be done by modifying the sample data slightly. Common data augmentation techniques
for audio include Time-shift, Pitch-shift, and Time-stretch. These are demonstrated in
Figure 2.18.
Figure 2.18: Common data augmentations for audio demonstrated on a dog bark (“woof
woof”). Figure shows log-scaled linear spectrograms before and after applying the aug-
mentation. Parameters are exaggerated to show the effects more clearly.
Mixup[55] is another type of data augmentation technique where two samples from different
classes are mixed together to create a new sample. A mixup ratio λ controls how much
the sample data is mixed, and the labels of the new sample are mixed in the same way.
The authors argue that this encourages the model to behave linearly in-between training
examples. It has been shown to increase performance on audio tasks[56][57][58].
Data augmentation can be applied either to the raw audio waveform or to preprocessed
In [59] (2015) authors evaluated variations of small-footprints CNNs for keyword spotting.
They found that using large strides in time or frequency could be used to create models
that were significantly more computationally effective.
In the “Hello Edge”[60] paper (2017), different models were evaluated for keyword spotting
on microcontrollers. Included were most standard deep learning model architectures such
as Deep Neural Networks (DNN), Recurrent Neural Networks and Convolutional Neural
Networks. They found that Depthwise Separable Convolutional Neural Network (DS-
CNN) provided the best accuracy while requiring significantly lower memory and compute
resources than other alternatives. Models were evaluated with three different performance
limits. Their “Small” version with under 80KB, 6M ops/inference achieved 94.5% accuracy
on the Google Speech Command dataset. A DNN version was demonstrated on a high-end
microcontroller (ARM Cortex M7 at 216 Mhz) using CMSIS-NN framework, running
keyword spotting at 10 inferences per second while utilizing only 12% CPU (rest sleeping).
FastGRNN[61] (2018) is a Gated Recurrent Neural Network designed for fast inference
on audio tasks on microcontrollers. It uses a simplified gating architecture with residual
connection and a three-stage training schedule that forces weights to be quantized in
a sparse and low-rank fashion. When evaluated on Google Speech Command Set (12
classes), their smallest model of 5.5 KB achieved 92% accuracy and ran in 242 ms on a
low-end microcontroller (ARM Cortex M0+ at 48 Mhz).
2.4 Environmental Sound Classification
Environmental Sound Classification, or Environmental Sound Recognition, is the task of
classifying environmental sounds or noises. It has been researched actively within the
machine learning community at least since 2006[62].
2.4.1 Datasets
The Urbansound taxonomy[63] is a proposed taxonomy of sound sources, developed based
on analysis of noise complaints in New York City between 2010 and 2014. The same authors
also compiled the Urbansound dataset[63], based on selecting and manually labeling content
from the Freesound[64] repository. 10 different classes from the Urbansound taxonomy
were selected and 1302 different recordings were annotated, for a total of 18.5 hours of
labeled audio. A curated subset with 8732 audio clips with a maximum length of 4 seconds
is known as Urbansound8k.
YorNoise[65] is a collection of vehicle noise. It has a total of 1527 samples, in two classes:
road traffic (cars, trucks, buses) and rail (trains). The dataset follows the same design as
Urbansound8k, and can be used standalone or as additional classes to Urbansound8k.
ESC-50[66] is a small dataset of environmental sounds, consisting of 2000 samples across 50
classes from 5 major categories. The dataset was compiled using sounds from Freesound[64]
online repository. A subset of 10 classes is also proposed, often called ESC-10. Human
accuracy was estimated to be to 81.30% on ESC-50 and 95.7% on ESC-10[66, Ch. 3.1].
The Github repository for ESC-50[67] contains a comprehensive summary of results on the
dataset, with over 40 entries. As of April 2019, the best models achieve 86.50% accuracy,
and all models with over 72% accuracy use some kind of Convolutional Neural Network.
AudioSet [17] is a large general-purpose ontology of sounds with 632 audio event classes.
The accompanying dataset has over 2 million annotated clips based on audio from Youtube
videos. Each clip is 10 seconds long. 527 classes from the ontology are covered.
In the DCASE2019 challenge (in progress, ends July 2019) task 5[68] audio clips containing
common noise categories are to be tagged. The tagging is formulated as a multi-label
classification on 10-second clips. The dataset[69] has 23 fine-grained classes across 8
categories with 2794 samples total. The data was collected from the SONYC noise sensor
network in New York City.
