Sunil Vyas, Rakesh Kumar Singh and P. Senthilkumaran - Exotic Vortex Beam Shapes For Optical Traps

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ICOP 2009-International Conference on Optics and Photonics

CSIO, Chandigarh, India, 30 Oct.-1 Nov. 2009

Sunil Vyas, Rakesh Kumar Singh and P. Senthilkumaran
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India
[email protected]

Abstract: We experimentally demonstrate the generation of vortex traps with different shape and properties.
We have done simulation to produce the phase mask for vortex traps. These phase masks are encoded on to the
spatial light modulator (SLM). Intensity distribution at the focal plane for these novel optical traps of different
shapes and properties are recorded. To increase the diffraction efficiency, the SLM is used in phase modulation


Optical beams carrying phase singularities
(wavefront dislocations) have attracted much interest
in recent years. There exist three types of wavefront
dislocations, i.e., the screw dislocation or vortex with
spiral phase, the edge dislocation with
phase shift
located along the line in the transverse plane, and the
mixed screw-edge dislocation [1]. An optical vortex
is a spiral phase ramp around a point where phase of
the wave is undefined and amplitude is zero. It is
described by
) exp( u im
where m is the topological
charge. Optical vortices carry orbital angular
momentum which is different from spin angular
momentum arising due to polarization.

A vortex beam with the integer topological charge is
characterized by a bright ring encircling the dark core
generally called as doughnuts mode, where as
fractional charge beam possesses a low intensity
radial opening corresponding to the phase step in the
bright ring. Light beams with nested vortices have
wide-spread, far-reaching applications in fields as
diverse as the biosciences, laser cooling and trapping,
micromechanics and quantum information. The
mechanical property of the vortex beam has been
extensively used in rotation and manipulation of
micro particle and these beams possess some
advantages over Gaussian beams [2]. Fractional
charge vortices have been used in the atom optics [3
], quantum communication [4], where the low
intensity gap in the doughnut structure gives extra
advantage as compared to the perfect doughnut shape
of integer charge vortices. Orbital angular
momentum provides mechanical properties to the
vortex beam. Optical beams possessing vortex with
fractional charge can also be used for optical rotation
and manipulation of microscopic particles by the
transfer of orbital angular momentum.

Optical vortices can be generated in several different
controllable ways for example by spiral phase plates
[5], adaptive helical mirror [6], and computer
generated holograms (CGH) [7]. The method of CGH
is however most commonly used, because it permits
precise control of the vortex position, topological
charge and provides a possibility of generation of
desired pattern of optical vortices.

In recent years array of vortices has generated an
increased interest among many research groups.
Vortex arrays are used in variety of applications
which include multiple trap optical tweezers [8],
spatial solitons [9], microfludic sorting [10], and
orbital angular momentum of periodic pattern [11].

Recent advances in the spatial light modulators
enable a single laser beam to split into many beams.
They are widely used for altering phase profile of
laser beam. Arbitrary intensity pattern can be
generated using SLM, acting as reconfigurable
diffractive optical components. One of the methods
to generate optical vortices is by using a phase mask
with transmission function
) exp( u im
where u are
angular coordinate in the polar coordinate system.
Diffraction pattern produced by a monochromatic
beam in the focal volume of a lens has been widely
studied. It is well known that size and shape of
diffraction pattern depends on the property of
focusing system.

In this paper we present a simple and effective
method of generating exotic vortex beams which
offer flexibility of position, number and topological
charge of vortices present in the beam that can create
new vortex beam traps. The method uses a single
optical element to produce multiple vortices with
good quality. A vortex beam of integer as well as
fractional charge can be produced with it. These
exotic beams with different shapes have been
generated using vortex lens. For this purpose
specially designed phase masks are produced, which
are encoded on to the SLM. And intensity
distributions at the focal plane for these lenses are
recorded. Properties of new vortex beam shapes and
their intensity distributions for the case of integer
topological charge and fractional charge are

ICOP 2009-International Conference on Optics and Photonics
CSIO, Chandigarh, India, 30 Oct.-1 Nov. 2009







Diffractive optics sculpts the propagation of light
to generate complex intensity and phase structure. It
is achieved by imposing a particular phase or
intensity pattern on the incident beam. An SLM in
phase modulation mode can imprint a phase term
directly on the incident beam. We use computer-
generated phase mask designed for this purpose. A
plane wave of uniform intensity passing through the
phase mask would simply have the phase structure of
the desired phase variation. However, in practice the
phase mask introduces phase delays over a
significantly different range that depends on the SLM

The transmission function for a computer
generated phase mask for vortex generation is
described by the equation as


and u are polar coordinates in the input plane
and mis the topological charge of vortex. A phase
mask having this transmittance function transforms
incident wave field into helicoidal structure. Presence
of Fresnel lens factor in addition to
u im
e gives
desired curvature to the beam and the optical element
is referred to as vortex lens [12, 13]. The
transmittance function of the vortex lens is given by


where, f is the focal length of the lens and is
the wavelength of light used. The first term gives the
helical shape to the wavefront where as the second
term gives the curvature to the wavefront. This
specific transmittance imparts an on-axis vortex on
the incident optical field. Multiple vortices can be
embedded into the wavefront by using expression


n is the topological charge of
i vortex and

The position of
i vortex in wavefront can be
changed by changing
( )
i i
y x ,
. The complex amplitude
at the focal plane can be evaluated by using the
Fresnel-Kirchhoff diffraction integral which can be
written, [14] as


where ( ) z , ,u and ( ) f r , ,| corresponds to object
and the diffracted field planes respectvely expressed
in cylindrical coordinates. The phase factor in the
multiplicative factor
does not play any role in
intensity and hence can be ignored. The amplitude

in c
is only a scale factor and hence is
ignored .The field at the focal plane is proportional to
the Fourier transform of the transmittance function
given in Eq. (2). Intensity distribution at the
observation plane is then given by


Here the intensity distribution refers to the far-field
image of a point object. The vortex lens has low
numerical aperture as the SLM has finite pixels and
so Eq. (4) can be applied to find the field ( ) f r E , , | .


