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Introduction To Spice and Circuit Simulation Using Multisim

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Workshop on SPICE & VHDL / Verilog

A need for a circuit simulation program, some clever folks with a vision and terms of hard working students and professionals all contributed to the realization and evolution of SPICE. Below is a brief history of this powerful simulator organized mainly according to the different SPICE versions.

PSPICE is a powerful general-purpose Analog/Mixed signal circuit simulator that is used to verify circuit designs and to predict the circuit behavior. This is of

particular importance for integrated circuits. It was for this reason that SPICE was originally develop at the Electronics Research Laboratory of University of California, Berkeley (1975)

Simulation Program for I ntegrated Circuits Emphasis

Using SPICE one can predetermine on a computer, the response of a circuit and thereby evaluate its working. This is faster, safer, economical and hassle -free way of testing a circuit before building a prototype. Many hardware-

manufacturing industries regularly use SPICE for design of electronics circuits.

SPICE is an important component of all EDA (Electronic Design Automation) tools. It contains programs for preparing circuit schematic, PCB drawing and optimal layout of components on the PCB. Advanced EDA tools come with

higher lever hardware description languages like VHDL for designing even interacted circuits.

A brief history of SPCICE

CANCER Early 1970s, Ron Rohrer hopes to develop a simulation program for his work on optimization at the university of California Berkley.

Introduction to SPICE and Circuit Simulation using MultiSim Pradeep H K, Dept. of ISE, Ajay Betur P, Dept. of ECE, J N N college of Engineering, Shivamogga

Workshop on SPICE & VHDL / Verilog

Rohrers students, including Larry Nagel, created CANCER (Computer Analysis Of Non-Linear Circuits Excluding Radiation) Performs of DC, AC and Transient Analysis Components include diodes (Shokley equation) and bipolar transistors (Ebers-Moll equations.) Other simulation programs of the day include IBMs ECAP and Autonetics TRAC.

SPICE1 In 1972, Nagel and Peterson release SPICE1 (Simulation Program With IC Emphasis) into the public domain SPICE becomes industry standard simulation tool. Models for bipolar transistor changed to Gummel-Poon equation JFET and MOSFET devices added Based on Nodal Analysis Written in FORTRAN code running on large main frame computers

SPICE2 Nagels 1975 release offers significant improvements. Modified Nodal Analysis (MNA), replacing the old analysis, now supports voltage sources and inductors. Memory is dynamically allocated to accommodate growing circuit size and complexity. Adjustable time-step control speeds simulation MOSFET and bipolar models overhauled and extended. Version SPICE2G.6 (1983) is the last FORTRAN version (still available today from Berkeley) Many commercial simulator today are based on SPICE2G.6

SPICE3 SPICE code rewritten in the C programming language(1985)

Introduction to SPICE and Circuit Simulation using MultiSim Pradeep H K, Dept. of ISE, Ajay Betur P, Dept. of ECE, J N N college of Engineering, Shivamogga

Workshop on SPICE & VHDL / Verilog

Features a graphical interface for viewing results Includes polynomial capacitors, inductors and voltage controlled sources New version eliminates many convergence problems Added models: MOSFET, lossy transmission line and non-ideal switch. Improved geometries Not backward compatible with SPICE2 semiconductor models accommodate smaller transistor

1980 and Beyond Commercial MICROCAP MicroSim releases PSPICE, the first PC version of SPICE MicroSim was take over by OrCAD versions released include HSPICE, IS_SPICE and

Commercial Version of SPICEB (not e xhaustive list) PC Versions o PSIPCE o IS-SPICE o Z-SPICE o MultiSym Mainframe versions o HSPICE from Meta-Software for IC deigns with special - from OrCAD - from IntuSoft - from Z-Tech - from Electronic work Bench.

device models o RAD_SPICE form Meta -Software for circuit subjected to ionizing radiation o IG-SPICE from A.B. Associates

o Cadence-SPICE from Cadence Design Types of simulation studies The following types of studies can be conducted on a given analog circuit using any SPICE software

Introduction to SPICE and Circuit Simulation using MultiSim Pradeep H K, Dept. of ISE, Ajay Betur P, Dept. of ECE, J N N college of Engineering, Shivamogga

Workshop on SPICE & VHDL / Verilog

D.C. Analysis Determination of steady state response of the circuit when time invariant DC source are applied.

