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(Ebook) Information technology for the health professions
by Burke, Lillian; Weill, Barbara ISBN 9780134877716,
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Gould’s Pathophysiology for the
Health Professions
Robert J. Hubert, BS
Laboratory Coordinator (retired)
Iowa State University
Department of Animal Sciences
Ames, Iowa
3251 Riverport Lane
St. Louis, Missouri 63043
The textbook is organized into five major sections, followed by the
Appendices—Additional Information
• Ready References include lists of anatomic terms,
abbreviations and acronyms, a selection of diagnostic tests,
an example of a medical history, a disease index, and a drug
• A glossary and a list of additional resources complete this
What’s New?
• Information on specific diseases has been updated
• The specific disorders for each body system have been
expanded to reflect current trends and research.
• A broader emphasis on all allied health professions has
been incorporated.
• Sections and chapters have been reorganized to present the
student with a building block approach: basic science and
how it relates to human biology, the body’s various
mechanisms that respond to the disorders/diseases, the
general overview of body systems and their specific
disorders, other biological factors outside of the physiology
of each system that contribute to instances of
disorders/disease, and finally those environmental factors
not directly a ributed to a biological function or condition
that may contribute to pathophysiology throughout a
number of body systems.
• Figures have been updated with new photographs and
illustrations to help in the recognition and identification of
the various concepts and specific disorders.
• Tables have been updated with new information that has
been made available since the previous edition.
• New boxes have been added:
• Technology––presents information on newly developed
tools/technologies being used to address the challenges
in the specific chapter subject, with emphasis on
artificial intelligence.
• The Bigger Picture––in a body system chapter, a
representative disorder/disease originating in that
system is selected, and its effects in other body systems
are listed, showing the interactions between different
• Additional resources have been expanded and updated.
• Study questions and Think About questions have been
reviewed and updated to cover new material in the chapter.
The Apply Your Knowledge questions have replaced the
Challenge questions in the previous editions.
• The Study Guide associated with this text has been updated
to reflect the most recent information regarding various
In the textbook:
Cover Image
Title Page
Table of Contents
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
What Is Pathophysiology and Why Study It?
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
Fluid Imbalance
Electrolyte Imbalances
Acid-Base Imbalance
Treatment of Imbalances
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Chapter 4 Pain
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
Characteristics of Pain
Pain Control
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
Review of Body Defenses
Physiology of Inflammation
Acute Inflammation
Chronic Inflammation
Treatment of Inflammation
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Chapter 6 Infection
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
Review of Microbiology
Principles of Infection
Physiology of Infection
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Chapter 7 Immunity
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
Hypersensitivity Reactions
Autoimmune Disorders
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
Skin Infections
Skin Tumors
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
Bone Disorders
Joint Disorders
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
Review of the Circulatory System and Blood
Blood Dyscrasias
Vascular Disorders
Venous Disorders
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
Lymphatic Disorders
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
Heart Disorders
Vascular Disorders
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
Infectious Diseases
Vascular Disorders
Expansion Disorders
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Learning Objectives
Functional Areas
Seizure Disorders
Mental Disorders
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Chapter Outline
Learning Objectives
Sensory Receptors
The Eye
The Ear
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Endocrine Disorders
Pituitary Hormones
Thyroid Disorders
Adrenal Glands
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Review of the Digestive System
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Diagnostic Tests
Diuretic Drugs
Vascular Disorders
Congenital Disorders
Renal Failure
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Congenital Anomalies
Genetic Disorders
Developmental Disorders
Diagnostic Tools
Genetic Technology
Down Syndrome
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Chapter 22 Complications of Pregnancy
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Musculoskeletal Abnormalities
Eating Disorders
Skin Disorders
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Other Factors
Multiple Disorders
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Cutaneous Effects
Neurologic/Psychological Effects
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Opioid Overdose Crisis
Predisposing Factors
Indications/Recognition of Abuse
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Learning Objectives
Key Terms
Physical Agents
Biologic Agents
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Ready Reference 1
Ready Reference 2
Ready Reference 3
Ready Reference 4
Ready Reference 5
Ready Reference 6
Ready Reference 7
Ready Reference 8
Ready Reference 9
Pathophysiology: Background
and Overview
C H AP T E R 1
Introduction to Pathophysiology
Key Terms
Chapter Outline
What is Pathophysiology and Why Study It?
