The Tourism Satellite Account (TSA)

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The Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) Introduction

1. The tourism sector has been a key factor in the development of Mauritius during the past decades. During the period 1977 to 2007, tourist arrivals increased annually at an average rate of 7.5% from 103,000 to around 907,000 and tourist earnings at an average rate of 19.2% from R 210 million to R 40,700 million. With Government policy to attract 2 million tourists in 2015, the sector is called upon to grow significantly in the coming years, averaging a 15% growth each year. Statistical information collected so far does not fully capture the effect of the sector on the economy, essential for effective public policies and business operations. 2. The computation of a Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) has become essential to bridge some of the data gap. However, the TSA measures only the direct contribution of the sector in the economy of a country. The total impact (including indirect and induced effects) on the economy is not fully reflected in the TSA, and can best be measured and analyzed using other means such as input-output or computable general equilibrium models based on the TSA or other modeling instruments which allow for comprehensive tourism impact analysis. 3. This publication presents some results of the 2005 TSA, based on available data, namely the 2002 Census of Economic Activities and the 2004 survey of non-residents visiting the country. Estimates have also been worked out for the years 2006 to 2009. A brief methodology including the concepts, definitions and classifications used and data sources is given in the Technical Notes at Annex. What is a TSA? 4. A TSA provides for (i) macroeconomic aggregates that describe the size and the economic contribution of different forms of tourism (ii) data on tourism consumption, and how the demand is met by domestic supply and imports; (iii) Detailed production accounts of the tourism industries including linkages with other productive economic activities.

Coverage 5. The different forms or categories of tourism covered are: (i) Inbound tourism which comprises activities of non-resident visitors within the country of reference on inbound trips (ii) Outbound tourism which covers activities of resident visitors outside the country as part of an outbound trip (iii) Domestic tourism which comprises activities of resident visitors within the country as part of a domestic trip

Flow of tourism expenditure in the economy, 2005 6. The chart below shows the tourism expenditure of the different forms of tourism for 2005, and how it is met. 7. In 2005, the total tourism expenditure at market prices was estimated at Rs 49,870 million. Inbound tourism expenditure was Rs 35,080 million (70.3%), outbound tourism expenditure Rs 8,713 million (17.5%) and domestic tourism expenditure Rs 6,077 million (12.2%).

8. After removing all taxes net of subsidies amounting to Rs 2,082 million, the total tourism supply at basic prices worked out to Rs 47,788 million. Chart 1: Tourism expenditure, 2005

Internal tourism expenditure Rs 41,157 Mn Outbound tourism expenditure Rs 8,713 Mn Inbound tourism expenditure Rs 35,080 Mn Domestic tourism expenditure Rs 6,077 Mn

Total tourism expenditure : Rs 49,870 Mn

Supply of tourism products at purchaser's prices : Rs 49,870 Mn

Supply of tourism products at basic prices (excluding net taxes on products): Rs 47,788 Mn Imported and locally produced goods and Goods and services services purchased by resident (domestic purchased by resident visitors outside the country tourism) and non-resident visitors (inbound tourism) within the country (outbound tourism) Rs 39,075 Mn Rs 8,713 Mn Net taxes on products Rs 2,082 Mn

Intermediate counsumption by local producers of tourism goods and services Rs 17,960 Mn

Tourism Direct Gross Value Added (TDGVA) Rs 18,110 Mn

9. The total supply at basic prices included around Rs 39,075 million of imported and locally produced tourism goods and services purchased by resident visitors (domestic tourism) and nonresident visitors (inbound tourism) within the country, and Rs 8,713 million of imported tourism goods and services consumed by resident visitors outside the country (outbound tourism). 10. In the production process, local producers of tourism products use goods and services produced by others as intermediate consumption. Intermediate consumption of these producers was estimated Rs 17,960 million, representing 49.8% of their gross output, valued at Rs 36,070 million. Their value added or the total Tourism Direct Gross Value Added (TDGVA) at basic prices, calculated as the difference between the gross output and the intermediate consumption worked out to Rs 18,110 million. This represents 11.2% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at basic prices.

