Assignment 2

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PART 1: GRAMMAR A- When I arrived at the cinema, the film had started(intermediate).

The tense used here is Past Perfect and it has several meanings depending on the context it appears as shown below.


A completed action before something action in the past.


When we arrived, the film had started. Explanation: First the film started, then later we arrived.

Past The film started Timeline We arrived


Concept Check Questions

y y y y y

How many events took place in this sentence? Two Are they related to each other? Yes When did they happen? In the past Which happened first? We arrived or the film started? The film started. When we have two events that took place in the past, which tense do we for the earlier one? Past Perfect Tense. And what tense do we use for the later one? Simple Past Tense.

Erdal ERIKLI- Assignment 2- CELTA- ITI

Form Affirmative (+) Subject + auxiliary verb {had} + past participle

Negative (-)

Subject + auxiliary verb {had} + not + past participle

Interrogative (?)

Auxiliary verb {Had} + Subject + past participle


/ / /fIlm/ /had/ /sta:rtId/


............................, the film had started.

There is epenthesis of an

f sound between the and film ; / f//fIlm/ as well as elision

of /h/ sound in had ; /ad/ when the sentence is rapidly read. Sentence stress is placed on film and started . Issues with Grammar Issue 1- Had : Past Participle or Auxiliary? Students might find it difficult to differentiate between had - the past participle form of auxiliary (to be) and had the past form of the verb have . Solution 1 Provide students a grammar exercise which deals with this particular issue followed by some concept check questions to students such as; can we use a verb in past participle form after another verb in past form? No. Can we use past participle form of a verb after past participle form of the auxiliary? Yes, we have to.

Erdal ERIKLI- Assignment 2- CELTA- ITI

Issue 2- The Article The The fact that there are several uses of the article the might lead to confusion; since the general perception is that the is used for definite objects especially for those mentioned earlier in a text, students might naturally question this use. Solution 2 Explain to students that the recipient (the person to who listens to this conversation) knows what film s/he is talking about. Issues with Pronunciation Issue 1 Students might find it difficult to pronounce / ed/ in started and/or add an extra schwa in between s and t - s ta:rtId/. Because there is a cognate in Turkish language for the word film and the fact that it is pronounced as filim can be problematic for students; students might pronounce the word as in their native language. Solution 1 Provide students with a drilling exercise initiated by teacher modeling clear pronunciation.

B- My grandfather would always have sweets in his pocket for us.(Upper-intermediate)

Meaning The structure used here is would + adverb of frequency and in this specific context, it expresses the idea that something was an old habit which stopped in the past. It says that an action was often repeated in the past, but it is not usually done now. It also suggests that someone willingly acted that way and sometimes expresses amusement at the habit. It also often suggests the habit was extreme. Although would is often accompanied by adverbs of frequency, it can also be used without them.

Erdal ERIKLI- Assignment 2- CELTA- ITI


Example Sentence

To talk about habits that were repeated in the past. To make a request To offer a suggestion To express a wish Conditionals- Type 2-3

My grandfather would always have sweets in his pocket for us.

Would you mind opening the door? Would you like to stay here tonight? I would like to live abroad one day. If I were rich, I would help the poor / She would have come to the party if you had invited her.


Affirmative (+)

Subject + would +adverbs of frequency+ verb {base form}

Negative (-)

Subject + would+ adverbs of frequency + not + verb {base form}

Interrogative (?)

Would + Subject + adverbs of frequency + verb {base form}


/m I/ /granf / /w d, w d/ / lweIz//hav/

There is an ellision of d sound between gran(d) and father as well as a possible epenthesis of d sound between would and always when and if the sentence is read rapidly. The sentence stress in on grandfather and have .

Erdal ERIKLI- Assignment 2- CELTA- ITI

Issues with Grammar Issue 1: Would Because there are various uses and therefore meanings of this word depending on the context they appear as shown above, students might find it difficult to distinguish this particular use from others.

Solution 1 Make students aware that there are many uses of this structure by for instance asking students to match example sentences and their possible contexts stated above.

PART 2: VOCABULARY a) I went to our local library yesterday vs I went to our local bookshop yesterday. (elementary)

In the case of contractions or words like library (pronounced in rapid speech as /laibri/), the whole syllable is elided." (Tej R Kansakar, A Course in English Phonetics. Orient Blackswan, 1998)

b) He looked up the wordin a dictionary. (pre-intermediate)

c) She can t make ends meet with 3 children and so many bills to pay.(advanced)

Erdal ERIKLI- Assignment 2- CELTA- ITI

Appendix 1 Context 2 Example Sentence 2 Explanation: I ate dinner and that is why I was not hungry. Past I ate dinner Timeline 2 Context 3 Stative verbs only: something that started in the past and continued up to another action in the past. When he graduated, he had been in London for six years. Explanation: He arrived in London six years before he graduated and lived there continuously until he graduated, or even longer
Past Now I graduated in 2006

To explain or give a reason for something in the past. I had eaten dinner so I wasn't hungry.

Now I was not hungry

Example Sentence 3

Timeline 3 Context 4

I came to London in 2006

As part of the third conditional. Example 4 If I had known you were ill, I would have visited you. Explanation: I did not know that you were ill that is why I did not visit you.

Erdal ERIKLI- Assignment 2- CELTA- ITI

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