PEOPLE v. Casimiro - Digest

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People V. Casimiro G.R. No.

146277, June 20, 2002 Facts

Legal Research 2011

The accused-appellant appeals from the decision of the RTC, Branch 5, Baguio City, guilty of violating Republic Act No. 6425 otherwise known as the Dangerous Drugs Act. The accused-appellant, did willfully, unlawfully and feloniously sell and/or deliver to posing buyer, SPO2 DOROTHEO SUPA of the 14th Regional Field Office, Narcotics Unit, about nine hundred fifty (950) grams of marijuana dried leaves in brick form, and knowing fully well that the article is a prohibited drug, in violation of the aforecited provision of law. However, the witnesses testified for the prosecution: PO2 Dorotheo Supa, Alma Margarita D. Villasenor, and PO2 Juan Piggangay, Jr. admitted to have forgotten the affixing of their initials upon receipt of the marijuana, thereby deviating from narcotics field test standard operating procedure. PO2 Supa testified that he no longer gave the marked money to accused-appellant because he placed the latter under arrest. He recited to him his rights but failed to include a crucial part of the Miranda Rights, if accused-appellant could not afford counsel, one would be assigned to him. The officers also admitted to have made the accused affix his signature on the receipt of property seized without the assistance of a counsel, as well as whether or not he was waiving his rights to remain silent at all. Issue Is deviation from standard operating procedures a violation of the constitutional rights of the accused? Held First. With respect to the receipt of property seized from accused-appellant, the fact that there was a receipt of property seized issued by the police which was signed by the accused does not affect the liability of the accused. Second. Nor is there other credible evidence against accused-appellant. As he points out, he could not have been so careless as to call the telephone number of the 14th Regional Narcotics Office and offer marijuana to the policemen there. Neither would he blatantly sell illegal drugs to known police officers nor would he transact these illegal sales over the telephone, because these acts are usually done face to face. Third. The prosecution failed to establish the identity of the prohibited drug which constitutes the corpus delicti of the offense, an essential requirement in a drug-related case. In this case, the prosecution failed to prove the crucial first link in the chain of custody, they did not write their initials on the brick of marijuana immediately after allegedly seizing it. According to PO3 Piggangay, the bag that he saw was colored gray or blue, the same color as that of the bag sent to the PNP Crime Laboratory Service for laboratory examination. Whereas PO2 Supa stated, however, that the bag of marijuana which he saw was colored brown. The discrepancy in the testimony of these two police officers casts additional doubt on the identity of the prohibited drug which constitutes the corpus delicti. Indeed, there is failure in this case to observe standard operating procedure for a buy-bust operation. It is precisely when the governments purposes are beneficent that we should be most on our guard to protect these rights. Our desire to stamp out criminality cannot be achieved at the expense of constitutional rights. For these reasons, we cannot uphold the conviction of accused-appellant. WHEREFORE, the decision of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 6, Baguio City is REVERSED and accused-appellant Albert Casimiro is ACQUITTED on the ground of reasonable doubt. Consequently, he is ordered forthwith released from custody, unless he is being lawfully held for another crime.

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