Direct contribution of the tourism industry in the economy, 2005 2009 11. Table 1 and Chart 2 below show the direct contribution of the tourism industry in the local economy for 2005 to 2009, as measured by the TDGVA.

Table 1: Direct contribution of the tourism industry in the economy, 2005-2009

Aggregates Total supply of tourism goods and services at basic prices Goods and services purchased by resident visitors outside the country (outbound tourism) Imported and locally produced goods and services purchased by non-resident and resident visitors within the country (inbound and domestic tourism) Tourism Direct Gross Value Added (TDGVA) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at basic prices Direct contribution of tourism in GDP (%)
1 Provisional

2005 47,788 8,713

2006 56,980 11,060

2007 68,790 11,980

2008 71,840 13,890


66,120 13,000

39,075 18,110 162,171 11.2

45,920 21,790 182,009 12.0

56,810 26,930 206,971 13.0

57,950 27,515 234,151 11.8

53,120 25,205 246,979 10.1

TDGVA at current prices recorded high increases of 20.3% and 23.6% in 2006 and 2007 respectively. This was followed by a low increase in 2008 (2.2%) and a decline in 2009 (-8.4%), mainly due to low inbound tourism following economic downturn in our main markets. TDGVA as a percentage of GDP at basic prices was estimated at 11.2% in 2005, 12.0% in 2006, 13.0% in 2007, 11.8% in 2008 and 10.1% in 2009 Chart 2: Direct contribution of tourism in GDP, 2005 - 2009
40 35 14 12 10 8 20 6 15 10 5 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 4 2 0

Tourism Direct Gross Value Added (Rs Billion)

30 25

Direct Gross Value added of tourism activities Share of GDP

Tourism Direct Gross Value Added (TDGVA) by industry, 2005 12. Chart 3 below shows the percentage distribution of the total TDGVA by main tourism industry for 2005. 13. Around 44% of the total TDGVA was generated by industries providing Accommodation for visitors, 10% by Food and beverage serving industry, 23% by Road and air transport, and related services industry and 11% by Retail trade industry and the remaining 12% by Recreational, cultural, sports industry and others.

Share of GDP (%)

Chart 3: Percentage distribution of Tourism Direct Gross Value Added by industry, 2005

Recreational, cultural, and sports industry; and others 12%

Accommodation for visitors 44%

Retail trade industry 11%

Road and air transport, and related services industry 23% Food and beverage serving industry 10%

Tourism expenditure by category of tourism, 2005 2009 14. In 2005, the total tourism expenditure at purchasers price was estimated at Rs 49,870 million. Inbound tourism expenditure amounting to Rs 35,080 million and representing 70.3% of the total was the main component of tourism expenditure. Outbound tourism expenditure amounted to Rs 8,713 million (17.5%) while domestic tourism expenditure which includes expenditure by resident visitors travelling between the islands of Mauritius and Rodrigues for tourism purposes was estimated at Rs 6,077 million (12.2% ). 15. Table 2 and Chart 4 below give the estimates of expenditure for the three categories of tourism for 2005 to 2009. Table 2: Tourism expenditure at purchasers prices by category of tourism, 2005 2009
Category of tourism Rs Mn Inbound tourism Outbound tourism Domestic tourism Total 35,080 8,713 6,077 49,870 2005 % 70.3 17.5 12.2 100.0 Rs Mn 41,403 11,063 7,000 59,466 2006 % 69.6 18.6 11.8 100.0 Rs Mn 51,907 11,980 7,900 71,787 2007 % 72.3 16.7 11.0 100.0 Rs Mn 51,731 13,890 9,350 74,971 2008 % 69.0 18.5 12.5 100.0 2009 Rs Mn 46,000 13,000 10,000 69,000

% 66.7 18.8 14.5 100.0

1 provisional

16. The figures indicate that inbound tourism expenditure remains the main component of expenditure, in spite of declines in 2008 and 2009. Outbound tourism expenditure increased during the period 2005 to 2008, but declined in 2009, while domestic tourism expenditure increased throughout the period possibly due to availability of more local holiday packages.

