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Learning Task 5 Internship

The document outlines a learning task focused on designing differentiated class activities to cater to diverse learners' needs, strengths, and backgrounds. It emphasizes the importance of understanding various learning styles and implementing strategies that promote engagement, inclusivity, and effective teaching practices. The document also highlights the advantages and disadvantages of differentiated instruction and provides suggested strategies for various types of learners, along with performance tasks for practical application.
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Learning Task 5 Internship

The document outlines a learning task focused on designing differentiated class activities to cater to diverse learners' needs, strengths, and backgrounds. It emphasizes the importance of understanding various learning styles and implementing strategies that promote engagement, inclusivity, and effective teaching practices. The document also highlights the advantages and disadvantages of differentiated instruction and provides suggested strategies for various types of learners, along with performance tasks for practical application.
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Learning Task 5 Designing Differentiated Class Activities

Domain 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Domain 3. Diversity of Learners

Domain 2. Learning Environment Domain 4. Curriculum and Planning
Domain 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development
1.2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of research-based knowledge and principles of
teaching and learning
1.3.1 Show skills in the positive use of ICT to facilitate the teaching and learning process.
1.4.1 Demonstrate knowledge of strategies that promote literacy and numeracy skilis
1.7.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the range of verbal and non-verbal communication
strategies that support learner understanding, participation, engagement and achievement
2.3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of managing classroom structure that engages learners,
individually or in groups, in meaningful exploration, discovery and hands on activities
within available i physical learning environments
3.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of understanding of differentiated teaching to suit learner's
gender, needs, strengths, interest and experiences.
3.2.1 Implement teaching strategies that are responsive to learners' cultural, socio-
economic and religious background.
3.3.1 Use strategies responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents
4.5.1 Show skills in the selection, development and use of a variety of teaching and
learning resources, including ICT to address learning goals
7.4.1 Demonstrate an understanding of how professional reflection and learning can be
used to improve practice
6.2b Demonstrate mastery of subject matter and discipline
6.2c Facilitate learning using a wide array of teaching methodologies and delivery modes
appropriate to specific learners and their environments
6.2d Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches and resources
for diverse types of learners
6.2e Apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, relevant
and sustainable and educational practices
1.1 Deepen and broaden my knowledge on what I teach. 3.3 Encourage and respect
1.2 Understand education trends, policies and curricula. 4.1 Know myself and others
2.1 Know my students. 4.2 Practice human
goodness in my life and work
2.2 Use the most effective teaching and learning strategy. 4.3 Master my teaching
2.3 Assess and give feedback how my students learn


At the end of this learning task, I should be able to:

 assist the Cooperating Teacher in preparing class activities. (1.2.1)
 facilitate LDM class activities with minimum supervision from the Cooperating
Teacher. (1.2.1, 1.3.1, 2.3.1)
 design contextualized learning activities aligned with the most essential learning
competencies. (1.4.1, 1.7.1, 3.1.1, 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 4.5.1)
 use professional reflection and learning to improve practice. (7.4.1)

The class is made up of different kinds of learners. They may have different ages, gender,
learning styles, interests, learning preferences and others. Diversity includes learners of all
abilities and backgrounds. Teacher must understand these differences in order to provide for a
learning environment that is both inclusive and effective.

Students may differ in the following:

 Gender
 Needs
 Strengths
 Interests
 Experiences
 Socio-Economic Status
 Race
 Creed / Religious background
 Cultural background
 Giftedness/ talents
 Learning Modalities / Styles: (a) Visual, (b) Auditory, (c) Kinesthetic and (d) Tactile
 Multiple Intelligences: (a) Spatial, (b) Verbal/Linguistic, (c) Musical, (d)
(e) Interpersonal, (f) Bodily/Kinesthetic, (g) Naturalistic, (h) Existential, and (i)
 Brain-Based Learning: (a) Right Brain and (b) Left brain

According to Carol Ann Tomlinson, differentiated instruction is "giving students multiple

options for taking in information." Teachers must be able to observe and understand the
differences and similarities among students and use these to plan for instruction. It involves
these three (3) instructional components:
1. Content
2. Process
3. Product

Advantages of Differentiated Instruction

 Effective for varied types of learners
 Can make students responsible for their own learning
 More options on learning different materials
 Less discipline problems in the classroom
 Provides more opportunities for equity and acknowledges differences

Disadvantages of Differentiated Instruction

 Requires more work in lesson planning and lesson execution
 Needs more time in preparation of instructional materials and instructional activities
 More resource-intensive
 Does not coincide with standardized tests

As Practice Teachers, you are expected to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
diversity of learners and to use differentiated activities to cater to individual differences.
Suggested Classroom Strategies for Varied Types of Learner
 Conducting structured and
unstructured Interviews
 Conducting Panel interview
 Writing Poetry
 Writing Essay
 Radio Newscast
 Conducting Television
Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence (Word newscast
Smart)  Writing stories
 Writing news
 Conducting Debate
 Creating Ads
 Using Classroom podcast
 Playing Bingo
 Conducting speech choir
 Creating jingles/ rhymes
 Making acrostics
 Writing Letter to the editor
 Writing feature articles
 Writing recipes/ menu
 Using Thinking Caps
 Writing the Author
 Using Triple 10