Understanding Health and Disease
Concept and Scope of Pathophysiology
Beginning the Process: A Medical History
New Developments and Trends
Basic Terminology of Pathophysiology
The Disease Process
Etiology-Causes of Disease
Characteristics of Disease
Disease Prognosis
Introduction to Cellular Changes
Terms Used for Common Cellular Adaptations
Cell Damage and Necrosis
Case Studies
Chapter Summary
Study Questions
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter, the student is expected to:
Box 1.1
S e v e n S t e p s t o H e a lt h
Box 1.2
P rim a ry , S e co n d a ry , a n d Te rt ia ry P re v e n t io n
Primary Prevention
The goal is to protect healthy people from developing a disease
or experiencing an injury in the first place. For example:
Secondary Prevention
These interventions happen after an illness or serious risk factors
have already been diagnosed. The goal is to halt or slow the
progress of disease (if possible) in its earliest stages; in the case of
injury, goals include limiting long-term disability and preventing
reinjury. For example:
Tertiary Prevention
This phase focuses on helping people manage complicated, long-
term health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and
chronic musculoskeletal pain. The goals include preventing
further physical deterioration and maximizing quality of life. For
From h p://
Language: English
Oh, how Trase hated himself, and the world, and most of all the
gravity that bound his feet to the ground. His first wanderings were
out there to the space-port, where the spacemen in their gray
uniforms strolled easily about and swaggered before his eyes. There
were the mysterious vessels, crouched in their launching racks, their
skins shiny with the flow-sheen imparted to them by tremendous
speeds out in nothing. There were the gatherings of spacemen to
talk about the black, black side of Mercury, the pale corona of the
sun seen from Neptune, the thousands of square miles of flat green
moss on Venus, but mostly they talked of the purple and yellow
rings of Saturn, and the deep-breath feeling of space.
So Trase would go back to his school books and try to understand
arithmetic and geography, and his body would always be on time,
his physical being would say "present"—but his mind, ah, his mind
wandered a golden pathway among the glittering worlds of the sky.
His little fingers were deft and quick, and by the time he was ten he
had made a dozen space-models. There was a model of old number
19, crude, rough, and laughable, with its huge stepped rockets that
were dropped away to the rear on the way to the moon. There
beside his schoolbooks was the Adventurer II, first ship to go inside
Mercury's orbit and come back to tell the tale. His walls were lined
with pictures of such men as Rak Bartel, the laughing spaceman who
rescued the Wofford expedition from the wilds of Titan, and over
there was Colombo Dante, the pale little Indian half-breed who held
ten speed records around the solar system that are still unbeaten
But under his pillow was the picture of Mortan Barnes, his father,
whose huge, thin face gave the appearance of looking wistfully at
the stars. Yet, it couldn't have been more wistful than the eyes of
So Trase went on with his growing up, and they told him to study
medicine, so he gobbled up his chemistry, his biology, and
anthropology, but he studied space-math at night. By the time he
got out of prep-school he could work some astro-nav problems in his
head and knew the names, tonnages, and horsepower of the seven
hundred models of space vessels without so much as cracking a
He read a story about a stowaway one day, and then he read it
again. It made his mind start to working and he began to say to
himself, "Maybe they're wrong about my ears. Maybe I would be a
good spaceman. If a man's got a mind to be a spaceman, looks like
he ought to be able to make himself do it, doesn't it?"
The space-station doctor spoke sympathetically. "No, Trase, there's
very little that can be done. An operation, maybe—but the only
doctor I know capable of performing such an operation is on Earth,
and it would cost thousands of dollars. No, Trase, be happy, can't
you? Most spacemen are not really happy. I think they really envy us
gravity-bound people, for they can't ever know a real home. Can't
you see the wistfulness in their faces and the haunted look deep
back in their eyes?"
Yes, Trase could see all that, but to him it was because they saw
things that no other man could see.
Trase didn't believe the doctor. He had to try it, so he smuggled
himself into an air-lock one day, grabbed an air-suit, and wandered
out on the ground of the moon.