Chart 4: Share of inbound, outbound and domestic tourism in total tourism expenditure, 2005-2009
80 70 60 50 % 40 30 20 10 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 InboundTourism Expenditure DomesticTourismExpenditure OutboundTourismExpenditure

Composition of tourism expenditure, 2005 17. The distribution of expenditure of the three categories of tourism by product group for 2005 is given in Table 3.
Table 3: Distribution of tourism expenditure by product and category of tourists, 2005
Internal tourism expenditure Inbound Domestic tourism tourism expenditure expenditure (%) (%) 89.7 37.4 11.9 2.9 25.9 3.7 2.5 5.4 10.3 100.0 60.6 14.4 13.8 8.5 8.9 4.6 2.0 8.5 39.4 100.0

Product groups Tourism Characteristics Products Accommodation services Food and beverages Road passenger transport Air passenger transport Travel agencies and other reservation services Cultural, recreational and sports services Other Tourism-connected products Total tourism expenditure

Outbound tourism expenditure (%) 66.7 19.5 12.0 6.0 6.9 5.4 15.0 1.8 33.3 100.0

18. In 2005, the main products of tourism expenditure of non-resident visitors within the country (inbound tourism) were Accommodation, Air passenger transport and Food and beverages. Their shares in the total expenditure for that category of tourism were 37.4%, 25.9% and 11.9% respectively. 19. Resident visitors outside the country (outbound tourism) spent mostly on Tourism connected products, mostly shopping items (33.3%), Accommodation (19.5%) and Recreational, cultural and sports services (15.0%) while resident visitors within the country (domestic tourism) spent

mostly on Tourism connected products (39.4%), Accommodation (14.4%), and Food and beverages (13.8%). International trade in tourism 20. Exports of tourism goods and services comprise locally produced goods and services purchased by non-resident visitors in the country (inbound tourism expenditure). Table 4 and Chart 5 compare revenue from exports of tourism goods and services with that of exports of goods manufactured by export-oriented enterprises and sugar over the period 2005 to 2008. 21. Exports of tourism goods and services remain our main exports, accounting for over 35% of the countrys total exports of goods and services in 2008. Comparatively, manufactured goods of the export-oriented enterprises represent around 25% and sugar around 6%.
Table 4: Exports of tourism goods and services, manufactured goods of export-oriented enterprises, and sugar, 2005
2005 Rs Mn % 110,939 35,080 28,954 10,536 100.0 31.6 26.1 9.5 2006 Rs Mn 127,128 41,403 33,610 11,198 2007 Rs Mn % 138,459 51,907 37,840 9,578 100.0 37.5 27.3 6.9 2008 Rs Mn % 140,166 51,730 35,080 8,268 100.0 36.9 25.0 5.9

Main exports Total exports of goods and services Of which Tourism goods and services Manufactured goods (of export-oriented enterprises) Sugar

% 100.0 32.6 26.4 8.8

Chart 5: Share of main exports items in the total exports of goods and services, 2005-2008
40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 % 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 2005 Tourism goods and services 2006 2007 2008 Sugar Manufactured goods (of export-oriented enterprises)

22. Tourism balance of trade, defined as tourism exports (locally produced goods and services purchased by non-resident visitors in the country) net of tourism imports (goods and services purchased by residents visitors outside the country) for the period 2005 to 2008 is shown in Table 5 below. 23. Steady increases were noted in the tourism balance of trade during the period 2005 to 2007. However, it declined in 2008 due to higher increase in tourism imports compared to tourism exports. A similar trend is noted in balance of trade of export-oriented enterprises. This is explained by the effects of the economic crisis on our tourism and export-oriented industries.

