Microbiology Sheet MCQ - Part 1

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Part 1

1Which of the following types of microscopy is most useful for viewing the internal structures of unstained specimens? aElectron bConfocal cPhase-contrast dFluorescence 2-A simple stain a-differentiates one bacterial group from another. b-allows visualization of bacterial motility. c-see bacteria morphology only. d-requires one stain and one decolorizing agent. e-requires multiple staining steps. 3-In the Gram stain, if the decolorizing step is deleted, gram-negative cells will appear: a-blue b-pink c-green d-purple 4-Which is common to the Gram stain and acid-fast stain? a-Fixation of the smear prior to staining. b-Use of methylene blue as a counterstain. c-Use of acid alcohol for decolorizing. d-Use of steam for stain penetration. e-Use of iodine as a mordant. 5- Place the structures of the compound light microscope in the order that light passes through them on the way to the observer's eyes: (1) condenser, (2) ocular lens, (3) illuminator, (4) specimen, (5) objective lens a- 3-4-1-5-2 b-3-1-4-5-2 c-3-1-5-4-2 d-2-1-4-3-5 6-In the decolorizing step of the Gram stain, which reagent is used? a-malachite green B-crystal violet c-iodine d-alcohol 7-In the decolorizing step of the acid-fast stain, which reagent is used? a-acid-alcohol b-alcohol-acetone

c-carbol fuchsin d-methylene blue 8-The purpose of the counterstain in the Gram stain is to: a-decolorize gram-positive cells. b-make gram-negative cells visible. c-gram-positive cells visible. d-decolorize gram-negative cells. 9-A decolorizer is used to: a-selectively remove stain from cells. b-stain gram-negative cells. c-clean off excess stain. d-wash slides. 10-In a negative stain, gram-negative bacteria will be: a-colorless. b-red. c-blue. d-green. 11-Assume that you are looking at a 25 m plant cell magnified 100 If you are using a 10x ocular lens, what is the magnifying power of the objective lens? a-10 b-1 c-100 d-1000

12- In serological test if Ag is particulate it is called: a- agglutination b- Precepitation c- Toxin neutralization d- Virus neutralization 13- diagnostic titre: > 1/ 80 is significant in: a- Widal test b- Brucella c- HCV d- Weil weilux

14- Titre is : a- highest dilution of the serum that give positive Ag Ab reaction b- highest dilution of the serum that give negative Ag Ab reaction c- lowest dilution of the serum that give positive Ag Ab reaction d- lowest dilution of the serum that give negative Ag Ab reaction 15- Which of the following is a serological test: a- Haemagllutination b- Haemaglutination inhibition c- Catalase test d- coagulase test 16- Direct Coomb s test detect: a- Rh Ab in the blood of neonate b- Rh Ab in the blood of mother c- Non d- a+b 17- Which of the following is an example for passive agglutination: a- Pregnanct test b- Widal c- ASO d-CRP 18- which of the following is an example for double diffusion: a- Pregnency b- Shick test c- Elecks test d- Dick test 19- Which of the following is an example for in vitro toxin neutralization: a- Pregnanct test b- Widal c- ASO d-CRP 20- diagnosis of treponema pallidum mostly done by: a- ELISA b- Immunoflourescence c- RIA d- Diffusion test 21- all are precaution for the use of microscope except:

a- Oil immersion lenes is used b- Drop of ceder wood oil is used c- Condenser is high up d- Iris diaphragm is not opened 22- Spirochetes and cholera best seen by : a- LM b- Dark ground microscope c- EM d- Phase contrast microscope 23- Viruses are examined by: a- LM b- Dark ground microscope c- EM d- Phase contrast microscope 24- All the following are correct about gram stain except: a- Thick & complex peptidoglycan in G+ve bacteria retain the dye. b-Cytoplasm of G+ ve bacteria is strong acidic with -ve charge: c- cell wall permeability of G+ve bacteria are more than in G-ve d- 1st step in gram stain is methyl violet 25- all are correct about hanging drop except: a- test bacterial motility b- Active motility : detect motile bacteria c- Passive motility: on adding specific antibodies : not stop motility d- oil lens is used 26- About anaerobic jar: a- methylene blue indicator is used as it is colorless and in presence of O2 blue color b- Used for growing of aerobic organisms as clostridium c- contains reducing substances e.g haematin and glutathione d- contains sodium thioglycolate 27- About ZN all are correct except: a- Concentrated carbol fucshcin is uesd b- Methylene blue is used c- film should not be reported as negative unless examined for 2 minutes. d- If the result is negative; it is necessary to repeat examination of the sputum 28- Alkaline peptone water is used for growth of :

a- Vibrio cholera b- Paeudomonas c- Staph d- Strept 29- Culture of anaerobic organisms done in : a- Nutrient agar deep b- Nutrient agar Slope c- Nutrient agar plate d- Blood agar 30- Lofflers serum used for culture: a- Dipheteria b- Haemophilus c- Neiserria d- TB 31- about TCBS all are correct except: a- composed of :Thiosulphate - citrate & sucrose + Thymol blue indicator b- used for culture of V cholera c- green media d- used for culture of staph 32- Hot air oven temp: a- 180 for seconds b- 160 C for 2 hour c- 210 for 1 hour d- 120 for 2 hour 33- Pasteurization of milk by: a- 63 C for 30 min and rapid cooling b- 1 hour at 56C for 7 successive days c- in special water bath, "vaccine bath" at 60 C for 60 min d- autoclave 34- Heart lung machines sterilized by: a- Ethylene oxide b- Ozone c- chlorine d- Alcohol 35- all are correct about sample collection except:

