Hardware refers to any physical component of a computer. For A.L.U
example, CPU, Monitor, Keyboard, Hard Disk, Floppy Disk,
Printer, etc. Are physical components and thus, is hardware. Central Processing Unit
Software Registers
A Keyboard
Mouse (similar to a mouse) is another important input device.
It is a pointing device used to move cursor, draw sketches/
diagrams, selecting a text/object/menu item etc. on monitor
screen while working on windows (graphics based environment
of a computer). Mouse is a small, palm size box containing 3
buttons and a ball underneath, which senses the movement of
the mouse and sends the corresponding signals to CPU on
pressing the buttons.
A Light Pen
Touch Screen
A Mouse Some special VDU devices have touch sensitive screens. These
Special Input Devices screens are sensitive to human fingers and act as tactile input
The input devices, which are not essential to operate a PC, are devices. Using touch screen, the user can point to a selection on
called as Special Input Devices. These devices are used for the screen instead of pressing keys. Touch screen helps the user
various special purposes and are generally not required for basic in getting the information quickly. It is mainly used in hotels or
input operations. These devices include Trackball, Light Pen, airports to convey information to visitors.
Touch Screen, Joystick, Digitizer, Scanner, OMR, OCR, Bar
Code Reader, MICR and Voice Input Devices.
A trackball looks like a mouse, as the roller is on the top with
selection buttons on the side. It is also a pointing device used
to move the cursor and works like a mouse. For moving the
cursor in a particular direction, the user spins the ball in that
direction. It is sometimes considered better than a mouse,
because it requires little arm movement and less desktop space.
It is generally used with Portable computers.
A Touch Screen
Joystick is also a pointing device, which is used to move cursor
position on a monitor screen. Joystick is a stick having a
spherical ball at its both lower and upper ends. The lower
spherical ball moves in a socket. The joystick can be moved in
all four directions. The function of joystick is similar to that of
A Track ball
A Digitizer
Scanner is widely used in Desktop Publishing (DTP) applica-
tions. It is used for digitizing images such as photographs,
forms, documents etc. into computer memory. There are many
types of scanners, which can also read text by converting them
to digital code. The scanners are very useful for converting the
typed pages into word-processing files. Graphic scanners
A Bar Code Reader
convert a printed image into video image without converting it
to digital code. Optical Character Reader (OCR)
Optical Character Reader (OCR) is an optical scanner, which is
capable of detecting alphanumeric characters typed or printed on
paper using an OCR font. The text, which is to be scanned, is
illuminated by a low-frequency light source. The dark areas on
the text absorb the light while light areas reflect it. The
photocells of OCR device receive this reflected light and provide
binary data corresponding to dark and light areas. OCR devices
are used for large volume applications like reading of passenger
tickets, computer printed bills of credit card companies and
reading of ZIP codes in postal services.
A Scanner
Voice-input Devices
Voice-Input Devices are the latest input devices that can
recognize the human voice. They seem to be very useful but are
not popular due to storage of limited vocabularies and (b) MDA (Monochrome Display Adapter)
variations in the way of pronouncing words by different
the image permanent. Laser printers are very popular and They are faster than flat bed plotters and can print multi-
have become an essential part of Desk Top Publishing colored large drawings.
(DTP). Although laser printers are costlier than dot Computer Output Microfilm: Computer Output Microfilm
matrix, they are generally preferred in all offices due to their (COM) is a technique to produce output on a microfilm media
high quality of printing. There are many models of laser (microfilm reel or microfiche card). A microfilm is a continuous
printers depending upon the speed and number of dots filmstrip that can store several thousands miniaturized docu-
printed. The latest model of laser printer is 1200 DPI ment pages. A microfiche card is a 4 X 6 inch film sheet, which
(Dots Per Inch), which can print 10 pages/minute. Some can store several hundred pages. The process of producing
high-speed laser printers give a speed of up-to 100 pages/ microfilm or microfiche takes place on a special COM unit. The
minute. information recorded on the microfilm is read with the help of
a microfilm viewing system. It is generally easier to read a
microfiche than microfilm. Computer Output Microfilm is
particularly useful for organizations, which need to store and
manipulate large amount of data. It helps them in tremendous
savings in paper and document handling costs
Binary Logic
Binary logic deals with binary variables and logical operations.
The binary variables are denoted by x,y,z,A,B,C etc., which can
have two and only two distinct values (e.g. 1 and 0, TRUE or
FALSE, YES or NO, etc.). There are three basic logical opera-
tions - AND, OR and NOT. In binary logic, if x and y are two
binary variables, then x. y (read as x AND y) represents AND
operation and x + y (read as x OR y) OR operation. The NOT
• Ink Jet Printers: These printers print the characters by operation is represented by x’.
spraying the paper with electrically charged ink. These It follows that for each combination of the values of x and y,
printers give better quality than character printers but not there is a value for x+y, x.y and x’ as specified by the definition
better than laser printers. They are cheaper than laser of logical operations. The definitions of AND, OR and NOT
printers, hence used widely in many offices. They also offer logical operations is demonstrated in tables, called truth tables
an option of using co lour cartridges for multi-color BITS and BYTES
printing. BIT stands for Binary Digit. It is single digit in a binary
number, which can be either 0 or 1. Within the computer, a
single bit can be stored in many ways, generally by using
transistor, multi-vibrator (flip-flops - circuits made of Logic
Gates) or a capacitor as on/off switch. If a bit is OFF then its
value is considered 0 and if it is ON, its value is 1. BIT is the
smallest unit of data in a computer.