Table 5: Balance of trade of tourism sector, export-oriented enterprises, and total economy, 2005 - 2008

2005 Exports Total economy Of which Tourism sector Export-oriented enterprises Imports Total economy Of which Tourism sector Export-oriented enterprises Balance of trade Total economy Of which Tourism sector Export-oriented enterprises 110,939 35,080 28,954 122,067 8,713 15,518 -11,128 26,367 13,436

2006 127,128 41,403 33,610 150,429 11,063 19,026 -23,301 30,340 14,584

2007 138,459 51,907 37,840 162,612 11,980 21,036 -24,153 39,927 16,804

2008 140,166 51,730 35,080 179,108 13,888 20,172 -38,942 37,842 14,908

Central Statistics Office, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Port Louis February 2010

Contact Person Ms R Moraby Statistician Central Statistics Office L.I.C Centre J. Kennedy Street Port Louis Telephone: 208-3985 Fax: 211-4150 Email:[email protected]


Technical note Methodology for the computation of a Tourism Satellite Account 1. Introduction

This first Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) for 2005 has been constructed in line with the recommendations of the 2008 Tourism Satellite Account Recommended Methodological Framework (TSA: RMF 2008) of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO). A major feature of this methodology is that it analyses tourism and its relationship with the rest of the economy within the central framework of national accounting, the 1993 System of National Accounts (SNA1993). Hence, tourisms contribution to national accounts aggregates can be determined and compared with other industries. A Tourism Satellite Account analyses in detail all the aspects of demand for goods and services associated with tourism activities and how this demand is met by other economic activities. From the supply side, tourism constitutes the productive activities that cater mainly for visitors. Goods and services produced locally for tourists (tourism output) and imports of tourism products make up the total supply of tourism products. Tourism on the demand side refers to the activities of visitors, and their role in the acquisition of goods and services and focuses on tourism expenditure by category of tourism, namely outbound, inbound and domestic. 2. Coverage The different forms or categories of tourism are: (i) Inbound tourism which comprises the activities (other than remunerated ones) of non resident visitors within the country of reference. (ii) Domestic tourism which comprises the activities of residents within the country of reference, as part of a trip outside their usual environment (iii) Outbound tourism which comprises the activities (other than remunerated ones) of residents in the country being visited. Internal tourism refers to domestic and inbound tourism, that is, the activities of resident and non resident visitors within the country. 3. Sources of data Data used were from the following: (i) The 2005 Supply and Use Table for the Republic of Mauritius, worked out from bench data from the 2002 Census of Economic Activities and 2005 data from annual surveys and other sources. The 2005 Balance of Payments (BOP) Statistics of the Bank of Mauritius. Results of the survey of Mauritians travelling abroad, undertaken in 2005 through the Continuous Multi Purpose Household Survey. The results of the Survey of Outgoing Tourists, carried out in 2004. The results of the 2006-07 Household Budget Survey.

(ii) (iii) (iv) (v)



The classifications used are the United Nations international classifications, namely the Central Product Classification (CPC Ver.2) for the identification of tourism products and the International Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities (ISIC Rev 4) for tourism activities. Using the CPC, the following tourism characteristics products have been identified: Accommodation services, Food and beverage serving services, Road passenger transport services, Air/sea passenger transport services, Travel agencies and other reservation services, Financial services, Recreational, cultural and sporting services and Other tourism services. Tourism-connected products consist mainly of shopping items by tourists. Tourism activities are those that typically produce tourism characteristics products and have been determined in line with the tourism characteristics products. 5. (i) Definitions Non resident visitors

Non resident visitors include - non residents staying in the country for more than 24 hours but less than a year and not engaged in remunerated work during their stay (tourists) and - excursionists, comprising cruise passengers and non-residents who stayed in the country for less than a day. (ii) Inbound tourism