Several earlier DCASE challenge tasks and datasets have been on related topics to
Environmental Sound Classification, such as Acoustic Scene Detection[70], general-purpose
tagging of sounds[71], and detection of vehicle-related sounds[72].
Figure 2.19: The architecture of Piczak CNN, from the original paper [73]. The model
input has two channels: the spectrogram magnitude (light blue) and a first-order difference
“delta” of the spectrogram (purple))
SB-CNN[74] (2016) is a 3-layer convolutional with uniform 5x5 kernels and 4x2 max
pooling. The paper also analyzes the effects of several types of data augmentation on
Urbansound8k. including Time Shift, Pitch Shift, Dynamic Range Compression and
Background Noise. With all augmentations, performance on their model raised from 72%
to 79% classification accuracy. However time-stretching and pitch-shifting were the only
techniques that consistently gave a performance boost across all classes.
D-CNN[75] (2017) uses feature representation and model architecture that largely follows
that of PiczakCNN, however, the second layer uses dilated convolutions with a dilation
rate of 2. With additional data augmentation of time-stretching and noise addition, this
gave a performance of up to 81.9% accuracy on Urbansound8k. LeakyRelu was found to
perform slightly better than ReLu which scored 81.2%.
A recent paper investigated the effects of mixup for data augmentation[56]. Their model
uses 4 blocks of 2 convolutional layers each, with each block followed by max pooling.
The second block and third block together form a spatially separated convolution: the
second block uses two 3x1 convolutions, and third block uses two 1x5 convolutions. On
Mel-spectrograms the model scored 74.7% on Urbansound8k without data augmentation,
77.3% with only mixup applied, and 82.6% when time stretching and pitch shift was
combined with mixup. When using Gammatone spectrogram features instead of Mel-
spectrogram performance increased to 83.7%, which seems to be state-of-the-art as of
April 2019.
In [78], the authors evaluated a number of deep CNNs using only 1D convolutions. Raw
audio with 8 kHz sample rate was used as the input. Their 18 layer model (M18) got a
71% accuracy on Urbansound8k, and the 11 layer version (M11) got 69%.
EnvNet2[77] (2018) is like EnvNet but with 13 layers total instead of 7, and using 44.1
kHz input sample-rate instead of 16 kHz. Without data augmentation, it achieves 69.1%
accuracy on Urbansound8k. When combining data augmentation with Between-Class
examples, a technique similar to Mixup, the model is able to reach 78.3% on Urbansound8k.
2.4.4 Resource-efficient models
There are also a few studies on Environmental Sound Classification (ESC) that explicitly
target making resource-efficient models, measured in number of parameters and compute
WSNet[79] is a 1D network on raw audio designed for efficiency. It proposes a weight
sampling approach for efficient quantization of weights to reach an accuracy of 70.5% on
UrbandSound8k with 288 K parameters and 100 M MAC.
LD-CNN[80] is a more efficient version of D-CNN. In order to reduce parameters the early
layers use spatially separable convolutions, and the middle layers used dilated convolutions.
As a result, the model has 2.05MB of parameters, 50x fewer than D-CNN, while accuracy
only dropped by 2% to 79% on Urbansound8k.
AclNet [57] is an end-to-end CNN architecture. It uses 2 layers of 1D strided convolution
as a learned filterbank to create a 2D spectrogram-like set of features. Then a VGG style
architecture with Depthwise Separable Convolutions is applied. A width multiplier allows
to adjust model complexity by changing the number of kernels in each layer, and a number
of model variations were tested. Data augmentation and mixup was applied, and gave up
to a 5% boost. Evaluated on ESC-50, the best performing model gets 85.65% accuracy,
very close to state-of-the-art. The smallest model had 7.3 M MACC with 15 k parameters
and got 75% accuracy on ESC-50.
eGRU[81] demonstrates a Recurrent Neural Network based on a modified Gated Recurrent
Unit. The feature representation used was raw STFT spectrogram from 8Khz audio. The
model was tested using Urbansound8k, however it did not use the pre-existing folds and
test-set, so the results may not be directly comparable to others. With full-precision
floating-point the model got 72% accuracy. When running on device using the proposed
quantization technique the accuracy fell to 61%.
As of April 2019, eGRU was the only paper that could be found for the ESC task and the
Urbansound8k dataset on a microcontroller.