A phase only SLM can impose an azimuthal phase
term directly on the incident beam converting it into
a helical beam. But this requires the SLM to possess
a precise phase modulation from (0 to t 2 ). The
method of generating optical vortices using phase
mask is more versatile because it allows precise
control over vortex parameters and the possibility of
generating specific patterns of optical vortices.
Furthermore a phase mask displayed on the SLM
gives the dynamic control over the vortex.

( )
( )

s s
for im
1 0 exp
( ) ( )

im t

u u
exp exp ,
( ) ( )
( ) u | u

u |
d d r
z E c f r E

} }
= =
0 , , , ,
( ) f r i e
f i

exp =
( ) ( ) | |
i i i
x x y y = arctan u
( )


i i i i
y x n
, u u
( ) ( )
, , , , f r E f r I | | =
ICOP 2009-International Conference on Optics and Photonics
CSIO, Chandigarh, India, 30 Oct.-1 Nov. 2009

Fig. 1 Experimental arrangement

The experimental arrangement is shown in Fig. 1.
Linearly polarized light from a He-Ne laser at
nm 8 . 632 = is spatially filtered, expanded and
collimated to form a plane wave. The collimated
beam of light is directed on the SLM (Holoeye LC-
2002 with 832X624 of pixels and pixel pitch 32 m ).
Our SLM produces phase shift of
t 5 . 1
at =532
nm. By using properly oriented linear polarizer or by
generating appropriate elliptically polarized light one
can modulate, mainly the phase while keeping the
amplitude constant. We have used elliptically
polarized light to achieve phase only modulation for
the SLM by the use of combination of two-polarizers
and two quarter wave plates as shown in Fig. 1. This
architecture consists of a combination of an input
polarizer (P1) and a quarter wave plate (QW1) in
front of the SLM and an output quarter wave plate
(QW2) and polarizer (P2) behind the SLM. We adjust
the polarizers and quarter wave plates such that the
SLM modulates phase only and keeping the intensity
of light beam constant. A gray scale phase mask
corresponding to the transmittance of a lens
embedded with an array of vortices is displayed on
the and the corresponding intensity distribution is
recorded on CCD.

The phase mask for vortex lens that can generate
different beam shapes has been made using Virtual
lab software. In the phase profile shown in Fig. 2 (a,
b) phase is shown on the continues gray scale where
white representing a phase of zero and black
representing t 2 .


Fig.2. Phase mask for vortex lens (a) Four vortices
each with m=4 (b) two vortices each with m=4.5

(a) (b)

Fig.3. Spatial distribution of intensity at the focal
plane (a) corresponding to the phase mask shown in
the Fig. 2 (a), (b) corresponding to the phase mask
shown in the Fig. 2 (b)

Generally a lens produces a single bright spot at its
focal plane but when phase singularity is added into
it then it produces a ring instead of the bright spot at
the focus. If multiple singularities are presented in
the beam then it can produce many intensity nulls in
the beam. An arbitrary distribution of the vortices can
be produced with this optical element. Multiple
vortices can be embedded into the same mask by
placing them at different positions. For example we
have shown in Fig.2 (a) four vortices with m=4
which are kept in the square geometry vortices.
Bifurcation of the phase contours occurs at the point
of singularity. The number of bifurcation depends
upon the topological charge of the vortex. This
bifurcation produces corresponding dark spots in the
intensity profile as shown in Fig. 3 (a). Various
combinations and positions of vortices are possible in
the beam profile.

Fractional charge is known to produce a radial
opening in the doughnut structure of the vortices.
Fractional charge vortices are also known as the
mixed screw edge dislocation. They produce two
types of phase singularity one corresponding to a
point (screw dislocation) that produces a intensity
null and the other a line singularity (edge
dislocation) that produces intensity void in the beam
profile. The advantage of mixed edge-screw
dislocation is recently reported in the field of
quantum communication and atom optics where the
orientation of edge-dislocation present in the
fractional charge vortices gives extra degree of

A new type of optical trap is possible when two
fractional vortices with alternating sign are kept near
as shown in Fig. 2 (b). They produce spatial intensity
distribution in which two rings are joined with a
narrow opening between them. Intensity distribution
in the far field is shown in Fig. 3 (b). In case of the
two same fractional charge vortices the ring still joins
with the intensity nulls but has doubled shape
intensity distribution.


We have experimentally demonstrated the
generation of symmetric structure of optical vortices
with different shapes and topological charge using
vortex lens. Intensity distributions for different
vortex beams are recorded at the focal plane. Since
ICOP 2009-International Conference on Optics and Photonics
CSIO, Chandigarh, India, 30 Oct.-1 Nov. 2009

the phase masks created for vortex lens are computer
generated, they offer great flexibility of design and
controlled vortex parameter like position in
wavefront, topological charge and the focal length.
They can produce multiple point and line singularity
with different shapes. The method presented here is
useful in research areas where good quality multiple
hollow beams are required. It can also find
applications in areas of laser beam array, optical
trapping, atom optics, and in quantum


Research grant from Department of Science and
Technology (No. SR/S2/LOP-10/2005) is thankfully

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