Inbound tourism comprises the activities of non-resident visitors within the country of reference. (iii) Outbound tourism

Outbound tourism covers the activities (other than remunerated ones) of residents during a trip to another country. (iv) Domestic tourism

Domestic tourism comprises activities of residents within the country as part of a trip outside their usual environment, whether to return on the same day or to stay for one or more nights. (v) Internal tourism

Internal tourism comprises domestic and inbound tourism. (vi) The Supply and Use Table (SUT)

The SUT is a core table in the System of National Accounts which presents by product group, the resources and uses of goods and services for the total economy. (vii) Outbound tourism expenditure residents during a trip to another

Outbound tourism expenditure comprises the expenditure of country. (viii) Inbound tourism expenditure

Inbound tourism expenditure comprises the expenditure of non-resident visitors within the country of reference.


Domestic tourism expenditure

Domestic tourism expenditure comprises the expenditure of residents during a trip outside their usual environment within the country. (x) Tourism Balance of Trade

Tourism imports comprise goods and services purchased by residents on a trip outside the country whilst tourism exports comprise goods and services purchased by non-residents visitors in the country. The Tourism balance of trade is defined as tourism exports net of tourism imports. (xi) Gross Output

Gross Output for the tourism sector includes the value of goods and services produced by tourism industries (tourism output) and imported items purchased by tourists. (xii) Intermediate consumption

Intermediate consumption of industries covers non-durable goods and services used up in the production process. For thisTSA, intermediate consumption of industries (providing the product) has been calculated as a percentage of gross output assuming the same ratios of the SUT. (xiii) Tourism Direct Gross Value Added (TDGVA)

Tourism Direct Gross Value Added is calculated as the difference between the gross output and intermediate consumption. It adds the parts of gross value added generated by tourism industries and other industries of the economy that serve directly visitors. (xiv) Valuation

Gross output is valued at basic prices, that is, the amount receivable by the producer exclusive of taxes payable and inclusive of subsidies receivable on the products. Intermediate consumption is at purchasers price, that is, it includes trade margins of wholesalers and retailers as well as additional transport charges payable by the purchaser and non-deductible VAT.

Table 1 Republic of Mauritius: Experimental Tourism Satellite Account Production of Tourism Products Year: 2005 Thousand Rupees


Accommodation services (2)

Food and beverage- Road passenger serving services transport services

Air passenger transport services

Travel agencies and other reservation services

Financial services

Recreational, cultural and sporting activities

Other Tourism Country specific Products (transport tourism Tourism connected equipment rental characteristic products and others services) goods and services


SUT supply tourism products at basic prices (1)

15,052,967 12,823,357 1,175,902 1,700,484 15,699,743 13,123,120 876,139 1,700,484 15,699,743

10,035,311 4,596,186 421,471 1,046,452 6,064,109 4,178,128 839,529 1,046,452 6,064,109

10,299,901 1,544,985

24,908,166 9,614,552

1,593,687 1,561,813

23,107,537 1,155,377

2,467,521 502,023 484,985

1,491,665 1,267,915

3,500,000 3,500,000

2,508,828 2,508,828


Production (tourism share, basic prices)

39,075,036 2,082,358



526,161 2,071,146 1,028,160 516,825 526,161 2,071,146

603,000 10,217,552 9,076,000 538,552 603,000 10,217,552

470,903 2,032,716 1,285,200 276,613 470,903 2,032,716

26,161 1,181,538 1,079,568 75,809 26,161 1,181,538

1,308,065 2,295,073 868,304 118,704 1,308,065 2,295,073

130,806 1,398,721 828,520 439,395 130,806 1,398,721

1,500,000 5,000,000 2,649,490 850,510 1,500,000 5,000,000

1,400,968 3,909,796 964,326 1,544,502 1,400,968 3,909,796

8,713,000 49,870,394 35,080,816 6,076,578 8,713,000 49,870,394

Total Supply

Inbound Tourism Expenditure

Domestic Tourism Expenditure

Outbound Tourism Expenditure

Total Demand

(1) Total production of tourism products according to the TSA methodological framework (2) Includes Accommodation services associated with all types of vacation home ownership