 Solving puzzles
 Solving mysteries using
deductive reasoning
 Making analogies
 Making Solutions of verbal
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence problems
(Number Smart)  Use of Socratic questions
 Conducting Finance planning
 Playing Computer
programming activities
 Writing Solution of verbal
 Creating timelines
 Drawing maps
 Creating visual Diagrams
 Using Number code
 Playing with blocks and shape
 Answering the question....
What shape are you at the end
of the lesson? Why?
 Think Pair Share
 Number Heads Together
 Conducting Role Playing
 Conducting simulation
 Cooperative games
 Using of scenarios/ simulations
 Designing support activities
 Using of board games
 Playing Jigsaw
 Having Inner- Outer Circle
 Having Share Pair Circle
Interpersonal Intelligence (People  Using Plus Minus Interesting
Smart)  Playing Pick your Spot
 Having Read-Post categorize
 Having Agreement Circle
 Playing Domino
 Creating Class or Group Yel
 Using Broken Pairs
 Having a Participative /
interactive Story
 Using 4-S Feedback
 Designing Class Magazine
 Having a Class review Playing
Mix and Match
 Having Team Pair- Solo
 Using of Clothesline
 Reciting a Monologue related
to the topic
 Reciting a Declamation related
to the topic Reciting an
Elocution related to the topic
 Giving Personal opinions
 Using structured frames
Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self-Smart)  Using Recitation log
 Using Speaking Chips
 Using Write, Record, Share
and sum it Up Conducting Hot
 Playing Bingo based on the
 Answering What if Questions?
 Using of Alternative Response
 Using Novelty
 Using Three to five-minute
 Using Forced Analogy
 Using Forced Relationship
 Using Bookmark
 Writing Learning Journal
 Creating Parody
Musical Intelligence  Writing simple songs related to
(Music Smart) the lesson
 Organizing an Orchestra
 Creating cartoon
 Making Comic strip
Visual-Spartial Intelligence  Using graphic organizers
(Art Smart)  Making Pictographs
 Using Sketch to Stretch
 Using Group Mapping
 Having a Class Graffiti
 Putting a museum / Exhibit
 Conducting a Virtual Gallery
 Using of Headdress
 Using of Masks related to the
 Answering the question....
What color are you at the end
of the lesson?
 Playing Human scrabble
Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence ( Body  Playing Human domino
Smart)  Playing Quadrant
 Tossing the ball
 Conducting Trip to Jerusalem
 Having a Walking Gallery
 Using Travelogue
Naturalist Intelligence  Nature trip/walk
(Nature Smart)  Showing videos, films or
documentaries related to nature


There are three l's and two C's in the instructional process.
The teaching-learning process must be:
31’s 2C’s


There are 3l’s and 2C’s in Education

Innovative: Teacher's must use a wide array of instructional strategies to make the students
highly engaged in the teaching-learning process. The strategies to be used must cater to the
diversity of learners.
Interactive: Teachers must ensure that there is meaningful student engagement in the class.
All students must participate in all the teaching-learning activities.

Integrative: Curriculum is seamless and borderless. Teachers must see to it that all
the learnings gained in the classroom must have a unifying process. Each subject
complements the lessons learned in the various disciplines.

Collaborative: Teachers must plan together and must articulate the lessons vertically and
horizontally to ensure that there are smooth transitions, no glaring gaps and deficiencies in
the subjects.

Cooperative: The use of cooperative strategies in classes will promote unity, cooperation
and teamwork between and among classes.


Performance Task 1

Assist your Cooperating Teacher in planning out activities for differentiated instruction to
address the given diversities. Include some notes on the strengths and weaknesses of the said
Cooperating Teacher: Date:
Grade / Year Level: Subject
Topic: Time:

Activities Employed Group Poster Presentation on the

Water Cycle: Students work
together in small groups to create
a colorful and creative poster
explaining the water cycle. Each
group presents their poster to the
This activity caters to visual learners
Learning Style (through creating and designing the
poster), social learners (by working in
groups), and verbal learners (through
explaining their poster to the class).
Visual-Spatial Intelligence: Designing
Multiple and decorating the poster.
Intelligences Interpersonal Intelligence:
Collaborating and sharing ideas with
group members.
Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence:
Presenting the group's work to the
The Group Poster Presentation
activity uses visualization and
collaboration, which are brain-
friendly strategies that enhance
Brain-Based memory and learning. By organizing
Learning information creatively on a poster and
engaging in peer discussions, students
activate multiple brain areas,
improving retention and
The Group Poster Presentation allows
students to explore their interests
within the topic. For instance, some
Interest may prefer focusing on visuals, while
others enjoy presenting or explaining
concepts. Providing flexibility in how
they contribute to the group keeps all
students engaged and motivated.
The Group Poster Presentation
activity is inclusive and equitable. All
students, regardless of gender, can
contribute based on their strengths—
Gender whether it's designing, organizing
ideas, or presenting. It ensures
everyone participates without
assigning gender-specific roles,
fostering collaboration and equality.

