Fell Beasts III

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paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
Volume two
Compatibility with the Pathfnder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfnder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC.
See http://paizo.com/pathfnderRPG for more information on the Pathfnder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility,
and does not endorse this product.
Art by:
A. Nemo
Gareth Michael Skarka
Jupiter Media
Sandra delacourt
Tim Miner
Series written by:
Ari Marmell
Hank woon
Jeb Boyt
Stefen Styrsky
Walt Ciechanowski
In this volume:
Cecaelia Singer
DeadSoul Elementals
-Charnel Smoke
-Grave Earth
Fear Monger
Genie, Hayula
Malachite Gargoyle
Master of Coils
Puppet Spider
Vile Mandrake
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax
and Dave Arneson.
Pathfnder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip
The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance
Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.
Fell Beasts: Volume Two. Copyright 2009, Adamant Entertainment: Authors: Ari Marmell, Hank Woon, Jeb Boyt, Lizard, Stefen Styrsky, Walt Ciechanowski.
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
A beautiful maiden waves to you as she foats
above the waves. Beneath the water, below
her waist, eight tentacles tread water to keep
her afoat.
CeCaelia CR 1/2
200 xp
Cecaelia Warrior 1
N Medium humanoid (aquatic)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision.; Perception
AC 13, touch 11, fat-footed 12; (+2 armor, +1
hp 7 (1d10+1)
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +0
Defensive Abilities ink cloud jet
Spd 20 ft., 30 ft. swim
Melee Trident +1 (1d8)
Ranged Net +2 (--)
Special Attacks Grab, +2 to grapple checks,
does not cause attack of opportunity
Str 11, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Improved Grapple
Skills Swim +13; +4 bonus on Escape Artist
checks, +8 racial bonus on Swim checks.
Languages Aquan, Common
SQ amphibious, improved grapple (racial)
CeCaelia SingeR CR 1
400 xp
Cecaelia Bard 1
N Medium humanoid (aquatic)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision.; Perception
AC 13, touch 11, fat-footed 12; (+2 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 7 (1d10+1)
Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +3
Defensive Abilities ink cloud jet
Spd 20 ft., 30 ft. swim
Melee Trident -1 (1d8-1)
Ranged Net +2 (--)
Special Attacks Grab, +2 to grapple checks, does
not cause attack of opportunity
Spells Known (Bard 1st)
Cantrips - detect magic, light, lullaby, summon
1st (2/day) - disguise self (DC 14), hypnotism
(DC 14)
Str 8, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 10
Feats Improved Grapple, Persuasive
Skills Bluff +7, Diplomacy +9, Intimidate +9,
Perform +7, Swim +13; +4 bonus on Escape Artist
checks, +8 racial bonus on Swim checks.
Languages Aquan, Common, Elvish
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
SQ amphibious, bardic knowledge, bardic
performance (countersong, distraction,
fascinate, inspire courage +1), cantrips,
improved grapple (racial)
Environment Aquatic
Organization Solo, small band (2-5), clan (20-
100 + 100% non-combatants, one sergeant
for every 10 at 3rd level, one lieutenant for
every 25 at 5th level, one chief at 7th level).
Treasure NPC gear (leather armor, drum, net,
trident, sacks)
Ink Cloud (EX) A cecaelia can emit a cloud of
jet-black ink 10x10x10 feet once per minute
as a free action. The cloud provides total
concealment, which the cecaelia usually uses to
escape. All vision within the cloud is obscured.
This ability only works when the cecaelia is
Jet (EX) A cecaelia can jet backward once per
round as a full-round action, at a speed of 200
feet. It must move in a straight line, but does
not provoke attacks of opportunity while jetting.
This ability only works when the cecaelia is
Cecaelia are aquatic humanoids that are similar
to merfolk except that they have the lower body
of an octopus rather than a fsh. In spite of this
disturbing appearance, cecaelia are not evil.

Many cecaelia families can be found within
merfolk communities. Merfolk tend to treat the
cecaelia as a human would a dwarf or halfing.

Sailors often encounter solitary cecaelia
bards and are enchanted by their songs.
Unfortunately, some sailors see the cecaelia as
monstrous and attack when they feel that they
have been duped.

Cecaelia as Characters
Cecaelias are defned by their class levelsthey do
not possess racial Hit Dice. All cecaelias have the
following racial traits:

+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -1 Intelligence
Cecaelias are quick, charismatic creatures but not as
bright as other races.
Speed Cecaelias can swim indefnitely without
making skill checks.
Slow Cecaelias arent designed for land movement.
They only move 20 ft. on land.
Low-light vision Cecaelias can see twice as far as
Amphibious Cecaelias can breathe both air and
Ink Cloud Cecaelias can create an ink cloud, as per
the creature description.
Jet Cecaelias can jet as per the creature description.
Improved Grapple Cecaelias get Improved Grapple
as a racial feat, without needing the prerequisites.