Source: National Accounts and Balance of Payments of Mauritius 2005/Supply and Use Table (SUT) and estimates

Table 2 Republic of Mauritius: Experimental Tourism Satellite Account 1/ Tourism Supply and Value Added of Tourism Industries 2/ Year 2005 Thousand Rupees Activities Products A1. Tourism Characteristics Products
1 Accommodation services for visitors (1) 2 Food and beverage serving services 3 Road passenger transport services 4 Air passenger transport services 5 Travel agencies and other reservation services 6 Financial services 7 Recreational, Cultural services and sporting services 8 Other Tourism services Accommodation services Food and beverage- Road passenger serving industry transport services Air passenger transport Travel agencies and other Financial services reservation services industry Recreational, Cultural services and sporting services industry Other Tourism Products (transport Retail trade of country-specific tourism characteristics goods equipment rental services industry) Total Production of Products

Other country- specific tourism charateristics industries

Local 12,823,357 12,823,357 4,596,186 1,544,985 9,614,552 1,561,813 1,155,377 502,023 1,267,915 1,225,000 1225000 4,596,186 1,544,985 9,614,552 1,561,813 1,155,377 502,023 1,267,915 0

Imported 0

Margin 0

Local 0

Imported 0

Margin 0 33,066,209 12,823,357 4,596,186 1,544,985 9,614,552 1,561,813 1,155,377 502,023 1,267,915

A2. Tourism Connected Products and others

9 Country specific tourism characteristics goods and services 10.Tourism connected products and others

525,000 525000

1,750,000 1,750,000




6,008,828 3,500,000

878089.8 12,823,357 4,596,186 1,544,985 9,614,552 1,561,813 1,155,377 502,023 1,267,915 1,225,000 525,000 1,750,000 878,090

376324.2 376,324

1254414 1,254,414

2,508,828 39,075,037


Technical Coefficient (TC) =

( IC/Output ) %

38.0 4,872,876 7,950,481

59.0 2,711,750 1,884,436

41.0 633,444 911,541

74.0 7,114,768 2,499,784

50.0 780,907 780,907

24.0 277,290 878,086

30.0 150,607 351,416

32.0 405,733 862,182

40.0 700,000 1,050,000

25.0 313,604 940,811

49.79 17,960,978 18,109,644

Tourism Intermediate Consumption = ( TC * Tourism Output )

Direct value added of Tourism Industries

(1) Includes Accommodation services associated with all types of vacation home ownership (2) Secondary activities have not been separated in this TSA exercise

Table 3 Republic of Mauritius: Experimental Tourism Satellite Account Inbound Tourism Expenditure Year: 2005 Products A1. Tourism Characteristics Products
1 Accommodation services for visitors(1) 2 Food and beverage serving services 3 Road passenger transport services 4 Air passenger transport services 5 Travel agencies and other reservation services 6 Financial services 7 Recreational, Cultural services and sporting services 8 Other Tourism services

Total Expenditure (Rs 000) 31,467,000 13,123,120 4,178,128 1,028,160 9,076,000 1,285,200 1,079,568 868,304 828,520 3,613,816 2,649,490 964,326 35,080,816

% 89.7 37.4 11.9 2.9 25.9 3.7 3.1 2.5 2.4 10.3 7.6 2.7 100.0

A2. Tourism Connected Products and others

9 Country specific tourism characteristics goods and services 10.Tourism connected products and others


(1) Includes Accomodation services associated with all types of vacation home ownership Source: National Accounts and Balance of Payments of Mauritius 2005/Supply and Use Table (SUT) and estimates