2.5 Microcontrollers
A microcontroller is a tiny computer integrated on a single chip, containing CPU, RAM,
persistent storage (FLASH) as well as peripherals for communicating with the outside
Common forms of peripherals include General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) for digital
input/output, Analog to Digital (ADC) converter for analog inputs, and high-speed serial
communications for digital inter-system communication using protocols like I2C and SPI.
For digital audio communication, specialized peripherals exist using the I2S or PDM
Microcontrollers are widely used across all forms of electronics, such as household electron-
ics and mobile devices, telecommunications infrastructure, cars, and industrial systems.
In 2017 over 25 billion microcontrollers were shipped and shipments are expected to grow
by more than 50% over the next 5 years[82].
Examples of microcontrollers (from ST Microelectronics) that could be used for audio
processing are shown in Table 2.2. Similar offerings are available from other manufacturers
such as Texas Instruments, Freescale, Atmel, Nordic Semiconductors, NXP.
Name Architecture Flash (kB) RAM (kB) CPU (MHz) Price (USD)
STM32F030CC Cortex-M0 256 32 48 1.0
STM32L476 Cortex-M4 1024 128 80 5.0
STM32F746 Cortex-M7 1024 1024 216 7.5
STM32H743ZI Cortex-H7 2048 1024 400 9.0
Table 2.2: Examples of available STM32 microcontrollers and their characteristics. Details
from ST Microelectronics website.
Figure 2.21: Low level functions provided by CMSIS-NN (light gray) for use by higher-level
code (light blue)[83]
platforms (not just ARM Cortex). They plan to reuse platform-specific libraries such as
CMSIS-NN or uTensor in order to be as efficient as possible.
EdgeML by Microsoft Research India[88] is a research project and open-source code
repository which contains novel algorithms developed especially for microcontrollers, such
as Bonsai[89], ProtoNN[90] and FastGRNN[61].
Emlearn[91] by the author is a Python library that supports converting a subset of Scikit-
Learn[92] and Keras[93] models and run them using C code designed for microcontrollers.
X-CUBE-AI[94] by ST Microelectronics provides official support for performing infer-
ence with Neural Networks on their STM32 microcontrollers. It is an add-on to the
STM32CubeMX[95] software development kit, and allows loading trained models from var-
ious formats, including Keras (Tensorflow[86]), Caffe[96] and PyTorch[97]. In X-CUBE-AI
3.4, all computations are done in single-precision float. Model compression is supported by
quantizing model weights by 4x or 8x, but only for fully-connected layers (not convolutional
layers)[98]. X-CUBE-AI 3.4 does not use CMSIS-NN.
3 | Materials
3.1 Dataset
The dataset used for the experiments is Urbansound8K, described in chapter 2.4.1. Figure
3.1 shows example audio spectrograms for each of the 10 classes.
Figure 3.1: Spectrograms of sound clips from Urbansound8k dataset. Audio clips were
selected for each class to give clear,representative spectrograms.
The dataset comes prearranged into 10 folds for cross-validation. A single fold may contain
multiple clips from the same source file, but the same source file is not used in multiple
folds to prevent data leakage.
The target sound is rarely alone in the sound clip and might be in the background, partially
obscured by sounds outside the available classes. This makes Urbansound8k a relatively
challenging dataset.
For audio input, both analog and digital microphones (I2S/PDM) are supported. The
microcontroller can also send and receive audio over USB from a host computer. An
SD-card interface can be used to record samples to collect a dataset.
To develop for the STM32L476 microcontroller the SensorTile development kit STEVAL-
STLKT01V1[105] was selected. The kit consists of a SensorTile module, an expansion
board, and a portable docking board (not used).
Figure 3.2: SensorTile module with functional blocks indicated. Module size is
The SensorTile module (see Figure 3.2) contains in addition to the microcontroller:
a microphone, Bluetooth radio chip, and an Inertial Measurement Unit (accelerome-
ter+gyroscope+compass). The on-board microphone was used during testing.
An expansion board allows to connect and power the microcontroller over USB. The
ST-Link V2 from a Nucleo STM32L476 board is used to program and debug the device.
The entire setup can be seen in Figure 3.3.
3.3 Software
The STM32L476 microcontroller is supported by the STM32CubeMX[95] development
package and the X-CUBE-AI[94] neural network add-on from ST Microelectronics. Version
3.4.0 of X-CUBE-AI was used.
