Lesson Experience
Lesson Experience
This report reviews the outcomes of two lessons centered on the topic “Arts: Books and Films.” Our
objectives were thoughtfully crafted to enhance students’ ability to mediate texts through the relaying of
information and personal responses to creative works. Additionally, we aimed to strengthen their reading
and analytical skills, allowing them to effectively compare different texts and critically evaluate literature.
Engaging students in reading and discussion was a key priority, as we sought to promote productive group
and pair interactions and foster collaboration through the analysis of ideas—a vital component of critical
The topic itself was highly engaging, and the choice of superheroes from various books and films effectively
captured students' interest, leading to enthusiastic participation. This engagement facilitated vibrant
discussions and encouraged creative ideas through peer collaboration. We found that the use of pair and
group work enriched idea exchanges, but we also identified the need to enhance the integration of
scanning and reading comprehension skills with productive skills, such as expressing opinions. Some
students benefited from additional time to complete tasks, while a few found articulating their opinions
To improve future lessons, incorporating visual aids and multimedia elements like videos will be beneficial.
This approach will not only make activities more effective but also increase accessibility for students with
learning disorders. Overall, the lessons met their objectives, providing engaging activities and fostering
student involvement while highlighting areas for further growth.
In future lessons, I will focus on enhancing visual aids, implementing differentiated support, and
introducing activities such as role-plays and dialogues to encourage the creative use of new language items.
Mediation serves as an essential tool that allows students to apply their communication skills throughout
the learning process. It enables them to mediate, compare, analyze information, and collaborate effectively
with peers. Throughout these lessons, we successfully cultivated both mediation skills and critical life
competencies, and we are committed to continuing this constructive development in future sessions.