Table 4 Republic of Mauritius: Experimental Tourism Satellite Account Domestic Tourism Expenditure Year: 2005 Products A1. Tourism Characteristics Products
1 Accommodation services for visitors(1) 2 Food and beverage serving services 3 Road passenger transport services 4 Air passenger transport services 5 Travel agencies and other reservation services 6 Financial services 7 Recreational, Cultural services and sporting services 8 Other Tourism services

Total Expenditure (Rs 000) 3,681,566 876,139 839,529 516,825 538,552 276,613 75,809 118,704 439,395 2,395,012 850,510 1,544,502 6,076,578

% 60.6 14.4 13.8 8.5 8.9 4.6 1.2 2.0 7.2 39.4 14.0 25.4 100.0

A2. Tourism Connected Products and others

9 Country specific tourism characteristics goods and services 10.Tourism connected products and others


(1) Includes Accomodation services associated with all types of vacation home ownership Source: National Accounts and Balance of Payments of Mauritius 2005/Supply and Use Table (SUT) and estimates

Table 5 Republic of Mauritius Experimental Tourism Satellite Account Outbound Tourism Expenditure Year: 2005 Products A1. Tourism Characteristics Products
1 Accommodation services for visitors(1) 2 Food and beverage serving services 3 Road passenger transport services 4 Air passenger transport services 5 Travel agencies and other reservation services 6 Financial services 7 Recreational, Cultural services and sporting services 8 Other Tourism services

Total Expenditure (Rs 000) 5,812,032 1,700,484 1,046,452 526,161 603,000 470,903 26,161 1,308,065 130,806 2,900,968 1,500,000 1,400,968 8,713,000

% 66.7 19.5 12.0 6.0 6.9 5.4 0.3 15.0 1.5 33.3 17.2 16.1 100.0

A2. Tourism Connected Products and others

9 Country specific tourism characteristics goods and services 10.Tourism connected products and others (2)


(1) Includes Accomodation services associated with all types of vacation home ownership Source: National Accounts and Balance of Payments of Mauritius 2005/Supply and Use Table (SUT) and estimates

Table 6 Republic of Mauritius: Experimental Tourism Satellite Account Internal Tourism Expenditure Year: 2005 Products A1. Tourism Characteristics
1 Accommodation services for visitors(1) 2 Food and beverage serving services 3 Road passenger transport services 4 Air passenger transport services 5 Travel agencies and other reservation services 6 Financial services 7 Recreational, Cultural services and sporting services 8 Other Tourism services

Total inbound Tourism Expenditure (Rs 000) 31,467,000 13,123,120 4,178,128 1,028,160 9,076,000 1,285,200 1,079,568 868,304 828,520 3,613,816 2,649,490 964,326 35,080,816

% 89.7 37.4 11.9 2.9 25.9 3.7 3.1 2.5 2.4 10.3 7.6 2.7 100.0

Total Domestic Tourism Expenditure (Rs 000) 3,681,566 876,139 839,529 516,825 538,552 276,613 75,809 118,704 439,395 2,395,012 850,510 1,544,502 6,076,578

% 60.6 14.4 13.8 8.5 8.9 4.6 1.2 2.0 7.2 39.4 14.0 25.4 100.0

Total Internal Tourism Expenditure (Rs 000) 35,148,566.3 13,999,259 5,017,657 1,544,985 9,614,552 1,561,813 1,155,377 987,008 1,267,915 6,008,828 3,500,000 2,508,828 41,157,394

% 85.4 34.0 12.2 3.8 23.4 3.8 2.8 2.4 3.1 14.6 8.5 6.1 100.0

A2. Tourism Connected Products and others

9 Country specific tourism characteristics goods and services 10.Tourism connected products and others


(1) Includes Accomodation services associated with all types of vacation home ownership Source: National Accounts and Balance of Payments of Mauritius 2005/Supply and Use Table (SUT) and estimates