Figure 3.4: STM32CubeMX application with X-CUBE-AI addon after loading a Keras
A Python command-line script was created to streamline collecting model statistics using
X-CUBE-AI, without having to manually use the STM32CubeMX user interface. It is
attached in appendix C. This tool provides required Flash storage (in bytes), RAM usage
and CPU usage (MACC operations) as JSON, and writes the generated C code to a
specified directory.
The training setup is implemented in Python. The machine learning models are imple-
mented in Keras using the Tensorflow backend. To perform feature extraction during
training the librosa[106] Python library was used. Numpy and Pandas libraries were used
for general numeric computations and data management.
The training setup has automated tests made with the pytest testing framework, and uses
Travis CI to execute the tests automatically for each change.
3.4 Models
3.4.1 Model requirements
The candidate models have to fit the constraints of our hardware platform and leave
sufficient resources for other parts of an application to run on the device. To do so, a
maximum of 50% of the CPU, RAM, and FLASH capacity is allocated to the model.
ST estimates that an ARM Cortex M4F type device uses approximately 9 cycles/MACC[98].
With 80 MHz CPU frequency, this is approximately 9 M MACC/second at 100% CPU
utilization. 50% CPU capacity is then estimated as 4.5 M MACC/second. 50% of RAM
and FLASH of the microcontroller in use is 64 kB RAM and 512 kB FLASH memory.
For each of these aspects, it is highly beneficial to be well below the hard constraints.
If the FLASH and RAM usage can be reduced to half or one-fourth, the cost of the
microcontroller is reduced by almost 2/4x. If CPU usage can be reduced to one-tenth,
that can reduce power consumption by up to 10 times.
Models from the existing literature (reviewed in chapter 2.4.2) are summarized in Table
3.1 and shown with respect to these model constraints in Figure 3.5. Even the smallest
existing models require significantly more than the available resources.
Figure 3.5: Model complexity and accuracy scores of existing CNN models using log-mel
features on Urbansound8k dataset. Green area bottom left shows the region which satisfies
our model requirements.
3.4.2 Compared models
SB-CNN and LD-CNN are the two best candidates for a baseline model, being the only
two that are close to the desired performance characteristic. SB-CNN utilizes a CNN
architecture with small uniformly sized kernels (5x5) followed by max pooling, which is
very similar to efficient CNN models for image classification. LD-CNN, on the other hand,
uses less conventional full-height layers in the start and takes both mel-spectrogram and
delta-Mel-spectrogram as inputs. This requires twice as much RAM as a single input and
the convolutions in the CNN should be able to learn delta-type features if needed. For
these reasons, SB-CNN was used as the base architecture for experiments.
The Baseline model has a few modifications from the original SB-CNN model: Max
pooling is 3x2 instead of 4x2. Without this change the layers become negative sized due to
the reduced input feature size (60 Mel filter bands instead of 128). Batch Normalization
was added to each convolutional block. The Keras definition for the Baseline model can
be found in appendix A.
24 Conv2d 24 Conv2d 2,2
Baseline MaxPool2d
ReLu Stride
48 CONV 36 CONV 2,2
MaxPool2d 3,2 ReLu
Flatten Flatten
Dropout Dropout
Dense 64 Dense 64
ReLu ReLu
Dropout Dropout
Dense 10 Dense 10
Softmax Softmax
Figure 3.6: Base architecture of the compared models: Baseline and Stride. In Stride the
MaxPooling2d operation (blue) has been removed in favor of striding the convolutional
blocks. F=Filters D=Downsampling. CONV means a generic convolution block, replaced
with the convolution type for different variations
From the baseline architecture, several model variations are created in order to evaluate
the effects of using different convolutional blocks and as well as replacing max-pooling
with strided convolutions. First, the Baseline was modified with just Depthwise-Separable
convolutions (nicknamed Baseline-DS) or striding (nicknamed Stride). Since the stride
height and width in Keras/Tensorflow must be uniform, 2x2 is used instead of 3x2 from
max-pooling. Figure 3.6 illustrates the two architectures.
Three different convolution blocks are tested on top of the Stride model: Depthwise
Separable (Stride-DS-*), Bottleneck with Depthwise Separable (Stride-BTLN-DS) and
Effnet block (Stride-Effnet). For EffNet, LeakyReLU was with ReLu since LeakyReLU
is not supported by X-CUBE-AI, version 3.4. Additionally, a version of strided with
Depthwise-Separable convolution with 3x3 kernel size (Stride-DS-3x3) was tested. The
Keras definition the strided model(s) can be found in appendix B.