D.C. Sweep Analysis Determination of response of the circuit when excitation or any other component is varied over a range.

A.C. Analysis (Frequency Domain Analysis) Determination of steady state response of the circuit when sinusoidal excitation is applied. The frequency of excitation can be varied over a range to determine the frequency response of the circuit.

T.F. Analysis Determination of small signal transfer function with small signal gain, input impedance and output impedance.

Transient Analysis (Time Domain Analysis) Determination of variation of response of the circuit with respect to time.

Introduction to SPICE and Circuit Simulation using MultiSim Pradeep H K, Dept. of ISE, Ajay Betur P, Dept. of ECE, J N N college of Engineering, Shivamogga

Workshop on SPICE & VHDL / Verilog

MultiSim - Schematic Capture and Simulation Tool

It is from National Instruments. It combines intuitive capture with powerful simulation to quickly, easily, and efficiently design and validate circuits. With Multisim, one can immediately build a schematic with a comprehensive component library and emulate circuit behavior using the industry-standard SPICE simulator. With professional advanced SPICE analyses and virtual instrumentation, designer can rapidly validate circuit designs earlier in the design flow, which can reduce prototype iterations. Designers need not to be a SPICE expert to use Multisim. With an intuitive environment by industry-standard SPICE technology, one can start capturing and simulating immediately.

Easily design circuits with an intuitive schematic capture environment o Intuitive design environment o Modeless wiring and placement o Interactive virtual instruments for viewing live signals o Circuit wizards for automatically generating circuitry o Rubber banding on parts/moves

Quickly gain insight into circuit behavior with interactive SPICE simulation o Comprehensive suite of analyses, including Monte Carlo and WorstCase

Understand fundamental design characteristics with advanced circuit analyses o Transient analysis AC, DV

Seamlessly integrate circuit design and virtual test with a single tool chain Reduce prototype errors and time to market with an improved, integrated design process

Introduction to SPICE and Circuit Simulation using MultiSim Pradeep H K, Dept. of ISE, Ajay Betur P, Dept. of ECE, J N N college of Engineering, Shivamogga

Workshop on SPICE & VHDL / Verilog

The main screen with example circuit

Design bar and Analysis bar

Component Bar

Instrument bar

Different component and instruments available in the simulation package Components

Voltage and Current Source AC, DC, Clock, FM, FSK Basic Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor with variable components Diode Basic diode, Zener, Bridge rectifier, LED Transistor BFT(NPN, PNP), FET, MOSFET, Darlington Analog - OPAMP Digital Gates TTL 74 and 74LS Series

Millimeter Voltage and current measurement Signal gene rator Sine, Triangle and Square wage Watt meter


Bode Plot Logic Analyzer

Introduction to SPICE and Circuit Simulation using MultiSim Pradeep H K, Dept. of ISE, Ajay Betur P, Dept. of ECE, J N N college of Engineering, Shivamogga

Workshop on SPICE & VHDL / Verilog

CMOS gates 40 and 45 Series Miscellaneous Digital gates VHDL Mixed ADC, DAC, PLL Indicators LEDs, 7segment, Bar graph Simulation and Analysis Run Simulation Analysis

Post processing

Pause, Run and Stop button

Procedure for simulation 1. Create the schematic by placing the components. 2. Define values for all passive components(R, C and L) 3. Place and connect virtual instruments like multi-meter, Oscilloscope etc. 4. Run the simulation 5. For the measurement double click the measuring instrument a. In multimeter, click V for voltage, A for current and O for Resistance/ Impedance b. In oscilloscope, click time base, voltage base to change the scale. For measurement of time, move Red (slider 1) and Blue (slider 2) using mouse. Scope will display the difference of the two. If the waveform scrolls, stop the simulation with out closing the scope. Important conditions to be ensured in each simulation Connection is indicated by SOLID DOT at the junction (ensure DOT for Ground) Each schematic must contain explicit DC or AC ground.

Introduction to SPICE and Circuit Simulation using MultiSim Pradeep H K, Dept. of ISE, Ajay Betur P, Dept. of ECE, J N N college of Engineering, Shivamogga

Workshop on SPICE & VHDL / Verilog

Source voltage should be non-zero voltage Each node in the circuit must have a D.C path to ground. So, there cannot be any dangling nodes. The circuit to be simulated cannot contain a loop of voltage sources and/ or inductors and cannot contain a cut set of current sources and / or capacitors.