Table 7 Republic of Mauritius : Experimental Tourism Satellite Account Production of Tourism Industries and Other Industries Year: 2005 Activities A1. Tourism Characteristics
1 Accommodation for visitors(1) 2 Food and beverage serving industry 3 Road passenger transport 4 Air passenger transport 5 Travel agencies and other reservation services industry 6 Financial services 7 Recreational, Cultural services and sporting services industry 8 Other Tourism products industry

Total Tourism Output (Rs 000) 33,066,209 12,823,357 4,596,186 1,544,985 9,614,552 1,561,813 1,155,377 502,023 1,267,915 3,004,414 1,750,000 1,254,414 36,070,623

% 91.7 35.6 12.7 4.3 26.7 4.3 3.2 1.4 3.5 8.3 4.9 3.5 100.0

A2. Tourism Connected Products and others

9 Retail trade of country -specific tourism characteristics industries 10 Other Country specific tourism characteristics industries Total

(1) Includes Accomodation services associated with all types of vacation home ownership Source: National Accounts and Balance of Payments of Mauritius 2005/Supply and Use Table (SUT) and estimates

Table 8 Republic of Mauritius: Experimental Tourism Satellite Account Intermediate Consumption of Tourism Industries and Other Industries Year: 2005 Activities A1. Tourism Characteristics Products
1 Accommodation for visitors(1) 2 Food and beverage serving industry 3 Road passenger transport 4 Air passenger transport 5 Travel agencies and other reservation services industry 6 Financial services 7 Recreational, Cultural services and sporting services industry 8 Other Tourism products industry

Total Intermediate consumption (Rs 000) 16,947,375 4,872,876 2,711,750 633,444 7,114,768 780,907 277,290 150,607 405,733 1,013,604 700,000 313,604

94.4 27.1 15.1 3.5 39.6 4.3 1.5 0.8 2.3 5.6 3.9 1.7

A2. Tourism Connected Products and others

9 Retail trade of country -specific tourism characteristics industries 10 Other Country specific tourism characteristics industries




(1) Includes Accomodation services associated with all types of vacation home ownership Source: National Accounts and Balance of Payments of Mauritius 2005/Supply and Use Table (SUT) and estimates

Table 9 Republic of Mauritius: Experimental Tourism Satellite Account Direct Value Added of Tourism Industries Year: 2005 Activities
A. Tourism industries

Total Tourism Value Added (Rs 000) 18,109,644 16,118,833 7,950,481 1,884,436 911,541 2,499,784 780,907 878,086 351,416 862,182 1,990,811 1,050,000 940,811

% on Tourism Direct Gross Value Added 100.0 89.0 43.9 10.4 5.0 13.8 4.3 4.8 1.9 4.8 11.0 5.8 5.2

A1. Tourism Characteristics Products

1 Accommodation services for visitors (1) 2 Food and beverage serving services 3 Road passenger transport services 4 Air passenger transport services 5 Travel agencies and other reservation services 6 Financial services 7 Recreational, Cultural services and sporting services 8 Other Tourism services

A2. Tourism Connected Products and others

9 Country specific tourism characteristics goods and services 10.Tourism connected products and others

(1) Includes Accomodation services associated with all types of vacation home ownership Source: National Accounts and Balance of Payments of Mauritius 2005/Supply and Use Table (SUT) and estimates

Table 10 Republic of Mauritius Experimental Tourism Satellite Account Share of Tourism / total GDP Years: 2005-2009 1/

Activities 2005
A. Tourism industries

Total Tourism Value Added (Rs mn) 2006 2007 2008 21,790 26,930 27,515

2009 25,205


Total Economic Value Added Tourism Share (%)

162,171 11.2

182,009 12.0

206,971 13.0

234,151 11.8

246,979 10.1

/ 2006 - 2009 estimates

Source: National Accounts and Balance of Payments of Mauritius 2005/Supply and Use Table (SUT) and estimates

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