Strided-DS showed promising results in early testing on a single fold. Therefore a few
variations with fewer number of filters were also tested, to get an idea for the possible
performance/complexity tradeoffs. In addition to the maximum of 24 filters, 20, 16 and
12 filters were tested. For all other Strided models, the number of layers and filters were
set as high as possible without violating any of the device constraints.
This results in 10 different models, as summarized in Table 3.2.
Table 3.2: Parameters of the compared models. L=Number of convolution layers, F=Filters
in each convolution layer, DS=Depthwise Separable, BTLN=Bottleneck
Residual connections were not tested, as the networks are relatively shallow. Grouped
convolutions were not tested, as they are not supported by X-CUBE-AI version 3.4.
4 | Methods
The method for experimental evaluation of the models follows as closely as possible the
established practices for the Urbansound8k dataset.
Figure 4.1 illustrates the overall setup of the classification model.
Figure 4.1: Overview of the full model. The classifier runs on individual analysis windows,
and predictions for the whole audio clip is done by voting over predictions from all the
analysis windows.
4.1 Preprocessing
Mel-spectrograms are used as the input feature. The most compact and most compu-
tationally efficient feature-set in use by existing methods was by LD-CNN, which used
windows of 31 frames @ 22050 Hz (720 ms) with 60 Mel-filter bands. This has achieved
results near the state-of-art, so the same overall settings were used. However, the delta
mel-spectrograms were dropped to reduce RAM consumption.
During preprocessing, Data Augmentation is also performed. Time-stretching and Pitch-
shifting was done following [74], for a total of 12 variations per sample. The preprocessed
mel-spectrograms are stored on disk as Numpy arrays for use during training.
Samplerate (Hz) 22050
Melfilter bands 60
FFT length (samples) 1024
FFT hop (samples) 512
Classification window 31
Minibatch size 400
Epochs 100
Training samples/epoch 30000
Validation samples/epoch 5000
Learning rate 0.005
Nesterov momentum NaN
4.2 Training
The preassigned folds of the Urbansound8k dataset were used. One of the folds was used
as a validation set, and one fold was held-out as the test set.
Training was done on individual analysis windows, with each window inheriting the label
of the audio clip it belongs to. In each mini-batch, audio clips from the training set are
selected randomly. And for each audio clip, a time window is selected from a random
position[74]. This effectively implements time-shifting data augmentation.
In order to evaluate the model on the entire audio clip, an additional pass over the
validation set is done which combines predictions from multiple time-windows as shown
in Figure 4.1.
As the optimizer, Stochastic Gradient Decent (SGD) with Nesterov momentum set to 0.9
is used. The learning rate was set to 0.005 for all models. Each model is trained for up to
100 epochs. A complete summary of experiment settings can be seen in Table 4.1.
Training was performed on an NVidia GTX2060 GPU with 6GB of RAM on a machine
with an Intel i5-9400F CPU, 16 GB of RAM and a Kingston A1000 M.2 SSD. However
the models can be trained on any device supported by TensorFlow and a minimum of
In total 100 training jobs were ran for the experiments, 10 folds for each of 10 tested
models. Jobs were processed with 3 jobs in parallel and took approximately 36 hours in
total. GPU utilization was only 15%, suggesting that the training process was bottlenecked
by the CPU or SSD when preparing the training batches for the GPU.
4.3 Evaluation
Once training is completed, the model epoch with the best performance on the validation
set is selected for each of the cross-validation folds. The selected models are then evaluated
on the test set in each fold.
In addition to the standard cross-validation for Urbansound8k, the model performance is
evaluated on also by separating foreground and background sounds.
The SystemPerformance application skeleton from X-CUBE-AI is used to record the
average inference time per sample on the STM32L476 microcontroller. This accounts for
potential variations in number of MACC/second for different models, which would be
ignored if only relying on the theoretical MACC number.
Finally, the trained models were tested running on the microcontrollers using live audio on
the microphone. The on-device test used the example code from the ST FP-SENSING1[107]
function pack as a base, with modifications made to send the model predictions out over
USB. The example code unfortunately only supports Mel-spectrogram preprocessing
with 16 kHz sample-rate, 30 filters and 1024 samples FFT window with 512 hops, using
max-normalization for the analysis windows. Therefore a Strided-DS model was trained
on fold 1-8 to match these feature settings.
The on-device testing was done ad-hoc with a few samples from, as a
sanity-check that the model remained functional when ran on the microcontroller. No
systematic measurement of the performance was performed.