Every node must have at least two connections except for transmission line nodes and MOSFET substrate nodes. For frequency domain analysis, at least one of the sources in the circuit must have AC values specified. For time domain analysis, at least one of the sources in the circuit must have tine domain specifications. A resistance cannot have zero value because this causes divide by zero error. Use Bode plot measuring instrument to plot voltage gain. Instrument plots both Gain and Phase. Use oscilloscope for the study state output / analysis For transient analysis, use Simulate->Analyses menu option

If you get error messages while running simulation, check whether you are violating any of the conditions given above.

Introduction to SPICE and Circuit Simulation using MultiSim Pradeep H K, Dept. of ISE, Ajay Betur P, Dept. of ECE, J N N college of Engineering, Shivamogga

Workshop on SPICE & VHDL / Verilog

Introductory simulation examples 1. Ohms law Current in the circuit is proportional to the resistance at constant temperature.

V = I .R

R1 V1



Circuit Diagram
Procedure 1. Place and connect the components as shown in the schematic 2. Place a multimeter across the resistance R2 . (XMM1 in the diagram) 3. Double click the XMM1 multimeter to get its reading. 4. Click the toggle switch to run the simulation or F5 or Simulation->Run menu. 5. Observe / Record the multimeter reading. Calculation Total resistance = R1 + R2 => 10 KO + 10 KO => 20 KO Current through the circuit I = V in / Resistance => 12 V / 20 KO = 0.6 mA Drop across R2 is V R2 = I * R2 => 0.6 mA * 10 KO => 6V Verify I and V R2 with the multimeter reading

Introduction to SPICE and Circuit Simulation using MultiSim Pradeep H K, Dept. of ISE, Ajay Betur P, Dept. of ECE, J N N college of Engineering, Shivamogga


Workshop on SPICE & VHDL / Verilog

RC Phase Shift Circuit

Phase shifting circuit shifts the incoming waveform to different angle (phase) without distortion. Capacitor offers maximum of 60 phase shift.

Calculation: 1. X C = 1 2 fC 2. K = R
2 R2 + XC

3. = tan 1 ( X C R) 4. VOut = K.Vin Where R is resistance in ohms, C in Capacitance in

farads, f is frequency in Hertz.

Procedure: 1. Connect the components as shown in diagram 2. Place the CRO and connect channel A and B 3. Double click the CRO and adjust Time, Voltage setting 4. Observe the waveform and record the readings



10V 1000Hz 0Deg






Introduction to SPICE and Circuit Simulation using MultiSim Pradeep H K, Dept. of ISE, Ajay Betur P, Dept. of ECE, J N N college of Engineering, Shivamogga


Workshop on SPICE & VHDL / Verilog

Output using CRO

Phase Shift

Introduction to SPICE and Circuit Simulation using MultiSim Pradeep H K, Dept. of ISE, Ajay Betur P, Dept. of ECE, J N N college of Engineering, Shivamogga


Workshop on SPICE & VHDL / Verilog

AC Analysis

Introduction to SPICE and Circuit Simulation using MultiSim Pradeep H K, Dept. of ISE, Ajay Betur P, Dept. of ECE, J N N college of Engineering, Shivamogga


Workshop on SPICE & VHDL / Verilog

Capacitor Charge and Discharge Charging and discharging of capacitor is given by, Q = CV1 [1 exp (-t / RC)] Q = CV1 exp (-t / RC) Respectively, Where R is resistance in ohms, C in Capacitance in farads

10kohm 5


10Hz 10V


Output at 10Hz

Introduction to SPICE and Circuit Simulation using MultiSim Pradeep H K, Dept. of ISE, Ajay Betur P, Dept. of ECE, J N N college of Engineering, Shivamogga


Workshop on SPICE & VHDL / Verilog

Output at 10Hz using CRO and charging and discharging can be observed

Output at 100Hz

Output at 100Hz using CRO

Introduction to SPICE and Circuit Simulation using MultiSim Pradeep H K, Dept. of ISE, Ajay Betur P, Dept. of ECE, J N N college of Engineering, Shivamogga


Workshop on SPICE & VHDL / Verilog

Transient Analysis at 100Hz for the duration 0 msec to 100 msec

Introduction to SPICE and Circuit Simulation using MultiSim Pradeep H K, Dept. of ISE, Ajay Betur P, Dept. of ECE, J N N college of Engineering, Shivamogga


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