Racial Skills: Cecaelias get a +4 to Escape Artist
checks and a +8 to Swim checks.
Languages: Cecaelias begin play speaking Aquan
and Common. Cecaelias with high Intelligence
scores can choose any of these bonus languages:
Draconic, Elven, Halfing, Terran.
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
It is a tornado of utter darkness, a black smoke which not only blocks out the sun but seems to promise
there shall never be another dawn. Clouds of fne ash, greasy and clinging, billow out from it all directions,
coating the area around it in grey. The dust makes breath diffcult and painful, and then it is upon you,
and your screams and the howl of its winds blend into one...
Deadsoul Elementals
ChaRnelSmoke CR 11
12,800 xp
NE Huge undead (air, elemental)
Init +13; Senses Darkvision 60; Perception
AC 25, touch 17, fat-footed 16; (+9 Dex, +8
hp 127 (15d8+60);
Fort 9, Ref 14, Will 9
Defensive Abilities DR 5/good; Immune
Spd Fly 100 ft.
Melee 2 slams +20 (2d8+4)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15
Special Attacks Choking dust
Str 18, Dex 29, Con --, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 18
Base Atk +11; CMB +17; CMD 36
Feats Alertness, Combat Refexes, Dodge, Flyby
It is commonly known that elemental entities, being soulless, cannot arise as undead. There are no
vampire xorn or arrowhawk wraiths. It is also commonly known that the surest way to get a thing done is
to tell a wizard that its impossible.
A deadsoul elemental is a creature created through a depraved ritual. A large number of innocents are
slain, in a manner specifc to each of the four known rites, and their souls are kept briefy trapped by
potent magic. Then an elemental of large size is summoned, using the materials resulting from the
murders, and it, too, is killed, and its physical form, before it can discorporate, it merged with the
trappedsouls, creating a hybrid creature that is, in fact, a type of undead.
Deadsoul elementals cannot come into existence by accident, nor can they propagate themselves as other
undead do. They are always made for some purpose, whether guarding a specifc location, destroying a
given enemy, or simply as a show of power and might. However, they are not truly mindless like skeletons
or zombies, and the nature of their creation flls them with unholy rage. While they are initially bound to
obey their creators, they can be freed if their creator dies, or is somehow weakened and left unable to
maintain control. Deadsoul elementals will always obey the letter of their commands but some are cunning
enough to twist the spirit in order to attain freedom.
Because they are undead and bound to the mortal world, deadsoul elementals are not considered
summoned creatures. Any spells, abilities, or effects which specifcally target Outsiders will not affect
them. Spells, abilities, or effects which target their elemental subtype (air, earth, fre, water) will affect
them as usual.
Attack, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Spring attack,
Weapon Finesse.
Skills Fly +26, Intimidate +11, Perception +15
Languages Auran
SQ Undead Traits, Cloud of darkness
Environment Any
Organization Solitary
Treasure 7000 gp
Choking Dust (SU) Any creature hit by the
charnelsmokes slam attack risks inhaling the corrupt
ash and smoke from which it is formed. Those struck
must make a DC 21 Fortitude save or suffer 1d4 points
of Constitution damage. The save DC is Charisma
Cloud of Darkness (SU) The charnelsmoke constantly
emits cloud of black ash. The area within a 30 foot
radius of it is considered to be an area of darkness.
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
Charnelsmokes are a type of deadsoul elemental (see above). They are created in much the same way
as pyreborns, but instead of using the fame, the creators use the smoke and befouled air. Far more
mobile than the other deadsouls, they are often used against enemies thought unreachable. When freed,
or if they escape, they wander, preferring mountain valleys and other high places. If they see any aerial
constructions, such as fying castles, they will be drawn to them.
It begins as nothing more than an odd wave on the surface of the water, a wave moving against the
pattern of the other waves. The wave grows, and swells, and those on deck can see bodies swirling inside
it, decayed and rotted bodies whose motions seem more than that of corpses foating in turbulent water.
Then the wave draws itself together and arises, a column of water that moves of its own accord, flled with
the reek of the dead left to bloat and rot beneath the sea, suddenly exposed once more to air. It spills
itself onto the deck of the ship and the living join the dead already within it...
ChokewateR CR 12
19,200 xp
CE Huge undead (elemental, water)
Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60; Perception +22
AC 27, touch 13, fat-footed 22; (+5 Dex, +14
natural, -2 size)
hp 161 (17d8+85);
Fort 10, Ref 10, Will 16
Defensive Abilities Nauseating Reek, DR 10/
Spd 30 ft., swim 125 ft.