5 | Results
Figure 5.1: Test accuracy of the different models. State-of-the-art averages (SB-CNN/LD-
CNN and D-CNN) marked with green dots. No-information rate marked with black
Table 5.1: Results for the compared models. CPU usage as measured on microcontroller.
FG=Foreground samples only, BG=Background samples only.
As seen in Table 5.1 and Figure 5.1 the Baseline model gets 72.3% mean accuracy. This
is the same level as SB-CNN and PiczakCNN without data-augmentation (73%)[74],
but significantly below the 79% of SB-CNN and LD-CNN with data-augmentation. As
expected, the Baseline uses more CPU than our requirements with 971 ms classification
time per 730 ms analysis window.
Figure 5.2: Accuracy versus compute of different models. Green section is the area inside
our model requirements. Red section is not possible to to classification in real-time.
Variations of the same model family have the same color. Strided- has been shortened to
S- for readability.
Stride-DS with 70.9% mean accuracy is able to get quite close the baseline performance,
despite having (from Table 3.2) 10185/477 = 21x fewer multiply-add operations (MACC).
The practical efficiency gain in CPU usage is however only 971/81 = 12x.
Stride-BTLN-DS and Stride-Effnet performed very poorly in comparison. This can be
most clearly seen from Figure 5.2. Despite almost the same computational requirements
as Stride-DS-24, they had accuracy scores that were 6.1 and 10.2 percentage points lower,
As seen in Figure 5.3, class accuracies vary widely. The most accurately predicted classes
were Gun Shot (96%), Car Horn (86%), Siren (82.7%) and Dog Bark (81.7%). The poorest
performance was on the Air Conditioner class (47% accuracy), which was misclassified as
almost all the other classes. Drilling (60% accuracy) was often thought to be Jackhammer
(20% of the time). Engine Idling (59.9%) was also often thought to be Jackhammer (19%
of the time). The remaining classes, Street Music, Children Playing and Jackhammer had
around average performance.
Figure 5.3: Confusion matrix on Urbansound8k. Correct predictions along the diagonal,
and misclassifications on the off-diagonal. Normalized to shows percentages.
5.1 On-device testing
Figure 5.4: Model being tested on device. Sound is played back via headphones and
classified on the microcontroller. Predictions are sent to computer and visualized on
screen in real-time.
The model used on the device (with 16kHz model with 30 mel filters) scored 72% on the
associated validation-set, fold 9. When running on the device, the model execution took 43
ms per analysis window, while preprocessing of the Mel-spectrogram took approximately
60 ms.
Figure 5.4 shows a closeup of the on-device testing scenario. When playing back a few
sounds the system was able to correctly classify classes such as “dog barking” most of
the time. The classes “jackhammer” and “drilling” were confused several times (in both
directions), but these were also often hard to distinguish by ear. The system seemed to
struggle with the “children playing” class. When not playing any sound, the GPU fan
noise from the nearby machine-learning rig was classified as “air conditioner” - which the
author can agree sounded pretty close.
6 | Discussion
The poorly performing Strided-BTLN-DS and Strided-Effnet both have a bottleneck 1x1
convolution in the start of each block, reducing the number of channels used in the spatial
convolution. This hyperparameter was set to a seemingly conservative reduction of 2x
(original Effnet used 8x[35], ShuffleNet used 4x[36], albeit on much bigger models). It is
possible that this choice of hyperparameter is critical and that other values would have
performed better, but this has not been investigated.
Of the models compared it looks like the Strided-DS family of models give the highest
accuracy relative to model compute requirements. The largest model, Strided-DS-24, was
able to achieve near Baseline performance while utilizing 12x less CPU. The CPU usage of
this model is 11%, well within the 50% set as a requirement. The fact that speedup (12x)
was not linear with the MACC reduction (21.5x) highlights the importance of measuring
execution time on a real device.
The smaller models (with 20,16,12 filters) in the Strided-DS family with less compute
requirements had correspondingly lower accuracies. This suggests that a the tradeoff
between model complexity and performance can be adjusted. The Strided-DS-3x3 variation
with 4 layers with 3x3 convolutions instead was close in performance to the Strided-DS
models with 3 layers of 5x5. This could be investigated closer, there may exist variations
on this 3x3 model that would perform better than 5x5.