Now the moon's got a little gravity, you know, but when Trase got
out of the artificial gravity of the Moon-Station, he began to run into
trouble. It was all right as long as he stood still, because the little
gravity of the moon would pull at the liquid in his ears. But if he
moved suddenly, why it would shake all around in there, and the
moon and the stars and the bright big Earth over there would whirl
in a blaze of light. Then Trase would wake up lying on his face with
his suit messed up from being sick.
So Trase figured out a method of training himself. "I'll show 'em," he
would groan through clenched teeth while the sky wheeled around
his head. "By the Great Big Bear I'll show 'em that a spaceman can
be made!"
Trase had just come in from one of those visits one afternoon when
Irinia Custer walked into his office unannounced, and caught him
there in an unlighted office, staring out at the constellations low on
the horizon.
Now, Irinia was almost a legend. Her reaction time was the fastest
of any pilot employed by Air-Lanes Inc. Her hardness and cynicism in
the face of danger, death, and the accepted ideals of life made top
story-telling material wherever spacemen gathered. She wouldn't
have needed to be beautiful, but on top of it all she was; for her
sensuous figure and black hair, with equally coal-black eyes, made
her wild beauty as legendary as her deeds. Yet Trase Barnes was
known to be twice as cold-blooded as she, an automaton who sent
pilots into danger with nothing but money in mind.
So Irinia eased quietly into Trase's office that afternoon, and there
the tough man sat, with his back to the door, staring out the huge
lucite port into the jewelled splendor of the clear night sky—seeing
the constellations that to Trase were as familiar as the walls of his
Irinia stood quietly behind him for a moment, then she spoke. "So
the v.p. likes the stars," she breathed slowly, but her voice was not
scornful. "The big, moon-bound executive, with ice-water in his
veins, has got a spark of romance."
Trase turned to her slowly, a part of his mind still out there among
the stars where strange kings and queens fought for galactic
Irinia looked at him, at the expression on Trase's face, and then
suddenly she could read the whole story written there in plain
characters. Right there in his eyes she could see the soul of a
spaceman penned up in a moon-bound cage.
And suddenly Irinia Custer felt sorry for the hardness that was in her
spirit, sorry for her bitter, cynical attitude, sorry for the dirty,
laughing nicknames she had fashioned among space-crews for vice-
president Trase Barnes.
They looked at each other for a long time. Then Trase got out the
thick words slowly. "Well, I'm stuck, Irinia," he smiled. "You know
the way I feel—the secret's out, and I know you'll tell it."
Irinia started to talk, but something was lodged in her throat and her
mouth felt dry, strangely dry. She walked over to Trase and her
trembling hand reached out and touched the features of his face,
and the fierceness of what she felt inside her made her whole body
"Yes, I know, Trase," she breathed. "I know." Then suddenly she put
her head on his shoulder and cried.
Well, that's the way it goes, you know. The two toughest people in
spacing ran together, and it was like joining two ribbons of molten
steel. It was a love such as the Moon-Station had seldom seen, and
the talk ran through the space-lines like it had never gone before. It
had been bound to happen to Trase, yet all the worlds wept for the
two of them. Because everyone knew that nothing was worse than
for a spaceman or woman to be mated with a ground-bounder.
At first their happiness was untouchably supreme, and Trase walked
about in a kind of warm haze, deliciously aware of things he had
never before noticed—the pleasant coughing sound of a Moon-Dog
barking, the tinny clatter of dishes that rang out from the
Spacemen's Mess; all small things which never before had meaning,
but which now made him seem like part of the world.
Yet, it caught up with them, for they both knew that Irinia couldn't
give up space and Trase couldn't go to space. Or could he?
It got Trase to thinking. Hadn't there been something about a doctor,
or an operation ... maybe now he had the money to pay. He went
back to see the space doctor who told him that, and found that he
was dead. He asked other doctors and they told him that it was a
bunch of foolishness, that they had never known of a successful
operation of that type, that the only thing to remember was the
phrase, "Spacemen are born—not made."
Trase got kind of tired of hearing it, but no doctor would risk his
reputation on the operation.
So that was that.
Trase and Irinia talked it over; that is, as much as they could with
their throats kind of choked up, and they decided the only thing they
could do was to forget each other. Irinia could never be happy living
in gravity. So she went off to space again, and Trase just sat back at
his great carved oaken desk, looked out his lucite port, and
Oh, that Trase was a thinker, and his thinking got faster and faster
as the days went by, and sometimes again he began to be seen on
an earth-time afternoon down on the flight line, watching the ships
come in and out. It was a place he hadn't frequented in years.