Performance Task 2
Surf the internet for some subject-specific strategies that you can use in facilitating
the class activities. Remember to include your sources.

Name of Teacher:__________________________ Grade/Year Level:____________

Subject Differentiated Activities References
Science Group Poster Edutopia. (n.d.). Teaching visual
Presentation on the literacy. Edutopia.
water cycle. Students https://www.edutopia.org
collaborate to visually
explain the water cycle
using charts and
English Individual Reflection Education Corner. (n.d.). The
Journals. Students write importance of reflection in education.
journal entries to Education Corner.
connect the lesson's https://www.educationcorner.com
themes to personal
encouraging deeper
understanding and self-
Math Math Puzzles and Math Goodies. (n.d.). Problem-solving
Games. Students solve strategies in math. Math Goodies.
logic puzzles or group- https://www.mathgoodies.com
based math challenges to
develop problem-solving
skills in an engaging
Arts Collaborative Mural The Kennedy Center. (n.d.). Arts
Creation. Students work integration strategies. The Kennedy
together to create a Center. https://www.kennedy-
mural that represents a center.org/education/resources-for-
theme or topic covered educators/classroom-resources
in class, fostering
creativity and teamwork.

Performance Task 3
Write a lesson plan using contextualized learning activities addressing the different
strength and need your students. Make sure that these activities are aligned with the most
Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) prescribed by the Department of Education. You
May paste/attach your encoded lesson plan on the space provided below.

Writing my Reflection

Complete the sentences given below

Differentiated instruction benefits our lesson because it allows me to meet the

diverse needs, learning styles, and strengths of all students. Since every student learns
differently, using a variety of teaching strategies ensures that everyone can engage with the
content in a way that suits them best. For example, visual learners benefit from fraction
circles and diagrams, while kinesthetic learners can manipulate objects like blocks or pizza
slices. Auditory learners can engage through verbal explanations and discussions.

Differentiation also allows me to support students who need extra help while challenging
those who grasp the material quickly. For struggling students, I can break down complex

Checking for mastery

1. What will be the most effective way of dealing with non-participative students?
a. Let them do what pleases them.
b. Employ engaging and enjoyable activities
c. Refer the matter to the guidance counselor
d. Give them the grades the observe based on their performance.
2. How will you use the leadership skills of some of your students for the benefits of the
a. Recognize their leadership skills.
b. Let them be as they are.
c. Refrain from calling them all the time
d. Empower them to initiate activities in class

3. How will you help the shy and timid students in your class?
a. Treat them naturally.
b. Let them be as they are.
c. Refer them to the Guidance Office
d. Encourage them to join as many activities in class.

4. When the class seems unruly during the discussion, what is the best technique which you
can employ?
a. Stop the discussion
b. Let them stand for a while
c. Prepare unfreezers/energizers
d. Ignore the students who are making noise.

5. To make the students greatly focused in the discussion, what must you do as a teachers
especially if your students are unruly and noisy.
a. Employ innovative strategies.
b. Explore various means of giving sanctions.
c. Ignore the students who are misbehaving.
d. Refer the unruly and noisy pupils to the guidance office.


Paste pictures/screenshots of the differentiated activities you employed to address

diversity of learners. Label them.
(DRAWING: This activity enables learners to show their skills and talents in art)

(CROSSWORD PUZZLE: this will enhance the ability of the students in analyzing the given
clues and find the correct answer)

(CRACK THE CODE: this allows students to use their logical thinking)


INDICATORS Meets Approaching Meets Does Not Meet
Standard of Standard of Acceptable Acceptable
Excellence Excellence Standard Standard
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Performance Have all the Have some Have minimal No aspects of
Taks aspects of work aspects of work aspects of work work that
that exceed that exceed that exceed exceed level of
level of level of level of expectation.
expectation. expectation. expectation.
Have errors,
Show Demonstrate With some omissions and
exemplary solid errors and misconceptions.
performance. performance MASTERY is
and not thorough
Checking For With 5 Correct With 4 Correct With 3 Correct With less than 3
Mastery answers. answers. answers. Correct
Learning ALL the pieces The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of
Artifacts of evidence of evidence of evidence of evidence of
learning are learning is/are learning is/are learning is/are
aligned with aligned with aligned with NOT aligned
learning SOME of the ONE of the with the
outcome. learning learning learning
outcomes. outcomes. outcomes.
Creativity and The learning The learning The learning The learning
Resourcefulness tasks are done tasks are done tasks are done tasks are poorly
very creativity creativity and quite creativity done and need
and resourcefully. and improvement.
resourcefully. resourcefully.
Submission of The assigned The assigned The assigned The assigned
Requirements learning tasks learning tasks learning tasks learning tasks
are submitted are submitted a are submitted 2 are submitted 3
on or before day after the days after the days or more
the deadline. deadline. deadline. after the

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