From a one-fold spot check the on-device model trained on 16 kHz sample-rate with 30 Mel
filters, looked to perform similarly to those with the full 22 kHz and 60 Mel filters. This
may suggest that perhaps the feature representation (and thus compute requirements)
can be reduced even further without much reduction in performance.
From table 5.1 it can be seen that the accuracy for foreground sounds is around 5
percentage points better than overall accuracy, reaching above 75%. Background sounds,
on the other hand, have a much lower accuracy. The best models score under 62%
accuracy, an 8 percentage point drop (or more). This is expected since the signal to noise
ratio is lower. If the information of interest is the predominant sound in an area close
to the sensor, one could maybe take this into account by only classifying loud (probably
closer) sounds, in order to achieve higher precision. Of course, the reduced ability to
classify sounds that are far away would require a higher density of sensors, which may be
The accuracy for Urbansound8k classification is based on 4-second intervals. In a noise
monitoring situation this granularity of information may not be needed. For example to
understand temporal patterns across a day or week, or analyze a noise complaint about
a persistent noise, information about the predominant noise source(s) with 15 minute
resolution might be enough. For sound-sources with a relatively long duration (much more
than 4 seconds), such as children playing, drilling or street music it should be possible
to achieve higher accuracy by combining many predictions over time. However, this is
unlikely to help for short, intermittent sounds (“events”) such as a car horn or a gun-shot.
Thankfully performance of the model on these short sounds is considerably better than
on the long-term sounds.
Given multiple sensors covering one area, it may also be possible to fuse the individual
sensor predictions in order to improve overall predictions.
Finally, for a particular deployment it may be realistic to limit classification to only a
few characteristic sound classes. For example in [108], the authors describe doing a 3-way
classification on sensor nodes near a rock crushing plant.
7 | Conclusions
Based on the need for wireless sensor systems that can monitor and classify environ-
mental noise, this project has investigated performing noise classification directly on
microcontroller-based sensor hardware. This on-sensor classification makes it possible to
reduce power-consumption and privacy issues associated with transmitting raw audio or
detailed audio fingerprints to a cloud system for classification.
Several Convolutional Neural Networks were designed for the STM32L476 low-power
microcontroller using the vendor-provided X-CUBE-AI inference engine. The models
were evaluated on the Environmental Sound Classification task using the standard Urban-
sound8k dataset, and validated briefly by testing real-time classification on a SensorTile
device. The best models used Depthwise-Separable convolutions with striding, and were
able to reach up to 70.9% mean accuracy while consuming only 20% CPU, and staying
within predefined 50% RAM and FLASH storage budgets. To our knowledge, this is the
highest reported performance on Urbansound8k on a microcontroller.
Utilizing larger amounts of training data might be able to increase performance of the
models. Possible techniques for this are transfer learning[114] or applying stronger data
augmentation techniques such as Mixup[55] or SpecAugment[115].
It is critical for overall power consumption to reduce how often on-sensor classification is
performed. This should also benefit from an adaptive sampling strategy. For example
to primarily do classification for time-periods that exceed a sound level threshold, or to
sample less often when the sound source changes slowly.
A | Keras model for Baseline
import numpy as np
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Activation, Flatten, BatchNormalization
from keras.layers import Convolution2D, MaxPooling2D, SeparableConv2D
from keras.regularizers import l2
Based on
but parameters are changed back to those of the original paper authors,
and added Batch Normalization
Conv2 = SeparableConv2D if conv_block == 'depthwise_separable' else Convolution2D
assert conv_block in ('conv', 'depthwise_separable')
kernel = conv_size
if use_strides:
strides = downsample_size
pool = (1, 1)
strides = (1, 1)
pool = downsample_size
block1 = [
Convolution2D(filters, kernel, padding='same', strides=strides,
