This document discusses how listening to God through reading and understanding the Bible can lead to everlasting life in Paradise. It encourages reading the Bible to learn about God, Jesus, and what they teach. It also warns that failing to listen to God's guidance can result in destruction, as seen by Adam and Eve's expulsion from the garden and by most people rejecting Noah's message before the Flood.
This document discusses how listening to God through reading and understanding the Bible can lead to everlasting life in Paradise. It encourages reading the Bible to learn about God, Jesus, and what they teach. It also warns that failing to listen to God's guidance can result in destruction, as seen by Adam and Eve's expulsion from the garden and by most people rejecting Noah's message before the Flood.
This document discusses how listening to God through reading and understanding the Bible can lead to everlasting life in Paradise. It encourages reading the Bible to learn about God, Jesus, and what they teach. It also warns that failing to listen to God's guidance can result in destruction, as seen by Adam and Eve's expulsion from the garden and by most people rejecting Noah's message before the Flood.
This document discusses how listening to God through reading and understanding the Bible can lead to everlasting life in Paradise. It encourages reading the Bible to learn about God, Jesus, and what they teach. It also warns that failing to listen to God's guidance can result in destruction, as seen by Adam and Eve's expulsion from the garden and by most people rejecting Noah's message before the Flood.
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Listen to God
and Live Forever
God is like a loving father. 1 Peter 5:6, 7 God is our Creator, and he cares for us. just as a wise and loving father instructs his children, so God teaches people everywhere the best way to live. God reveals precious truths that fill us with joy and hope. If you listen to God, he will guide and protect you and help you deal with problems. But there is more - you will live forever! 0 2011 WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIE"TY OF PENNSYlVANIA All Rights Rest-rved Publishers WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIITY OF NEW YORK, INC. Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A 2011 Pnnung This pub!.c&tK>n os not for sale. It os pr<Mded &s p.ut of & worldwide Soble educational worlt supported by voluntary donatoons. Unlcn orherwose Scripture quoratoon Olre from the modemlanguage Trai!Skl11011 of 1M Holy Stnpturn- Wilh Rr{errflcn. l.JSUfl to QxJ 11flti Live Forrvt!r English (//E) Made in the Unoted States of America How Do We Listen to God? GE 4 Who Is the True God? PAr.F r What Was Life Like in Paradise? GE s They listened to Satan - With What Results? P G<: The Great Flood- Who Listened? Who Did Not? PAGl 2 "Come to me," God tells us. "L. d k 1 " 1sten, an . . . eep a 1ve. What Do We Learn From the Great Flood? PA<.i( Who Was Jesus? PAl Isaiah 55:3 What Does the Death of Jesus Mean for You? PA 18 When Will Paradise Come? PAGl 20 What Blessings Await Those Who Listen to God? 1-- Does Jehovah Listen to Us? \GE 24 How Can You Have a Happy Family Life? PAC f What Must We Do to Please God? PAGr 28 How Can You Show Loyalty to Jehovah? [ How Do We Listen to God? God wants everyone on earth to read the Bi ble. It is now available in many languages. The true God directed men to write down his thoughts in one sacred book. That book is the Bible. It contains important information that God wants you to know. God knows what is best for us, and he is the Source of all wisdom. By listening to him, you will become truly wise. - Proverbs 1 :5. If you want to listen to God, you must read and understand the Bible. 4 God speaks to us through the Bible. 2 Timothy 3:16 Jehovah's Witnesses can help you understand the Bible. You do not have to pay anything for this instruction. You can also learn about God at the local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah' s Witnesses. In all the earth, they teach the truth about God. God's word is truth. John 17:17. Why can we trust in God?- Numbers 23:19. People everywhere are listening. Matthew 28:19 5 Who Is the True God? There is only one true God, and his name is Jehovah. (Psalm 83:18) He is a Spirit; we cannot see him. He loves us and wants us to love him in return. He also wants us to love other people. (Matthew 22:35-40) He is the Supreme One, the Creator of all things. The first of God's creations was a mighty spirit person who later came to be known as Jesus Christ. Jehovah also created t he angels. jehovah created everything in heaven . .. 6 jehovah God created the stars as well as the earth and all that is on it. - Genesis 1:1. He formed Adam, the first man, from the dust of the ground. - Genesis 2:7. Why should we honor j ehovah?-lsaiah 42:5. What are some of God's qualities?