Melee 2 slams +20 (2d8+8/19-20) plus grab
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15
Special Attacks Corrosive Decay, Grab, Swallow
Str 26, Dex 20, Con --, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 21
Base Atk +12; CMB +22; CMD 37
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Critical Focus,
Staggering Critical, Great Cleave, Power Attack,
Improved Critical, Improved Bull Rush, Iron Will
Skills Intimidate +15, Perception +55, Swim
Languages Aquan
SQ Undead Traits
Environment Any aquatic
Organization Solitary
Treasure 9000 gp
Corrosive Decay (SU) The chokewater embodies all
that is destructive about the sea. Its waters are the
essence of rot and corruption. Any time it is hit with a
melee attack, the attacker must make a DC 23 Refex
save or his weapon gains a -1 to attack and damage
rolls. (This is cumulative to -5, at which point the
weapon falls apart.) Anyone struck by a slam attack
must make a DC 23 Refex save or lose one point of
armor bonus. This is cumulative to a total of -5, or
the armor bonus reaches 0, at which point the armor
falls apart. The save DC is Charisma based. Repairing
the damage is a DC 20 Craft (Armorsmithing or
Weaponsmithing) check and will take 1 hour per point
of decay.
Grab (EX) If the chokewater hits with a slam attack,
it may begin a grapple as a free action. On the turn
following the grapple, it may put the target inside itself,
(see Swallow Whole)
Swallow Whole (EX) The chokewater does not so
much swallow as absorb the target; it takes no bite
damage. Instead, it takes 5d6 points of damage per
turn from the ravenous corpses inside the chokewater,
who tear and claw at it. All other rules for swallowed
creatures apply.
Chokewaters are a type of deadsoul elemental -- see above. They are created by the deliberate drown-
ing of at least a dozen sentient beings in a brackish, diseased, tidal pool, followed by the summoning and
slaughter of a water elemental. Certain evil underwater races are particularly fond of creating this type
of undead. Free-roaming chokewaters will cruise beneath the surface, effectively undetectable, until they
come upon some unfortunate ship; then they emerge and slaughter the crew.
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
The thing lumbers towards you, a massive creature of dark earth and streaks of white marble and bone.
Fragments of tombstones are embedded in its form, and it speaks a dozen voices at once, all bellowing in
rage and pain....
gRaveeaRth CR 10
9,600 xp
NE Huge undead (elemental, earth)
Init +0; Senses Tremorsense, Darkvision 60;
Perception +21
AC 26, touch 8, fat-footed 26; (+18 natural)
hp 130 (15d8+63);
Fort 10, Ref 5, Will 12
Defensive Abilities DR 5/good Immune cold
Spd 30 ft., Burrow 30 ft.
Melee 2 slams +20 (2d8+9)
Ranged Hurled Tombstone +20 (2d10+9)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10
Special Attacks Earth Mastery, Push (Slam,
15), Hurled Tombstones, Touch of the Grave
Str 28, Dex 10, Con --, Int 6, Wis 16, Cha 16
Base Atk +11; CMB +22; CMD 32
Feats Cleave, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude,
Improved Bull Rush, Improved Overrun,
Intimidating Prowess, Power Attack, Toughness.
Skills Climb +19, Intimidate +20, Perception
Languages Terran
SQ Undead Traits
Environment Any land
Organization Solitary
Treasure 5450 gp
Earth Mastery (EX) A graveearth gains a +1 bonus
on attack and damage rolls if both it and its foe are
touching the ground. If an opponent is airborne or
waterborne, the graveearth takes a -4 penalty on
attack and damage rolls. (These modifers are not
included in the statistics block.)
Hurled Tombstone (EX) The graveearth can rip
tombstones out of its body and hurl them as ranged
weapons. This is a standard action.
Touch Of The Grave (EX) To know the touch of the
graveearth is to know the chill of death. Anyone hit by
its slam attack must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or
become slowed. The save DC is Charisma based.
Graveearths are one type of deadsoul elemental -- see above. They are created by summoning, and then
slaying, an earth elemental above a mound of dirt and soil created by desecrating a graveyard. While
some are still under the control of their creators, others have become free-roaming creatures. Slow wit-
ted and perpetually angry, they cross the world motivated only by a hatred for the living. In combat, they
prefer to smash things, but will hurl tombstones at foes which are out of reach, especially those which are
airborne. (The Hurled Tombstone attacks does not suffer a penalty when attacking airborne or waterborne
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
It is a creature of unliving fre, a whirling inferno of black, foul, smoke and the sound of crackling skin and
breaking bone. As the fames which compose ficker and dance, you can see within it humanoid forms,
ablaze and howling..
pyReFlame CR 10
9,600 xp
CE Huge undead (elemental, fre)
Init +15; Senses Darkvision 60; Perception
AC 30, touch 15, fat-footed 23; (+7 Dex, +15
hp 119 (14d8+56);
Fort 8, Ref 11, Will 11
Defensive Abilities DR 5/good Immune fre
Spd 60 ft.
