[Based on Chapter 14: Vidyananda Prakaranamof Panchadashi of Sri Vidyaranya Swami]
Course material written and dedicated to Swami ParamarthanandabyRaja Subramaniyan (
October 2008
Module NJoy of The Knowledge
Unit 01: Knowledge and Joy Number of Sessions: 2(N01 –N02)Number of Lessons: 1
On completion of this unit, the student-teacher will be able to(a)Understand how knowledge of ONE leads to Joyful Living
Notes to the teacher: (Ref 14.01 and 14.65 of the original text)Unit Test: Session N02
1.What are the three levels in which we experience happiness? List them with example. 2.Which happiness is long lasting among these three?3.What are the five features of the happiness that is derived by knowing ONE?
Lesson 1: Nature of the knowledge Session: N01
We experience happiness at three different levels:1.Physical Level: When sense organs are exposed to favorable sense objects we are happy. For example when we listen to our favorite song we are happy.2.Psychological Level: When we experience positive emotions in our mind we are happy. For example, the song we listened would have reminded us some enjoyable events in our life and we will be happy while thinking about those events.3.Intellectual Level: When we gain knowledge, we are happy. For example, if we solve a math problem or write a software code for a complex problem we are happy.Only source of all happiness is SELF. There is no happiness in the external world. However, we seem to gain happiness only on the above occasions. This is so because during these occasions our mind becomes serene and the EGO dissolves temporarily and as a result our natural happiness is reflected in our mind without any obstacle. Therefore, we experience happiness.Thus, serene mind and absence of EGO is essential for experiencing our natural happiness. To see our face we need a mirror. If the mirror is covered with a thick coating of dust, we cannot see our face. Similarly, EGO and various thoughts in the form of desires and worries are covering our mind most of the time preventing us from experiencing our original happiness. The external world in the form of sense objects, internal emotions and the knowledge helps us to clear the mind so that we could experience happiness for few moments.Happiness gained at intellectual level is long lasting compared to the other two and happiness gained at the psychological level is better than happiness gained at the physical level. Happiness at the physical level lasts only as long as we are in contact with the sense objects.Mind spread across the physical body and enjoy happiness at the physical level. This is surface level happiness. When mind is involved directly, it derives higher level of happiness. Gaining knowledge provides highest level of happiness since intelligence is the highest level of mind.There are gradations on the type of knowledge. Higher level of knowledge provides higher happiness. Highest possible knowledge is knowledge about ONE. Once we become steady in this knowledge our EGO is permanently dissolved and our mind is always clear. Therefore, our life will become joyful.