A single bit alone does not provide much information, but a
combination of 8 bits is enough to store all alphabets, num-
bers and other characters used by the computer. The group of
Plotter 8 BITS is known as a BYTE. For example, when the user types
Plotter is an important output device, used to print high quality A (1 byte) on the keyboard, the system delivers a signal, which
graphics and drawings. Although the graphics can be printed sets the input location to the bit value 01000000. In memory,
on printers, the resolution of such printing is limited on each byte occupies a unique address (storage location). Byte is
printers. Plotters are generally used for printing/ drawing considered as the smallest unit of memory. There are higher
graphical images such as charts, drawings, maps etc. of engineer- units of memory such as Word, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte
ing and scientific applications. Some important types of and Terabyte which are illustrated in tabular form
plotters are discussed below: Unit of Memory Equivalent Units
• Flat Bed Plotters: These plotters print the graphical Byte 8 BITS
images by moving the pen on stationary flat surface
Word 2 Bytes
material. They produce very accurate drawings.
Double word 4 Bytes
• Drum Plotters: These plotters print graphical images by
moving both the pen and the drum having paper. They Quad word 8 Bytes
do not produce as accurate drawings as printed by flat bed Paragraph 16 Bytes
plotters. Kilobyte (K) 1024 Bytes
contrast, disks are random-access also called direct-access media is possible to buy removable hard disks. There are two types of
because a disk drive can access any point at random without removable hard disks: disk packs and removable cartridges.
passing through intervening points. Other examples of direct
Floppy Disk
access media are magnetic disks, optical disks, zip disks; etc.
Floppy disk is a soft magnetic disk. It is called floppy because it
Magnetic Devices flops if you wave it (at least, the 51,4-inch variety does). Unlike
Magnetic tape is a magnetically coated strip of plastic on which most hard disks, floppy disks (often called floppies or diskettes)
data can be encoded. Tapes for computers are similar to the are portable, because you can remove them from a disk drive.
tapes used to store music. Some personal computers, in fact, Disk drives for floppy disks are called floppy drives. Floppy
enable you to use normal cassette tapes. disks are slower to access than hard disks and have less storage
Storing data on tapes is considerably cheaper than storing data capacity, but they are less expensive and are portable.
on disks. Tapes also have large storage capacities, ranging from a Floppies come in two basic sizes
few hundred kilobytes to several gigabytes. Accessing data on
tapes, however, is much slower than accessing data on disks. • 5-½ inch - The common size for PCs made before 1987.
Tapes are sequential-access media, which means that to get to a This type of floppy is generally capable of storing between
particular point on the tape, the tape’ must go through all the lOO K and 1.2MB (megabytes) of data. The most
preceding points. In contrast, disks are random-access media common sizes are 360K and 1.2MB.
because a disk drive can access any point at random without • 3 1/4 inch - Floppy is something of a misnomer for these
passing through intervening points. disks, as they are encased in a rigid envelope. Despite their
Because tapes are so slow, they are generally used only for long- small size, microfloppies have a large storage capacity than
term storage and backup. Data to be used regularly is almost their cousins - from 400K to 1.4MB of data. The common
always kept on a disk. Tapes are also used for transporting large sizes for PCs are 720K (double-density) and 1.44MB (high-
amounts of data. density). Macintoshes support disks of 400K, BOOK, and
Data Cartridge
DAT (Digital Audio Tape) is a type of magnetic tape that uses ZIP Disk
an ingenious scheme called helical scans to record data. A DAT These are high-capacity floppy disk drives developed by the
cartridge is slightly larger than a credit card and contains a Iomega Corporation. Zip disks are slightly larger than the
magnetic tape that can hold from 2 to 24 gigabytes of data. It conventional floppy disks, and are about twice as thick. They can
can support data transfer rates of about 2 MBps (Million bytes hold 100MB of data. Because they’re relatively inexpensive and
per second). Like other types of tapes, DATs are sequential- durable they have become a popular media for backing up hard
access media. The most common format for DAT cartridges is disks and for transporting large files.
DDS (digital data storage), which is the industry standard for Optical Disk
digital audio tape (DAT) formats. The Latest format, DDS 3, Optical disk are a storage medium from which Data is read and
specifies tapes that can hold 24 GB (the equivalent of over 40 to which it is written by lasers. Optical disk can store much
CD) and support data transfer rates of 2 MBps. more data - up to 6 gigabytes (6 billion bytes) - than magnetic
Winchester Disk media, is Such as floppy and hard disks. There are three – basic
The term Winchester comes from an early type of disk drive type of optical disks:
developed by IBM that stored 30MB and had a 30-millisecond CD-ROM - Like audio CDs, CD-ROMs come with data already
access time; so its inventors named it a Winchester in honor of encoded onto them .The data is permanent and can be read any
the.30-caliber rifle of the same name. Although modern disk number of times, but CD-ROMs cannot be modified.
drives are faster than hold more data, the basic technology is the
WORM - This term stands for write-once, Read many with a
same, so Winchester has become synonymous with hard disk.
WORM disk drive, you can write data onto a WORM disk, but
Hard Disk only One After that, the WORM disk behaves just like a CD-
Hard disk is a magnetic disk on which you can store computer ROM.
data. The term hard is used to distinguish it from a soft, or
Erasable- Optical disks that can be erased and loaded with new
floppy, disk. Hard disks hold more data and are faster than
data, just magnetic disks. These are often referred to as EO
floppy disks. A hard disk, for example, can store anywhere from
(erasable optical) disks.
10 megabytes to several gigabytes, whereas most floppies have a
maximum store maximum capacity of 1.4 megabytes.
A single hard disk usually consists of several platters. Each
platter requires two read/write heads, one for each side. All the
read/write heads attached to a single access arm so that they
cannot move independently. Each platter has the same number
of tracks, - and a track location that cuts across all platters is
called a cylinder. For example, a typical 84-megabyte hard disk
for a PC might have two platters (four sides) and 1,053