Melee 2 slams +17 (2d8+4)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10
Special Attacks Spirit Burn
Str 18, Dex 25, Con --, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 18
Base Atk +10; CMB +16; CMD 33
Feats Alertness, Dodge, Improved Initiative,
Iron Will, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon
Skills Acrobatics +15, Intimidate +15,
Perception +15
Languages Ignan
SQ Undead Traits, Unholy fre
Environment Any non-water
Organization Solitary
Treasure 5450 gp
Spirit Burn (SU) The pyrefame elemental burns not
just the body, but the soul. Those hit by a pyrefames
slam attack also must succeed on a DC 21 Refex save
or catch on fre, suffering 1d6 damage/round for 1d4
rounds. For each round the victim burns, they also
take 1d4 points of Wisdom damage. The save DC is
Charisma based.
Unholy Fire (SU) Infused with the chill of death,
a pyrefame is not vulnerable to cold. Other effects
which target or interact with the Fire subtype affect it
Pyrefames are a type of deadsoul elemental -- see above. They are created by the incineration of the liv-
ing -- at least a dozen -- in an unhallowed space, with that fame used to summon a fre elemental, which
is then slain and recreated as a pyrefame. Pyrefames are often used as guardians for temples, especially
those dedicated to evil gods of fre. Particularly cruel fre giants will sometimes bargain with magicians of
other races to acquire these creatures as well. Pyrefames are not intelligent, but they can possess a low
cunning and have an overwhelming desire for freedom, leading to some becoming wandering disasters,
leaving a trail of ash and charred corpses in their wake.
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
As you camp, the air around you feels slightly cooler. You turn to see one of your companions readying a
weapon to use against you!
FeaR mongeR CR 7
3,200 xp
CN undead (incorporeal)
Init +1; Senses Blindsight 60; Darkvision 60;
Perception +13
AC 12, touch 12, fat-footed 10; (+1 Dex, +1
hp 95 (10d8+40);
Fort 7, Ref 4, Will 11
Defensive Abilities incorporeal, invisible,
Immune undead traits; SR 12
Spd fy 50 ft.
Special Attacks Illusory Fear (DC 16 Will save)
Str 10, Dex 12, Con --, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 18
Base Atk +7 CMB +7; CMD 17
Feats Ability Focus (illusory fear), Dodge, Hover,
Iron Will, Persuasive
Skills Fly +16, Intimidate +17, Perception +13,
Sense Motive +13, Stealth +16. +4 racial bonus
on Fly and Stealth.
Languages Common
SQ incorporeal, invisible, undead traits
Environment Any (wherever it was betrayed)
Organization Solitary
Treasure None.
Illusory Fear (SU) The fear mongers main ability is
to make its victim distrust and fear his allies. Once
per round, the fear monger can select a target and
cast an illusion on the ally of the target that only the
target can see. The illusion makes the ally appear to
be preparing an attack on the target in some manner.
This ability acts as the mirror image spell. The fear
monger can change targets each round, leaving the
previous effect to last another 2 rounds.
A fear monger is the spirit of a deceased person that
was betrayed by someone she trusted. This spirit now
spreads fear and paranoia to groups of people that pass
the spot where she was betrayed.

As fear mongers remain where they were killed, a
fear monger is most commonly found within an
abandoned castle or in good camping spots in the

If a creature can communicate with a fear monger, it
might be possible to negotiate with it and put an end to
its suffering. Fear Mongers start as Hostile; if brought
to Indifferent it leaves the creature and allies alone. If
brought to Friendly, the fear monger accepts her fate
and becomes at peace.
Fear Monger
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
This wiry fgures skin is ruddy, perhaps from exposure to the pounding sun. Rivulets of tears fow from
slate-gray eyes, yet he grins to show teeth of the same stony hue. His hair is dark, trailing into wisps of
smoke, and his breath steams as though the air were winter-cold.
genie, hayula CR 8
4,800 xp
CN Medium outsider (chaotic,
Init +4; Senses low-light vision;
Perception +13
AC 20, touch 14, fat-footed 16; (+2
armor, +4 Dex, +4 natural)
hp 85 (10d10+30);
Fort 6, Ref 11, Will 7
Defensive Abilities corners of
reality, DR 5/lawful; Resist acid 5,
cold 5, electricity 5, fre 5
Spd 30 ft., burrow 25 ft., fy 50 ft.
(good), swim 50 ft.
Melee masterwork rod (treat as
warhammer) +16/+11 (1d8+6/x3
plus 1d12 anarchic) or slam +14
(1d4+4 plus 1d12 anarchic)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 15 ft. (see
corners of reality)
Special Attacks elemental rend
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th)
At will plane shift
2/day wall of energy (as wall of
fre, but upon casting, the hayula
chooses whether the wall deals acid,
cold, electrical, or fre damage)
Str 18, Dex 19, Con 16, Int 13, Wis
10, Cha 15
Base Atk +10 CMB +14; CMD 28
Feats Ability focus (elemental rend),
Combat Casting, Improved Critical
(rod), Improved Initiative, Weapon
Focus (rod)
Genie, Hayula
Skills Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12,
Escape Artist +14, Fly +11, Intimidate
+12, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge (nature) +11, Knowledge (the planes) +11, Perception +10,
Sense Motive +10, Stealth +14
Languages Common, Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Terran.