a- Adequate quantity. b- Represent the infectious process . c- Contamination must be avoided by using aseptic precautions. d. container should not be labelled 36-Tyndallization at 100 C used for sterilization of all the following except: o Gelatin media. o Sugar media . o Litmus milk media o Blood agar plate 37- Temperature of autoclave: a- 125 C b- 121 c- 160 d- 180 38- Cellulose membrane filter: a- Made of cellulose acetate pores of 8 m to 0.01 m, b- the filter is sterilized in autoclave, 121C for 35-45 minutes. o The membrane can not be fitted in metal or glass holder. o The retained bacteria can be cultured by placing the filter in contact with culture media "quantitative technique" 39- About Ultraviolet radiation all are correct except: a- It is produced by mercury lamp. b- Sterilization of plastic syringe. c- Sterilization of inoculation chamber for viruses. d- Sterilization of water. 40- all about Ethylene oxide are correct except : aLethal only to vegetative bacteria and viruses. a- It has more rapid diffusion into dry and porous materials. b- Used for sterilization of articles liable to be damaged by heat as plastic, rubber, blankets, pharmaceutical products, and heartlung machines

c- Gas in nature

41- coxackivirus is inoculated in: a- guine pig b- suckling mice c- rat d- flea 42- Source of complement in wasserman test: a- guine pig b- suckling mice c- rat d- flea 43- Indicator system: Consists of a- sheep RBCs and its specific antibodies b- complement c- Serum d- Cardiolipin 44- about Coagulase test all are correct except: a- The test is used to differentiate Staphylococcus aureus that produce the enzyme coagulase, from non coagulase producing bacteria such as S. epidermidis and S. saprophyticus. b- Coagulase causes plasma to clot by converting fibrinogen to fibrin. c- Two types of coagulase are produced by most of Staph aureus d- Free coagulase is detected with slide test. 45- Dnase agar differentiate: a- Staph from strept b- Staph aureus from other staph c- Dipheteria from clostridum d- Neisseria from dipheteria 46- which of the following organisms is resistance to Novobiocin: a- Staph aureus b- Staph epidermidis c- Staph saprophyticus d- non

47 - which of the following organisms is sensitive to bacitracin: a- Strept pyogenes b- Strept agalactiae c-Strept faecalis d- Non 48- all about Strept pyogenes correct except:: a- are facultative anaerobes. b- grow in normal atmospheric CO2 concentration, but 10% CO2 enhance growth . Optimum temperature37 C. c- grow on ordinary media d- Colonies are small (pin point) and translucent 49- Schultz Charlton reaction Is a neutralization test in vitro . Intradermal injection of the antierythrogenic toxin in the erythematous area of skin rash will lead to fading of the rash within 6-12 hours in positive cases Used in diagnosis of chickenpox Used in diagnosis of small pox 50- Strept pneumoniae have: a- Negative fermentation of inulin, b- bile insolubility, resistance to optochin c- alpha haemplysis d- Capsular swelling reaction 51- Nocardia species stained with: a-Modified kinyoun acid fast stain b- Wright's stain and Giemsa stain c- Periodic acid Schiff d-Gomori's methanamine silver stain 52- Capsule of cryptococcus stained by: a- India ink b- Wright's stain and Giemsa stain c- Periodic acid Schiff d-Gomori's methanamine silver stain 53- About Weil-Felix test which one is correct:



a- Proteus OX19, OX2 or OXK antigens are used as antigen for detection of rickettsial antibodies b- specific and sensitive. c- Proteus strains have etiological role in rickettsial infections d- used in diagnsis of typhoid 54- about rickettsia which one is incorrect: a- cause typhus disease b- by Machiavelli stain organisms are bright red against the blue background of the tissue. c- by Castaneda stain blue organisms against a red background. d- by Giemsa stain red organisms 55- About widal test all are correct except: a-In Egypt, titers below 1/80 are of no significance due to previous subclinical infection. B-Agglutination of O suspension indicates old infection. c-If the test was done during the first week, it gives false negative results. d-Non-enteric infections may cause a non-specific rise on antibody titer, (anamnestic reaction). 56- All about campylobacter are correct except: a- wet smear stool: darting motility (seagull or comma) organisms b- is microaerophilic c- The optimal temperature for growth is 37C d- C jejuni: Is an important cause of diarrhea, in children & young adults 57- All correct about V.cholera except: a- is comma shaped Gram-negative rods motile by single polar flagellum , ( darting motility) b- ferments glucose, maltose, mannite and sucrose with production of acid only. c- Gives a positive cholera-red reaction d- oxidase negative 58- Urea breath test is diagnostic to: a- V cholera b- Campylobacter c- Helicobacter d- Spirochetes 59- Drum stick appearance is characteristic to:

a- Clostridum tetani b- Clostridium welchi c- Clos botulinum d- Clost difficle 60- All are correct about candida except: a- The colony appears as a rounded white creamy in colour and creamy in texture. b- Film stained by lactophenol blue show budding yeast and filaments (pseudo-mycelium). c-If stained by Gram stain appear Gram positive. d- Germ tube test : culture of the yeast on serum causes rapid formation of yeast when incubated at room temp for 4 hours.


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