By the time Irinia got back on her trip from Deimos, his face was
hard—hard as the thought that was in his mind. He called Irinia to
come to his office. She didn't want to, because they had vowed
never to speak again, but somehow, from the tone of the note, she
had to come.
"O.K., veepee," she cracked, a frozen, bitter, mask of a smile on her
lips, "What've I done now?"
Trase said, "I'm going to space."
Irinia's face went white for a minute, but she knew her Trase—and
she knew argument was no good.
"Where?" she whispered.
"Saturn," Trase replied.
"Oh, no!" cried Irinia. "Not Saturn! It's the worst of them all."
"I know it is," Trase said. "That's the reason I want to go."
"You'll never come back alive," whispered Irinia. "If the sickness
doesn't get you, the rings will."
"Maybeso, Irinia. But I need your help. I've got plans and I need
you. If I make this trip, maybe I can make others. Maybe ... maybe I
can prove that spacemen can be made. But if I can't make it without
sickness, I promise you I'll never bother you or ask anything of you
"But what are your plans, Trase?"
"Drugs, first, Irinia. Progressive slackening off, and attempted self-
induced hypnotism. Small artificial gravity unity, enough to create
about a tenth of earth gravity. I think I can do it, Irinia."
"But it's all been tried before, Trase, and it's never worked! You
know that—it's deeply psychological as well as physical. You can't do
it simply by wanting it!"
Trase looked long and hard at her. His smile was almost ghastly. "Life
is worth nothing to me unless I try it, Irinia," he said quietly.
So that did it. Trase cashed in his stock in Air-Lanes, bought a ship
and they went to work on it. He couldn't get a first-rate crew
because the news got around about what they were trying to do,
and no self-respecting spaceman would have anything to do with it.
But there were drifters to be had.
They blew off in the middle of the two-week moon night, the
polyglot crew grazing the space-station dome, and setting off ten
degrees off course, with Trase strapped in his bunk and drugged into
unconsciousness, and Irinia cursing the crew in pure venom they
had never heard before.
And that, essentially, was the way the trip went. Irinia never
weakened and by the time they were two months out she had the
crew almost to a state of discipline.
Of course, drugs had been tried before—they were the method used
to transport non-space-born passengers between the Earth and the
moon. Irinia fed Trase intravenously. At the end of the two months
she turned on the puny artificial gravity system and let him come
His first words were, "Where's Saturn?"
"O, Trase, we haven't even got well started yet," Irinia cried.
Trase came awake. He tried to sit up in his bunk, and fell out lightly
on the floor with his whole insides heaving. Irinia dosed him up
again and toyed with the idea of turning back. But Trase was in good
health, so she decided to go on. At the end of the third month, Trase
found that he could lie flat on his back in his bunk with eyes
blindfolded, and with no movement at all. This way he could stay
awake at stated intervals, as long as there was no change in course
or velocity.
Oh, the beauty of open space! Though he couldn't get out of his
bunk to see it, Trase knew that they were way out in the middle of
nowhere, and Irinia would come around to tell him about it.
The time passed, and then Saturn began gradually to fill the screen
of the ship's vision-plate, and Irinia began to worry. For to shoot the
rings required plenty of deft acceleration and deceleration, and Irinia
knew that Trase couldn't stand the maneuvering.
"How about just a look at Saturn from a distance, Trase?" Irinia
would ask.
"We've got to shoot the rings," he would reply grimly.
So Irinia knew he wouldn't be satisfied with anything less, and she
went busily about the procedure of lining up the polyglot crew for
the ring-shooting.
At fifty million miles from Saturn she fired two small braking blasts,
and Trase cried out from his bunk and was sick again. She ran back
to him and said, "Oh, Trase, let me drug you till we get there."
His white suffering face showed clenched teeth. He grabbed her arm
and said, "I'll make it, Irinia, I'll make it. Just let me know when the
view gets good."
So she let him alone and went about the business of braking. She
heard no more groans from Trase. But when she went back to see
him, there he would be with his hands gripped until the knuckles
showed white, with the bedclothes gripped between his teeth. "I'll
make it, Irinia," he would gasp. Then sometimes she would hear him
cry, "I'll be there, God of Time, I'll be there!"