SQ corners of reality, touch of unmaking
Gear masterwork rod, leather armor.
Environment Any
Organization Solitary, pair or band (3-6)
Treasure 3,028 gp in gems and jewelry
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
Corners of Reality (EX) As beings of chaos
and uncreation from the heart of Limbo, the
hayula exist at slight angles to reality. This
grants them the following benefts:
Concealment (20% miss chance) against
ranged attacks.
15-foot reach, due to the fact that
attacks do not all come from the exact
position in which a hayula stands.
A hayula may ignore an opponents cover
(but not total cover) when making melee
attacks, due to the unnatural angles of its
For purposes of determining whether a
hayula fanks an opponent, it is considered
to occupy both its own square and any one
other adjacent square of its choice.
Elemental Rend (SU) A hayula can declare a
single melee attack to be an elemental rend.
If the attack strikes and deals damage, the
target must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude
save. Should the save fail, the hayula draws
forth a portion of the targets physical makeup,
which takes the form of an elemental under the
hayulas command. The elemental thus created
has a number of Hit Dice equal to one-half the
targets. The elemental is treated in all respects
as though it had been created via the hayulas
touch of unmaking ability; see below. (If this is
more HD-worth of elementals than the hayula
can control, no elemental appears, but the
target still suffers the following effects.)
The target shrinks, due to the loss of mass,
dropping to the next lower size category.
It receives a 2 penalty to Strength and
Constitution. All modifers other than these
ability penalties match those presented in the
spell reduce person. This effect is permanent,
but can be reversed via break enchantment and
similar effects.
Outsiders and creatures already suffering from
an elemental rend are immune to this ability.
It requires one full minute of meditation before
the hayula can use elemental rend a second
time. Thus, it is essentially useful only once per
encounter. The save DC is Strength-based.
Touch of Unmaking (EX) The hayula is a being
of chaos and uncreation. All his melee attacks
are considered chaotic, and deal extra anarchic
Any creature slain by the hayulas melee attacks
instantly discorporates into its component
elements, taking the form of one or more
elementals under the hayulas control. The
victim cannot be returned to life via raise dead
or resurrection, but true resurrection, miracle,
and wish can do so. A being so slain produces a
number of HD-worth of elementals equal to its own
total Hit Dice (or half its Hit Dice, if it has already
been affected by the hayulas elemental rend).
The hayula decides what form and quantity these
elementals take. For instance, upon slaying a 4th-
level fghter, the hayula could call forth a single
4-HD earth elemental, or a 2-HD earth elemental
and a 2-HD water elemental. Most creatures
can produce elementals of any of the four basic
elements (including fre, which comes from the
soul, or spark of life), but the DM may determine
that certain creatures, such as constructs, can only
produce specifc types of elementals.
The elementals serve the hayula faithfully, and
remain for one hour before fading away to merge
with the elemental planes. Between his touch of
unmaking and elemental rend, a hayula may have
no more than his own Hit Dice-worth of elementals
under his command at any given time. (Thus, a
standard hayula could potentially have up to 10-
HD of elementals at once.) If the hayula slays a
creature that would bring his total above this limit,
the target still discorporates, its essence dispersed
to the elemental planes, but no elementals appear.
Outsiders do not discorporate or produce
elementals when slain, but are still subject to the
hayulas anarchic damage.
The hayula are genie-kind spawned in the elemental oases that rise and submerge amidst Limbos eddies
of pure chaos. Beings of both madness and primordial matter, the hayula (and, legend holds, the far
more potent genie lords who rule over them) seek to return the mortal realm to the purer state of its
component elementsunmaking all life and creation in the process.
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
Most other varieties of genies refuse to acknowledge their relation to the hayula, and the hayula in turn
hold their elemental cousins in disdain. Then again, hayula hold most creatures in disdain. While they
consist partly of the four major elements, theyre more accurately creatures of manifest chaos, and though
capable of ordered thought, they prefer to act on instinct and emotion. Hayula actually fnd following
orders or intricate plans to be physically painfuland, so some claim, suffer similarly when witnessing the
orderly and lawful behavior of others. Hayula fght, not necessarily to kill, but simply to disrupt the orderly
fow of the world and the people around them. They often ally with other violent creaturesdestructive
elementals, bandits or raiders, demons, and the likesimply for the opportunity to sow discord.
Oddly enough for creatures of such chaotic temperament, a hayula makes every attempt to keep his word
once hes given it (though, unlike some other genies, if circumstances make keeping a promise impossible,
the hayula doesnt consider it a mark against his honor). Precisely why the hayula consider their word
important is unclear, but presumably comes from traditions that date back to the days of more frequent
interaction with other genies. For this reason, hayula rarely give their word on anything, and if forced to
do so, are masters on par with devils of leaving themselves loopholes in the letter of their promises.