- Exodus 34:6. and on earth. Revelation 4:11 7 ------------------ What Was Life Like in Raradise? Jehovah made the first woman, Eve, and gave her to Adam to be his wife. - Genesis 2:21, 22. Jehovah created them with minds and bodies that were perfect, without any flaw. Their Paradise home was the garden of Eden - a place of great beauty with a river and fruit trees and animals. Jehovah spoke to them; he taught them. If they listened to him, they would live forever in Paradise on earth. jehovah gave Adam and Eve many good things. 8 Genesis 1 :28 One of t he angels rebelled against God. That wicked angel is Satan the Devil. j ehovah showed Adam and Eve one fruit tree in t he garden and told them that if t hey ate from it, t hey woul d die. Satan did not want Adam and Eve to obey j ehovah. So he used a serpent to tell Eve that if she ate t he fruit from t hat t ree, she would not die, but she would be like God. Of course, that was a lie.- Genesis 3:1 -5. God said not to eat from one of the trees. Genesis 2:16, 17 9 They Listened to Satan - With What Results? Eve listened to t he serpent and ate of the fruit. Afterward, she gave some to Adam, and he ate it. What t hey did was wrong -it was a sin. God made t hem leave their Paradise home. Life was hard for them and their children. They grew old and died. They did not go to the spirit world; they ceased to exist. Adam and Eve did not obey God, so they died. 1 o Genesis 3:6, 23 We die because we all come from Adam and Eve. The dead are not able to see or hear or do anything. - Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10. Jehovah did not mean for people t o die. Soon he will bring back to l1fe t hose asleep in death. If they listen to him, t hey will live forever. Why do we die?-Romans 5:12. Death will be no more. 1 Corinthians 15:26. The dead are as lifeless as the dust. Genesis 3:19 11 The Great Flood -Who Listened? Who Did Not? They came to earth and took on the bodies of men so that they could marry women. The women gave birth to superhuman sons, who were fierce and strong. Adam and Eve had children, and people became many on the earth. In time, some angels joined Satan's rebellion. The world became filled with people who did bad things. The Bible says: <<The badness of man was abundant in the earth and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time." Most in Noah' s ti me did what was bad. 12 Genesis 6:5 Noah was a good man. Jehovah told Noah that He was going to destroy the wicked people with a great flood. God also told Noah to build a huge boat, called an ark, and to take into it his family and every sort of animal. Noah warned people about the coming Flood, but they did not listen. Some laughed at Noah; others hated him. When the ark was finished, Noah brought t he animals inside. Noah listened to God and built an ark. Genesis 6:13, 14, 18, 19, 22 13 It rained for 40 days and 40 nights, and the water covered all the earth. All the wicked people died. Learn From the Great Flood? The rebellious angels left their bodies of flesh and became demons. Those who were in the ark survived. Though Noah and his family eventually died, God will bring them to life again with the prospect of living forever. God destroyed the wicked but saved Noah and his family. 14 Genesis 7:11, 12, 23 Satan and the demons continue to mislead people. Today, as in Noah's time, many reject Jehovah's loving direction. Soon jehovah will destroy all who are wicked. - 2 Peter 2:5, 6. Some people are like Noah. They listen to God and do what he says; they are Jehovah' s Witnesses. Choose the road that leads to life. - Matthew 7: 13, 14. The wicked will be destroyed; the meek will enjoy peace. - Psalm 37:10, 11. God will again destroy the wicked and save the good people. Matthew 24:37-39 15 Who Was Jesus? If we want to please j ehovah, we must listen to another important person. Long before creating Adam, jehovah created a mighty spirit person in the heavens. In time, jehovah sent this one to be born in Bethlehem to a virgin named Mary. The child was given the name jesus.- john 6:38. 16 As a man on earth, Jesus perfectly reflected God's qualities. He was kind, loving, and approachable. Fearlessly, he taught others the truth aboutjehovah. jehovah sentjesus to earth. 1 john 4:9 Jesus also healed t he sick and raised to life some who had died. The religious leaders persuaded the Romans to beatJesus and to kill him. The religious leaders hated Jesus because he exposed their false teachings and their evil ways. Why is it important to know about j esus? -John 17:3. What did jesus do in heaven before he came to earth?-Colossians 1:15-17. jesus did good but was hated. 1 Peter 2:21-24 17 What Does the Death of Jesus Mean for You? Three days after Jesus died, some women visited his tomb and found it empty. Jehovah had raised Jesus from t he dead. Jesus later appea to his apostles. What are ~ < t h e wages" of si n? - Romans 6:23. j esus opened the way to everlasting life. Romans 5:21. Yes, Jehovah had resurrected Jesus to life as a powerful, immortal spirit creature. Jesus' disciples saw him go up to heaven. 