Space-sickness and nausea.... Those it doesn't kill generally try to kill
Well, from fifty million miles it's a four-day trip to shoot the rings and
get started away again, and there was Trase with the universe
spinning around his ears, suffering as much as anyone can suffer.
They went in under the darkness of the huge outside ring, for the
rings were canted at that time almost their total 28 degrees to the
And then out of the misery and the eons of suffering Trase suddenly
heard a voice, "Trase! Trase! Come to the Astrodome, we're shooting
the rings! Trase, we're shooting the rings!"
Trase prayed. His hands reached out for the bunk straps and he felt
Irinia helping him. He had long ago lost everything on his stomach
but the world whirled in a wild clanging clatter of craziness and he
had to be guided along the passageway.
"I can't make it!" he cried at once, and Irinia had to drag him back
to his feet, and then he said, "Yes, I can—I'll be there."
Well, that was the way Trase made it. His clothes reeking with his
sickness, his body wasted away from inaction, his eyes dimmed and
glazed over from suffering, his face a mask of thin ferocity from his
determination. But he made it.
There's Saturn, Trase.
He looked out over the burning brilliant flatness of the crape ring to
the huge yellow hulk of the God of Time towering over him. The
light and majesty of what he saw swam to his brain out of the fogs
of bitterness that had shrouded his soul and he saw it—one
magnificent reason why men go to space.
Personal Saturn, unreachable Saturn ... yellow, streaked with purple
streamers, fading away at the edges into the blackness that is
eternal space. From there at the edge of the crape ring it is as
though you were standing on a plain of golden dust, staring up into
the face of destiny. The features of the face are plain, formed out of
the whirling evanescent colors of the gases whipped around on the
surface by cyclonic winds. You can see rainbows and pots of gold
fashioned and then whipped away to change to greater things. The
breath of eternal mystery blows on the spirit, and spacemen say you
can see anything you desire.
The ship lurched this way and that as the jets kept it on its course,
and Trase suddenly realized that the sickness had dropped away
from him like a fetter. The ship headed back towards Titan for a
refueling stop, but Trase sat there and stared at Saturn until the
Astrodome got around to the front and the jet trails obscured the
view at the rear. He was not sick while he looked at Saturn.
His clear-headedness lasted about half-an-hour. Then Trase got sick
again. He was sick for a day and a half, until the ship began to come
in on Titan.
But the drifter crew had hid out some Mercurian liquor and got
drunk before landing. They failed to cut the jets. Irinia cursed until
the spaceship bulkheads turned red hot, but she fell and knocked
herself out running down from the pilot's compartment to the
engine-room. And so there was the ship headed wide-open into
Titan with the crew drunk, Irinia unconscious, and Trase dead-sick in
his bunk.
Well, you'll know now that Trase saved the day. He began to think of
Saturn as he had seen it. He staggered down to the engine-room,
cut the jets, then ran up to the pilot's room where the rough surface
of Titan stared him in the face. And he wasn't sick while he thought
of Saturn.
The ship cracked up but nobody was killed. They hadn't been able to
get any insurance with an unlicensed crew, so that left Trase flat-
broke. He wasn't a veepee anymore since he had no stock in Air-
Lanes, and Irinia got fired for taking the extended leave.
So things were kind of tough for a while, but.... Where are they
now? Oh, you know, you've heard all about it. They found a backer,
and now they're out on Pluto with a space-drive job, getting ready to
set out for Centauri. And Trase has never been sick again.
What does it prove?
Well, see those words written right there over the entrance to the
spacemen's mess? Those are the words Trase used when they pulled
him out of the wreck on Titan. I'll read them for you. "I've seen
Saturn! And to you who have seen it, I don't need to say whether
spacemen can be made. To others, to millions of youngsters who
want to be spacemen, I'll say now that spacemen are born. But to
each of them I'll say this—If you want to be a spaceman, you don't
need a spaceman's ear, all you need is a spaceman's soul."
So the spacemen took that and added another verse to the Saturn
"Home Song," and it's the one that really makes me hurt because I
can't go to space again. Sometimes late at night I hear them singing
it from far out on the field when a crew is coming in off a run, and
that's when I know you can't stop them. You can't stop the born
spacemen until they reach the stars. The verse goes like this:
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