In combat, hayula use their elemental rend ability early, in order to bring new allies to the fght, and
prefer to focus their efforts on one foe at a time, in hopes of dropping him and drawing forth yet
more elementals. Theyre often found in the company of elemental creatures other than those theyve
summoned, treating these pseudo-creatures as the true form that life should take and considering other
living creatureslike, say, peopleto be abominations of the natural order.
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
The winged, bestial creature spreads its wide wings and lifts into the air, its deep green skin faring
brilliantly in the late-evening sun. It suddenly wheels about, and drawing a falcion from its scabbard, dives
with a ferce battle cry!
malaChite gaRgoyle CR 7
3,200 xp
CE Medium monstrous humanoid (earth)
Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; Perception +8
AC 20, touch 16, fat-footed
14; (+5 Dex, +1 dodge,
+4 natural)
hp 85 (9d10+36);
Fort 7, Ref 11, Will 8
Defensive Abilities DR
Spd 40ft., fy 60ft. (average)
Melee Masterwork falchion
+13/+8 (2d4+4/1520) or 2
claws +13 (1d8+4) or bite +13
(1d6+4 plus petrifcation)
Special Attacks petrifcation
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th)
3/day lightning bolt (DC 12)
Str 18, Dex 20, Con 18, Int
14, Wis 8, Cha 8
Base Atk +9 CMB +13; CMD
Feats Empower Spell-Like Ability
(lightning bolt), Flyby Attack, Improved
Critical (falchion), Wingover
Skills Fly +16, Intimidate +8, Perception +8,
Stealth +14, Survival +8, Swim +13
Languages Common, Terran
SQ freeze, iron claws
Gear masterwork falchion
Malachite Gargoyle
Environment Any
Organization Solitary, pair or wing (5-16)
Treasure 2,600 gp
Freeze (Ex) A malachite gargoyle can hold itself so still it appears to be a statue. An observer must
succeed on a DC 20 Perception check to notice the malachite gargoyle is really alive.
Iron Claws (Ex) A malachite gargoyles claws are considered magical for purposes of overcoming
damage reduction.
Petrifcation (Ex) Any living creature bit by a malachite gargoyle must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save
or permanently turn to malachite.
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
Resembling a gargoyle in nearly every aspect, the malachite gargoyle appears to be made entirely from
the brilliant green mineral.
Much more powerful and profoundly more intelligent than their gargoyle cousins, the malachite gargoyles
are just as cruel and sinister, delighting in destruction and murder. Because of their enhanced intellect and
magical abilities, malachite gargoyles often take over packs of gargoyles, leading them as war chieftain on
more sophisticated raids and attacks against human settlements.

Malachite Gargoyles
as Characters
Malachite gargoyles are brutal opponents, able
to take fight and blast enemies with lightning
bolt before soaring in to tear into them with their
falchions, or turning them to malachite statues
with their ferce bite.
Malachite gargoyles posses the following racial
+6 Str, +6 Dex, +6 Con,
+4 Int, 2 Wis, +0 Cha.
Size: Medium.
Speed: A malachite gargoyles base land speed
is 40 feet. It also has a fy speed of 60 feet
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Racial Hit Dice: A malachite gargoyle begins
with 9 levels of monstrous humanoid, which
provides 9d10 hit dice, a base attack bonus of
+9, and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +3,
Ref +6, and Will +6.
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
The fgure glares menacingly with his head lowered, his eyes raised, and a wicked scimitar held in his
brawny fst. Suddenly, shadowy serpents rise from his broad silhouette like tongues of twisting fame.
maSteR oF CoilS CR 12
19,200 xp
LE Medium monstrous humanoid
Init +8; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; Perception
AC 27, touch 14, fat-footed 23; (+3 Dex, +1
dodge, +8 natural, +5 masterwork scale mail)
hp 168 (16d10+80);
Fort 8, Ref 14, Will 11
Spd 30ft.
Melee Scimitar +21/+16/+11/+6 (1d6+4/15
Special Attacks cobra strike, serpent spear,
summon swarm
Str 18, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha
Base Atk +16 CMB +20; CMD 35
Feats Bleeding Critical, Combat Refexes, Critical
Focus, Dodge, Improved Critical (scimitar),
Improved Initiative, Toughness, Weapon Focus
Skills Climb +16, Craft (weaponsmithing) +17,
Intimidate +17, Perception +16, Ride +16,
Stealth +16, Survival +16, Swim +16
Languages Common
SQ poison immunity
Gear masterwork scale mail, scimitar
Master of Coils
Environment Any
Organization solitary, pair, squad (5-8), raiding party (9-20), or tribe (21-101)
Treasure 9,000 gp
Cobra Strike (Su) As a swift action, the master of coils can manifest a snake from somewhere on its
body, having it lash out to attack one adjacent foe. The target must succeed at a DC 21 Refex save or
suffer 1d6 points of damage plus poison: save Fort DC 16, onset 1 round, frequency 1 round for 6 rounds,
effect 2d6 damage, cure 2 consecutive saves.