input_shape=(bands, frames, channels)),
block2 = [
Conv2(filters*kernels_growth, kernel, padding='same', strides=strides),
block3 = [
Conv2(filters*kernels_growth, kernel, padding='valid', strides=strides),
backend = [
Dense(fully_connected, kernel_regularizer=l2(0.001)),
Dense(num_labels, kernel_regularizer=l2(0.001)),
layers = block1 + block2 + block3 + backend
model = Sequential(layers)
return model
B | Keras model for Strided
import numpy as np
from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Activation, Flatten, BatchNormalization, Input
from keras.layers import MaxPooling2D, SeparableConv2D, Conv2D, DepthwiseConv2D, ZeroPadding2D
MobileNet style"""
x = SeparableConv2D(filters, kernel, padding=padding,
strides=downsample, name=name+'_ds')(x)
return add_common(x, name=name+'_ds')
MobileNetV2 style
if padding == 'valid':
pad = ((0, kernel[0]//2), (0, kernel[0]//2))
x = ZeroPadding2D(padding=pad, name=name+'pad')(x)
x = Conv2D(int(filters*bottleneck), (1,1),
padding='same', strides=downsample,
add_common(x, name+'_pw')
x = SeparableConv2D(filters, kernel,
padding=padding, strides=(1,1),
return add_common(x, name+'_ds')
ch_in = int(filters*bottleneck)
ch_out = filters
if padding == 'valid':
pad = ((0, kernel//2), (0, kernel//2))
x = ZeroPadding2D(padding=pad, name=name+'pad')(x)
x = DepthwiseConv2D((1, kernel),
padding=padding, use_bias=bias, name=name+'dwv')(x)
x = add_common(x, name=name+'dwv')
block_types = {
'conv': conv,
'depthwise_separable': conv_ds,
'bottleneck_ds': conv_bottleneck_ds,
'effnet': conv_effnet,
x = Flatten()(x)
x = Dropout(dropout)(x)
x = Dense(fc, kernel_regularizer=l2(regularization))(x)
x = Activation('relu')(x)
x = Dropout(dropout)(x)
x = Dense(n_classes, kernel_regularizer=l2(regularization))(x)
x = Activation('softmax')(x)
return x
input = Input(shape=(bands, frames, channels))
x = input
block_no = 0
for stage_no in range(0, n_stages):
for b_no in range(0, n_blocks_per_stage):
# last padding == valid
padding = 'valid' if block_no == (n_stages*n_blocks_per_stage)-1 else 'same'
# downsample only one per stage
downsample = downsample_size if b_no == 0 else (1, 1)
# first convolution is standard
conv_func = conv if block_no == 0 else block_types.get(conv_block)
name = "conv{}".format(block_no)
C | Script for converting models us-
Convert a Keras/Lasagne/Caffe model to C for STM32 microcontrollers using ST X-CUBE-AI
Wrapper around the 'generatecode' tool used in STM32CubeMX from the X-CUBE-AI addon
import pathlib
import json
import subprocess
import argparse
import os.path
import re
import platform
model_options = {
'keras': 1,
'lasagne': 2,
'caffee': 3,
'convnetjs': 4,
data = {
"name": name,
"toolbox": model_options[model_type],
"models": {
"1": [ model_path , ""],
"2": [ model_path , ""],
"3": [ model_path , ""],
"4": [ model_path ],
"compression": compression,
"pinnr_path": out_path,
"src_path": out_path,
"inc_path": out_path,
"plot_file": os.path.join(out_path, "network.png"),
return json.dumps(data)
def parse_with_unit(s):
number, unit = s.split()
number = float(number)
multipliers = {
'KBytes': 1e3,
'MBytes': 1e6,
mul = multipliers[unit]
return number * mul
def extract_stats(output):
regex = r" ([^:]*):(.*)"
out = {}
matches = re.finditer(regex, output.decode('utf-8'), re.MULTILINE)
return out
def test_ram_use():
examples = [
input_1_output_array, AI_DATA_FORMAT_FLOAT,
NULL, NULL, 1860,
conv2d_1_output_array, AI_DATA_FORMAT_FLOAT,
NULL, NULL, 29760,
{ 'input_1_output_array': 1860, 'conv2d_1_output_array': 29760 }),
def extract_ram_use(str):
regex = r"AI_ARRAY_OBJ_DECLARE\(([^)]*)\)"
matches = re.finditer(regex, str, re.MULTILINE)
out = {}
for i, match in enumerate(matches):
(items, ) = match.groups()
items = [ i.strip() for i in items.split(',') ]
name, format, _, _, size, modifiers = items
out[name] = int(size)
return out
# Run generatecode
args = [
'-c', config_path,
stdout = subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
return stats
def parse():
supported_types = '|'.join(model_options.keys())
a('model', metavar='PATH', type=str,
help='The model to convert')
a('out', metavar='DIR', type=str,
help='Where to write generated output')
a('--type', default='keras',
help='Type of model. {}'.format(supported_types))
a('--name', default='network',
help='Name of the generated network')
a('--compression', default=None, type=int,
help='Compression setting to use. Valid: 4|8')
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def main():
args = parse()
if __name__ == '__main__':
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