18 jesus died so t hat we might live. john 3:16 Jesus gave up his life to pay a ransom for mankind. (Matthew 20:28) By means of that ransom, God makes it possible for us to live forever. God' s Kingdom wi ll make the earth a paradise. War, crime, poverty, and hunger will be no more. People will be truly happy. - Psalm 145: 16. Jehovah appointed Jesus as King to rule over the earth. With him will be 144,000 faithful people who are resurrected from the earth to life in heaven. Jesus and the 144,000 form a righteous heavenly government- God's Kingdom.-Revelation 14:1-3. What blessings will God' s Kingdom bring?- Psalm 72. We should pray for God's Kingdom to come. Matthew 6:10. God resurrected jesus and made him King of God' s Kingdom. Daniel 7:13, 14 19 When Will Paradise Come? The Bible foretold many of the things that are happening today. It said that people would be lovers of money, disobedient to parents, fierce, and lovers of pleasures. There would be great earthquakes, wars, food shortages, and widespread disease. These things are happening now. Also, jesus said that the good news about the Kingdom would be preached in all the earth. - Matthew 24:14. Troubles on the earth prove that God's Kingdom will soon act. 20 Luke 21:10, 11; 2 Timothy 3:1-5 Jehovah will soon destroy all the wicked. Satan and the demons will be punished. Those who listen to God will survive into a righteous new world, where there will be no more fear, a world where people trust and love one another. What did jesus say would occur in our time?- Matthew 24 :3-14. The wicked will be destroyed. - 2 Peter 3: 7. The Kingdom will remove all wickedness. 2 Peter 3:13 21 What Blessings Await Those Who Listen to God? Imagine the future blessings that you will enjoy if you listen to Jehovah! You will have perfect health; no one will be sick or infirm. There will be no bad people, and you will be able to trust everyone. There will be no pain, sorrow, or tears. No one will grow old and die. Most of the dead will be resurrected on earth. 22 Acts 24:15 You will be surrounded by friends and family. Life in Paradise will be a delight. There will be no fear. People will be truly happy. God's Kingdom will end all suffering. Revelation 21:3, 4 23 Does Jehovah Listen to Us? j ehovah is the " Hearer of prayer." (Psalm 65:2) He wants us to speak to him from our hearts. jesus taught us how to pray. -Matthew 6:9-15. To whom does God listen? -Psalm 145:18, 19. Pray to j ehovah and not to anyone else. 24 God does hear our prayers. 1 Peter 3:12 Pray that God's will be done in heaven and on earth. Ask jehovah to help you do what is good. You can also pray about food, employment, shelter, clothing, and health. Pray in the name of jesus to show that you value what he did for you. jehovah li stens to people who do what is right.-Proverbs 15:29. Do not be anxious. - Philippians 4:6, 7. We can pray about many things. 1 john 5:14 25 God's standard is that marriage should be between one man and one woman. A wife should cooperate with her husband. A loving husband treats his wife with tenderness and understanding. Children should obey their P,arents. Love is the key to happy families. 26 Ephesians 5:33 God' s Word says t hat a husband should love his wife as his own body and that a wife should have deep respect for her husband. Sex outside t he marriage arrangement is wrong. Polygamy is al so wrong. Jehovah's Word teaches families how to be happy. Keep morally clean.-1 Corinthians 6:18. l ove, teach, and protect your chi ldren. -Deuteronomy 6:4-9. Be kind and faithful, not cruel and unfaithful. Colossians 3:5, 8-10 27 What Must We Do to Please God? What is God's view of magic? - Deuteronomy 18:10-12. If we love Jehovah, we will not do things that he hates. jehovah does not wan __ ..__" us to steal, to get drunk, or to abuse drugs. We must not worship idols or practice spiritism. God hates murder, abortion, and homosexuality. He does not want us to be greedy or to fight with others. Why should we not worship idols? - Isaiah 44:15-20. In the earth Paradise to there will be place for who do bad Avoid what is bad. 28 1 Corinthians 6:9, 1 0 Show love to others by being kind and generous. Tell others about jehovah and his ways. - lsaiah 43:10. To be pleasing to God, we must try to be like him. Be honest. Be merciful and forgiving. lmitatejehovah.- 1 Peter 1: 14-16. Show love.-1 John 4:7, 8, 11. Do what is good. Matthew 7:12 29 Associate with jehovah's Witnesses; they will help you draw close to God. When your faith has become strong, you should dedicate your life to jehovah and get baptized.-Matthew 28:19. Continue to learn about God and try to obey his commandments. Listen to God. Read the Bible, and ask jehovah's Witnesses to help you understand it. Then, apply what you learn. If you do, you will live forever. - Psalm 37:29. Repent and be forgiven. - Acts 3:19. Walk on the road to life. -Matthew 7:13, 14. Make the right choice-listen to God. Matthew 7:24, 25 31