Poison Immunity (Ex) The master of coils is immune to all poisons.
Serpent Spear (Su) As a full-round action, the master of coils can cause a snake to manifest and then
throw it as a spear at a target up to 100 feet away. The target must succeed at a DC 21 Refex save or
suffer 3d6 points of damage plus poison: save Fort DC 16, onset 1 round, frequency 1 round for 6 rounds,
effect 2d6 damage, cure 2 consecutive saves.
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
Summon Swarm (Su) Once per day, the master of coils can attempt to summon a cobra swarm (see
below) with an 80% chance of success. If successful, the master of coils vomits out the mass of writhing
serpents into an adjacent square. If there is no unoccupied adjacent square, the summoning fails.
The master (and mistress) of coils resembles a male or female human for the most part, with golden eyes
that resemble those of a serpent. Both sexes tend to wear hooded cloaks to conceal their features, and
often decorate themselves with jewelry that is serpent-themed. Tattoos of various snakes cover the fesh
of the master of coils, which manifest to life upon command.
According to their own legends, the masters of coils once ruled over a powerful empire that has since
drowned in the endless desert sands. What remains of their people and culture survives in scattered,
disunited nomadic tribes.
What is known is that the masters of coils have long been at war with the scorpionfolk, and it is believed
by many that the two cultures drove each other to utter ruin. To this day, the two races hold a violent
vitriol toward one another, savagely attacking each other on sight.
The masters of coils exist in itinerant tribes, acting as traders or raiders, or both. Though more common
in desert regions, the masters of coils have since spread across the breadth of the world and now may be
found nearly anywhere.
The tribe is ruled by a prince and princess, which is a master and mistress of coils who claims descent
from an ancient and royal bloodlinewhether or not these claims are true are irrelevant. The masters of
coils are slaves to tradition and abide by their customs and law with an almost religious devotion. Those
who dishonor themselves or their tribe are exiled.
Exiled masters of coil often sell their services as bodyguards, bounty hunters, or assassins.
In combat, the master of coil is fearsome to behold, wading into the thick of battle with his scimitar,
cleaving muscle and bone with each stroke and summoning his snakes to lash out at exposed fesh.
The writhing mass of serpents pulses across the foor, the savage hissing promising doom to any creature
unable to fee from its path.
CobRa SwaRm CR 6
2,400 xp
N Tiny animal (swarm)
Init +7; Senses low-light vision; Perception
AC 19, touch 15, fat-footed 14; (+3 Dex, +2
size, +4 natural)
hp 76(9d8+36);
Fort 9, Ref 9, Will 4
Spd 15ft.
Melee swarm (6d6 plus poison)
Special Attacks distraction, poison
Str 4, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2
Base Atk +4 CMB +5; CMD 12
Feats Improved Initiative, Improved Natural
Attack, Skill Focus (Perception), Toughness
Cobra Swarm
Skills Climb +2, Perception +10, Stealth +16, Swim
Languages None
Environment deserts, forests, warm plains
Organization solitary, pair, nest (3-6 swarms)
Treasure None
Distraction (Ex) Any living creature vulnerable to
a cobra swarms damage that begins its turn with a
swarm in its square is nauseated for 1 round; a DC
17 Fortitude save negates the effect. Spellcasting or
concentrating on spells within the area of a swarm
requires a caster-level check (DC 20 + spell level).
Using skills that involve patience and concentration
requires a DC 17 Will save.
Poison (Ex) bite, save Fort DC 16, onset 1 round,
frequency 1 round for 6 rounds, effect 2d6 damage,
cure 2 consecutive saves.
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
A corpse lurches towards you, its tunic partially torn away. Its chest cavity is torn open, revealing a
hideous spider nestled inside, its legs pulling at wiry strands of webbing that disappear deep into the
ragged hole.
puppet SpideR CR 5
1,600 xp
NE Small magical beast
Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; low-light
vision; Perception +8
AC 17, touch 16, fat-footed 12; (+5 Dex, +1
natural, +1 size)
hp 45 (6d10+12);
Fort 7, Ref 10, Will 2
Spd 30ft. climb 20ft.
Melee Bite +11 (1d6+3 plus bleed)
Special Attacks Bleed (1d3), poison (DC13
Fort, 1d6 Str), web
Str 14, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 4, Wis 10, Cha 2
Base Atk +6 CMB +11; CMD 23
Feats Agile Manuevers, Improved Initiative,
Weapon Finesse (Bite)
Skills Climb +14, Disguise +7, Perception +8,
Stealth +13, +4 racial bonus on Climb, +8 bonus
to disguise (wen trying to look like a living
version of the corpse it is currently residing
SQ Animated dead
Environment Temperate
Organization Solitary or small pack (2-5)
Treasure 1,550 gp
Animate Dead (Sp) A puppet spider
Puppet Spider
can enter a corpse and animate it while residing within. This effectively transforms the corpse into
a fast zombie. The fast zombie must be destroyed before the puppet spider can be attacked. A puppet
spider may only animate a zombie of up to 10 hit dice.
Web (EX) Puppet Spiders can use their web ability even when riding a corpse as long as they have access
(the spider cannot be covered by a shirt or armor).

A puppet spider is a predatory creature with a taste for humanoid fesh. It has the ability to crawl inside
a corpse and animate it like a fast zombie in order to get close to its victims and kill them. A puppet spider
generally lives in caves and ruins, but it is also found rooting through the corpses in fresh battlefelds.
A puppet spider usually animates a medium or large sized corpse, being too big to comfortably rest inside
anything smaller (and too small to properly animate anything larger). It takes a puppet spider a day to
properly hollow out a corpse, but some puppet spiders have extra corpses lying about that have been pre-
prepared. It takes the puppet spider a standard action to animate a corpse once inside.
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
Racing across the ground at astounding speed is a tiny fgure, mere inches in height. It has the rough
brown texture of a root, but bears a vague semblance of a humanoid shape.
vile mandRake CR 3
800 xp
NE Diminutive Plant
Init +7; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4
AC 19, touch 19, fat-footed 14; (+5 Dex, +4
hp 18 (4d8);
Fort 3, Ref 8, Will 1
Defensive Abilities plant traits
Spd 40ft. burrow 20ft, climb 20ft.
Melee root +11 (1d25)
Space 1ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks piercing cry, sympathetic bond
Str 1, Dex 21, Con 10, Int 3, Wis 11, Cha 19
Base Atk +2 CMB +1; CMD 16
Feats Ability Focus (piercing cry), Weapon
Skills Climb +9, Perception +4, Stealth +9;
the vile mandrake uses Dexterity, rather than
Strength, to climb
Languages Understands Common and Sylvan
Environment Temperate
Organization Solitary or grove (2-24)
Treasure none, but the root itself is worth
800gp once killed.
Piercing Cry (SU) Once per day, a vile
mandrake can emit a piercing wail, audible for
Vile Mandrake
miles. All creatures within 20 feet must succeed on a
DC 16 Fortitude save or drop to 1 hit points and begin dying (normal chance to stabilize). Those who
succeed on their save are instead deafened. Those outside 10 feet but within 50 feet are deafened if they
fail their save, and unharmed if they succeed. This deafness lasts until magically cured. The save DCs are
If a vile mandrake has not already used its piercing cry for the day, it unleashes it automatically when
Sympathetic Bond (SU) The vile mandrake can set up a mystical bond between it and any living
creature it touches (DC 14 Will save negates). Once this bond is established, the vile mandrake suffers
only half damage from any attack, spell, or effect that deals hit point damage. The remainder of the
damage is instead suffered by the subject of the bond. Once established, the bond can only be broken by
the destruction of the vile mandrake that established it, or by a break enchantment spell. (Consider the
vile mandrakes caster level to be twice its Hit Dice for these purposes.)
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
A vile mandrake can have only one such bond active at any given time; if it establishes a new one, the old
one ends. A creature that successfully saves against the sympathetic bond cannot be affected by the same
vile mandrakes bond for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Few herbs are cloaked in as much folklore as the mandrake root. It is said to possess all sorts of medicinal
purposes, from safe anesthetics to increased fertility. Some say it grows wild, others in places of great
mystical signifcance, and still others in the fuids spilled from a hanged corpse.
That, however, is normal mandrake. The mobile, malevolent root known as vile mandrake is an entirely
different story.
Vile mandrake sprouts from earth contaminated with the remains of destroyed undead, or the graves of
living beings slain by negative energy. The site must remain undisturbed until it has been bathed in the
light of 13 full moons, and watered by storms that occur only during the day, never at night. Should this
exceedingly rare confuence of events come to pass, the result may just be a sprout of vile mandrake. Vile
mandrake roots are fully mobile and gifted with a malign intelligence (albeit one barely above the level
of most animals). Unlike most plants, it does not seek to propagate itself, for it has no power to do so.
Rather, its sole purpose is to spread pain. Born as it is of negative energies, its very life is agony, and it
seeks only to share its suffering with others.
A vile mandrake root stands roughly 2 to 3 inches in height, and weighs about 8 ounces.
Vile mandrake roots are not especially tough combatants, though they are exceedingly diffcult to hit.
They prefer to attack sleeping victims, either naturally or due to their aura of drowsiness. A vile mandrake
begins combat by using its sympathetic bond on a victim. It looses its piercing cry only if cornered or
about to be slain.
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
paizo.com #1306174, D M <[email protected]>, Nov 26, 2009
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